Vibar RRL
Vibar RRL
Vibar RRL
Customer focus is the first QMP and one of the key factors of successful and
development performance. The international standard ISO 9001:2008(ISO, 2009
describes this principle as follows: "Organizations depend on their customers and
therefore should understand current and improving performance, should meet
customer requirements (Dudu & Agwu, 2014).
This study contributes to pricing strategies and the buying decision process.
The study recommends that companies should communicate value to customers
through price, companies should also take notice to competitors' prices and verify
the impact on product purchases. Price is very influential on consumer purchasing
decisions. (Faith & Edwin, 2014)
The price is the amount of value assigned to the product or service. Price is
an element in the marketing mix, which plays a very significant role because
marketers use price as a means of communicating with customers, through which
the message is clearly perceived by customers as intended by marketers
(Shaharudin, Angely, Anita, & Khin, 2012).