Local Media9180127930955028159
Local Media9180127930955028159
Local Media9180127930955028159
Words to guess:
Eat Talk Sing Jump Dance Run
Drink Blow Read Write
“Very good”
(5miins.) “I think you are ready to share
your ideas. What have you (Student responds)
noticed while playing the game?” “As what I have noticed in the game a
while ago, some of my classmates are
“What did you think you are performing the word that corresponds
performing?” to the number that they choose and
the rest of us will guess the act”.
(5mins) “Let us proceed to our lesson (Student responds)
proper. Our topic for today is all “A simple present tense is when you
about using simple present tense use a verb to tell about the things that
of verbs in sentences. But before happens everyday in the present. “
that what is simple present
tense? “
(5mins.) Instructions: Underline the action
words being used in each
1. Kirk and Kent eats ice Students will answer the task given by
cream. the teacher.
2. John enjoys playing the
3 . speaks Filipino fluently.
5. My father works
Activity: As we end this day, let’s all stand
(5mins) for the closing prayer.