Farm Power and Machinery: Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College Barotac Viejo Campus

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Republic of the Philippines


Barotac Viejo Campus
Barotac Viejo, Iloilo

Course Code: Ag 417 Descriptive Title: Fundamentals of Agricultural Engineering

Course Credit: 3 units Lecture Hours: 2 hours

Pre-requisite: Physics I Laboratory Hours: 3 hours

Course Description: Hydrology, irrigation and Drainage, soil and water conservation engineering, weather
elements, climate classification, crop and livestock environment.

Prepared by: MAY DINAH S. BRAÑA

I. Introduction
Mechanization is an integral part of farm activities and production. While farm machinery
has improved the efficiency of farming dramatically over the years, the costs of owning and
operating machinery can be excessive. Proper management and optimization of mechanized
equipment are essential for reducing costs and maximizing profits. Farm Power and Machinery
Management analyzes the factors that comprise machinery management, explains the functions

6 Farm Power and
of the various machines and mechanisms as they affect economic operation, and offers
contemporary approaches and procedures for making management decisions.  This module will
discuss the importance, advantages and disadvantages, trend, and scenarios in its utilization for
better production and improvement of products.

II. Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Identified different sources of farm power;
2. enumerated the advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of farm power;
3. discussed what is farm mechanization and its scope;
4. described the benefits and constraints of farm mechanization; and
5. defined farm machinery and identified different machineries, its uses and types

III. Learning Content/Discussion

Farm Power is an essential input in agriculture for timely field operations for increasing
production and productivity of land. Farm power is used for operating different types of machinery like
tillage, planting, plant protection, harvesting and threshing machinery and other stationary jobs like
operating irrigation equipment, threshers/ shellers / cleaners/ graders, etc.


Various types of agricultural operations performed on a farm can be broadly classified as:
1. Tractive work such as seed bed preparation, cultivation, harvesting and transportation, and
2. Stationary work like silage cutting, feed grinding, threshing, winnowing and lifting of irrigation


There are different sources of farm power available in India which are classified as
1. Human power
2. Animal power
3. Mechanical power (Tractors + Power tillers + Oil engines)

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4. Electrical power
5. Renewable energy (Biogas + Solar energy + Wind energy)

Human power is the main source for operating small implements and tools at the farm.
Stationary work like chaff cutting, lifting, water, threshing, winnowing etc are also done by manual
labour. An average man can develop maximum power of about 0.1 hp for doing farm work.
Labour (Human Energy) on Farms: Labour is one of the most important sources of farm power in
regions where traditional system of agriculture is practiced. On small farms, high proportion of labour is
supplied by the farmer and his family. Only to meet the peak and permanent labour requirements, the
hired labourers are employed.
On small farm having very little spare capital to buy appropriate type of hand tools and animal
drawn equipment, both labour use efficiency and productivity are very low. Labour use efficiency can be
improved by engaging labour in a group where sequence of operations demands teamwork for effective
output. In the absence of the team, single man would waste other energies, which might result into
higher cost of operation. For example, a power thresher operation always demands a team effort for
efficient utilization of expensive resources i.e., thresher, cleaner, the prime mover, etc.

Power developed by an average pair of bullocks about 1 hp for usual farm work. Bullocks are
employed for all types farm work in all seasons. Besides bullocks, other animals like camels, buffaloes,
horses, donkeys, mules and elephants are also used at some places. The average force a draft animal
can exert is nearly one-tenth of its body weight. Generally a medium size draft animal can develop
between 0.50 to 0.75 hp.

Broadly speaking, mechanical power includes stationary oil engines, tractors , power tillers and self
propelled combines. Internal combustion engine is a good device for converting liquid fuel into useful
work(mechanical work). These engines are two types
1. Spark ignition engines (Petrol or Kerosene engine)
2. Compression ignition engines (Diesel engines)
The thermal efficiency of diesel engine varies from 32 to 38 per cent whereas that of petrol engine
varies from 25 to 32 per cent. In modern days, almost all the tractors and power tillers are operated by
diesel engines. Diesel engines are used for operating irrigation pumps, flour mills, oil ghanis, cotton
gins, chaff cutter, sugarcane crusher, threshers, winnowers etc.

Electrical power is used mostly in the form of electrical motors on the farms. Motor is a very
useful machine for farmers. It is clean, quest and smooth running. Its maintenance and operation needs
less attention and care. The operating cost remains almost constant throughout its life. Electrical power
is used for water pumping, diary industry, cold storage, farm product processing, fruit industry and many
similar things.

It is the energy mainly obtained from renewable sources of energy like sun, wind, biomass etc.
Biogas energy, wind energy and solar energy are used in agriculture and domestic purposes with
suitable devices. Renewable energy can be used for lighting, cooking, water heating, space heating,
water distillation, food processing, water pumping, and electric generation. This type of energy is
inexhaustible in nature.
Usage of renewable energy sources
Solar energy- Solar dryers, lantern, cooker, solar still, solar refrigeration, solar lighting etc
Wind energy- Water pumping, electricity generation etc.
Biomass energy- Gasifiers to produce producer gas, pyrolysis to produce liquid fuels, Biogas etc
Tidal energy – electricity generation
Geothermal energy- Heat and electricity production


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Merit Demerit
Human Power
1 Easily available. 1 Costliest power compared to all other forms of
. . power.
2 Used for all types of work. 2 Very low efficiency.
. .
    3 Requires full maintenance when not in use.
    4 Affected by weather condition and seasons.
Animal Power
1 Easily available. 1 Not very efficient.
. .
2 Used for all types of work. 2 Seasons and weather affect the efficiency.
. .
3 Low initial investment. 3 Cannot work at a stretch.
. .
4 Supplies manures to the field and fuels to 4 Requires full maintenance when not in use.
. farmers. .
5 Lives on farm products. 5 Creates unhealthy and dirty atmosphere near the
. . residence.
    6 Very slow in doing work.
Mechanical Power
1 Efficiency is high. 1 Initial capital investment high.
. .
2 Not affected by weather. 2 Fuel is costly.
. .
3 Cannot run at a stretch. 3 Repairs and maintenance needs technical
. . knowledge.
4 Requires less space.    
5 Cheaper form of power.    
Electrical Power
1 Very cheap form of power. 1 Initial capital investment high.
. .
2 High efficiency. 2 Requires good amount of technical knowledge.
. .
3 Can work at a stretch. 3 If handled carelessly, it causes great danger.
. .
4 Maintenance and operating cost is very low.    
5 Not affected by seasons.    


AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION involves the design, manufacture, distribution, use and servicing of

all types of agricultural tools, equipment and machines. It includes three main power sources: human,
animal and mechanical with special emphasis on mechanical (tractive power).

TRACTORIZATION: refers to the application of any size tractor to activities associated with agriculture.

MOTORIZATION: refers to the application of all types of mechanical motors or engines, regardless of

energy source, to activities related to agriculture.

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AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS: are devices attached to, pulled behind, pushed, or otherwise used
with human, animal or mechanical power source to carry out an agricultural operation.

AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY: is a general term used to describe tractors, combines, implements,

machines and any other device more sophisticated than hand tools which are animal or mechanically

AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT: generally refers to stationary mechanical devices such as irrigation


Concept of Farm Mechanization

The main concept of farm mechanization is to apply the principles of engineering and technology to do
the agricultural operations in a better way to increase crop yield. This includes the development,
application and management of all mechanical aids for field operation, water control, material handling,
storage and processing. Mechanical aids include hand tools, animal drawn implements, power tillers,
tractors, engines, electric motors, grain processing and hauling equipments.

FARM MECHANIZATION: is technically equivalent to agricultural mechanization but refers to only those
activities normally occurring inside the boundaries of the farm unit or at the farm unit level (example:
village, community, co-operatives etc). Farm mechanization is the application of engineering and
technology in agricultural operations, to do a job in a better way to improve productivity. This includes
development application and management of all mechanical aids for field production, water control,
material handling, storing and processing. Mechanical aids include hand tools, animal drawn equipment,
power tillers, tractors, engines, electric motors, processing and hauling equipment.


Improved irrigation facilities, introduction of high yielding varieties. use of higher doses of
fertilizers and pesticides have increased the scope for greater farm   mechanization  Farm
mechanization helps for proper utilization of basic inputs like water, seed and fertilizer, optimum
placement of the seed and fertilizer, ploughing, removal of weeds, leveling of uneven land and land
reclamation. If machines are used  farmer and his animals are relieved of hard work. With the support of
machines farmer can do his job better and quicker. He will get more leisure and devote his time to other
works. He can earn better living.


i) Population of the country is increasing at the rate of about 2.2% per year. Steps have to be taken to
arrange food and fibre for such large population by adopting intensive farming in the country.
Intensive farming requires machines on the farm.
ii) In multiple cropping programme, where high yielding variety of seeds are used, all farm operations
are required to be completed in limited time with economy and efficiency. This is possible with the
help of mechanization.
iii) Farm mechanization removes drudgery of labour to a great extent. A farmer has to walk about 66 km
on foot while ploughing 1 ha land once by bullocks with a country plough having 15 cm furrow width.
iv) A large number of females and children work on farm. So, with mechanization females can work at
home and children go to school.
v) The proper utilization of basic inputs like water, seeds and fertilizers will be possible with proper
vi) There are certain operations which are rather difficult to be performed by animal power or human
labour such as:
a) Deep ploughing in case of deep rooted crops.
b) Killing the pernicious weeds by deep tillage operations.
c) Levelling of uneven land.
d) Land reclamation.
e) Application of insecticides during epidemic seasons. These operations need heavy mechanical


1. Timeliness of operation
2. Precision of operation

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3. Improvement of work environment.
4. Enhancement of safety
5. Reduction of drudgery of labour
6. Reduction of loss of crops and food products
7. Increased productivity of land
8. Increased economic return to farmer
9. Improved dignity of farmer
10. Progress and prosperity in rural areas


1. Small land holdings
2. Less investing capacity of farmers
3. Adequate availability of draft animals
4. Lack of suitable farm machine for different operations
5. Lack of repair and servicing facilities for machines
6. Lack of trained man power
7. Lack of coordination between research organization and manufacturer
8. High cost of machines
9. Inadequate quality control of machine


            There are various limitations in adopting farm mechanization:
1) Small and fragmented land holdings.
2) Less investing capacity of farmers.
3) Agricultural labor is easily available.
4) Adequate draught animals are available in the country.
5) Lack of availability of suitable farm machines for different operations.
6) Lack of repair and servicing facilities for machines.
7) Lack of trained man power.
8) Lack of co-ordination between research organization and manufacturers.
9) High cost of machines.
10) Inadequate quality control of machines


 Low annual use of tractors (only 500-600 hrs/year against recommended 1000 hrs/yr).
 Non availability of matching equipment.
 Cumbersome and energy inefficient designs.
 Poor reliability, frequent breakdowns and high repair and maintenance cost.
 Low quality.
 Use of ungraded materials, absence of inter-changeability of components.
 Inadequate R&D, Testing &Training facilities and inadequate Research funding.
 Inadequate user education.
 Lack of standardization.
 Non-availability of relevant literature like operator’s manual, parts catalogues etc.


1. No Farm Machinery research/development project should be initiated without conducting a
market survey to assess the client needs and perceptions.
2. Greater industry-institution collaboration by undertaking joint research projects and use of
reverse engineering would be helpful for speedy development and commercialization of new
3. Computer Aided Design (CAD) must be used for optimum design, cost reduction and
reliability. All R&D organizations must have a CAD facility with latest design packages. Train
R&D engineers to develop proficiency in computer aided design.
4. R&D engineers must ensure compatibility of their designs with BIS/ISO standards, norms
and practices.
5. Standardization of critical components to ensure quality, durability and inter changeability is
6. Up gradation of manufacturing technology to upgrade quality and reduce the cost.

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Agricultural machinery devices are used to plant, cultivate, and harvest the crops. since ancient
times, the people used the tools to help them to grow and harvest crops. They used the Agricultural
tools to keep soil loosened and sharp to harvest the ripened crops. This Modification of early
implements led to the development of small hand tools that are used in
small-scale gardening like hoe, rake, trowel. And large implements led to the development of large hand
tools, such as grass shears,  gardening toolsets, and pruners.
The most important of modern agriculture is the tractor. It provides many other implements and
furnishes power for the operation of machines drawn behind the tractor. The tractors can also set up to
drive to operate equipment such as feed grinders, pumps, and electric power generators.
Many types of implements have been developed for the activities in growing crops. These include
planting, weeding, fertilizing, and combatting pests.

What is Agriculture Machinery?

Agricultural machinery is machinery used in farming for agriculture. There are many types of equipment
used by farmers they are hand tools, power tools like tractors. These equipment are used in  both
organic and nonorganic farming. Now let’s get into details of farm machinery types, uses, and their

Farm Machinery Importance, Uses, And Types

The tractor is a farm vehicle. Agriculture implements to be mounted on the tractor and it may also
provide a source of power if the implement is mechanized. Farm tractor is used for pulling and pushing
agriculture machinery. It is used for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, and planting.
There are two types;
 Two-wheel tractor
 Tracked tractor or Caterpillar tractor
Soil cultivation
A cultivator is a farm implement for stirring and pulverizing the soil before planting. It also removes
weeds and to aerate and loosen the soil after the crop has begun to grow.
A plow is used for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed and planting. The purpose of
Plowing is to turn over the upper layer of the soil. It bringing fresh nutrients to the surface and remains
of previous crops, allowing them to break down. In modern use, a Plowing field is typically left to dry out
and then harrowed before planting.
A Harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. It is different in its effect on Plough and
used for deeper cultivation. It is often used to carry out on fields for Plowing operations. It provides a
finer finish, for a good soil structure that is suitable for seeding and planting operations.

Importance of Farm Machinery

1. The introduction of equipment with high-end technology has reduced the labor work.
2. It helps them to produce the required kind of goods in the quantity demanded, unlike the traditional
days where humans and horses were excessively used.
3. Keep complete records of fieldwork done by various machines and the number of working days
available for critical field operations. By knowing the average capacity of machines and the number of
workdays available, a more effective job of selecting machinery is possible.
4. It has reduced the farming time with ample work done in the stipulated time.
5. In terms of cost, it helps farmers and corporate companies to economize capital and labor.
6. To expand operations, farmers can invest in machines & its maintenance instead of paying salaries to
workers, thus hastening the production.
7. Farm machinery improves the quality of goods and boosts agricultural & food production in the

Types of farm machinery and equipment

The modern farmers used a vast range of equipment for agriculture purpose. The technical stuff and
farm manning are higher in the yield.

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 Land Processing
 Soil and Plant Fertilizing
 Harvesting and Transportation

Farm machinery used for soil cultivation

Cultivator: Cultivator equipment is a farm device for stirring and pulverizing the soil before planting or
removing weeds and aerating and loosening the soil after growing. It is operated by a tractor and stirs
the soil to a higher depth than the harrow (which is not normally powered). Many are fitted with hydraulic
wings that fold to make it easier and safer to ride on the road. Different devices are used for gardening,
but very small.
Cultipacker: A Cultipacker is a piece of farming equipment that crushes dirt clods, eliminates air
pockets, and presses down small stones to create a smooth, firm seedbed. The term Cultipacker
applies exclusively to ridged rollers, whereas either a smooth or a ridged roller can be referred to in the
terms field roller or land roller. Many farmers find the terms to be mutually exclusive, but others regard
the ridged as a field roller category.
Plow: In preparation for sowing seed, a plow or plow is used for initial soil cultivation. The key plowing
role is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing to the surface fresh nutrients. This aerates the soil
and increases the retention of moisture. Usually left to dry out a plowed field in modern use and then
harrowed before planting.
Rotary tiller: It is also referred to as a rotavator, revolving hoe, power tiller, or rotary plow. It is a
motorized grower that uses spinning blades to work the soil. Rotary tillers are either driven by
themselves or pulled behind a tractor as an extension.
Strip-till: Strip-till is a minimal tillage management method. This combines the soil drying and heating
advantages of traditional tillage with the no-till soil-protecting advantages by disrupting only the portion
of the soil comprising the seed line. This tillage is done with special tools and produces multiple trips,
depending on the tillage tool used and the conditions of the field. Each strip-tilled row is typically around
8-10 inches wide.
Harrows: Harrows machinery is used for ground surface cultivation. It is different from the plow that is
used for deeper cultivation in its effect. Harrowing is often achieved by plowing operations on fields to
meet the rough end. This harrowing’s main purpose is to break up lumps of soil and provide a finer
finish, a good soil structure ideal for seeding and planting. Harrowing can be used after sowing to kill
weeds and cover crops. There are three main types of harrows: spike harrows, drag harrows, and disc
Farm machinery used for planting:
Seed drill: This is a device for placing the seeds at a uniform rate and at a controlled depth with or
without the arrangement to cover them with soil in a continuous flow in furrows.
This ensures even distribution of seeds. At the exact seeding rate and depth, the seed drill sows the
seeds, ensuring that the seeds are covered by soil. This saves them from being eaten or dried up by
animals as a result of sun exposure.
Broadcast seeder: A broadcast seeder or spreader or fertilizer spreader is a commonly used crop, lime
or fertilizer spreading tractor tool.
Seed cum fertilizer drill: Seed drills are equipped with an attachment to drop fertilizer; spread the
fertilizer on the field evenly. It’s called a fertilizer drill seed material. Such a drill has a wide seed box
that is lengthwise divided into two compartments, one for seed and one for fertilizers. Seed drill may be
graded as (i) Drawn Bullock (ii) Drawn Tractor.
Farm Machinery used for fertilizing and pest control
Manure spreader: Manure spreader is also known as a muck spreader or a honey wagon is an
agricultural tool used as a fertilizer for the spreading of manure over a field. Manure spreaders began as
ground-driven devices that a horse or group of horses would pull out.
Slurry tank: A slurry tank is a vehicle with a tank and pump that can be used to fertilize the fields with
slurry (a combination of manure and water). If we fertilize fields, at the end of the season we get more
Sprayer: A sprayer is a device used to apply herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to farm crops.
Sprayers range in size from man-portable units (typical spray-powered backpacks) to tractor-related
self-propelled units.
Farm Machinery types used for irrigation
Irrigation equipment: Varieties of irrigation equipment are used for irrigation, depending on the farm
operator’s financing ability and the appropriateness of the method according to water sources.

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Fire sprinkler system: A fire sprinkler system is an effective form of fire protection, consisting of water
supplying a network, providing adequate pressure and flow rate to a water delivery piping structure
connected to by fire sprinklers.
Centre Irrigation: Irrigation is usually the artificial transfer of water to the soil to help grow crops. It is
mostly used for crop production in dry areas and in rainfall shortages, but to protect crops from frost.
Irrigation is the opposite drainage procedure, which is the natural or artificial removal from a given area
of the surface and sub-surface water.
Farm Machinery for Harvesting and threshing equipment
Equipment for harvesting is a mechanical device used to harvest. There are several harvesting machine
types that are typically categorized by the plant. Below are some of the harvesting equipment used;
Combine harvester: A combine harvester is a tool that combines planting, threshing, and cleaning of
grain crops. The main goal is plant planting, corn, soybeans, flax (linseed), oats.
Sickle: A sickle tool is a curved shaped, hand-held farming device that is usually used to harvest grain
crops or cut grass for hay.
Mower: Mower is a plant or grass cutting tool. The mower can be powered by steam, operated by hand
or drawn by animals.
Reaper: Reaper is a tool used for ground-level cereal harvesting. Such reapers are powered either by
the power tiller or by the tractor. The reaper worked on the tractor’s field strength varies from 0.2 to 0.4
ha per hour.
Conveyor belt: A conveyor belt is the carrying medium (often shortened to belt conveyor) of a conveyor
belt structure. One of the major types of conveyor systems is a belt conveyor system. This system
consists of two or more pulleys (sometimes called drums) with an endless loop of moving media and the
conveyor belt revolving around them. One or both of the pulleys are powered, moving forward the belt
and the material on the belt. The driven pulley is called the drive pulley, and the weak pulley is called
the idler pulley.
Crop harvesting machine: The mechanical tool that is concurrently built to harvest forage crops grown in
the upland or field and forms roll bale is called plant harvesting machinery. The system consists of
moving, harvesting and a part of the baler.
Vegetable harvesting machine: Most computers are now available for vegetable harvesting. But, among
global vegetable farmers, these are quite popular.

I V. References
1. Farm Power and Machinery by Agrimon. Com
2. Development of E courses for BS Agriculture.
3. Elements of Agricultural Engineering by Jadishawar Sahay
4. Principles of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 1 by A.M. Michael and T. P. Ojha
5. Principles of Farm Machinery by Kepner, Bainer and Bergar
6. Tractor and their Power Units by Barger, Carleton, Mckilben and Bainer

V. Learning Assessment

VI. Enrichment Activities/Output

1. Take a video of yourself operating farm machinery which may include harvester, 4 wheel
tractor, hand tractor, sprayer, lawm mower, grass cutter, planter, and many more.
2. Select one topic out of five module and prepare a term paper

Laboratory Exercise 2 and 3

Determination of crop water requirement ( see attached sample)
1. Select you own crop
2. Research for the value of the items in blue color and use that in your computation
3. Values in black will be the same to all

Laboratory exercise no. 4

Farm Machinery and equipment
I. Introduction
(make your own)
II. Objectives:

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1. To be able to identify some farm machineries and equipment
2. To be able to differentiate farm machineries from farm equipment
3. To account the number of farm machineries and equipment used by neighboring
III. Methodology:
1. Conduct and interview with the neighboring farmers
2. Identify what machineries and equipment they used
3. Categorize the machineries from equipment
4. Take photograph of at least 5 machineries and five equipment
5. Paste those in the output part and write down its uses and function
IV. Output:

V. Guide Questions:
1. Differentiate farm machineries from farm equipment?
2. Do you think farm machineries are always in coupled with farm equipment? Why and why

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