Architectural - Design1 - Outline (PDF Library)
Architectural - Design1 - Outline (PDF Library)
Architectural - Design1 - Outline (PDF Library)
ARE 202
Instructor :Sabeer Hamid
Office :19-331 Location:19-325 A
Tel. :1907 Course Timings: Saturday &
Office Hours:As Posted Monday, 1.10 PM to 5.00 PM
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Course Description
Three credit course with nine hours of studio interaction with the instructor per week. The
course focuses on the understanding of the design process and the methodology for
achieving functionally and aesthetically optimal design for buildings.
The course exposes students to general design elements and guidelines that allow
identification of a design problem and seek alternative solutions for the same problem in
a systematic and scientific manner keeping in mind the aesthetic and creative
requirements. Creative and graphical skills are the soul of this course which is stepwise
enhances within the practical limitations involved with every design project.
Design problems of complete but simple buildings are introduced to the students with
emphasis provided on considerations of building function, construction, material and
system, cultural, environmental constraints and climatic influences. Three projects are
dealt by the students in this course, two of which are minor projects (3 weeks) and the
third project is a complex design problem (9 weeks). The course schedule describes the
outline of the course calendar.
2. Textbook:
The handbook of building types, Neufert, Architects' Data, 2nd edition, Garanda
Publishing, 1980.
3. Course Objective
Related To Program
Course Objective(s)
4. Course Outcomes
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
5. Course Schedule
6. Course Requirement
The studio hours will be divided into two segments. First one hour will be allocated
for instruction and group discussion followed by a break. During the next secession,
students will work in their respective cubicles and will be attended individually by the
instructor. When required, additional group discussions will be held.
Attendance throughout the studio secession is a must, student’s physical and mental
presence is appreciated which will result in enhanced learning and better design
7. Project Deadlines
Students are requested to comply with the course schedule and deadline dates.
However, modification in the scheduled dates can be carried out on mutual
agreement among the students and the instructor. For best performance, strict
adherence to the outlined course schedule is recommended.
8. Course Grading
Attendance 10%
9. References
As engineering students and future professionals, students are required
to be responsible and be present in all the classes. A studios missed is
knowledge lost. All the students should be present in the studio before
the instructor arrives and should commence their design work
minimizing the wastage of time. Attendance will be taken a number of
times during the studio hours and will not be repeated.
Two un-excused absences from the studio will result in a warning letter.
Further absence requires the student to withdraw from the course (W)
or (DN) will be reported to the registrar office.
Late submission of assignments is not expected and will result in
reduced grades.
To complete your work and do a good job, you are expected to put
extra efforts and time at your own convenience.