Sizing and Counting Particles in Light and Middle Distillate Fuels, by Automatic Particle Counter

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Designation: D7619 – 10

Standard Test Method for

Sizing and Counting Particles in Light and Middle Distillate
Fuels, by Automatic Particle Counter1, 2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7619; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This test method uses a specific automatic particle 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
counter2 (APC) to count and measure the size of dispersed dirt D396 Specification for Fuel Oils
particles, water droplets and other particles, in light and middle D975 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
distillate fuel, and bio fuels such as biodiesel and biodiesel D2880 Specification for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils
blends, in the overall range from 4 µm(c) to 100 µm(c) and in D3699 Specification for Kerosine
the size bands $4 µm(c), $6 µm(c), and $14 µm(c). D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
NOTE 1—ASTM specification fuels falling within the scope of this test
Petroleum Products
method include Specifications: D975 grades 1D and 2D, D3699, D4814 D4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and
(see, D6751, D6985, D7467 and distillate grades of D396 and Petroleum Products
D2880. D4814 Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine
NOTE 2—For the purposes of this test method, water droplets are Fuel
counted as particles, and agglomerated particles are detected and counted D5854 Practice for Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples
as a single larger particle. Dirt includes biological particles. Although the of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
projected area of a particle is measured, this is expressed as the diameter
of a sphere for the purposes of this test method.
D6300 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias
NOTE 3—The notation (c), used with particle sizes, is used to denote Data for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products and
that the apparatus has been calibrated in accordance with ISO 11171. Lubricants
Strictly this only applies to particles up to 50 µm. D6751 Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100)
NOTE 4—This test method may be used for particle sizes bands up to for Middle Distillate Fuels
100 µm(c), however the precision has only been determined for the size D6985 Specification for Middle Distillate Fuel Oil—
bands $4 µm(c), $6 µm(c), and $14 µm(c).
Military Marine Applications4
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as D7467 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blend
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this (B6 to B20)
standard. 2.2 ASTM Adjuncts:5
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the ADJ6300 D2PP Determination of Precision and Bias data
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 2.3 ISO Standards:6
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee the ASTM website.
D02.14 on Stability and Cleanliness of Liquid Fuels. Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced
Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published August 2010. on
2 5
The following equipment, as listed in RR:D02-1696, Seta-Avcount 91700-0 For referenced ASTM adjuncts contact ASTM Customer Service at
available from Stanhope-Seta, London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP UK was [email protected].
used to develop the precision statement. This listing is not an endorsement or Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
certification by ASTM International. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D7619 – 10
ISO 11171 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Calibration of Auto- surement is then repeated. If the size band $4 µm(c), per mL,
matic Particle Counters for Liquids measurements agree within either 10 % or 200 counts, the
ISO 4406 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Fluids—Method for measurements for each of the size bands are averaged for each
Coding Level of Contamination by Solid Particles size band to give results, per mL, for each size band.
ISO 12103-A1 Specification for Ultra Fine Test Dust
(UFTD) 5. Significance and Use
ISO 12103-A3 Specification for Medium Test Dust (MTD) 5.1 This test method is intended for use in the laboratory or
3. Terminology in the field for evaluating the cleanliness of distillate fuels, and
liquid bio fuels. It is not applicable to on or in-line applications.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.2 This test method offers advantage over traditional filtra-
3.1.1 particles, n—solid particles and dispersed water drop- tion methods in that it is a precise rapid test, and advantage
lets which are detected and counted by this test method. over visual methods as it is not subjective.
3.1.2 particle count, n—the sum of the number of solid
5.3 An increase in particle counts can indicate a change in
particles and dispersed water droplets.
the fuel condition caused by storage or transfer for example.
3.1.3 particle size, µm(c), n—the projected area equivalent
diameter of spherical particles passing through the detecting 5.4 High levels of particles can cause filter blockages and
cell in accordance with ISO 11171. have a serious impact on the life of pumps, injectors, pistons
3.1.4 particle size cumulative count, n—the total number of and other moving parts. Knowledge of particle size in relation
particles per mL, in size bands, $4 µm(c), $6 µm(c), and $14 to the metallurgy can provide vital information especially if the
µm(c), hardness of particles is also known from other sources. Discussion—Automatic particle counters may also 5.5 This test method specifies a minimum requirement for
count the total number of particles per mL, in size bands, in reporting measurements in particle size bands (see A1.1.2).
addition to those in 3.1.4, up to $100 µm. Some specific applications may require measurements in other
3.1.5 ISO Codes, n—a standard method for coding the level particle size bands.
of contamination by particles. 5.6 Obtaining a representative sample and following the Discussion—Results are expressed by ISO Codes as recommended sample and test specimen preparation proce-
specified by ISO 4406. These codes are written in the form of dures and timescales is particularly important with particle
x/y/z, where x, y and z are ISO Codes equivalent to the counting methods. (See Sections 8, 10, 14.1.4 and Note 10.)
cumulative counts, per mL, for particle size bands $4 µm(c),
$6 µm(c), and $14 µm(c) respectively. An example of this is 6. Apparatus
given in Appendix X1. 6.1 Automatic Particle Counter (APC)2—Operating on the
NOTE 5—All particle counts are per mL. laser light obscuration principle, comprising an optical mea-
surement cell, bi-directional double pump, electronics and
3.1.6 coincidence error limit, n—the highest concentration software to analyze the test specimen, and display and print the
of ISO ultrafine test dust (ISO 12103-A1 or ISO UFTD) that particle measurement data. (See Annex A1.)
can be counted with an automatic particle counter with less
6.2 Test Specimen Container, cylindrical, made of glass or
than 5 % error resulting from the presence of more than one
other suitable material, of at least 125 mL volume with
particle in the sensor/laser optical path at a time.
provision for holding the test specimen input tube at least
3.1.7 test specimen, n—an aliquot of the test sample. (See
10 mm above the bottom of the container, and a cap with a
Section 10.)
suitable inert internal seal.
4. Summary of Test Method 2 NOTE 6—It is recommended that glass test specimen containers should
4.1 The optical measurement cell comprises a light source be used to avoid any potential problems with particles adhering to the
and an optical sensor. The principle of operation is the insides of the containers due to static electricity that could occur with
some samples or some specimen containers.
measurement of laser light obscuration. Particles/droplets en-
trained within the test specimen cast shadows on the optical 6.3 Waste Container, for collecting the tested test specimen.
sensor causing a reduction of the output voltage of the sensor. 6.4 Filter Apparatus, general purpose for filtering heptane
The voltage drop is a function of the particle/droplet size. Each or other solvents.
detected particle is counted, sized and recorded. Upon comple- 6.4.1 Filters, cellulose, glass fiber or polycarbonate
tion of the test the software calculates and displays the number 0.45 µm.
of obscuration events for each of the predetermined size bands. 6.5 Printer, to record details of the measurements and
4.2 The test specimen is mixed in its container to suspend results.
the particles. Upon initiation of a test, the automatic particle
counter (APC) draws the test specimen directly from a test
specimen container (see Fig. A1.1). The test sequence com-
mences by flushing the optical measurement cell and pipework
with 30 mL of the test specimen. This is immediately followed
by the test of a 10 mL test specimen where particles in each of
the specified size bands are counted. This flushing and mea-

D7619 – 10
7. Reagents and Materials the measurement cell and the inside of the connecting tubing
7.1 Verification and Calibration Fluids7—Containing ISO before testing other test specimens.
Medium Test Dust (MTD) as specified in specification
ISO 12103-A3. 10. Test Specimen Preparation
7.2 Heptane—Reagent grade filtered down to 0.45 µm. 10.1 Gently shake the sample in its container, for at least a
7.2.1 Prepare the heptane by filtering through a 0.45 µm minute, sufficiently to ensure that a representative test speci-
filter (see 6.4.1) contained in a filter apparatus (see 6.4) See men can be drawn into the test specimen container.
Note 8. Store in a container prepared in accordance with 10.2. 10.1.1 It is essential to take a representative test specimen,
(Warning—Extremely flammable, health hazard.) but avoid power mixing or vigorous mixing as this can modify
the particles, break up agglomerated particles and entrain air.
8. Sampling (See 14.1.4 and Note 17.)
8.1 Unless otherwise specified, take a sample of at least 100 NOTE 7—To achieve a consistent agitation, equivalent to “gentle
mL in accordance with Practices D4057, D5854, D4177, or shaking” of the sample, it is recommended to either: (a) tumble the sample
other comparable sampling practices. container, by hand or using a suitable automated mechanical tumbler, end
8.2 It is essential to take a representative sample, but avoid over end for a minimum of 60 revolutions at approximately 1 revolution
power mixing as this can modify the particles, break up per second; (b) invert the sample container back and forth for a minimum
agglomerated particles and entrain air. (See 14.1.4 and Note 7.) of 60 times at approximately 1 cycle per second; or (c) use a barrel roller
and roll for a minimum of 60 rotations.
8.3 Use sample containers that are capable of transporting
Other ways of gently shaking the sample may be used, provided a
the sample without contamination. Examples of these are fully
representative test specimen is achieved.
epoxy-lined metal or amber colored glass containers with a
threaded cap, fitted with an inert liner, forming a seal with the 10.2 Use a clean test specimen container, or flush a test
container. specimen container by rinsing the inside of the container three
8.4 Prior to taking the sample, rinse the sample containers times with the sample to be tested. Each rinse shall use product
with the product to be sampled at least three times. Each rinse equal to 10 to 20 % of the container volume. A rinse shall
shall use product equal to 10 to 20 % of the container volume. include closing and shaking the container for a minimum of 5
A rinse shall include closing and shaking the container for a s and then draining the product. Alternatively, the test specimen
minimum of 5 s and then draining the product. container may be cleaned by washing thoroughly with filtered
8.5 Do not fill the sample container more than 90 % full. heptane (see 7.2) and then allowed to dry in a clean environ-
Overfilling affects the preparation of the test specimen as ment.
specified in 10.1. NOTE 8—The efficacy of cleaning of the test specimen container may
8.6 Ensure that any aliquots or sub-division of the sample be checked by testing a sample of filtered heptane (see 7.2), in the cleaned
results in representative samples being taken and remaining in test specimen container; this should give a count of less than 50 counts for
the original sample container. Note 7 and 10.1 recommend the $4 µm(c) measurement.
suitable procedures regarding this particle counting test 10.3 Immediately after gently shaking, pour the mixed
method. sample into the test specimen container and fit a clean cap.
Ensure that the test specimen container is less than 90 % full.
9. Preparation of Apparatus
9.1 Ensure that the APC2 is set up according to the instru- NOTE 9—Over shaken or mechanically stirred samples can result in
finely dispersed micro bubbles forming that will be counted as solid
ment manufacturer’s operating instructions and the verification
particles. Test specimens given ultrasonic treatment can result in the
and calibration requirements stated in both Section 11 and break-up of aglomerated particles into smaller ones that can affect the
A1.1.4. particle counts.
9.2 Ensure that the mode of operation, specified for this test
method by the manufacturer, is selected. 11. Apparatus 2 Verification and Calibration
9.3 Clean the outside of the test specimen input tube before 11.1 Verification:
each test sequence, by washing the outside in clean heptane or 11.1.1 Verify the correct operation of the APC at least every
another filtered solvent. 6 months or more frequently if required by local quality
9.4 At the start of any daily testing regime, initiate a test controls, by using the verification fluid (see 7.1) in accordance
sequence using filtered heptane. with and Section 12. The result obtained shall be equal
9.5 If a test specimen is tested that has a $4 µm(c) to or less than R/=2 of the measurement plus the uncertainty
measurement of over 20 000 particles per mL, perform a of the verification fluid, from the certified $4 µm(c) value of
complete test sequence (two flushes and two measurements as the verification fluid, where R is the reproducibility of the test.
shown in Section 12) using filtered heptane to clean and flush If the result obtained is not within this figure, ensure the sample
preparation is in accordance with the manufacturers instruc-
tions, check the verification fluid’s validity date, and run a
The sole source of verification and calibration fluids known to the committee at further test using the filtered heptane to confirm that the inlet
this time is Stanhope-Seta, London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP UK. If you
are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM
tube and cell assembly are free from contaminants. Then repeat
International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration of a the verification. If the result is still not within the allowed
meeting of the responsible technical committee1 which you may attend. tolerance, contact the manufacturer.

D7619 – 10 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prepare 12.5 Start the test sequence (see 12.1) in accordance with
the verification fluid. the manufacturer’s instructions. Table 1 shows the test se-
NOTE 10—Failure to correctly precondition the verification material
can result in particle counts not meeting the verification criteria specified 12.6 The flow rate of the test specimen shall be fixed and
in 11.1.1 and not adjustable by the operator, and shall be the same for testing,
verification and calibration.
11.2 Calibration:
12.7 The pump draws 30 mL of the test specimen through
11.2.1 The APC shall be calibrated according to ISO 11171
the test specimen input tube and directly into the optical
at least every 12 months or more frequently if required by local
measurement cell to flush and clean. One 10 mL test specimen
quality controls or by the manufacturer.
is then drawn into the optical measurement cell for measure- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding
ment. Record the measurements which shall be per mL.
factory calibration or on site calibration using integral auto,
12.8 Immediately, starting within approximately 15 s of the
self checking, calibration software.
completion of the first test measurement, repeat the 30 mL
11.2.2 The test specimen flow rate through the measurement
flush and 10 mL test measurement.
cell shall be the same for calibration, verification and testing.
12.9 Average the two $4 µm(c) measurements from 12.7
11.2.3 After calibration, verify the correct operation of the
and 12.8. If either of the criteria described in 12.9.1 and 12.9.2
APC in accordance with 11.1.
are met, then the result is the average of each of the particle
12. Procedure count size bands.
12.9.1 The difference between the two $4 µm(c) measure-
12.1 Before commencing a test, gently shake the test ments (per mL) from 12.7 and 12.8 is less than 10 % of their
specimen, as prepared in 10.1-10.3, for a minimum of 1 min average.
and then allow approximately 60 s before immediately starting 12.9.2 The difference between the two $4 µm(c) measure-
the test. If the test is not started within approximately 90 s after ments (per mL) from 12.7 and 12.8 is less than 200 particles.
shaking, gently re-shake the test specimen for a further minute. 12.10 If the difference between the two $4 µm(c) measure-
NOTE 11—This 60 to 90 s includes time for fitting the test specimen ments from 12.7 and 12.8 does not meet either of the criteria
input tube in place. described in 12.9.1 and 12.9.2, repeat the 30 mL flush and 10
NOTE 12—To achieve a consistent agitation equivalent to “gentle mL measurement once or twice more until either criteria is met.
shaking” of the test specimen it is recommended to either: (a) tumble the If it is not possible to meet either criteria or if there is not
test specimen container, by hand or using a suitable automated mechanical
enough test specimen, report the last measurement (12.8) and
tumbler, end over end for a minimum of 60 revolutions at approximately
1 revolution per second, or (b) invert the test specimen container back and the non conformance, or repeat the whole test sequence with a
forth for a minimum of 60 times at approximately 1 cycle per second. fresh test specimen.
12.2 It is permissible to test the sample directly from the NOTE 14—Example: If the two $4 µm(c) measurements from 12.7 and
sample container if the sample container, container closure and 12.8 are 500 particles and 600 particles, 10 % of their average would be
sample volume allow the test specimen to be drawn by the 55 particles. As the difference between the measurements is 100 particles
then the criteria in 12.9.1 would not be met, however as the difference
automatic particle counter, and the sample has been gently between the two measurements is less than 200 particles, the second
shaken as described in 10.1. However the remaining sample criteria in 12.9.2 is met and the result will be the average of the two
could then be unsuitable for carrying out other types of test particle counts viz 550 for the $4 µm(c) size band.
methods due to possible cross contamination. NOTE 15—Filtered heptane (see 7.2) or another suitable solvent may be
tested between test specimen testing to check that the APC and its test
NOTE 13—Testing directly from the sample container reduces the specimen delivery tube are free of contamination remaining from the
possibility of introducing particle contamination into the test specimen. previous tests.
12.3 Ensure the cleaned test specimen input tube is suffi- 12.11 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding pro-
ciently below the level of the fuel to allow enough fuel (80 mL) cedures when switching off the APC.
to be used for the test sequences.
12.4 Ensure that the test specimen input tube is not touching 13. Report
the sides and is not within 10 mm of the bottom of the test 13.1 Report the following information:
specimen container, to avoid potential blockages. 13.1.1 A reference to this test method.

TABLE 1 Automated Test Sequence

Process Shake Prepare Flush Count Flush Count
Gently shake test specimen >60 xxxxxx
Prepare apparatus 60-90 xxxxxx
30 mL flushing 60 xxxxxx
10 mL measurement 20 xx
Record measurements <15 x
30 mL flushing 60 xxxxxx
10 mL measurement 20 xx
Record measurements <15 x

D7619 – 10
13.1.2 The sample identification. locations are compared, due to sampling, shipping, storage and
13.1.3 The date of the test. environmental factors. In practice two results obtained from
13.1.4 Particle size cumulative count for at least $4 µm(c), different locations would be acceptable if their difference did
$6 µm(c), and $14 µm(c) all per mL. not exceed the published reproducibility. In the event of a
13.1.5 ISO coding, according to ISO 4406 for $4 µm(c), dispute or concern regarding the particle counts of a sample, it
$6 µm(c), $14 µm(c). (See Appendix X1.) is recommended that freshly obtained samples are tested by
13.1.6 Any deviation, by agreement or otherwise, from the both parties at the bulk storage location using the same
specified procedures. sampling procedures. This ensures that nominally identical
13.1.7 In cases of dispute also report the instrument model samples are tested by either or both parties and the precision
used and software version installed. shown in 14.2 and 14.3 shall apply.
NOTE 16—The test samples used in the ILS were prepared and
14. Precision and Bias
subdivided with care to ensure that they were nominally identical as
14.1 The Precision Study: required by 14.2 and 14.3. Sampling techniques that do not ensure the
14.1.1 The precision values given in 14.2 and 14.3 were sample is representative could result in different results at different
derived from a 2006 multi-product laboratory study which used locations (see 14.1.4).
5 similar instruments and 5 operators at a single location, to NOTE 17—Appendix X1 shows precision in tabular and graphical form
relative to particle counts and ISO codes.
test 15 samples in duplicate and in random order. The sample
types comprised automotive diesel, biodiesel, biodiesel blend, 14.2 Repeatability, r—The difference between two test
gas oil, kerosine, marine diesel, and gasoline. One of the results, obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus
samples was found to be over the coincidence error limit (see under constant operating conditions on identical test material,
3.1.6) and hence the results for this sample may not be would in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
representative and this sample was not included in the statis- the test method, exceed the value given in only one case in 20.
tical analysis. A further sample was discarded as the particles Table 2 shows the repeatability and applicable ranges for
were found to be unstable. particle sizes (cumulative count) $4 µm(c) , $6 µm(c), and The two gasoline samples used in the ILS were not $14 µm(c).
gasoline-alcohol blends. 14.3 Reproducibility, R—The difference between two single
14.1.2 The viscosity range of the samples used in the and independent test results, obtained by different operators
laboratory study was 0.7 to 4.6 mm2/s at 40°C. Viscosities using different apparatus on identical test material, would in
outside this range may be tested but the precision could be the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
affected. Automatic particle counters can usually measure method, exceed the value given in only one case in 20. Table
samples with much higher viscosities. 2 shows the reproducibility and applicable ranges for particle
14.1.3 The precision was obtained by statistical examina- sizes (cumulative count) $4 µm(c), $ 6 µm(c), and $14
tion of laboratory test results according to Practice D6300 µm(c).
using ADJ6300 D2PP. The degrees of freedom required (>30) 14.4 Bias—This test method has no bias because the results
by Practice D6300-07 were met, however Practice D6300-07 of the test are defined only in terms of this test method.
now requires a minimum of 6 labs (if satisfactory pilot program 15. Keywords
data is not available) whereas only 5 participated in this 2006
15.1 automatic particle counting; automotive diesel; biodie-
interlaboratory study. (Practice D6300-06 only required a
sel; fuel cleanliness; gas oil; gasoline; kerosine; marine diesel
minimum of 5 labs.) Full details of the statistical analysis are
given in the research report.8 TABLE 2 Precision and Range for 1 mL
14.1.4 As the precision was determined from results ob- Parameter Range of Repeatability, Reproducibility,
tained at a single location the reproducibility may not be Size Bands Results r R
comparable when results obtained at different times and $ 4 µm(c) 369-49633 0.6095X0.85 0.8542X0.85
$ 6 µm(c) 82-14013 0.6095X0.85 0.8542X0.85
$ 14 µm(c) 4-3568 0.74X0.75 0.5846X
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may where: X is the average of results being compared
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1696.

D7619 – 10

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 General—The apparatus is self contained and auto- to be tested. For example samples such as Fatty Acid Methyl
matic, with microprocessor control of the pump, changeover Esters (FAME) are known not to be compatible with some
valve and sensor for measurement and flushing sequences. Fig. types of rubber and other materials.
A1.1 shows the configuration of the APC. A1.1.6 Results (per mL) shall be recorded electronically
A1.1.1 Principle—The APC operates on the light obscura- and/or printed (see 6.5).
tion principle and is suitable for counting and sizing particles
within the range of 4 µm(c) to greater than 14 µm(c). A1.2 Automatic Changeover Valve—To enable the sample
A1.1.2 Cumulative results are provided for at least the to flow through the optical measurement cell in a continuous
$4 µm(c) , $6 µm(c) and $14 µm(c) size bands and include way, in conjunction with the double pump, from input to
the associated ISO 4406 codes. All results are per mL. Cumu- output.
lative results for other bands up to $100 µm may be provided
A1.3 Double Pump—Fixed volume (10 mL nominal per
but precision for these other bands has not been determined.
each stroke) driven by a constant speed motor under micro-
A1.1.3 The APC apparatus has a coincidence error limit of
processor control to ensure a fixed volume flows through the
60 000 particles/mL as defined in 3.1.6 and as measured in
measurement cell at a constant nominal flow rate of 30 mL/
ISO 11171. Counts at least as high as 100 000 are possible but
the count accuracy and precision will be affected for particle
counts over 60 000.
A1.4 Laser—5 mW laser diode light source, wavelength
A1.1.4 Calibration shall be in accordance with ISO 11171
670 nm 6 5 nm.
(see 11.2).
A1.1.5 Consult the manufacturer’s APC specification to A1.5 Test Specimen Delivery Tube Assembly:
ensure the seals and tubing are compatible with the sample type
A1.5.1 Flexible transparent tubing for connection to the
input connector.
A1.5.2 Adjustable length adaptor to enable the use of
different dimension test specimen containers.
A1.5.3 Test specimen container cap to avoid dust ingress.

A1.6 Calibration Software—Integral auto software, with

self checking facility, to enable on-site calibration in conjunc-
tion with the verification and calibration fluids (see 7.1) and the
manufacturer’s instructions.

A1.7 Pre-Measurement Checks—The following checks

shall be carried out automatically:
A1.7.1 Laser source operation and intensity.
A1.7.2 Sensor status.
FIG. A1.1 Automatic Particle Counter A1.7.3 Power supply voltages.

D7619 – 10

(Nonmandatory Information)


NOTE X1.1—Tables X1.1-X1.3 show the range of particle counts per NOTE X1.2—ISO Code 18/16/13 indicates that there are 1301 to 2500
mL represented by the ISO codes and the precision per mL (r repeatability particles of $4 µm(c) (see Table X1.1), 321 to 640 particles of $6 µm(c)
and R reproducibility) for the minimum and maximum numbers of (see Table X1.2) and 41 to 80 particles of $14 µm(c) (see Table X1.3).
particles represented by each ISO code number.

TABLE X1.1 Tabulated Precision for $4 µm(c)

$4 µm(c) ISO r R
Particles CODE Particle Counts Particle Counts
321–640 16 82–148 115–207
641–1300 17 148–270 208–379
1301–2500 18 270–471 379–660
2501–5000 19 471–849 661–1190
5001–10000 20 850–1531 1191–2146
10001–20000 21 1531–2760 2146–3868
20001–40000 22 2760–4974 3868–6971
40001–80000 23 4974–8966 6971–12566

FIG. X1.1 Graph of % Precision for $4 µm(c)

TABLE X1.2 Tabulated Precision for $6 µm(c)

$6 µm(c) ISO r R
Particles CODE Particle Counts Particle Counts
81–160 14 26–46 36–64
161–320 15 46–82 64–115
321–640 16 82–148 115–207
641–1300 17 148–270 208–379
1301–2500 18 270–471 379–660
2501–5000 19 471–849 661–1190
5001–10000 20 850–1531 1191–2146
10001–20000 21 1531–2760 2146–3868

D7619 – 10

FIG. X1.2 Graph of % Precision for $6 µm(c)

TABLE X1.3 Tabulated Precision for $14 µm(c)

$14 µm(c) ISO r R
Particles CODE Particle Counts Particle Counts
2.6–5 9 2–2 2–3
6–10 10 3–4 4 –6
11–20 11 4–7 6–12
21–40 12 7–12 12–23
41–80 13 12–20 24–47
81–160 14 20–33 47–94
161–320 15 33–56 94–187
321–640 16 5 6–94 188–374
641–1300 17 94–160 375–760
1301–2500 18 160–262 761–1462
2501–5000 19 262–440 1462–2923

D7619 – 10

FIG. X1.3 Graph of % Precision for $14 µm(c)

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (

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