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Agencies of Teacher Education

December 2018


Radhika Kapur
University of Delhi


The agencies of teacher education were established at the state, national and international
level. These agencies not only have the major objective of providing training to the Discover the world's
teachers, but also facilitates collaboration of teachers between the high level internationally
recognized researchers and the teaching staff at the international universities. The main 20+ million
areas that have been taken into account in this research paper include, the agencies of members
teacher education at the state, national and international levels. At the state level, the
agencies are, State Institute of Education (SIE), State Council of Educational Research 135+ million
and Training (SCERT), State Board of Teacher Education (SBTE), and University publications
Departments of Education (UDE). At the national level, the agencies are, University Grants 700k+ research
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Commission (UGC), National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration projects
(NIEPA/NUEPA), National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) and National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT). At the international level, the agency is,
UNESCO. These agencies have the major objective of bringing about progression in the
system of teacher education.

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Agencies of Teacher Education

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The agencies of teacher education were established at the state, national and
international level. These agencies not only have the major objective of providing training
the teachers, but also facilitates collaboration of teachers between the high level
internationally recognized researchers and the teaching staff at the international universitie
The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper include, the agenci
of teacher education at the state, national and international levels. At the state level, the
agencies are, State Institute of Education (SIE), State Council of Educational Research and
Training (SCERT), State Board of Teacher Education (SBTE), and University Department

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Education (UDE). At the national level, the agencies are, University Grants Commission
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(UGC), National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA/NUEPA),
National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) and National Council of Educational
Research and Training (NCERT). At the international level, the agency is, UNESCO. Thes
agencies have the major objective of bringing about progression in the system of teacher

Keywords: Agencies, Guidelines, Measures, Methodology, Teacher Education

The spread of knowledge and information has been on a comprehensive scale. The
agencies of teacher education provide the means of not only training of the teachers but als
facilitating collaboration between high level internationally recognized researchers and
teaching staff of international universities (Agencies of Teacher Education, n.d.). To live
one’s life effectually, it is essential for the individuals to generate awareness and acquire
knowledge in terms of various areas and fields. This has been one of the major factors that
has led to recognition of the significance of education among all categories of individuals.
India, there have been implementation of policies and formulation of measures and schem
that have led to spread of education. Acquisition of education is regarded as an indispensab
aspect that has led to enhancement of the living conditions of the individuals. Due to this,
there has been transformations bought about in the changing needs of the individuals. The
individuals, who are engaged in teaching jobs are expected to deal with changes, by

undergoing through the training programs in terms of new developments in the field of

To improve the quality of education and the quality of educational institutions, it is

necessary to update the educational methodology and to provide publicity to educational
innovations by conducting various types of educational research. Every state within the
country has some councils and associations. The agencies in teacher education are establis
with the main purpose of imparting knowledge and information among teachers. This is
particularly in terms of modern and innovative techniques and approaches, so that they are
able to meet with the current demands and needs of the educational system. There have be
establishment of number of agencies at the state and at the national level. The main objecti
of the agencies focus upon, conducting educational research, improve the quality of teache
education, enhance the quality of the educational institutions and bring about advancemen
in the overall system of education. It is vital to take into consideration the progression
opportunities that are necessary to enrich the educational system.

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The agencies of teacher education are classified at the state, national and internatio
level: (Concept of Teacher Education, n.d.).

Agencies of Teacher Education at the State Level

State Institute of Education (SIE)

The State Institute of Education focuses upon the training, preparation of teaching
aids, and evaluation needs continuity to achieve quality education. The state of Maharashtr
established this agency. At the initial stage, SIE took into consideration only primary
education. At the later stage, its scope became widened to pre-primary, secondary and high
secondary education. In 1984, it secured a constitutional status like the NCERT and is
renamed as the Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training (MSCERT

State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)

The main objectives of SCERT are, to enhance the quality of education by conduct
various types of educational research, to improve teacher education, to enhance the quality
the educational institutions, to upgrade educational methodology and to make provision of
publicity to educational innovations. The main office is located at Pune. The roles and

functions are primarily concerned with planning, management, research, evaluation and
training. The main functions are dedicated towards bringing about improvements in schoo
education, continuing education, non-formal education and special education; to impart
service training to the inspectors of pre-primary to higher secondary education; to impart i
service training to the teachers from pre-primary to higher secondary schools; to make
available the extension services to the teacher education institutions and co-ordinate the
same; to prepare teaching aids for educational institutions and to motivate the teachers to
undertake research in terms of the content methodology. The various departments that are
dedicated towards the performance of these functions are the teacher education departmen
extension services department, research department, evaluation department, curriculum
development department, population education department and publicity department.

State Board of Teacher Education (SBTE)

The Kothari Commission for the first time in 1966 recommended for the
establishment of SBTE. The main function of this agency was to develop teacher educatio
within the state to be administered by the state board. State Boards were established in

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Madhya Pradesh in 1967 and Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir and Tamil Nadu in 1973.
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Ministry of Education enforced the states to have SBTE suggestions. The main functions a
to determine the standards of the teacher training (TE) institutions; modifying and improvi
the curriculum and the instruction systems; developing the criterion for the recognition of
TE institutions; administrating of the guidance facility of the TE institutions; developing th
criteria for admission in TE and evaluating the efficiency in teaching for the student teache
preparing the plan for the qualitative and quantitative development of teacher education;
providing guidance to the universities and state institutions for bringing about improvemen
in the curriculum, textbooks and the examination system of teacher education; determining
the educational and the physical conditions of the teacher education institutions for
affiliations; developing a sense of co-operation among the university departments and othe
training institutions; providing financial assistance and providing suggestions for the
development of state-teacher educators.

University Departments of Education (UDE)

University Grants Commission provides grants to UDE and higher level training is
considered essential for the teachers in leading to their progress. Department of Education
(DOE) make provision of training for the educational administrators and curriculum

specialists to bring about improvements in the evaluation and the examination systems. Th
University DOE organizes classes in terms of B.Ed., M.Ed., and M.Phil. programs. Resear
work is conducted for Ph.D. and D. Litt. degree in education. In Calcutta, there was the
establishment of the first education department in 1917. In the present, there are departmen
of education in all the Indian universities for M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees.

The functions of UDE are, to develop post graduate studies and research work;
organize training for school teachers; launch programs for teacher education and initiate
research work; launch and organize the programs for the post graduate teachers, which are
not organized at other centres; development of language laboratory, instructional materials
and the use of innovative practices and methods in teacher education; encouraging
interdisciplinary courses and interdisciplinary research studies so that the requirements of
other departments can be fulfilled; organize extension lectures and programs to encourage
teachers and the research workers to contribute towards the discipline of education; genera
awareness in terms of new methodology and technology to lead to up-gradation of the
standards of teacher education and development of the effective procedure of the evaluatio
of theory and practical in teacher education.

Agencies of Teacher Education at the National Level

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University Grants Commission (UGC)

UGC was established on 28th December, 1953 at New Delhi. It was given autonom
by the Government of India in 1956. Its functions are, to provide financial assistance to the
universities and the colleges to meet their requirements; it provides financial assistance for
the development of the universities to meet their needs and requirements; it makes provisio
of guidelines to the centre and the state government for giving grants to the universities; it
makes provision of grants for five years for making provision of new university within the
state; it provides grants for five years to launch a new department or any academic program
in the university, but in the present state concurrence is essential; it encourages higher leve
research work and teaching activities by providing financial assistance; it provides grants f
higher education and new programs within the colleges and universities and it provides
fellowship for the teachers and project work for the university and college teachers (Conce
of Teacher Education, n.d.).

The functions of UGC with regards to the teacher education committees are, to
upgrade the standard of education. Teacher-education committees were formed consisting
seven members for the time period of two years. It provides awareness of new innovations
and research in teacher education; the national fellowship and teacher fellowship are grant
for the encouragement of research and teaching work; it provides travel grants to the
university lecturers for attending international conferences and seminars; visiting professo
are appointed from among the university professors for interchange programs and deliveri
lectures; residential accommodation are also provided for the university and college teache
and research associates are appointed for the post-doctoral research studies. Grants are giv
by the UGC to the university teachers for conducting their own researches. In 1953-54, the
Ministry of Education launched a scheme to make provision of grants to the teachers,
colleges and departments of education in the universities to enable them to carry out resear
on educational problems, selected by them and approved by the central ministry (Concept
Teacher Education, n.d.).

The main purpose of this scheme is to make provision of facilities for research. Th
has been experiencing problems due to the deficiency in the financial resources. The staff
members, employed within the training colleges are the ones, who are vested with the job
responsibilities of carrying out the function of research. The facilities and the equipment is

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provided to the individuals to complete the projects. For leading to improvements in the
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and research within citation
the country, there hasCopy
beenlinkestablishment of the

Centre for Advanced Studies (CASE) by the UGC. CASE has been set up in different
branches of knowledge. It selected the faculty of education and psychology. Baroda as the
CASE in education functions on an all India basis. It has the main objective of raising the
principles in education and research. It has built up its program in collaboration with the
research workers from outside (Concept of Teacher Education, n.d.).

National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA/NUEP

The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration has the followin
functions to perform. It provides training to the educational planning and administration w
the main purpose of developing the skills and competencies in the educational administrati
as an in-service program. It provides training facilities in educational planning and
administration at the state level and the regional level with the main purpose of developing
the efficiency. Integration of educational studies and researchers under the area of educatio

planning and administration is to promote co-ordinations in these activities. The teachers a

encouraged to make provision of solutions to the problems of educational planning and
administration by the organization of seminars and workshops. There have been arrangem
of new programs for new developments and innovations in the areas of planning and
administration. It is essential to establish links with the other countries, with the main purp
of acquiring knowledge in terms of developments and innovations taking place in other
countries (Concept of Teacher Education, n.d.).

It is necessary to make provision of guidance at the national and state levels in the
area of planning and administration. There have been organization of multidimensional
activities under the extension programs, this has been illustrated by the publishing of the
journals and other books. Acquiring knowledge in terms of educational planning and
administration regarding other countries are considered essential to lead to improvements
within the educational system and provide solutions to educational problems. The
organization of orientation programs for educational administrators are considered vital to
make provision of information in terms of new developments. Educational research report
are published, and the publication unit established a co-ordination between theory and
practice. When there are organization of conferences, seminars and workshops, then their
discussions and results are published. Training institutions for the special fields of schools
and colleges provide training and instruction in the areas of computers, educational
technology and fine arts. The language institutions are, Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Central
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PDF of English,
full-text Central Institute
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citation Copy link Mysore and langua

training is also provided in these institutions (Concept of Teacher Education, n.d.).

National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE)

The Kothari Commission Report of 1964-66, criticized the teacher education

program. It stated that the teacher education program is conventional, rigid and is secluded
from reality. For this reason, it was felt to bring about improvements in teacher education a
establish the National Council of Teacher Education. In September 1972, Central Advisory
Board in Education accepted the stated proposal, which was supported by the fifth nationa
plan. Thereby by law, the Indian Education Ministry established NCTE on 21st May, 1973.
NCTE received an independent constitutional status since 1993. The main objectives are to
work towards the co-ordinated and planned development of teacher education, and to bring
about improvements in the standards and functioning of teacher education.

In accordance to the act 1993, the functions performed by NCTE are: (Concept of
Teacher Education, n.d.).

Undertaking of surveys and research studies in terms of various aspects of teacher

education and publishing of the results.

Making recommendations to the centre and the state government universities. The
UGC and other institutions are dedicated towards the implementation of plans and program
in concern with teacher education.

Co-ordinating and monitoring of teacher education and its development within the

Preparation of guidelines in terms of minimum qualifications that need to be

possessed by the candidates to obtain the jobs of teacher educators at various levels.

Development of norms and policies for the specified category of courses. This mea
that for the purpose of seeking admission, it is essential for the candidates to meet certain

Preparation of guidelines and starting a specified requirement for the launching of

new courses and programs for teacher education.

Development of guidelines for the general teacher education program.

To advise central government on the matters of pre-service and in-service training

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teacher educators, evaluation of the curriculum and the instruction systems and periodical
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the revision of the citation
curriculum. Copy link

To advise the state governments on matters, which are of concern to them.

To review the progress of the plan of teacher education, which is submitted by the
central and the state governments.

To advise the government on ensuring adequate standards for teacher education.

To give approval to teacher education institutions.

To formulate the norms, measures, procedures and standards of teacher education.

Promotion of innovations and research studies and organize them periodically or


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