QMatriks Rangkuman Bacaan Artikel Referensi

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LiuMatriks rangkuman bacaan artikel referensi

Whic N Aspect Description

h O
1 1 Author/year/title Uli Modesta Siagian1, Adam2 (2017) An Analysis of Students’
Anxiety in Speaking
2 Focus/construct investigated students’ anxiety, speaking
3 Research domain (what anxiety of tenth grade students SMK Indomalay School Batam to
discipline/field/level of speak in classroom
4 Research setting (which SMK Indomalay School Batam t
5 Research method: This research is qualitative descriptive. The data collected by
Interview and questionnaire.
a Who the participants tenth grade students SMK Indomalay School Batam
b Number of participants 22 of sudent
c Method used The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research
d How to analyse analyze it by collecting data is done by interview and
questionnaire. and collecting data in order to answer the question
concerning with the status of the subject of the study

e What parameter/framework

6 What is the finding that there were many causes of students` anxiety to speak English
in the classroom. Students were anxiety to speak English in class
were caused by: lack of familiarity of task, fear of making mistakes,
low motivation, incomprehensible inputs, lack of confidence and
then low English proficiency. Based on the result of this study,
dominantly students` anxiety to speak English was caused by lack
of confidence.
7 Theory/concept used Based on Liu (2006:23),
a What theory there are some causes of reticence (Anxiety to speak English), they
are: a. Low English proficiency, b. Lack of familiarity of task, c. Lack
of confidence, d. Fear of making mistakes, e. Incomprehensible
b Who found the theory Liu
c Who develop the theory Liu
d Who use the theory The researcher
8 The gap found for our The most influencing factor causing of students’ speaking anxiety
research was lack of familiarity with task, it shown by there were 86 % of
100% students who answered strongly agree for each indicator,
the second was fear of making mistake 84 % of 100% students who
strongly agree, the third was Low motivation 82 % of 100%
students who answered strongly agree, next was incomprehensible
input 77 % of 100% students who answered strongly agree, then
lack of confidence 66 % of 100% students who answered strongly
agree, the last low English proficiency 59 % of 100% students who
answered strongly agree.By the data that collected by interview
with 22 students as on above table, the students’ strategies to
overcome speaking anxiety after sorted from the highest to lowest
mean score as below:1.Peer seeking 2.Preparation 3.Relaxation
4.Positive thinking 5.Resignation .
9 Comment on this article This research is very useful for dealing with students who have
anxiety in selling foreign languages, especially in English.
10 Recommended or not Yes, recommended
2 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not
3 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not
4 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not
5 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not
6 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not
7 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not
8 1 Author/year/title
2 Focus/construct investigated
3 Research domain (what
discipline/field/level of
4 Research setting (which
5 Research method:
a Who the participants
b Number of participants
c Method used
d How to analyse
e What parameter/framework
6 What is the finding
7 Theory/concept used
a What theory
b Who found the theory
c Who develop the theory
d Who use the theory
8 The gap found for our
9 Comment on this article
10 Recommended or not

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