Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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1.1 Introduction
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
Textbook and References
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
Chapter 1 Introduction
Contents of chapter:
1. Introduction
2. Types of simple machines
3. Components of the complex machines
4. Machine elements
5. Examples
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1. Introduction
Learning Outcomes
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1. Introduction
• A machine element is a part of a machine that cannot be
disassembled any more. For example, keys, bolts, nuts,
gears, bearings....
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1. Introduction
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1.1 Introduction
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1.2 Types of simple machines elements
Types of machines
Machines come in two kinds — Simple and Complex Machines.
1. Simple Machines
A simple machine is a tool, device, or object with few moving parts that
help us do work. Simple machines have been in use for a very long time.
Early humans used simple machines to push, pull, lift, divide, and crush
things. They used simple machines to row rafts over water, build houses,
split firewood, and carry heavy items from place to place. Today, there
are simple machines everywhere and all around us. There are six types
of simple machines — the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, the
lever, the wheel and axle, and the pulley.
2. Complex Machines
Simple machines are different from complex (or compound machines).
Complex machines, like trucks or wagons, or bicycles, use many moving
parts, CNC machine, cars... They combine many simple machines such
as levers, pulleys, and gears to get work done.
Now, we shall look at each example of a simple machine.
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1.2 Types of simple machines elements
An inclined plane is a simple machine with no moving parts.
It is simply an even sloping surface. It makes it easier for us
to move objects to higher or lower surfaces than if we lifted
the objects directly upwards. It is believed that ancient
Egyptians used inclined planes to carry heavy stones to build
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.2 Types of simple machines elements
A wedge is
simply a
triangular tool,
often made of
metal, wood,
stone, or plastic.
It is thick on one
end and tapers to
a thin or sharp
edge on the other
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1.2 Types of simple machines elements
What is a Screw?
A screw is simply an inclined plane around a cylinder. To
describe this better, you can view it as a cylinder with a head
(solid top) at one end and a pointed tip (like a nail) at the other
end. More importantly, it has ridges winding around it. The
correct term for the ridges (or grooves) around the shaft or
cylinder is the thread.
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.2 Types of simple machines elements
What is a Lever?
A lever is simply a plank or ridged beam that is free to rotate on a
pivot. It is perfect for lifting or moving heavy things. It is a useful
simple machine, and you can find them everywhere. Good
examples of levers include the seesaw, crowbar, fishing-line,
oars, wheelbarrows, and the garden shovel.
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.2 Types of simple machines elements
What is a Wheel and Axle?
This simple machine involves two circular objects — a
larger disc and a smaller cylinder both joined at the center.
The larger disc is called the wheel. The smaller cylindrical
object or rod is referred to as the axle. Sometimes, there
may be two wheels attached to both ends of the axle. A
wheel alone or an axle alone is not a simple machine. They
need to be joined to be called a simple machine.
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.2 Types of simple machines elements
What is a pulley?
Have you seen your university or school flag hoisted? That is
possible with a simple pulley. When you pull down on the rope,
the pulley at the top of the pole turns, and the flag goes
up. Pulleys change the direction of the force.
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.2 Types of simple machines elements
Important Simple Machine terms Power (W)
Lever Power is the rate at which Work is
A solid bar that rotates around a pivot done. Power is measured in Watt.
and makes it easier to lift a load, move Power = Work / Time
a heavy object, or apply a force. Mechanical Advantage (MA)
Force (N) Simple machines do not work on
A force is a push or a pull. The unit of their own. Someone has to apply
Force is called the Newton. Force (F) = the input force to make it do work.
Mass x Acceleration. MA is the ratio between the input
Work - the joule (J). The movement of force and the output force. A
an object resulting from a force applied Mechanical Advantage is produced
to it. Movement is usually in the when a simple machine amplifies a
direction of the force. To calculate Work small input force to produce a
done, multiply Force (F) by Distance greater output force.
(D). W=FxD
Input Force
The effort or force you put into a
Output Force Rotation Point
force the machine produces as a The axis or center that a wheel17or
result of the input force. disc spins.
1.3 Components of the complex machines
Stirring machine
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1.3 Components of the complex machines
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1.3 Components of the complex machines
Engineering Tutorials
Working Principle of Lathe Machine
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1.3 Components of the complex machines
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc Old machine CNC Machine
1.3 Components of the machines
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1.3 Components of the complex machines
Structure of CNC
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1.3 Components of the complex machines
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1.4 Machine Elements
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.4 Machine Elements
1. Gear drive
Generation of involute
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1.4 Machine Elements
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1.4 Machine Elements
9/7/2023 Gear 28
PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc Planetary Worm – Worm gear
1.4 Machine Elements
Load distribution
along the gear
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1.4 Machine Elements
Heat treatment of
gear surface
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1.4 Machine Elements
3 stage bevel –
helical reducer
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1.4 Machine Elements
Gear Drive-Infeed Rollers Pete Robinson's cam gear drive for Ford 427
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc Applications of gear drive
1.4 Machine Elements
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1.4 Machine Elements
Helical - worm
Reducer – motor
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1.4 Machine Elements
Chain drive
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1.4 Machine Elements
Bi Trụ
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1.4 Machine Elements
screw centerline
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1.5 Applications
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1.5 Applications
Pulling Winch
Bánh cóc 1
Gear drive
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1.5 Applications
Loads chain
Loading screw
Roller Conveyor
Vibrating Conveyor
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1.5 Applications
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1.5 Applications
Loads chain
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1.5 Applications
Vibrating Conveyor
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1.5 Applications
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1.5 Applications
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1.5 Applications
Asimo robot
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1.5 Applications
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1.5 Applications
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1.5 Applications
The flying car has taken off
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PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc
1.5 Applications Printing Machinery
Fibre Processing
Carpet Machinery Used Clothing Equipment
Dyeing Machinery Weaving
Finishing Yarns & Thread Processin
Narrow Fabrics
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1.5 Applications
Textile machine
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1.5 Applications
Milling CNC Machine
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