Press Release Gwinnett Co

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For Release 8-29-2022 @ 10:30 am Media Contact Information

37,500 Affidavit Delivery to: Gwinnett County Election Board MerryBelle Hodges
455 Grayson Highway, 200 email: [email protected]
Lawrenceville, Georgia, 30045 phone: 470-436-4362

37,500 Challenges Delivered to Gwinnett County Election Board
including 20,000 Challenges to votes certified in the 2020 Election
Monday, August 29, 2022 --A stunning total of 37,500 affidavits are delivered to the Gwinnett
County Board of Elections office in challenge of the voter rolls and handling of the 2020
Election. These affidavits include 20,000 challenges to actual votes that were certified just
after the 2020 election. The submitted affidavits only include Gwinnett County vote challenges.
Still, the number far exceeds the Presidential spread for the entire state of Georgia and confirms
the 2020 election should not have been certified!

Ten months ago, a team of patriotic Georgia residents came together to research election processes to
determine if the repetitive narrative regarding safe, secure and honest elections in Georgia represented the
truth. The results of the investigation proved otherwise. The team found bloated voter rolls and voter
fraud. Gwinnett is the second largest county by population in Georgia and the team expects to deliver
approximately 18,000+ additional affidavits once research is completed. This small team of volunteers
worked diligently analyzing Secretary of State voter rolls, voter history files, and 2020 voter absentee file
data. To ensure accuracy in sworn affidavits, the team verified challenges through analysis of SoS data,
NCOA results, door-to-door canvassing, property tax records, obituaries, etc.

A few examples of the findings include:

▪ Unlawful Handling of Absentee Ballots – 21,100+ Ballot requests were received as early as
January, 2019, unlawfully approved, and mailed when the “earliest” lawful date was May 6,
2020. Of these, 74% resulted in a vote.
▪ Deleted Votes - 1,000+ people voted in 2020 per the SoS voter roll, but do not show up in the SoS
Voter History file as casting a vote.
▪ Duplicate voters – 2,700+ registration IDs with the same/similar name, birthyear, and address are in
the Voter rolls, of which 249 of these pairs double or triple voted.
▪ Registered Voters No Longer at Registration Address – 93,462 Gwinnett voters no longer live at
their Registration address per NCOA data, resulting in a 14.9% error rate in the voter rolls.
▪ Non-existent addresses - 2,700 registered voters are at phantom houses, apartment buildings and
other non-existent addresses
▪ Registered Voters Moved out of the county/state – 2,600+ Registration IDs (voters) were given
credit for voting in the Gwinnett 2020 election when they no longer lived in the County
▪ Other Address Issues – 450+ registered voters are at Public Storage Units, PO Boxes, RV Parks,
Motels, Extended Stays, and even No Address At All
▪ Other Fraud – SoS Voter History File shows evidence of inactive voters given credit for voting and
remaining inactive with no voter history update. Evidence of voter IDs given credit for voting in
the Gwinnett election while residing in other counties. Voter IDs were given credit for voting in
the 2020 election that are not on any county voter roll in Georgia during this timeframe.

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37,500 Affidavit Delivery Press Release continued

Over many months, while gathering this mass of data, a series of smaller batches of vote challenges were
presented for review to the Gwinnett County Election Board. The team worked to provide specific
information requested by the board members while remaining within Secretary of State guidelines. The
staff for the elections board went so far as to say the challenges put forth by this team were "nailed
down tight." Election board staff reviews and hearings of these challenges resulted in a 62 percent
validation of bad voter roll data. Most challenges were removed from voter rolls or placed in challenge
status. The remaining 38 percent will be appealed by the team.

Team leader, Merrybelle Hodges, descendent of Button Gwinnett a signer of the Declaration of
Independence, noted: “In addition to conducting a ‘People’s Audit’ within Gwinnett County elections,
members of this team have become precinct committeemen, run for state office, trained and become poll
workers and poll watchers, studied voting machines, tabulator tapes, and viewed video of drop boxes. The
team presented invalid votes to legislators and pleaded for improvement in election bills as well as
attended election board, commissioners, and school board meetings. Until the approximate 20,000 vote
challenges from the 2020 election are addressed, inaccurate voter rolls cleaned up and the laws of
Georgia followed pertaining to elections the people of Gwinnett will never have safe, secure and honest


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