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LECTURE 26 - Lesson Planning

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LECTURE 26: Lesson Planning

Topic Learning Objectives:

1) identify the key components of the lesson plan;
2) determine the different types of lesson plan formats; and
3) create a comprehensive lesson plan
Parts of a Detailed Lesson Plan

Below are the parts of a detailed lesson plan (DLP), based on DepEd order no. 42, s.
2016, dated June 17, 2016. The DLP format includes the following parts: objectives, content,
learning resources, procedures, remarks, and reflections.

1) Objectives - As mentioned above, the lesson plan objectives are statements that describe
the expected learning outcomes of the learners at the end of the lesson. The objectives
specify what students need to learn and thereby guide learners in carrying out the lesson's
activities. They also direct the teacher in selecting the appropriate learning resources and
methods to be used in teaching. The lesson plan objectives should also be the bases for
assessing student learning BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER THE LESSON.

According to Airasian (1994), the lesson plan objectives "(1) describe a student behavior
that should result from instruction; (2) state the behavior in terms that can be observed and
assessed; and (3) indicate the content on which the behavior will be performed (p.57)," Lesson
plan objectives should be aligned with curriculum standards and must be stated in terms of what
learners can/will be able to do at the end of the lesson.

2) Content - This pertains to the subject matter or the specific content that the lesson aims
to teach. In the Curriculum Guide, a particular topic can be tackled in a week or two.
3) Learning Resources - This is a list of resources that a teacher uses to deliver the lesson.
These includes the references used and the other resources needed for the different lesson
activities. As stated above, the references a teacher may use include the Teacher's Guide
(TG), Learners' Materials (LM), and resources found in the LRMDS portal used for the
lesson. The other resources include those described in the DLL above.
4) Procedures - The procedure details the steps and activities the teachers and learners will
do during the lesson towards achievement of the lesson's objectives. The procedure
describes the learning experiences that learners will go through in understanding and
mastering the lesson's content. Teachers may utilize procedures that are generally
recognized and accepted in their field of specialization. The procedure will also depend
on the abovementioned instructional strategies and methods that a teacher will use to
teach the lesson. Flexibility is encouraged in the implementation of the DLP procedure.
Changes in the procedure are allowed based on time constraints ow when adjustments in
teaching are needed to ensure learners' understanding.
 THE PROCEDURE should clearly show the different parts of the lesson
LESSON. As discussed above, integrated into a DLP are assessment methods
used by the teacher to regularly check understanding of the material being
 Formative assessment of student learning may be done before, during, and after a
lesson and should be carried out to measure attainment of the lesson objectives.
 Providing assignment or "homework" is a form of post-lesson formative
assessment. The assignment should be RELATED to the day's lesson. The
assignment should allow learners to master what was learned during the lesson or
reinforce what has been taught. Teachers must check assignments promptly.
 The giving of assignments is OPTIONAL and should follow the provisions of
DepEd Memorandum No. 329, s. 2010 entitled Guidelines on Giving Homework
or Assignment to All Public Elementary School Pupils. Giving of assignment shall
also be optional in all other grade levels.
4) Remarks - This is the part of the DLP in which teachers shall document specific
instances that result in continuation of lessons to the following day in case of re-teaching,
insufficient time, transfer of lessons to the following day as a result of class suspension,
5) Reflection - This part of the DLP should be filled out right after the delivery of the
lesson. Teachers are encouraged to think about their lessons particularly the parts that
went well and the parts that were weak and write about it briefly.
 In the reflection, teachers can share their thoughts and feelings about their lessons
including things about the lesson that were successfully implemented, needs
improvement, or could be adjusted in the future. As in the DLL, teachers can also
talk about their learners who did it well in the lesson and those who need help

How should the Weekly Learning Plan be Developed?

 Procedures
1) Teacher will refer to the Most Essential Learning Competencies
2) Gather the self-learning modules together with other learning materials
needed for the self-paced learning mode.
3) Use the SLMs (Self-Learning Mode) gathered as reference. Consider the
learning competencies, key concepts, learning task and formative
4) Subject area teachers will collaborate to come up with a set of weekly
home learning plan for one entire/grading period by integrating all subject
in one learning plan.
5) Teachers should be guided with a long-term vision of what they want their
learners to master and achieve. (Put the end in the mind)
6) Teachers should adopt strategies that respect the unique contexts and
diversity of learners in terms of their readiness, learning interest and
learning profile. (Use differentiated instruction)
7) Teachers should strike a balance between academic rigor and socio-
emotional aspect of learning. Provide flexibility for learners to manage
their own learning.

What are the parts of the Weekly Home Learning Plan?

 Learning Area – The subjects prescribed to be taken by learners in a particular

grade level or key stage.
 Learning Task – Are formative learning opportunities created for learners to
enhance their understanding of the content which prompt them to engage intensify
the subject matter.
 Learning Competencies – Refers to the knowledge, understanding, skills and
attitude learners need to demonstrate in every lesson or learning activity.
 Mode of Delivery – Refers to the method of submission of learning outputs to
include written work.

Weekly Home Learning Plan Guidelines

 It should communicate to the parents

1) Means of communication could be a form of hard copies during school
2) Comprehensive and Clear Orientation by the school as to the contents, purpose
and use.
 Aid to teachers, parents, and learners.
1) Tracking in the context of implementing the most suitable and feasible learning
2) Learners are also reminded that they are responsible of their learning.
 Week Home Learning Plan for distance learning DLP or DLL for F2F learning.
1) For exemptional cases those who will be implementing face to face Learning will
have to utilize the DLP or DLL as prescribed by DepEd Order 42, s. 2016.
 Weekly home learning plan should be adjusted to suit the level of the child.
1) Task given to the child shall be adjusted until they are prepared to handle norm
learning tasks.
2) In addition to this the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan shall be used to
monitor students who need intervention strategies.

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