The University Education Commission M.A. SEM 2ND
The University Education Commission M.A. SEM 2ND
The University Education Commission M.A. SEM 2ND
Radhakrishnan Commission
• A distinguished scholar • Former vice chancellor of Banaras Hindu University. • Second
President of India
• AIM- To study the problems of university education in India and to suggest improvements for
the development of university education. Reconstruction of universities are essential for the
socio economic development after independence.
• METHOD OF STUDY- Prepared the questionnaire and sent to the people, about 600
questionnaires is returned with suggestions. Visited various Universities and interviewed a
number of teachers, students and staffs and studied their problem.
• Submitted report in 1948 Recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commission
1.AIMS OF UNIVERSTY EDUCATION: According to the commission, the Universities should
take into account the changes in the Socio-Political Scenario of India and formulate the aims of
education. Training for Leadership, Social efficiency, development of knowledge and wisdom,
love for higher values of life, cultural progress etc should be the most important aims of
university education in the independent india.
2. TEACHING STAFF: Quality of university education depends upon quality of teachers,
attempts should be made to improve their quality and qualification. Their pay-scales and service
condition should be descent band digrified, Teachers must be given leaves for higher studies
both in India and abroad.
3. DURATION OF THE COURSE AND WORKING DAYS: Admission to the universities
should be after 12 years of school course. The first degree should be after 3 years of collegiate
education. The working days in college should be 180 days excluding examination days.
Maximum number of students for a teaching university and affiliated college should be fixed at
3000 and 500 respectively.
4. RESEARCH FACILITIES: The commission stressed the importance of research at the higher
levels of university education. “The Universities shall attract brilliant promising young man by
offering them decent salaries so that their creative faculties are not blunded in the most
productive period of their life by privation”. The commission said “Every university should have
certain number of research fellowships to encourage research”.
5. REFORM OF EXAMINATION SYSTEM: There should be reform in the organization and
method of examination essay type questions should be supplemented by objective type of
questions and oral tests.
6. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: Professional education in the fields of Agriculture,
Commerce, Education, Engineering and Technology, Law, Medicine, Business administration,
Public administration and industrial relations should be started and developed.
7. UGC: University Grants commission should be appointed to supervise and allocate funds for
the universities all over the India.
8. MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION: The commission suggested that in addition to the mother
tongue and Hindi, English should be taught at the secondary and university levels. English
should be the medium of instruction for higher Education
9. RELIGIOUS AND MORAL INSTRUCTIONS: The commission stressed the importance of
religious and moral instructions. Students must be able to understand the basic principles of all
religious in order to develop a spirit of religious tolerance and secularism. Moral instruction
should also aim at the development of secularism
10. SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships and stipends should be given to meritorious and financially
handicapped students. NCC social service and such other schemes should be introduced as co
curricular activities in colleges.
11.RURAL UNIVERSITIES: The commission emphasized the vital need for establishing rural
universities surrounded by rural colleges to meet the needs of rural reconstruction in Agriculture
and Industry.
12. EDUCATION TO WOMEN: The commission also pointed out the need for establishing
colleges for women with adequate facilities and conducive atmosphere.