Mapeh Vi Arts
Mapeh Vi Arts
Mapeh Vi Arts
D. Discussing new concepts Cartoon is a form of visual Cartoonist have dug deeply into Cartoonist give a lot of Features of Cartoon Character Let the learners compare the
and practicing new skills #1 communication that became popular how we communicate visually attention to their characters. Making: images. From being a drawing
with the invention of modern today. They use a variety of For them, cartoons are basically to a 3d model.
newspaper and motion picture in the effects - funny and amusing, a peek into lives of the 1. Physical Features –
20th century. Modern cartoons were sharp and biting, subtle and characters that inhabit them. presenting the human figure as Let them say or spot the
first used to attract viewers to slippery - for various genres or Animation and character design it is would be useful. differences.
newspaper and movies. types of cartoons. as art form, is now big
business. 2. Facial Character – we take Cartoonist started to developed
in a cartoonish face for clues different characters digitally.
about identity, personality and With the aid of the computer
mood. The face alone says it and software, cartoonist crop,
all. edit, enhance, lighten darken,
3. Facial Expressionthe point shade, add color and anything
of a cartoon is often made they can think of. They use
through facial expressions. scanners, graphic tablets, digital
pens, printers and whatever
4. Hands - hands are very new gadgets that are available.
expressive of characters. It
conveys feelings of enjoyment,
anger, or fright.
E. Discussing new concepts and Cartoons are as old as man. Three types of most popular Cartoonist have been creating 5. Feet - including footwear There are different apps that
practicing new skills #2 cartoons : amusing characters and fantasy are important features of a can be used in developing
creatures for a long time. Yet cratoon characterization. The cartoons but it doesn’t come in
1. Editorial Cartoon – a one- there is no precise instruction distortions that many cheap amount nor the skilled
panel or stand – alone comics in as to how cartoon characters cartoonist make are often operator.
which the main intent is to present can be invented. Cartoon hilarious.
an opinion. It does not only show characters just happen, usually There are less sophisticated
opinions, but it uses biting wit, unintentionally. apps can be bought or
caricature and subtle humor to downloaded for free like
drive home its point. It takes sides Example: Charles Schulz – inkscape or Sketch N’ Draw.
and provokes thinking on politics snoopy.
and social issues.
Some of the ideas came from
Being single frame, an editorial life experiences.
cartoon delivers its message
concisely, quickly and painlessly.
J. Additional activities for What are different types of cartoons? Make an example of Caricature How can one be successful in Search for the recent Make a 3d model cartoon
application or remediation using an app using technology. creating cartoon characters? developments in cartoon character using a moldeling
making. clay.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other