Community Health Nursing Reflection

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Date: August 21, 2021 Name: Washington, Luis

NCM107 THEORY Padilla, Rofel

BSN 2H-1 Carillo, Jedrek

Title: Natural products for chronic cough: Text mining the East Asian historical literature
for future therapeutics
Publisher: SAGE (Sarah and George Publication)
Authors: Johannah Linda Shergis, Lei Wu, Brian H May, Anthony Lin Zhang, Xinfeng
Guo, Chuanjian Lu, Charlie Changli Xue

Chronic cough significantly impacts patients in the simplest to worst and one of
the most reason for visiting medical practitioners. Chronic has different types ranging
from cough with phlegm, dry cough, bronchitis-type cough. Chronic cough can be
caused by a lot of disorders including cancer, COPD, tuberculosis, smoking, asthma,
gastroesophageal reflux disease or a combination of the following. The cough is a reflex
that occurs when a mechanical change, irritants or inflammatory changes stimulate
afferent or sensory nerves in the larynx or in the tracheobronchial tree. In some people,
cough reflex can become sensitized that lead to the chronic cough. Chronic cough is a
major burden on a patient, usually patients get medication over the counter and
prescribed products to ease or totally cure said cough, but what if we had natural, cheap
and more potent medication for chronic cough by text mining ancient east text used in
the earlier days.
As we continually look for new interventions and there is a need for broadened and
improved treatment option that has a low risk-benefit ratio, researchers and clinicians
proposed to look in to or text mine the east Asian historical literature. In the east Asian
historical literature, they treat chronic cough using natural resources. Medicinal plants
may provide insight and directions for therapeutic development, one example in
classical Chinese medicine literature dated back in 200BC. The literature includes
historical references to plants and other natural products for wide health conditions that
until right now informs contemporary herbal medicine clinical practice and helps
therapeutic development. A recent review reported that from 122 drugs derived from
natural resources, 80% were developed under the same indication as their traditional
use. One example of a well-known drug used today is codeine from opium poppy
(Papaver somniferum) used in to treat pain, coughing, and diarrhea. However, safer and
more effective treatments are still needed, and this is possible through text mining east
Asian literature. Referenced in the “Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(Zhong Hua Yi Dian,4th edition) that contained over 1000 medical books. A search and
analysis revealed that over 568 citations for chronic cough, in these citations 331 were
found as a natural product such as plants, animal and mineral substances. Clinically,
dry cough is the most common type among chronic cough patients, it is difficult to
control and treat and significantly impacts on quality of life. The top in the citations that
was mentioned were fritillaria, honey, ginseng and schisandra fruit are all used to treat
chronic dry cough. Each of these has shown anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive
properties in experimental studies. With regard to the 10 natural products frequently
used for chronic cough, most have been reported to exert anti-inflammatory and/or
antinociceptive effects and half had antibacterial and/or antiviral actions.
Evaluating the historical east Asian literature provides a method of identifying natural
products that can be further investigated for their effects on chronic cough. As for these
are natural products, this approach has become more feasible in the last few years due
to the advent of digital collections and systematic methods. As a result of the study,
natural products currently used in traditional medicines have substantial histories of use
for chronic cough and a number of these products receiving clinical and experimental
research attention for conditions where cough is a major symptom, such as COPD and
asthma. The natural products reviewed in this article have shown activities that could
account for its traditional use for chronic cough, with most having anti-inflammatory and
antinociceptive effects.
Implication in Nursing Practice:
The study showed that you can use other natural products as a medication for
chronic cough. Having this insight and information we can utilize it in the community as
an alternative remedy for our nursing intervention, instead of using the clinically bought
medicine that some has an adverse effect in the body and expensive for some people in
the community. Just as we are situated in a place that is filled with natural resource, by
utilizing the information in this study we can help families in the community to make use
of the natural resource in their surroundings. we nurse must learn to adapt on the
community that we are assigned to and make use of everything in our resource to help
the community, so that in the chance of an emergency we can use our surrounding to
help people, giving us a broad way of treating patients and not only relying in synthetic
Implication in Nursing Education:
Since cough is common illness that anyone can be affected (children, adult and
elderly) especially during rainy and cold season. This research paper gave us an idea
about some natural product like for herbal plants and animal substance together with
their medicinal properties. As mention in this research, Ginger root is used to relieve
coughs and colds and it has been reported to exert antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory
actions. Honey has also been used in other traditions in cough syrups and a recent
Cochrane review of clinical studies reported that honey was effective in reducing cough
frequency in children. This kind of traditional medicine is available in most of the
province here in our country specially the ginger roots. As a community health nurse,
we can impart or inculcate some remedies or alternative medicine to the community to
make them aware that water extract from ginger and a honey has medicinal properties
when it comes to cough. Furthermore, we can also help the community to not always
depend on synthetic drugs especially just having seasonal cough. It also helps some
community that is far from health center or hospitals and especially also those with poor
socio-economic status. But we must also educate the community to observe if after
taking herbal medicine and notice that there was no improvement and getting worse,
they must need now to seek health professional for more medical advices and
Implication in Nursing Research:
Cough is an important defensive reflex of the respiratory tract needed to clear
and protect the upper airways; however, it may become exaggerated and interfere with
quality of life. Chronic cough lasting for more than 8 weeks is common in the
community. The causes include cigarette smoking, exposure to cigarette smoke, and
exposure to environmental pollution. Chronic cough is often the key symptom of many
important chronic respiratory diseases but may be the sole presenting feature of a
number of extra pulmonary conditions, in particular upper airway and gastrointestinal
disease. This issue frequently presents as a troublesome symptom to clinicians working
in both primary and secondary care. Thus, leading the researchers of this journal to
evaluate historical literatures like Chinese medicine in order to identify the best non
pharmacologic treatment of respiratory symptoms. Traditional systems of medicine
continue to be widely practiced on many accounts. Population rise, inadequate supply
of drugs, prohibitive cost of treatments, side effects of several synthetic drugs and
development of resistance to currently used drugs for infectious diseases have led to
increased emphasis on the use of plant materials as a source of medicines for a wide
variety of human ailments. Among ancient civilizations, Chinese medicine has been
known to be rich in repository of medicinal plants that proves to be helpful in treating or
relieving symptoms like cough. Some of those natural products were tested and is being
part of medications being sold at the market. The researcher’s method has become
more feasible due to the advancement of technology and review of literatures. The
results from this research indicated that the natural products currently used in traditional
medicines have medicinal value for the treatment of chronic cough. These implications
were also supported by WHO (World Health Organization). Recently, they estimated
that 80 percent of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some aspect of their
primary health care needs and according to WHO, around 21,000 plant species have
the potential for being used as medicinal plants.

Personal Insight:
I appreciate this kind of research that focus on health practices, approaches,
knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral based medicines, for it is
traditionally practice by some people in a certain community here in our country.
Example here is the “Lagundi” leave that they also used as remedies/ alternative for
those who have cough, and also the “Tawa-tawa” most popular folkloric treatment for
dengue here in our country. Furthermore, this research is helpful to as especially today
that we cannot go to hospital or clinic because of just having a cough due to the
pandemic that the world facing and with this research also may give way to some other
researcher to continue on researching for more natural product for alternative remedy
for some illness. This also give as a glimpse of some of the alternative herbal medicine
that might be available in our backyard such of this ginger root that is mention in this
research. But even though we know some of herbal plant and their medicinal, still we
need also to consult medical advices and treatment provided by medical professionals.
Name: Washington, Luis D.
Personal Insight
The study gives a way of treating patients without relying on synthetic drugs which is a
helpful information for us in the Philippines. Some families here in the Philippines
cannot afford clinically produce drugs and by having this information and imparting it to
the community would help them by a huge margin. Especially now that we have a
pandemic, we must avoid getting sick, for coughing is one of the modes of transmission
of covid-19. Not only it would lessen the way the virus infects people, but some natural
medication also boosts our immunity hitting two birds with one stone. Teaching this to
the community helps our situation and creates now ways to treat cough.
Name: Carillo, Jedrek G.

Personal Insight
In this study, it showed a lot of natural remedies for cough and also for colds
which usually everyone acquires immediately in the community. With these natural
remedies people can learn to save money and time going outside especially in these
times of crisis we are facing. Because some of the natural plants that have said un the
study can be seen on someone's backyard and farms, or they are accessible to the
community. In my insight, these study helps a lot for everyone who cannot or don't have
time to seek medical advice/check-ups and buy prescribed medicines at the market.
And also as a student nurse knowing these studies and information helps us having
broader knowledge we can share for those who are in need or not capable of availing
clinically prescribed drugs. Especially in this times of crisis we are facing we have
limited times to go have stuffs because of protocols. This study is a helpful and
knowledgeable information for the community.
Name: Padilla, Rofel

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