Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E
College of Education
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding on lines.
B. Performance Standard: Creates a composition/design by translating one’s imagination
or ideas that others can see and appreciates.
C. Learning Competency: The different styles of Filipino artists when they create portraits
and still life (different lines)
At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:
Knowledge: Describe and name the different types of lines.
Skills: Give the opportunity to create/design their own masterpiece drawing,
using the different types of lines.
Attitude: learned that drawing based on real life is still life and can also be
painted based on our imagination
IV. Procedures
A. Review
Review of the past lesson about the different kinds of drawing.
B. Motivation
The motivational activity will be “Pass the action”.
The class will be divided into 2 groups.
The teacher will instruct the students to form two lines.
Each team will have a representative. The representative facing the teacher, while
other members facing the back of them.
The teacher will show the actions to the representative and that representative will
pass the action to their next member and so on, until the last member will draw the
action in their paper.
The team who gets the correct drawing will be the winner.
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C. Activity
The activity will be creating a portrait face of the student’s family and him/herself.
They will draw it using the different types of lines in a short bond paper.
D. Abstraction
The teacher will ask the students a question:
1. What are the different kinds of lines?
2. Are lines important? Why or why not?
E. Applications
The game will be called “Looking For”.
By twos and they will look for different types of lines in our classroom.
Each partner will be given 2 minutes to look around and list things they see in a piece
of paper.
The partner that gets many items on the list will be the winner.
V. Assessment
A. Directions: Identify what is being describe in each number. Choose from the words
inside the box below. Write your answer on the space provided.
__________ _____ 1. It is the straight lines parallel to the horizon that move from left
to right.
_______________ 2. It is the straight up and down lines that are moving in space
without any start.
_______________ 3. It is the straight line that start in any direction except vertical or
__________ _____ 4. It is the series of diagonal lines joined end to end.
_______________ 5. It is the lines that bend and change direction gradually.
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Zigzag Line Curved Line
VI. Assignment
Instructions: Choose One (1) of types of different lines. Create your own masterpiece
using any materials. Paste it in the 1/8 White illustration board with plastic cover. Write
the name of line.
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Developing Needs
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