Astm d4052
Astm d4052
Astm d4052
12.2.4 For determining the API Gravity of gasoline or RFG excludes the glass expansion factor), for the specific sample type being
samples analyzed by automated injection, follow the same analyzed.
protocol defined in 12.2.3, except that the acceptance criteria 14. Report
for the results of the two determinations for API Gravity are to
be within 0.05° API Gravity units before averaging and 14.1 In reporting density, state the test temperature and the
reporting the results. units (for example: density at 20°C = 0.8765 g/mL or 876.5 kg/
12.2.5 Record the density, relative density, or API Gravity m3).
results, or a combination thereof, determined by the analyses as 14.2 In reporting relative density, state both the test tem-
appropriate, such as by using the instrument print out of results perature and the reference temperature, but no units (for
to meet the recording requirements. example: relative density, 20/20°C = 0.xxxx).
14.3 Report the final result for density or relative density to
13. Calculation four significant figures.
14.4 If reporting sample results in API gravity units (see
13.1 Calculating Density Analyzers—The recorded or Note 7), report the final results to the nearest 0.1° API.
printed value is the final result when a single determination is 14.5 In some cases, it may be necessary to report if results
conducted (or taking the average of two determinations as the were based on a single determination or an average of two
final result as identified in Section 12), expressed either as determinations, as well as if results were determined by manual
density in g/mL, kg/m3 or as relative density. Note that kg/m3 = injection or automated injection to meet specific requirements,
1000 3 g/mL. such as data recipients wanting to know such information in
13.2 Noncalculating Density Analyzers—Using the ob- order to understand how to interpret results relative to the
served T-value for the sample and the T-value for water and published method precision values. In such cases, it is permis-
appropriate instrument constants determined in 10.4.3, calcu- sible to report this information along with the test results.
late the density or relative density using Eq 6 and 7. Carry out
all calculations to six significant figures and round the final 15. Precision and Bias 6
results to four. 15.1 The precision of the method as obtained by statistical
For density: examination of interlaboratory test results at a test temperature
density, g/mL ~kg/m3! at t 5 dw 1 K1~Ts2 – Tw2! (6) of 15°C is as follows for the following sample types and
For relative density: ranges:
15.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
relative density, t/t 5 1 1 K2~Ts2 – Tw2! (7) test results obtained by the same operator with the same
apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test
Tw = observed period of oscillation for cell containing material, would in the long run, in the normal and correct
water, operation of the test method, exceed the following value only
Ts = observed period of oscillation for cell containing in one case in twenty:
sample, Density (g/mL) and Relative Density—See Table 2.
dw = density of water at test temperature, API Gravity—See Table 3.
K1 = instrument constant for density, 15.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
K2 = instrument constant for relative density, and and independent results, obtained by different operators work-
T = temperature of test, °C. ing in different laboratories on identical test material, would in
13.3 If it is necessary to convert a result obtained using the the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test
density meter to API Gravity, or a density or relative density at method, exceed the following values only in one case in
another temperature, Guide D1250 can be used only if the glass twenty:
expansion factor has been excluded. Density (g/mL) and Relative Density—See Table 4. API Gravity—See Table 5.
NOTE 7—Some digital density analyzers are equipped to automatically
calculate and report sample results in API gravity units (see Test Method NOTE 8—The ASTM Interlaboratory Study (ILS) conducted in Fall
D287 or D1298), based on the density or relative density results, or a 19996 involved 11 labs and 23 samples. The samples included 5 motor
combination thereof, determined by this test method and using the gasolines, 1 motor gasoline + ethanol, 4 reformulated gasolines (RFG), 2
appropriate conversion equation derived from Guide D1250 (which lube oils, 1 basestock oil, 4 Jet-A fuels, 1 JP8 fuel, and 5 diesel fuels. The
ILS protocol required labs to perform a total of four measurements per psi (RFG9809). This corresponds to an approximate total vapor pressure
sample, which included both manual and automated injections, with the range of 54 to 92 kPa.
first two determinations representing the first analysis set and the second
15.2 Bias—After suggestions of its existence from litera-
two determinations representing the second analysis set. This protocol was
used to evaluate if a precision effect existed between taking the first ture,7 a study has been performed which has confirmed the
determination from each analysis set (i.e., single determination) versus presence of a bias between known density values for reference
taking the average of the two determinations from each analysis set, as materials and from values determined according to this test
well as determining if there was a precision effect between manual and method on the same reference materials. The matrix for this
automated injections. The repeatability and reproducibility statements bias study comprised 15 participants, each analyzing four
determined by the statistician reflect the corresponding precision values reference oils with certified density values, established by the
associated with testing conditions identified. It should be noted that the
precision statements determined for the gasoline and RFG sample types in
Netherlands Meet Instituut (NMI), by pyknometry, covering
the 1999 ILS were poorer than expected relative to the precision densities in the range of 747 to 927 kg/m3 at 20°C, with
statements determined for the distillates, basestocks, and lubricating oils viscosities between 1 and 5000 mPa.s (also at 20°C). This
as well as relative to the previously published method version precision study is documented in ASTM Research Report RR:D02-
statements (which were based on the analysis of just three pure com- 1387.8 Method users should, therefore, be aware that results
pounds (benzene, toluene, and xylene) analyzed by 3 labs in duplicate). obtained by this test method can be biased by as much as 0.6
The poorer than expected precision statements for the gasoline and RFG
kg/m3 (0.0006 g/mL).
sample types are likely due to the volatile nature of these materials, even
though the ILS participants were provided instructions for how to properly NOTE 10—Newer instrumentation exists which purports to correct
handle these materials to minimize or prevent sample losses. The density results due to the influence of viscosity. However, the responsible
subcommittee responsible for the method is planning to conduct a ASTM Technical Committee has not yet performed a new interlaboratory
subsequent ILS for gasoline and RFG sample types with additional study to confirm the elimination of the bias described in ASTM Research
scrutiny paid to sample handling issues as a means to try and improve the Report RR:D02-1387.8
precision statements for these materials.
NOTE 9—Four (4) of the samples analyzed in the ILS indicated in Note
8 were ASTM Interlaboratory Crosscheck samples (that is, Gaso- 7
Fitzgerald, H. and D., “An Assessment of Laboratory Density Meters,”
line–MG9808 and MG9812, RFG–RFG9807, and RFG9809). The robust Petroleum Review, November 1992, pp. 544–549.
mean of the total vapor pressures reported by Test Method D5191 for 8
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
these samples ranged from a low of 7.77 psi (MG9808) to a high of 13.40 be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1387.
Subcommittee D02.04 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D4052–09) that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) Revised 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 12.1.3, and 12.1.4. (2) Revised 1.1.1, 3.2.1– Discussion, 7.3, 10.2, 10.2.3, 10.3.2,
and 10.4.2.
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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