Impact of Instructional Materials in Teaching and
Impact of Instructional Materials in Teaching and
Impact of Instructional Materials in Teaching and
Keywords: instructional materials, percentages, senior secondary II, students, yakurr etc.
This study was designed to determine the impact of instructional materials in teaching and
learning of Biology by SS II students in Yakurr local government area of Cross River state. In order
to effectively handle the study, four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The
descriptive statistical method was employed so as to determine the impact of teacher’s
effectiveness. Five (5) comparable secondary schools were selected to represent the population of
the study. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage method to verify the research
questions formulated for this study. The result of the findings revealed that there is a positive
achievement in students taught by highly qualified biology teachers and those exposed to
instructional materials during lessons. It was recommended that government make available to
schools the basic instructional materials as this will enhance an effective teaching and learning
Instructional materials are print and non-print items that are rested to impact information to
students in the educational process.
Instructional materials include items such as: kits, textbooks, magazines, newspapers,
pictures, recording videos etc.
Instructional materials play a very important role in the teaching and learning process. It
enhances the memory level of the students. At this time that education has spread wide and entirely,
oral teaching cannot be the key to successful pedagogy; therefore the teacher has to use
instructional materials to make teaching and learning process interesting (NIC hulls, 2003; Raw
2006) . According to Abdullahhi (2010), instructional materials are tools locally made or imported
that help to facilitate the teaching/learning process. Obanga (2005) view them as materials things
which are use to composed ported that could make tremendous enhancement of intellectual use
impact the instructional materials
The use of instructional materials can enhance the learning achievement. Cronbach (2009)
states the important elements of behaviour that provides the base for learning theory situation which
consists of all the objects, persons and symbols in the learning environment.
Experience in situation prepares a person to respond to similar situation in future. Use of
instructional materials can appeal to the individual attention by creating interest goal that will help
the learner achieve direct effort. Teacher’s problem of motivation is essentially one of arranging
situation with instructional materials in which the learner will see goals he want to attain. Brown
etal (2005) summarized the role of teaching aids as follows:
• It promotes meaningful communication and effective learning.
• They ensure better retention, thus making learning more permanent.
• They help to overcome the limited classroom by making the inaccessible accessible.
• They provide a common experience upon which late learning can be developed. They
stimulate and motivate students to learn.
Descriptive research design was adopted for this study. This is preferred because it determines the
impact of teacher’s effectiveness on academic performance of biology students in secondary
schools in Yakurr local government area.
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 62 29
Table 1 Number of students and teachers selected from each of the sample schools.
S/N Names of schools No. of student Teachers
1. Community secondary school Ugep 25 5
2. Comprehensive school Ekori 25 5
3. Community secondary school Mkpani 25 5
4. Community secondary school Nko 25 5
5. Community secondary school Idomi 25 5
Total 125 25
Table 2 The impact of instructional materials in teaching and learning of students in biology
Question Agree Disagree Total
Instructional materials make learning real and permanent 70 50 120
(58%) (42%) (100%)
Instructional materials make learning lesson interesting 80 40 120
(67%) (33%) (100%)
Instructional materials make learning faster 65 55 120
(54%) (46%) (100%)
Instructional materials promote retention 74 46 120
(62%) (38%) (100%)
Table one above shows that there is relationship between the use of instructional materials in
teaching and learning of student in biology.
This is because 58% of the respondents agree that instructional materials make learning real and
permanent and 67% indicated that they make lessons interesting.
The presentation also revealed that 54% of the respondents agree that they make learning
faster and 62% of them of the opinion that instructional materials promote retention.
Table 3 Availability of instructional materials for the teaching of biology in schools.
Instructional materials Number Number not Total
available available
Charts 35 85 120
(29%) (71%) (100%)
Poster 30 90 120
(25%) (75%) (100%
Maps 40 80 120
(33%) (67%) (100%
Globes 30 90 120
(25%) (75%) (100%)
Video tape recorder 12 108 120
(10%) (90%) (100%)
Cassette tape recorder 20 100 120
(17%) (83%) (100%)
As it can seen in table above, 29% of the respondents indicated that they have charts and 25%
agreed that they have posters, while 75% also said that they do not have globes.
The presentation also revealed that 10% have video tapes and 17% said they have cassette tape.
Item Always Never Once a Once a
week term
I use instructional materials in the 70 30 20
classroom 58% 25% 17%
Table 4. Factors that affect the use of instructional materials in the classroom
Item Poor Poor condition of Low social Teachers Total
remuneration service status work load
Willingness to use 40 25 40 15 120
teaching aids is (33%) (21%) (33%) (13%) (100
affected %)
Table four above show how certain factors can affect the use of instructional materials in the
classroom 33% the respondents indicated that they do not use them because of poor remuneration,
21% said they do not use them because of poor condition service, 33% of the teachers also
contributed their inability to use them because of low social status and 13% attributed it to much
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 62 31
The findings derived from the study include:
i. The use of instructional materials impact teaching and learning of students in biology
ii. The use of teaching aids make learning real and permanent
32 Volume 62
iii. Biology teachers do not always make use of available teaching aids during instruction.
iv. Teaching aids available for the teaching of biology is grossly inadequate and this
negatively affects effective teaching and learning
v. The use of instructional materials promotes retention
vi. The use of teaching aids influences the academic achievement of students in biology.
Based on these findings it was found that instructional materials play a vital role on student’s
academic performance in senior secondary two students in biology.
Proper presentation of good instructional materials and the methodology employ by the
teacher will enhance good understanding of the subject matter.
. In the light of the conclusion drawn from the analysis and facts presented in the study, the
researcher endeavored to make some recommendations. These recommendations were aimed at
paving way for Nigerian schools in Cross River State and Yakurr local government area in
particular to improve more on creating and uses of instructional materials in all the secondary
schools. In doing so it will help the students to carry out their learning activities with a lot interest to
ensure their good academic achievement at the end of their senior school examination in biology.
The researcher therefore recommends that:
• The government should provide instructional materials in schools to enable teachers use
them in instruction.
• The government should establish resources centers to enable teachers borrow teaching
aids which may not be in the schools.
• The government should organize workshops, seminars and conferences for teachers to
enable them up-date their knowledge on new developments on the use of instructional
• Teachers should try hands on the production of simple aids so that students can see what
they are talking about in the lessons.
• School heads should supervise their teachers more closely to ensure that the available
instructional materials are effectively utilized.
• The teachers, like those in the civil services are a distinctive person and a complex
organism. He has a variety of needs, wants, and anxieties, motivation personal problem
etc. to satisfy in order to perform his duties effectively. Teachers should be given their
free benefits like their counterparts in the civil service
• Findings could be made on the variable that enhance students academic performance
such as environment, age, textbook, psychological needs, teachers related factors and
counseling services in schools.
It is therefore hoped that if the above recommendations are properly carried out, it will help
to improve more the performance of students in senior secondary school biology in Yakurr local
government area and Cross River State at large.
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Volume 62
Impact of Instructional Materials in Teaching and Learning of Biology in Senior Secondary Schools in
Yakurr LG A