Corporate Culture at WestJet - Answer

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Corporate Culture at WestJet

1. Define how organizational culture manifests in an organization.

The corporate culture is what identifies the way of being of a company and is
manifested in the forms of action to the problems and opportunities for
management and adaptation to changes and requirements of external order
and interior, which are internalized as beliefs and groups and moods that are
transmitted to new members as a way of thinking, living and acting taught.
The organizational culture in an organization has four basic principles that may
be part, not only for the company but also for those people who compose it.
a. The sense of purpose: is maintained over the time and has to raise a sense of
aspiration of the organization. Both the current situation and, above all, in the
future. To guide our actions toward that end, we need to set a milestone, being
also the northern long term, we emplace in more concrete terms in a timely
manner. That is why we must formulate the mission of the organization.

b. The mission: includes a synthesized form higher order objectives. Abstraction

translates the philosophy contained in purpose and trigger a tangible project
that advances the organization and focuses its efforts. It constitutes both
sincere and heartfelt expression of the deepest desires that people seek in their

c. Values: are the cores of every business culture because they provide a sense
of common direction to all the people who make up the company and guidelines
to their daily work lines. The values in which espouses define the basic nature
of the organization and create a sense of identity in it.

d. The General Policies: global lines of action of the company in various areas,
typically related to management systems.

2. The challenges in maintaining culture as organizations grow in

scale. How strong cultures are created and maintained.

The organization hires people who apparently adapt to the organizational

culture; then, the organization maintains its culture dismissing employees
sustained or obviously deviates from accepted behaviour and activities.
However, the specific methods to maintain the organizational culture are much
more complex than just hiring the right people and dismiss those that do not fit
It is essential that companies pay much attention to the conversations that are
generated inside, both formal and informal. From senior executives to the core
staff, we must ensure constantly redirect the discussions so that they are
aligned with the culture we want. A practical example of this is not raise his
voice when someone complains, justify or talk bad about others, but rather,
respectfully, we call the person and direct it towards other conversation. In this
sense, it is extremely important that the heads and leaders are a constant
example of the culture they want to create and promote. In addition to technical
skills and experience it is necessary for people that you contract are filtered
regarding its cultural fit with the company. On the other hand, one should fire
someone if it detects that the person does not show interest in the behaviours
aligned with the desired culture.
As appreciate in the WestJet culture the cases to maintain the culture over time
are reinforced by the actions of managers, which raised the mission and the
values it wanted to convey, making everyone who worked to put them into

3. How culture impacts performance.

Companies that have a good performance care factors that make their
employees happy, committed to work more connected with the overall results
and more motivated to make greater contributions. With these words we can
agree that as happened in WestJet, organizations with a good established
culture, well defined, they ensure the growing of themselves. This we have
been able to see from the above points in general terms that reflect the culture
of an organization and in particular the Canadian airline.
4. Importance








organizational behaviour.

The organizational culture is important and helps us to detect problems within

the organization and offers possible solutions to these problems. So that; one
can support us for the integration of personnel under objectives of the
organization (under the mission of this). It also helps us to form work teams
within the organization that can interact and make the job easier. We aimed to
find the staff needs to meet them in the best way possible, so that they feel
motivated in your workplace.








characteristics and surrounding environment; the originality of a person is

expressed through behaviour and individuality of organizations it can be
expressed in terms of culture. The continuous training of the company is key to
supporting the creation of a sense aimed at strengthening the commitment of
the staff towards the company, changing attitudes and encouraging
communication, understanding and integration of persons program element.
When the culture of an organization is well supported by its values, it is
intended that all members of this develop identification purposes and deploy
strategic development behaviours and self-motivation.


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