B.ed ET Meaning and Characteristics

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We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our professor Miss
Varsha Pant Ma’am, who gave us the golden opportunity to do this assignment
work on the topic ‘Educational technology’. We came to know about so many
new things. We are really thankful to them.

Thanks to our respected Head of Department Dr. Kiran Sati Ma’am, who gave us
initial educational experience through numerous discussions, valuable advice and

Secondly, we would also like to thank our parents and friends who helped us in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
In present world is a store house of knowledge. It is also the age of science and
technology; we take the use and help of scientific techniques and methods to
solve the problems of daily life. We are also using technology to make teaching
easier, more beautiful, and effective in the field of education in the modern age.

Meaning of educational technology

Education is a broad term, which helps to change a person's behavior through a
variety of methods, techniques, and principles. The collapse of old Gurukula
education has led to the advancement of science and technology in the 21st
century, moving to new education and creating new innovations. The application
of technology in education is called educational technology. To understand
educational technology, we have to separate education and technology. It refers
to the application of science and technology in education.

Educational technology consists of two words.

Those are education and technology.

What is Education
So, 'Education' means -Acquisition of knowledge OR education is the total
process of developing human ability and behavior. It is the social process in which
one achieves competence and individual growth carries on in a controlled social

According to UNESCO-
What is Technology
Technology derived from Two Greek word, Techno and logia. 'Techno' means-
Skill and Art. And 'Logia' means - Study of Science. In other word 'Technology’-
means applying scientific knowledge through tools and techniques (tools and
techniques- both hardware and software).

Definitions of Technology




Technology is used in two sense, those are

1.Technology is as a product (Product means- All physical material which in used
in technology like- Hardware, instruments, radio, projector, it can be touchable
and visible. )

2. Technology is as a process (Process means- A pre-plan action in use in teaching

learning process like- Teaching Technique, Methods, Planning Etc.)
What is educational technology?
Educational Technology means education in technology. It is a system of 5m's.
5m's means- Materials, Method, media, Men, Machine. ET (Educational
technology) is the combined use of computer hardware, software and education
theory and practice for learning. Educational Technology connects three meaning.
These ares-

 Hardware Approach on Educational Technology-I/ET-I

ET-I is a application of the principle of Physical science and
engineering technology (Chalk board, Overhead projector, Radio, slide Projector,
Monitor, VCR, TV, Computer, calculator etc. these are the hardware mostly used
in classroom ) According to Dr. Ruhela- ''This part of educational technology refers
to tools and hardware such as teaching machines, television, tape-recorder etc.
which are used in instructions''.

 Software Approach on Educational Technology-II/ET-II

ET-II is an application of psychological principle use in education. it’s
also called instructional technology or behavioral technology.

 System Approach on Educational Technology-III/ ET-III

ET-III is a combination of hardware and software approach called
system approach. System means set of part. It is a modern view of ET.

So, Educational technology means making education effective by

applying technology in education.
Definition of educational technology
According to G.0.M. Leith: - “Educational technology is the systematic
application of scientific knowledge about teaching learning and conditions of
learning to improve the efficiency of teaching and training. In the absence of
scientifically established principles, educational technology implements
techniques of empirical testing to improve learning situations.”

According to S.S. Kulkarni- “Educational technology may be defined as the

application of lows as well as recent discoveries of science and technology to the
process of education.''

According to Shib K. Mitra: - “Educational technology can be conceived as a

science of techniques and methods by which educational goals can be realized.”

According to Robert M. Gagne: - “Educational technology can be understood as

meaning the development of a set of systematic techniques and accompanying
practical knowledge for designing, testing and operating schools as educational

According to J.D. Unwin: - “Educational technology is concerned with the

application of modern skills and techniques to requirements of education and
training. This includes facilitation of learning by manipulation of media and
methods, and the control of environment so far as this reflects on learning.”

According to John P. De Cecco: -"Educational Technology is the form of detailed

application of psychology of learning to practical teaching problems”
Nature of Educational Technology
 Educational technology is scientific in nature.
 Educational technology is applied low of principle in practical study
 Educational technology focuses on practical thinking.
 Educational technology is a constantly evolving subject.
 Its main goal is to develop the teaching leaning process.
 It also helps with other subjects, such as psychology and engineering.
 It prioritizes chained access.
 The technology involves teachers, students and the process of combining.
 As a result of the development of educational technology, new teaching
methods and new teaching tools are being developed.
 It is able to bring about the necessary changes in the learning environment,
so that educational goals can be considered.
 It give emphasizes to development of the method, technique, design and
effective organization of material & learning environment. it includes input,
output and process aspect of education.
 It develops various measuring instrument to evaluate the output.
 It helps the teacher for effective teaching but it doesn't replace the teacher.
 It helps curriculum development and framing educational objective in
behavioral term.
Characteristics of Educational Technology
 It provides feedback to the students.(Immediate knowledge of result)
 Educational technology defines the aims of education and method of
 It constructs need base curriculum.
 It provides individualized instruction.
 It strengthens the nature of student teacher.
 It solves the problems of shortage of teacher and, it provides equal
opportunity to each and every student.
 Educational technology indentifies the major drawbacks in the educational
equipment and suggests various ways to tackle them.
 Educational technology manages the entire educational system covering:
Planning implementation and evaluation process.
 Educational technology determines the human and material resources and
strategies for achieving the aims of education.
 It also develops material resources for the improvement of teaching and
learning process.
 Educational technology identifies and utilizes the available teaching
learning material and resources.
Educational Technology: Origin and Development
Technology of instruction was probably the first phase of development in the field
of educational technology. Of course, testing, if considered technology, had also
developed independently in the first decade of the 20 th century. Later on,
application of technology extended itself to the field of administration
organization, and curriculum also. But the greatest impact was made in the area
of teaching or instruction. The origin and development of the concept and
practice of educational technology may be traced back to 1873 when an exhibit
from an American school with maps, charts, textbooks and other equipment won
admission at the International Exhibition to Vienna in 1873. American school
display at Paris in 1878 was even more outstanding (Oliver, 1956). But, during the
period of Industrial Revolution Education, particularly instruction was not much
affected by the revolutionary changes that were taking place in the field of
industry. Instructional technology throughout this period remained at the pre-
industrial level. Although during the period from 1900 to 1950 as a result of the
two world wars lots of development had taken place in American technology
transforming American society, it “only washed lightly upon the shores of
instruction”. High speed printing techniques, radio, sound motion pictures,
television and other pieces of communication technology had been developed.
But, their application in American education was missing. It was approximately in
1955 that the Foro foundation experts Dr. Alvin C. Eurich and Dr. Alexander J.
Stoddard gave the instruction process of American education a sharp push into
mass production technology. However, it is very difficult to say when exactly the
concept of education technology was born. Its birth-date is not definite. But,
most writers agree that christening took place in the early sixties.
Understanding the Concept of Educational Technology
Educational Technology, also known as EduTech or EdTech, is the concept of
teaching and learning through the efficient medium of technology. It facilitates an
in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of technology and its operations.
There is a range of objectives of educational technology in order to help the
teaching-learning process yield the best possible results in an efficient and
economical way.

Technology is an umbrella term for all the systematic applications of scientific

knowledge placed on a practical task. Similarly, educational technology is
concerned with the following two aspects:

 Theoretical knowledge produced from various academic disciplines such

as Psychology, Education, Communication, Philosophy, Sociology, Computer
Science, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
 Experimental knowledge elicited from educational practice and training.

Learning Objectives of Educational Technology

 To provide education in the use of Information and Communication
Technology or ICT.
 To encourage higher-level thinking and creativity through ICT.
 To deliver students with a learning experience in instructional
 To promote computer-based educational resources.
 To make students aware of Information Technology.
 To determine the practical use of technology integration.
Essential Objectives of Educational Technology
Objectives of Educational Technology at the Macro Level
 To identify the educational requirements and desires of the community.
 To understand the structure of education, board strategies, and its goals.
 To design and develop curriculums involving art, science and human values.
 To support strategies and human resources and material assets with the
mission to achieve determined goals.
 To create appropriate aids and instruments supporting educational
 To design educational technology models catering to improve the existing
process of teaching and learning.
 To identify and find remedies to tackle major environmental constraints.
 To expand and support educational opportunities for people around the
world, especially the neglected sections of the community.
 To manage the entire educational system starting from planning to
execution, implementation, and evaluation.

Objectives of Educational Technology at the Micro Level

 To discover and analyze the characteristics and educational requirements
of every student.
 To determine and state the specific behavioral classroom objectives.
 To understand and organize the contents of instruction in a proper
 To recognize the existing teaching-learning resources and materials.
 To identify the nature of the interaction of sub-systems like teachers,
students, the content of instruction, teaching-learning material, and
different methodologies.
 To plan teaching strategies and utilize human resources and material assets
for accomplishing specific classroom objectives.
 To evaluate every student’s behavioral change and performance to
determine the effectiveness of classroom teaching.
 To provide essential feedback to teachers and students for any modification
in the teaching-learning operation.
The objectives of educational technology are process-oriented. The use of
educational technology is not restricted to teaching and learning methodologies
and theories, but to provide in-depth assistance in the development of an
individual’s personality. Below is a list on the wide scope of education technology:

 Educational technology makes the teaching-learning process more efficient

and process-oriented.
 Mechanical and electronic gadgets can be readily utilized for educational
 Educational technology has improved the learning process for students
with the help of teaching aids and programmed instructional material, etc.
 Traditional mediums like television, radio, tape-recorder, V.C.R, and
computers can be used to impart distance and correspondence education.
 The advancement of the internet has increased education dissemination all
over the world with much ease.
 Mechanism of feedback through the use of technology improves the quality
of teachers training in academic institutions.
 Technology-driven innovative analytical tools and instruments can help in
solving educational administrative problems.
 Educational technology serves to develop and understand the structure and
nature of teaching.
 Best utilization of education technology supports the scientific foundation
and new discoveries.
The timing has never been better for using technology to enable and improve
learning at all levels, in all places, and for people of all backgrounds. From the
modernization of E-rate to the proliferation and adoption of openly licensed
educational resources, the key pieces necessary to realize best the
transformations made possible by technology in education are in place.
Educators, policymakers, administrators, and teacher preparation and
professional development programs now should embed these tools and resources
into their practices. Working in collaboration with families, researchers, cultural
institutions, and all other stakeholders, these groups can eliminate inefficiencies,
reach beyond the walls of traditional classrooms, and form strong partnerships to
support everywhere, all-the-time learning.
Although the presence of technology does not ensure equity and accessibility in
learning, it has the power to lower barriers to both in ways previously impossible.
No matter their perceived abilities or geographic locations, all learners can access
resources, experiences, planning tools, and information that can set them on a
path to acquiring expertise unimaginable a generation ago.
All of this can work to augment the knowledge, skills, and competencies of
educators. Tools and data systems can be integrated seamlessly to provide
information on student learning progress beyond the static and dated scores of
traditional assessments. Learning dashboards and collaboration and
communication tools can help connect teachers and families with instantaneous
ease. This all is made more likely with the guidance of strong vision and
leadership at all levels from teacher-leaders to school, district, and state
administrators. For these roles, too, technology allows greater communication,
resource sharing, and improved practice so that the vision is owned by all and
dedicated to helping every individual in the system improve learning for students.
It is a time of great possibility and progress for the use of technology to support
All the information given in this presentation is taken from verified and authentic
internet sources. These are the links of websites.





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