Portfolio 1
Portfolio 1
Portfolio 1
B.ED 2.5
S.No Description
1 Acknowledgement
2 Portfolio
3 Meaning of teaching practicum
4 Rationale
5 Timetable
6 School record list
7 Reflection
8 Lesson plans
First of all I am very grateful to Allah Almighty who enabled me to
complete my practicum work successfully. A lot of Darood-e-Pak to the
Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W),who is real source of wisdom,
guidance, acknowledge for whole humanity.
Secondly , I would like to express my especial thanks of gratitude to
my coordinator Mam Nazia Shahzad who gave me the golden opportunity
to do this wonderful teaching practicum which also helped me in teaching a
lot of skills and knowledge that may to helped students in learning and
other fields of life and I come to know about so many new things and
techniques of teaching. Then I would also like to thank my cooperative
teachers ,Mam Shaista ,Mam Sadia and Mam Shamsa who helped me a
lot in finishing this teaching practicum within the limited frame.
What is teaching portfolio?
A teaching portfolio is a collection of documents, prepared for the
purpose of academic jobs and documenting professional developing in
acquire the essential teaching skills through the practice teaching. Practice
1.Rules for all the civil Govt.
The leaves on full pay can be availed at one time at the following
If an employee needs more leaves than leaves in the credit , then there is
an option for an employee to convert some of his leaves on full pay into
leaves on half pay or entire full pay leaves into half pay leave.
A female civil servant is entitled to avail 130 days leave on her husband’s
death. Such leave will not be debited from her leave credit. In this condition
the female servant will provide death certificate of her husband and the
leave will start from the date of death of her husband.
Maternity leave
A female civil servant can avail leave on full pay for maximum 9 days
without any limit if she is the employee of vocation department and the
leaves will not be debited from her leave account credit. If the maternity
leave is required for such employee more than three times then the leave
will be debited from her leave account credit. After the birth of baby , the
female civil servant will avail only 45 days maternity leave not more but the
total period of the leave before and after the birth of the baby is 90 days.
Study leave
Study leave is granted for a maximum 2 years on half pay in the entire
service to the civil govt. servant who has 5 years service.
This leave is granted on full pay to the civil servant who applies for
proceeding abroad during leave or at the time of posted abroad.
1. These rules may be called the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Civil
Servants (appointment and conditions of service)Rules 1997.
2. They shall come into force at once.
3. They shall apply to all Civil Servants.
(2) Words and expression s used but not defined shall bear the same
meaning as they hear in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Civil Servant
(4)The government may with due regard to the population , provide for
the proper representation of the component units of Azad Jammu and
Kashmir and the refugees settled in Pakistan in the services of Azad
Jammu and Kashmir.
(5)All orders, notifications issued for determining the quota for the initial
recruitment, in the Services , shall be deemed to have been issued
under sub rules.
If any employee dies before his / her retirement then family pension will be
paid to his/ her spouse / successor. If the service of the deceased
employee is less than 10 years then he / she will be paid one and half
month pay against each completed year as a gratuity only if service of the
employee is more than 10 years before death then 25% of the gross
pension will be paid to him/her gratuity and 75% of the gross pension will
be paid to his or her family as a family pension per month.
2. Death after retirement :
If any employee dies after his/her retirement then his/her spouse will be
paid as family pension.
If any pensioner died and he/she could not draw his/her monthly pension
for some time , then pension will be paid to his /her family.
(4)Compensation pension:
(5)Anticipatory Pension
The bold decision by the citizens of Pakistan to engage with the NEP 2016
policy and reforms process is matched by the same vigor and robustness
as seen in the annual status of Education Report data collection on learning
making the invisible visible through a citizen led effort.
Recognizing the critical urgency of article 25 A- right to education and its
implementation , the education sector plans and targets and the upcoming
sustainable development goals-especially goal 4 and its accompanying 10
targets – it was essential to find a platform in collaboration with federal and
Mprovincial governments for citizens, especially youth, to voice their
concerns regarding the current education scenario in Pakistan , After all
youth comprise 31% of our population and they form the active ranks of
students , teachers, entrepreneurs, and young parents , who rarely get an
opportunity to voice their opinions.
This exercise would not have been possible without the active engagement
and support of;
You are looking to become a teacher and you want to be a pretty
good one that. Then you should probably know about the InTASC
standards. The interstate New Teacher Assessment and support
Consortium has identified ten standards of the knowledge ,
dispositions, and skills expected of teachers . They have developed
a detailed list of professional standards for the licensing of new
teachers , describing what new teachers should know ,how they
should perform and the necessary disposition for effective teaching .
Here brief description of the ten In TASC standards you need to
know ,so you can be an effective teacher.
1.Learner development
The teacher understands how students learn and how they develop
teachers apply this understanding to each students learn and how
they develop . Teachers apply this understanding to each student in
the context of student’s cognitive , linguistic , social ,emotional , and
physical abilities because they understand that students ’abilities
differ. The teacher respect these students differences and leverage
differences to allow all students to reach their full potential, focusing
on and drawing out their individual strengths.
2.Learning differences
The teacher understands individual differences in culture,
language ,and socioeconomic status of his or her students,
incorporating them in teaching to create inclusive learning plans.
Teacher use this understanding to adopt their lesson plan content
and delivery to ensure that they promote and encourage diversity ,
particularly for students who have special needs.
3.Learning environment
The teacher understands how to develop and provide supportive
learning environments for his or her students. Teachers apply this
understanding to create activities that facilitate both individual and
collaborative learning , while also promoting positive social
interaction between students of different backgrounds.
4. Content knowledge
The teacher understand the general concepts of the subject or
subjects that he or she is required to make the content accessible
and approachable to all students .Applying this standard , teacher
commit to keeping up to date and relevant in their content areas, in
both local and global contexts , incorporating and promoting cross-
cultural understanding. Teachers encourage and appreciate
students’ critical analysis and ensure that students are
appropriately challenged with adequate resources to support their
learning .
5. Application of content
The teacher understands how to and connect different concepts
within learning content , using this understanding to engage
students and to help them apply these concepts to the real world.
Teacher also use this understanding to draw from content material
outside their own area of concentration , helping students to
understand how their education as whole is composed of
interrelated components.
6. Assessment
Since the work was produced by higher education. The words tend to
be a little bigger than we normally use. Domains may be thought of as
categories . Instructional designers , trainers, and educators often refer in
three categories as KSA.
Their explanation for this oversight was that they have little experience in
teaching manual skills within the college level. However, there have been at
least three psychomotor models created by other researchers.
Their compilation divides three domains into sub divisions , starting from
the simplest cognitive process or behavior to the most complex. Bloom’s
Taxonomy is easily understood and is probably the most widely applied one
in use today.
Cognitive Domain
• Knowledge
• Comprehension
• Application
• Analysis
• Synthesis
• Evaluation
first ones must normally be mastered before the next one can take place.
1 Introduction
2 Acknowledgement
3 Meaning of Portfolio
4 CV
5 15 Days Report
6 Lesson Planning
7 Leave Rules
8 Service Rules
9 Pension Rules
10 AJK Service Rules
11 Ten Professional Standards for Teachers
12 Bloom & Solo Taxonomy
13 Cognitive Domain
14 Meaning of teaching practicum
15 Rationale
16 Reflection of teaching practicum
17 School Record list
18 Time Table