EE2001 Circuit Analysis - OBTL

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Academic Year AY2019/20 Semester 1

Course Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Justin Dauwels
Course Code EE2001
Course Title Circuit Analysis
Pre-requisites NIL
No of AUs 4
Contact Hours Lectures: 24 hours Tutorials: 26 hours, Laboratories: 6 hours
Proposal Date 28 June 2016

Course Aims
This course focuses on the fundamental principles of circuit theorems and circuit elements, DC/AC and
three-phase circuits, transient and steady-state responses, circuit analysis using Laplace transforms.

In this course, you will learn various techniques (“tools”) to analyze the operation of real circuits. Our major
concern is the analysis of circuits, i.e. the study of the behavior of the circuit, not the creation of circuits,
i.e., the engineering design of the circuit.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Upon the successful completion of this course, you shall be able to:

1. Analyse AC and DC linear circuits.

2. Set up independent equations of linear circuits and solve them using the techniques and skills
acquired in this course.
3. Interpret and perform the analytical techniques learnt in this course correctly that can serve as a
good foundation for the study of linear control systems, power networks, electronics and
communication systems in later years.

Course Content
There will be 24 hours of lectures on the following topics:

Circuit Theorems: 4 hours

Basic laws. Independent and dependent sources. Operational amplifiers as circuit elements. Nodal and
mesh analysis. Linearity and superposition. Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem. Maximum power
transfer theorem. Star-delta transformation.

Energy Storage Elements and Transient Responses: 4 hours

Capacitance and Inductance. First order circuits. Initial conditions and step inputs. Natural response and
time constant. Circuits with two storage elements. Coupled circuits and dot convention. First and second
order transient responses.

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Laplace Transforms in Circuit Analysis: 4 hours

Review of the Laplace Transform. s-domain circuit elements. Circuit solutions with/without initial
conditions. Applications to RLC circuits. Networks with mutual inductance. Concept of transfer functions.
Circuits with non-step inputs.

Network Functions and Two-Port Networks: 4 hours

Transfer functions. Poles and stability. Time-domain behaviour from pole-zero plots. Step and impulse
responses. DC and AC steady-state responses. Series and parallel resonance. Two-port networks.
Admittance, impedance, hybrid and transmission parameters.

Alternating Current Circuits: 4 hours

Sinusoids and phasors. Phasor relationships for circuit elements. Impedances and admittances. Impedances
combinations. Phasor diagrams. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Circuit theorems for AC circuits. AC power
analysis. Instantaneous and average power. Maximum average power transfer theorem. RMS value.
Conservation of ac power. Apparent power and power factor. Complex power. Power factor correction.
Single-phase power measurements.

Three-phase AC Circuits: 4 hours

Three-phase voltage generation. Balanced-three phase voltages. Phase sequence. Balanced Wye-Wye,
Wye-Delta, Delta-Delta and Delta-Wye connections. AC power for three phase systems. Unbalanced three-
phase system. Three-phase power measurements.


Two lab modules are incorporated in this course.



(a) To study the concept of circuit linearity.

(b) To determine the Thevenin equivalent of a given circuit.
(c) To study the delivery of maximum power to a load.
(d) To study the transient responses of the series RC and RLC circuits.




(a) To measure the admittance-parameters and transmission parameters of two-port network.

(b) To investigate the relationships between individual network parameters and two-port
networks in cascade and parallel connections.
(c) To study the transient response of a general second-order circuit.

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Course Outline

Type Topic of interest Number of hours

Lectures Circuit theorems 4
Energy Storage Elements and Transient Responses 4
Laplace Transforms in Circuit Analysis 4
Network Functions and Two-Port Networks 4
Alternating Current Circuits 4
Three-phase AC Circuits 4
Facilitated learning = 2 hours * 12 weeks = 24 hours
Others Laboratories = 3 hours * 2 labs = 6 hours
Tutorials = 3 hours * 13 weeks = 26 hours
Total = 24 + 6 + 26 = 56 hours

Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)

Related Programme
Team/ Assessment
Component Course LO Tested LO or Graduate Weighting
Individual rubrics
1. Final (1-3) (a-d) 60% Individual
2. Quiz (1-2) (a-b) 20% Individual

3. Assignment 1 (1-2) (a-b) 5% Individual

4. Assignment 2 (1-3) (a-c) 5% Individual

5. Laboratory (1-2) (a-b) 5% Team

6. Laboratory (1-3) (a-c) 5% Team
Total 100%

*From the school website: EEE & IEM Programme Accreditation (Refer to Student Learning Outcomes)

Mapping of Course SLOs to EAB Graduate Attributes

Course EAB’s 12 Graduate Attributes

Learning (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
Core   ◐ 
Circuit analysis
1. Analyze AC and DC linear circuits. (a-c)

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2. Set up independent equations of linear circuits and solve them using the techniques
and skills acquired in this course.
3. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the analytical techniques learnt in this course that
can serve as a good foundation for the study of linear control systems, power networks, (a-d)
electronics and communication systems in later years.

Legend:  Fully consistent (contributes to more than 75% of Student Learning Outcomes)
◐ Partially consistent (contributes to about 50% of Student Learning Outcomes)
 Weakly consistent (contributes to about 25% of Student Learning Outcomes)
Blank Not related to Student Learning Outcomes

Formative feedback
In order to provide formative feedback, students are expected to attend all tutorial classes. Marks will be
given for attendance and contributions to the tutorial classes. In addition, students will be asked to make
presentations of solutions of assigned questions during the tutorial classes and every student will have one
opportunity to make presentations and marks will be awarded.

Learning and Teaching approach

How does this approach support students in achieving the learning

Students will view the recorded lectures prior to attending the tutorials which
LECTURE will be conducted in an interactive way.

Each tutorial will last for 2 hours. The tutorial will be conducted in an interactive
manner where students are expected to interact with the tutor and other
students, ask questions and provide alternative solutions to tutorial questions.

There will be two three-hour laboratory sessions where students will reinforce
their understanding. Students are expected to watch the briefing of the
laboratory sessions and the use of the equipment before attending the
laboratory session. Students are expected to discuss the experimental results
using the theory learnt.

Reading and References

Text Book
1. Alexander Charles K and Sadiku Matthew N O, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 6th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2013. (TK454.A375 2017)

1. Nilsson James William and Riedel Susan A, Electric Circuits, 10th Edition, Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2011.
(TK454.N712 2015)
2. Hayt William Hart, Kemmerly Jack Ellsworth and Durbin Steven M, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8th
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012. (TK454.H426 2012)
3. M. Nahvi and J.A. Edminister, Schaum’s Outlines Electric Circuits, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2011.

Course Policies and Student Responsibilities

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1. Students are expected to watch the recorded lectures and attempt the tutorial questions.
2. Attendance of all tutorial classes is compulsory and attendance marks will be given.
3. Students who obtain less than 50% of the attendance mark will be barred from taking the
examinations without valid reasons.

Academic Integrity
Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student
relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values shared
by the whole university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared values.

As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the
principles of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in maintaining
academic integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip yourself with
strategies to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud, collusion and
cheating. If you are uncertain of the definitions of any of these terms, you should go to the academic
integrity website for more information. Consult your instructor(s) if you need any clarification about the
requirements of academic integrity in the course.

Students who are caught copying solutions from others will be dealt with by the School Disciplinary

Course Instructors

Instructor Office Location Phone Email

Prof Er Meng Joo S1-B1c-90 6790 4269 [email protected]
Assoc Prof Soh Cheong Boon S2-B2c-107 6790 5373 [email protected]
Assoc Prof Justin Dauwels S2.2-B2-15 6790 5410 [email protected]

Planned Weekly Schedule

Week Topic Course LO Readings/ Activities

1. EMJ Basic Concepts and Sound understanding of Watch the recorded
Laws and Nodal basic concepts and laws lectures and attempt
Analysis and Nodal Analysis Tutorial 1
2. EMJ Mesh Analysis, Circuit Sound understanding of Watch the recorded
Theorem and Mesh Analysis, Circuit lectures and attempt
Operational Amplifies Theorem and Tutorial 2
Operational Amplifiers
3. JD Capacitors, Inductors, Sound understanding of Watch the recorded
Natural Response of the physical principles lectures and try the
First-Order Circuits of capacitors and Practice Questions.
inductors. To be able to Then attempt Tutorial 3
compute the natural
response of RC and LC

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4. JD Forced Response of To be able to compute Watch the recorded
First-Order Circuits, the forced response of lectures and try the
Natural and Step RC and LC circuits, and Practice Questions.
Response of Second- natural/forced Then attempt Tutorial 4
Order Circuits response of parallel and
series RLC circuits.
5. JD Basics of Laplace Sound understanding of Watch the recorded
Transform, Properties the definition and lectures and try the
of Laplace Transform. properties of the Practice Questions.
Basics of Circuits Laplace Transform, and Then attempt Tutorial 5
Analysis in Laplace the concepts behind
Domain the analysis of circuits
in Laplace domain.
6. JD Analysis of Circuits in To be able to analyse Watch the recorded
Laplace Domain circuits in Laplace lectures and try the
domain. Practice Questions.
Then attempt Tutorial 6
7. SCB Network Functions, To be able to Watch the recorded
Poles and Zeros of determine the output lectures and try the
Transfer Functions, response from the Practice Questions.
Stability, Time Domain poles and zeros of Then attempt Tutorial 7
Output Response from transfer function and
Poles of Input and Poles input
of Transfer Function,
Impulse Response and
Step Response.
8. SCB Two-port networks To be able to Watch the recorded
(admittance, determine parameters lectures and try the
impedance, hybrid, of two port networks Practice Questions.
ABCD) defined by short- and interconnected Then attempt Tutorial 8
circuit and open circuit two-port networks.
tests. Interconnection
of Two-port networks,
Reciprocal and
Symmetrical Two Port
9. SCB Sinusoids and Phasors, To be able to transform Watch the recorded
Transformation of Time time domain circuits to lectures and try the
Domain Circuits to phasor domain circuits Practice Questions.
Phasor Domain Circuits Then attempt Tutorial 9
10. SCB Phasors approach to Sound understanding of Watch the recorded
Sinusoidal Steady State phasors approach using lectures and try the
Circuit Analysis – KVL, KVL, KCL, Nodal Practice Questions.
KCL, Nodal Analysis, Analysis, Mesh Analysis Then attempt Tutorial
Mesh Analysis and and Circuit Theorems 10
Circuit Theorems
11. SCB AC Power Analysis, Sound understanding of Watch the recorded
Complex Power, Power complex power and lectures and try the
Factor Correction power factor correction Practice Questions.
Then attempt Tutorial

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12. SCB Three Phase Circuits, To be able to Watch the recorded
Balanced Voltage determine line lectures and try the
Sources, Balanced currents, phase Practice Questions.
Loads and Unbalanced currents, line voltages Then attempt Tutorial
Loads and phase voltages of 12
Balanced Three Phase
Voltage Sources (Wye,
Delta) connected to
Three Phase Balanced
Loads (Wye, Delta)
13. SCB Three Phase Power To be able to measure Watch the recorded
Measurements three phase power for lectures and try the
unbalanced loads Practice Questions.

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