Rotenone Propolis

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Beneficial effects of propolis on human health

and neurological diseases

Article in Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition) · January 2012

DOI: 10.2741/418 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Tahira Farooqui
The Ohio State University


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[Frontiers in Bioscience E4, 779-793, January 1, 2012]

Beneficial effects of propolis on human health and neurological diseases

Tahira Farooqui1, Akhlaq A. Farooqui2

Department of Entomology, 2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
43210, USA


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Composition of propolis
4. Biological and pharmacological activities of propolis
5. Propolis use in the maintainence of human health
6. Propolis use in neurological diseases
7. Molecular mechanism of action of propolis
8. Conclusion
9. Acknowledgement
10. References

Propolis is a natural product, collected by
honeybees Apis mellifera, from various plant sources. Propolis is a Greek word referring to a product
Propolis is extensively used in foods and beverages that is involved in defending the city (1). This is exactly
because it improves human health. It contains more than what propolis serves to the hive. Propolis is a natural
300 natural compounds such as polyphenols, phenolic resinous hive product that is manufactured by honeybees
aldehydes, sequiterpene-quinones, coumarins, amino (Apis mellifera L.) from various plant sources. Honeybees
acids, steroids and inorganic compounds. Propolis collect natural balsamic resin actively, secreted by tree
exhibits a broad spectrum of biological and excudates mainly on leaf buds and barks, and mix it with
pharmacological properties such as antimicrobial, beewax and glandular bee secretions (2). Honeybees use
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, propolis as a sealing material during the construction of
antitumor, anticancer, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, their hives and for shortening the hive entrance to prevent
cardioprotective, and neuroprotective actions. The the entry of intruders (3). Propolis helps in maintaining the
chemical composition and beneficial properties of hive inside temperature ~ 35°C. Due to antimicrobial and anti-
propolis vary greatly depending on the inflammatory activities, propolis protects hive inhabitants from
phytogeographical areas, seasonal collection time, and the bacterial, fungal, and viral infections (3, 4), implicating its
botanical source. Polyphenols found in fruits and preventive role in the microbial diseases. Furthermore, propolis
vegetables are beginning to receive increased attention has been used by humans as a traditional folk medicine to
due to their vital role in protecting neural cells from maintain good health since ancient times, due to many
oxidative stress and neuroinflammation associated with beneficial properties (5). Due to a broad spectrum of activities,
normal aging and chronic age-related diseases. Propolis such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory,
is one of the most abundant sources of polyphenols antimicrobial, and antitumor effects among others, propolis has
(mainly flavonoids and phenolic acids). This overview recently gained popularity as a natural product that may be
is an attempt to discuss the molecular mechanism potentially used as a therapeutic agent to improve health and
underlying the potential beneficial effects of propolis on prevent various human diseases (6-9). The chemical
human health and neurological diseases. composition of propolis is very complex, and it basically

Propolis, human health and diseases

activities. It is proposed that propolis may be an effective

candidate for the treatment of oxidative stress and
neuroinflammation in neurological diseases. Present review
discusses the chemical composition, biological properties,
and possible molecular mechanism (s) of propolis with
special emphasis on its therapeutic potential in treating
neurological disorders.


The chemical composition of propolis is quite

complex and varies with collection time (season),
geographic origin, local flora, variety of trees and plant
species used for collection. Strictly speaking, the chemical
Figure 1. General composition of raw propolis. composition of propolis may vary from hive to hive, district to
Polyphenolic fraction composed of flavonoids and related district, and from season to season. Among the types of
phenolic acids (Resin and vegetable balsam); essential and substances usually found in raw propolis include
aromatic oils (E & A); waxes and fatty acids (Bee-wax); approximately 50% resin (polyphenolic fraction composed of
pollen protein and free amino acids (Pollen); substances flavonoids and related phenolic acids), 30% bee-wax (waxes
like vitamins and minerals (Others). and fatty acids), 10% essential and aromatic oils (volatiles),
5% bee-pollen (pollen protein and free amino acids), and 5%
depends on the plant source accessible to honeybees. other substances (organics and minerals) (Figure 1). Other
Propolis contains pharmacologically active constituents substances of propolis include vitamins (vitamin B1, B2, B6,
such as polyphenols, terpenoids, steroids, and amino acids C, and E, nicotinic acid and folic acid), minerals (calcium,
(1), therefore it possess a variety of biological and magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt,
pharmacological activities. Different colors (yellow, green, vanadium and strotium), sugars (fructofuranose, α-D,
brown, and red) and chemical variability of propolis glucopyranose, β-glucopyranose), enzymes (adenosine
depend on the sources of resin (botanical source) found in triphosphatase, glucose 6-phosphatase, succinate
the particular area as well as age of preparation (10-12). A dehydrogenase), aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and steroids (11,
broad spectrum of biological properties of propolis, 13, 23-26).
including anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, radical
scavenging, and immunomodulatory actions, is related to Propolis is one of the most abundant sources of
its phenolic composition in flavonoids and phenolic acids polyphenols, and mainly contains flavonoides, phenolic acids,
(13). and their esters (1, 6, 27). The principal flavonoids in propolis
are: (1) flavones, (2) flavonols, and (3) flavanones (Figure 2).
Neurological diseases include various Flavone is a class of flavonoids that is based on the backbone
neurotraumatic (such as ischemia and epilepsy) and of 2-phenylchromen-4-one (IUPAC name: 2-phenyl-1-
neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson disease, PD; benzopyran-4-one). This class includes compounds such as
Alzheimer disease, AD, and multiple sclerosis). chrysin, apigenin, luteolin, and rutin (Figure 2). Flavonol is a
Neurochemical mechanisms and causes of neurological class of flavonoids that is based on the backbone of 3-hydroxy-
diseases remain elusive. Neurological diseases are 2-phenylchromen-4-one. This class includes compounds such
accompanied by an increase in oxidative stress, induction as galangin, quercetin, kaempferol and rhamnazin. This class is
of inflammatory signaling, and slow immune responses in distinct from flavanol (e.g. catechin), another class of
the brain tissue (14, 15). Recent studies have shown that flavonoids not discussed here. The third class of flavonoids is
caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an active component called as flavanone, in which flavonoides are generally
of the propolis extract, provides protective effects on brain glycosylated by a disaccharide at position seven making
injury after focal permanent cerebral ischemia through its flavanone glycosides. This class includes pinostrobin,
antioxidant action (16-17). CAPE protects neurons against pinocembrin, hesperitin, and pinobanksin. Most important
glutamate-induced excitotoxicity by inhibiting flavonoids of propolis are apigenin, galangin, chrysin,
phosphorylation of p38 and caspase-3 activation (18). It quercetin, CAPE, luteolin, pinocembrin, pinobanksin,
also prevents neurotoxic effects due to excessive acacetin, and kaempferol (Figure 3). Propolis also contains
inflammatory reaction in brain (19). Furthermore, other phenolics such as vanillin, p-coumaric acid, quinic
pinocembrin (one of the flavonoids in propolis) reduces acid, cinnamic alcohol, cinnamic acid derivatives, caffeic
cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury, possibly by exerting acid, ferulic acid, and isoferulic acid (Figure 4).
its anti-oxidative and anti-apoptotic activities (20). Propolis Furthermore high levels of propolins, prenylated flavanone
possesses potent antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo compounds designated as a, b, c, d, e and f, have been
(21, 22). Kainic acid (KA)-induced oxidative stresses and found in Taiwanes propolis (Figure 5), and the position of
neuronal degeneration in rat can be significantly attenuated the geranyl or prenyl groups in the flavonoid skeleton is
by the pretreatment with propolis (22). The effect of responsible for exerting their antioxidant activity (28).
propolis against KA-induced neurotoxic oxidative damage
is in part via adenosine A1 receptor modulation. These
studies strongly support the view that propolis and its Collectively, polyphenols are considered as main
components have anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidant pharmacologically active molecules of propolis due to their

Propolis, human health and diseases

Figure 2. Structural backbone of the principal flavonoids such as flavones, flavonols, and flavanones.

proven ability to inhibit specific enzymes, to 4. BIOLOGICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL

simulate some hormones and neurotransmitters, and to ACTIVITIES OF PROPOLIS
scavenge free radicals (29). The concentration of phenolic
compounds and other active constituents may vary greatly Different combinations of substances in propolis
due to differences in vegetation, phytogeographical areas samples have been demonstrated to be essential for its
and time of collection (30). Secondarily, differences in beneficial properties (27). Depending upon its chemical
chemical composition of propolis may also depend upon composition, propolis possesses a broad spectrum of
the contamination in wax, variation in the extraction biological and pharmacological activities (8, 13), including
procedures, and to some degree on the sensitivity of the anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory,
quantification methods. These variations may be antimicrobial, antitumor, anticancer, cardioprotective,
responsible for their differing biological activities due to neuroprotective, and many more (Figure 6). The anti-
the presence/absence or concentration variability in oxidant and anti-inflammatory capacities of propolis are
constituents, and synergism or counteracting effect with mainly due to the flavonoids and phenolic compounds. The
other polyphenols, finally influencing body’s physiological anti-oxidant activity of flavanoides present in propolis
processes. samples has been shown to scavenge free radicals (31).

Propolis, human health and diseases

Figure 3. Chemical structures of major flavonoid constituents in propolis: (1) chrysin, (2) galangin, (3) CAPE, (4) kaempferol,
(5) acacentin, (6) pinocembrin, (7) pinobaskin, (8) apigenin, (9) luteolin, and (10) quercetin.

Propolis samples possessing antioxidant activity (13, 38). Anti-oxidant activity of flavonoids is due to their
also contain amino acids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, ability to reduce free radical formation, scavenge free
terpenes, propolins, steroids, aldehydes, and ketones (28, radicals, and chelate metal ions (39, 40). Flavonoids in
32). Caffeic acid normally occurs as an ester with quinic propolis possess Fe2+ chelating properties (41). Flavonoids
acid, known as the chlorogenic acid, 5-caffeoylquinic acid. require a hydroxyl group at carbon 3 of the C- ring and two
Chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid are antioxidants in vitro, hydroxyl groups at carbons 3’ and 4’ of the B- ring (Figure
and therefore they prevent oxidation of low-density 7) for their anti-oxidant activity (13, 42, 43). The good
lipoprotein, implicating their role in the prevention of scavenging activity requires the presence of a catechol
various age-related diseases (33). The presence of moiety on ring B along with 3-OH moiety in combination
chlorogenic acid can block oxidative damage of DNA by with a C2 C3 double bond in chelators (13). These
scavenging peroxynitrite, and reducing the release of structural requirements increase Fe2+ chelating and inhibit
myeloperoxidase during chronic infection and or decrease the rate of lipid peroxidation (41). Kumazawa
inflammation (34). Caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, et al (2007) have proved that the position of the geranyl or
artepillin C, and p-coumaric acid are partly responsible for prenyl group in the flavonoid skeleton contributes to the
neuroprotective effects of propolis (13, 35). anti-oxidant activity of Okinawan propolis (44).
Furthermore, flavonoids found in propolis (both in the
Propolis suppresses prostaglandin and leukotriene ethanol extract as well as in the water extract) have been
generation by inhibiting the expression and activities of shown to exhibit anti-oxidant activity (13).
cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) and lipoxygenases
(LOX), retarding the gene expression of inducible nitric Because of its multifactorial composition, and
oxide synthase (iNOS), blocking tumor necrosis factor-α increasing number of in vitro studies emphasizing anti-
(TNF-α)-mediated NF-қB activation, and reducing immune inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities, propolis can be
response in T cells (7, 36, 37). CAPE is a selective inhibitor considered as a potential preventive or therapeutic agent to
of NF-қB activation, which may provide the molecular treat various human diseases, including neurological
basis for its anti-inflammatory activity (13). Flavonoids disorders. To understand the mechanism underlying the
need a 2–3 carbon double bond, a carbonyl group at carbon neuroprotective effect of flavonoids and their
4 of the C- ring, and two hydroxyl groups at carbons 5 and physiologically relevant metabolites in treating brain
7 of the A- ring (Figure 7) for anti-inflammatory activity diseases, it is important to evaluate whether these

Propolis, human health and diseases

Figure 4. Major phenolic compounds (flavonoids and phenolic acid derivatives) in propolis: (1) quinic acid, (2) vanillin, (3)
cinnamic alcohol, (4) cinnamic acid, (5) 3,4-dimethoxy cinnamic acid, (6) p-cumric acid, (7) ferulic acid, (8) isoferulic acid, and
(9) caffeic acid.

constituents are able to enter into the brain endothelium and safety of its doses need to be further established. Therefore,
can cross the blood-brain barrier or not. To rule out additional research and clinical trials with larger group of
whether observed activity is dependent on the subjects, proper dose response, and different frequency of
concentration of one specific constituent or due to the propolis administration are needed before a clear
potentiating effect of several, the bioavailability, recommendation can be made about its role as a potential
biotransformation, and synergism of flavonoid constituents therapeutic agent (8).
of propolis need to be investigated. Furthermore, the
problem with potential medicinal use of propolis remains 6. PROPOLIS USE IN PREVENTION OF
elusive because highly variable chemical composition of NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES
propolis will affect its biological activities, thereby
influencing its therapeutic properties. Since the quality of Neurological diseases show abnormalities in the
propolis varies greatly, therefore, the exact quantification nervous system (spinal cord, brain, and nerves), resulting in
procedure for its quality control has to be standardized. symptoms such as paralysis, muscle weakness, cognitive
and motor decline, loss of memory, seizures, pain, altered
5. PROPOLIS USE IN THE MAINTAINENCE OF levels of consciousness and confusion. Among patients of
HUMAN HEALTH neurological disorders symptoms differ depending upon the
part of the nervous system affected. Neurological diseases
Propolis has been used worldwide as a dietary are accompanied with increased intensity of reactive
supplement to maintain and improve human health. These oxygen species (ROS) generation, increased production of
days, it is also used in many medical formulas to treat proinflammatory lipid mediators (eicosanoids and platelet
infections, allergies, inflammatory diseases, asthma, activating factor), elevated secretion of proinflammatory
diabetes, hypertension and many model systems of several cytokine (TNF-α, IL-1β) along with alterations in ion
human diseases (8, 13, 45). Propolis is also present in homeostasis, defective production of ATP, and alterations
topical ointment, cream, lotion, mouth rinses and in cellular redox in brain (46, 47). In addition,
cosmetics, but whether the propolis concentration and mitochondrial dysfunction is another neurochemical change
constituents in these preparations closely resemble topical that may contribute to the degeneration of neurons in
propolis products used in scientific research studies is not neurological diseases.
guaranteed (8). Although collective evidence shows
reliable and relatively consistent scientific data regarding Propolis and its flavonoid constituents have been
substantial health benefits of propolis, but effectiveness and reported to exert neuroprotective properties in in vitro and

Propolis, human health and diseases

Figure 5. Chemical structures of propolins (prenylflavanone compounds) designarted as A, B, C, D, E and F. Propolins found in
Taiwanese propolis exert strong antioxidant activity. Propolins A, B and E have hydrated geranyl side chains, whereas propolins
C, D, and F have unhydrated geranyl side chains. Adapted from (27).

in vivo studies through their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, soluble derivatives (WSDP) of propolis prepared from
and immunomodulatory actions (Table 1). In a rodent fresh Chinese propolis, given by intragastric administration
model system of PD, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) prior to the intraperitoneal injection of scopolamine, show
induces neuronal death either via uncoupling mitochondrial significant mitigation of scopolamine-induced amnesia in
oxidative phosphorylation resulting in energy deprivation mice (53). The WSDP inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AchE)
or its ability to produce H2O2, OH·, and superoxide radicals. activity in the hippocampus of scopolamine-treated mice,
CAPE blocks 6-OHDA-induced toxicity, implicating its suggesting that propolis-mediated inhibition of AchE may
neuroprotective effect to dopaminergic neurons in the be responsible for mitigating amnesia in vivo. Therefore,
striatum (48). It protects from brain injury after focal propolis or its flavonoids may be used as potential
permanent cerebral ischemia through its antioxidant actions therapeutic agents for brain protection in neurological
in rat and rabbit brains (49, 50). Choi et al (2010) diseases.
investigated a potential molecular mechanism underlying a
CAPE-mediated protective effect against Neuroinflammation mediated by microglia has
ischemia/reperfusion (51). According to this group, CAPE been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases therefore
acts on the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway as a suppression of microglial activation may contribute to
potent inhibitor of HIF prolyl hydroxylase (51). CAPE’s neuronal cell survival. In lipopolysaccharide-stimulated
ablity to block glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in microglia, chrysin has been shown to significantly inhibit
cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) by inhibiting the release of NO and proinflammatory cytokines such as
phosphorylation of p38 and caspase-3 activation further TNF-α and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) (54). Chrysin not only
supports its neuroprotective action (18). In a middle inhibits the expression of iNOS and COX-2, but also blocks
cerebral artery occlusion-induced focal ischemia mice the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and NF-кB
model, apigenin inhibits the production of nitric oxide signaling, the processes closely associated with the
(NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in microglia by induction and maintenance of neuroinflammation (54).
suppressing the expression of iNOS and COX-2 enzymes, CAPE has been reported to inhibit the cerebral
thereby inhibiting neuronal cell death (52). The water- inflammatory responses in a model of endotoxic insult

Propolis, human health and diseases

Figure 6. Biological and pharmacological properties of propolis.

(interferon-γ followed by lipopolysaccharide) on rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (55). Furthermore, beneficial effects
of propolis during fluoride toxicity observed in rats are not only due to significant decrease in malondialdehyde level and
increase in superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), but are also due to elevation in levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), indicating
that propolis or its specific components have strong anti-oxidant activity in vivo (56). Pinocembrin has been reported to protect
rat brain against oxidation and apoptosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion both in vivo and in vitro (57). However, kaempferol,
but not quercetin or myricetin, protects SH-SY5Y cells and primary neurons from rotenone-mediated toxicity by reducing
caspases cleavage, ROS levels, mitochondrial carbonyls, and apoptosis (58), suggesting that kaempferol-mediated antiapoptotic
and antioxidant effects are due to the enhancement of mitochondrial turnover by autophagy. Thus kaempferol, an autophagic
enhancer, may be used as a potential therapeutic agent for PD. Quercetin, another plant derived flavonoid of propolis, exerts a
powerful antioxidant activity both in vitro and in vivo. In a recent study, nasal administration of quercetin liposomes show
improvement in memory dysfunction and neurodegeneration in animal model of AD (59), suggesting a potential novel
therapeutic strategy of using quercetin liposomes against AD. Luteolin belongs to the flavone subclass of flavonoids, and it
possesses anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Luteolin inhibits the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced decrease in
Hdopamine uptake and loss of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in primary mesencephalic neuron-glia cultures
(60). In addition, luteolin significantly inhibits LPS-induced activation of microglia and excessive production of TNF-α, NO, and
superoxide anion (O2-.) in mesencephalic neuron-glia cultures and microglia-enriched cultures, implicating that it may protect
dopaminergic neurons from LPS-induced injury by suppressing microglia activation (60).

In addition to the abnormality in cytokine network and neurotransmitter homeostasis, abnormality in immune responses
is also involved in the etiology of neurological disorders. Immunity in the CNS is markedly influenced by endogenous effectors
(such as cytokines, interferons, and neurotransmitters) and cellular products (such as peptidoglycan, single-stranded RNA,
lipopolysaccharide, double-stranded RNA, and immune complexes), and exogenous substances including infectious pathogens
(bacterial or viral), drugs of abuse, and therapeutic compounds. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) belong to a larger group of proteins
called pattern-recognition receptors, which are involved critically in the generation and regulation of the body's innate immune
system (first line host defense system against foreign organisms), as well as initiation of subsequent adaptive immune responses
(61-63). TLRs recognize invading microbes and activate signaling pathways that launch immune and inflammatory responses to
destroy the invaders. Activation of TLRs occurs after the cognate ligand binds to the extracellular leucine-rich repeats portion of
the receptor. Different TLRs

Propolis, human health and diseases

Table 1. Neuroprotective responses of propolis and its selected flavonoid constituents

Propolis and its Biological activity Pharmacological response Reference
Propolis Anti-oxidative Attenuates KA-induced seizures (60)
WSDP Anti-oxidative, Mitigates scopolamine-induced learning and memory impairment (53)
CAPE Anti-oxidative Neuroprotection against I/R injury (focal cerebral ischemia and permanent (49, 50, 51)
focal ischemia)
CAPE Anti-oxidative Blocks 6-OHDA-induced neurotoxicity (48)
CAPE Anti-oxidative Protects CGNs against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity by inhibiting (18)
phosphorylation of p38 and caspase-3 activation
Apigenin Anti-inflammatory Inhibits NO and PGE2 synthesis by suppressing the expression of iNOS and (52)
COX-2 in microglia
CAPE Anti-inflammatory Prevents inflammatory stress in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (55, 69)
Chrysin Anti-inflammatory Blocks NF-кB and JNK activations in microglia (54)
Quercetin Anti-inflammatory Decreases iNOS gene expression by inhibiting IκB kinase, NF-кB and (68)
Luteolin Anti-inflammatory, Attenuates PS-induced dopaminergic neuronal loss by blocking NO (60)
anti-oxidative generation in cultured rat microglia

Kaempferol Anti-oxidative, Protects from striatal glutamatergic response in rat brain slices by (58)
anti-apoptotic autophagy

Kaempferol Anti-oxidative, Protects from rotenone-induced acute toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells and (58)
anti-apoptotic primary neurons by autophagy
Quercetin Anti-oxidative Improves memory impairment by inhibiting the oxidative damage in (59)
Pinocembrin Anti-oxidative Protects brain against oxidation and apoptosis (57)
Propolis Immunomodulatory Modulates innate immunity by upregulating the expression of TLRs and (65)
producing pro-inflammatory cytokines
Apigenin and Luteolin Anti-inflammatory, CD40 immunomodulators and suppress TRIF-dependent signaling pathway (66,67)
immunomodulatory of TLRs
CAPE, Chrysin Anti-inflammatory, Specific inhibitor of activation of NF-кB (13, 36, 37)
Abbreviations: I/R injury, Ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury; 6-OHDA, 6-Hydroxydopamine; CGNs, Cerebellar granule
neurons; iNOS, Inducible nitric oxide synthase; COX-2, Cyclooxygenase-2; NO, Nitric oxide; PGE2, Prostaglandin E2; NF-кB,
Nuclear transcription factor kappa B; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinase; Iкк, IκB kinase; STAT1, a member of the signal
transduction family of transcription factors; CD40, a cytokine receptor; TLRs, Toll-like receptors; TRIF, Toll/interleukin-1
receptor (TIR)-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β; MyD88, Myeloid differentiation primary-response protein-88;
CAPE, Caffeic acid phenethyl ester.

Figure 7. Requirements of flavonoids to exert anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activities. Anti-inflammatory activity
requires a 2-3 carbon double bond, a 4-keto group on the C ring, and 5,7-dihroxyl groups on the A- ring. Anti-oxidant activity
requires hydroxyl groups at the 3’ and 4’ of the B- ring, and 3 hydroxyl group at the C- ring, but none at the A- ring.

Propolis, human health and diseases

signal via combinations of various adaptor proteins such as 7. MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF ACTION OF
myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and PROPOLIS
Toll/interleukin receptor (TIR) domain containing adaptor
inducing interferon-β (TRIF). These adaptor proteins As speculated above that many therapeutic
activate other molecules within the cell and amplify the effects of propolis may be associated with its antioxidant,
signal, leading to the upregulation of pro-inflammatory anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory activities (13).
cytokine and interferon genes involved in the inflammatory A hypothetical scheme for the molecular mechanism
response. Upon binding with their cognates, TLRs activate underlying the propolis-mediated protective effects in
two major signaling pathways: (1) the core pathway utilized by neurological disorders is shown in Figure 8. ROS (hydrogen
most TLRs leads to the activation of NF-κB and MAPKs (p38 peroxide, H2O2; hydroxyl ion, OH·; and superoxide ion, O2-.)
and c-Jun N-terminal Kinase, JNK), and (2) the activation of are the intermediates in the reduction of molecular oxygen to
TLR3 and TLR4 results in the activation of both transcription water. ROS are inevitable by-products of many processes in
factors NF-κB and interferon regulatory factor-3 (IRF3), aerobic cells, including electron transport chain in
allowing induction of additional set of genes such as mitochondria, enzymic and non-enzymic oxidation of
interferon-β (IFN-β) and others (64). Although, TLRs system polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron-mediated peroxidation of
protects host from pathogens, but excessive activation of these unsaturated fatty acids, and activation of enzymes such as
receptors is hazardous to the host cell due to the enzymes of mitochondrial electron transport chain, xanthine
overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines. oxidase, COX-1, COX-2, LOX, NADPH oxidase, and NOS
(15, 70). Low levels of ROS are needed for normal cellular
Dysregulation in TLRs-mediated immune functions in adult brain, but are not restricted to the regulation
responses can result in neural cell injury promoting of neuronal excitability via redox-sensitive ion channels,
neurological disorders, but modulation of TLRs signaling synaptic plasticity, gene transcription, and for the activity of
pathway by small molecules such as flavonoids may enzymes controlling protein phosphorylation. High levels of
provide therapeutic potential against these diseases. ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in neurotraumatic
Propolis has been shown to exert immunomodulatory and neurodegenerative diseases cause ‘‘nitrosative and
action in vivo by upregulating TLRs expression and the oxidative stress’’ by not only damaging DNA, lipids,
production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in mice (65). proteins, and carbohydrates but also by generating high
Chronic activation of microglia, the resident immune cells of levels of variety of mediators such as 4-hydroxy-2-trans-
the brain, triggers and maintains an inflammatory response, nonenal, isoprostanes, isoketals, isofurans, 8-hydroxy-2’-
ultimately leading to neuronal cell death in neurodegenerative deoxyguanosine (15, 46, 71).
diseases due to exposure of brain to neurotoxic molecules such
as pro-inflammatory cytokines, complement proteins, NOS generates NO, which plays an important
proteinases, and ROS (66). CD40 signaling is critically second messenger role in a wide range of physiological
involved in microglia-related immune responses in the brain. processes, including vasodilatation, immune response, and
Apigenin and luteolin are known to exert anti-inflammatory neurotransmission. NO can react with O2-., transition metals
and neuroprotective properties by modulating microglial or with endogenous thiols and produces peroxynitrite
activation via inhibition of STAT1-induced CD40 expression (ONOO–), nitrosyl–metal complexes, or S-nitroso-thiols,
(66). Luteolin suppresses TRIF-dependent signaling pathway collectively called RNS (70). NO causes DNA damage as
of TLRs, resulting in decreased expression of target genes well as protein modifications such as nitrosylation and
(TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-27, IFNβ and CXCL9) and IL-27 in nitration. Protein nitration generally adds a nitro group on
macrophages (67). It attenuates ligand-independent activation to one of the two carbons at position 3 of the aromatic ring
of IRF3 or NFκB induced by TLR4, TRIF or serine/threonine- of tyrosine residues to form nitrotyrosine. Peroxynitrite
protein kinase (TBK1). Luteolin-mediated inhibition of TBK1 along with eicosanoids and platelet activating factor
activity and dimerization and phosphorylation of IRF3 reduces facilitate neuroinflammation (72). Neurons are highly
TBK1-dependent gene expression. Furthermore, structural susceptible to both ROS and RNS-mediated injury. ROS
analogs of luteolin (quercetin and chrysin) also inhibit TBK1 and RNS can also indirectly contribute to the brain damage
activity and its targeted gene expression (67), implicating the by activating a number of cellular pathways resulting in the
importance of anti-inflammatory flavonoids in the expression of stress-sensitive genes and proteins, causing
downregulation of TRIF-dependent signaling pathway. oxidative stress-mediated injury. Moreover, oxidative stress
Quercetin blocks iNOS gene expression in mouse BV-2 also activates mechanisms that result in a glia-mediated
microglia, not only by inhibiting an enzyme complex inflammation, causing secondary neuronal damage (72,
involved in propagating the cellular response to 15). Generation of higher levels of ROS, RNS, and other
inflammation (IκB kinase), transcription factors NF-кB and lipid mediators may lead to abnormal neural cell functions,
STAT1, but also by inducing heme oxygenase-1 (68). early onset of neurotraumatic and neurodegenerative
CAPE inhibits TNFα-dependent NF-кB activation via diseases, leading to neural cell injury.
direct inhibition of inhibitory protein-кB kinase (IKK), as
well as through the activation of Nrf2 pathway (69). Based In addition to oxidative stress, the pathogenesis
on collective evidence (Table 1), it can be suggested that of neurological diseases also involves inflammatory
certain flavonoid components of propolis may offer reactions, which not only isolate the injured cells from
potential therapeutic role in treating or preventing many uninjured cells, but also destroy damaged cells, and repair
neurological diseases in humans. the extracellular matrix. The main mediators of

Propolis, human health and diseases

Figure 8. A hypothetical scheme showing generation of ROS, and neuroprotective effects of propolis against cell injury in
neurological disorders. Enzymes: 1, Peroxidase; 2, Superoxide dismutase; 3, Catalase; 4, Glutathione reductase. Abbreviations:
A1, Agonist; R1, receptor; cPLA2, Cytosolic phospholipase A2; (sPLA2) secretory phospholipase A2; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2;
LOX; lipoxygenase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; NO, nitric oxide; OONO-, peroxynitrite; TNF-α,
tumor necrosis factor-alpha; IL-1β, interleukin-1beta; GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; H2O2, hydrogen
peroxide; HIF-1α, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor 1 alpha; VHL, von Hippel-Lindau protein; TLRs, Toll-like receptors;
TIR, Toll/interleukin (IL-1) receptor; CD14, protein encoded by CD14 gene is a component of innate immune system; IFN, type
1 interferon genes; IRF3, interferon regulatory transcription factor; MYD88, Myeloid differentiation primary-response protein-
88; IRAK, IL-1 receptor associated kinase; TRAF6, TNF receptor-associated factor 6; TRIF, TIR domain containg adaptor
inducing IFNβ; TRAM, TRIF-related adaptor molecule; MAL, MYD88-adaptor like; NF-кB, Nuclear transcription factor kappa
B; Nuclear factor kappa B response element (NF-кB-RE). Stimulation of NF-кB by ROS helps in its translocation to the nucleus
where it not only facilitates the transcription of sPLA2, COX-2, NOS, and SOD genes, but also upregulates expression of
proinflammatory cytokines as well as IFN-β genes in the nucleus. Propolis also inhibits translocation of HIF-α to the nucleus.

inflammatory reaction are macrophages in visceral organs proinflammatory and neurotoxic factors through activation
and microglia in brain tissue, respectively (72). In brain, the of microglial cells that initiate a rapid response, involving
hallmark of neuroinflammation is the activation of cell migration, proliferation, release of
microglial cells, whereas in visceral organs it is the cytokines/chemokines trophic and/or toxic effects (72, 73).
activation of macrophages. It remains controversial Cytokines/chemokines stimulate phospholipases A2
whether macrophages or microglial cells have beneficial or (PLA2), COX-1, and COX-2, resulting in the breakdown of
detrimental functions in various pathological conditions. membrane glycerophospholipids with the release of
The chronic activation of macrophages may cause neuronal arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
damage through the release of potentially cytotoxic The oxidation of ARA produces pro-inflammatory lipid
molecules such as proinflammatory cytokines, eicosanoids, mediators (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes)
platelet activating factor, proteinases, and complement that lead to sustained chronic neuroinflammation,
proteins (72, 73). Inflammation also generates the contributing to the pathogenesis of neurological disorders.

Propolis, human health and diseases

However, DHA and its lipid mediators (resolvins and systems, appearing to be due to high concentration of
neuroprotectins) inhibit the generation of pro-inflammatory flavonoid constituents. Flavonoids inhibit various enzymes,
mediators and thereby prevent neuroinflammation (15). such as COX-1, COX-2, LOX, microsomal
The chemical nature of signals, which initiates the monooxygenase, glutathione S-transferase, mitochondrial
activation of microglial cell response to cell brain injury in succinoxidase and NADPH oxidase, which are involved in
neurological disorders remain unknown. However, it is the generation of ROS and proinflammatory lipid mediators
suggested that the alterations in ion homeostasis, acid base (79-82). Inhibition of ROS formation and inflammation by
balance, and generation of lipid mediators may play an propolis and its components provide a potential molecular
important role in microglial cell activation, initiation, and basis for the protective actions of propolis not only through
maintenance of inflammatory responses (15, 72, 73). the retardation of NF-қB activation, inhibition of
eicosanoid synthesis, and reduction in expression of various
A causal relationship between infection with inflammatory cytokines in the nucleus, but also through the
Gram-positive bacteria, activation of the innate immune inhibition of oxidative damage to proteins, lipids,
cells in the CNS, and subsequent neurodegeneration has DNA/RNA and carbohydrates, and influencing immune
been reported in neurological disorders (74). Emerging responses via modulating the expression and TLRs-
evidence indicates that as in peripheral organs innate mediated signaling. Therefore, there has been a
immune system also takes place in the CNS (75, 76). As considerable interest in the neuroprotective effects of
stated above, human neurons express the innate immune propolis because of biological activities based on its
response receptors called TLRs in the CNS (76-78). TLRs flavonoids and rare side effects.
recognize invading microorganisms such as bacteria and
viruses, and activate signaling pathways that launch The pathogenesis of neurological diseases
immune and inflammatory responses to destroy the remains illusive, but there is increasing evidence that
microbial invasion of the CNS. Mammalian TLRs consist impairment of mitochondrial function, oxidative damage,
of an extracellular portion containing leucine-rich repeats, a and inflammation are contributing factors. The high
transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic tail, called the morbidity, high socioeconomic costs and lack of specific
Toll interleukin-1-Receptor (TIR) homology domain. treatments for neurological diseases such as stroke, AD
Different TLRs serve as receptors for diverse ligands, and PD are key factors that define the need to develop
including bacterial cell wall components, viral double- protective strategy against these disorders by using
stranded RNA and small-molecule anti-viral or natural neuronal protective agents such as propolis and
immunomodulatory compounds. TLRs expressed in its flavonoid compounds. Epidemiological studies have
microglia are likely to be involved with the first line of shown beneficial effects of flavonoids on
host-defense against microbial invasion. Other cells in the arteriosclerosis-related pathology in general and
CNS (astrocytes, neurons, and oligodendrocytes) also neurodegeneration in particular. Flavonoids can protect
express multiple functional TLRs that participate in tissue the brain by their ability to modulate intracellular signals
development, cellular migration, and differentiation; in promoting cellular survival. In spite of beneficial
limiting inflammation; and in mounting repair processes activities of propolis, the most challenging problem is
following trauma (76), suggesting other protective roles of uncertainty of its correct dosage and safety. Since
TLRs in brain besides protection against microbial chemical composition of propolis varies greatly due to
invasion. TLRs play roles in the cell development, cell-cell differences in time of collection, vegetation and
interaction, and the crosstalk between neurons and glial geographic location, therefore biological activities of
cells in the CNS (78). High levels of oxidative stress, propolis gathered from different phytogeographical areas
neuroinflammation, and dysregulation of the immune and time of collection will also vary greatly, making it a
system in the CNS may be directly linked with the etiology difficult task to define the right dosage. Furthermore, few
of neurological diseases (Figure 8) through turning on individuals exhibit hypersensitivity to propolis. Despite
specific genes that induce cell death in a specific neuronal of increasing number of in vitro and in vivo studies trying
population in a particular region of the brain (70, 14, 15). to unravel the mechanisms of action of propolis
Studies discussed about the use of propolis or its flavonoid polyphenols, the research in this field is still incomplete.
constituents in vitro and in vivo model systems of Questions about bioavailability, biotransformation,
neurological disorders (Table 1) support the potential synergism with other dietary factors, mechanisms of the
therapeutic use of propolis or its flavonoid constituents antioxidant activity, risks inherent to their possible pro-
(such as CAPE, quercetin luteolin, and apigenin) to treat oxidant activities still remain unanswered. Although, the
neurological diseases due to its anti-oxidative, anti- capacity of the majority of flavonoids of propolis to cross
inflammatory, and immunomodulatory (in some cases the blood-brain barrier and reach brain is still unknown, but
immunosuppressive and in others immunostimulatory) it is a potential valuable candidate as a neuroprotective
activities. agent in neurological disorders. The degree to which
propolis flavonoids can be absorbed has yet to be
8. CONCLUSION unanimously agreed upon.

Propolis contains significant amount of 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

polyphenols, mainly flavonoids and phenolic compounds,
and exerts powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and We thank anonymous reviewers for their helpful
immunomodulatory activites in vitro and in vivo model comments on the manuscript.

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Key Words: Apis mellifera, Flavonoids, Phenolic Acids,

Phenolic Acid Esters, Polyphenols, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-
Inflammatory, Immunomodulatory, Neurological Disorders

Send correspondence to: Tahira Farooqui, Department of

Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
43210, Tel: 614-783-4369, Fax: 614-488-0361, E-mail:
[email protected]


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