S7 Q4 Summative-Test-2

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QUARTER 4, SY 2021-2022

Instructions: Read each question carefully and write the correct answer in a
separate sheet of paper, or in the answer sheet provided to you. Do not write anything
on this test questionnaire.

1. What layer of the atmosphere where nearly all weather phenomena occur?
A. Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Troposphere

2. What atmospheric layer is Aurora borealis found?

A. Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Troposphere

3. What do you call to a mixture of gases and particles that surround a planet, held
by gravity?
A. Atmosphere
B. Blanket
C. Greenhouse
D. Ozone

4. Without the greenhouse effect, which of the following will happen to planet Earth?
A. The planet will die
B. The planet will stay normal
C. The planet will become warm
D. The planet will become very cold

5. What happens to the temperature on earth if more greenhouse gases are released
into the atmosphere?
A. Temperature will increase
B. Temperature will decrease
C. Temperature will stay the same
D. Temperature will fluctuate drastically

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
For numbers 6-8, refer to Figure 1 below

Figure 1. Height and temperature profile of the layers of the atmosphere

(Source: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry)

6. What is the correct arrangement of Earth's atmospheric layers base on

increasing temperature distribution?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere

7. From the figure above, which layer of the atmosphere that has the coldest
temperature and is approximately 10 Km above the ground?
A. Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Troposphere
8. Which of the following correctly describes the given graph?
I. Thermosphere has the lowest temperature.
II. The temperature of mesosphere reaches -90˚C.
III. Troposphere is the layer found near to the Earth’s surface.
IV. Stratosphere ranges a height of 20km-40km above the ground.

A. I and II only
B. III and IV only
C. I, II and III only
D. I, II, III and IV

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
9. Which of the following is NOT an effect of global warming?
A. Polar ice caps will melt.
B. Some areas will experience serious droughts.
C. Coastal regions will be covered with rising sea levels.
D. Earth’s rotation will slow down and eventually will stop.

10. Greenhouse gases are naturally occurring gases that traps radiation from the
Earth. Records show that there is a drastic change in the amount of greenhouses
gases present in the atmosphere resulting to an increased in carbon dioxide. Which
of the following activities leads to this imbalance??
I. Cutting down and burning of trees.
II. Plants absorbing carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
III. Humans burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas as a source of energy
IV. Using of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as refrigerants in refrigerators and in
making foam plastics

A. I and III only

B. I, II and III only
C. I, III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

11. Which of the following are the best practices to help slow down global warming?
I. Use energy efficiently at home
II. Participate in tree planting activities
III. Continue using the single use plastics
IV. Practice the 5Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Recover)

A. I and II only
B. II and IV only
C. I, III and IV only
D. I, II and IV only

12. CFCs are used as refrigerants in refrigerators, spray cans as propellants and in
making foam plastics as foaming agent. The use of CFCs has been banned worldwide
due to its adverse effect in the environment. If you were given the chance to become
the President in your country. Do you agree with the government’s idea of not using
CFCs anymore?
A. Yes, because CFCs are dangerous to human health.
B. No, because there is no study that supports the idea.
C. Yes, because CFCs destroys the ozone layer that increases global warming.
D. No, because CFCs play a vital role in refrigerator, spray cans and foam

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
13. A good way of reducing the greenhouse effect is using energy efficiently like
turning off lights when not in use. In the following statements below, what practices
could you NOT suggest to everyone to efficiently use energy at home?
A. Encourage them to use Halogen light bulbs instead of LED bulbs.
B. Tell them not to leave devices on standby but to unplug them when not in
C. Encourage the use of smart automated devices that will automatically turns
off the power supply when you forget to.
D. Encourage them to use solar-powered version of some electronic devices
they use at home.

14. What does I. T. C. Z stands for?

A. Inter-tropical Convergent Zone
B. Inter-tropical Continental Zone
C. Inter-tropical Convergence Zone
D. Intra-tropical Convergence Zone

15. What type of Monsoon occurs during the month of August?

A. Northeast Monsoon
B. Northwest Monsoon
C. Southeast Monsoon
D. Southwest Monsoon

16. Which of the following statements below is TRUE about Inter-tropical

Convergence Zone or I. T. C. Z?
A. It will happen once in a year
B. It only occurs in Polar Regions
C. It only occurs in a Tropic Region
D. Its occurrences cannot be determined

17. Which of the following statements best describes the Northeast monsoon?
A. It is known as hanging habagat
B. It is characterized by frequent heavy rain and strong winds.
C. It occurs during the month of June to October and characterized by
frequent heavy rain.
D. This is a season characterized by a slight to moderate rainfall and prevailing
cold winds.

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
For Numbers 18 – 19 evaluate the movement of air in and out the box in the diagram
given below.

Figure 2. Direction of warm air and surrounding air

(Illustrated by: Ma. Sheila S. Manila)
18. Based on the illustration, what is the direction of warm air?
A. Moving downward
B. Moving inside the box
C. Rising towards the atmosphere
D. Moving upward and downward

19. Based on the illustration, why is the surrounding air move towards the
place where warm air is going up?
A. Because air is always available in atmosphere
B. Because the place of rising air has high pressure area
C. Because air always attracted to the place where air is rising
D. Because the rising warm air creates a low pressure inside the box
which pulls in cool air from the outside to replace the rising air

20. Which of the following statements is Correct about the air above the land and
sea during day time?
A. Air above the land is cool and air above the sea is warm.
B. Ocean air is higher in temperature than the temperature of land air.
C. Air above land is warm and it rise, then cool sea air moves towards the
D. Air above land and sea are in equal temperature and then both move

21. Which of the following statements below explains the occurrence of land breeze,
sea breeze, and monsoons?
I. Two different places warm up or cool down differently.
II. Warm air always goes up and cold air replaces area where warm air rises.
III. Winds always moves from high pressure area towards a low pressure area.
IV. Movement of winds are caused by the differences of temperature in

A. I, II, III, and IV

B. I, II, and IV only

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
C. I, III, and IV only
D. II, III, and IV only

For numbers 22 – 24, refer to the following picture below

Figure 3. Movement of air during day time and night time

(Source: https://www.slideshare.net/mae2388/movements-of-air-31811384 )
22. The figure above show the reverse movement of air from land to sea or from sea
to land. Does land and sea have the same pressure at the same time?
A. Yes, because the air blows in one direction at a time
B. Yes, because there is a reverse movement of air on land and water
C. No, because the air always moves from an area with higher pressure to
lower pressure area.
D. No, because the air always moves from an area with lower pressure to
higher pressure area.

23. Based on the figure above, how will you compare the density of air above the
land and sea?
A. Air above land and sea surfaces are equal in density
B. Air above sea is less dense than air above land surface
C. Air above the sea is denser than air above land surface
D. Air above the land is less dense than air above sea surface

24. The picture above shows the reverse movement of air from land to sea or from
sea to land. Do you think the land and sea have the same pressure at the same
A. Yes, because the air blows in one direction at a time
B. Yes, because there is a reverse movement of air on land and water
C. No, because the air always moves from an area with higher pressure to
lower pressure area.

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
D. No, because the air always moves from an area with lower pressure to
higher pressure area

25. Your teacher in science explained that the wind direction during day time is
usually the reverse of wind direction at night time. Which of the following
statements will you choose to support your teacher’s explanation?
A. There is more water in the sea than on land.
B. This is an indication of the change in our climate.
C. The water temperature’s remains the same all throughout the day.
D. The land heats up faster during the day and it cools down quickly at
night than water.

Test Developer: Everliza B. Lagunde DepEd-Caraga

School: Puting Bato National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment

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