Angelica Pazziuagan, Answer Sheet Module 3 Part 1

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Cagayan State University


Andrews Campus, Tuguegarao City


Name: Angelica G. Pazziuagan Date: October 4, 2021

Year & Block: BMLS 1C Code: D015

Subject: CHEM 11 Teacher: Prof. Rosalia B. Cabalza

Unit 3: Introduction to Atomic Theory

Activating Prior Learning:

Image Brainstorm. Shown below are images. You are encouraged to
share everything that you know about the pictures.

1 2 3 4
Picture 1: Picture 2: Picture 3: Picture 4:

John Dalton is known After a series of Ernest Rutherford, a Rutherford’s nuclear

to be the Father of investigations led by British physicist, model of atoms suffered
Physical Science due to different scientists, Sir completely unraveled major flaws, Niels Bohr
his contribution to Joseph John the nature of Becquerel provided an
Thomson developed a rays (rays that were explanation. This led to
atomic theory of matter.
revolutionary turn back emitted by uranium Bohr ’s model of an
The idea of atom began to discover something material). These rays atom. His model workd
to be of operational new about the atomic have three types the only for atoms with one
signi cance when the theory. He established positively charged electro. This model is
theory of Dalton particle nature of cathod (alpha rays), negatively successful in explaining
showed that this could rays and determine the charged (beta rays), th eline spectra of
explain the existing value of electric charge and uncharged particles hydrogen atoms. Bohr
laws of chemical over the mass which is (gamma rays). He used proposes fixed circular
combination. As shown -1.759x10 8 C/g. The the alpha rays to orbits around the
in the picture above, cathod rays are now discover nucleus using nucleus for electrons.
according to Dalton, known as electrons. The his gold foil experiment. He proposed the first
picture above depits He observed that: workable theory of
atom is a tiny
Thomson’s Atomic • Most alpha particles atomic structure.
indestructible sphere
Model, the plum passed through the The Bohr model of the
with mass. His theory
pudding or the raisin gold foil without Helium atom shows the
became the modern
bread model. In his deflection. three basic subatomic
atomic theory which
model he suggested • Few alpha particles particles in a simple
defined atom as the
that the atoms was were strongly m a n n e r. o s t o f a n
smallest particle of an
cmposed of a positively deflected. atom's mass is in
element which can
charged sphere wherein • Some alpha the nucleus composed
enter into a chemical
the electrons were particles slightly of nucleons. Nucleons
co mb i n a ti o n . In h i s
loosely embedded on deflected to more include protons and
theory, he proposed his
the surface like raisins than 90 degrees. neutrons. All the
postulate that includes:
in a bun. R u t h e r f o r d positive charge of an
• Matter is made up of demonstrates the atom is contained in the
extremely small
existence of a positively nucleus, and originates
charged nucleus that from the protons.
particles called
contains nearly all the Neutrons are neutrally-
mass of an atom. He charged. Electrons,
• All atoms of a given then calculated the which are negatively-
element are alike
relative sizes of the charged, are located
• Atoms enter into nucleus and electron outside of the nucleus.
combination with
space based on the
other atoms to form
number of alpha
compounds, but
particles deflected and
remain unchanged
their angle of
during ordinary
chemical reactions.
• Atoms can combine
in simple numerical
ratios such as 1:1,
1:2, 1:3, and so on.

Let’s Apply
1. Discuss Rutherford’s findings on his experiment about the physical nature of
the atom.

• Rutherford overturned Thomson's model in 1911 with his well-known gold foil
experiment in which he demonstrated that the atom has a tiny and heavy nucleus.


Rutherford designed an experiment to use the alpha particles emitted by a

radioactive element as probes to the unseen world of atomic structure. From the
result pf his experiment, he concluded that there must be a small and massive
center inside each gold atom that was positively charged. This explained why a few
alpha particles bounced right back toward the source. He also concluded that an
atom must be mostly empty space to explain why most alpha particles went straight
through the gold foil.

• Rutherford was able to calculate the relative sizes of nucleus and “electron space”
based on the number pf alpha particles deflected and their angle of deflections. His
calculations showed that the nucleus was about 10-13 cm in diameter while the
diameter of the entire atom was about 10-8 cm. As an analogy, consider a football
at the center of the football field. The football represents the nucleus and the field
represents the total volume of the atom. The electrons are represented by a few
mosquitoes flying around the football field.

• Rutherford’s discovery opened the door for the investigation of the nucleus. He
found that the number of positive charges in the nucleus increases from atom to
atom by a single unit when the elements are arranged consecutively. This was an
important finding. This means that the nuclear charge is the basis of the atom’s
individuality. Rutherford also established that the positive charge is due to the
presence of a fundamental particle called proton.

Let’s Assess
A.Put the correct answer in the space provided. Use your periodic table.

1. What is the atomic number of Nitrogen (N)? 7

2. How many protons does an aluminum (Al) atom have? 13
3. How many electrons does a Boron (B) atom have? 5

Consider a Carbon (C) atom with a mass number of 12:

4. How many protons does this atom have? 6
5. How many electrons does this atom have? 6
6. How many neutrons does this atom have? 6

Consider the atom with A = 32 and Z = 16:

7. How many neutrons does this atom have? 16
8. How many protons does this atom have? 16
9. What is the atomic symbol for this element? S

B. Fill in the missing items in the table. The first element is done for you.

Element Atomic Mass No. of No. of Number of

Number Number Protons Electrons Neutrons
(p+ #) (e-#) (n0)
Oxygen 8 16 8 8 8
Calcium 20 40 20 40 20
Lithium 3 7 3 3 4
Helium 2 4 2 2 2
Flourine 9 19 9 9 10

C. Choose the letter of the correct answer

1.Which subatomic particle has a positive charge?
a. proton
b. neutron
c. electron
d. atom
2. Which subatomic particle is located outside of the nucleus?
a. proton
b. neutron
c. electron
d. atom
3. Which particle has no charge”
a. proton
b. neutron
c. electron
d. atom
4. Where is the proton located?
a. inside the nucleus
b. outside the nucleus
5. Which subatomic particle identifies isotopes?
a. proton
b. neutron
c. electron
d. atom
D. Given the following subatomic particles present, identify the element. (The
periodic table is required to solve these problems)
• Charge +1, 3 protons, mass number 6. Lithium, Li
• Charge -2, 7 neutrons, mass number 17. Oxygen, O
• 26 protons, 20 neutrons. Iron, Fe
• 28 protons, mass number 62. Nickel, Ni
• 5 electrons, mass number 10. Boron, B
• Charge -1, 18 electrons, mass number 36. Chlorine, Cl

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