Post Cs Na Revised Na Toh
Post Cs Na Revised Na Toh
Post Cs Na Revised Na Toh
College Of Nursing
Legarda, Manila
Cesarean birth, birth accomplished through an abdominal incision into the uterus, is one
of the oldest typed of surgical procedure known. Unfortunately, it is a procedure always more
hazardous than vaginal birth. Fortunately, when compared with other surgical procedures, it
is one of the safest types of surgeries and one with few complications.
The word “cesarean” is derived from the Latin “caedore” which means “to cut”. At one
time, there was a popular belief that Julius Caesar was delivered by a cesarean birth and that
procedure was named for him. However, because Caesar was born before antibiotics and
sterile surgical techniques, it seems likely that his mother would have survived the said
procedure. Currently, cesarean birth is used most often prophylactic measures, to alleviate
problems of birth for conditions such as cephalopelvic disproportion, cervical cerclage,
placenta previa, umbilical cord prolapsed, fetal distress, transverse fetal lie, etc. It is
generally contraindicated when there is a documented dead fetus.
positioned to deliver feet or bottom first. If your doctor determines that the baby can’t be
turned through abdominal manipulation, you will need to have a cesarean delivery.
The term cesarean birth rather than cesarean delivery is generally used to accentuate that
this is a birth more than surgical procedure. A major concern in maternal and child health
nursing is the increasing number of cesarean births being performed annually.
In South East Asian countries, Overall 27% of women had a caesarean section, with rates
varying from 19% to 35% between countries and 12% to 39% between hospitals within
countries. The most common indications for caesarean were previous caesarean (7.0%),
cephalopelvic disproportion (6.3%), malpresentation (4.7%) and fetal distress (3.3%).
Neonatal resuscitation rates ranged from 7% to 60% between countries. Prophylactic
antibiotics were almost universally given but variations in timing occurred between countries
and between hospitals within countries.
There are two types of Cesarean Birth: scheduled and emergency. In the first instance,
there is time for thorough preparation, some women may have even taken a child preparation
class specifically for cesarean birth. Scheduling cesarean birth this freely also resulted in
preterm births. A physical indication for cesarean birth such as transverse presentation,
genital herpes, cephalopelvic disproportion, or avoidance of post-procedure stress
incontinence, must be documented before a cesarean procedure can be performed. Cesarean
birth reduces the transfer of HIV from mother to newborn (Read et al. 2001). With new
surgical techniques, particularly a low cervical incision, “once a cesarean, always a cesarean”
no longer applies. Most of women who have had cesarean birth, after 10 years are eligible to
give birth vaginally in subsequent pregnancies if the circumstances are otherwise are
appropriate for vaginal birth. About 60% of woman todat have vaginal birth after a cesarean
birth (VBAC). VBAC’s are the most successful if there is an interval greater than 19 months
between the cesarean and the VBAC (Huonget Al., 2002). Emergency cesarean births are
done for reasons such as placenta previa, abruption placentae, fetal distress or failure to
progress in labor. An emergency cesarean birth carries with it the risk of all emergency
surgery: a woman may not be a prime candidate for anesthesia and who is psychologically
unprepared for the experience. In addition, the woman may have a fluid electrolyte
imbalance and be both physically and emotionally exhausted form a long labor.
General objective:
We, BSN 3 – Group 48 of Arellano University College of Nursing aims to develop our
skills in performing assessment procedures and the necessary intervention for quality client care
of patient with post cesarean client, to enhance our knowledge in understanding the procedure
and identify specific treatment and last and foremost is for us to be able to give knowledge about
Specific objectives:
This theory composed of three related theories including self care, self care agency, and
therapeutic self care demand. In Self care theory, an individual initiate and perform his/her own
activities to maintain life, health and well being. In Self care agency, a multidimensional
concept in nursing theory includes motivation, decision-making, energy, and knowledge
necessary to perform self-care actions. In Therapeutic self care demand, "totality of self care
actions to be performed for some duration in order to meet self care requisites by using valid
methods and related sets of operations and actions".
A Self care requisite is an action directed towards provision of self care. There are 3 categories
of self care requisites are: 1) The Universal, which includes developmental and health deviation;
2) the Universal self-care requisites associates with life processes and the maintenance of the
integrity of human structure and functioning and activity of daily living (ADL). These requisites
identify maintenance of sufficient intake of air, water, and food. Also provision of care
associated with elimination process, balances between activity and rest between solitude and
social interaction, prevention of hazards to human life well-being and promotion of human
functioning and lastly; 3) the Developmental self care requisites associates with developmental
processes/derives from a condition or associates with an event and this also includes health
deviation self-care that requires condition of illness, or disease. It also seeks and secures
appropriate medical assistance, being aware of and attending to the effects and results of
pathologic conditions, effectively carrying out medically prescribed measures, modifies self
concept in accepting oneself as being in a particular state of health and in specific forms of
health care and learning to live with effects of pathologic conditions.
“Dorothea Orem’s theory encompasses that patient is requiring nursing care. It is needed if there
is a problem that prevents a person from reaching their optimal health. Restoring, promoting and
maintaining health are the goals of Dorothea Orem’s Self-care Model, these include the interventions
and teachings design to return a person to or sustain a level of optimal health and well being, It is when
an adult is incapable or limited in the provision of continuous effective self-care. In this case, the
patient has ineffective health continuance because of the procedure she had undergone and due to
the incision she had have the nurses role in helping the client to achieve or maintain a level of
optimal health and wellness to act as an advocate, redirector, support person and teach and to
provide an environment conducive to therapeutic ddevelpoment.
A. Biographical Data
Patient Name: A. M.
Nationality: Filipino
B. Chief Complaint
Two days prior to admission, patient experienced bloody vaginal discharge upon
urinating. The bloody vaginal discharge she noted prompted her to go to the hospital and
subsequently admitted. (delte breast changes. Eklabu)
Pain experienced:
Location is in right and lower left quadrant of abdomen specifically on the incision site.
Radiation localized pain. Quality is recurrent and throbbing pain. Aggravating Factor is during
activity. Alleviating factor was medications. Time usually lasts for 1-2 hours
On the 1st trimester of her pregnancy, she experienced discomforts like breast changes,
urinary frequency, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Urinary frequency accompanied by leg cramps
was also experienced in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The patient had her Urinary tract Infection when
she was in her 7th month of pregnancy and her Physician prescribed her a Cefalexin as treatment
for the said illness. And She have had undergone a procedure of dilatation and curettage due to
her miscarriage. And had no allergies to any food and medications.
F. Social History
Work Environment: She works at MDS, a web design company located at The Fort Strip.
G. Obstetrical History
Last Menstrual Period: November 19, 2005
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The pelvic girdle is the place where the lower limbs attach to the body. The right and left
coxae, or hip bones, join each other anteriorly and the sacrum posteriorly, to form a ring of bone
called the pelvic girdle and the coccyx. The sacrum and the coccyx form part of the pelvis but
are also part of the axial skeleton. Each coxa formed by the three bones fused to one another to
form a single bone. The ilium is the most superior, the ischium is the inferior and the pubis is the
anterior and inferior. An iliac crest can be seen alongthe superior margin of each ilium and an
anterior iliac spine, an important hip landmark, is located at the anterior end of the iliac crest.
The coxae join each other anteriorly at the pubic symphysis and join the sacrum posteriorly at the
sacro ilac joints. The acetabulum is the socket of the hip joint. The obturator foramen is the large
hole in each coxa that is closed off by muscles and other structures.
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The organs of the reproductive systems are concerned with the general process of
reproduction, and each is adapted for specialized tasks. These organs are unique in that their
functions are not necessary for the survival of each individual. Instead, their functions are vital to
the continuation of the human species. In providing maternity gynecologic health care to women,
you will find that it is vital to your career as a practical nurse and to the patient that you will
require a greater depth and breadth of knowledge of the female anatomy and physiology than
usual. The female reproductive system consists of internal organs and external organs. The
internal organs are located in the pelvic cavity and are supported by the pelvic floor. The external
organs are located from the lower margin of the pubis to the perineum. The appearance of the
external genitals varies greatly from woman to woman, since age, heredity, race, and the number
of children a woman has borne determines the size, shape, and color.
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Arrest in Cervical
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-The patient eats usual foods -The patient was under -There is a change in the diet
such as sinigang and adobo NPO and being given by modification of the patient
NUTRITIONAL- and she has ability in an IVF of D5LR 1L to run because the patient is a post
METABOLIC swallowing and chewing for 8 hours at 32 gtts/ min CS she must be in NPO since
PATTERN foods and feeds herself. She’s as ordered. And she loss her peristalsis movement is
taking regular meals. blood about 800 cc on the not yet returning to normal.
operation. There’s a risk in deficient
fluid volume.
-a pregnant woman should
eat a sufficient diet to allow
for the growth of fetus and
also provide for the need of
her on growing baby.
(maternal and child nursing
-most women have a IVF line
before the surgery with a
fluid .it helps to ensure that a
woman is fully hydrated.
(maternal &child health
nursing vol.1,p657)
-The patient had a regular -The patient was -There is a change in the
bowel movement. Her last catheterized her urine is urine pattern because the
menstrual period was last bloody in color and has an patient had been catheterized
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November 19, 2005. Duration output of 400cc per/hr. and the patient’s elimination
ELIMINATION of her menstrual period was The patient undergone was also changed because
PATTERN 3- 5 days, 2-3 pads, water glycerine enema water glycerine enema was
moderately soaked. prior to the procedure. administered to the client due
Transfer the mens eke k sa to her condition.
sexual ekek.
-“di ko naman masyadong -before the hospitalization
nararamdaman na patient had a normal
lumalabas yoong ihi ko elimination pattern, can void
-“Nung pag-ihi ko may pero nakikita ko may freely but when she got
sumabay na dugo” as laman naman yoong bag” hospitalized her sensation of
verbalized by the patient. as verbalized by the voiding become altered.
ACTIVITY- -The patient is able to feed, -The patient was not able - the patient uses her full
EXERCISE bathe and groom herself. She to do things independently range of motion and have
PATTERN has sufficient energy for and became dependent. active exercise before she
desired and/or required She had a difficult time hospitalized and become
activity. She is in full range of moving around the bed to altered when she got into the
motion. And practices active change position due to the hospital because of pain and
exercises. pain weakness due to the
Delete feeding churva. -People often define their
health and physical fitness by
their activity because mental
well-being and the
effectiveness of body
function depend largely on
their mobility status.
(fundamentals of nursing
vol.2, p1106)
-She had a normal sleep and -She experienced -Due to the procedure that
rest pattern. difficulty in sleeping as the client had undergone, she
SLEEP AND she experienced pain. was having difficulty, since
REST PATTERN Not applicable yung normal she cannot move freely and
the presence of incision in
her abdomen and the pain in
it, made her difficult to sleep.
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COGNITIVE -Before the hospitalization, - Patient was then asked -The patient’s cognitive
PERCEPTUAL the patient experienced how she felt after the perceptual pattern changed
PATTERN discomforts like breast operation and she due to the patient’s condition
changes, urinary frequency verbalized and maybe due to knowledge
nausea and vomiting. And “nararamdaman ko yoong deficit.
urinary frequency sakit ng tahi” and “kung i-
accompanied by leg cramps rarate ko yoong sakit mga -According to Piaget stage of
on the 2nd and 3rd trimester of 5/10. She also added Cognitive development-
pregnancy. “medyo nauuhaw ako na formal operational- the
parang natutuyo person can solve hypothetical
lalamunan ko siguro dahil problems with scientific
Not applicable.what was the sa pagod tsaka sa tagal ng reasoning understand s
perceptiot the s/sn abou operasyon” and “parang causality and can deal with
hindi ko kaya na hindi ako the past present and future.
kakain ng ganoon katagal, (maternal &child health
paano ako lalakas?” nursing vol.2,p801)
-The patient believes that her -The patient is concern -Herself perception is mainly
SELF needs for intimacy and with her current health focused on her health
PERCEPTION affection are being met. She condition and how she condition.
PATTERN-SELF feels good most of the time. will be getting well and
CONCEPT her present health goal is
PATTERN to eat to be able to get
-She is living with her -She was a mom now, and --throughout life people
husband and a family oriented trying to adjust on things under go numerous role
person. She isn’t a member of like taking care of her changes.
ROLE any organization. newborn, etc. (fundamentals of nursing
RELATIONSHIP vol.2,p1006)
-Patient AM had moderate
self esteem with close
relationship with the member
of her family.
-Her first menstrual period -She had delivered a live - according to Freud stages of
SEXUALITY- was when she was 14 years full term baby girl. psychosexual a person
REPRODUCTIVE old and her Last Menstrual develops sexual maturity and
Period was last November 19, learns to establish
2005. And have had satisfactory relationship with
undergone D&C due to the opposite sex.
miscarriage on her first (maternal &child health
pregnancy. nursing vol.2,p803)
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- She was married to his
husband on March 2005.
STRESS -She is coping well in every -She is stressed and has -She became stressful
TOLERANCE problems encountered with worries and fears. because of her condition.
PATTERN the help of her husband and
faith to God.
VALUE BELIEF -She is a Roman Catholic and ??????? - religion may be considered
PATTERN goes to church regularly, it is a system of belief, practices
where she gets her courage in and ethical values about
every circumstances that divine or superhuman power
comes along her way. or power of worshipped as
the creators and rulers of the
(fundamentals of nursing
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General Survey: The patient is conscious and coherent upon examination, weighs for 64kg and
stands 5’3”. The client don’t have body odor nor breath odor. The client is relaxed every time we
speak to her.
Vital Signs:
PR: 92 bpm
RR: 20 cpm
TEMP: 37.6
S (Severity) – 5/10
T (Time or Onset) – Onset of pain is gradual, usually lasts for 1-2 hours
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conjunctivae, intact eye. Positive reflexes
and normal lacrimal means no neurological
apparatus. impairment of the cranial
Ears Symmetrical,(-) Normal, no signs of
discharges and waxy congenital abnormality like
texture and normal low set ears (Trisomy 21)
hearing acuity
Nose Normally deviated Pt. is not experiencing
with patent nostril, non DOB, nasal flaring and no
tender sinuses, pinkish abnormal discharge.
turbinate’s, moist and (-) lesions like polyps
pinkish nasal mucosa Nasal septum intact at the
with (-) discharge middle.
Mouth Lips were slightly dry No signs of cyanosis, no
and pink in color, mucosal cysts or tumor.
symmetrical and with Slightly yellowish teeth
no lesions. indicates the pt. have not
Slightly yellowish performing good oral
complete set of teeth hygiene the past days after
pinkish gums and the surgery
buccal mucosa, tonsils
with midline tongue
and uvula
Lung Symmetrical lung Indicates healthy lung and
expansion and resonant normal lung sounds
respiratory sounds
Heart Apical Heart sound Apical sound is normally
heard at the 5th heard on that part because
intercostals space, left the apex of the heart is
mid clavicular line normally located there nad
with (-) murmur absence of murmurs
indicates the pt. has no
heart problem
Abdome Presence of linea nigra Umbilicus is stretched
n and striae gravidarum. during pregnancy to such
Low segment Incision extent that by the 28th
due to CS delivery week. Extrapigmentation
with extreme swelling generally appears on the
and or discharge. abdominal wall. A narrow
brown like linea nigra may
form running from the
umbilicus to the symphisis
Reference: Maternal and
Child’s Health 6th edition
19 | P a g e
vol. 1 Adele Pilliteri page
Lower segment incision is
one made horizontally
across the abdomen just
over the symphysis pubis
and also horizontally
across the uterus just over
the cervix
Reference: Maternal and
Child’s Health 6th edition
vol. 1 Adele Pilliteri page
Skin Smooth, warm and No signs of pallor,
with good turgor cyanosis, jaundice and
erythema. Warm skin may
indicate risk for infection
due to surgical incision.
Nails Nail beds pink, intact No signs of infection or
with soft texture 1-2 injuries on the nailsand
sec. of capillary refill. poor circulating problem.
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IX. Laboratory Examination
Examination Results
X. Medical/Surgical Management
I. Management:
D. Activity:
1. Bed rest
E. Standard Diet
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F. Early Solid Diet Protocol
2. Well tolerated
G. Intravenous fluids
2. Foley to gravity
3. Urine output
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Name of Drug Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Action n
Hypersensitivity reaction,
serum sickness, anaphylaxis
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Name of Dosage Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Drug Responsibility
24 | P a g e
Subjective: Acute pain related Short Term: INDEPENDENT:
to surgical incision -After 30 minutes to After 1 hr,
“Nararamdaman secondary to 1 hour of nursing Provide To avoid the patient
ko yoong sakit ng tahi cesarean section as intervention the comfort direct pain scale
ko” as verbalized by manifested by pain patient’s pain scale measures such pressure to 5/10
the patient. scale of 5/10 and of 5/10 will decrease as the incision decreased to
difficulty moving to 2/10. repositioning to site and 2/10.
without assistance supine promote non- The patient
Objective: position, use of pharmacologi know how to
Long Term: heat packs, c pain divert herself
Pain scale of Inference: Since the -After 2 days of quiet management. to other
5/10 patient had nursing intervention, environment, activities to
undergone delivery the patient will be and calm lessen the
Difficulty in via low transverse able to move freely activities. pain.
moving caesarean section, with less discomfort After 2 days,
without she has incision on and without Instruct or the patient
assistance the lower quadrant assistance. encourage use can move
of her abdomen of relaxation To distract freely
Surgical which causes pain. techniques attention and without
incision such as focused reduce discomfort
breathing, tension. and
Facial listening to assistance
Grimace music and from others.
specify freely
Instruct the chuva.
client on how It will lessen
to do deep the pain.
Teach the
25 | P a g e
patient on how To avoid
to do coughing accidental
exercise and removal of
instruct the the sutures
client not to lift and bleeding
heavy objects on the site.
or do straneous
activities. n/a To prevent
adequate rest
periods. To help in
Check for foul detection of
smelling infection and
discharge and other
swelling on the complications
Evaluates client
response to To maintain
analgesics and acceptable
assists altering level of pain.
drug regimen
based on
needs. Increasing
DEPENDENT: dosage helps
in self
Administer management
analgesics of pain.
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acid), as
Provide Promote
physical active role
therapy/ and enhances
exercise sense of
program based control
on client’s
-use of abdominal
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E- Exercise
T – Treatment
• Explain to the patient how she will take care of her situation toward the treatment
she had undergone.
H- Health Teaching
• Informed patient to avoid lifting heavy objects for one to two weeks.
D- Diet
S- Sex
• B- Breast
• Instruct the client to check her nipples or signs of sores or cracks which may lead to
• U- Uterus
• B- Bladder
• Instruct the client that day by day her uterus will go back into its normal position.
B- Bowel
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• Encouraged patient to increased fiber intake to avoid constipation.
L- Lochia
S- Sex
H- Hygiene
E- Exercise
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