Lesson Six
Lesson Six
Lesson Six
of conclusion regarding any writing identification problem. The term standard is a general term referring to all
authenticated writings of the suspects.
▪ Exemplars – specimen of the writing of suspects are commonly known as exemplars.
Exemplars refers more especially to specimens of standard writing offered in evidence or obtained or
request for comparison with the questioned writing. ▪ Sample - a selected representative portion of the whole is
known as a sample.
a. Collected Standards are known (genuine) handwriting of an individual such as signature and endorsements
on canceled checks, legal papers letters, commercial, official, public and private document and other handwriting
such as letters, memoranda, etc. Written in the course of daily life, both business and socials.
b. Request Standards are signature or other handwritings (or hand printings) written by an individual upon
request for the purpose of comparison with other handwriting or for specimen purposes.
c. Post Litem Motan Exemplars - writings produced by the subject after evidential writings have come into dispute
and solely for the purpose of establishing his contentions.
a. Submit collected and request standards signature from both individual cases.
b. When anonymous letter writings other than signature are in questioned:
1. Submit request standards writings of general nature from both victim and suspect's (as much standards
writing as possible to obtain within reason).
2. Submit request standards of the questioned text written (or printed) - at least 3 writings by the suspect/s
a. Have subject seated in a natural position at table or desk having smooth writing surface.
b. Furnish subject with paper and writing instrument similar to those used in questioned writings, lie;
paper should be same size, and ruled or unruled; as questioned document: if questioned document is in written
d. Dictate material to be written (or printed, if questioned material is hand printed): give no assistance in
spelling or arrangement on page. Dictate at a rate of speed, which will produce the subject natural writing habits.
e. Remove each specimen upon completion by subject number in consequence, date, time and identify
by initiating each, and request subjects to sign each specimen.
f. Observe all writing done by subjects and indicate any attempt of disguise, and whether subjects appear
to be normally right or left-handed, etc. ▪
b. Dictate the entries to be made on specimen checks as follows, same as shown on questioned check:
1. Date
2. Payee
3. Amount
4. Signature
5. Any other handwriting shown on questioned check
c. Give subjects to help or suggestions in completing specimen checks.
a. The laboratory should be informed of the age apparent health and physical condition of the time standards
are written.
b. Do not fold, staple or pin document: handle questioned documents with care.
c. Indicate in the sample handwriting the time, place, date signature of writer as well as witness of the
b. Signature cards for saving, checking and charge accounts and safe deposit boxes.
c. Credit applications and cards d. Signature on sales slips, on job orders slips, requisition slips and purchase
e. Court records and affidavits, such as naturalization papers, bankruptcy proceedings, divorce papers. Probated
wills and estate files, powers of attorney, etc.
o. Veteran records
p. Fingerprint records
q. School or University class records and cards
r. Application for firearm and licenses
b. Similarly of subject matter. If the questioned writings are hand printed, then get hand printed
standard or exemplar.
c. Relative dates of the questioned and the standards writing standard signatures or writing must
be those written five (5) years before or five (5) after the date of the questioned signature or writing.
d. Condition under which both the questioned and the standard are prepared. look for standards
prepared under comparable circumstances such as: paper rested on the knee; standing; sitting; lying
e. Writing instrument and paper. same instrument used in the preparation of the questioned
▪ Type of Signature
d. Signatures of Physical Impaired Writer - intoxicated signature, old age deterioration, sick bed
a. Collected standards
c. Requested standards if writer is still living - Collect standards written in the same situation;
d. Specimen written in normal condition could not be used therefore consider collected and
requested standards.