Tad2 - Design Process and Methodologies
Tad2 - Design Process and Methodologies
Tad2 - Design Process and Methodologies
Buildings first evolved from the basic human need for shelter, security, worship, protection from animals
and other tribes, and so on. The way that these needs were satisfied, using the
available materials, space and skills gave rise to a wide range of building techniques.
To this day however, it is remarkably difficult to describe what the building design process actually is.
Whilst it is relatively easy to explain it from a contractual and technical perspective, as a series of stages
through which the level of detail increases, and it is comparatively straight forward to describe
the output of design in terms of drawings, styles, typologies, or components, the creative process itself
remains elusive.
Learning design is largely through crit-based (critical friend) studio practice, and similarly on projects, the
focus tends to be on the product of design rather than the design process itself. Even where designs are
complex and involve large numbers of consultants, specialists, suppliers and contractors, developing
ideas collaboratively, meetings will still tend to focus on framing problems and assessing solutions, rather
than the actual creative process.
Art & science
Some aspects of the design process might be seen as being more creative than others. Whilst the early
stages of design, when constraints are considered, options assessed and concepts developed might be
considered creative, this can be a relatively small part of a project which is preceded
by business planning and justification, brief development and feasibility studies and is followed by
detailed and technical design, production information, procurement and construction.
Design is also a multi-disciplinary, with some roles being more creative than others:
Designers are rarely in absolute creative control of the direction that is taken for the design of
a building. Projects will usually involve multiple stakeholders, often with their own, often conflicting, and
sometimes contradictory views about design and clients impose constraints such as budget, programme,
brand and so on. Specialist stakeholder groups may be set up to ensure that all voices are heard.
The client's understandable attempts to define what they expect from the design team can actually stifle
the creative process. It is natural for clients to try to express their requirements to a great level of detail in
order to maximise the likelihood that designers will satisfy their needs. However, this can prejudice the
outcome before the constraints and opportunities have been properly assessed, limiting creativity and
preventing innovation. Defining the problem and developing the solution should go hand in hand.
At its most basic level, design can be seen as an iterative process, where, at each iteration, there are
inputs, there is a design process and then there are outputs. At the end of each iteration, the outputs are
reviewed and then the process begins again.
At the client level, a series of gateways, or formal stages might be introduced, at each one of which,
the design is reviewed by the client, comments made, and a decision taken about whether to proceed to
the next stage. At some stages, certain aspects of the design might be frozen and change control
procedures introduced. These stages have been formalised in a number of different ways,
see Comparison of work stages for more information.
Inputs to the design process are many, varied, often competing and sometimes conflicting, extending well
beyond the requirements set out in the client brief. They can range from fundamental constraints, such as
the availability of materials, to more abstract philosophical considerations such as local fashion. They may
also develop or change as the project develops.
Design methodology
However, this has been criticised as being unsatisfactorily vague, particularly as buildings have become
more complex, building types are evolving faster, larger numbers of people are involved, design
managers have emerged and there is a requirement for greater accountability.
As a consequence, various attempts have been made to formally describe the process. Early suggestions
proposed that the design methodology was one of decomposing a problem, solving the components of
the problem and then composing these solutions back into a whole. More recently, the same essential
analytical standpoint has described design as a process of; analysis, synthesis and evaluation.A more
detailed description might propose a process of:
However, design is rarely carried out in such a conscious, systematic, discrete, linear way, and not all
ideas emerge as a result of analysis. Design might be better described as a process of simultaneous
assessment and interaction, where increasingly clear associations are formed as the designer moves
continuously from one part of the process to another and back again.
Thought process
Beyond this very simple analysis, design methodologies become more complex to rationalise and
common patterns become more difficult to identify or follow.
The method of assessment will also influence the approach. For example a design competition may
produce a different result than a traditional appointment for the same brief. A client that adopts a
quantitative approach to assessing design proposals may elicit a different solution from one that adopts a
qualitative approach. Similarly, the level of detail required and the method of presentation adopted may
influence the strategy that is followed.
Paper or computer.
2D or 3D.
Building information modelling.
Physical modelling.
Sketching or writing.
As a consequence, the design methodology will emerge not only from the design problem itself and the
way it is expressed, but also from the personal choices, characteristics and experiences of the individuals
involved. It will be complex, uncertain, and unique to each combination of circumstances.
As Mike Davies from Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) says, 'It is one of life's rewarding activities,
bringing together a wide range of personalities, skills and expertise. It is an adventure for the client,
the architect and their team.' (Ref. Concept architectural design.)
TAD - 02
(PR – RSW – 01)