418-Physical Activity Trainer
418-Physical Activity Trainer
418-Physical Activity Trainer
Early Years Physical Activity Facilitator works in play schools, day care centers, apartments and
clubs to teach age appropriate physical activities to build fundamental skills and fitness in children
up to the age of 8 years. Early Years Physical Activity Facilitator looks after the smooth functioning
of the physical activities and sports events of the school, organization, institute, etc. He/ She should
possess the knowledge and skills of safety and management of play field, equipment and tools,
conduction of sports events, assessment of student’s physical activity and report preparation.
1. Apply effective oral and written communication skills to interact with people and
2. Identify the principal components of a computer system;
3. Demonstrate the basic skills of using computer;
4. Demonstrate self-management skills;
5. Demonstrate the ability to provide a self-analysis in context of entrepreneurial skills and
6. Demonstrate the knowledge of the importance of green skills in meeting the challenges of
sustainable development and environment protection;
7. Demonstrate the knowledge of the importance of physical activity in child development;
8. Plan age appropriate physical activity;
9. Execute age appropriate exercise;
10. Demonstrate the knowledge of children health and safety;
11. Assess and evaluate the students;
12. Conduct recreational activities; and
13. Demonstrate the knowledge of maintaining records.
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This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of units meant for developing
employability and vocational competencies of students of Class IX opting for skill subject along with
other education subjects.
Employability Skills
Unit 1 : Communication Skills-I 13 2
Unit 2 :Self-management Skills-I 7 2
Part A
Practical Examination 15
Written Test 10
Viva Voce 10
Total 35
Project Work/ Field Visit
Part D
1. Identify the 1. Domains for Early Childhood 1. Prepare chart on
physical and Development - Physical, Emotional, domain for early
emotional Social, Communicative, Adaptive, etc. childhood development
needsof the 2. Development of fundamental motor 2. Prepare slide
children skills – gross and fine motor skills presentation on
3. Cognitive development cognitive and
4. Psychosocial wellbeing psychological wellbeing
5. School readiness
6. Understanding child activity
2. Identify factors 1. Demographic factors (socio- 1. Group activity on
influencing economic status) demonstration of factors
physical 2. Biological factors (age, weight influencing physical
activities status) activities
3. Psychological factors 2. Write a paragraph on
4. Behavioural factors how Environmental
5. Social-cultural factors factors influence
6. Environmental factors physical activity
2. Plan activities for 1. Cognitive skills – Reading, 1. Prepare poster for the dancing
developing cognitive Writing, Numeracy, etc. and singing activity
skills 2. Activities to be 2. Discuss the various activities to
organized – Games, Singing, cognitive skills
3. Manage class 1. Designing time table 1. Prepare a time table for the
2. Understanding Duration of physical activity class
activities as per learning 2. Discussion on setting time
outcomes duration for different
1. Identify games for 1. Fitness Activities 1. Identification of games appropriate
everyday 2. Specific sports training for different classes and list them
activities 3. Sports periods down
4. Games 2. Discussion on selection of games
for school
2. Describe the various 1. Storage facility for the 1. Draw the diagram of storage
aspects of safety equipment are of equipment
management and 2. Safe acts and safety 2. List down the safety aspects
emergency response measures in for the use of equipment
playground 3. Prepare a chart on PRICE-R
3. Safety aspects related with relative pictures
to use of equipment
4. Basic First Aid and
response to emergency
5. Exit protocol
Employability Skills
Technology Skills-II
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-II 10 4
Total 50 10
Unit 3: Free-play 15 24
Total 57 93 40
Practical Work
Practical Examination 15
Written Test 10
Part C
Viva Voce 10
Total 35
Viva Voce 05
Total 15
Note: * marked units are to be assessed through Internal Assessment/ Student Activities.
They are not to be assessed in Theory Exams
Note: * marked units are to be assessed through Internal Assessment/ Student Activities.
They are not to be assessed in Theory Exams
1. Identify roles and 1. Job description of an earlyyears 1. Discussion on the methods of
responsibilities of a physical activity facilitator discipline inculcation in
physical activity 2. Qualities of a goodteacher students
facilitator 2. Group discussion on pros and
cons of mass drill
3. Discussion on the importance
of talent identification in sports.
1. Describe the various 1. Meaning of assessment and 1. Prepare a chart on
types and tools of evaluation difference between
assessment 2. Diagnostic assessment assessment and evaluation
3. Skill assessment 2. Classroom discussion on
4. Assessment tools and processes which of the assessment is
better formative or
1. Describe the 1. Free play 1. Write a paragraph on
importance and 2. Components of free play importance of free play
purpose of free- 3. Importance of free play in students life
play student’s life 2. Make a chart of factors
4. Factors influencing recreational influencing
activities free play
1. Describe the 1. Importance of periodic inventory 1. Write a paragraph about
process of inventory check importance of listing the
management 2. Process of maintaining inventory equipment
2. Prepare a flowchart on the
steps of Listing the equipment
Post-graduation in Physical
Effective communication skills 18-37 years (as on Jan. 01
Education from a recognized
(oral and written) (year).
Institute /University, with at least
Basic computing skills. Age relaxation to be
1 year work/ teaching
provided as per Govt. rules.
(i) directly as per the prescribed qualifications and industry experience suggested by the PSS Central
Institute of Vocational Education(PSSCIVE), NCERT or the respective Sector Skill Council (SSC)
OR (ii) through accredited Vocational Training Providers accredited under the National Quality
Assurance Framework (NQAF*) approved by the National Skill Qualification Committee on
21.07.2016. If the State is engaging Vocational Teachers/Trainers through the Vocational Training
Provider (VTP), it should ensure that VTP should have been accredited at NQAF Level 2 or higher.
* The National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) provides the benchmarks or quality criteria
which the different organizations involved in education and training must meet in order to be
accredited by competent bodies to provide government-funded education and training/skills
activities. This is applicable to all organizations offering NSQF-compliant qualifications.
The educational qualifications required for being a Vocational Teacher/Trainer for a particular job
role are clearly mentioned in the curriculum for the particular NSQF compliant job role. The State
should ensure that teachers / trainers deployed in the schools have relevant technical competencies
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for the NSQF qualification being delivered. The Vocational Teachers/Trainers preferably should be
certified by the concerned Sector Skill Council for the particular Qualification Pack/Job role which he
will be teaching. Copies of relevant certificates and/or record of experience of the teacher/trainer in
the industry should be kept as record.
To ensure the quality of the Vocational Teachers/Trainers, the State should ensure that a
standardized procedure for selection of Vocational Teachers/Trainers is followed. The selection
procedure should consist of the following:
(i) Written test for the technical/domain specific knowledge related to the sector;
(ii) Interview for assessing the knowledge, interests and aptitude of trainer through a panel of
experts from the field and state representatives; and
(iii) Practical test/mock test in classroom/workshop/laboratory. In case of appointment through
VTPs, the selection may be done based on the above procedure by a committee having
representatives of both the State Government and the VTP. The State should ensure that
the Vocational Teachers/Trainers who are recruited should undergo induction training of
20 days for understanding the scheme, NSQF framework and Vocational Pedagogy before
being deployed in the schools. The State should ensure that the existing trainers undergo
in-service training of 5 days every year to make them aware of the relevant and new
techniques/approaches in their sector and understand the latest trends and policy reforms
in vocational education. The Head Master/Principal of the school where the scheme is
being implemented should facilitate and ensure that the Vocational Teachers/Trainers:
a) Prepare session plans and deliver sessions which have a clear and relevant
purpose and which engage the students;
b) Deliver education and training activities to students, based on the curriculum to
achieve the learning outcomes;
c) Make effective use of learning aids and ICT tools during the classroom sessions;
d) Engage students in learning activities, which include a mix of different
methodologies, such as project based work, team work, practical and simulation
based learning experiences;
e) Work with the institution’s management to organize skill demonstrations, site visits,
on- job trainings, and presentations for students in cooperation with industry,
enterprises and other workplaces;
f) Identify the weaknesses of students and assist them in upgradation of competency;
g) Cater to different learning styles and level of ability of students;
h) Assess the learning needs and abilities, when working with students with different
i) Identify any additional support the student may need and help to make special
arrangements for that support;
j) Provide placement assistance
Assessment and evaluation of Vocational Teachers/Trainers is very critical for making them aware
of their performance and for suggesting corrective actions. The States/UTs should ensure that the
performance of the Vocational Teachers/Trainers is appraised annually. Performance based
appraisal in relation to certain pre-established criteria and objectives should be done periodically to
ensure the quality of the Vocational Teachers/Trainers. Following parameters may be considered
during the appraisal process:
Students who successfully complete their Vocational Training in Physical Education and Sports
would be skilled to work as:
- (Early Years) Physical Activity Trainer (Instructor)
- NSQF Level 2 (CLASS IX - X)
- (Primary Years) Physical Activity Trainer (Instructor)
- NSQF Level 4 (CLASS XI - XII)
• PGT/TGT - School
BPED, MPED offered by UGC
• HOD Sports - School