87% of Animals Does Not Have Anti-Rabies Injection: Goal

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Problem Community Goals/Objectives Nursing Intervention Responsible Person Expected Outcome


87% of animals Animals in the Goal: Almost 60% of the

does not have community, animals in the
To have at least 60%
anti-rabies especially dogs are selected area of the
of the animals be
injection not vaccinated due barangay has been
to the negligence of vaccinated to reduce vaccinated.
the number of
the people in the
barangay. animals that are not Residents are well
yet vaccinated. informed about the
importance of
vaccination to
Objectives: animals as well; and
are informed about
At the end of the the effects of rabies
year, the community to animals and to a
of Landing Road, person.
Brgy. Ibabang Iyam,
Lucena City will: The Animal Control
 Collect data  Public Health and Welfare Services
1. Coordinate with of animals Nurse, are well coordinated
the LGUs for the that are not Barangay with the barangay
planning of injecting yet Health health workers in
anti rabies to at least vaccinated; Workers, controlling the stray
60% of the animals stray animals LGUs animals roaming in
that are not yet and home the area.
vaccinated. animals and
person who
2. Decrease the
were bitten
number of rabies in
the barangay. by animals
with rabies

 Conduct a
3. Inform the people teaching to  Public Health
living in the barangay the residents Nurse,
the importance of in the Barangay
giving anti rabies selected area Health
vaccines to their about the Workers
animals. importance
of anti rabies,
how to
rabies, the
effects of
rabies to
animals and
to people,
what to do if
a person has
been bitten
by animals
with rabies.

 Inform
5. Have people bitten
by animals with
residents on  Public Health
what to in Nurse,
rabies be vaccinated.
case they Barangay
were bitten Health
by stray
animals with Workers

 Contact an
6. Coordinated with welfare to
the animal control for quarantine
the stray animals the stray  Barangay
animal. Health
Control and

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