8 Critical Analysis of General Science
8 Critical Analysis of General Science
8 Critical Analysis of General Science
Subject Specialist (Biology) Assesment & Evaluation Wing, Directorate of Curriculum &
Teacher Education Abbottabad, KPK, Pakistan.
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,
Pakistan, Email: [email protected], Cell 03336387807
Deputy District Education Officer Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
of education (Bekiroglu, 2007). Davies, (2003) stated that a good textbook should not
only support the teachers but also support the learners. According to Guzzetti (2000)
science textbooks are developed in such a way that teaching by discovering and
experimentation in laboratories can be possible.
Iding, Klemm, Crosby and Speitel (2002) stated that science textbooks
introduce nature of science to students through cognitive processes or by
comprehension nature activities. The illustrations of these textbooks are classified as
knowledge acquisition, knowledge application and knowledge creation. According to
Amaral and Garrison (2007), use of illustrations and developed research-based
principles for the use of illustrations in science, textbooks provide opportunity to
develop an inquiry based environment. These textbooks also encourage cognitive
involvement, independent thinking and inquiry among learners. The science textbooks
can play a valuable role in guiding learners to understand and join their learning
experiences during and after laboratory activities (Bancroft, 2002).
Background of the Study
The role of the textbook is always important in teaching learning process. In
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, development of text books is the
responsibility of Peshawar textbook board but after the review of directorate of
curriculum and teacher education Abbottabad (DCTE). In Pakistan, the role and
development of general science textbook is considered more critical and teachers who
teach science at elementary level are also unaware to understand the inclusion nature of
science in general science textbooks. Some Studies on teacher understanding of the
nature of science revealed that teachers have an inadequate understanding of the nature
of science (Dekkers & Mnisi, 2003; Linneman, Lynch, Kurup & Bantwini, 2003). After
analyzing the findings of these studies a shift in the practice of teachers can be
supported through the development of general science textbooks that imitate a more
balanced coverage and inclusion of the nature of science at elementary level.
Furthermore there was also need to conduct this study because no such study had
conducted to find out the inclusion of nature of science in general science textbooks at
elementary level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
Statement of the Problem
This study focused to analyze the elementary level (6th, 7th and 8th class) text
books of general science being used in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan.
Focus of analysis in this study was to analyze the extent to which contents of textbooks
cover the themes for inclusion of nature of science. It was important to analyze the text
books of general science and suggest measures to improve text books according to
themes of science teaching to improve science teaching in Pakistan.
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
In the analysis first the units of analysis were selected from three general
science textbooks. The units of analysis included complete content/ paragraphs,
activities, worked examples, figures with captions, tables with captions, charts with
captions, and tidbit etc. The units were coded separately according to the nature of
science categories as given in Appendix A. Examples of units of all the three textbooks
that represented to the themes and categories have presented in the results section.
Research Tool of the Study
Tool of study was an analysis sheet (appendix- B) that was developed on the
basis framework of Chiappetta et al. (1991) to find out the inclusion of nature of science
on the basis of four themes (showed in table 1). The analysis sheet was also used to
examine the five core content: Cellular organization; Transport and Environment,
Biotechnology; Atomic structure and Chemical changes; Energy, Light and sound,
electricity and heat; and Earth and space. The composition of each content area has
shown in Table 1. The analysis sheet’s content and face validity was checked by the 3
experts who had experience to work in Education Assessment Center Abbottabad.
Population of the Study
Demand of the study was to collect data from the persons who had
comprehensive understanding of contents included in text books under analysis and
expertise in content analysis of science text book. Trained science teachers having
command on content analysis of science text books who were teaching the course to
elementary level classes could perform the task in best way. Therefore, teachers of
general science who were trained science teachers, had expertise in content analysis and
were teaching the subject to elementary classes were decided as population of the study.
Sample of the Study
Demand of the study was to analyze whole text of the book. Analysis of whole
text of the study was a difficult and time consuming task. Therefore, best strategy
adopted in the study was to assign the task to some experienced trained teachers who
were still teaching general science course to elementary classes. Therefore, sample of
10 teachers who were teaching the course and had experience of teaching general
science in government schools for at least 2 years were requested to provide data of the
study. Selection of sample was based on the procedure of convenient sampling because
randomly selected sample was not ready to cooperate with researchers to help in data
collection according to assumption of researchers according to their research
experience. The expertise of sample on content analysis and science was ensured by
evaluating qualification of persons selected as sample. They all had at least M.Sc. and
M.Ed. degrees including experience of research.
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
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JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
Instruments for
Lenses, ray
diagram, camera
and human eye,
sources of
Earth and Space Universe and The origin of the Instruments used
space, satellite, universe, the Big in space
space history, bang theory, Stars, exploration,
global positioning Constellations, survival in space,
system. Galaxy, Black applications of
Hole, Formation space technology
and death of stars on earth, space
Source: Science textbook grade 6th, 7th & 8th Peshawar textbook board (2014-2015).
Results and Interpretation
As stated above, three textbooks of general science for grade 6 th to 8th were
analyzed in this study. In total, 36 units of three textbooks (12 of each) were coded to a
particular theme/category. The analyzed results in terms of the four themes of the nature
of science have presented in table 3 and figure 1.
Table 3
The percentage of coverage of the four themes of the nature of science in three science
S. No Themes General General General Science
Science class Science class class 8th Overall %
6th 7th
1 Science as a body 85 59 53 65.66
of knowledge
2 The investigative 83 98 91 90.66
nature of science
3 Science as a way of 34 12 19 21.66
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
4 Interaction of 6 1 8 5
science, technology
and society
Figure 1 A grade wise graphic comparison of four themes used in science textbooks
Class 6th
40 Class 7th
20 Class 8th
knowledgeInvestigating Thinking STS
Delayed ripening tomato becomes the first GM Crops. (P.29, Grade 8th)
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
Although all the three books presented this theme in 36 units in paragraphs and
reflect factual information. But not provided scientific information through hypotheses,
theories and models in all the sciences books of grade 6th to 8th.
Theme II: Investigative Nature of Science
This theme is represented in all the three books of general science from grade
6th to 8th with great majority (90.66%). Grade 6th science presented this approach in 83
topics, grade 7th science presented 98 topics and grade 8th science presented this
approach in 91 topics. This heavily presentation of this theme in all three textbooks
show that this approach was selected by the authors of all the three books for scientific
learning to the students and this prove that scope given to this theme in all the three
science textbooks. This theme was presented in three science textbooks with the help of
tables, diagrams, charts, graphic organizer, student based activities, calculation, and use
of scientific observation. The positive aspect of three science textbooks in regard of this
theme activities were designed according to students understanding level and material
of almost all activities was selected on low cost or no cost approach. The examples of
this approach can be seen in grade 6th science textbook unit “Forces and machines” on
page 98.
“Go close to the flag poll of your school and observe deeply. Can you see
working pulley there! Draw its diagram”.
Another example of this theme in grade 8th science book reflect although in
many units but here the example of unit “Force and Pressure” page 91 presented as
“Fill a tumbler completely with water and place this card board
over its mouth. Invert the tumbler pressing the card board firmly to
the rim. When the hand is removed, the cardboard will remain in
position, preventing the water from running out. Discuss why this
All the activities related to this theme were given in all the three textbooks with
clear instructions. The main objective of these activities is to engage the students in
hand-on learning situation and to improve their concept and work with concrete objects.
But, all the three science textbooks do not facilitate the development of other science
processing skills such as formulating hypotheses, how to analyze data, findings of the
activity and how to reach the conclusions? This theme was presented in mostly units or
concepts related to chemistry and physics section of the books and was neglected in
units or concepts related to biology.
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
The analysis of the books also reveal the nature of science was investigated in
all three books with the help of activities and experiments and students were given
opportunity to do practical work in confirming a given concept, law or principle that
had been previously learned. Similarly these books also not provide students
opportunity to investigate science through their own ideas and use internet to enhance
their scientific knowledge and how things and other activities are available in other
parts of the world to investigate science in better way.
Theme III: Science as way of thinking
The theme “Science is way of thinking” has only 21.66% presented in all three
science textbooks. Thirty four (34) concepts or activities in grade 6th, 12 concepts or
activities of grade 7th and 19 concepts or activities of grade 8th were related to this
theme. The examples of such theme have presented in text books in the pattern of
discovery or invention of some scientists as given in unit “Properties of light” in general
science book for grade 6th on page 108. “The laws of reflection were first described by
Muslim Scientist Ibn-ul-Haithem”. Similarly, in same book at page 138 of unit “Space
and satellite” the information about some famous astronauts was presented as follow:
For your information;
1. Yuri Gagarin was first man first orbits the earth.
2. Valentina Tereshkova first woman in space.
3. Neil Armstrong and Edwin manned Moon landing
The main objective of this theme is to provide information to learners about
discovery, inventions and experiments presented in science. The three books also
provide little material highlighted the empirical nature of science, the inductive and
deductive way of teaching. In all the three science textbooks, few units related to
chemistry and physics concepts are related to the empirical nature of science. The
examples of this theme are presents in units. For example;
1. In grade 6th “solution and suspension, energy and its forms, force and machines
properties of light, investigating”.
2. In grade 7th, the units “structure of atom, physical chemical changes and
methods, heat, dispersion of light, waves of sound, circuits and electric
3. In grade 8th the units “chemical reactions, acids, alkalis and salts, force and
pressure, measurement of physical quantities , sources and effects of heat
energy, lenses and electricity in action”
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
information related to this theme was located in the category “Usefulness of science and
The analysis of the general science textbooks reflects that all three science
textbooks grade 6th to 8th presented four themes but the analysis showed that the theme
“To investigate nature of science” have more reflection as compared to other three
themes. The overwhelming presentation of this theme in all the three textbooks shows
that it was written to increase the scientific knowledge of the learners. This theme was
presented in all the three textbooks in the form of tables, diagrams, graphics, student’s
activities and use of scientific observation. A comparison of these textbooks reveals
that simple majority was given to the theme “Science as body of knowledge”. This
theme was presented in the form of definitions, facts, concepts, laws and principles. The
mostly topics related to this theme were presented in form of tidbit e.g. Delayed
ripening tomato becomes the first GM Crops (P.29, Grade 8th). There are about 200,000
varieties of animals pollinators, most of which are insects. Other pollinators may be
higher animal (P.34, Grade 7th).
The analysis of these textbooks shows only minor shifts towards addressing the
other themes’ in the nature of science. The analysis of these books also indicates that
the exercise is the only part of these books where strong focus on summative
assessment is given in the form of exercise questions. The mostly questions of these
exercises are developed to measure the knowledge and comprehension skills of the
learners. The majority of the questions are given in the form of fill in the blanks,
multiple choice questions, true false, short questions and long questions. These all
questions measures only the lower order thinking (knowledge, understanding and
application) and fail to measure the higher order thinking/skills (analysis, synthesis,
evaluation and creating) of the learners.
The results of present study have similarity with the study reported by
Blanched, Southerland, Osborne, Sampson, Annetta and Granger (2010). They reported
that student’s performance was better in content knowledge during their summative
assessment and science textbook reflected the theme “Science as body of knowledge” in
depth as compared to the other themes.
Present study also shows similarity with the results conducted by Ramnarian
and Padayachee (2015). They analyzed inclusion of nature of science in South African
Life science and Biology textbooks and concluded that the theme “The interaction of
science, technology and society” was ignored in the textbooks.
Conclusion and Implications
On the basis of results of the study it is concluded that all three science
textbooks grade 6th to 8th presented four themes of nature of science but the analysis
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
showed that the theme “The investigate nature of science” have more reflection as
compared to other three themes i.e. Science as a way of investigating, Science as a way
of thinking and Interaction of science, technology and society. On the basis of results it
is recommended that;
1. For well-balanced reflection of all the four themes in science textbooks from
grade 6th to 8th; the units and activities may be revised.
2. The developer, writers and reviewers of these textbooks need to revisit all three
textbooks and also consider the students learning outcomes of general science
curriculum 2006 (taught presently in schools) and include the contents related
to the most neglected theme “Interaction of science, technology and society”.
3. Activities given in these textbooks may be revised to improve the learners
scientific skills i.e. investigation, observation, measurement, recording and
Albach, P. G. & Kelly, G. P. (1998). Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and
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the expectations? Journal of Science Teacher Education, 18, 599– 628.
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science. International Journal of Science Education, 29(15), 1847-1868.
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Analytical Framework for the Nature of Science
S. No Nature of science Descriptor: Nature of science: Categories
1. a) Knowledge presented as facts, concepts, laws, and
Science as a body of principles
knowledge b) Hypotheses, theories, and models
c) Factual recall of information
2. The investigative
nature of science a) Learns through the use of materials
b) Learns through the use of tables and charts
c) Makes calculations
d) Reasons out an answer
e) Participates in thought experiments
f) Gets information from the internet
g) Uses scientific observation and inference
h) Analyses and interprets data
3. Science as a way of a)Description of scientist discovery and experiments
thinking b) Historical development of an idea
c) Empirical basis of science
d) Use of assumptions
e) Inductive or deductive reasoning
f) Cause and effect relationship
g) Evidence and/or proof
h) Presentation of scientific method(s) or problem solving
) Scepticism and criticism
j) Human imagination and creativity
k) Characteristics of scientists (subjectivity and bias)
l) Various ways of understanding the natural world
4. Interaction of science, a) Usefulness of science and technology
technology and society b) Negative effects of science and technology
c) Discussion of social issues related to science and
d) Careers in science and technology
e) Contribution of diversity
f) Societal or cultural influences
g) Public or peer collaboration
h) Limitations of science
i) Ethics in science
Source: Adopted from Chiapetta & Fillman (2007)
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (Vol. 20 No. 1) 2017 Dept. of Education IUB, Pakistan
Analysis Sheet for Investigation of Inclusion of Nature of Science in General
Science Text Books for Elementary Classes
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