EEE4134 CO Spring2021
EEE4134 CO Spring2021
EEE4134 CO Spring2021
5. Faculty: Engineering
8. Synopsis:
Laboratory experiments based on theory and concepts learnt in EEE 4133. Design of simple
systems using the principles learned in EEE 4133.
11. Name of the instructor(s) with contact details and office hours:
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13. Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) with Program Outcomes (POs) and Bloom’s
Taxonomy Level
Sl. Bloom’s
No. COs POs Taxonomy
1 Construct schematic and layout of integrated circuits (ICs) 5 5
made of MOSFETs using Cadence Virtuoso tool.
2 Measure the performance of a designed IC based on the 2 4
effects of different parameters.
3 Build Verilog code for a given problem in digital circuit 3 3
design using Quartus II software.
Method Percentage
Class Performance 20
Lab Exam 1 20
Lab Exam 2 20
Lab Exam 3 20
Project 20
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2 Lab 1
Introduction to Virtuoso Schematic Editor; Creating
Class Performance
Inverter schematic; Performing transient simulation
of Inverter schematic.
3 Lab1 (contd.)
Average and Static Power; Rise-time, Fall-time and Class Performance
Delay measurement of designed inverter.
4 Lab 2
Parametric analysis of DC simulation; Introduction to Class Performance
Symbol Editor and symbol creation of Inverter.
5 Schematic Implementation and Circuit Analysis. Exam 1
6 Lab 3
Introduction to Virtuoso Layout Editor L; Layout Class Performance
drawing of an Inverter.
7 Lab 4
DRC and LVS verification; Parasitic extraction of an Class Performance
8 Lab 5
Introduction to Virtuoso Layout Editor XL; Schematic Class Performance
driven layout of a 2-input NAND gate and verification.
9 Lab 6
Introduction to Hierarchical Design (2-input AND gate
using 2-input NAND gate and an Inverter). Class Performance
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17. References
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