Cornara Et Al.,2017 Bee Product
Cornara Et Al.,2017 Bee Product
Cornara Et Al.,2017 Bee Product
Honeybees produce honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee venom, bee pollen, and
beeswax, which potentially benefit to humans due to the bioactives in them. Clinical
standardization of these products is hindered by chemical variability depending
on honeybee and botanical sources, but different molecules have been isolated
and pharmacologically characterized. Major honey bioactives include phenolics,
methylglyoxal, royal jelly proteins (MRJPs), and oligosaccharides. In royal jelly there
are antimicrobial jelleins and royalisin peptides, MRJPs, and hydroxy-decenoic acid
derivatives, notably 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA), with antimicrobial, anti-
inflammatory, immunomodulatory, neuromodulatory, metabolic syndrome preventing,
Edited by:
Monique S. J. Simmonds, and anti-aging activities. Propolis contains caffeic acid phenethyl ester and artepillin
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, C, specific of Brazilian propolis, with antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory
United Kingdom
and anticancer effects. Bee venom consists of toxic peptides like pain-inducing
Reviewed by:
Parimal C. Sen,
melittin, SK channel blocking apamin, and allergenic phospholipase A2. Bee pollen
Bose Institute, India is vitaminic, contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant phenolics, as well as
Letizia Angiolella,
antiatherosclerotic, antidiabetic, and hypoglycemic flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids,
Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
and sterols. Beeswax is widely used in cosmetics and makeup. Given the importance of
Laura Cornara drug discovery from natural sources, this review is aimed at providing an exhaustive
[email protected] screening of the bioactive compounds detected in honeybee products and of their
curative or adverse biological effects.
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to Keywords: bee pollen, bee venom, beeswax, honey, propolis, royal jelly
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Received: 16 February 2017
Accepted: 12 June 2017 Honeybees are social hymenopteran insects belonging to the genus Apis, characterized by the
Published: 28 June 2017
production and storage of honey and other substances potentially useful to humans. Two
Citation: domesticated species are currently known, i.e., the western A. mellifera, native to Europe, Asia
Cornara L, Biagi M, Xiao J and
and Africa, and introduced into America, and the eastern A. cerana, distributed in southern and
Burlando B (2017) Therapeutic
Properties of Bioactive Compounds
southeastern Asia.
from Different Honeybee Products. Honey is the main and most widely appreciated honeybee product. It derives from digestive
Front. Pharmacol. 8:412. processing of nectar foraged from flowers, and is stored in honeycomb cells. Honey is generally
doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00412 marketed for its nutritive properties, but has been also used since the antiquity as a folk remedy,
while in recent times it has been introduced as a pharmaceutical originating from glucose oxidase activity, and citric acid. Small
aid and in clinical practice (Molan, 1999). Other products derive amounts of vitamins are also present, especially vitamin B
from honeybee gland secretions and different botanical materials, complex due to pollen grains, and ascorbic acid. Minerals range
either alone or variously mixed together. These substances between 0.04 and 0.2%, reflecting the mineral content of soils
include royal jelly, beeswax, propolis, bee pollen, and bee venom. where source plants grow. Potassium is the major element,
All of them have been used by humans since ancient times for accounting for about one third of total mineral content.
nutritional and curative purposes. Different plant compounds are present in honey at low
Several biological properties have been detected in honeybee concentrations and in variable amounts depending on the
products by a wide series of scientific studies, while different botanical species visited by bees and the climate of the area from
reviews have been dedicated to summarize therapeutic properties which nectar is harvested. Aroma compounds are probably the
and uses as nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic most diversified fraction, as testified by the finding of over 500
ingredients (Viuda-Martos et al., 2008; Burlando and Cornara, volatile compounds in different types of honey. Phenolics are
2013). Various attempts at introducing some of these products the most abundant phytochemicals, usually ranging from 50 to
in clinical settings have been made, but their pharmacological 500 mg/kg (Ramanauskiene et al., 2012; da Silva et al., 2016).
and medicinal standardization is made difficult by the high
chemical variability, depending on honeybee varieties and Antioxidant Activity
botanical sources. However, different molecules or classes of It is generally accepted that phenolics are important contributors
compounds have been isolated and some of them have also been to the antioxidant capacity of honey. Given that phenolic
pharmacologically characterized, suggesting the importance of composition is greatly variable with respect to floral origin, honey
honeybee products for drug discovery from natural sources. is expected to show a wide range of antioxidant power (Gheldof
Given the importance of this latter field in the search for new et al., 2002; Petretto et al., 2015).
remedies against problematic diseases, this review is aimed to
provide an exhaustive screening of the bioactive compounds Antimicrobial Activity
detected in honeybee products and of their curative or adverse Honey is known to contrast the growth of various
biological effects. Literature data were collected in Scopus, Web microorganisms. This kind of effect has been a main attractive
of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar,, feature for honey application in clinical medicine, as testified by
and Espacenet databases. General medicinal application of the development and marketing of γ-irradiated, Manuka medical
honeybee products has been covered, while more in depth grade honey. For this honey, a scale of antibacterial activity
search on bioactivities and putative therapeutic effects has been has been defined, known as Unique Manuka Factor (UMF),
conducted on the major constituents of these products. representing equivalents of a phenol solution yielding a certain
inhibition in a radial diffusion assay on Staphylococcus aureus
(Allen et al., 1991).
HONEY The role of specific honey antibacterial factors has been
studied by sequential neutralization, showing that the
Honey is produced by foraging bees that collect flower nectar mechanisms of action are complex and variable in different
and process it through repeated digestion and regurgitation. honey types. Basic antibacterial factors are low water activity
Stomach acidic pH, together with invertase, diastase and amylase and low pH. In addition, honey generally contains glucose
enzymatic activities, give rise to a supersaturated aqueous oxidase added by bees, which by low dilution converts glucose
solution composed by 80% sugars, mainly fructose and glucose, into H2 O2 and gluconic acid. However, measurements of
with minor amounts of sucrose, maltose, and other complex minimum inhibitory concentration and DNA degradation on
sugars. Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis has shown that honey H2 O2
Most nitrogen is present in amino acids and peptides. Proline concentrations would not fully account for bacterial growth
is the most abundant amino acid, followed by glutamic acid, inhibition, suggesting that other honey components should be
alanine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, leucine, isoleucine, and other involved (Brudzynski et al., 2011). Two major non-peroxide
minor ones. Honey also contains low amounts of protein, antibacterial factors are methylglyoxal (MGO) in manuka
usually 0.1÷1.5% in the western honeybee A. mellifera, and honey and defensin-1 in Revamil source (RS) honey, which also
0.1÷3.0% in the Asiatic honeybee A. cerana. Most abundant contains MGO, but to a much lower extent than manuka honey.
peptides are defensin-1 and royal jelly protein (MRJP) isoforms, RS honey is the source product for Revamil medical grade
while major enzymes include glucose oxidase, diastase (amylase), honey (Kwakman and Zaat, 2012).
α-glucosidase, catalase, and acid phosphatase (Kubota et al., 2004; Manuka honey derives from the nectar of the manuka
Di Girolamo et al., 2012; Chua et al., 2015). Data about honey myrtle Leptospermum scoparium, growing in southeast Australia
proteome are limited, but it is arguable that each honey type has and New Zealand. In this honey, high amounts of MGO
its own peptide pattern, consisting of ubiquitous components are formed from dihydroxyacetone, present at high levels in
and a variable set of minor elements, possibly including plant manuka nectar, through a non-enzymatic process occurring
peptides. during honey storage. The very high content of MGO, up to
Honey has an average pH of 3.9, mainly due to the presence about 1,500 mg/kg, makes this honey able to kill various bacterial
of about 0.57% organic acids, predominantly gluconic acid strains, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (Mavric et al.,
2008). However, other unidentified compounds besides MGO cladosporioides, and pathogenic Candida parapsilosis,
are likely to contribute to antibacterial activity, since it has been C. tropicalis, and Rhodotorula sp. (Kuncic et al., 2012; Moussa
experimentally shown that MGO neutralization affects honey et al., 2012). Evidence has been collected that flavonoids like
activity against S. aureus and B. subtilis, but not against E. coli quercetin, kaempferol, chrysin, galangin, and apigenin may be
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Kwakman et al., 2011). involved in honey activity against C. albicans (Candiracci et al.,
Defensin-1 is an immunoactive peptide secreted by the 2011).
honeybee hypopharyngeal gland and ultimately transferred to
honey. The peptide has been detected in RS honey and Antiparasitic Activity
is responsible for antibacterial activity against Gram-positive Peptides from Ziziphus sp. honey with molecular masses ranging
bacteria like Bacillus spp. Conversely, defensin-1 is not effective from 2 to 200 kDa, separated by size-exclusion chromatography,
against S. aureus if used alone, but is essential for honey have shown antiprotozoal activity against the intestinal parasite
activity against this bacterial species, suggesting a possible Giardia lamblia (Mohammed et al., 2015). In addition, three
synergistic interaction with other honey components. Peptide- different honeys from Plectranthus, Ziziphus, and acacia, have
dependent antibacterial activities have been found in other been found to possess nematicidal activity against Caenorhabditis
honey types besides RS honey, possibly depending in some cases elegans, which has been correlated to the presence of an
on the presence of defensin-1. Other evidence for synergistic unidentified glycoconjugate of about 5 kDa (Sajid and Azim,
interactions have been detected in the effect of RS honey on 2012).
E. coli and P. aeruginosa, requiring both H2 O2 and MGO, and
on vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, requiring H2 O2 Anti-inflammatory Activity
in combination with either MGO or defensin-1 (Kwakman and An extract from Italian multifloral honey, containing the
Zaat, 2012). flavonoids daidzein, apigenin, genistin, luteolin, kaempferol,
A specific study has been devoted to compare the antibacterial quercetin, and chrysin, as major components, has inhibited
mechanisms of action of Manuka and RS honey, showing the release of pro-inflammatory TNF-α and IL-1β from LPS-
defensin-1 and H2 O2 as major antibacterial factors of RS honey. stimulated N13 microglia cells (Candiracci et al., 2012). Given a
Conversely, in manuka honey these factors have not been role of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases, these
observed, while the antibacterial activity has been found to data confirm possible use of the honey flavonoid fraction in
depend on MGO and other unidentified factors (Kwakman et al., contrasting disorders like Alzheimer or Parkinson.
2011). However, another study has shown that the apparent lack Immunomodulatory effects have been reported also for honey
of defensin-1 in manuka would be due to an inactivation of the proteins. MRJP-3 has been found to suppress IL-2, IL-4, and
peptide caused by MGO-induced modifications (Majtan et al., IFN-γ production by antigen-stimulated T cells (Okamoto et al.,
2012). 2003). Glycopeptides and glycoproteins isolated from Ziziphus
Other antibacterial factors isolated from honey are honey, ranging from 2 to 450 kDa, have inhibited ROS release by
glycoproteins with high-mannose N-glycans. These proteins zymosan-activated human neutrophils and murine macrophages,
have displayed agglutinating and bactericidal activity on NO production and phagocytosis by LPS-activated murine
different clinical isolates of multi drug resistant strains, such as macrophages, and production of TNF-α by human monocytic
methicillin-resistant S. aureus MRSA, P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella cells (Mesaik et al., 2015).
pneumoniae, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and The honey protein apalbumin-1, aka MRJP-1, has been found
extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing (ESBL) Proteus to block the mannose receptors of human phagocytic cells,
mirabilis, and E. coli. Q-TOF-MS analysis has shown extensive thereby inhibiting phagocytic activities. Such inhibitory effect
homology of these peptides with the MRJP-1 precursor, which seems enhanced in MGO-containing honey, due to apalbumin
harbors three antimicrobial jelleins typical of royal jelly. glycation (Molan and Rhodes, 2015).
These data indicate a role for high-mannose structures in the
antibacterial activity of honey glycoproteins (Brudzynski and Antidiabetic Activity
Sjaarda, 2015; Brudzynski et al., 2015). Honey has been found to reduce blood glucose in animal models
Fractionation of an n-hexane extract of Citrus goldcrest and in patients with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes,
honey has led to the identification of a complex fraction with though clinical studies have not provided conclusive evidence.
inhibitory activity against a clarithromycin/metronidazole- Fructose is a potential antidiabetic agent, while the presence in
resistant Helicobacter pylori strain. This fraction contains honey of a balanced mix of fructose and glucose could play
mostly acetic acid, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H- an additional role in this kind of effect, since the two sugars
pyran-4-one, 2-propanone, butanal, 1,3-benzenediamine, are known to act synergistically in promoting liver glucose
propanenitrile, 2-furanmethanol, propanoic acid, 1,3-butanediol, metabolism (Erejuwa et al., 2012).
1-(1-cyclopentenyl)-1-propanol, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural It has been shown that non-digestible, dietary
(Manyi-Loh et al., 2012). However, the specific role of each single oligosaccharides, such as fructooligosaccharides,
compound, or the presence of combinatory effects, has not been galactooligosaccharides, and lactulose, have a preventive
ascertained. role against obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus,
Honey is also known for antimycotic effects, e.g., against by acting as prebiotics on the intestinal flora. Given that honey
non-pathogenic Aureobasidium pullulans and Cladosporium contains oligosaccharides, it has been hypothesized that these
compounds might contribute to honey prebiotic effects, and compounds or their combinations are responsible for honey
therefore, that they could be linked to honey antidiabetic, anticancer activity is lacking.
antihyperlipidemic and hepatoprotective virtues (Erejuwa et al., A unique trihydroxyketone (E-4-(1,2,4-trihydroxy-2,6,6-
2014). However, experimental evidence in support of such trimethylcyclohexyl)-but-3-en-2-one) from thyme honey,
assumption is lacking. endowed with antibacterial activity, has been shown to induce
apoptosis on PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Such an effect has
Wound Healing been put in relationship with the inhibition of p65 NF-KB
Honey has long been known for its healing capacity on wounds phosphorylation and IL-6 secretion, but these inhibitory
and burns (Molan, 2006; Vandamme et al., 2013). Revamil R
activities have been found at concentrations ranging between
medical grade honey has been specifically developed for this 1 and 100 µM, whereas apoptosis has been observed with the
purpose, while another medical-grade, wound-dressing product 100 µM dose only (Kassi et al., 2014).
is SurgihoneyTM , consisting of engineered honey with enhanced
antimicrobial power (Al-Waili et al., 2011). Adverse Effects
Antimicrobial activity is considered the most important factor Various occurrences of toxic compounds in honey have been
for honey wound healing. However, various studies indicate reported, such as polycyclic diterpene grayanotoxins in honey
that honey may also specifically act on skin cells involved from rhododendron plants like R. luteum and R. ponticum. This
in the wound healing process (Majtan et al., 2010; Ranzato kind of honey is known as “mad honey” since it may produce
et al., 2012). Various data have been collected on honey severe neural intoxication up to fatal emergency, especially in the
immunomodulatory properties, which can at least partially eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Grayanotoxins are known
explain the ability of promoting wound healing. Even though to affect voltage-dependent Na+ channel gating. Possibly due to
some authors have argued that honey immunostimulatory effects this kind of action, and despite its toxicity, mad honey is used
may derive from bacterial lipopolysaccharide contamination, as folk medicine for hypertension, sexual dysfunction, and other
possible immunomodulatory honey constituents have been ailments (Koca and Koca, 2007; Silici and Atayoglu, 2015).
isolated. A 5.8 kDa constituent from manuka honey stimulates Plants like Boraginaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae produce
TNF-α production by macrophages via toll-like receptors (Tonks pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are not toxic per se but are converted
et al., 2007), while MRJP-1 induces TNF-α and metalloproteinase into harmful pyrrolic metabolites by liver after honey ingestion.
9 (MMP-9) expression in keratinocytes (Majtan et al., 2010). The presence of these alkaloids in typical honey botanical sources,
Kanuka honey from Kunzea ericoides, a close relative of the make these compounds a potential hazard for honey consumers
manuka myrtle L. scoparium, contains type II arabinogalactans of (Edgar et al., 2002).
plant origin that have been shown to promote TNF-α production Cases of intoxication from honey consumption in New
by monocytic cell lines differentiated into macrophage by phorbol Zealand, characterized by delirium, seizures, and memory loss,
myristate acetate (Gannabathula et al., 2012). An aqueous extract have been related to honey contamination by the neurotoxic
rich in phenolics, obtained from fir honeydew honey, has been sesquiterpene lactones tutin and hyenanchin. These oxygenated
found to inhibit TNF-α-induced MMP-9 production by human sesquiterpene picrotoxanes, targeting GABAergic and glycinergic
keratinocytes, with a possible role for kaempferol and apigenin receptors, are ingested by honeybees collecting honeydew
(Majtan et al., 2013). Such a result is apparently in contrast with produced by passionvine hoppers (Scolypopa australis) feeding
another study reporting that different types of honey stimulate on sap of the poisonous shrub tutu (Coriaria spp.) (Fields et al.,
MMP-9 expression in the same cells (Ranzato et al., 2012), but in 2014; Larsen et al., 2015). Other plant secondary metabolites,
this latter case, whole honey has been used, possibly resulting in which are found in honey and could induce deleterious effects
a dominant stimulatory effect due to other components, like for to humans, include hyoscyamine and hyoscine from Solanaceae,
instance MRJPs. saponins from Sapindaceae, strychnine and gelsemine from
Gelsemiaceae, oleandrin and oleandrigenin from Apocynaceae
Anticancer Activity (Islam et al., 2014).
Inhibitory effects of honey on various kinds of cancer have Besides phytochemicals, honey can also be contaminated
been studied both in vitro and in animal models (Erejuwa by environmental pollutants, like heavy metals, pesticides, and
et al., 2014). Polyphenols are known to possess chemopreventive antibiotics. Moreover, prolonged honey storage or heating may
properties, and accordingly, it has been shown that honey give rise to Maillard reaction products, such as the furans 5-
with higher phenolic charge is more potent in inhibiting hydroxymethylfurfural from hexoses and furfural from pentoses
cancer cell proliferation (Jaganathan and Mandal, 2009). Various (Islam et al., 2014).
polyphenols occurring in honey have been studied singularly
for their mechanisms of action on cancer models, including
caffeic acid and its phenyl esters, caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, ROYAL JELLY
rosmarinic acid and derivatives, ellagic acid, as well as
the flavonoids chrysin, luteolin, acacetin, fisetin, myricetin, Royal jelly is a secretion of honeybee hypopharynx and
wogonin, apigenin, hesperidin, galangin, quercetin, kaempferol, mandibular salivary glands. It is a white-yellowish, gelatinous,
pinobanksin, and pinocembrin (Jaganathan and Mandal, 2009; acidic colloid, containing about 67% water (w/w), 16% sugar,
Abubakar et al., 2012). However, direct evidence that these 12.5% protein and amino acids, and 5% fat, with considerable
variability among different sources. Minor royal jelly constituents MRJP-1. Antimicrobial assays conducted against the gram-
include enzymes, vitamins, phenolics, and minerals (Melliou and positive S. aureus, S. saprophyticus, and B. subtilis, the gram
Chinou, 2005). negative E. coli, E. cloacae, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa, and
Proteins are the most abundant dry matter fraction, consisting the yeast C. albicans have shown that jellein-I and -II have broad-
for more than 80% of soluble glycoproteins named major royal spectrum activity, jellein-III is less active, and jellein-IV has no
jelly proteins (MRJPs), of which nine members have been antimicrobial effect (Fontana et al., 2004).
described. These proteins are encoded by a family of genes Royalisin is a 51 amino acid peptide, homologous to the
arranged in tandem array, sharing a common ancestor with the haemolymph defensin-1, with antibacterial activity against
Yellow protein family genes (Drapeau et al., 2006). MRJP-1 is the various gram-positive strains, including Staphylococcus,
most abundant one and consists of monomeric and oligomeric Streptococcus, B. subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Sarcina lutea,
forms. The oligomer, ranging between 350 and 420 kDa, can Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Lactobacillus helveticus,
be separated into 55 and 5 kDa units, identified as MRJP-1 Paenibacillus larvae, and Leuconostoc, while no inhibition
monomers and the 5 kDa protein apisimin, which is believed has been observed against the gram negative E. coli and Serratia
to act as subunit linker. MRJP-2, MRJP-3, MRJP-4 and MRJP-5 marcescens. Antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea has also
are glycoproteins ranging between 49 and 80 kDa (Tamura et al., been reported for royalisin (Fujiwara et al., 1990; Bachanova
2009). et al., 2002). In addition, a variant of MRJP-2, known as
The lipid fraction mostly consists of medium chain fatty apalbumin 2a, has been found to inhibit the growth of P. larvae,
acids, terminally and/or internally hydroxylated, with terminal B. subtilis, and E. coli (Bilikova et al., 2009).
mono- or dicarboxylic acid functions, either saturated or Royal jelly carboxylic acids are known to collectively exert
monounsaturated at the 2-position. Major constituents are the antimicrobial properties against gram-positive, gram-negative
10-carbon atoms fatty acids trans-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid bacteria, and fungi. 10-HDA has been identified as a particularly
(10-HDA), unique to royal jelly, and 10-hydroxydecanoic acid. strong antibacterial, especially against B. subtilis, S. aureus,
Sterols are also present in minor amounts (Li et al., 2013). and E. coli (Alreshoodi and Sultanbawa, 2015). Moreover, the
Royal jelly is fed until the 3rd day of life to larvae developing compound has been shown to interfere with the adherence to
into female workers and male drones, or until the end of the larval cell surfaces of the oral pathogen S. mutans, by interfering with
period to selected individuals developing into queens. Moreover, the expression of the glucosyltransferases gtfB and gtfC (Yousefi
it is an exclusive food for adult queens throughout their life et al., 2012). Strong antifungal activity against C. albicans,
(Fujita et al., 2013). The induction of larval development into C. tropicalis, and C. glabrata has been reported for sebacic acid
queen has been ascribed to major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) and (Melliou and Chinou, 2005).
a 57-kDa protein known as royalactin (Kamakura, 2011; Buttstedt
et al., 2013), although contrary opinions have been raised against Anti-inflammatory Activity
the alleged role of this latter (Buttstedt et al., 2016). In a study on royal jelly potential for digestive trait diseases, 10-
Royal jelly has been used since ancient times in traditional HDA has been found to protect rats from experimentally induced
medicine, especially in Asiatic apitherapy, but also in the ancient gastric ulcer (Fang et al., 1994). A mechanism putatively linked
Egypt. It is currently used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic to 10-HDA anti-inflammatory effect is the inhibition of LPS-
fields, and marketed as an over-the-counter functional food. induced NF-κB activation observed in the murine macrophage
Various studies have reported antimicrobial activities of royal cell line RAW264 (Sugiyama et al., 2012).
jelly against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, while in animal models, 10-HDA and 4-hydroperoxy-2-decenoic acid ethyl ester have
hypotensive, antitumour, antihypercholesterolemic, and anti- been shown to inhibit histone deacetylase activity, thereby
inflammatory activities have been observed (Ramadan and Al- enhancing the expression of extracellular SOD release by
Ghamdi, 2012). Moreover, antidiabetic properties, positive effects leukemia THP-1 cells, and suggesting therapeutic potential
on benign prostatic hyperplasia, and wound healing of diabetic against atherosclerosis (Makino et al., 2016). Histone deacetylase
foot ulcers have been verified in clinical trials (Siavash et al., 2015; inhibition by 10-HDA is thought to reactivate the expression
Khoshpey et al., 2016). Most studies concern crude royal jelly or of epigenetically silenced genes in mammalian cells, leading to
protein and lipid subfractions, but in several cases the activity of the hypothesis that a similar effect could be at the basis of
singular compounds has been ascertained. caste switching in bees (Spannhoff et al., 2011). Modifications of
histone acetylation have also emerged from a study showing 10-
HDA inhibition of fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid
Antioxidant Activity
arthritis patients, suggesting potential therapeutic effects against
Small peptides consisting of 2–4 amino acid residues have been
chronic inflammation degenerative disease (Wang et al., 2015).
reported to possess strong antioxidant activity. Most active ones
have tyrosine residues at the C-terminal, allowing hydroxyl
Immunomodulatory Activity
radical and H2 O2 scavenging activities (Guo et al., 2009).
Experimental evidence has been collected arguing for royal jelly
immunomodulatory properties. A 57 kDa and 350-kDa royal jelly
Antimicrobial Activity proteins, purportedly monomeric and oligomeric MRJP-1, have
The above-mentioned jelleins are four 8–9 amino acid peptides, been reported to stimulate the proliferation of in vitro cultured
of which jellein-I, -II, and -IV are cleavage products of hepatocytes and monocytes, respectively (Kamakura et al., 2001;
Kimura et al., 2003). As a confirmation, an in vitro study has include 10-HDA, trans-2-decenoic, 10-hydroxydecanoic, 3,10-
shown that the MRJP-1 oligomer, but not MRJP-2 or MRJP-3, dihydroxydecanoic, and sebacic acids, and in addition the steroid
induces the proliferation of the human lymphoid cell line Jurkat 24-methylenecholesterol (Suzuki et al., 2008; Moutsatsou et al.,
(Moriyama et al., 2015). MRJP-1 and MRJP-2 have been found 2010). These results have been proposed as a pharmacological
to exert immunostimulatory and proinflammatory activities by basis for an anti-menopause use of royal jelly.
stimulating cytokine release, such as TNF-α, from macrophages 10-HDA has been shown to increase collagen synthesis
(Simuth et al., 2004; Majtan et al., 2006). In contrast, MRJP-3 and production of the collagen promoting factor, transforming
has been reported to suppress interleukin production by T cells growth factor β1, in human skin fibroblasts. Such an effect is
both in vitro and in vivo, reconducible to antiallergic properties thought to mediate royal jelly skin protection against UVB-
(Okamoto et al., 2003). induced photoaging (Koya-Miyata et al., 2004; Park et al.,
Various immunomodulatory activities have been reported for 2011). In addition to promoting collagen synthesis, 10-HDA has
10-HDA, including reduced T cell proliferation, inhibition of been found to inhibit the release of the MMP-1 and MMP-3
interleukin-12 production by spleen dendritic cells, and block of from rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts, possibly through
LPS- and IFN-β-induced NO production in macrophages (Gasic downregulation of the pathway involving JNK/p38 MAP kinases
et al., 2007; Sugiyama et al., 2013). In another study, a biphasic and AP-1 transcription factor (Yang et al., 2010), and of the MMP
behavior of 10-HDA on human monocyte-derived dendritic cells regulator connective tissue growth factor (Wang et al., 2012). 10-
has been found, resulting in Th1 response stimulation and Th2 HDA has also prevented UVA-induced JNK/p38 activation and
downregulation at 50 µM, and repression of both Th1 and Th2 at MMP-1 and MMP-3 upregulation in fibroblasts (Zheng et al.,
500 µM (Mihajlovic et al., 2013). 2013).
Another hydroxyl fatty acid, 3,10-dihydroxydecanoic acid, has Such a complex of effects suggest skin dermal protection
been reported to stimulate the maturation of human monocyte- and antirheumatoid activity, but in most cases concentrations
derived dendritic cells and their Th1 polarizing capability, ranging around the millimolar level have been used, apparently
suggesting a reinforcement of antitumour and antiviral immunity with low clinical feasibility. However, a registered, synthetic 10-
(Dzopalic et al., 2011). The immunomodulatory properties of HDA counterpart, known as Hydroxydecine , has been shown
royal jelly lipids suggest their possible use in interventions on to activate keratinocyte differentiation in vitro, to restore skin
autoimmune diseases. barrier function in skin equivalents, and to improve UV-induced
xerosis in human volunteers (Duplan et al., 2011).
Metabolic Syndrome Preventing Activity
The royal jelly proteins MRJP-1, MRJP-2, and MRJP-3 have
Neuromodulatory Activity
been shown to possess bile acid-binding properties. The most
10-HDA and 10-hydroxydecanoic acid have been shown to
active one is MRJP-1, which in rats has increased fecal bile acids
act as potent agonists of the human TRPA1 and TRPV1
and cholesterol excretion, and has powered hepatic cholesterol
receptors (Terada et al., 2011). 10-HDA has stimulated neuron
catabolism (Kashima et al., 2014). In a study aimed at disclosing
differentiation from rat embryo neural stem cells, possibly acting
royal jelly antihypertensive mechanisms, MRJP-1 has been
like the ω-3 docosahexaenoic acid, an essential diet component
transfected into vascular smooth muscle cells, leading to a
that is known to promote neurogenesis in the central nervous
reduction of contraction, migration and proliferation (Fan et al.,
system. Docosahexaenoic acid is reputed essential for brain
development and function and has shown positive effects in a
A study conducted both in vitro on L6 myotubes, and
rat Parkinson’s model, suggesting similar potentials for 10-HDA,
in vivo on mice, has demonstrated that 10-HDA enhances
which in addition could cross more easily the blood-brain barrier
insulin-independent muscle glucose uptake via AMP-activated
due to its smaller molecule (Hattori et al., 2007). Neurogenerative
protein kinase activation and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma
potentials of royal jelly fatty acids are also suggested by a study
membrane (Takikawa et al., 2013). Moreover, this fatty acid has
on synthetic, medium-chain fatty acids, in which 2-decenoic acid
been found to improve hyperlipidemic condition in a rat model
ethyl ester, a derivative of the royal jelly 2-decenoic acid, has
(Xu et al., 2002).
promoted functional recovery in a rat model of spinal cord injury
(Hirakawa et al., 2010).
Anti-aging Activity
Royal jelly is known to extend the lifespan of honeybees.
This property is at least in part due to royalactin, which has Adverse Effects
been found to induce such effect in other insect species, like Similarly to honey, environmental contaminants can also be
Drosophila melanogaster, as well as in non-insect species, like the present in royal jelly. Most common ones are pesticides belonging
nematode C. elegans (Detienne et al., 2014). Moreover, also10- to organochlorines, organophosphorus and carbamates, which
HDA has been found to increase longevity and confer thermal are generally below Minimal Risk Level. However, in some cases
and oxidative stress tolerance to C. elegans, possibly through the highly toxic, zero-tolerance chloramphenicol has been found
dietary restriction and TOR kinase signaling (Honda et al., 2015). (Bogdanov, 2006).
Royal jelly has estrogen-like effects, which in different studies Royal jelly consumption can occasionally lead to contact
have been ascribed to the ability of different lipids to act dermatitis, asthma and anaphylaxis, while MRJP-1 and MRJP-2
as weak activators of estrogen receptors. These constituents have been identified as major allergens (Rosmilah et al., 2008).
patients with dermatitis are sensitive to propolis (Walgrave et al., been reported by different sources, while attempts at clarifying
2005), while major sensitizers are 3-methyl-2-butenyl caffeate, molecular mechanisms have been made by in vitro studies (Gajski
phenylethyl caffeate, benzyl salicylate, benzyl cinnamate, and 1,1- and Garaj-Vrhovac, 2013). It has been shown for instance that
dimethylallylcaffeic acid (Burdock, 1998; Walgrave et al., 2005). melittin induces apoptosis in human ovarian cancer cells, SKOV3
and PA-1, by increasing the expression levels of the DR3, DR4,
and DR6 death receptors (Jo et al., 2012).
BEE VENOM Despite many indications of possible therapeutic applications
of melittin, in vivo injection is known to entails side effects
Bee venom, also known as apitoxin, is a complex fluid like hemolysis and liver injury, which have stimulated studies
secreted by the bee venom gland located in the abdominal for the development of non-toxic hybrid derivatives. Engineered
cavity and injected into victims by a stinger, causing local melittin peptides have also been developed for different
inflammation, anticoagulant effect, and immune response. Bee biotechnological applications, e.g., to enhance antimicrobial
venom constituents include amphipathic polycationic peptides, properties or promote siRNA release from endosomes into target
of which major ones are melittin and apamin, enzymes such cells. (Moreno and Giralt, 2015).
as phospholipase A2, and low-molecular weight compounds
including active bioamines such as histamine and catecholamines Apamin
(Lee et al., 2016). Apamin is a peptide of 18 amino acids, tightly cross-linked by the
The venom has been traditionally, used in acupuncture presence of two disulphide bonds (Habermann, 1984). It exerts
and apitherapy, consisting in its injection to the patient as a highly specific toxicity mechanism, consisting in a block of
analgesic, against chronic pain and inflammation, and for other small conductance Ca2+ -dependent K+ channels (SK channels)
purposes such as immunotherapy and Parkinson’s treatment. expressed in the central nervous system and in other districts, like
A number of anticancer effects have been reported, together with the cardiovascular system and smooth muscle (Adelman et al.,
antimutagenic, antinociceptive, and radioprotective properties. 2012).
Approved pharmaceutical use has been introduced, while Due to its ability of selectively targeting SK channels, apamin
attempts at validating clinical treatment for chronic pain have has been used as a tool for the physiological characterizations
been made (Moreno and Giralt, 2015; Sobral et al., 2016). of this kind of K+ conductance (Castle et al., 1989). On a
However, different bee venom constituents are allergenic and pharmacological ground, such a property has been adopted
in hypersensitive people bee sting can arrive to produce fatal as an explanatory paradigm for accumulating evidence that
outcome (Gelder et al., 1996). apamin facilitates learning and memory. Apamin can cross
the blood-brain barrier, and its administration to animals
Melittin improves cognitive deficits, suggesting that SK channels would
Melittin is a peptide of 26 amino acid residues, with a prevalently be appropriate apamin targets in the treatment of these neural
hydrophobic N-terminus and a hydrophilic C-terminus. It has disorders (Deschaux and Bizot, 2005; Brennan et al., 2008). In
distinct biological activities and has attracted much interest from addition, the possibility of using apamin or less toxic analogs
pharmacological and biotechnological points of view. as blood-brain barrier, drug-delivery shuttles has been explored
The toxicity mechanism consists in the disruption of (Oller-Salvia et al., 2013).
phospholipid bilayers, leading to cell lysis and the release of tissue SK channels are known to be involved in the pathogenesis
injurious compounds such as lysosomal enzymes, serotonin, of Parkinson’s disease. Consistent with this premise, another
and histamine, triggering inflammation and pain (Raghuraman important perspective for neuro-therapeutic uses of apamin
and Chattopadhyay, 2007). Together with hyaluronidase and derives from its ability of protecting dopaminergic neurons from
phospholipase A2, melittin is responsible for venom allergenic degeneration in experimental models of Parkinson’s (Alvarez-
properties. It seems also a major cause of pain induction by the Fischer et al., 2013; Thomas and Justin, 2013). Among other
bee venom, through activation of TRPV receptors and release possible uses, experimental work has shown antiatherosclerotic
of algogens from injured cells (Chen et al., 2016). In contrast to effects of apamin administered to mice (Kim et al., 2012), while as
its toxicity, melittin is known as a traditional anti-inflammatory a K+ channel blocker, apamin can be useful for long-term whole
remedy for various diseases, such as dermatitis, neuritis, liver blood storage (Delgado and Pitt, 2008).
inflammation, atherosclerosis, and arthritis, but the mechanism
of action at the cellular level has not been clarified (Lee and Phospholipase A2
Bae, 2016). A possible coherent mechanism of antiatherosclerotic Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) hydrolyzes complex lipids to
effects of melittin consists in the inhibition of vascular smooth produce a fatty acid and various reaction products, including
muscle proliferation through the hindrance of platelet-derived lysophosphatidic acid, lysophosphatidylcholine, and sphingosine
growth factor beta-receptor signaling (Son et al., 2007). phosphate. These latters exert cytotoxic and immunostimulatory
The ability of interacting with biological membranes confers effects on various cell types, eventually triggering immune
strong antimicrobial properties to melittin, which have attracted responses and inflammation.
interest for fighting human pathogens, such as methicillin- Phospholipase A2 is the major allergen of bee venom,
resistant S. aureus (Choi et al., 2015), as well as plant pathogens containing three peptide and one glycopeptide T cell epitopes
(Stockwell and Duffy, 2012). Anticancer activities of melittin have recognized by allergic and non-allergic subjects (Dhillon
et al., 1992; Okano et al., 1999). However, PLA2 has also with nectar and bee salivary secretions becomes the “bee bread,”
properties translatable into therapeutic treatments. It has exerted representing a main food reserve for the hive colony (Almeida-
neuroprotective effects in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease Muradian et al., 2005).
by activating regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg) that are known Main chemical compounds of bee pollen include
to mediate peripheral immune tolerance (Chung et al., 2015). carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, lipids and fatty
Systemic PLA2 administration to a mouse model of neuropathic acids, phenolics, enzymes and coenzymes, vitamins and minerals
pain has alleviated cold and mechanical allodynia through (Komosinska-Vassev et al., 2015). However, the chemical
the activation of α2-adrenegic receptors (Li et al., 2015). composition of bee pollen is highly variable, depending on plant
It has also been shown that PLA2 acts cooperatively with source, geographical region, and climatic conditions, thus deeply
phosphatidylinositol-(3,4)-bisphosphate in inducing in vitro lysis affecting biological properties and therapeutic virtues (Denisow
of different tumor cell lines (Putz et al., 2006). and Denisow-Pietrzyk, 2016).
Bee pollen is an energy food used by humans as a diet
Minor Peptides and Enzymes supplement and for the conditioning of athletes. The high content
The second major allergen of honeybee venom is hyaluronidase of protein, fat, and minerals (particularly Ca, Mg, Fe, and P) gives
(Padavattan et al., 2007), while other allergenic peptides include bee pollen a nutritional value similar to, or higher than, that of
icarapin isolated from A. cerana (Wong et al., 2012), and two dried legumes. Among vitamins, the levels of pantothenic and
serine proteases named Api SI and Api SII belonging to the nicotinic acids are close to those of beef, ascorbic acid is similar to
prophenoloxidase activating factor II family (Georgieva et al., that of vegetables, such as lettuce and tomatoes, and riboflavin is
2011). Another serine protease of this family, named Bi-VSP, has comparable to that of skimmed milk power (Linskens and Jorde,
a dual behavior, since in arthropods it triggers the phenoloxidase 1997).
cascade inducing a lethal immune response, while in mammals Bee pollen is used in complementary and alternative
it acts as a toxic thrombin-like and plasmin-like fibrinolytic medicine to cure prostatitis, stomach ulcers, infectious
protease (Choo et al., 2010). diseases, and for the prevention and treatment of high-
Secapin is a serine protease inhibitor-like peptide exerting altitude-sickness syndrome (Linskens and Jorde, 1997).
anti-fibrinolytic and anti-elastolytic activities, and also displaying A wide range of therapeutic properties have been suggested,
antimicrobial properties by binding to the surfaces of fungi and including antimicrobic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective,
bacteria (Lee et al., 2016). Two peptides isolated from A. cerana chemopreventive and anticarcinogenic, antiatherosclerotic,
venom, viz. an inhibitor cysteine knot (ICK) peptide and a anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, and immunomodulatory
Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor, have been shown to act as activities (Komosinska-Vassev et al., 2015; Denisow and
antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal venom toxins (Kim et al., Denisow-Pietrzyk, 2016).
2013; Park et al., 2014).
Tertiapin is a 21 amino acid neurotoxin blocking inward- Antioxidant Activity
rectifier K+ channels expressed in epithelial cells, heart, The antioxidant activity of bee pollen seems to be mainly
and central nervous system. In the heart, tertiapin contrasts due to phenolic acids, like vanillic, protocatechuic, gallic, and
G-protein-gated, acetylcholine-activated K+ current that mediate p-coumaric acids, and to flavonoids like hesperidin, rutin,
parasympathetic heart rate decrease. This toxin could be allegedly kaempferol, apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and isorhamnetin.
useful as a drug for treating disorders in atrio-ventricular These compounds are thought to inactivate electrophiles and
transmission, but at present it is used solely as a tool for K+ scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen species (Bonvehí et al.,
channel modulation (Drici et al., 2000). 2001; Pascoal et al., 2014).
Mast cell degranulating (MCD) peptide is a 22-amino acid
peptide with two disulfide bridges, structurally similar to apamin Antimicrobial Activity
but with different mechanisms of action. At low concentrations, Antimicrobial effects of bee pollen are well known, possibly
MCD induces mast cell degranulation through histamine release, mediated by glucose oxidase activity, deriving from honeybee
while at higher concentrations it can produce anti-inflammatory secretion, while plant phenolics and flavonoids could also
effects (Buku, 1999). Moreover, MCD also acts as a neurotoxin be involved (Denisow and Denisow-Pietrzyk, 2016; Fatrcova-
by blocking fast-inactivating (A-type) and slow-inactivating Sramkova et al., 2016). Evidence about the activity of phenolic
(delayed rectifier) K+ channels, thereby increasing neuronal compounds from bee pollen extracts against Gram-positive
excitability. Long term potentiation in the hippocampus CA1 and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria, microscopic fungi and
region has been experimentally observed, while direct brain yeasts, has been reported (Baltrušaitytė et al., 2007; Kacániová
injection leads to convulsions and neurodegeneration (Mourre et al., 2012).
et al., 1997).
Anti-inflammatory Activity
Bee pollen exerts anti-inflammatory effects that have been
BEE POLLEN compared to those of common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, possibly depending on the activity of flavonoids,
Foraging bees bring pollen back to the hive where it is packed phenolic acids, phytosterols, and flavoring substances like
into pellets and stored. During this process, the pollen mixed anethole, an inhibitor of the NF-KB pathway (Middleton,
1998; Choi, 2007). Specific effects include the capability niacin, thiamine, biotin, and folic acid, polyphenols, carotenoids,
of removing swellings caused by cardiovascular and renal phytosterols, and minerals (Denisow and Denisow-Pietrzyk,
pathologies (Yakusheva, 2010), of protecting the liver from 2016).
carbon tetrachloride-induced damages (Yildiz et al., 2013), and
of alleviating prostate inflammation and hyperplasia (Yakusheva, Adverse Effects
2010). Positive effects on prostatic conditions have been Health risks linked to the use of bee pollen may derive
also ascribed to antiandrogen actions (Rzepecka-Stojko et al., from the occasional presence of contaminants such as heavy
2012). metals, pesticides, mycotoxins (e.g., ochratoxin A), and bacteria
(Denisow and Denisow-Pietrzyk, 2016). Moreover, bee pollen
Anticancer Activity derived from Echium vulgare, Symphytum officinale, and Senecio
Different studies have shown potential anticancer activity of bee jacobaea may contain dangerous levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids
pollen, probably associated with antioxidant and antimutagenic with hepatotoxic properties (Kempf et al., 2010).
potentials (Denisow and Denisow-Pietrzyk, 2016). The steroid As known, pollen is highly allergenic, and consequently,
fraction of a chloroform extract from Brassica campestris bee complications or anaphylaxis due to bee pollen use have
pollen has shown strong cytotoxicity on human prostate cancer been reported, making tests for individual sensitivity highly
PC-3 cells, associated to stimulation of TNF-α secretion and recommendable before use (Jagdis and Sussman, 2012).
apoptosis induction (Wu and Lou, 2007).
TABLE 1 | Reported effects for major compounds from different honeybee products.
TABLE 1 | Continued
Chrysin, galangin, CAPE, benzyl Antiproliferative activity on different cancer cell lines Catchpole et al., 2015
ferulate, benzyl isoferulate, pinostrobin,
5-phenylpenta-2,4-dienoic acid, and
Chrysin Antiproliferative effect on different cancer cells Patel, 2016
Chrysin TRAIL-induced caspase activation and STAT3 inhibition in Lirdprapamongkol et al., 2013
cancer cells
Chrysin p38 and Bax activation in cancer cells Pichichero et al., 2011
Galangin, pinocembrin, and CAPE Inhibition of bacterial RNA polymerase Speciale et al., 2006
Galangin Proapoptotic effect on cancer cells Zhang et al., 2013
Pinobanksin Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase Alday et al., 2015
activation in cancer cells
Pinobanksin-3-acetate Strong antioxidant effect Boisard et al., 2014
3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid TRAIL upregulation and repression of influenza A virus in mice Takemura et al., 2012
Cardanol and cardol Antiproliferative effect on different cancer cells Teerasripreecha et al., 2012
Cardanol Induction of apoptosis in breast cancer cells with cyclin D Buahorm et al., 2015
Nemorosone Inhibition of MCF-7 cells by cell cycle block and of MAPK and Popolo et al., 2011
Bee venom Melittin Cytotoxic effect by disruption of phospholipid bilayers Raghuraman and Chattopadhyay, 2007
Melittin Activation of TRPV receptors and release of algogens Chen et al., 2016
Melittin Anti-inflammatory effect Lee and Bae, 2016
Melittin Inhibition of PDGFR-β signaling Son et al., 2007
Melittin Antimicrobial effect Choi et al., 2015
Melittin Apoptosis induction in ovarian cancer cells by DR3, DR4, DR6 Jo et al., 2012
Apamin Block of SK channels Castle et al., 1989
Apamin Antiatherosclerotic effect in mice Kim et al., 2012
PLA2 Allergenic effect Okano et al., 1999
PLA2 Treg activation in Parkinson’s mouse model Chung et al., 2015
PLA2 Activation of α2-adrenegic receptors in allodynia mouse model Li et al., 2015
Hyaluronidase Allergenic effect Padavattan et al., 2007
Bi-VSP serine protease Thrombin-like and plasmin-like fibrinolysis Choo et al., 2010
Secapin Serine protease inhibition and antimicrobial effect Lee et al., 2016
Inhibitor cysteine knot peptide and Antimicrobial and insecticidal effects Park et al., 2014
Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor
Tertiapin Inward-rectifier K+ channel block Drici et al., 2000
MCD Mast cell degranulation and histamine release Buku, 1999
MCD Fast- and slow-inactivating K+ channel block Mourre et al., 1997
Bee Pollen Anethole NF-KB pathway inhibition Choi, 2007
MGO, methylglyoxal; MRJP, major royal jelly protein; 10-HDA, 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid; CAPE, caffeic acid phenethyl ester; PLA2, phospholipase A2; MCD, mast cell
degranulating peptide.
complexity and variability in composition of these products raise have been patented, while synthetic MGO has been added in
the need of their standardization before safe and predictable some cases to medicinal honey for strengthening wound healing
clinical uses can be achieved. properties (Wardell and Sabacinski, 2016). Methods for 10-HDA
Conversely, the use of specific compounds from honeybee purification from royal jelly, artepillin C from propolis, melittin
products as curative drugs has not been implemented yet. As and apamin from bee venom, and their uses in pharmaceutical
shown in the present review, various of these compounds have preparations have been also patented (Iinuma et al., 2014).
been in-depth characterized for their effects on biochemical Regardless whether the pharmaceutical exploitation of these
pathways, cells, and organs, suggesting a series of possible bioactives is going to take off or not, studies aimed at refining
uses as therapeutic drugs (Table 1). Moreover, preclinical the knowledge of their mechanisms of action remain of pivotal
studies indicate that some of these agents may be competitive importance for developing applications of honeybee products to
with standard drugs, possibly including MGO, MRJPs, jelleins, medicinal uses.
royalisin, 10-HDA, CAPE, artepillin C, melittin, and apamin.
However, none of them is reported at the online clinical trial
database, with the exception of CAPE2 , AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
suggesting that their medicinal use as specific drugs is not
forthcoming. LC contributed with ethnobotanical and pharmacognosy
Different reasons may explain the gap between the clinical aspects; MB contributed with pharmaceutical aspects; JX
exploitation of whole honeybee products and their single contributed with chemical aspects; BB contributed with aspects
constituents. A role may be played in some cases by the toxicity on mechanisms of actions.
of the bioactive agent, or alternatively, by an economically
inefficient scale-up of pharmaceutical manufacturing, even
though some compounds can be obtained by synthetic way ACKNOWLEDGMENT
too. Procedures for the chemical synthesis of MGO and CAPE
This work was granted by University of Genova, n. 100022-2015
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