Social Media As An Alternative Advertising Platform in The Marketing Strategy of The Small Businesses in Biñan City, Laguna

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A Case Study
Presented to the
Biñan Integrated National Highschool
City of Biñan, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject

Accountancy, Business and Management

Strand in Senior High School


Comonsad, Maxcine Poche, Jemina Juri, Justine

Eli, Heleana Dagsaan, Novi Lacuarta, John Kevin

Reynan, Garcia, Bolajo, Vainygane

Bendillo, Ella Marie

May 2022

This thesis entitled “Social Media As An Alternative Advertising Platform In

Marketing Strategy Of The Small Businesses In Biñan City, Laguna"
prepared and submitted by Maxcine Comonsad, Jemina Poche, Juri Justine, Heleana
Eli Novi Dagsaan, John Kevin Lacuarta, Reynan Garcia, Vainygane Bolajo, Ella
Bendillo partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Subject Accountancy, Business,
and Management Strand in Senior High School.

Dearla E. Bitoon

Approved by the Panel of Examinees on Oral Examination

Ms. Mary Joy L. Nacion Mr. Joemil C. Amerna

Member Member

Rating: ______ Date of Oral Defense: _____________

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment to the requirements for the for
the Subject Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand in Senior High School.

The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of social media as an alternative

new Advertising platform in the marketing strategy of the small business in Biñan City,

Laguna. The research design used the qualitative method of the data collection

employed in-depth using a a survey questionnaire.

The researcher used a purposive sampling technique. It is a sampling technique

in whicthe h researcher relies on his or own judgment when choosing members of

population to participate in the study. The instrument used was the survey questionnaire

requested for the entry of the social media as an Alternative Advertising Platform in

Marketing Strategy of the Small Businesses in Binan City, Laguna.

Data from this study indicates that; 1. The data to gather will be examined

through sustained contrast and comparisons of concept. The constant comparison of

the categorized data leads to a better analysis of patterns and deviations in business

owners’ narratives; 2. The themes were modified as new codes emerged from the data.

The information obtained through the analysis of interviews provided insight into how

the small business uses social media as an alternative advertising platform to engage

customers based on the statistical treatment used deviation; 3. The problem is a major

challenge on social media as an alternative advertising platform in the marketing

strategy of the small business on how to effectively reach customers with limited

resources. The research provided a description and understanding of a business’s

social media strategy. Such insights may be used by other small business owner-

managers for their social media strategies. Strategic planning has a significant effect on

the Small Business in Biñan City. In further the null

hypothesis means that the strategic planning has a positive effect of using social

media as an alternative way of marketing strategy. This finding indicates that the social

media has a good effect on small businesses.

The goal of this numerous case study was to investigate the social media

marketing methods employed by small retail business owners to enhance sales. A poll

of small retail business owners was conducted, as well as an examination of corporate

paperwork, websites, and social media sites. The conclusions of this study may help

small retail shop owners to increase sales by learning how to combine a variety of social

media marketing platforms, improve customer engagement, leverage third-party social

media experts to improve advertising, and target customers using social media. Small

business owners may be able to enhance job possibilities, cut local unemployment

rates, and promote local economic growth and stability as a result of this study's positive

social change implications.


Completion of this research had been made with the cooperation and support of

the people whom the researcher is indebted. With profound gratitude and deep

appreciation the proponent extends heartful thanks to the following for making this

humble piece of work a reality:

Henly F. Martirez, Ed.D., the adviser for unceasing encouragement, kind

understanding and support to this study.

Mario R. Briones, Ed. D.,University President for unwavering support to the

university to provide quality education for its students;

Florhaida V. Pamatmat, Ed. D., Dean of the College of Teacher Education-

Graduate Studies and Applied Research for the guidance in the pursuance of the

students’ academic endeavors;

Evelyn A. Sunico, Ed. D., internal statistician for her time and expertise in the

analysis of data.

Freddie S. Pinuela, Ed. D.; one of the panel members for his support and

valuable insights in the development of the study;

Zenaida O. Vitasa, Ed. D., LSPU Curriculum Instruction and Development and

Quality Assurance Director, for their patience in reading the manuscript and valuable

suggestions in the completion of this study.

The principal of BINHS, Miss Julie Ann D. Natividad for the cooperation in

allowing the conduct of the survey in the said schools.

The school heads of BINHS, for their cooperation and immeasurable contribution

in the accomplishment of this research.

MERILYN P. JUACALLA, Ed. D., for her time and expertise in helping me in the

computation in this study.

My family and friends, for their love and prayers in making these research a

success, and for giving words of encouragement, moral support, and advices.

Above all, the honor, praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the source of my

strength to move on despite all the challenges in this academic undertaking, for my

countless blessings and unconditional love given.










To our Beloved Parents

for their support and

encouragement throughout our

educational career and life.

To our Respected and Sincere


For their compassionate

Consistent cooperation and



To our Dearest Friends and Classmates

For their overwhelming support










TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………………………………………………........ ii
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………….................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………………………………….
DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………………………...................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………………………..
LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………………………..........
LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………………………………........
1 The Problem and Its Background
Introduction …………………………………………………………………….
Background of the Study …………………………………………………….
Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………………
Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………...
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………
Hypothesis …………………………………………………………………… 17
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………… 18
Scope and Limitation of the Study ………………………………………… 19
Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………….. 20
2 Review of Related Literature and Studies
Related Literature …………………………………………………………….
Related Studies ……………………………………………………………… 25
3 Research Methodology
Research Design ……………………………………………………………..
` Research Locale ……………………………………………………………..
Respondents of the Study …………………………………………………..
Research Instruments …………………………………………………….. 29
Research Procedure ………………………………………………………. 32
Statistical Treatment of Data ……………………………………………… 33
4 Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data
(usually presented per objective or hypothesis made)
Demographics of the Interviewees …………………………………………
Data Analysis …………………………………………………………………
Research Findings ………………………………………………………….. 36
5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Summary ……………………………………………………………………...
Conclusions ………………………………………………………………….. 42
Recommendations ………………………………………………………….. 42
Books …………………………………………………………………………. 43
Unpublished Materials ……………………………………………………….
Published Materials …………………………………………………………. 44
A. Questionnaire …………………………………………………
B. Request Letter to business owner ………………………………
C. Methods of Preparation …………………………………………………



In different era’s, several methods of communication have developed that

continuously change during day-by-day life. Social Media has become the method of

statement in the 22nd Century, enabling us to express our belief, ideas and manner in

absolute new way. Many people use social media to earn a living, one of which is online

business. 1900 when the online negotiation began to exist. Even individual

entrepreneurs can earn using various social media platforms. Consumers are happy

because they spend less time buying their daily necessities traditional method there will

be an innovative scheme to advance in daily life.

According to Lakshmi (2016), the internet has changed consumers ’perceptions

in the aspects of convenience, speed, price and information about products or services.

Furthermore, e-commerce or online business gives consumers more choices, more

information, and more ways to buy. That is why it will be possible for a consumer to buy

anything at any time, from anywhere through online shopping. This new way of

communication has also had a big impact on businesses, which they have realized that

Social Media platforms are widely used as an advertising strategy.

Businesses have a good chance to take the lead in Social Media marketing.

Social Media is any kind of online media that stimulates participation, openness to the

conversation, connections, and a sense of community. The Social Media phenomenon

has a profound impact. This allows businesses to communicate better with their
consumer and possible target markets to intensify their associations with them. The

advertising world has not been spared from Social Media influence.


The social media as an alternative advertising platform in marketing strategy of

the Small Business in Biñan, City has a significant relation with each other. The

relationship between social media communities is particularly beneficial to marketers as

consumers autonomously decide to follow some brands on these platforms and agree

to receive information and promotional messages from them. Social media allows

businesses to build more meaningful relationships and get to know future consumers


A business can build a fan base and receive feedback from their target audience.

It can create new avenues of traffic that lead people to their products and solidify their

identity to the consumer During COVID-19, social media became a stronghold to

several enterprises' customers. It really has allowed businesses not just to keep the

discussion moving in timely manner, and to also reframe how businesses interact with

current and potential clients for a more presented a unique and increased engagement.

For some, this is even created opportunities to understand better as well as engage

clients, introduce a new firm, or create extra income. Interacting with consumers on

social media is an important marketing strategy for small businesses.

Using social media helps you build brand awareness, increase your customer

base, and connect with current customers. In fact, one study revealed a whopping 90%
of marketers say social media is important to their business. 82% of survey participants

worked in businesses with less than 100 employees. Marketing through social media is

easy for small business owners as long as you actively post on social media pages.

Some common social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and

Pinterest. To effectively use social media for your business, set a schedule to regularly

engage with your followers. Small businesses must employ certain customer

engagement practices to compete against larger firms (Taneja & Toombs, 2014).

Social media were the most cost-effective medium for marketing and suitable for

small businesses that may not have a large marketing budget (Hassan et al., 2015).

Some small business leaders lack effective SMM strategies required to successfully

engage consumers. Herman (2015) posited that small business leaders have been

unsuccessful in implementing SMM strategies that promote the longevity of their

businesses. The high failure rate of small business in the United States was a major

concern (Anderson & Ullah, 2014; Karadag, 2015). While many factors contribute to

business failure, customer engagement is a key component for business success

(Hibbler-Britt & Sussan, 2015) as well as setting goals and developing strategies

(Chatterjee & Das, 2015).


Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by Owners of Small Retail Businesses.

Business leaders who do not use social media as a marketing tool experience

decreased sales and profitability (Stavrianea & Kavoura, 2015). Taneja and Toombs
(2014) posited that only 26% of small business owners use social media marketing to

increase sales. The general business problem was business owners who do not use

social media marketing limit profitability growth. The specific business problem was that

some small retail business owners lack social media marketing strategies to increase


On the other hand, the purpose of this qualitative, multiple case study was to

explore the social media marketing strategies some small retail business owners use to

increase sales. The findings of this study may contribute to positive social change

through increased local employment opportunities, lowered local unemployment rates,

and improved local economic growth. Small business owners who improve sales and

profitability growth create additional local employment opportunities, reduce

unemployment rates, and strengthen local economic stability.

Let's go back to our research study, A Case Study on social media as an

alternative advertising platform in the marketing strategy of the Small Business in Biñan

City. It was essential that small businesses understand today’s socmedia-driveniven

environment. They should also know the strategies behind using social media such as

Facebook and Twitter and other sites for growing their business and to stay competitive

and reach their target markets. However, many small businesses did not have a

strategy when they began using social media. The research was conducted to acquire

an initial understanding on how small businesses were recognized for using social

media to grow their business, and increased their customers. This study also concluded

that social media marketing increases brand exposure, sales and business profit.
With the rise of the internet, social media marketing has become one of the most

powerful tools and cost-effective ways for promoting products and services. Print media

and TV advertising has been declining for the past few years due to the rise of the

Internet. People now, are more focused on spending time connecting to social media

accounts than reading newspapers, listening to radio broadcasts and watching TV.

Some people are also engaged in online shopping because it’s hassle free. With these,

direct marketing has become less significant and internet is rapidly increasing as one of

the most important media for sharing information and as a market place for businesses

and customers.



“Social Media as an
Questionnaires Alternative

Small business Advertising Platform

owners Interview in Marketing
Strategy of the
Analysis Small Business in
Biñan City, Laguna”

Figure 1. IPO Model

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study, with the input-process-

output model. The I-P-O framework has lately been employed as the foundation for
various research in the field of management (e.g. Simsek, 2009), because it may assist

distinguish the primary antecedents, components, and results of the process under

inspection (Ghezzi,2017) .

The components of our I-P-O framework (Figure 1) were derived from ten

research on process models (Oorschot, Akkermans, Sengupta, and Van Wassenhove,

2013), and the framework was then utilized to examine and interpret the existing


The following is a list of our framework's main components:

The main input in the framework is the small business owners, as it is

classified as the profile of the respondents in the study we will conduct. While on

the process frame, questionnaires, interview and analysis is written as it

provides the steps for the interview and the survey that the researchers will

perform. And lastly, in the output frame, it will show the results of the data

gathered and collected on how does using social media as an alternative way of

marketing strategy, affect the small businesses.


The Study aimed to determine a Case Study on social media as an alternative

advertising platform in marketing strategy of the Small Business in Biñan City, Laguna

Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the following questions:

1.What is the Profile of the Business Owners in terms of:

1.1 age ;

1.2 gender;

1.3 years of their small business

1.4 health condition

2. What are the perceptions of business owners in the advertising platform in

marketing strategy?

3. How does using social media as an alternative way of marketing strategy,

affect the small businesses?

4. Does having social media as a marketing strategy an effective way of

promoting small businesses’ product or services?

However, the primary research question that the researchers aim to find an

answer is: How does social media affected small businesses’ marketing approach?


This study aims to understand how social media is a great alternative way of

marketing strategy for the small businesses.

H 0=¿ Social Media will have no effect as another way of marketing strategy in small


H 1=¿ Using social media as an alternative way of marketing strategy will have a

positive effect in small businesses.


The findings of this research might be beneficial to small businesses by

supplying data and illustrating the potential significance of online marketing. The results

of this research will show effective online marketing methods that may be utilized to

help customers make purchase decisions and build connections with small retailers.

Furthermore, the development of such strategies could become a guide for new

retailers or owners entering the market to improve the sustainability and survival of

small retail businesses. Business survival could result in increased profits and additional

job opportunities, thus promoting positive social change for the community

(Jordan,2018). Outcome of this study could be highly significant and beneficial

specifically to the following:

Business leaders, who build an online presence may profit from free media,

continue to generate revenue, and strengthen local economies, according to

researchers (Sheng, Amankwah-Amoah, & Wang, 2017). Using online marketing

strategies offers business leaders access to new markets with improved communication

to customers and the identification of emerging trends within the economy (Corley,

Jourdan, & Ingram, 2013). This study will help business leaders in determining other

ways on promoting their product or services by using the social media as another

marketing strategy.

Small Business Owners. The findings of this study will help, small business

owners to improve their sales by using the social media. They may also use the results
of the study to apply social media marketing strategies to help improve their businesses’

success rates (Lupo,2018).

Start-Up’s, may also be benefited by the findings of this study, as it may guide to

how they will start their business. Social media as another way of marketing strategy will

help to provide a virtual platform for start-ups to reach out to a certain group of people,

virtually. Using social media as another way of a marketing strategy enables such

companies to acquire potential consumer and more effectively target current consumers

(Taiminen & Karjaluoto, 2015).

Future researchers. This study will give insights to future researchers into how

the social media helps the small businesses as their alternative way of marketing their

product or services. This will also serve as an invitation and a call to action for potential

future researchers to continue their research and results on additional prospective

marketing strategy applications for small company owners.


This study will primarily focus on how social media can be used as an alternative

way of marketing strategy. The data collection will be conducted to 3-5 chosen small

business owners such as: online sellers/retailers, thrift shops, and independent owners

promoting their products or services online in Biñan City, Laguna who will represent the


The limitation of this study is the online promoting in the utilization of social

media platforms as another way of marketing strategy, as the focal point of this study. It
is limited to the usage of online platforms, rather than offline promoting. The

researchers will give the same set of questions to the respondents. Due of the study's

narrow scope, the findings may be difficult to apply to other situations or circumstances

by future researchers. Although it may be useful as a source of information or relevant

publications for their research.


the exercise of promoting a company and its products or

services through paid channels.

represent a temporary state within dynamic natural and social

Antecedents systems that precedes and influences the onset and magnitude
of a hazard and its consequences.

someone who motivates a group of people in order to achieve a

Business Leaders
common goal in a company.

Consumers a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

the expenditure required to create and sell products and

services, or to acquire assets.

Cost-Effective producing good results without costing a lot of money

the information and data contained in journals, ledgers and

Data other records that support financial statements, e.g.
spreadsheets. It may be in computer readable form or on paper.

the absence of excessive fluctuations in the macroeconomy.

defined as the management of financial matters for a

community, business or family.
defined as a legal entity possessing the right to conduct
business on its own

generally means the value or amount that they receive for their
labor and products.

refers to a company's total strategy for reaching out to potential

Market Strategy
customers and converting them into paying customers.

the technique of using web-based platforms to send a message

Online Marketing to potential customers about a company's brand, products, or

is a business strategy that produces value by allowing two or

Platform more interdependent groups, mainly customers and producers,
to trade goods and services.

Price the act of establishing a value for a product or service.

when income generated from a commercial activity surpasses

Profit the expenses, charges, and taxes involved in maintaining the
activity in question, a financial gain is obtained.

the combination of profitability and growth, specifically, the

combination of Economic Profitability and Free Cash Flow

any kind of communication aimed at persuading others to

purchase goods or services.

the business sector in which goods are sold individually or in

Retail Businesses
small quantities to consumers.

described as a privately held corporation, partnership, or sole

Small Business proprietorship with fewer workers and lower yearly income than
a large corporation.
online communication that allows you to interact with your
Social Media
customers and share information in real time.

refers to a business that is just getting started. One or more

Start-Up entrepreneurs form a startup to produce a product or service for
which they feel there is a market.

a good indicator of the labor supply's underutilization



The researcher investigated a variety of publications and studies in order to

identify ideas, concepts, principles, techniques, and results may be relevant and useful

in carrying out this investigation


Marketing & Social media

The goal of marketing is to bring in more consumers, keep them c

oming back for more, and get them to promote you to their friends and family.


is to help you attract the proper individuals to your business so you can create 

trust by courting them rather than executing mass marketing efforts. Micro-

markets are a great place to start, and social media is a great starting point

(Iseli, 2021).

As per Smith (2013), social media is more than just a source of inf

ormation; it also allows us to communicate with that information while giving y
ou with that knowledge. Simple interactions, such as like a status on Faceboo

k, leaving a comment on a blog, or voting for a movie on YouTube, can lead t

o more sophisticated interactions, such as seeing content recommended to y

ou based on your Facebook interests or what your social media friends have r

ecently seen.

There is more to the phenomena than meets the eye. Social media

marketing forces companies to rethink how they market online, who they

market to, and how to structure their own organizations to support these new

marketing opportunities for anyone involved. It also forces marketers to revisit

the core guiding principles of marketing while providing new ways to reach

social influencers, thereby encouraging people to influence each other and do

the marketing for the brand (Diamond & Singh, 2020).

Social Media as a Marketing Strategy

Social media has become the tool of expression in the 21 st century,

allowing us to share our opinions, thoughts, and behavior in a completely new

way. This kind of communication has also had a significant influence on

corporations, who have realized that they have little chance of standing out in

the continuously changing digital freedom without a proper plan and social

media strategy. To ensure a successful presence on social media,

businesses must examine a variety of marketing theories in order to improve

their brand in a variety of ways (Saravanakumar & SuganthaLakshmi, 2019).

The use of social media in marketing, public relations, or another office or

department with a direct link to consumers and stakeholders is common in

many organizations, including businesses, nonprofits, and government

agencies. This makes sense, given that a deluge of nasty comments, a desire

for "virality," or a boost to general exposure in the marketplace, particularly

among those customers increasingly out of reach of interruptive (or

"traditional") media, are all common reasons for getting engaged with social

media. Many organizations throughout the world are seeking for methods to

increase involvement, and they are turning to social media for help (Evans &

McKee, 2010).

Social media marketing, in its broadest meaning, is a sort of

marketing that entrepreneurs and businesses may use to build, maintain, and

develop their online presence and reputation. Building a relationship with your

target audience is crucial in social media marketing. Many businesses make

this mistake because they feel social media is a location where they can

market their product or service (Smith,2013).

According to Danzarella (2010), enormous corporations may be

names for themselves, thanks to social media. It is the new way of

entrepreneurs of promoting their businesses and forwarding to the path of

success, that several businessmen’s goals. Iseli (2021), have said that social

media is one of the marketing platforms that has the potential to have a

massive impact on your company's growth and become an extraordinarily

powerful and omnipotent tool. The exponential nature of social media is due

to the leverage principle: if you provide amazing material on your social

channels, your followers may share it with their friends, and their friends may

share it with their friends. You move from sharing your material to your whole

audience to your followers spreading it to their followers, and so on. Your

exposure will increase exponentially as a result of this.


Moreover, this result could be used as evidence to persuade

business managers to invest more in organizational social media marketing

as a means of increasing members' satisfaction and encouraging

knowledge-sharing motivation. In general, social media marketing could be

considered an ideal solution for knowledge management and marketing as

confirmed in previous studies (Alves et al, 2016; Pham, 2017). Social media

marketing should be used to connect customers and employees, to co-

create business values, accumulate collective knowledge, and support

communication and collaboration between members. It can be more useful

for meeting some friends and building a marketing relationship online.

Businesses will spread widely by the fast access to media worldwide.

According to the 2019 Social Media Industry Report, a substantial

93% of all marketers point out that social media interaction (INT) contributed

to more visibility for their businesses. Social media marketing (SMM) is a

form of online marketing that applies social networking platforms as a tool to

fulfill communication goals (Alves et al, 2016; Liao and Hsu, 2019) to

produce and share content that helps brand disclosure and consumer
expansion (Chan and Guillet, 2011; Cheung and Rosenberger, 2020). As it is

said the majority of the marketers are relatedly using social media as their

marketing platform. For almost a full percent are on this platform, considering

the beginners and marketers before. Social media marketing is very useful in

terms of communication between the market. Marketers can easily contact

and receive responses for their customers of the target market by messaging

them online or just leaving a chat.

Brodie et al (2011) pointed out that interventions of marketers are

accepted in online communities, only if they contribute to the community and

that customers tend to react negatively when marketers have commercially

driven communications (Hansson et al, 2013), in hours that consumers feel

they should not be distracted or annoyed by that kind of communications.

After becoming more experts at communicating through social media, social

media users expect all actors to use similar means to communicate and

interact with them (Alves et al, 2016; Arora and Sanni, 2019). Resultantly,

social media have opportunities to sensationalize and misinterpret

information that comes from different official actors including non-profit

service-providing organizations, public agencies, and political officeholders.

Chapter 3


This section discusses the research methodology, the research setting,

respondent description and sampling strategies, the research instrument, and

statistical tools for data interpretation and analysis.

I. Research Design

Researchers used a case study design to investigate a specific event and

develop conclusions to explain how and why a phenomenon occurred (Cronin,

2014). The descriptive technique was implemented in the research since the

current study was concerned with how social media can be used as another

marketing strategy. It assesses the efficacy of social media use by small

enterprises in Biñan City, Laguna.

The study used purposive sampling that is a better match of the sample to the

research's goals and objectives, hence boosting the study's rigor and the data and

results' reliability. Credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability are

the four facets of this notion that will be achieved from using the sampling

technique to the research. Individual case studies have demonstrated how

purposive sampling can be used in a variety of circumstances depending on the

study design. The sample procedures clearly place each investigation in terms of

data collecting and analytical reliability (Campbell, 2020). This descriptive

qualitative research method is extremely beneficial in generating  a more effective

solution to institutional issues

II. Research Locale

The research entitled Social Media As An Alternative Advertising Platform In

Marketing Strategy Of The Small Businesses In Biñan City, Laguna was conducted

at the City of Biñan, Laguna.

III. Respondents of the Study

One perfume business, five clothes businesses, and one selling odd items

such as figurines and crocheted items, as well as clothing businesses from Binan

City, Laguna, made up the six (6) respondents. One 26-year-old, one 24-year-old,

one 23 years old, 22 years old and also two 20 years old. The purposive sampling

method was used to select the participants. The respondents complied with the

request, and the researcher took their consent and availability into consideration.

IV. Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling was utilized by the researchers. It is because the study

focuses on Social Media Advertising in Binan, City, the six (6) respondents were

purposefully chosen.

Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective, or subjective

sampling) is a sampling approach in which the researcher relies on his or her own

judgment when selecting people of the population to participate in the study. It is a

type of non-probability sampling that occurs when "three elements chosen for the

sample are chosen by three people."

Purposive sampling involves determining the target population, those who will

be involved in the study, and respondents who are chosen based on their

knowledge of the information sought. It is one of the least expensive and time-

consuming sampling procedures available.

V. Research Instruments

The researcher collected qualitative data as the study aimed to achieve a

depth understanding of the effectiveness of using social media as an alternative

new advertising platform in businesses in Binan City, Laguna. Qualitative

techniques of data collection employed in-depth questions using survey

questionnaires. The questionnaires were structured with open-ended and close-

ended question. The researchers conducted open-ended questions that will

require a participant to answer in their own words and for the respondents to

provide researchers with more information where they are enabled to discuss the

ideas without their responses confined and to provide opportunities for their self-

expression. While close-ended questions gave the respondents choices or

answers to what they choose. Those questions were easier and quicker to answer

from the respondents. After asking for survey permission, the researcher followed

the five stages in determining the effect of social media as a new advertising
platform on the chosen business owner respondents in Binan City, Laguna.

Stage 1: Creating a Questionnaire.

The researcher created five (5) survey questionnaires with open-ended questions

about the effect of social media advertising on their businesses. It composed of

their business’ structures questions including the business and business’ owner’s

profile. The researchers used close-ended question for the respondent’s gender. In

creating a questionnaire, we assure that there will be an open-mind question for

the respondents and will still keep their personal information and privacy including

their business authority. The responses of the respondents will give additional

information about the future result of the said research.

Stage 2: Reading and Checking.

After reading and checking the questionnaires, it was found that the respondents

was successfully answered the survey questionnaire and they were able to

properly express their responses in accordance with the facts. No any errors were


Step 3: Developing Survey Questionnaires.

The researcher developed the survey questionnaires about the content of the

chosen research topic and variables about the effect of social media advertising on

businesses. The researcher used google forms to recover the responses from the

respondents and the profile of the respondents and its business are included. The

survey questionnaire was distributed through link.

Step 4: Suggestions of the Experts.

The researchers sought particular theories about alternative social media

advertising platforms. The conceptualization of engagement was demonstrated to

be predictive of advertising effectiveness and thus advances our knowledge of the

relation between media engagement and advertising, or social media engagement

and social media advertising more specifically. In sum, we uniquely examine the

more qualitative aspects of engagement with social media and with advertising on

these platforms (Davis Mersey, Malthouse, and Calder 2010).

The validation of the Social Media as an Alternative Advertising Platform

in Marketing Strategy of the Small Businesses in Binan City, Laguna survey

questionnaires is answerable using google form through a paragraph form with

long answer texts. The responses are written in paragraph form which the

respondents are giving the widely response to the survey questionnaires.

Step 5: Revision of the Social Media as an Alternative Advertising Platform in

Marketing Strategy of the Small Business in Biñan City, Laguna Survey


After the evaluation and validation, the researcher considered the response

of each respondent as it will affect the research. The researcher highly accepted

the responses without making any rejections to their responses. The researchers

will use their response for the next chapter of the research.

Consecutively, the survey questionnaires were given to the respondents to study

the effectiveness of social media as an alternative advertising platform in

marketing strategy of the small business in Biñan City in this time of pandemic.
VI. Research Procedure

The respondents were asked for their permission by the researchers. They

introduced themselves to the respondents after receiving consent and then

disseminated the survey questionnaire online. The researchers conducted a

survey to discover the personal impact of Social Media advertising on their

business using the questions we provided in order to achieve the response needed

for the study.

The qualitative method was employed by the researchers to acquire a better

understanding of a phenomenon through open dialogue with participants. Because

the goal of this study was to learn about the social media marketing methods

employed by small businesses in Bian City, Laguna, the methodology used was

qualitative. A qualitative study is a way of questioning rather than an answer, with

the understanding that reflective inquiry is more effective. questioning is a means

of gaining insight from the participants. The main focus and goal of a qualitative

researcher are to acquire accurate data to generate a configuration that mirrors the

quintessence of the experience.

We selected the qualitative method to discover the in-depth meaning of a

phenomenon through open dialog with participants, gain insight from the

knowledge and experience of the participants, and gather rich data for analysis. To

conclude, we researchers discussed and carefully considered their opinions based

on the questions we provided. All gathered data were computed and interpreted

using proper statistical treatment.

VII. Statistical Treatment of Data

The interview is one of the most important sources of case study

information. A focused interview was used for the study because it provided for a

short period of time in which the interview was open-ended but still followed a

predetermined set of questions. The interview was immediately transcribed by the

researcher. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, as it is a process for

encoding qualitative information. As the collected data was analyzed, different

themes were identified in order to give clarity and organize the data. The themes

were modified as new codes emerged from the data.

The information obtained through the analysis of interviews provided insight

into how the small business uses social media as an alternative advertising

platform to engage customers. Small business owner-managers take advantage of

social media for the opportunities it provides. The problem however is that a major

challenge for small business owners is how to effectively reach customers with

limited resources. The research provided a description and understanding of a

small business’s social media strategy. Such insights may be used by other small

business owner-managers for their social media strategies.

Chapter 4


This chapter will summarize findings from the case study sample data. The

interview is the primary source of data, which is supported with literature review. The

data will be discussed in relation to the study's research objectives. The data analysis

method is already addressed in the methodology chapter.


Informants Numbers Age

Female 7 17-55

Male 1 18

Table 1 Category of Informants

Table 1 summarizes the gender and age distribution of the

questioned respondents. At the stated age range, many people managed

to start a business or had business ideas, thus the researcher chose that

age range. All respondents are mostly female, only one male responded to

our written-interview.
The researchers discovered that the data acquired with 8 respondents is

saturated. This signifies that the researcher notices a similar correlation to the

responses of participants.

According to Ritchie et al. (2003), the optimum approach is to simply be collected

data until theoretical saturation is achieved. A qualitative sample has a threshold of

decreasing comeback as the investigation progresses; more data does not always lead

to accurate insight.

These are the people that are active in the fieldwork. Interviews were conducted,

and their viewpoints were gathered and explained.


Methodological triangulation was employed to improve data analysis and

saturation (Fusch & Ness, 2015). The most prevalent sort of triangulation was the

approach of obtaining data by employing two or more methods (Graue, 2015). During

the data analysis phase, methodological triangulation increased the credibility and

accuracy of the interpretation (Van, Dijk, Vervoort, Van Wijk, Kalkman, & Schuurmans,

2016). In addition, the data analysis included a study of existing literature to investigate

any parallels or differences.


This section of the chapter presents and analyzes the data gathered from

individual interviews on how social media as an alternative advertising platform affects

small enterprises in Biñan City, Laguna. The data were retrieved and evaluated in

accordance with the study's objectives.

The findings resulted from the data analysis concerning the primary research

question for this study which was: How does social media affected small businesses’

marketing approach? We contacted five small retail business owners and explained the

details of our study. We conducted a structured, written-interviews with five male and

female participants who had owned their small businesses for more than two years,

ranged in age from 17 to 55, and used social media marketing strategies to engage


The participants provided detailed responses to 5 interview questions that ranged

in breadth and depth, providing the researchers with insights into how small business

shops use social media as a marketing technique to connect with customers. Along with

doing structured interviews. Each participant stated that they utilize at least one social

media site to promote their business.


Noel (2014) claims that online marketing increased brand exposure and

customer perception. As a result, leaders should take use of social media's broad reach

to promote and disseminate product information (Ramanathan, Subramanian, & Parrott,

2017). One of the themes that summarizes the given data set was the participants'

usage of social media channels to engage customers. The most popular social media

channels utilized by small business owners to engage clients and increase the

competitiveness businesses were Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (Hibbler-Britt &

Sussan, 2015). All of the participants use Facebook as their platform to sell their

products. While two of the participants uses Shopee.

Laicx Vhel's
butchiha.p ShaneP KEZI MilliScent
beautyfind Galleri
h H A PH s
s a





Table 2 Participants Platforms

Business leaders used social media platforms to encourage user participation

(Shan et al., 2014). Business owners might give a discount code in exchange for a

customer liking or following the company social media page (He, Wang, Chen, & Zha,

2017). This proves that small businesses these days promotes online to help them gain

more customers. As today’s generation are more into social media and almost all of

people utilizes different social media platforms.

Several businesses have gained access to clients all around the world thanks to

the usage of social media (Henderson et al., 2017).  ShanePH's owner, Ms. Shania

Baoanan, remarked that:

"social media marketing has the capacity to reach a lot

more individuals, regardless of how distant these people are

from the company owners."

All five study participants expressed the importance of using social media to

engage customers. He, W., Wang, F. K., Chen, Y., and Zha, S. (2017) claimed that,

business owners that used social media said it was enjoyable to engage consumers

and beneficial to their operations. Other business owners began using social media

after witnessing their colleagues use it to expand their audience. Determining that

business leaders that do not use social media may be missing out on potential revenue.



Social media marketing differed from traditional media marketing in several ways;

the most notable was the low-cost alternative to traditional print and visual ads

(Henderson et al., 2017). Each participant explained that they used social media

because it was convenient and free or low cost. All of our participants prefer social

media marketing rather than traditional marketing. Mrs. Velinda Galiza the owner of

Vhel's Galleria, stated that:

“Even if you are at home, you can sell and earn money

online. Unlike traditional marketing, you have to pay rent for

your place, which reduces your income.”

Social media enabled direct two-way connection between businesses and

customers, which was a unique feature of conventional media (Lillqvist & Louhiala

Salminen, 2014). Instant messaging is a feature of most social networking platforms

that allows users to send video, photo, text, and audio conversations in real time over

the Internet (Ogara, Koh, & Prybutok, 2014). (Piwek & Joinson, 2016). Instagram Direct

enabled users to send messages to other individuals or groups in real time (Anderson,

2016). Hild (2014) discovered that Instagram was a useful social media channel for

receiving direct and indirect input from academic library users. Customers of all of the

participants used the direct message feature on Facebook to inquire about products and

to place orders.

Entrepreneurs studied and managed customer expectations and attitudes

through social media material (Erkan, 2015). Encouragement of customer feedback

enabled customers to endorse products and affected the online community (Elkhani,

Soltani, & Ahmad, 2014). All research participants agreed that the material on social

media networking sites played a significant role in acquiring and maintaining clients.

Chapter 5


This section entails a synopsis of the findings of the study, the conclusions

reached, and the recommendations made in dealing with the challenges presented.

The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of social media as

an alternative advertising platform in the marketing strategy of small businesses in

Biñan City, Laguna.

The research design used the descriptive method since the study was

concerned with how social media as another marketing strategy. It assesses the

efficacy of social media used by small businesses in Binan City, Laguna.

The researchers used the purposive sampling technique which is a better

match of the sample to the research’s goals and objectives. Purposive sampling was

utilized by the researchers because the participants are purposefully chosen. As defined

by Saunders and Thornhill in 2012, It is a sampling technique in which the researcher

relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of the population to

participate in the study.

The instrument used was the survey questionnaire that collected qualitative

data to achieve depth understanding of the study. The researchers used google forms

to create survey questionnaires. The researchers used an open and close-ended

questions to be responded to by the chosen respondents.

The findings from this study indicate that; 1. Facebook is mostly used social

media platform they used. 2. Social media improved customer engagement by giving

them the connection even on online platforms. They can easily reach out to their

customer using social media. 3. Their online advertisement helped the respondents to
increase their sales by reaching out to a lot of customers online. 4. Defining that online

marketing is more effective than traditional marketing for the cause of reaching wide

customers online. 5. Concluding their additional information that online marketing is truly

effective. In further findings, it was found that making social media an alternative

advertising platform in the marketing strategy of the small businesses in Binan City,

Laguna is significant and effective.


From the findings, it is therefore concluded that using Social Media as an

Alternative Advertising Platform in Marketing Strategy is effective for the growth of small

businesses in Biñan City, Laguna. This is significant to businesses and to their

customers, especially in terms of reaching out to the target market and introducing their

business. Therefore, the null hypothesis social media will have no effect as another way

of marketing strategy in small businesses is rejected.


As part of the study conducted, our researcher wholeheartedly suggests to the

concerned individuals, groups, offices or fellow students the following


1. In the social media advertising platform the business owner must create a fb

page and increase its followers, this will help in the growth of a business.
2. In using social media advertising platforms, Small business owners should

upload to their pages a short form contents like pictures & video clips of their

product. This is also help business grow.

3. Social media widgets are great tools to improve your marketing potential, if

you post a widget on your website, others can use it to share your content. This

also encourage re-tweets of your contents, which can add to your number of


4. The school head will give a preference attention to the social media as an

Alternative Advertising Platform in

Marketing Strategy of the Small Business to improve the efficiency and

effectiveness of all processes in the institutions.

5.Subsequent researchers can make additional studies that can be attributed to

other variables and use this study as their reference

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