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The Great escape

Vocabulary: Unusual Holidays (Student Book)

Match the words with their definitions:

1. Vantage points

2. Holidaymakers

3. Crave

4. Rustling

5. A marvel

6. A Chalet

7. A Predator

8. Shimmer

9. A comedian

10. Surpass

11. A multitude

12. To flock

13. Gags
14. Hospitable

15. Meteorology

a People who are visiting a place.

b The science of the Earth's atmosphere, used in broadcasting the weather.

c An entertainer who makes people laugh.

d A very large number of people or things.

e Positions from which you can watch something.

f an animal that hunts and kills other animals.

g Jocks or funny stories.

h To have a strong desire for something.

i Shines with a soft light that seems to be moving.

j a house traditionally made of wood, built in the mountains.

k a wonderful or surprising thing.

l To gather somewhere in a large number.

m Having a pleasant environment.

n Exceeds, be greater than.

o The sound of light, dry things moving together.

This exercise (1) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Vocabulary: Activate (Student Book)

Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words from the box:
crave   ·  holidaymakers   ·  flock   ·  multitude   ·  surpasses   ·  rustling   ·
meteorology   ·  predator   ·  hospitable   ·  vintage point   ·  shimmering   ·  chalet   ·
comedian   ·  gags   ·  marvel  
It was a cool evening on the banks of the River Nile. The light of the moon was   on
the water.
With the   of the palm trees in the breeze, we watched sunset.
From our   at the top of the tower, we could see the entire valley.
Some children   attention so much that they cry until their mothers come to them.
We stayed at a   in the Swiss mountains for our holiday last year.
London is the perfect place for an art holiday. There is a   of museums and art
The collection in the National Gallery   any other in the world.
The advantage of staying in village or a town is that people tend to be more   than they
are in the cities.
Many tourists on a safari in Africa are disappointed if they don't see a large   , like a
lion catching a prey.
Scientists in the field of   are researching the interaction between weather and ocean
Spain is a popular holiday destination for British   .
Many families   to Spanish beaches in summer.
It was his first show as a stand-up   but he wasn't that successful.
Unfortunately the audience didn't find his   very funny, so he wasn't invited to perform
The Burj Khalifa is a   of architecture, contruction and design.
This exercise (2) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Extend: Onomatopoeia (Student Book)

Match the words with their description:

1. rustling

2. clatter

3. creak
4. screech

5. gurgle

6. hiss

a a squeaky noise like the sound of a rusty hinge.

b the sound of bubbling liquid.

c a sound like long 's'.

d a sound of hard objects knocking together.

e the sound of light, dry things moving together, like paper.

f a shrill piercing noise or cry.

This exercise (3) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Onomatopoeia (Work Book)

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
clattering   ·  creak   ·  hissing   ·  gurgling   ·  rustling   ·  screech  
Double Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.
I heard a   in the leaves but fortunately I didn't see any rats.
There was a   of dishes in the kitchen as my brother laid the table.
The actor's terrible performance resulted in boos and   from the audience.
There was a   on the stairs and then suddenly the bedroom door started to open slowly
I listened to the   of the rainwater as it went down the pipe next to the window.
The baby let a loud   and then started to cry.
This exercise (4) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Idioms with off and on (Student Book)

Look at the idioms in bold in the sentences (1-8) and match them with their
definitions (a-h).
This may sound like an off the wall idea, but if you try it you'll see
1. that it works.

This is completely off the record : I think the new student

representative isn't doing the job very well, but he is a friend of mine
2. so I don't want to complain.

3. Maggie is always on the go . She's got three jobs!

The film was full of action and suspense, and we were on

4. tenterhooks until the end.

The press is keeping the scandal on the boil. There are several
5. articles about it in the papers.

I could tell you what I think off the cuff, but I'd prefer to research it
6. some more and give you a definite answer.

On the off chance that you're free tonight, I was thinking you might
7. like to go to the pizza place.

8. I read the report on the hoof , so I couldn't remember much.

a Quickly and without your full attention.

b Speaking without thought and preparation.

c Not official, not to be made public.

d Being very busy all the time.

e In a state of nervousness or worry.

f Being kept very active and tense.

g Possible but not likely.

h Unusual and slightly crazy.

This exercise (5) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Idioms with off and on (Work Book)

Correct the mistakes in each sentence.
chance   ·  go   ·  tenterhooks   ·  boil   ·  wall   ·  record   ·  cuff  
Double Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.
I hadn't prepared a speech , so i just said a few words off the tenterhooks.  .
My brother applied for the job on the off hoof but he really didn't expect to get it.   .
We've been on the record all day and we are really tired.   .
Jane gets the exam results tomorrow. She's been on hoof all week.   .
5. The boss's business ideas are a bit off the go. He says we should be rude to our
customers.   .
What the player said is off the boil and can't be published to the newspapers.   .
7. Once the surprise has worn off, it will be difficult to keep people's interest on the
chance.   .
I haven't got time to sit to have lunch so I'll eat a sandwich on the wall.   .
This exercise (6) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Stative Verbs:Exploit (Student Book)

Complete the sentences using the simple or the continuous form of the verbs in
This cheese   (smell) terrible.
The cheese   (taste) delicious! Can I have some more?
James   (taste) the soup now just to check if it needs more salt.
I can't talk to you right now. I   (see) the doctor. I'm in the consultation room.
It's just my opinion, but I   (think) this holiday package is too expensive.
If you look very closely, you can just   (see) the tower in the distance.
The grocer   (weigh) my vegetables now and then I'll be ready to pay and leave.
They   (think)of going on a cruise, but they haven't made a decision about it yet.
My suitcase   (weigh) over 20 kilos. I might have to pay an excess luggage charge.
This exercise (7) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Stative Verbs (Work Book)

Complete the sentences using the simple or the continuous form of the verbs in
This milk   (taste) off. How long has it been in the fridge?
Mike sent a text message and he says he   (have) a good time on the school trip.
My dad is going on a diet. He   (weigh) over 90 kilos.
We   (think) about where to go on holiday but we haven't decided yet.
I   (weigh) all the ingredients really carefully because I want this cake to be perfect.
I don't like wearing my glasses, but I   (see) much better with them on.
The pudding is nearly ready to go into the oven. Mum   (taste) it to check that it's
sweet enough.
I   (have) this camera for ages.
I am not going to school this morning because I   (see) the dentist at 10 a.m.
I   (not think) violence can ever be justified.
This exercise (8) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Skills: Feeling at home (Work Book)

Complete the sentences with words from the box.
cosy   ·  enchanting   ·  unassuming   ·  opulent   ·  luxriant   ·  dreadful   ·  five-star   ·
The room was filled with the perfume of exotic plants, whose   leaves trailed across
every surface.
The   decor and expensive furnishing were very different from those of the cheap and
simple hotels that I usually stayed in.
It was a   room with just a bed and a table.
It was a   hotel but the service would have been very poor for a hotel of a lower
The restaurant we went to was awful. The food was bad and the service was   .
The cafe was in an   building that you wouldn't notice if you didn't know it was there.
My study is small but it's nice and   in the winter when the fire is lit.
Venice is the most magical and   city that I've ever visited.
This exercise (9) has been made by: MR.Hamdi Ahmed Sultan

Skills: Feeling at home (Work Book)

Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (a-h)

1. Frosty

2. Uninviting
3. Atrocious

4. Homely

5. Stark

6. Charming

7. Lavish

8. Extravagant

a empty, without decoration.

b of very bad quality.

c designed to impress and expensive.

d costing too much money.

e pleasant and attractive.

f plain or ordinary, but pleasant.

g freezing, with a thin layer of white ice covering everything.

h not attractive or hospitable.

Talking the talk
Complete the sentences or answer the questions with words from the box:
ingenuity   ·  new   ·  apparent   ·  limit   ·  coin   ·  big   ·  brainstorming   ·  originate   ·
die   ·  large   ·  term   ·  unusual   ·  recorded   ·  fascinating  
Something that is colossal is very   .
If something is documented, it is   .
Something that can be seen or understood is   .
Something finite has a   .
5. What do we call someone’s ability to think of clever, inventive ways of doing
something?   .
If something is abundant, it is available in   quantities.
Which verb means to think of a lot of ideas in a group? –   .
Inspiration gives you ideas for doing something   .
What do we call a word or expression that refers to a particular subject? –   .
Which word is a synonym to invent? –   .
Which verb means to start or cause to happen? –   .
Unconventional means something is   .
If something is intriguing, it is   .
Something innovative uses   methods and ideas.
Which word is a synonym for pass away? – 
This exercise (1) has been made by: Mr. Hamdi.a.Sultan


Replace the words in bold with the correct words in the box.
collected   ·  care for   ·  coined   ·  searching   ·  have   ·  switch   ·  get  
The word blog was   by John Barger ihn1997.
I am   the internet for information about the man who invented the light bulb.
We   a lot of data from the questionnaires we did with students.
Could you   on the light? I can’t see.
The Americans don’t   as many holidays as the Europeans.
Did you   any ideas for a birthday present for Jack when you were shopping?
Please   your computers when you’ve finished using them.
Would you   a cup of tea?
This exercise (2) has been made by: Mr. Hamdi.a.Sultan


Computing words:
Complete the e-mail with words from the box:
digitally- enhanced   ·  webinar   ·  data-mining   ·  malware   ·  podcast   ·  phish   ·
wiki   ·  social networking  
Hi Kevin
I’m doing a research into      sites for my project and I’ve just taken part in a   
   on the internet about the dangers of these sites for “friends”. You can download the      of the
presentation to your MPs player. Anyway, a lot of      takes place on these sites as companies
look for the latest trends so they can use them in marketing and advertising. Then there are criminals
who      for people’s bank detail’s and things like that by pretending to be trustworthy
companies. And of course there is a lot of      such as viruses that can harm your computer. But
apart from all this, you can’t even trust people’s photos on these sites because they are
sometimes      to make them look better! If you’re interested in learning more there is
a      where you can find and add information on the subject. I’ll give you the address when I
see you tomorrow.
This exercise (3) has been made by: Mr. Hamdi.a.Sultan


Words about words

Match the words with the sentences. Use each words twice.

1. He’s working in Germany, where he teaches EFL.

2. William Grossman said, “the eye – they see”.

I’m going to leave no stone unturned in my efforts to discover the

3. truth.

4. Don’t drink the dirty water.

5. He’s brave as a lion.

6. He’s a very down to earth man.

7. The NATO headquarters are in New York.

8. Astronomers are moon starers.

9. Dad grumbles like a bear in the mornings.

10. Sue’s sister is sleeping.

a acronym.

b acronym.

c cliché.

d simile.

e anagram.

f alliteration.

g alliteration.

h cliché.

i anagram.
j simile.
This exercise (4) has been made by: Mr. Hamdi.a.Sultan


Match the beginnings (1-8) with the endings (a-h) to form well-known

1. As easy as

2. As cold as

3. As dry as

4. As blind as

5. As free as

6. As old as

7. As silent as

8. As sweet as

a the grave.

b a bone.

c honey.

d a bird.

e the hills.
f ice.

g a bat.

h pie.
This exercise (5) has been made by: Mr. Hamdi.a.Sultan


Match the statements with the speakers:

1. "Do you want chips with your steak?"

2. “I was wondering if we could discuss my salary?”

3. “We fancy a skiing holiday. What have we got?”

4. “You can pay for the suit by credit card if you like”

5. “How many rooms were you thinking of reserving?”

“I can give you an appointment with Mrs Redman at 4 pm. Is that

6. OK?”

7. “We were hoping to have seats in the first class.”

8. “I was thinking that you might like it to take a test drive.”

a hotel receptionist.

b secretary.

c customers at a travel agency.

d employee.
e car salesman.

f shop assistant.

g airline passengers.

h waitress.
Vocabulary: The Origin of Inspiration (Student Book)
Match the definitions with the words.

1. Something not important or connected with a situation

2. Expert knowledge of something

3. To have a rest or to relax after, or in between activities

4. The amount of space that an object or a substance fills

5. Appear or come forward out of nothing

6. Putting something underwater

7. Moved or shifted something from it's normal position

8. Made something worse

9. Very much or significantly

10. The thickness of solid, liquid or gas

11. Written or spoken description of something that has happened

12. Showing distrust

13. Huge and very important; having a great significance

14. Made or created something by hand using special skills

15. To have officially asked someone to do or make something for you

a Account.

b Commissioned.

c Monumental.

d Considerably.

e Suspicious.

f Submerging.

g Exacerbated.

h Irrelevant.

i Volume.

j Crafted.

k Take a break.

l Density.

m Emerge.

n Expertise.

o Displaced.
Vocabulary: Activate (Student Book)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.
monumental   ·  exacerbated   ·  expertise   ·  irrelevant   ·  displace   ·  submerged   ·
account   ·  density   ·  considerably   ·  commission   ·  crafted   ·  emerged   ·  take a
rest   ·  volume   ·  suspicious  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.
Joana is an excellent teacher. Her   is widely recognized.
The witness had to give an   of how the accident happened.
Our teacher was angry, but John's rude remarks   the situation.
The   of the liquid in the jar is about half a litre.
A mercedes is   more expensive than a Fiat.
The   of some metals make them too heavy for use in planes or helicopters.
The committee would like to   an artist to create a sculpture for the community centre.
I am highly   of Sandy's offer to help us. I don't think she actually wants us to succeed.
Jack   as the star of our singing class with his brilliant performance last week.
The goalkeeper's accidental death was a   loss to the team.
Natural disasters, such as flooding, can   thousands of people from their homes.
The stolen car was completely   in the river, so the police were unable to see it.
The jeweler   a beautiful necklace, bracelet and a ring for my engagement.
I'm exhausted, so I am going to   for a while.
15. To win an argument you need to be clear, concise and to the point; don't mention things that are
complicated or 

Vocabulary: Extend Prefixes (Student Book)

Match the prefixes (1-5) with their meanings (a-e)

1. Ultra-

2. Mal-

3. Auto-

4. Semi-

5. Anti-

a done or exists only partially.

b undesirable or bad.

c done by yourself.

d far beyond average or to an extreme degree.

e opposing or against something.

Extend Prefixes (Student Book)
Complete the sentences with the prefixes from exercise 3.
mal   ·  semi   ·  ultra   ·  auto   ·  anti  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.
Only the   rich can afford a fleet of private planes.
after the accident, she was   conscious and couldn't speak, so they took her to hospital
for tests.
All the systems went down after the main computer experienced a   function. It was a
total disaster for the country.
I have an   graphed book from my favourite author.
Martin doesn't go out much. He is rather   social.

Extend: Phrasal verbs: Break (Student Book)

Read the sentences and match the phrasal verbs in bold with their meanings

1. Our bus broke down two kilometers from the school.

2. The prisoner broke away from the policeman and ran off.

3. I was eating when part of my front tooth broke off.

4. The thief broke into the jewellery shop on the corner.

5. A fire broke out in the factory last night.

6. The workers broke up the pavement with a pneumatic drill.

a to come off or to come apart.

b to escape.

c to stop working.

d to enter by force.

e to break something into smaller pieces.

f to start.
Grammar:Conditionals without If
Exploit: (Student Book)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I will lend you my MP3 player on condition that you   (give) it back before Friday.
suppose you   (not check) your junk emails! you would never have known about the
Susan will come to see our match provided that she   (not have to work).
Supposing David had finished in fourth place. The couch   (not invite) him to the
national team.
So long as you try your best, I   (be) happy with your performance.
Imagine that Arab scholars   (not introduce) the zero! Mathematics would be very
Exploit: (Student Book)
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. If we hadn't noticed the water dripping from the ceiling, we would've had a flood in our
flat. (Suppose)   .
2. You wouldn't have been able to attend that university if you hadn't applied on
time. (Imagine)   .
I will work next weekend if you agree to work this weekend. (on the condition that)   .
The object will float if it is lighter than water. (so long as)   .
They didn't mind my singing if they couldn't hear it! (provided that)   .
We would've missed the plane if we hadn't been on time. (Supposing)   .
Correct the errors. (Student Book)
1. Suppose I hadn't done well in the exam, I wouldn't have passed the course. The error is ....?
I will rig you later provided that my phone will work.   .
We would never have met up! Imagine that you'd lost my phone number.   .
Supposing our team hadn't won last night. We have been miserable.   .
So long as I tried my best, my parents would've been pleased with my
progress.   .


Skills: Success versus Failure.

Vocabulary: (Student Book)
Complete the paragraph with words from the box.
struggle   ·  breakthrough   ·  frustrate   ·  persevere   ·  aggravate   ·  overcome   ·
enable   ·  setbacks  

Even the most intelligent inventor will      and fail at something, but it is important not to get
angry and allow failures to      you. Every inventor faces      , but successful
inventors will      until they      these obstacles. Of course, repeated failures
can      the financial problems that most inventors encounter, but money is available from a
variety of sources, from private investors to government funding. Obviously, adequate financial
resources      the inventor to conduct further experiments and to be patient until
a      occurs. However, this only happens to the lucky few.
Grammar: If only:
Exploit: (Student Book)
Write sentences with If only.
1. I / be / better at science / have / better job opportunities.
2. He / study / more often / become / engineer.
3. We / be / at the lecture / learn / so much.
4. I / speak / French / understand / French newspapers.
5. They / not leave / early / take / James with them.
6. She / not be / on holiday / tell us / what to do.
Dictionary Corner: (Student Book)
Compound Adjectives: -proof and -free. Study the following then Complete the
words with -proof or -free.
EG: The suffix -proof means resistant to or safe from something.
EG: The suffix -free means without something.
Trouble      .
Bullet      .
Water      .
Tax      .
Fat      .
Dictionary Corner: (Student Book)
Check the meaning of the words in the box and complete the sentences.
foolproof   ·  soundproof   ·  hands-free   ·  smoke-free   ·  interest-free   ·  childproof  
·  duty-free   ·  ovenproof  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.
Please don't leave that bottle of tablets on the table. The lid is not   , so Lily may be able
to open it.
It is very difficult to get an   loan in most European countries.
You can't take food in this dish because it isn't   .
In the 1990's people complained for   environments.
The singer can't hear you unless he's wearing his headphones. He's in a   room.
When we return from a trip abroad, we always buy something in the   shop at the
I need to buy a   device for my mobile phone so that I can use it more safely while
Anyone can use this phone, it's   .
It’s a must-have!
Vocabulary: Targeting teenagers. (Student Book)
Match the highlighted words in the text with their definitions.

1. Not moving in an easy way, uncomfortable.

Forget or disregard arguments because something else is more

2. important.

3. Promote and advertise.

4. Arguing.

5. Personal favourites or choices.

6. Never done or known before.

7. Not one of a group, excluded.

8. Aim at or direct at.

9. Money available to spend freely on whatever you want.

10. The ability to make money.

11. Rich.

Statements or actions by important or famous people to support

12. something being advertised.

13. Something continual or constant.

Have a right or power to influence or make a decision about
14. something.

15. The possibility of something being developed or used.

a Target.

b Earning power.

c Quarelling.

d Persistent.

e Market.

f Preferences.

g Unprecedented.

h Well off.

i Endorsements.

j Awkward.

k Disposable income.

l Have a say.

m Left out.

n Potential.

o Set aside their differences.

Vocabulary: Targeting teenagers. (Student Book)
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.

set aside their differences   ·  potential   ·  quarelling   ·  market   ·  unprecedented   ·

endorsements   ·  earning power   ·  target   ·  well off   ·  left out   ·  have a say   ·
disposal income   ·  awkward   ·  preference  

Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.

Having good exam results does not necessarily lead to higher   when you start
The president's speech at the university was   . No Foreign dignity had ever done that
I don't believe that product   by athletes are effective unless the product is related to
Advertiserd should not be permitted   unhealthy products.
The economy is not very good, so the   of many families has decreased.
Tom was nervous and his body language was   as he entered the gym.
Anne has the   to become a scientist in the future.
Our new teacher is very supportive. He wants us to   in the topic of our class project.
Daniel has been   of the team, so he is not happy.
The new healthy eating programme   school children.
They decided to   to try to find some compromise through discussion.
Some kids were   in the playground yesterday. They were extremely noisy.
The company had suffered   difficulties year after year before finally shutting down.
The flats in this neighbourhood is fabulous! Most of the residents are obviously very   
I don't have a   for either restaurants. You choose.


Extend: Adveretising Vocabulary. (Student Book)

Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).
1. Slogan

2. Jingle

3. product placement

4. Hype

5. Logo

6. Billboard

a a sign or symbol for a company product.

b a short memorable phrase used to promote something.

c exaggerated publicity to excite people about a product.

d using brand-name products in TV shows and films

e a short, memorable tune used to promote something.

f a large display board for advertising.


Extend: Adveretising Vocabulary. (Student Book)

Complete the sentences using words from the box.

product placement   ·  billboards   ·  jingle   ·  slogan   ·  hype   ·  logo  

Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the
appropriate gap.

The marketing company for that tea should think up a new   . "The quality tea,
QUALITEA" isn't catchy.
I enjoy this TV show, but I find the   is distracting. The actors are always holding soft
Don't believe the   about the multi-intelligent vacuum cleaner. It doesn't work that well.
I've already seen six huge   advertising the new shopping mall. Look! there is one
across the street.
I can't stop singing the   for that chocolate bars.
The   for my favourite basketball team is a rocket.


Idioms: Marketing (Student Book)

Check the meaning of the expressions (1-6) and match them with their
definitions (a-f).

1. To corner the market

2. To drum the business

3. To think outside of the box

4. Not up to scratch

5. In the pipeline

6. To put something on the line

a not as good as it should be.

b to be dominant in an area of business.

c being developed.

d to try hard to generate product interests and sales.

e to find new, innovative ideas, not used previously.

f to risk something.


Idioms: Marketing (Student Book)

Read the sentences. Replace the words in bold with an idiomatic expression from
the previous exercise.
Although apple computers are popular , the PC has dominated the market to date.   .
2. Celebrities should be careful about which products they endorse because their reputation can
be jeopardizes if the product isn't successful.   .
3. Market research is essential for companies to discover if their products are not good
Many companies spend a lot of money on advertising to increase their sales. 
5. To come up with a good marketing campaign, you sometimes have to think in an unconventional
6. Many marketing departments need to plan how to promote their products that are being


Grammar: The Passive with preparatory there.

exploit: (Student Book)
There   (think) to be a higher number of female shoppers online than males.
There   (report) to be more than 1000 students on the school's register last year.
There   (say) to be a better turnout at the staff meetings than last year.
There   (presumed) to be more demand for internet access points in the airport.
There   (think) to be several possible candidates for the election next year.
There   (feel) to be a cautious attitude to spending money after the economic crisis.


Grammar: The Passive with preparatory there.

exploit: (Student Book)
Rewrite the sentences in the passive with preparatory there.
People estimate that there are fewer than 500 tigers in the world today.   .
2. People presume that there is a direct relationship between the price and the quality of a
product.   .
3. People think that there are a number of benefits to the environment if fewer people go out
shopping.   .
Scientists say that there are more eco-friendly ways to create electricity.   .
Officials reported that there was a major breakthrough at the climate conference.   .
Customers felt that there were a number of areas for improvement of delivery service.   


Skills: Shopping habits (Student Book)

Match the expressions (1-8) with their definitions (a-h).

1. Must have item

2. Shopping list

3. terrific deals

4. A good buy
5. Cheap offers

6. Shopping spree

7. Wasteful with money

8. Price tag

a buying a lot of things, often too much, in a short period of time.

b spending without care.

c the label on a product that indicates how much it costs.

d a note of the essential things you want to buy.

e an item that is good value for money.

f exceptional bargains.

g promotions of goods at greatly reduced prices.

h Things you believe you have to own.

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