CVR College of Engineering: A Mini Project Report Submitted

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in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree





Under the guidance of

Professor, CSE


(An Autonomous institution, NBA, NAAC Accredited and Affiliated to JNTUH,
Vastunagar, Mangalpalli (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M),
Rangareddy (D), Telangana- 501 510
June 2020


(UGC Autonomous Institution)
Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad
Vastunagar, Mangalpalli (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M),
Ranga Reddy (Dist.), Hyderabad – 501510, Telangana State

This is to certify that the project entitled “MID DAY MEAL ANALYTICS” that is
being submitted by M.S.P AKHILESH(18B88A0502), S.RAHUL REDDY
(17B81A05F3) ,G.NIKHIL CHANDRA REDDY(17B81A05C9) in partial
fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering to the CVR College of Engineering, is a record of bona fide work
carried out by them under my guidance and supervision during the year 2019-2020.

The results embodied in this project work has not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Signature of the project guide, Signature of the HOD

Professor, CSE

External Examiner


We are greatly indebted to DR. VENKATESH SHARMA. (Professor, CSE) our

revered guide for her valuable affectionate guidance in the preparation of this project work.

He has been a source of great inspiration and encouragement to us. He has been kind enough

to devote considerable amount of her valuable time in guiding us at every stage. Though this

is our debut, perhaps we are sure that we will be able to do many more such studies, purely

because of her lasting inspiration and guidance. We are highly grateful to her for helping us

with necessary information and material. He has not only guided but also endowed us with

capacity to guide us in future.

We would like to express heart full thanks to DR K Venkateshwara Rao,

Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science Engineering, who have always

been grateful for us to complete our project.

We would like to express heart full thanks to Dr S Nayantara, Principal, who

have always been grateful for us to complete our project “MID-DAY MEAL


We also thank all the teaching and non – teaching staff members of Department of
Computer Science Engineering who have helped us directly or indirectly






This Documentation is based on the Project carried out in order to fulfil the requirements of
the Mini Project of the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.
This is project documentation is about the development project, MID-DAY MEAL
ANALYTICS Interactive, which was developed exclusively Smart communication. In this
Documentation the methods of analysis, designing, coding & testing are documented. This
project has used the Unified Software Development Process & Object-Oriented techniques
along with Unified Modeling Language. All the approaches and decisions made are
documented. This project is about to 1: To study the impact of Mid-Day Meal on the
nutritional status of school children (6-14 years). 2. To study the impact of Mid-Day Meal on
the academic achievement of school children (6-14 years). 3. To assess the quantity of
Mid-Day Meal provided in each selected school. 4. To assess the quality of Mid-Day Meal
provided in each selected mainly

The information system is developed in a database environment using MySQL which is

handed by Apache tomcat 7. The front end is developed using Java script, HTML & CSS and
the system is web enabled.

Table of Contents
Page No.
List of Figures 6
Abbreviations 7
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation 8
1.2 Problem statement 8
1.3 Project report Organization 9
2 Proposed Model
2.1 Introduction to the characteristics of the Problem 10
2.2 Design challenges 10
2.3 Proposed Solution: (Smart and efficient Judiciary Interactive System) 11
3 Requirements and Specifications
3.1 Software Requirements 13
3.1.1 Functional Requirements 13
3.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements 14
3.1.3 High Level Architecture Diagram 15
3.2 System Specifications 16
3.2.1 Software Specs 16
3.2.2 Hardware Specs 17

4 Analysis and Design
4.1 Use case Diagram 18
4.2 Class Diagrams 19
4.3 Activity Diagrams 20
4.4 Sequence Diagrams 21
4.5 System Architecture 22
4.6 Technology Description 23
5 Implementation & Testing
5.1 Implementation 24
5.2 Testing
5.2.1 Unit Testing 25
5.2.2 Integration Testing 25
5.2.3 Acceptance Testing 25
6 Conclusion & Future scope


Figure Title Page

1.3 Smart and efficient Judiciary Interactive System............................................9
3.1.3 High Level Architecture Diagram..................................................................15
4.1 Use case Diagram ............................................................................................18
4.2 Class Diagram...................................................................................................19
4.3 Activity Diagram...............................................................................................20
4.4 Sequence Diagram.............................................................................................21
4.5 System Architecture Diagram...........................................................................22


HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

JS Java Script

SQL Structured Query Language

SRS Software Requirements Specifications

ASER Annual Status Education Report


1.1 Motivation:

The mid-day meal is a popular school lunch or school meal program. This program is
also known as "noon-meal program". As the name indicates, the children attending
elementary sections of school are the chief beneficiaries. Supply of one supplementary meal
is the main purpose of this program. The reason why the mid-day meal scheme was started
was that the home diets of these children are often inadequate from the nutritional point of
view. Many children especially in rural areas, come to school partly hungry and some even
on an empty stomach, trekking long distances. They will therefore, hardly be able to
concentrate on the studies and benefits from the education, which is being provided at great
cost to the exchequer. Under nutrition during any period of childhood, even for relatively
short-term episodes, can have negative effects on the cognitive development thus leads to
poor school performance among children. Thus, using our project, we can: One can maintain
records and data of students who are enrolled in the school and who are served food.

Managing the database of all the schools of the district requires a person who has good
knowledge in it.Regular monitoring is required to have a fair system.

1.2 Problem Statement:

The Mid-day Meal Scheme is a school meal program of the Government of India and is
designed to improve the nutritional standing of school-age children nationwide. The
program supplies free lunches on working days for children in primary and upper primary
classes in Government schools. Serving 120,000,000 children in over 1,265,000 schools and
Education Guarantee Scheme centers, it is the largest of its kind in the world. Student teams
are expected to build machine vision solution to monitor the activities under the Mid-day
Meal Scheme. Solution Expected: As the Mid-Day Meal program runs in schools across the
country, continuous auditing and monitoring of the program might be challenging. Typical
Auditing and Monitoring could involve: Ensuring number of students that took meal is same
number reported. Lunch served is same as published/reported menu. Alerting in case of
discrepancy and capability to centrally see past records / proof (numbers and visual) for any
school. To design modules based on the above-mentioned activities, video feed shall be
provided to the student teams. These feeds shall come from the Meraki security camera.
Typically, these shall come from the actual / imitated site i.e. schools, food serving area etc.
Student teams are expected to explore the capabilities of Meraki camera’s inbuilt Machine
learning (ML) modules and develop solutions around it. E.g. counting students, object
recognition etc. Meraki security camera also has an inbuilt functionality to capture snapshot
photos. Teams are expected to generate their own database based on the region of interest
and features they wish to extract to develop ML models. Along with the expectations of
Auditing & Monitoring the student teams should also propose innovative ideas (backed with
research) to extract additional information from above snapshots / photos. While
architecting the entire system, teams may explore the scalability factor of the system. The
evaluations shall be based on the following criteria: 1. Depth and research to understand
Mid-Day meal scheme monitoring problem. 2. Depth of understanding of Meraki camera
product capabilities use cases. 3. Depth and understanding of technologies proposed in

1.3 Organization of the Report:

The website primarily engrossed on managing Mid-day meal analytics (digital),

Calorie intake, Diet schedule, FCI bills & Cost Analysis Reporting. Furthermore, it will
enhance the management of Mid-day meal scheme.

The Mid-day meal analytics program (MMA) will be backed by a web server with
MY SQL. MMA is anticipated to be a highly user-friendly system in which the users will be
guided throughout the whole process. The rationale of Mid-day meal scheme is to “simplify
the complications of analytic interactive System by the use of Information & Communication

The reporting features of Mid-day meal analytics scheme can be used to make &
initiate decisions regarding proper use of diet resources. This key rationale of will be used in
the utmost effort to accomplish the corporate objectives & goals.

Fig. 1.3 Mid-day meal analytics scheme

2. Proposed Model

2.1 The characteristics of the problem:

The problem includes mid-day meal analytics which helps in providing the following

● No corruption

● Proper diet schedule

● Proper intake of calories

● Preventing unauthorized person from involving in the scheme

2.2 Design challenges

The web portal for the MMS analysts need much information to conclude the
problem. Frameworks plays a crucial role here. It should provide the best support in
analyzing along with storing data and updating them. Java script, html and My SQL
Db provide these facilities to overcome design challenges.
The huge amount of data is entered and there is need to maintain them. My
SQL is schema-less database and document based on which provides better binding of
data. The crucial part is to maintain the view of data. Who can access the data and
how? The MVC is the software design pattern for developing web applications. JS is
an MVC based framework and the design needs a very good structure of code to
implement the project. Time management is also an important task to keep track of
every step.

That data is confidential, and we need to use a better architecture to handle the
data and provide constraints. Video streaming or conference need a flexible
architecture to handle and provide peer to peer communication. WebRTC uses “Peer
Connection” to communicate along with streaming data between browsers. It will use
Socket.IO for messaging and signaling.

Version Control is the management and control of a project. We are using git to
store the data which makes us easier to identify the commits made. It allows
multiple people to check out the same file at the same time. Its help us to maintain the
consistency in the project.

2.3 Proposed Solution:

After observing the design challenges, we need some good architecture to overcome
this and we are presenting the following modules.
We provide the following login/registration to only these persons
● Analysis administrator
● School administrator
● Inspection squad
Analysis administrator:
The analysis administrators are the super users, who verifies the data and provide
what to do in next the step to a school administrator. They have all the information of a
school admin and inspection squads.

⮚ Communication with school admin and inspection squad
⮚ reject the corrupted school admin
⮚ verify the mid-day meal data
⮚ hearing of date for inspection
⮚ control the actions of school admin and inspection squad.

School Administrator:
The school admin is the one who acts as a mediator between the official
members and the students who don’t have the privilege. Mediator enters all the data
of per day utilization of food.
The dashboard School admin page consist-of
● excel sheet for entering count of students
● calorie intake per student
● Diet schedule
The role of School admin:
⮚ Communication with analysis admin and inspection squads.
⮚ Addressing students’ problems with food
⮚ fill the details of students
⮚ fill the details of calorie count
⮚ upload of bills.
⮚ provide type of diet

Inspection squad:

Inspection squad is given authority by analysis admin for checking whether the
scheme is properly implemented or else any corruption is taking place

Inspection squad will be provided with dashboard which contains

✔ School admin details
✔ Diet schedule
✔ Calorie intake
✔ Food bills
✔ Count of students
✔ Tally form

Role of user:

✔ To inspect the count of students.

✔ To inspect the diet schedule
✔ To inspect the calorie intake
✔ To inspect the quality of food
✔ To take action against corrupted school admin

3. Software Requirements Specifications

The essential elements of SRS:

3.1 Software Requirements

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of
a software system to be developed. It is modelled after business requirements
specification (CONOPS), also known as a stakeholder requirements specification
(STRS). The software requirements specification lays out functional and non-functional
requirements, and it may include a set of use cases that describe user interactions that the
software must provide to the user for perfect interaction. The solutions are given as a
proposal. The proposal is reviewed on user request and suitable changes are made. This loop
ends as soon as the user is satisfied with the proposal.

Online panel description:

The system consists of three parts. A web application which can provide the registration
process for a plaintiff and defendant. A web site application for the user to access the case
progress. A web application should be able to provide all the information and options to so
that user can provide data efficiently.

Implementation requirement

Implementation of the system using angular and bootstrap in front end with NodeJS and
express JS as back end and it will be used for database connectivity. And the database part is
developed by MY SQL. Responsive web designing is used for making the website
compatible for any type of screen.

3.1.1 Functional Requirements:

A functional requirement document defines the functionality of a system or
one of its subsystems. It also depends upon the type of software, expected users and the
type of system where the software is used.
✔ Login
✔ Create Account
✔ Update school admin details
✔ School admin profile to analysis panel
✔ verification
✔ Create new school admin
✔ Authentication
✔ Inspection squad login
✔ Help
✔ View Profile
✔ Announcements

3.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

While functional requirements define what the system does or must not

do, non-functional requirements specify how the system should do it. Non-functional
requirements do not affect the basic functionality of the system (hence the
name, non-functional requirements). Even if the non-functional requirements are not met,
the system will still perform its basic purpose.

Efficiency requirement

When a Mid-day meal analytics web site application implemented, user can provide
efficient information.

Reliability requirement

The system should provide a reliable environment to both analysis admin and School
admin. All the documents should be reaching to the admin delineate.

Usability requirement

The web site application is designed for a user friendly environment and ease of use.
✔ Security
✔ Flexibility
✔ Data Integrity
✔ Portability
✔ Search options
✔ Robustness
✔ Privacy

3.1.3 High level Architecture of the proposed system :

It has the client, the server and the person detection system. The client can create the
account and login on successful credentials. The server manages the system and validates. On
successful detection it retrieves the data back in to the database.

Fig. 3.1.3 High Level Architecture Diagram
3.2 System Specifications

Specification involves representing and storing the collected requirements

knowledge in a persistent and well-organized fashion that facilitates effective communication
and change management. Use cases, user stories, functional requirements, and visual analysis
models are popular choices for requirements specification.

System design is the solution for the creation of a new system. This phase focuses on
the detailed implementation of the feasible system. It emphasis on translating design.
Specifications to performance specification. System design has two phases of development
Logical design, Physical design.

During logical design phase the analyst describes inputs (sources), output s(destinations),
databases (data sores) and procedures (data flows) all in a format that meets the user
requirements. The analyst also specifies the needs of the user at a level that virtually
determines the information flow in and out of the system and the data resources. Here the
logical design is done through data flow diagrams and database design. The physical design
is followed by physical design or coding. Physical design produces the working system by
defining the design specifications, which specify exactly what the candidate system must do.
The programmers write the necessary programs that accept input from the user, perform
necessary processing on accepted data and produce the required report on a hard copy or
display it on the screen.


Input design is the link that ties the information system into the world of its users. The
input design involves determining the inputs, validating the data, minimizing the data entry
and providing a multi-user facility. Inaccurate inputs are the most common cause of errors in
data processing. Errors entered by the data entry operators can be controlled by input design.
The user-originated inputs are converted to a computer-based format in the input design.
Input data are collected and organized into groups of similar data. Once identified, the
appropriate input media are selected for processing. All the input data are validated and if any
data violates any conditions, the user is warned by a message. If the data satisfies all the
conditions, it is transferred to the appropriate tables in the database. In this project the student
details are to be entered at the time of registration. A page is designed for this purpose which
is user friendly and easy to use. The design is done such that users get appropriate messages
when exceptions occur.

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user.
Output design is a very important phase since the output needs to be in an efficient manner.

Efficient and intelligible output design improves the system relationship with the user and
helps in decision making. Allowing the user to view the sample screen is important because
the user is the ultimate judge of the quality of output. The output module of this system is the
selected notifications.

Databases are the storehouses of data used in the software systems. The data is stored
in tables inside the database. Several tables are created for the manipulation of the data for
the system. Two essential settings for a database are
Primary Key- the field that is unique for all the record occurrences.
Foreign Key-the field used to set relation between tables.
Normalization is a technique to avoid redundancy in the tables.

3.2.1 Software Specifications:

Windows* Server, Linux*, or any operating system that can run as a webserver,
capable of delivering HTML5 content, including JSON and MP4.

3.2.2 Hardware Specifications:

● Storage : Between 1.3 GB - 2.3 GB

● Ram: Between 1.3 GB - 2.3 GB
● Webcam

4.Analysis and Design

4.1 Use case Diagram

A UML use case diagram is the primary form of system/software requirements for a

new software program underdeveloped A key concept of use case modelling is that it helps us
design a system from the end user's perspective. It is an effective technique for

communicating system behavior in the user's terms by specifying all externally visible system

Fig. 4.1 Use Case Diagram

4.2 Class Diagram

The class diagram is the main building block of object-oriented modelling. It is used

for general conceptual modelling of the structure of the application, and for detailed
modelling translating the models into programming code. 

Fig.4.2 Class Diagram

4.3 Activity Diagram

Activity Diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to

another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. The basic

purpose of activity diagrams is to capture the dynamic behavior of the system. It is also
called object-oriented flowchart.

Fig. 4.3 Activity Diagram

4.4 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts
the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged
between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario.

Fig. 4.4 Sequence Diagram

4.5 System Architecture Diagram

A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and
more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and
representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structures
and behaviors of the system

Fig.4.5 System Architecture Diagram

4.5 Technology description

4.5.1 Front End

HTML and JS are utilized to implement the frontend.

The dashboard for each profile (school admin ,analysis admin and inspection squads)
have so many information in single page .to handle the single page specification and
update it we need  UI with AngularJS is fully structured, understanding and
manipulating the components is very easy.
Angular converts the text script files into java script files, Different pages in
the applications are designed using Angular. Angular component is a type of
framework that is designed to fulfil the role of a user interface for a web application.
Web developers write with help of Angular text files that combine HTML or XHTML
code, XML elements, JSP, actions and commands. Using angular, one can collect
input from users through web site.

4.5.2 Back End

The back end is implemented using My SQL which is used to design the
databases. MY SQL is the world's third most widely used open-source relational
database management system (DBMS). The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query
it is a NOSQL database, then it is obviously secure because no SQL injection can be
JS engine complies the JavaScript code directly into the machine code. This
makes it easier and faster to implement the code in an effective manner. The runtime
environment of the Node.js also provides the facility of caching single modules. The
handles the Requests Simultaneously.
WebRTC is a browser technology designed to transfer streaming data between
browsers applications using point-to-point transmission technology. This technology
is attractive because it allows you to establish the connection between users using
only a browser.

5. Implementation and Testing
5.1 Implementation

We implement the project using the MY SQL, by providing a connection from the
app.js file. First, we made a login form for the users and the register form following it. The
users can register and then login to their respected accounts. We enabled the add case option
which helps in adding the profiles and simultaneously allotting it to the analysis

5.2 Testing

We tested our programs using following testing methods:

5.2.1 Unit Testing
Unit testing means testing each units of design separately. Here in
this project we tested each unit of design separately and verify that there were
no errors. For this testing each design is run individually. After executing each
page if there is any error, correction mechanism is done instantly.

5.2.2 Integration Testing

In our project we combine many units of modules to form a sub
system. These sub systems are then tested. This is done to see whether the
modules can be integrated properly. Based on integration testing some changes
made to the design.

5.2.3 Acceptance Testing

The goal of acceptance testing is to see if the software meets all
the requirements as needed. The testing was performed by data of all the users
of the system. It was found that the software meets all the requirements of the
MDMS scheme as needed.

Below are some screen shots


Regular monitoring of nutritional value of food provided to meet central government

guidelines. We can generate Jobs in MDMS to be provided to unemployed youth. The State

and district administration and other Non-Government Organizations need to plan and

implement the program more vigorously for improving the nutritional status poor children by

involving local people. We can prevent misuse of government’s money. Better and efficient

reports. To prevent ghost student enrollments. We can prevent corruption. To provide healthy,

quality, hygienic and a balanced diet for kids. We can manage data from the schools. One can

maintain records and data of students who are enrolled in the school and who are served food.

Managing the database of all the schools of the district requires a person who has good

knowledge in it.

Updates we can expect in the following features:

✔ Security
✔ Flexibility
✔ Portability
✔ Search Options
✔ User Feed Back
✔ Privacy


Articles/Chapters in Book

[1] Guidelines on food Safety and Hygiene for school level kitchens under MDM
are available at

[2] 18 Programme and Impact Parameters: MDM served in the schools has to be
monitored regularly.
Different parameters to be monitored and the authority to monitor have been
prescribed by GoI.
This format is available at annexure 12, page number 80 at
[3]School Management Committee: As per Right to Education Act of 2009, a
SMC has to be
constituted. 75% of the members will be from amongst the parents or guardians of
children and remaining are elected members from local authority, teachers,
local educationists or school children.

Articles in Periodicals (journals, magazines, etc.)

[4 Special correspondent (October 20,2015) mid-day meals for all-LIVEMINT.

[5 What's ailing India's midday meal scheme by-Economic Times.

Electronic sources
[6 [Coursera],


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