On March 16,1521, Magellan and On March 18, 1521, There Came

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Name: Eljay T.


Course/Year: Midwifery 2ND

Subject: Reading in Philippines History (GE2)

Instructor: Lilian P. Sumagaysay

Module 2
LESSON 1 – Selected Primary Sources During the Spanish Period
Learning Activities/Exercise

1. Antonio Pigafeta the first voyage around the world 1519-1522.


 On march 16,1521, Magellan and  On march 18, 1521, there came

his crew arrived in the Philippines some natives giving signs of joy
Island, or what they called as for the presence of the crew of
Island of Ladroni. They first Magellan. The native Filipinos did
reached the Island of Zamal welcome the foreigners warmly
(samar). as described by Pigafetta “they
exhibited great signs of pleasure
at seeing us”.

Internal Criticism External Criticism

 If this Pigafetas book is he  Do Pigafeta endulge himself to

actually handwrite all the Magellan’s expeditions does
happenings from their Magellan knows about his books
expectations and during that and writing? And how can it be
time they are writing using pen or authentic?
ink. I s it possible that time when
you write while you at

2. Given the first letter of the word, determine what is being described. (1point each)

a. Antonio Pigafeta
b. Conception
c. KKK
d. Kartilla
e. Revolutionary

Practice Task/Assessment

Context Content

 DepEd is having a modular class  DepEd is experiencing difficulties

failure because of the pandemic on modular classes.so they
we are experiencing today, since conduct a survey with help of
then, students are not actually brgy. Workers to trace every single
teach well face to face and about house and every student which is
their lessons and project and even prominent in that certain area
their activities have difficulties in where they are located . And how
achieving them. Some of the that module reach from them
modules have no answers and house to house.they let parents
they usually put the answers base and guardians gett the module
on their answer keys. The from school.
knowledge they learn are very low
and limited even if they are
already have an internet but still
they also need teaching. I believe
that learning from school are more
advance than learning from the

In three sentences, explain the following statement:
“ Lessons from the past when lived at present can ensure a better future.”

 Means whatever your past is failure or achievements, u can use it as a lessons

through a better future.

A glass with water placed into it about the middle of the glass. Is it half-full or half
Explain your answer.

 For me its about what your decision in life is. If you put too much effort for the things that you
may believe in. you can now say that half-full .But when you exert effort for the things you
believe its half-empty.

LESSON 2 – Selected Primary Sources During the American Period and Onwards
Motivation/Prompting Questions
What is your opinion on the presence of Chinese military and war ships in the
West Philippine Sea? Do you see it as an invasion? What is your comment on the
President’s stand on the issue?

 My opinion is that we have our own territorial property and this territorial may have it’s exact
measurement that’s why china and Philippines actually having some argue with it. Our
president along with the government are trying to protect our territorial and sovereign.

Learning Activities/Exercise
1. Proclamation of Philippine independence

a. According to the book "The American Half-Century (1898-1946)" in the

Philippines, published by Lewis E. Gleeck Jr. and New Day Publishers
(Quezon City) in 1998, "the American regime in the Philippines actually
endured somewhat less than 48 years, and the period during which it could
be accurately described as a typical colonial regime lasted only 15 of these
years." During the American occupation of the Philippines (1898-1946), the
Filipinos were governed by the Commonwealth of the Philippines (since
Nov. 15, 1935) and earlier by the Government of the Philippine Islands or
P.I., both under the Americans.

b. From 1946 onward, the country celebrated its Freedom Day from the US
every July 4, until President Diosdado P. Macapagal decided in 1962 to
move the date of the celebration to June 12, the day in 1898 when
Philippine Revolutionary Gen. Emilio F. Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine
Independence from Spain in his mansion in Kawit, Cavite. Such a
declaration, however, did not receive the desired recognition from the US
and other countries.

c. The government established by this Constitution shall be known as the

Commonwealth of the Philippines. Upon the final and complete withdrawal
of the sovereignty of the United States and the proclamation of Philippine
independence, the Commonwealth of the Philippines shall thenceforth be
known as the Republic of the Philippines." Macapagal signed Proclamation
No. 28 effecting the change in the celebration, saying: "The change was
justified by the successful celebration in 1962. At least one million people
attended, whereas in previous celebrations on July 4, only from two to three
hundred thousand came."

2. Given the first letter of the word, determine what is being described. (1point each )
a. Cory Aquino
b. Abu Sayaff
c. New People’s Army
d. Cholera
e. COVID-19

Research on the current situation concerning the CoVID 19 Pandemic. Compare the
scenarios of the cholera epidemic in 1902 and the COVID-19 in the Philippines in terms of:

a. 70% of population in Philippines are in covid-19 cases.

b. Within 14 days
c.  The Philippines economy suffered a deep recession in 2020 due to
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
d. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing the
lives of people, including the lives of young people. Schools and
universities have closed, exams and events postponed, the usual
health information services are limited, socializing with friends and
wider family is highly discouraged and in some places even
e. The government give “ayudas” to people who are infected by the

How will you describe and remember this current Pandemic twenty years from
 Well 20 years from now, Covid-19 is a nightmare to every single people. A pandemic that kills
every hope for every one and for the future of every children.


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