Monaco Guia 429 452
Monaco Guia 429 452
Monaco Guia 429 452
3D Prostate Case
Practice Exercise
When you complete the first two interactive treatment plans in this series, you
should be familiar with most of the procedures required to contour critical
structures. Therefore, this plan will have the contours already drawn. This
exercise gives you the opportunity to practice with the fusion tools, review the
general process of planning a 3D prostate patient in Monaco, as well as create a
bias dose plan. There are many ways to complete a plan in Monaco. This is just
one suggested method of treatment planning. This exercise and the information
provided is subject to the disclaimer included in the Overview section of Volume
1, Section 1.This exercise includes these tasks:
Monaco 5-1
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
The system loads the patient information into the Patient Workspace
Click the studyset name once, and then select the Load button at the
bottom of the Workspace.
4. Click the MRI studyset MR1 once, and then right-click to select the Load /
Set As Secondary button.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Monaco 5-3
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
6. Adjust the Treatment Couch Position, you can pan or move the couch
position with your mouse or edit the shifts in the Treatment Couch
Position dialog box (Figure 5-1).
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
2. Click the Scan and Setup Reference button. The Setup Reference
dialog box opens (Figure 5-2).
3. Designate the Scan Reference point’s position with either of these methods.
Monaco 5-5
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Practice Exercise
Use the mouse to reposition the cross hairs in the transverse view.
7. Check the Lock Shift option in the Setup Reference dialog box. With the
shift locked, no further interaction with the point is allowed unless you
explicitly unlock it.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the New Plan button and select
New Monaco Plan in the drop-down list. This opens the New Monaco Plan
dialog box (Figure 5-3).
Monaco 5-7
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Practice Exercise
12. Select OK to load the template and open the patient in Planning Control.
2. Right-click in the DRR window, toggle Show MLC to turn the MLC display
on the DRR on and off.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Superior: SI Joint
Inferior: Ischial tuberosities
Lateral: 2 cm lateral to the pelvic rim
6. Right-click in the DRR window, toggle Show MLC to turn the MLC display
on the DRR on and off.
Monaco 5-9
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
2. Select the General tab to modify Treatment Unit, energy, Isocenter location.
4. Label the Field ID for the applicable beam(s). Refer to the Planning Tools
section of this training guide for additional information.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Monaco 5-11
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Superior: SI Joint
Inferior: Ischial tuberosities
Posterior: S3
Anterior: Pubic symphysis
6. Right-click in the DRR window, toggle Show MLC to turn the MLC display
on the DRR on and off.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Monaco 5-13
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
2. Click the Replace editing tool radio button on the Create and Edit Ports
dialog box.
3. Left-click on the area of the port you want to edit. Hold and drag your
mouse to draw the new portal segment. The mouse cursor for editing a port
is a .
4. Click and drag the yellow edit box around the port to resize the port shape.
5. Click the Reshape editing tool radio button on the Create and Edit Ports
dialog box.
6. The selected MLC for editing is shown in red. The mouse cursor you use to
edit a port is . Click and drag a MLC leaf to the new location.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
This task is only required when you need to edit the prescription from a template.
This task should be less frequently used once you create and save your own
clinical templates.
Monaco 5-15
3D Prostate Case
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3D Prostate Case
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
4. Right-click on the DVH window and select Statistics from the menu.
Monaco 5-17
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
2. Use the Rescale Dose dialog box drop down menus to rescale the dose.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
1. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the New Plan button and select
New Monaco Plan in the drop-down list.
11. Click OK to load the template and open the patient in Planning Control.
Monaco 5-19
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3D Prostate Case
4. On the General tab, edit the Beam Description and Field ID.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
Monaco 5-21
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
4. Right-click on the DVH window and select Statistics from the menu.
5. Review your plan. Use the DVH and DVH Statistics to evaluate whether
95% of the PTV receives the prescribed dose and the example constraints
shown below:
2. Use the Rescale Dose dialog box drop down menus to rescale the dose.
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide
3D Prostate Case
1. In the workspace control, left-click to highlight the first plan you created.
2. Hold down the Control key and left-click on the second plan you created.
Monaco 5-23
3D Prostate Case
Volume II of IV Monaco Training Guide