A000829 Solutions Wordlist German Pre Int
A000829 Solutions Wordlist German Pre Int
A000829 Solutions Wordlist German Pre Int
GERMAN Wordlist
Unit 1 The real you
addicted adj /əˈdɪktɪd/ süchtig He’s addicted to football and can’t live without it.
agree v /əˈɡriː/ zustimmen We agreed that it was a good proposal.
allow v /əˈlaʊ/ gestatten Students aren’t allowed to wear hooded tops.
ambitious adj /æmˈbɪʃəs/ ehrgeizig She’s very ambitious, and should be promoted.
attractive adj /əˈtræktɪv/ attraktiv He isn’t attractive but he’s always got a girlfriend.
avoid v /əˈvɔɪd/ ausweichen Whenever I talk to her she avoids the subject.
baggy adj /ˈbæɡi/ weit (geschnitten) Skaters usually wear baggy clothes.
ban v /bæn/ verbieten Our school banned students from wearing hoodies.
behave v /bɪˈheɪv/ sich benehmen If you behave badly you’ll be punished.
believable adj /bɪˈliːvəbl/ glaubhaft His story was believable, but he was lying.
certain adj /ˈsɜːtn/ sicher I think he had red hair, but I’m not certain.
chess n /tʃes/ Schach Chess is a traditional board game.
comfortable adj /ˈkʌmftəbl/ bequem Trainers are more comfortable than heels.
confident adj /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ selbstsicher She’s a confident person who knows what she wants.
cool adj /kuːl/ cool Mr Ali is pretty cool for a teacher!
decide v /dɪˈsaɪd/ beschließen I was tired so I decided not to go shopping.
fancy v /ˈfænsi/ (jmdn.) gut finden If you think he fancies you, you should ask him out.
fat adj /fæt/ dick, fett If you eat a lot you may get fat.
fearless adj /ˈfɪələs/ furchtlos He’s completely fearless and takes risks.
fit adj /fɪt/ fit She’s joined a gym to get fit.
for sale adj /fɔː(r) seɪl/ zu verkaufen There’s a great bike for sale in the cycle shop.
friendly adj /ˈfrendli/ freundlich He’s very friendly and will talk to anyone.
funny adj /ˈfʌni/ komisch I didn’t laugh at the joke because it wasn’t funny.
generation gap n /dʒenəˈreɪʃn Generationskonflikt This movie is sure to bridge the generation gap.
generous adj /ˈdʒenərəs/ großzügig He’s very generous with his money.
grateful adj /ˈɡreɪtfl/ dankbar I’m very grateful to you for finding my diary.
hard-working adj /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ fleißig My granddad was hard-working and never had time off.
hide v /haɪd/ verstecken People are suspicious of teenagers who hide their faces.
hooded top n /ˈhʊdɪd tɒp/ Oberteil mit Kapuze Hooded tops can be practical because they’re warm.
hoody n /hʊdiː/ Kapuzenpullover All my friends wear hoodies.
hope v /həʊp/ hoffen I hope he likes the present I bought for him.
imagine v /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ vorstellen Young people can’t imagine life without computers.
impatient adj /ɪmˈpeɪʃnt/ ungeduldig I’m quite impatient and don’t like waiting around.
intolerant adj /ɪnˈtɒlərənt/ intolerant She’s intolerant and not very popular.
judge v /dʒʌdʒ/ beurteilen It isn’t fair to judge people on appearance.
karate n /kəˈrɑːti/ Karate Karate is a form of martial arts.
keen adj /kiːn/ begeistert They’re keen on physical exercise.
kind adj /kaɪnd/ nett It was kind of you to help me with my homework.
lazy adj /ˈleɪzi/ faul Far from being lazy, he spends all his time working.
n /ˈleʒə(r)/ Freizeit- Computer games are a popular leisure activity.
loyal adj /ˈlɔɪəl/ loyal, treu She’s a loyal friend who always stands by me.
mean adj /miːn/ geizig, knauserig He’s so mean. He didn’t buy me a present.
mind v /maɪnd/ dagegen haben I don’t mind going to the cinema.
online adv /ˌɒnˈlaɪn/ online My sister spends ages chatting online.
Unit 5 Gifts
aspirin n /ˈæsprɪn/ Aspirin I’ve got a headache. Have you got any aspirin?
bakery n /ˈbeɪkəri/ Bäckerei The bakery had run out of bread.
ballroom n /ˈbɔːlruːm/ Ballsaal Dances and parties are held in the ballroom.
bank n /bæŋk/ Bank I need to go to the bank to pay in this cheque.
birthday cake n /ˈbɜːθdeɪ keɪk/ Geburtstagskuchen I’ve ordered a birthday cake for Gina’s 18th.
butcher’s n /ˈbʊtʃəz/ Metzger I buy my meat from the butcher’s.
card shop n /kɑːd ʃɒp/ Kartenladen Card shops have cards for all sorts of occasions.
castle n /ˈkɑːsl/ Burg, Schloss The castle at Balmoral has a beautiful tower.
cathedral n /kəˈθiːdrəl/ Kathedrale Notre Dame is a famous cathedral by the River Seine.
changing room n /tʃeɪndʒɪŋ rʊm/ Umkleideraum I’d like to try this shirt on in the changing room.
chemist’s n /ˈkemɪsts/ Drogerie I bought insect repellent from the chemist’s.
Christmas card n /ˈkrɪsməs kɑːd/ Weihnachtskarte We keep in touch by exchanging Christmas cards.
City Hall n /ˌsɪti ˈhɔːl/ Rathaus The City Hall is where civic occasions are held.
clothes shop n /kləʊðz ʃɒp/ Bekleidungsgeschäft There’s a new clothes shop that sells designer gear.
computer shop n /kəmˈpjuːtə(r) Computer You can buy a USB cable from the computer shop.
concert hall n /ˈkɒnsət hɔːl/ Konzerthaus I went to the concert hall to see my sister in a choir.
congress hall n /ˈkɒŋɡres hɔːl/ Kongresshalle The building has a theatre and a congress hall.
construction n /kənˈstrʌkʃn/ Bau Construction of the Empire State Building began in
dominate v /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/ beherrschen The building dominates the skyline.
electrical store n /ɪˈlektrɪkl Elektrofachgeschäft I bought this iron at the electrical store on Queen
stɔː(r) / Street.
exchange v /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ austauschen In Britain, we exchange gifts on Christmas Day.
fit v /fɪt/ passen I tried on the shoes but they didn’t fit.
fortune n /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ Vermögen You can easily spend a fortune on Christmas presents.
government building n Regierungsgebäude Government buildings are often built in a style that
/ˈɡʌvənmənt ˈbɪldɪŋ/ reflects their importance.
grounds n pl /ɡraʊndz/ Außenanlagen People can walk around the palace grounds.
impressive adj /ɪmˈpresɪv/ beeindruckend The castle has an impressive tower.
jeweller’s n /ˈdʒuːələz/ Juwelier(in) I need to get my ring enlarged at the jeweller’s.
label n /ˈleɪbl/ Preisschild You’ll find the price of the dress on the label.
meat n /miːt/ Fleisch I could never be a vegetarian because I love meat.
monument n /ˈmɒnjumənt/ Denkmal The Statue of Liberty is a famous monument.
museum n /mjuˈziːəm/ Museum At the transport museum, we saw some old cars.
music shop n /ˈmjuːzɪk ʃɒp/ Musikgeschäft The music shop still sells records.
newsagent’s n /ˈnjuːzeɪdʒənts/ Zeitungshändler(in) The newsagent’s hasn’t got any papers left.
opera house n /ˈɒprə haʊs/ Opernhaus We saw a performance of Aida at the opera house.
palace n /ˈpæləs/ Palast Buckingham Palace belongs to the Queen.
n /ˈpeɪpə(r)/ Zeitung The Sunday papers can take all day to read.
parade n /pəˈreɪd/ Parade, Umzug A parade was held to mark the opening of the Statue
of Liberty.
pasta n /ˈpæstə/ Pasta, Nudeln The Italian restaurant makes all its own pasta.
Unit 8 What if …?
act v /ækt/ handeln We need to act soon.
apologise v /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ entschuldigen You ought to apologise for what you said.
arms trade n /ɑːmz treɪd/ Waffenhandel Buying and selling guns is known as the arms trade.
ash n /æʃ/ Asche Ash from the volcano has risen into the sky.