Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care Objectives of Care Nursing Interventions Methods of Nurse-Family Contact Resources Required Human Resources

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Health Family nursing problem Goal of Care Objectives of Nursing Methods of Resources

Problem Care Interventions nurse-family required

Insufficient Lack of ability to provide a The family will After nursing  Explain the Home Visit Human
income to home environment decide on the interventions the implication Resources:
support the conducive to health suitable actions family will be of having Time and effort
needs of every maintenance due to: for their problem able to: insufficient of the student
member of the a. Lack of family which is a. Enumerate income to nurse and the
family resource insufficient the different support the selected family
 Financial income or the ways needs of client
resources family will think livelihood every
 Physical of an alternative plan member of Financial
facilities way on how to b. Explain the the family Resources:
like for manage properly importance  Encourage The school
instance their family when of having them to provided the
inadequate it comes to their readily attend transportation of
living space, problem income resources livelihood the student nurse
water and when the programs to conduct home
electricity time they that the visit except for
 Health really need it student the other
maintenance c. Explain the nurses will expenses of the
importance provide in student nurse
of budgeting their like for example
d. Explain the barangay food
of having a
budget for

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