Final Research Paper Abm12

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Perception of Grade 12 Students at CASAP Pasig Campus:

Quantity over Quality or Quality over Quantity In buying products

A Thesis Proposal

Presented to

the Faculty of Senior High School Department

College of Arts & Sciences of Asia & the Pacific

Pasig City

In Partial fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2

Submitted to:

Ms. Maychiel Pagador

Submitted by:

Dela Cruz, Briezelle Delos Reyes, Ciara Moraleda, Johan

Serreon, Edritz Cambosa, Denise Andres, Arjhay

Parrira, Pia Bata, Cyrene


We would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude to our instructors in

ABM12, Ms. Daisy Navarro and Ms. Maychiel Pagador for guiding and teaching us on
how to write research paper. We are also thankful to our family who are proud and
supporting us in our studies, They gave us inspiration on writing this.

We also like to thank our fellow grade 12 students in CASAP Pasig, for
cooperating and for their participation.

We are blessed to have God in our side while writing this research. He gave
us hope, strength, and knowledge.

This research is a result of countless and arduous sacrifices. Through the

researchers’ who put effort to accomplish this work, This research is dedicated to the
people who serve as an inspiration and motivation. The people who always giving us
love and support, From our parents or guardians that is supporting us unconditionally, to
our friends and classmates whom extended their help without expecting anything in
return even there are many conclusions while doing this work.

Especially, to Ms. Navarro and Ms. Pagador for molding our potential and for
motivating and helping us to start and finish this study.

And to our Almighty God, for giving us blessings in our everyday lives. For
guiding, giving knowledge, patience, time, courage, and strength that we used to make
this study successfully.
Objective of the Study

The primary purpose of this study is to learn how grade 12 students at CASAP
Pasig feel about buying things or what criteria they use to decide which products to buy.

The objective of this study was to pinpoint the individuals who might have an
impact on senior high school students' standards for making purchases. Also, it aims to
clarify the distinction between quality over quantity and quantity over quality in
purchasing products.

The purpose of this paper is to determine if grade 12 students at CASAP pasig

have standard in buying products.


Background of the Study

Having a standard in buying products is very important that students nowadays

need to determine and need to learn. Choosing or buying a product with a standard can
help individuals to purchase a good and worth it products. Most students now are not
thinking when they are buying or purchasing products. In that case, they received
products that did not satisfy their expectations. Choosing a product is not simple.
Therefore, it is necessary to think about it before purchasing the product. It is very
important to know and distinguish the factors that students consider because it will help
the study to determine why they are buying such specific products from a particular
place. Example, do they feel more secured buying in a Supermarket rather than a Wet
Market, to identify if it’s more convenient. This study conducts what standard do grade
12 students at CASAP Pasig Campus consider when buying products, quality over
quantity or quantity over quality. This study is also conducted to know if students are
choosing wisely when it comes in purchasing products.

Knowing the difference between quality over quantity is a big help in buying
products. Quality over quantity necessarily means choosing things of high enough
standard matters more than the number of products you will have. It also means having
the best or perceived best of something rather than cheap or less valuable versions.
Quantity over quality refers to choosing products that are plentiful, inexpensive, and
easy to break or damage due to the usage of low-quality substances or materials.
According to Drucker (1985), quality must be maintained at every level. An
organization's activities, tasks, decisions, and products can all be evaluated based on
their quality: how effective is it, is it excellent enough, and how can it be made more
efficient? So every grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig need to consider their standard
whenever they are buying or purchasing products.
For senior high school, buying products is an ongoing process as we are living in our
world. As we grow older, we need to be specific and sure about what we are doing or
what we choose in life. Each senior high school at CASAP Pasig experienced buying
products without having standards and will regret it later. That’s why we conducted this
study to make them related or make them realize that having a standard at purchasing
products is very necessary. The researchers believe that this study shall be a reliable
source and basis of study for future researchers.The findings will be very helpful
because the researchers are very eager to put their best efforts to make sure that the
result and findings are true and accurate. The survey questions will guide the
consumers to answer truthfully and with ease and confidence that their answers and
personal information will be confidential and will be tallied accordingly. The future
researchers will benefit from this study because it will show the real and current
standards that senior highschool students use in buying products.Those factors will
become a reliable source or component for future comparison to identify if there will be
changes in buying decisions years from now. While we embrace the need to understand
and clarify costs and outcomes, our mission is to explore the different standards for
buying products.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig
between quality over quantity and quantity over quality in purchasing products.

To solve the main problem, researchers sought the solutions to the following specific

1. How often students comparing the quality and the quantity of a product?
A. Always
B. Never
2. Where do you prefer buying products?

A. Wet market

B. Supermarket

3. Which do you value more when purchasing something: quantity over quality or
quality over quantity?
Significance of the study

The purpose of this study is to give relevant data and knowledge about the topic from
the respondents, current research and relevant websites for the expected importance to
the following people:

A. Students.
This study will increase each grade 12 students at casap pasig campus
perception between quality over quantity and quantity over quality in purchasing
products. It will benefit some students that are not having enough knowledge in
buying right products.

B. Seller students.
Knowing the preferences and viewpoints of customers who buy at wet
market and supermarket will help new business people and other store owners
find opportunities to grow their business.

C. The Future Researchers.

This study could be a significant resource that future researchers who might
want to do the same study could use as a source of knowledge and evidence.
Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Good prices for well-known brands have a negative impact on the purchasing
decision-making process. Young people want to buy brands, but their limited financial
resources prevent them from doing so. Price is the only aspect of the marketing mix that
generates revenue, while the others generate costs. The authors also stated that
consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by their price perception and what they
believe the actual price of a product is. The primary goal of marketing is to comprehend
how customers arrive at their price perception. We are all customers, regardless of age,
education, wealth, or talent. Understanding customer behavior is thus an important
challenge for advertisers, distributors, and salespeople. Al-Salamin, Al-Baqshi, Al
Rasasi, and Al Salem (2015).

Tu and Chih (2013), stated that "customer satisfaction is perceived as

influencing repurchasing intentions and actions, which contributes to an organization's
potential sales and income". Customer satisfaction is measured by gathering feedback
from customers after they have purchased products or services and comparing it to their
expectations. Customer satisfaction is calculated using the performance requirements
of products or services capable of satisfying customers' needs and desires. A satisfied
consumer is one who believes that the products or services were worthwhile to
purchase and would buy them again. A dissatisfied consumer, on the other hand, will
persuade other consumers not to buy the same brand, resulting in switching to rival

As a result, customer satisfaction is also price-dependent, whereas the quality

of a good or service is not generally thought to be price-dependent. Third, we define
quality as a customer's current perception of a good or service, whereas customer
satisfaction is based on all previous experiences, as well as future or anticipated
experiences. Finally, there is substantial empirical support for quality as a predictor of
customer satisfaction. Anderson, Fornell, and Lehman (1994)
Local Literature

Buyer impulsivity is described as a lifestyle habit in studies on customer

purchasing habits. Most researchers believe that buyers have shifted toward a rush
buying tendency, expressing additional desires to purchase and revitalizing unplanned
procurement. Specific constituents such as the impact of money availability are explicitly
determined to motivate impulse buying. It is essential in the method of instant
purchasing. Money availability is indeed important in the process of impulse buying.
Borromeo, Cai, and Etrata (2022).

Supermarkets, which are now mostly known as hypermarts, are clean, one-
stop shops. In terms of fresh catch, meat, and vegetables, their weight and measure
system is considered more reliable, though it is generally more expensive. The quality
of goods, particularly vegetables and fruits, can suffer as a result of late delivery. Yes,
the wet markets are wet and often filthy. In general, vegetables and fruits are fresh,
though some unscrupulous vendors may mix in nearly spoiled items. Avoid purchasing
vegetables that have been sitting in plastic bags for several days. Castillo (2010).

Filipinos are seeing an explosion of imported brands, from food to household

goods and appliances, and while some are swayed by glitzy packaging and the promise
of superior quality, for households on a tight budget, pricing is still king. The situation is
different in those smaller neighborhood groceries, often run by a single proprietorship.
With more cost-conscious consumers, imported brands are scarce, and local
manufacturers reign supreme. Gamboa (2022)
Local Study

Based on the findings of Dr. Belmes (2016) research paper entitled "Consumer
buying behavior of students in selected National High Schools in the second
Congressional District of Iloilo", It is safe to conclude that students perception in buying
products was influenced by their wants and needs and buying capabilities. It is
important to highlight that students prefer ukay-ukay over branded clothes, in this case it
is safe to say that they prefer quantity over quality. They also prefer to buy per piece
rather than in bulk when it comes to school supplies. In addition coming from Dr.
Belmes’ findings, The prevalent purchasing behavior of students was always observed.
It implies that the students paid close attention in order to purchase the right items in
terms of price, quality, and purpose.

The study of Yu (2017), concluded that it is safe to consider since students were
very particular with price, they prefer quantity over quality. Because respondents from
two different schools both agreed that looking at the price when buying a product was
considered all the time since the respondents were conscious on buying products and
services at a reasonable price.

According to the study of Sangalang, Siochi, and Plaza (2017), Due to the fact
that impulse buying has become a common occurrence across all retail formats,
impulse buying behavior has been identified as one of the important studies by
marketers and researchers. This consumer purchasing behavior has become so
ingrained in people's lives that they often do not realize or are unaware that they are
engaging in it. Market competition is high in the retail industry right now, and all types of
businesses use promotion in their activities and various marketing strategies to retain
their customers. As a result, impulse stimulation purchasing different goods in the
consumer stores can become a strong competitive advantage and a valuable source of
income for the retail store.
Foreign Study

According to the study of Madhavan, M. and , Dr. Chandrasekar, K. (2015),

Consumer buying behavior tends to figure out what exactly motivates customers to
make purchasing decisions. Many studies have been conducted. performed, including
the aforementioned in relation to the consumer Marketers benefit from understanding
consumer behavior to comprehend how consumers think, feel, and choose between
alternatives such as products, brands, and the like, as well as how consumers are
influenced by their surroundings, reference groups, relatives, and salespeople and so

Customer satisfaction and the quality of the institution's offer are closely related
and have a significant impact on one another. According to a marketing perspective,
high quality results from satisfying customers' wants and needs, and it also allows for
the application of high prices. When possible, demonstrate to them. Tu, Hsu, Creativani,

The quality no longer effectively distinguishes the rival brands within the
category. As a result, consumer risk in switching brands is significantly lower today
because the quality of substitute brands is no longer an issue. Another reason has to do
with brand positioning. Many brands continue to position themselves based on quality
and risk reduction, which does not resonate with today's consumer. Brands have
different and broader meanings for modern consumers than for consumers from
previous eras. Brands are more than just quality and risk. Sondoh, Wan, Abdul, Ismail,
and Harun (2007).

1. What is the profile of the student in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex and;

1.3 Grade and strand

2. Do you struggle to make decisions while choosing or purchasing something?

o Always
o Often
o Never
o Are you often buying or purchasing products?
o Always (if always, answer questions 3a and 3b)
o Never (if never, skip to question no. 4)

3a. On average, how many product did you purchased each time you buy product
during your 1st quarter of SHS12?

o None
o 1-2
o 3-4
o 5-6
o 7+

4. Grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig are spending money without thinking rather than

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

5. Grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig are observing the quality of a product before
buying it.

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

6. Grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig are generally stick with the products from brand
they know well.

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Nuetral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

7. Grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig are thinking if the product is worth it to buy.

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

8. Grade 12 students at CASAP Pasig are impulsively sending their money to buy a
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

9. On a scale of 1 to 5 how impulsive buyer are you?

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

10. Which do you value more when you are choosing or buying product?

o Quality over Quantity

o Quantity over Quality


QUALITY- the degree to which an object or entity (e.g., process, product, or service)
satisfies a specified set of attributes or requirements.

QUANTITY-the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually

estimated by spatial measurement.

SUPERMARKET-a large self-service store selling foods and household goods.

WET MARKET-a market selling fresh meat, fish, and produce.

PRODUCT- an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of

the consumer demand: it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire
or need of a customer.

SATISFY-meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone).

DURABLE- able to last and be used for a long time without becoming damaged.

LOW-QUALITY-used to describe something that is of a low level or standard.

CHEAP- costing little money or less than is usual or expected

PLENTIFUL-there is a lot of it available

SERVICE-the work performed by one that serves. good service

DECISION-a choice that you make about something after thinking about several

RIVAL BRANDS- a rival brand that offers similar products or services for the same
people as an existing brand.
IMPULSE BUYING- the buying of goods without planning to do so in advance, as a
result of a sudden whim or impulse.

ARDUOUS- involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

PERCEIVED - become aware o conscious of something / realize o understand

EAGER - waiting to do or have something very much

EASE - absence of difficulty or effort

PERSUADE - cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument

PRICE-DEPENDENT - on the interaction between demand and supply componets of a


SUBSTANTIAL EMPIRICAL - is essential to a posterior knowledge or emperical


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