Cpar - M1 - M9
Cpar - M1 - M9
the Regions
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Art or “Sining” is defined as the different manners of expressing human skills and imagination in the
creation of aesthetic conditions, objects and presentations. Art is not confined only to what is seen. Art involves
the use of all the physical senses in order to appreciate it.
These art forms from various regions or from various artists contributed to the picture of Philippine’s
identity as a country. And as a Filipino, it’s important that we have knowledge to describe these art forms based
on its details and elements, in relation to our country’s culture and tradition, that makes it an artistic piece. In
the field of arts, knowing the elements and principles of arts is important, not just to the artist but also to the
viewer, to have a deeper understanding of an artwork. Now, let us know these elements and principles of arts.
Elements of Art
1. Space In visual arts, space pertains to emptiness which may either be positive
space or negative space. Positive space refers to a part which is enclosed in a
shape, while negative space refers to the opposite part which the shape is enclosing.
2. Line In visual arts, a line is a series of connected points. It may come in two
characteristics: form – curved, dotted, or broken lines; and direction –
vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines. Different types of lines may convey
different meanings. For example, a horizontal line usually suggests calmness, vert ical lines may convey
strength, diagonal lines create an impression of action, curved lines create an expression of gradual change
of direction, and circular line may pertain an abrupt change of direction.
3. Shape and Form Shape is an area that is enclosed by a line or lines. Shapes are two
dimensional figures with height and width. There are different kinds of shapes and
these are geometric shapes (triangle, squares, rectangle, etc.), organic shapes (shapes
found in nature, e.g. shape of a leaf or cloud), abstract shapes (asymmetrical and free
flowing shapes). Meanwhile, forms are three dimensional figures. Its dimensions are
height, width, and volume. Unlike shapes, it has more depth.
4. Color In visual arts, color is associated with the natural phenomenon in our
environment. Scientifically, when a light passes through a prism, it will produce
different hues of different wavelengths. These colors may pertain to lightness,
darkness, coolness, or warmth.
5. Value In visual arts, value is considered a property of a color which pertains to its
lightness or darkness.
6. Texture In visual arts, texture is the element that appeals to our sense of feel on things, rough, smooth,
bumpy, or slippery. It pertains to the surface of an art piece.
Principles of Art
1. Proportion - Proportion refers to the relationship of the size of elements in a body of art. For example,
when drawing a human standing beside a house, it is important to ensure that the size of the human is
proportional to the size of the house.
2. Harmony - In visual arts, harmony is the unity of the artwork, specifically about the arrangement of the
related elements.
3. Variety - In other terms, variety may be referred to as diversity. This means adding multiple, different
elements to break the monotony of an artwork and make it more interesting.
4. Movement - In arts, movement is the illusion of motion in a painting, sculpture design, or in a piece of
5. Rhythm - This refers to the repetition of certain elements to produce a pattern. In visual arts, repeated
design elements may create a certain flow and may lead the viewer’s eyes.
6. Balance - Balance refers to the even and equal distribution of elements.
7. Emphasis - Emphasis is a principle which may refer to the greater impact given on a certain element.
These elements and principles of arts are essential to understand the meaning of a piece of art clearly and
deeply. In relation to that, diverse art forms in the Philippines convey its meanings through the elements and
principles present to them. So, as we described some art forms from the various regions through the
development of Philippine arts, let’s use the elements and principles of arts to understand it.
IV. Directions:
1. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
2. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
Arts play a significant role in the abundant cultural identity of the Philippines. It reflects the people,
history, and traditions of the Philippines as a whole. With that, let us check your ideas about Philippine arts.
Directions: Complete the graphic organizer by supplying five words that you think relates Philippine Arts. Then,
write three sentences that explain why you think those words are associated with the given main idea. Write
your answer on the answer sheet provided.
Refer to this analytic rubric in making your 3-sentence explanation about the five words associated with
Philippine Arts.
Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point No point
The learner presented The learner presented a The learner was
The learner
original ideas that general idea that able to present
presented original
explained 3 words from explained only a specific an idea but not
ideas and explained
Relevance the graphic organizer in word from the graphic related to any of
all the words in a
a somewhat organized organizer. The thought the words in the
well-organized and
and informative was organized and graphic
informative manner.
manner. somewhat informative. organizer.
Criteria 2 points 1 point No point
The learner explained The learner explained briefly The learner was not able to
briefly his/her thought in 3 his/her thought in less than explain any of the words
sentences without three sentences with few written in the graphic
grammatical error. grammatical errors. organizer.
Philippines has diverse art forms from its different regions. These diverse art forms, when integrated,
give a clear picture of how abundant the culture and tradition of the Philippines is. It continues to evolve up to
the present and progress to contemporary art tradition. As a Filipino, we should have the knowledge about the
different art forms in the Philippines to fully understand the culture, tradition, and nation’s identity. In this
module, you will have an understanding and appreciation of the Philippine Arts specifically the Contemporary
Philippine Arts. To start your learning of the different art forms in the Philippines, examine the following images
of arts and process your thoughts with the help of the guide questions below.
B. Directions: Determine the element or principle of arts described in each statement. Choose your answer
from the given choices in the box. Write the letter that best corresponds to your answer on the answer sheet
A. Value B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Color
E. Form F. Lines G. Harmony H. Shape
_____ 1) It refers to the lightness or darkness of colors.
_____ 2) This element of art refers to the two-dimensional figures.
_____ 3) It refers to the even distribution of elements in a piece of art.
_____ 4) Vertical, curved, and diagonal are some representations of this element of art.
_____ 5) This principle of art refers to the repetition of certain elements that will produce a pattern in a
piece of art.
Directions: Read and answer the following questions being asked below. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. How can you say that a visual artwork has movement?
2. When do you say that an artwork has harmony?
3. How can your knowledge of the elements and principles of art help you in appreciating the mural painting
of Carlos “Botong” Francisco entitled Bayanihan?
Excellent (3
Criteria Good (2 points) Fair (1 point) Poor (no point)
Answered the Answered the Answered the
Answered the question
Complete questions with 3 question with 1 idea question with 2 ideas
with 3 ideas that are
ness ideas clearly and that are explained that are explained
explained vaguely.
completely. vaguely. vaguely.
Artisticall included references Explanations included Explanations included
included references
y to at least 2 reference to 1 no reference to
to 1 element and 1
Informati elements and at element of art only, or elements and principles
principle of art, or 2
ve least 1 principle of 1 principle of art only. of art.
elements of arts.
Explanations Explanations
Explanations included Explanations included
Personal included 3 personal included 2 personal
1 personal response no personal responses
Response responses to the responses only to the
only to the artwork. to the artwork.
artwork. artwork.
Answer Key:
B 5. ACT 5.
F 4. ACT 4.
Answers may vary. C 3. ST 3. Answers may vary.
Activity 2 H 2. ACT 2. Post Assessment
A 1. ET 1.
Answers may vary. B. A. Answers may vary.
Activity 1 Activity 3 Activity 3 Activity 4
Different kinds of local artworks have sprung not only in the urban centers of the country and in schools
of arts of different educational institutions but also a lot more of never before seen or heard art forms from the
countryside have made known and have become renowned. The seeming isolation and distance of many
communities in far flung regions have kept the beauty and significance of countless forms of Philippine art. It is
real good news that they have been exposed and have been expressed.
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions is not just a subject that has to be learned. It wants
Contemporary Philippine Arts to be viewed, to be understood and to be appreciated in the context as they were
created. As mentioned in the previous module, the arts come in various categories and forms.
It is essential to know and understand the meaning of the term contemporary when used in defining
Contemporary Philippine Arts. Understanding it would pave the way for better appreciation of the arts in the
Philippine context. Understanding Philippine Arts would provide a better perception of the details, context,
meaning and significance of the artworks placed in a cultural, political and historical context.
It is also important to differentiate Modern Philippine Arts from Contemporary Philippine Arts. It would
be easy to misunderstand the two by treating them as interchangeably the same. The recent years revealed a
conglomeration or mix of different art forms and art media that are expressions of the times where we live in.
Many art forms are integrated to create artworks that are quite different from Classical and Modern Arts.
Integrative Art has become part of Contemporary Art. Contemporary Art is evident when we go to the different
regions and provinces of our country. Each artwork exhibiting its own uniqueness and meaning.
Present day art has a lot of variety. There are various expressions Philippine art that can be found right
inside our homes and are found everywhere. The arrangement of furniture, home décor, the way a mother cooks
a particular kind of food to the jeepney designs and signages, architecture of buildings, billboard designs and
other unnoticed works of art, comprise the “art of today.”
The artworks and styles of the past have evolved and have adapted to a dynamic changing world, a world
immersed in the latest technology and emerging ideologies. These artworks and styles are created, witnessed
and experienced in our lifetime by artists and style experts catering to Millennial and Gen Z viewers, and techy
clientele. These artworks are collectively known as Contemporary Art.
The term contemporary has been defined as something “happening, existing, living, or coming into being
during the same period of time” (Merriam-Webster). Assuming this definition, Contemporary Art refers to art of
any form and genre that produced in our contemporary time, simply put as “art created today.” It should not be
confused with Modern Art which ranges from the end of the 19th Century until the 1970’s or 1980’s or the late
20th Century. It will put Contemporary Art from the late 20th Century to the present. Modern Art differs from
Contemporary Art historically and contextually.
Contemporary Art is influenced by the economic, social, political and environmental context where the
artist is immersed in. It can be said that Contemporary Art is the artist’s expression of his perception and
comprehension of these contexts. Contemporary Arts in the Philippines is as diverse as our people.
Contemporary Philippine Art is not confined to the usual genres of the four main art forms, namely, visual,
literary, applied and performing arts. Genres are categories of artistic creation and are characterized by
similarities in form, style, or subject matter. Many other genres came up which include pure are forms as well as
mixed art forms. The following are examples from each art form:
Examples of Contemporary Art Forms
Pop Art Music: blues, Video Art Illustrated Novel
Word Art electronic, Photography Digi-Fiction
Conceptual Art experimental, funk, Computer Art Graphic Novels
Installation Art hi-hop, jazz, metal, Film and Manga
Photorealism pop, rock, roots Broadcasting Art Doodle Fiction
Contemporary Theater Art: stage, Architecture, Design Text-Talk Novels
Realism film, street play and Allied Art Chick Literature
Graffiti Art Dance: flash mob, Flash Fiction
Street dances Hyper Poetry
comprising hip-hop, Blog
funk, house and rave
Contemporary Art is prominent in the Philippines and has been appreciated by so many people, and some
of them were not even aware that they are looking at fine examples of Contemporary Art. Many contemporary
Philippine artworks have earned the admiration and respect of viewers from here and abroad. These artworks
are expressions of the artist’s thoughts and feelings based on their experience of the here and now. These include
current events, issues and social concerns affecting the society where the artist lives in.
Contemporary Philippine artists hail from the different regions of the country. They use a wide variety of
art media in their creations, some of the media are materials that are readily available in the locality where the
artist resides. Contemporary Philippine artworks are multifaceted and are expressive renditions of the artist’s
perception of what were observed and experienced. These artists create, work and make art in their personal
context. Viewers can appreciate contemporary Philippine art more by employing all of their senses. Viewing art
is not just a detached experienced but a deep personal experience of dwelling into the artist’s mind and heart.
Expressions of Contemporary Philippine Art are influenced by social, historical, geographical, ideational,
personal and technical factors. These factors are imbibed by the artist and are combined to get immersed in the
heart, to get molded in the mind and to be propelled in the hands to create an expressive reality.
IV. Directions:
1. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
2. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
Activity 1 Analyzing Contemporary Philippine Arts
Contemporary Philippine Art considers not only the artist but also the participation of the community
through the viewers. The experience is not solely confined to the creator of the artwork but also to its viewer.
Being member of the community and a viewer, you can also take part in creating art. There is no established or
fixed standard in creating contemporary art. The artist is free to render his artwork with the use of various
materials, traditional or non-traditional, any combination of style and technique, and choice of form either singly
or in combination.
1. What kind of media or materials were used in this kind of art?
2. What other media or materials can be used aside from those identified in the picture?
3. If you will be given the chance to create this kind of art, what would you create?
4. What media or materials would you use in creating your artwork?
5. Cite the possible obstacles or difficulties you might encounter in creating this artwork.
Give your understanding of the following terms with reference to creating art:
1. Para-paraan
2. Diskarte
3. Galing
4. Bihasa
5. Sanay
Garbage dump
1. Which among the five locations were you able to get the greatest number of kinds of materials?
2. Among the locations, which one has the least availability of materials? Why?
3. Among the possible artworks that you can create, which one do you think is the most feasible or doable?
Give your understanding of the following terms with reference to non-traditional art materials:
1. Retaso (textile)
2. Kusot (coconut)
3. dayami (rice)
4. May wido (in singing)
5. Pulido (in drawing or painting)
C. Take a picture of your artwork and send it to your teacher and selected five classmates for them to observe
and analyze, your teacher may opt to have the picture posted in your social media wall accompanied by your
answers in Letter B and be visible only to selected friends and classmates to avoid bashing. You can request for
their comments regarding your artwork.
Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Contemporary artworks and styles are created, witnessed and experienced in our lifetime by artists and style
experts catering to _____ .
a. Baby Boomers c. Millennials
b. Generation Z d. none of the above
2. Art of any form and genre that is produced in our time refers to _____ Art.
a. Contemporary c. Modern
b. Integral d. Temporary
3. The artworks and styles of the past have evolved and have adapted to a _____ world.
a. dynamic changing c. lethargic weakened
b. inert lifeless d. sluggish stagnant
4. Contemporary Philippine art is an expression of the Filipino artist’s thoughts and feelings based on their ____.
a. biases c. experience
b. birth d. indifference
5. Categories of artistic creation and are characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter refers to.
a. gender c. genre
b. generality d. gentile
6. Pop Art is an example of _____ Art.
a. Applied c. Performance
b. Literary d. Visual
7. Literary Art is expressed in ____ .
a. Blog c. Graphic Novel
b. Digi Fiction d. all of the above
8. The fusion of different art disciplines using different styles and media in creating art refers to _____ Art.
a. Contemporary c. Literary
b. Integral d. Temporary
9. Different factors are imbibed by the artist and are combined to get immersed in the heart, to get molded in the
mind and to be propelled in the hands to create _____ .
a. a contorted reality c. an artificial reality
b. a pseudo reality d. an expressive reality
10. The element of Contemporary Art that uses and puts together different art mediums refers to _____ .
a. appropriation c. space
b. hybridity d. technology
11. The distinct feature of Contemporary Philippine Art that reflects the relationships build around the bonds of
community and society refers to _____ nature.
a. communal c. integrative
b. holistic d. multi-focal
12. One is resourceful if he has the ability to find quick and clever ways to get art materials from one’s
surroundings. One is creative if one can use his or her imagination in coming up with an artwork.
a. Both statements are FALSE.
b. Both statements are TRUE.
c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
13. There are established or fixed standards in creating Contemporary Art. The artist is free to render his artwork
with the use of various materials, traditional or non-traditional.
a. Both statements are FALSE.
b. Both statements are TRUE.
c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
14. Integrative Art comes in different sizes and shapes, forms and styles as observed in Junk Art. Junk Art is a
sculptural rendition using discarded or used materials.
a. Both statements are FALSE.
b. Both statements are TRUE.
c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
15. Intuitive is one of the features of Contemporary Philippine Art.
Appropriation is another feature of Contemporary Philippine Art.
a. Both statements are FALSE.
b. Both statements are TRUE.
c. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE.
d. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE.
Answers may vary.
Activity 3
10. B 15. d 5. c
Answers may vary. 9. D 14. b 4. c
Activity 2 8. B 13. c 3. a
7. d 12. b 2. a
Answers may vary. 6. d 11. A 1. d
Activity 1 Assessment
The Philippine Contemporary Art can be classified into seven major art forms. These are painting,
sculpture, architecture, film, literature, music and theater, and dance. Knowing these classifications will
guide us in identifying and exploring different contemporary art forms from the regions of the Philippines.
So, let’s start classifying and exploring the Philippine’s contemporary art forms!
The sculpture is an art form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional
art objects. Filipino sculptors came to be known in the middle of the 19th century. These are some of the
sculptures in the Philippines.
Architecture is the art and practice of designing and constructing buildings (Cambridge Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus). In relation to that, Philippine architecture was characterized as simple,
rational, and functional. In the 20th century, the young Filipino who studied in American colleges and
institutes introduced the neoclassic style in building structures. However, after World War II, real estate
development started to take place (Sandagan & Sayseng, 2016). To illustrate these architectural designs,
these are some examples from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
Film is a form of visual art use to imitate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, or feelings
with the use of moving images. It is also called a movie or motion picture. Moreover, the art form that is
the result of the film is called cinema (Faber & Walters, 2003). The film industry in the Philippines started
in 1897. In the contemporary period, martyr wife, superhero, action, melodramas, and comedies are some
of the usual subjects and themes in the Philippine films. Some films in the Philippines are presented below.
Apart from visual arts, there are Philippine contemporary art forms that can be described as literary
arts. Literary arts are an expression of ideas through writing. Literary arts can be categorized as poetry,
prose, and drama. In the Philippines, literary arts are greatly encountered in literature.
According to Lombardi (2020), literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken
material. Derived from the Latin word literature meaning "writing formed with letters," literature most
commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, and in
some instances, journalism, and song. These are some examples of Philippine literature.
Luzon Visayas Mindanao
• A Blade of Fern by Edith • Panhayhay hin Bungtohanon by • Dead Stars by H.O. Santos
Ocampo Francisco Alvarado • Indarapatra at Sulayman by
• I Saw the Fall of the Philippines • An Higugma by Iluminado Bartolome Del Valle
by Carlos P. Romulo Lucente
Furthermore, there are also Philippine contemporary art forms that can be described as
performance arts. A person doing certain actions and movements in front of an audience that go along with
sound in a space and time is called Performing Arts.
Music and Theater
Music is a collection of coordinated sound or sounds. According to Ramon P. Santos in his article
entitles Contemporary Music, Contemporary music in the Philippines usually refers to compositions that
have adopted ideas and elements from twentieth-century art music in the West, as well as the latest trends
and musical styles in the entertainment industry. Filipino Music had already a rich and unique musical
tradition long before westerners set foot on our native land. Music was present in every stage of our
ancestors’ lives — from birth to death, in blissful or tragic times. Below are some Music from the different
Regions of our country.
Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a
real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this
experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music, or dance. Some of the
Theater Play in the Philippines are the following.
Dance, the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for
the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement
itself. Dances in the Philippines vary from Region to Region and below are some dances of the different
ACTIVITY 1: Analyzing Contemporary Philippine Arts
Directions: Answer the following questions truthfully with at least 3 ideas. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Why do we need to know the Various Contemporary Art forms from different regions?
2. After learning the Various Contemporary Art form from the different regions, how this lesson helps
you in appreciating Contemporary Art forms?
Criteria Point Description
Content has three ideas that demonstrate a deep understanding of and
3 points
engagement with the question.
Content has two ideas that demonstrate a deep understanding of and
2 points
engagement with the question.
Content has one idea only that demonstrates a deep understanding of and
1 point
engagement with the question.
No Content has no idea at all that demonstrates a deep understanding of and
points engagement with the question.
2points Three ideas are well-organized and easy to read.
Organization 1 point One to two ideas are well-organized and easy to read.
of ideas No
No ideas are discussed and organized.
Answer Key:
10. G 5. D 15. A 10. D 5. D
9. F 4. A 14. A 9. B 4. A
Performance Task 8. B 3. A 13. C 8. A 3. B
Activity 3 7. E 2. A 12. A 7. A 2. A
6. D 1. A 11. B 6. D 1. C
Answers may vary.
Activity 1 Activity 2 Post Assessment
IV. Directions:
13. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
14. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
15. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
16. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
17. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
18. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
Direction: Answer the following questions truthfully. See the rubrics below for guidelines in answering the
1. Do the contributions and works of the artist have a great effect in recognizing him/her as National
2. Choose one artist that you know who deserve to be awarded/recognized as National Artist of the
Philippines, and why?
5 3 1
Content Was able to answer the Was able to answer the Was able to answer the
and questions correctly. Uses 4- questions correctly. Uses 2-3 questions correctly. Uses 1
Application 5 examples or evidences examples or evidences from example or evidences from
of learning from the previous lesson to the previous lesson to the previous lesson to
support the question. support the question. support the question.
Complete the table below by providing the contribution to Contemporary arts and the description
of the work of the National Artist. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Contribution to Contemporary
Name of National Artist Description of their works
1. Guillermo Tolentino
2.Fernando Amorsolo
3.Jose Tanig Joya
4.Napoleon Abueva
5.Vicente Manansala
Required 50 30 10
Elements (Excellent) (Satisfactory) (Needs Improvement)
The poster includes 4-5
The poster includes 2-3 The poster includes only 1
required elements as
required elements as well required element and 1
Content well as 4-5 sentences
as 2-3 sentences for the sentence for the
for the description of
description of the poster. description of the poster.
the poster.
The poster includes 4-5 The poster includes 2-3
Graphics - The poster had only 1
items of importance are items of importance that
Relevance item of importance
clearly labelled. are clearly labelled.
TOTAL: __________
Activity Guidelines:
1. Use long bond paper in landscape to create poster.
2. Use crayola as a medium in doing your poster.
3. Provide a short description at the back of your work.
4. After you had created your work, you will present it to your fellow classmates through our Group Chat.
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer from the choices below.
1. Who among of the following is the first recipient of being a National Artist?
a. Fernando Amorsolo
b. Jose Tanig Joya
c. Guillermo Tolentino
d. Vicente Manansala
2. What does the Oblation statue symbolize?
a. Freedom and Sacrifice
b. Compassion and Hard work
c. Ambition and Loyalty
d. Love and Empathy
3. Which of the following President issued the Presidential decree No.1001?
i. Corazon Aquino
ii. Ramon Magsaysay
iii. Ferdinand Marcos
iv. Emilio Aguinaldo
4. Why is the Church of the Holy Sacrifice in UP Diliman recognized as the first Catholic Church in the
country to be known for its complicated mathematical computation?
a. It is simple in texture.
b. Its color is different as compared to other churches.
c. It has a unique circular architecture with a thin shell dome.
d. It is simply unique in texture.
5. What is the title of Joya’s mural in the Virata School of Business?
a. Barter of Panay
b. Oblation
c. Crucifixion
d. Pagsamba
6. Which of the following statement is the reason for the recognition received by Jose Maceda from the
UNESCO Memory of the world?
a. Jose Maceda is a National Artist
b. The art of Jose Maceda portrayed poverty.
c. Jose Maceda travelled the world with his art.
d. Jose Maceda founded the UP Center for Ethnomusicology where he donated his valuable
collections of sound recordings, field notes, and other materials on ethnomusicology in the
Philippines and Southeast Asia
7. Which of the following statements are true about the Church of the Holy Sacrifice in UP Diliman?
I. It employs a circular architecture with a thin shell dome.
II. Simple mathematical computations are made in the process of constructing it.
III. It is similar from other rectangular configuration of most churches.
IV. The spherical structure of the church indicated a keen interest in space travel.
a. I, II, III and IV
b. II and III
c. I and IV
d. I, II and IV
8. Which of the following statements is not true?
I. The iconic school symbol of UP is based on Oblation.
II. Guillermo Tolentino is the sculptor of the Oblation
III. The Oblation symbolizes Freedom and Sacrifice
IV. Oblation is a painting.
a. I, II, III and IV
b. I and II
c. III and IV only
d. IV only
9. Which of the following statements is true in terms of Understanding the National Artist Award?
I. The National Artist Award was established in 1975
II. National Artist Award doesn’t share the same prestige of the Gawad Manlilikha Award
III. National Artist Award is conferred every three years through a rigorous deliberation
and selection.
IV. National Artist Award was established in 1972 under the Presidential Decree No.
1001 signed by Ramon Magsaysay
a. I and II
b. III and IV
c. III only
d. IV only
10. Which of the following statements are not true?
I. Barter of Panay is a mural in the Virata School of Business
II. Fernando Amorsolo portrays portraits of prominent individuals from Commonwealth
and World War.
III. Oblation statue of Guillermo Tolentino symbolizes Nationalism and Freedom
IV. Napoleon Abueva uses various materials in his public sculptures.
a. I, II, III and IV
b. II and III
c. III only
d. III and I
Answer Key:
5. A. 10. C.
4. C. 9. B.
Activity 3 3. C. 8. D.
Activity 2 2. A. 7. C.
Answers may vary. 1. A. 6. D.
Activity 1 Assessment
Elements of Art
1. Line
An element of art that is used to define shape, contours, and outlines, also to suggest mass and
volume. It may be a continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed tool or implied by the edges of
shapes and forms. Line may come in two characteristics: form – curved, dotted, or broken lines; and
direction – vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines. Different characteristics of lines may convey different
a) In one-point perspective, we perceive that the position of objects meets at one point on the
horizontal line.
b) In two-point perspective, we perceive that the position of objects meets at two points on the
horizontal line.
5. Texture
Texture is the element that appeals to our sense of feel on things- rough or smooth,
bumpy or slippery. It is the character of the surface of an artwork.
a) Real texture is the actual texture of an object. Artist may create real texture in art
to give it visual interest or evoke a feeling.
b) Implied texture made a piece of art to look like a certain texture. Like a drawing
of a tree trunk may look rough but in fact it is just a smooth piece of paper.
6. Value
Value pertains to the lightness or darkness of a color in a given artwork. Value can be changed by
adding white or black to a color and these described as tint and shade.
a) Tint pertains to the lightness of a color.
b) Shade pertains to the darkness of a color.
7. Form
Form is the three-dimensionality of an object. It has dimensions of height, width, and length.
According to Mader (2019), the elements of art are the visual tools that the artist uses to create a
composition. Consequently, principles of art represent how the artist uses elements of art to create an
effect and convey the artist's intent.
Principles of Art
1. Rhythm
This refers to the repetition of certain elements to produce a pattern.
2. Movement
Movement is the illusion of motion in a painting, sculpture, or design.
3. Balance
Balance refers to the visual weight in a picture. It refers to the even
distribution of positions of elements in an artwork. The principle of balance can
be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
a) Symmetrical balance refers to an artwork wherein its both sides has the
same elements in the same position.
b) Asymmetrical balance refers to an artwork wherein it is balance through
the contrast or differences of any of the elements of art.
4. Proportion
Proportion refers to the relationships of the size of objects in a body of
5. Contrast
This principle shows differences between elements of art in an artwork. It
shows how stronger each element of art in relation to one another.
6. Variety
This principle of art refers to the diversity or the different elements used in an artwork to
make it more interesting.
7. Emphasis
Emphasis refers to the greater impact or highlight given to a certain element in an artwork.
8. Harmony
This principle of art refers to the unity of an artwork. It is about the
arrangement of the related elements that makes an artwork to be viewed as a
These elements and principles of arts are very important aspects in understanding and appreciating
arts. It helps an artist to make an artistic artwork which conveys their essential ideas or their intent.
However, it is not just served as a help to artists but also to the viewers. Through the elements and
principles of art present in an artwork, viewers will be able to understand, appreciate, and evaluate an
artwork. Hence, we will apply elements and principles of art in evaluating artworks.
Evaluation of Artworks Based on Elements and Principles of Art
This artwork was made by the National Artist of the
Philippines in Visual Arts Hernando Ocampo entitled “Genesis”.
According to Rafhael Piola (2015), “some of the elements that could
be seen in this canvass, in my own opinion, would be lines (curved),
shape (amorphic), light, and color. As for its principles of design and
in my own opinion, some of the principles visible to this canvass would
be variety in terms of its colors, and balance (asymmetrical), emphasis
(focal point). Through the elements and principles that I have seen
through this illustration, personally, I would interpret it as a very
strong yet positive canvass because of its colors. With the color of red,
for me it means that there is passion and dedication that the painter wants me to feel and I could also see a
yellow color meaning happiness and positive vibes. As for its lines, it is curvy yet it is thin meaning it is flowing
in a very calm state…”. This artwork of Hernando Ocampo was also assessed by Ambeth R. Ocampo through
the online platform of Philippine Daily Inquirer. According to Ambeth Ocampo (2013), “with proper
lighting, “Genesis” glows with the intensity of red-hot embers and emanating from its three-dimensional
center are what seem to be claws or tongues of fire reaching out to the viewer”.
Appreciation to this artwork of Hernando Ocampo by the viewers or other artists maybe similar or
maybe different in some aspects. It is based on how they perceive the artwork with the help of elements
and principles of arts or other factors that can influence them to appreciate or understand it.
Overall, elements and principles of art are a must in learning and comprehending arts especially
Philippine arts. Hence, if you are a student engage to arts or have an interest to arts, use these elements
and principles of arts wisely in creating your unique and artistic pieces of art.
IV. Directions:
19. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
20. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
21. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
22. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
23. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
24. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
ACTIVITY 1: Applying Understanding in Elements and Principles of Art
These are the guidelines in doing the activity.
1. In doing the activity, you should illustrate four elements of art and four principles of art based
on your understanding about the lesson. The four elements of art that you will illustrate are line,
color, shape, and space; while the four principles of art that you will illustrate are rhythm, contrast,
harmony, and balance.
2. The materials needed in this activity are pencil, coloring materials, markers, erasure, ruler, and
other art materials.
3. You will use the provided activity sheet with indicated borderline.
4. The upper four sections on the provided bond paper correspond to the four elements of art, while
the lower four sections correspond to the four principles of art that you will illustrate.
5. After you finish your artwork, take a picture of it and send it to your teacher via FB messenger or
Google Classroom on the prescribed submission deadline set by your teacher.
In appraising your output in this activity, this rubric will be used:
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
The learner The learner The learner
The learner followed
followed all the followed 3 followed 2
4 guidelines only and
guidelines and guidelines only and guidelines only and
Instructions did the activity in
did the activity in did the activity in did the activity in
and Concepts reference to 5-6
reference to all reference to 3-4 reference to 1-2
elements and
the elements and elements and elements and
principles of arts.
principles of arts. principles of arts. principles of arts.
The output shows art The output shows The output shows
The output shows
making skills in art making skills in art making skills in
art making skills
illustrating 3 illustrating 2 illustrating 1
Craftmanship in illustrating 4
elements and 3 elements and 2 element and 1
elements and 4
principles of arts principles of arts principle of arts
principles of arts.
only. only. only.
The output shows The output shows The output shows The output shows
unique and unique and creative unique and creative unique and creative
creative illustration of 3 illustration of 2 illustration of 1
illustration of 4 elements and 3 elements and 2 element and 1
elements and 4 principles of arts principles of arts principle of arts
principles of arts. only. only. only.
In appraising your answers for each question, this analytic rubric will be used:
Criteria 1 point No point
Relevance The answer is connected to the The answer is not connected at
given artwork. all to the given artwork.
Understanding of the Concepts The answer is in reference to the The answer is not in reference to
indicated element or principle of the indicated element or
art in the question. principle of art in the question.
Goal The learner will capture an image depicting the daily lives of a typical Filipino
showing at least four principles of art.
Role The learner is a creative photographer that will use arts in depicting daily lives of a
Audience Parents and Senior High School students of Municipality of Mahayag
Situation In the time of suffering, disaster, or pandemic, a courageous heart is a must in waking
up every day. In relation to this, how a typical Filipino live, cope, and survive his/her
life in this those times shows what the Filipino spirit is. Hence, as a student, let’s
appreciate the Filipino spirit evident in our daily lives through arts.
Product A photo depicting daily lives of a typical Filipino integrating at least four principles
Performance of art.
Standards The learner will follow the guidelines in making the activity and the rubric provided.
Required 50 30 10
Elements (Excellent) (Satisfactory) (Needs Improvement)
The poster includes 4-5
The poster includes 2-3 The poster includes only 1
required elements as
required elements as well required element and 1
Content well as 4-5 sentences
as 2-3 sentences for the sentence for the
for the description of
description of the poster. description of the poster.
the poster.
The poster includes 4-5 The poster includes 2-3
Graphics - The poster had only 1
items of importance are items of importance that
Relevance item of importance
clearly labelled. are clearly labelled.
TOTAL: __________
These are the guidelines in doing the activity:
1. In this activity, you will capture an image depicting daily lives of a typical Filipino.
2. The image that you will capture should show the principles of art.
3. You will choose at least four principles of art that you will show in the image that you will capture.
4. The material needed in this activity is any available smartphone with camera or any available digital
camera. There is no specific camera quality required in this activity.
5. The date and time when you captured the image should be indicated in the picture itself.
6. After capturing the needed image, send it to your teacher via FB messenger or Google classroom on
the prescribed submission deadline by your teacher. Indicate your name and section on the bottom
of the captured image.
7. After the teacher gave his/her rating to your photo, share your photograph to the FB messenger
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer from the choices below.
1. This principle of art refers to the greater impact given to a certain element in a piece of art.
a. Contrast b. Emphasis c. Balance d. Rhythm
2. This element of art is used to define shape and form.
a. Color b. Space c. Line d. Value
3. This element of art implies distances or areas around, between or within components of an artwork.
a. Color b. Space c. Line d. Value
4. Height, width, and length are the dimensions implied of this element of art.
a. Shape b. Space c. Form d. Texture
5. This principle of art when use produce a pattern in an artwork.
a. Harmony b. Unity c. Balance d. Rhythm
6. This element of art can be described as tint and shade.
a. Color b. Space c. Texture d. Value
7. Which of the following describe the change of value when black or white added to a certain color
I. Tint II. Color III. Shade IV. Hue
a. II and IV b. I and III c. I, III, and IV d. I, II, and III
8. Which of the following describe the change of value when black is added to a certain color?
a. Color b. Hue c. Shade d. Tint
9. Which of the following statement/s is/are true about elements of art?
I. Different representations of lines may convey different meanings.
II. Texture is the appeal of the implied surface in an artwork.
III. Artist uses the elements of arts to create a composition.
a. I and II c. I, II, and III
b. II and III d. None of the statements is true.
10. Which of the following are considered as warm colors?
I. Violet II. Red-Orange III. Yellow-Green IV. Blue
a. I and IV b. II and III c. I and II d. III and IV
11. Which of the following statement/s is/are false?
Statement 1: Symmetrical balance refers to an artwork wherein its both sides has the same
elements in the same position.
Statement 2: Asymmetrical balance refers to an artwork wherein both sides balances through
the differences of elements in different positions.
a. Only Statement 1 is false c. Both statements are false
b. Only Statement 2 is false d. Both statements are not false
12. Which of the following situations shows an artist using a principle of variety?
I. Gabrielle is a fine arts student. He is working on an artwork wherein he uses different
elements of art that creates the mood of diversity.
II. Anna is working in her drawing project for her art subject. In her drawing, the elements
she used is present on the both sides of the drawing resulting to a mirror-like art.
III. Charles is a student of Teacher Maria. Teacher Maria gave an art project in his class. The
art project is to do a painting that shows unity of the elements of arts to be used.
a. I b. II c. III d. None of the situations
13. Which of the following situations shows an artist using a principle of contrast?
I. Gabrielle is a fine arts student. He is working on an artwork wherein he uses different
elements of art that creates the mood of diversity.
II. Anna is working in her drawing project for her art subject. In her drawing, the elements
she used is present on the both sides of the drawing resulting to a mirror-like art.
III. Charles is a student of Teacher Maria. Teacher Maria gave an art project in his class. The
art project is to do a painting that shows unity of the elements of arts to be used.
a. I b. II c. III d. None of the situations
14. Which of the following situations shows usage of principle of balance in an artwork?
I. Gabrielle is a fine arts student. He is working on an artwork wherein he uses different
elements of art that creates the mood of diversity.
II. Anna is working in her drawing project for her art subject. In her drawing, the elements
she used is present on the both sides of the drawing resulting to a mirror-like art.
III. Charles is a student of Teacher Maria. Teacher Maria gave an art project in his class. The
art project is to do a painting that shows unity of the elements of arts to be used.
a. I b. II c. III d. None of the situations
15. Which of the following situations show an artist using principles of art?
I. Gabrielle is a fine arts student. He is working on an artwork wherein he uses different
elements of art that creates the mood of diversity.
II. Anna is working in her drawing project for her art subject. In her drawing, the elements
she used is present on the both sides of the drawing resulting to a mirror-like art.
III. Charles is a student of Teacher Maria. Teacher Maria gave an art project in his class. The
art project is to do a painting that shows unity of the elements of arts to be used.
a. I b. II c. III d. None of the situations
Answer Key:
15. C 10. B 5. D
14. B 9. C 4. C
Activity 3 13. D 8. B 3. B
Activity 2 12. A 7. B 2. C
Answers may vary. 11. D 6. D 1. B
Activity 1 Assessment
T’nalak Weaving
T’boli/Lake Sebu,
She is credited with preserving her people’s traditional
South Cotabato,
T’nalak using abaca fibers as fine as hair which
traditionally has three primary colors, red, black, and the
Region XII
original colors of abaca leave recreated by her nimble
hands-the crocodiles, butterflies, and flowers.
Lang Dulay (d. 2015)
Inabal Weaving
Tagabawa Bagobo/
She was awarded for fully demonstrating the creative
Bansalan, Davao
and expressive aspects of the Bagobo abaca ikat (to tie or
del Sur,
bond) weaving called inabal (traditional textile of
Region XI
Bagobo) at a time when such art was threatened with
Davao Region
Salinta Monon (d.
GAMABA Awardees for the year 2000
Federico Caballero
Tausug/ Parang,
Pis syabit Weaving Sulu,
She remained devoted and persevered with her mission Bangsamoro
to teach the artwork of pis syabit weaving. Her strokes Autonomous
firm and sure, her color sensitivity acute, and her Region in Muslim
dedication to the best of her products unwavering. Mindanao
Darhata Sawabi (BARMM)
(d. 2005)
GAMABA Awardees for the year 2012
Abel Weaving
She has been a master in abel weaving from Pinili, Ilocos
Norte. She is not only weaving traditional Ilocano textiles
but also designs new patters. One of her designs employs
Pinili, Ilocos Norte
a difficult weaving technique called pililian meaning
Region I
partially. The weave produces a one of a kind design that
Ilocos Region
takes after a string of flowers thus its name, inubon a
sabong. She did not formally study such traditional art.
Magdalena Gamayo Instead, she watched closely as her aunt made and
imitated the patterns.
IV. Directions:
25. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
26. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
27. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
28. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
29. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
30. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
ACTIVITY 1: Do I Know Them?
Directions: Identify the following artist and their role in the community.
1. Born on November 1, 1981, Rodel P. Nacianceno 2. Considered as one of the columns of
a Filipino performing artist, executive, and film Kapampangan food, she is undoubtedly a living
maker, best known for playing the lead parts in treasure. The famous chef and food historian found
FPJ's Ang Probinsyano. her desire for cooking at young age of four. And to
this day, she proceeds to cook conventional
Kapampangan specialties at her open-air kitchen in
Artist (Screen Name): ________________________ Barangay Parian, Mexico, Pampanga.
Expertise: ___________________________________ Artist (Screen Name): ________________________
Role/s in the Community: Expertise: ___________________________________
______________________________________________ Role/s in the Community:
3. Born December 17, 1978, he is respected as one 4. A tattoo artist who received the 2018 Dangal ng
of the most noteworthy proficient boxers of all Haraya Award for Intangible Culture Heritage by
time. A Filipino professional boxer and Senator of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts.
the Philippines.
Artist (Screen Name): ________________________
Artist (Screen Name): ________________________ Expertise: ___________________________________
Expertise: ___________________________________ Role/s in the Community:
Role/s in the Community: ______________________________________________
1. Who are the different artists?
2. What is the role of the artists in the society?
3. What is the impact of their arts to the lives of the Filipinos?
4. As Filipinos, how can we show our appreciation to them?
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following Republic Act known as the Manlilikha ng Bayan Act?
a. R.A. Act. 7355 c. R.A. Act. 7356
b. R.A. Act. 11190 d. R.A. Act. 10066
2. ______________________ is a tnalak weaver from the indigenous community of the Tboli in Lake Sebu,
South Cotabato.
a. Magdalena Gamayo c. Darhata Sawabi
b. Haja Amina Appi d. Lang Dulay
3. Which is among the following is the highest policy and coordinating body for culture and arts of the
a. Philippine Commission on Culture and the Arts
b. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
c. Philippine Academic Arts and Culture
d. Nation Expert for Talent and Skills
4. Which of the following is NOT an idea of the Manlilikha ng Bayan Act?
a. Create hindrances for popularizing their works locally and internationally
b. Renew a community's artistic tradition thereby protecting a valuable aspect of Philippine
c. Recognize the importance of traditional folk artists as a singular channel between skills of the
past and the future
d. Provide mechanisms for identifying and assisting qualified traditional folk artists to transfer
their skills to the community
5. _________________________ is kind of poem consisting of seven-syllable lines which most of the time
contains of love and friendship.
a. Ambahan c. Gangsa
b. Haiku d. Tanaga
6. Which of the following is a two-stringed lute made of wood, one string for the melody, one for the
a. Buktot c. Butting
b. Kudyapi d. Pas-ing
7. __________________ is a kind of fabric made up of fine abaca fibers weaved with different designs which
reflect the tradition of the T’boli.
a. Abel c. Pis syabit
b. Musa d. T’nalak
8. Which of the following artist worked on the documentation of the epics of Calinog, Iloilo, Panay
a. Ginaw Bilog c. Uwang Ahadas
b. Alonzo Saclag d. Federico Caballero
9. ______________________ play Kalinga musical instruments dance patterns and movements associated with
a. Alonzo Saclag c. Masino Intaray
b. Teofilo Garcia d. Eduardo Mutuc
10. Who teaches Teofilo Garcia to make a tabúngaw hat and basket weaving?
a. Auntie Elena c. Grandfather Hipolito
b. Uncle Leolito d. Grandmother Imelda
11. Which of the following is the master of abel weaving from Pinili, Ilocos Norte?
a. Darhata Sawabi c. Ambalang Ausulin
b. Magdalena Gamayo d. Yabing Masalon Dulo
12. ________________________ began weaving since fourteen (14) years old and continuously impart
knowledge to younger generations of B’laan weavers.
a. Lang Dulay c. Yabing Masalon Dulo
b. Salinta Monon d. Estelita Tumandan Bantilan
Answer Key:
Answers may vary. 13 – 15
12. c 11. B 10. c
Answers may vary 9. a 8. D 7. d
Activity 3 6. b 5. A 4. a
Activity 2 3. b 2. D 1. a
Activity 1 Assessment
The following are some of the significant contributions of the artists through their arts.
1. Unique Identity.
Traditional arts reflect our diverse heritage and cultural traditions. This is evident in all arts
created by the artists who receive the GAMABA award. One of these arts is weaving. Though weaving has
long been part of our traditions, the use of different materials and the different tedious process make each
art unique.
Haja Amina Appi of Ungos Matata, Tawi-Tawi shows how pandan can be weaved into mats with
vibrant colors, beautiful geometric designs and fine symmetry. These mats are usually used by their
people for prayer or as a gift to the newly-weds.
In Luzon, weaving is preserved through Magdalena Gamayo who used traditional patterns. Her
work is marked by her ability to replicate designs with excellence and consistency.
Another artwork of the same kind is t’nalak (a fine abaca cloth) by Lang Dulay of Lake Sebu, South
Cotabato. She worked on traditional designs like bulinglangit (clouds), kabangi (butterfly), crocodiles,
and flowers.
As you can see, though these artists worked on the same art (weaving), their artworks in their
community is still uniquely created showing the identity of their community (Estrella, 2020).
2. Exemplary Skills.
The artwork of Eduardo Mutuc from Pampanga shows how his skills developed from being a
farmer to one of the furniture carvers. To earn an income, he really practiced his skills and became one of
the most respected creators of religious and secular arts today. He was awarded in 2004 for his detailed
and lifelike pieces of varying sizes: altars, mirrors, retablos, and carosas made with wood, silver, and
Uwang Ahadas, on the other hand, shows his exemplary skill in music. At a young age, he learned
to play music with his siblings. Though kwintangan was usually played by a woman, he mastered playing
it. It is made of logs used to call abundant harvest of grains.
Another musician who has shown superb skills is musician Samaon Sulaiman who was a master
of the kutyapi, a two-stringed lute. He was also proficient in playing other instruments such as the
kulintang, agong (a suspended gong with a wide rim), gandingan (agong with a narrow rim), and tambul.
3. Way of Life
Alonzo Saclag of Lubuagan, Kalinga mastered local musical instruments, along with dance
patterns associated with rituals. These performances are performed during celebrations or communal
agreement such as peace pacts. To pass this tradition, Saclag took a formal education reaching radio
stations and creating Kalinga Budong Dance Troupe.
Hearing the tales as told by his mother, epic chanter Federico Caballero of Calinog, Iloilo learned
Suguidanon, a Central Panay epic. Though Central Panay is located in the mountains, the epic tells about
characters and settings that reflect that his people might have lived once in seashores in the past. Also,
this epic was usually chanted by a binukot, a woman of high status. Regardless of education and social
status, women were not given authority. Instead, they were trained for embroidery and memorization of
epic. Caballero is known to keep the local oral traditions through his chants (Gowey, 2016).
4. Enduring Values
Values are usually reflected in literary arts such as poem. Thus, the Mangyan script is one of the
four remaining syllabic scripts in the country which was preserved through Ginaw Bilog of Mansalay,
Oriental Mindoro. He was most popular in writing ambahan (a metaphoric poem comprising seven-
syllable lines) on traditionally used bamboo tubes. His poems about advising the young, bidding a friend
goodbye, and asking for a place to stay show how Filipinos express their affection to their family and
Values is not only reflected in the art product but also on the process in which it is created. In
textile weaving, we can see the artists’ dedication to their work as they intricately put different elements
of arts such as color, harmony and shape to create a distinct and vibrant 3 design. Spirituality is also
evident among Filipino artists as they use subjects related to their faith such as the textile designs by
Darhata Sawabi of Sulu and carvings by Eduardo Mutuc.
There are countless values that are reflected on the artists’ work but one thing that is evident to
their works is their unselfish desire to share their knowledge and skills to the next generations to enjoy
and to see as part of their beings as Filipinos.
5. Vision.
The traditional art shows the artist’s vision. Moreover, it also inspires us to make the existing art
as an inspiration to enhance the art or create our own artwork. Teofilo Garcia is a gourd hatmaker from
San Quintin, Abra. Since he is a farmer, he sees the need of gourd casques. He used the tabungaw (gourd)
plant for useful protective hats to help the farmers overcome heat during farming. Because the hat was
made creatively and finely, he joined a festival to show his artwork. Who would have thought that a simple
hat to help our farmers would soon become a recognized art? He did.
Also, Salinta Monon, a respected textile weaver from Davao Del Sur, isolated herself from her
family for months to finish her art. She once dreamt of establishing the art through teaching new would-
be weavers.
In conclusion, the artworks of our GAMABA awardees are indeed living treasures. Their arts do
not only express an idea or feelings but they also carry significant contributions that are imbibed through
generations. and inspired the contemporary arts that we use and see today.
III. Directions:
1. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
2. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
ACTIVITY 1: Can you share your thoughts?
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions based on your own opinion. Each item is equivalent to five
(5) points. You will be given two (2) points for your opinion and one (1) point for each supporting detail. Give
three supporting details to support your opinion.
1. As a student, what is the best thing to do to preserve the regional traditions?
Supporting Details:
2. In your own opinion, do we need to promote our traditional arts? Why or Why not?
Supporting Details:
Activity 2: Dear Artist
Directions: Write an appreciation letter to your chosen GAMABA artist. This letter is about his/her significant
contribution(s) to his/her community and how this artwork has influenced your perspective as student. This
letter is short but personal. Write the letter on a short bond paper.
DIRECTIONS: Read each question and choose the letter of your answer.
1. Artists receive GAMABA awards because they have the following except…
A. He/she has an artwork.
B. He/she is engaged in an art tradition.
C. He/she is a member of an indigenous community.
D. He/she has a significant contribution to the community
2. A GAMABA awardee must also have an artwork that is timeless. What is a timeless art?
A. The artist is still alive.
B. It has an influence in the community.
C. It has a contribution to the community.
D. It’s relevance to our way of life continues until today.
3. What is the significant work that is popular in Sulu by Darhata Sawabi?
A. weaving C. embroidery
B. wood carvings D. plastic arts
4. What is the Panay epic that is passed on through oral communications?
A. poem C. Suguidanon
B. t’nalak D. Biag ni Lam-ang
5. Who among the artists below is highly regarded because of his excellence in playing kwintangan which is
usually played by a woman?
A. Ginaw Bilog C. Alonzo Saclag
B. Teofilo Garcia D. Uwang Ahadas
6. Based on the given examples in the discussion, which two Filipino values are evident in the contemporary
art forms?
A. physical and spiritual C. social and spiritual
B. emotional and spiritual D. personal and spiritual
7. To acknowledge our GAMABA Award recipients, we must __________ the Contemporary Philippines Arts from
the Regions.
A. limit C. promote
B. share D. appreciate
8. “She once dreamt of establishing the art through teaching new would-be weavers.” How would you
characterize the artist in this line?
A. optimistic C. dreamer
B. generous D. visionary
9. Visiting the province of Mindoro, particularly the community of Mangyans, Ana looks for a particular art
form they are famous for. What kind of artforms would you possibly recommend to her?
I. epic II. Carvings III. Poetry IV. weavings
A. I & II C. III & IV
B. I & III D. I & IV
10. To promote tourism in Tawi-Tawi, you are tasked to make an advertisement. Which of the following
information can help you in making an advertisement?
I. Magdalena Gamayo II. mat weavings III. Haja Amina Appi IV. embroidery
A. I & II C. II & III
Answer Key: C
5. D 10.
Activity 3 4. C. 9. B
Answers may vary. 3. A 8. D
Activity 2 2. D 7. C
Answers may vary. 1. A 6. C
Activity 1 Assessment
IV. Directions:
7. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
8. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
9. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
10. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
11. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
12. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
Directions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding about the lesson. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
1) What other factor may affect the production process of art apart from the indicated factors in the lesson?
2) Why do we need to promote the arts developed from the different regions of the Philippines?
Identify and group the following support systems indicated in the box below whether it is an institution,
museum, art fair, gallery, or an award-giving body. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Thirteen Artists Awards National Commission for Culture and Arts
Finale Art File Philippine Art Fair
Metropolitan Museum of the Philippines
ACTIVITY 3: PERFORMANCE TASK – Save your art today, in the future it becomes a history
To write a slogan that express promotion and preservation of arts from the regions of the
Role A creative writer of a slogan
Audience Parents and Senior High School Students of Paranaque City
In these contemporary times, foreign influences are evident in our society that causes us
to gradually demote or not appreciate Philippine culture and arts.
Product A slogan that express promotion and preservation of arts from the regions of the
Performanc Philippines.
Standards The learner followed all the guidelines and the rubric provided.
These are the guidelines in making the activity:
1) The materials needed are pencil, marker, eraser, ruler, and coloring materials.
2) Use a long size bondpaper doing this activity.
3) Write a slogan that expresses promotion and preservation of arts from the regions of the Philippines.
The slogan should be 9-10 words long.
4) In the design and graphics of your slogan, indicate at least four illustrations of promoting and
preserving arts from the regions of the Philippines.
5) After you finish the activity, submit your output on the prescribed deadline of submission.
This is the rubric to be used in appraising your output:
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Design The slogan shows The slogan shows art The slogan shows art The slogan shows art
and art-making skills in making skills in making skills in making skills in
Graphics illustrating at least 4 illustrating only 3 illustrating only 2 illustrating only 1 idea
ideas of promoting ideas of promoting ideas of promoting of promoting and
and preserving arts and preserving arts and preserving arts in preserving arts in the
in the Philippines. in the Philippines. the Philippines. Philippines.
Concept The slogan The slogan illustrates The slogan illustrates The slogan illustrates
illustrates at least 4 only 3 original and only 2 original and only 1 original and
original and relevant relevant ideas of relevant ideas of relevant idea of
ideas of promoting promoting and promoting and promoting and
and preserving arts preserving arts in the preserving arts in the preserving arts in the
in the Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines.
Slogan The tagline of the The tagline of the The tagline of the The tagline of the slogan
slogan is original, slogan is unique and slogan is original and is not original, unique
unique and relevant. relevant but not unique but not
It consists of 9-10 original. It consists of relevant. It consists of and relevant. It consists
words. only 7-8 words. only 5-6 words. of only 3-4 words.
Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It is the overall policy making body, coordinating, and grants giving agency for the preservation,
development and promotion of Philippine arts and culture.
a. National Museum
b. Thirteen Artists Award
c. Cultural Center of the Philippines
d. National Commission of the Culture and the Arts
2. This gallery is a unique cultural expression of Davao’s visual artists.
a. ManilART
b. Davao Art Gallery
c. Kublai Art Gallery
d. Kublai Art Gallery and Davao Contemporary Art Gallery
3. This award-giving body marks turnings in and of Philippine contemporary art
a. National Artists Award
b. Thirteen Artists Award
c. Contemporary Artist Award
d. Gawad ng Manlilikha ng Bayan Award
4. Tourist mobility might influence the community’s observance of tradition and tend to diminish the
quality of native art forms. What factor that affect the production process of art emphasized in the
a. Tourism
b. Environment
c. Militarization
d. Christianization
5. This houses the permanent collection of Philippine National Artist Benedicto Cabrera in several
galleries, as well
as venues for art shows and exhibitions.
a. Ben Cab Museum c. National Artist Museum
b. National Museum d. Metropolitan Museum of the Philippines
6. Which among the following considered as factors that may affect the production process of arts in the
I. Militarization III. Tourism
II. Filipino Behaviors IV. Christianization
a. I and II c. I, III, and IV
b. II and IV d. I, II, III, and IV
7. Which of the following are the influences of tourism in the production process of arts in the
I. It tends to diminish the quality of native art forms.
II. It influences the community’s observance of tradition.
III. Artworks are transformed into mass produced souvenirs to meet the demands of
the tourist trade.
IV. Synthetic fibers have been made available in recent years to create appropriations
of traditional textile designs for commercial purposes.
a. I and II b. III and IV c. I, III, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV
8. Which of the following are the museums in the Philippines that promotes and preserves Philippine
I. Finale Art File III. BenCab Museum
II. National Museum IV. Cultural Center of the Philippines
a. I and II b. III and IV c. II and III d. I and IV
9. Which of the following are the award-giving bodies in the Philippines that recognizing outstanding art
making and contribution of Philippine artists?
I. Thirteen Artists Awards III. Contemporary Artist Award
II. National Artists Award IV. National Living Treasure
a. I and II b. II and III c. I, II and IV d. I, II, III and IV
10. Which of the following are included in the support system of arts in the Philippines?
I. Galleries III. Institutions
II. Museum IV. Award-giving Bodies
a. I and II b. II and III c. I, II and III d. I, I, III and IV
Answer Key:
5. a 10. d
4. a 9. c
Activity 3 3. b 8. c
Activity 2 2. d 7. d
Answers may vary. 1. d 6. c
Activity 1 Assessment
III. Directions:
13. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
14. Don’t forget to write your name, grade, section, date, subject, and module no.
15. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
16. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
17. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
18. Return this learning activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
DIRECTIONS: Complete the table below. As you can see, the table has three columns where you will list down
the material, place of origin and the name of the art form where it is used. Cite five (5) materials with their place
and products.
Local Materials in the Philippines
Materials Place Art Form
DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of your answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A ___________ is a material or substance used in creating an art.
A. medium C. traditional
B. technique D. contemporary
2. It is a classification of arts that are used in daily lives.
A. musical C. practical
B narrative D. pictorial
3.An art that needs a space for installation and public view is classified as _____
A. musical C. practical
B. narrative D. environmental
4. This kind of art combines the materials to tell a story.
A. musical C. practical
B. narrative D. environmental
5. Which of the following materials are used in Digital Tagalog?
A. wood C. paper
B. cloth D. bamboo
6. The reinterpretation of dance in the staged Moriones Festival is what particular kind of art?
A. musical C. practical
B. narrative D. environmental
7. If a foreign art material for art is adapted, which of the following elements can be localized?
I. Setting II. Names III. Story IV. Characters