Script Topic 2

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Lê Thị Thanh Ngân

Av003 – K45

1. What is organizational culture?

In general, we can define organizational culture as a pattern of shared
assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in
In other words, it is easier to understand that organizational culture can be
identified by listening to what people say is particular and special to their
 Ex: In reality, Vinamilk – a Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company has
set out 6 principles of organizational culture that its employees have to
follow when working there. They are responsibility, outcome oriented,
Creative and proactive, Cooperation, Integrity, Excellent.
2. Why is organizational culture important ?

A great organizational culture is the key for a business to develop necessary traits
and succeed. It affects all aspects of a business:
 Strong brand identity.
A company's organizational culture represents its public image and
reputation. People make assumptions about businesses based on their
interactions within and outside of the company. If it lacks organizational
culture or has a weak image, customers may hesitate to do business with
anyone who is associated with the brand.
 Top performers
Organizational culture builds a high-performance culture that strengthens
the work of people within the company, resulting in a positive employee
experience overall.
 Healthy team environment
It helps improve workflows and guides the decision-making process. It also
encourages teams overcome barriers of ambiguity. Having a clear culture
that unifies employees and promotes organized work structures helps
people work together with purpose.
 Increase productivity.
Organizational culture impacts the structure of a workplace in ways that
bring people of the same skill set together. Those who share similar
backgrounds and skills may work more quickly together when tackling
company projects.
 Increase employee engagement.
A work environment that possesses organizational culture is driven by
purpose and clear expectations. This motivates and inspires employees to
be more engaged in their work duties and interactions with others. It also
leads to high levels of workforce engagement, which drives productivity.
For example:
Netflix is one of the great examples of organizational culture. The following are
the main traits that characterize Netflix’s organizational culture:
 Independent decision-making (Autonomy)
 Open, broad, and deliberate information sharing (Communication)
 Extraordinary candidness (Attitude)
 Focus on high effectiveness (Productivity and Effectiveness)
 Rule avoidance (Rules and Organizational Rigidity)
Netflix creates a business situation where employees are motivated to take risks
and deliver innovative ideas that contribute to the online company’s competitive
advantage. Such an organizational culture makes Netflix’s human resources
flexible and readily responsive to challenges in the industry, and this also leads it
to become a major competitor in the international media streaming industry.
Nguyễn Hà Hương Giang

Av003 – K45

Question 2:

How many types of organizational culture?

There are 4 types of organizational culture:

1. Clan Culture : clan culture is people-focused in the sense that the company
feels like one big happy family. This is a highly collaborative working
environment where every individual is valued and communication is a top
priority.Clan culture is often paired with a horizontal structure, which helps
to break down barriers between the C-level and employees as well as
encourage mentorship opportunities-> An Example for this is HR tech
provider Hireology, one of the top company in Chicago ) . This company
hascreating an empathetic and communicative method which is Adaptable,
team-oriented . It is no surprised that Hireology is the fastest growing
companies in Chicago

2. Ahocracy culture: Adhocracy cultures are rooted in innovation. These are

companies that are on the cutting-edge of their industry — they’re looking
to develop the next big thing before anyone else has even started asking
the right questions. To do so, they need to take risks. Adhocracy cultures
value individuality in the sense that employees are encouraged to think
creatively and bring their ideas to the table. They are also risk-taking and
innovation. Let’s think anout ADOBE is the software computer corporation
located in SanJose, California, USA. It is the company which create
challenges for their employees by difficult projects then providing
necessary support for them to complete task. The product of Adobe is
mainly creativity so recurring training is preferred to promote staff have
essential development skills.

3. Market Culure: Market culture take profitability first. They always

concentrate on reputation, sucess and the market share of the company.
These are kind of results-oriented organizations that focus on external
success rather than internal satisfaction. A market culture stresses the
importance of meeting quotas, reaching targets and getting results. I have
an example about this type of culture for all you guys. As u can see on the
screen that Zappos, Zappos is the online retailer speacialized in Shoes,
Sneaker, Boots,and clothing. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh once famously said, “
Zappos is a customer service company that just happens to sell shoes.

4. Hierarchy culture. :  Companies with hierarchy cultures adhere to the

traditional corporate structure. These are companies focused on internal
organization by way of a clear chain of command and multiple
management tiers that separate employees and leadership. In addition to a
rigid structure, there’s often a dress code for employees to follow.
Hierarchy cultures have a set way of doing things, which makes them stable
and risk-averse.With internal organization as a priority, hierarchy cultures
have clear direction. There are well-defined processes that cater to the
company’s main objectives.

What are the components of organizational culture?

Company Culture include: the organization’s rules, traditions, and personalities.

1. Rules:
The rules of an organization are the beliefs, norms, values, and attitudes that have
been codified by the organization’s leadership into expectations, policies, and
procedures. You typically find these rules in official documents like the employee
handbook, and statement of corporate values.

2. Traditions:
While rules tell employees what they should do and how they should act,
traditions give employees the means to work together and build relationships
with one another. The traditions of a workplace are its ongoing and recurring
practices. They are its conventions, customs, rituals, ceremonies, activities, and so
on,… The traditions of a workplace might include grand events like award
ceremonies or annual retreats, but they also include like everyday meetings .
3. Personalities:
Everyone in the workplace has their own personality—their own ideas,
perspectives, attitudes, and behaviors. These are also components of company
culture. A number of personality can create company culture.A culture may be
rooted in core principles, but it also moves and changes. Your employees will
change the culture simply by being themselves. So don’t hesitate to encourage
them to improve it positively.

Phạm Nguyễn Kim Loan

Av003 –K45

Question 3

1. What is the change management?

- Change management is a systematic approach that includes dealing with the
transition or transformation of organizational goals, core values, processes or

2. What are the principle of change management? (10 principles)

 Address the human side of change systematically-1
As you know, any transformation of significance will create issues. For example,
new leaders will be asked to step up, jobs will be changed, new skills must be
developed, and people will be uncertain and resistant.

A formal approach for managing change — beginning with the leadership team
and then engaging key stakeholders and leaders — should be developed early,
and adapted often as change moves through the organization. Besides, take input
from them and value their opinions and address issues that might be troubling
the employees.

 Change starts at the top -2

The leaders themselves must embrace the new approaches first, both to
challenge and to motivate the rest of the institution.
Executive teams that work well together are best positioned for success.

 Involve every layer-3

As transformation programs progress from defining strategy and setting targets to
design and implementation, they affect different levels of the organization. At
each layer of the organization, the leaders who are identified and trained must be
aligned to the company’s vision, equipped to execute their specific mission, and
motivated to make change happen.

 Make the formal case-4

The questions are asked such as to what extent change is needed, whether the
company is headed in the right direction, and whether they want to commit
personally to making change happen.

Three steps should be followed in developing the case: Firstly, confront reality
and articulate a convincing need for change. Secondly, demonstrate faith that the
company has a viable future and the leadership to get there. Finally, provide a
road map to guide behavior and decision making.

 Create ownership-5
You have to look beyond passive agreements and buy-ins and take steps that
could make your changes acceptable. These decision makers will have to ensure
that they implement change in all the areas under their control.

 Communicate the message-6

Communications flow in from the bottom and out from the top, and are targeted
to provide employees the right information at the right time and to solicit their
input and feedback.

 Assess the cultural landscape-7

One of the biggest mistakes companies implementing change make is that they
leave cultural and behavior assessment for too late or ignore it completely.
Identify core values, beliefs, perceptions and behaviors because they are the key
cultural aspects that could influence your change management efforts.
  Address culture explicitly-8
Most change management programs will ask you to make changes to your
company culture, which is not an easy thing to do. Identify and try to fix those
flaws in the new organizational culture. You need to develop a new vision and
plan to introduce changes into the culture. Leaders will set a direction and use
strategies that will speed up the cultural change process.

  Speak to the individual-9

If you want to manage change then you will have to address both institution and
individual. Teams should be fully aware of how changes will affect their work.
What is expected of them during the change and after the change program?
Reward employees and teams that play an important part in the reinforcement of

 Prepare for the unexpected-10

Effectively change management requires continual reassessment of its impact and
the organization’s willingness and ability to adopt the next wave of
transformation. You have to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of your change
efforts. Take advantage of data and tweak your decision-making processes

Huỳnh Thị Tú Hằng

Av003 – K45

Question 4. What are the steps in change management process?


1. Prepare for Change

For an organization to successfully pursue and implement change, it must be
prepared both logistically and culturally. Before delving into logistics, cultural
preparation must first take place.
In the preparation phase, the manager is focused on helping employees
recognize and understand the need for change. Gaining this initial buy-in from
employees who will help implement the change can remove friction and
resistance later on.

2. Make a Vision and Plan for Change

Once the organization is ready to embrace change, managers must develop a
thorough and realistic plan for bringing it about. The plan should also account for
any risks that could arise during the implementation process and would require
flexibility to overcome.

3. Implement the Changes

After the plan has been created, all that remains is to follow the steps outlined
within it to implement the required change.

During the implementation process, change managers must be focused

on empowering their employees to take the necessary steps to achieve the goals
of the initiative.Repeated communication of the organization’s vision is critical
throughout the implementation process to remind team members why change is
being pursued.

4. Embed Changes Within Company Culture and Practices

Once the change initiative has been completed, change managers must prevent a
reversion to the prior state. This is particularly important for organizational
change related to processes, workflows, culture, and strategies. Without an
adequate plan, employees may backslide into the “old way” of doing things.

5. Review Progress and Analyze Results

Just because a change initiative which is completed doesn’t mean it was
successful. Conducting analysis and review, or a “project post mortem,” can help
business leaders understand whether a change initiative was a success, failure, or
mixed result. It can also offer valuable insights and lessons that can be leveraged
in future change efforts.

An example of a change management process is SONY - a famous electronics
company. This is one of the few companies that make change and succeed.
Before 2012, the company was facing a loss, to solve this situation, they
implemented a change management process. To prepare for its change, SONY
has cut 10,000 workers to get enough operating budget and innovate. While this
was a difficult decision, it was the right one at the time. They focus on three
goals: games, digital imaging devices (cameras, ...) and mobile devices (phones,
laptops, ...) with the name of the plan as "One Sony". To improve their status,
they step up investment in research for Xperia smartphones, tablets, personal
computers,... and are gradually cooperating with Google to produce new unique
products. So far, Sony continues to absorb more technical and marketing
information to bring high-value products. Thanks to the management change
process, Sony has overcome the crisis and has grown again, bringing a lot of
profit. Up to the present time, although Sony is not a leader in the electronics
industry, it is still in the top 5 in the world in this field.

Trần Ngọc Quỳnh Như

Av003 – K45

Question 5: How to manage change management

 Here are some methods we can manage organizational change to make the
process smoother and easier

Survey feedback efforts are designed to assess employee attitudes about and
perceptions of the change they are encountering. Employees are generally asked
to respond to a set of specific questions regarding how they view such
organizational aspects as decision making, leadership, communication
effectiveness, and satisfaction with their jobs, coworkers, and management. The
data that a change agent obtains are used to clarify problems that employees may
be facing. As a result of this information, the change agent takes some action to
remedy the problems

In process consultation, outside consultants help managers to perceive,
understand, and act on organizational processes with which they must deal.
These elements might include, for example, workflow, informal relationships
among unit members, and formal communications channels. Consultants give
managers insight into what is going on. Consultants act as coaches to help
managers diagnose the interpersonal changes that need improvement. If
managers, with the consultants’ help, cannot solve the problem, the consultants
will often help managers find experts.

Organizations are made up of individuals working together to achieve some goals.
Team-building is generally an activity that helps work groups set goals, develop
positive interpersonal relationships, and clarify the roles and responsibilities of
each team member. The primary focus of team-building is to increase members’
trust and openness toward one another. Therefore, members in group will help
each other go through challenge of change

Whereas team-building focuses on helping a work group become more cohesive,
intergroup development attempts to achieve the same results among different
work groups. That is, intergroup development attempts to change attitudes,
stereotypes, and perceptions that one group may have toward another group. In
doing so, better coordination among the various groups can be achieved.
Lương Thị Ánh Nguyệt

AV003 –K45

Question 6: What are the benefits of change management?

Although change is an unavoidable element of running business, employees,

managers, and business owners may not always welcome it.

Workers may be afraid to leave their comfortable surroundings for fear of not
being able to adjust to the change.

While the impacts of change might be difficult in the near term, coping with
change in the workplace can have a good impact.

Perhaps I believe it provides you with greater advantages than I provide.

However, it is also useful knowledge for you.

1. Encourages innovation.
Companies may quickly find themselves falling behind the curve and losing
ground to rivals if they do not make changes. To stay up with our increasingly
modern and changing times, they must be able to evolve and adapt.

2. New Business Opportunities.

Businesses will continue to uncover and develop new business ideas and
possibilities if they can embrace change. Any firm that has excellent change
strategies will be able to go forward into new sectors as a result of new ways of

This might be achieved through collaborating with other businesses to expand, or

simply by making new contacts that lead to more sales.

3. Improve staff morale

Staff who see their company more easily able to adapt to new circumstances and
react to change are able to see positive attitudes from above, will always make a
difference to the employee and view the company as one which is relevant and
keen to advance. This will result in more satisfied team members, which will assist
to boost worker morale and satisfaction.

Finally, apart from these benefits above, it could provide other advantages such
as: Promotes Skills Growth, people development…

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