Department of Education: Program Title Target Date and Venue Background/ Rationale
Department of Education: Program Title Target Date and Venue Background/ Rationale
Department of Education: Program Title Target Date and Venue Background/ Rationale
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
PROGRAM TITLE 2022 Cluster Based Mid-Sem INSET for the Integration of ICT in the New
Normal Education
TARGET DATE AND February 2-4, 2022 Cabayo Integrated School, Western Kayapa District
BACKGROUND/ Republic Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic education Act of 2013, section 7,
RATIONALE entitled Teacher Education and Training, specifically the In-service Training on
Content and Pedagogy states that current DepEd teachers shall be retrained to
meet the content and performance standards of the new K to 12 curriculum. In
line with this, DepEd supports the continuing professional development of
teachers based on the principle of lifelong learning. Teachers are encouraged to
undergo trainings and workshops to improve and enhance their knowledge and
skills and be updated with the current trends in technology as an aid to
providing quality education to the learners.
Cabayo Integrated School fully supports the implementation of the said Act,
hence a cluster based INSET will be conducted to fill the gaps and make the
teachers more efficient and effective in the delivery of quality basic education
to the learners despite the absence of face-to-face classes.
At the end of the training, the following objectives will be achieved:
OBJECTIVES Participants are equipped with strategies appropriate for distance
Participants were engaged in the different activities of the training-
Participants are updated with the current trends in education
Participants will be able to produce outputs for the different topics
8:30-9:00 MOL
9:00-10:00 Lecture on ICT- Jelyn M. Mencio-Omas
am Based Module T-I, Cabayo IS
10:00- Health Break
10:30 am
Day 3 10:30- Workshop
February 11:40am
4, 2022 Lunch Break
1:00-2:00 Lecture on PHET Jelyn M. Mencio-Omas
pm Simulations T-I, Cabayo IS
2:00-3:00 Workshop
3:00-3:30 Demonstration Teaching
3:30-4:00 Closing Program and Marilou C. Caliag-Wayan
pm Evaluation Teacher I, Cabayo IS
Master of Ceremony: Joy P. Asim-Tactac
Teacher I, Cabayo IS
Time Frame Activities Person-In-Charge
Complete Staff Work
February 2, 2022 (Day 1)
Meeting Schedule
7:30-8:30 Registration Marcelyn O. Dominguez
T-I, Abat ES
8:30-9:00 Opening Program Renalyn Castro
PSEF Teacher, Cabayo IS
9:00-10:00 Lecture on L&D Eleonor U. Davis
Proposal Making HT-I
1:00-2:30 Lecture on RBI Module Tracy I. Sana-oy
Explainer Using T-I, Abat ES
Powerpoint 2019
Prepared by:
Teacher I, Proponent
Noted by:
HT-I, School Head