Contemporary Educational Psychology: Dale H. Schunk, Maria K. Dibenedetto T
Contemporary Educational Psychology: Dale H. Schunk, Maria K. Dibenedetto T
Contemporary Educational Psychology: Dale H. Schunk, Maria K. Dibenedetto T
Keywords: This article discusses motivation from the perspective of Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Motivation refers to
Self-efficacy in education processes that instigate and sustain goal-directed activities. Motivational processes are personal/internal influ-
Motivation ences that lead to outcomes such as choice, effort, persistence, achievement, and environmental regulation.
Social cognitive theory Motivation has been a prominent feature of social cognitive theory from the early modeling research to the
current conception involving agency. The conceptual framework of reciprocal interactions is discussed, after
which research is summarized on behavioral, environmental, and personal influences on motivation. Key in-
ternal motivational processes are goals and self-evaluations of progress, self-efficacy, social comparisons, values,
outcome expectations, attributions, and self-regulation. Critical issues confronting the theory include diversity
and culture, methodology, and long-term effects of interventions. The article concludes with additional re-
commendations for future research on contexts, conceptual clarity, and technology.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.H. Schunk), [email protected] (M.K. DiBenedetto).
behavioral; environmental; and personal. In this dynamic con- remark may substantiate their perception of learning progress and raise
ceptualization, motivational processes are personal influences that are their self-efficacy (personal) and motivate them to continue to engage
ever changing, affect behaviors and environments, and are affected by in productive behaviors.
them. This model is discussed in greater depth in the following section. Individuals’ capabilities to direct their thoughts and actions in in-
A central premise of Bandura’s theory is that individuals strive for a tentional ways designed to attain goals are critically important for de-
sense of agency, or the belief that they can exert a large degree of in- veloping a sense of agency (Usher & Schunk, 2018). People are not
fluence over important events in their lives. They exercise this sense of simply acted upon by external forces but rather choose to place them-
agency using their cognitive and self-regulative capabilities such as by selves in environments that they believe are conducive for their
setting goals and implementing strategies to attain them. They monitor learning. Such self-regulative capabilities are a hallmark of Bandura’s
their progress toward their goals and adjust their strategies as they theory, which emphasizes a dynamic and cyclical aspect to human
believe is needed. Central to this agentic perspective is individuals’ self- functioning (Bandura, 1997).
efficacy, or their perceived capabilities to learn and perform actions at Fig. 2 illustrates some key personal, behavioral, and environmental
designated levels (Bandura, 1977a, 1997). Self-efficacy, which results influences posited by social cognitive theory to impact the development
from self-reflection that is both evaluative and goal oriented, is a key of motivation. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Rather, it il-
internal motivational process in social cognitive theory. lustrates the types of influences addressed by Bandura’s theory.
The next section describes the reciprocal interactions framework in
greater depth and discusses important motivational processes proposed 2.2. Personal influences
by Bandura’s theory to include research evidence. Following this re-
view, the critical areas of diversity and culture, methodology, and long- Personal influences include cognitions, beliefs, perceptions, and
term effects of interventions are discussed, and recommendations are emotions (Schunk & Usher, 2019). Personal influences include pro-
made for additional future research in the areas of contexts, conceptual cesses that help instigate and sustain motivational outcomes. This sec-
clarity, and technology. An important goal of this article is to expand tion discusses the personal processes of goals and self-evaluations of
the agenda of Bandura’s social cognitive theory in motivation research. progress, self-efficacy, social comparisons, values, outcome expecta-
tions, and attributions.
2. Social cognitive theory and research on motivation Goals and self-evaluations of progress. Social cognitive theory
predicts that goals can energize and direct motivational outcomes
This section initially describes the triadic reciprocality (reciprocal (Bandura, 1986, 1997). A goal is a mental representation of what one is
interactions) conceptual framework. Examples and descriptions are attempting to attain; for example, make an A on an exam or beat a
provided of key processes. Separate sections are devoted to goals, self- certain time in a race. In the model of reciprocal interactions, goals are
efficacy, and self-regulation. The former two are key motivation in- personal processes that help focus and sustain individuals’ efforts di-
ternal processes that instigate and sustain motivated activities. Self- rected toward task success. As learners observe and evaluate their goal
regulation is covered in more depth because it clearly illustrates the progress, a discrepancy between the goal and perceived progress can
dynamic cyclical nature of the theory and links intimately with moti- lead learners to expend the necessary effort and persist. The belief that
vation. learners are making goal progress can build self-efficacy (Locke, 2018;
Schunk, 2012).
2.1. Reciprocal interactions conceptual framework Although goals are critical, by themselves they may not affect mo-
tivational outcomes much. Rather, the goal properties of specificity,
The model of triadic reciprocality or reciprocal interactions (Fig. 1) proximity, and difficulty have been shown to be influential (Bandura,
posits that human functioning depends on three interacting sets of 1986; Locke & Latham, 2002, 2015; Locke, 2018). Goals that include
factors or influences: behavioral; environmental; and personal (e.g., specific performance standards are more likely to activate self-evalua-
cognitions, emotions) (Bandura, 1986). Each set of influences on tions of progress and enhance motivational outcomes than are general
human functioning affects the others and is in turn affected by them. goals (e.g., “Do your best”; Zimmerman, Schunk, & DiBenedetto, 2015).
What people think can affect their actions and environments, actions Similarly, goals that are short-term and close at hand enhance outcomes
can alter their thoughts and environments, and environments can in- better than do distant, long-term goals. Learners are more motivated to
fluence individuals’ thoughts and actions. In this model, motivational strive for goals that they perceive are difficult but attainable than goals
processes (e.g., self-efficacy, social comparisons) are types of personal they believe are too easy or difficult. Underlying these properties is the
influences (e.g., cognitions, affects). This model is much in line with the learner’s commitment to attempt the goal. Especially for difficult goals,
interplay of internal (self) and external influences that affect motiva- a low sense of commitment can negatively affect motivational outcomes
tional processes described by Hattie, Hodis, and Kang (this volume). (e.g., why many efforts to lose weight do not succeed).
For example, students who feel competent about performing well in Research findings in various contexts with children, adolescents,
mathematics (high self-efficacy—personal) are apt to engage in activ- and adults, support these benefits of goal properties (Locke & Latham,
ities that will help them learn, such as attend to instruction, expend 2002, 2015; Locke, 2018; Zimmerman et al., 2015). The iterative pro-
effort, and persist (behavioral; Schunk & Usher, 2019). If a teacher were cess (i.e., perceived progress → self-efficacy → goal pursuit) is critical
to remark to them how well they are learning (environmental), this for motivation and learning. As we note later, exploring fine-grained
D.H. Schunk and M.K. DiBenedetto Contemporary Educational Psychology 60 (2020) 101832
changes in this process is a research priority and researchers have vicarious experiences, forms of social persuasion, and physiological/
begun to address it (e.g., Bernacki, Aleven, & Nokes-Malach, 2015). emotional indexes (Bandura, 1977a; Joët, Usher, & Bressoux, 2011;
Social cognitive researchers also have explored motivational effects Schunk & Usher, 2019; Usher, 2009). Performance accomplishments
of types of goals such as learning and performance. These are not the are the most reliable source because they indicate what one can ac-
same as goal orientations, which are reasons for wanting to attain goals complish. But people also appraise their self-efficacy based on their
(Urdan & Kaplan, this volume). Learning goals refer to the knowledge, observations of others. Observing a successful performance can raise
skills, and strategies students are to acquire (e.g., learn how to divide observers’ self-efficacy, whereas observed failures can lower it. Self-
fractions); performance goals indicate what task students are to complete efficacy is affected by persuasive verbal statements and feedback from
(e.g., read chapter 5). Learning goals focus students’ attention on pro- others (e.g., “You can do it!”). Although vicarious and persuasive
cesses and strategies that help them improve their learning, whereas sources can raise self-efficacy, subsequent successful performance by
performance goals focus attention on social comparisons and com- the individual is necessary for the increase to endure. Physiological/
pleting tasks. Although performance goals can influence motivational emotional indexes also can affect self-efficacy. Persons who feel less
outcomes, research studies support the idea that learning goals lead to anxious in a situation may interpret that to mean that they are more
better motivational outcomes and achievement, particularly over capable of succeeding, whereas higher anxiety can signal that one is less
longer periods of time (Anderman & Wolters, 2006; Schunk & Ertmer, competent.
1999; White & DiBenedetto, 2018). The influential process underlying The hypothesized mechanism whereby self-efficacy affects motiva-
learning goals may be an increase in self-efficacy for learning (Schunk, tional outcomes is as follows (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2016; Schunk &
2012). Usher, 2019). As learners work on tasks they acquire self-feedback and
Self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a key personal influence in Bandura feedback from others on their progress. The belief that they are making
(1997) model of reciprocal interactions that can affect motivational progress substantiates their self-efficacy, which enhances motivational
outcomes. Learners who feel efficacious about learning are apt to en- outcomes. Research evidence shows that students use multiple sources
gage in cognitive and behavioral activities that improve their learning when forming self-efficacy beliefs (Usher, Ford, Li, & Weidner, 2019).
such as setting goals, using effective learning strategies, monitoring and Research is needed using the reciprocal interactions model on how
evaluating their goal progress, and creating effective physical and social learners weigh and combine multiple sources over time and changing
environments for learning (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2016). In turn, self- conditions.
efficacy can be affected by the outcomes of actions such as perceived There is an extensive literature supporting the idea that self-efficacy
goal progress and achievement, as well as by environmental inputs influences one’s choice of activities, effort, persistence, achievement,
(e.g., social comparisons with peers, feedback from teachers and coa- and self-regulation, and in turn is affected by the results of one’s
ches). These outcomes influence self-efficacy and continued motivation. achievement efforts (Bandura, 1997; Honicke & Broadbent, 2016;
Self-efficacy does not suddenly emerge. Efficacy appraisal is a cog- Klassen & Usher, 2010; Schunk & Usher, 2019). Experimental research
nitive process in which individuals use information sources to assess has shown that instructional and social processes that convey in-
their self-efficacy. These sources are performance accomplishments, formation to students that they are becoming more competent raise self-
D.H. Schunk and M.K. DiBenedetto Contemporary Educational Psychology 60 (2020) 101832
efficacy and achievement (Kitantas & Zimmerman, 2000; Schunk, produce success.
2012). Some instructional and social processes that researchers have Outcome expectations and self-efficacy are not synonymous in
found to influence self-efficacy and achievement are: exposure to social meaning (Bandura, 1997). Self-efficacy is one’s belief about what one
models; setting proximal and specific goals; receiving social compara- can do; an outcome expectation is one’s belief about what will happen
tive information indicating favorable performance; self-monitoring after one performs a given action. Outcome expectations and self-effi-
learning progress; verbalizing aloud while learning; and self-evaluating cacy, however, often are associated with one another. Students who feel
capabilities (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2016; Schunk & Usher, 2019). efficacious about performing well and believe they eventually will
Self-efficacy also is an important motivational influence for teachers succeed display higher motivational outcomes than do those who doubt
(Morris, Usher, & Chen, 2017; Zee & Koomen, 2016). Teacher self-effi- their capabilities or whether long-term success is possible. But these
cacy refers to perceived capabilities to help students learn. Teacher self- beliefs need not be consistent. Efficacious students may display low
efficacy can affect the same motivational outcomes as learner self-ef- motivational outcomes if they believe that they can perform well but
ficacy. Teachers with higher self-efficacy are more apt to engage stu- that their efforts will not be properly recognized (e.g., due to an un-
dents in challenging learning, expend effort and persist to help students responsive environment).
learn, and help students achieve at higher levels. In their review of Relative to other personal processes proposed by Bandura, there has
research, Klassen, Tze, Betts, and Gordon (2011) found a moderate been less educational research emphasis on outcome expectations, al-
relation of teacher self-efficacy to student outcomes, and Zee and though a stronger link exists in the career literature (e.g., Lent, Ireland,
Koomen (2016) found positive relations between teacher self-efficacy Penn, Morris, & Sappington, 2017; Lent et al., 2018). Shell, Murphy,
and several teacher and student outcomes. Holzberger, Philipp, and and Bruning (1989) assessed college students’ self-efficacy and outcome
Kunter (2013) demonstrated a reciprocal relation between teacher self- expectations for reading and writing. Outcome expectations were op-
efficacy and instructional quality, with the relation of instructional erationalized as students’ beliefs about the importance of reading and
quality to self-efficacy the stronger. Following on the conceptual model, writing for achieving life goals. The results showed that self-efficacy
research is needed that explores reciprocal relations among teacher and and outcome expectations predicted achievement in both domains, but
student influences over time (i.e., how teachers and students influence self-efficacy was the stronger predictor.
one another), and especially to determine how teachers develop and Attributions. Attributions are perceived causes of outcomes
maintain their self-efficacy and that of their students’ (Morris et al., (Graham, this volume; Weiner, 2010). Unlike other personal processes
2017). that occur before and during actions, attributions occur afterwards and
Social comparisons. Social comparisons are comparisons of our- address why outcomes occurred. Attribution theory (Graham, this vo-
selves with others. Social comparisons can affect motivational outcomes lume) has addressed the role of attributions in motivation in depth.
(Schunk & Usher, 2019). Learners who observe others perform suc- Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986) predicts that learners who
cessfully may believe that they also can be successful. Modeling (dis- believe that they are largely responsible for their positive outcomes
cussed earlier) offers a good example. Students who observe successful may experience high self-efficacy and continue their efforts (Schunk &
models may believe that they can emulate the models’ performances. Usher, 2019). When learners believe that causes under their control
Such a belief may raise their self-efficacy and lead them to engage in were responsible for negative outcomes (e.g., poor test performance
motivated behaviors. due to low effort studying), they may attempt to produce better out-
An important consideration in social comparisons is the degree of comes to maintain their self-efficacy for being successful.
perceived similarity between observers and models. Learners who Researchers have explored how attributions relate to self-efficacy
perceive greater similarity to others in key aspects are more likely to be and how interventions can lead to positive attributions. In particular,
influenced by social comparisons (Schunk & Usher, 2019). Researchers researchers have studied attributional feedback, or providing feedback to
have shown that perceived similarity in age, gender, and ability levels learners that stresses one or more attributions (e.g., “You did well be-
can influence observers’ self-efficacy (Bandura, 1986). Of course, per- cause you worked hard”). This research has demonstrated that learners’
ceived similarity also can lower self-efficacy. Learners who observe can alter their attributional beliefs in ways that bear a better relation to
others fail whom they believe are similar to themselves may experience motivational outcomes. Thus, stressing effort to students as a cause of
lower self-efficacy, which is a key personal influence on motivational successful outcomes can enhance self-efficacy and achievement
outcomes. (Maddux & Kleiman, 2018; Schunk, 1982). In one study, high school
Values. Values refer to perceived importance or usefulness of students who attributed their performance on a test to strategy use and
learning. Social cognitive theory postulates that people’s actions reflect effort scored significantly higher than those who attributed their scores
their values (Bandura, 1986). Students are motivated to achieve when to ability or luck (DiBenedetto & Zimmerman, 2010).
they perceive their goals to be aligned with the outcomes that are im- These results are consistent with Dweck (2006) idea that a growth
portant to them. mindset (i.e., the belief that one’s abilities continue to grow and can
Researchers in the expectancy-value theoretical tradition have dif- improve) can be enhanced with emphasis on effort. Other research,
ferentiated types of values and shown that values are important moti- however, shows that as learners become more capable, emphasizing
vational processes (Eccles & Wigfield, this volume; Wigfield, Tonks, & ability more and effort less has benefits on motivational outcomes
Klauda, 2016). In particular, these researchers have found that values (Schunk, 1983). The resolution of these two points may depend on the
are strongly related to students’ choices, such as their intentions to take credibility of the attributional feedback. In the early stages of learning,
courses and their enrollment in these courses. These researchers also ability is not a credible attribution, but as learners become more cap-
have demonstrated that expectancies for success—which bears some able, they may not need to work as hard to succeed, so ability becomes
similarity to self-efficacy (discussed later)—predict achievement. To- a more-credible cause of success. The issue of the timing of attributional
gether, expectancies and values predict a range of motivational out- feedback requires greater empirical investigation using the reciprocal
comes including choices, effort, persistence, and achievement (Wigfield interactions framework.
et al., 2016).
Outcome expectations. Outcome expectations are beliefs about the 2.3. Behavioral influences
likely consequences of given actions based on prior experiences
(Bandura, 1986). People act in ways they believe will lead to desired Key behavioral influences on motivational outcomes are choice of
outcomes and attend to models whom they believe will teach them activities, effort, persistence, achievement, and environmental regula-
valued skills. Outcome expectations can sustain motivational outcomes tion. In the model of reciprocal interactions, these are both motiva-
over long periods when people believe their actions eventually will tional outcomes and influences on motivation. Compared with learners
D.H. Schunk and M.K. DiBenedetto Contemporary Educational Psychology 60 (2020) 101832
with lower motivation, those more motivated to succeed choose to 2.5. Self-regulation
engage in activities, expend effort and persist on difficult tasks, achieve
at higher levels, and regulate features of their environments to promote Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986; Zimmerman, 2000) postu-
success (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2016; Usher & Schunk, 2018). There is lates that individuals use their self-regulatory capabilities to promote
empirical support for these behavioral influences (Schunk & Usher, their wellbeing and sense of agency. Self-regulation refers to self-gen-
2019). Using self-efficacy as an example, research studies have shown erated thoughts, affects, and behaviors that are systematically oriented
that compared with students with lower self-efficacy, those who feel toward attainment of one’s goals. Self-regulated learning occurs when
more efficacious about learning and performing well are more apt to those goals involve learning.
choose to engage in activities, expend effort and persist on difficult Self-regulation comprises many of the processes shown in Fig. 2.
tasks, and achieve at higher levels (Schunk & Usher, 2019). In turn, Self-regulation is necessary for attaining goals. In a sense, motivational
these motivational outcomes can affect learners’ self-efficacy positively processes set the stage for goal attainment but self-regulation takes over
and help maintain motivational outcomes. to help one reach goals.
Research on self-regulation has shown similar effects of self-efficacy The development of social cognitive models of self-regulation and
on indexes of environmental regulation (Zimmerman et al., 2015). self-regulated learning represents an important theoretical advance-
Students who feel more efficacious about learning are more likely to ment and illustrates the dynamic interplay of personal, behavioral, and
establish effective environments for learning to include mechanisms for environmental influences (i.e., model of reciprocal interactions; Usher
productive management of time (Usher & Schunk, 2018; Zimmerman, & Schunk, 2018). For example, Zimmerman (2000) formulated a three-
2000). These behavioral outcomes of motivation help learners sustain phase cyclical model comprising forethought, performance, and self-
their goal-directed activities. reflection phases. Forethought activities are performed prior to working
on a task, such as planning, strategy selection, and building motivation.
During performance, learners implement their strategies, monitor the
2.4. Environmental influences results of their efforts, and determine how well they are learning.
Periods of reflection (i.e., during pauses and when task is complete) are
Influences in the environment—such as socially modeled influen- when learners reflect on their performances, evaluate their success, and
ces—can affect learners’ motivational processes and outcomes (Schunk, make attributions for the outcomes of their actions. Learners then may
2012). People are often motivated to attempt to learn those modeled cycle back to the performance phase if they believe they do not need to
actions that they believe will lead to desirable outcomes and help them change their strategy, or to the forethought phase if new planning is
attain their goals. People form expectations about the anticipated out- needed. Throughout the phases, learners’ cognitions (personal influ-
comes of different actions (outcome expectations—discussed later) ences) direct their behaviors and self and external feedback (behavioral
based on their observations of models and other experiences. and environmental influences) can affect their cognitions.
Certain model characteristics are hypothesized to increase motiva- Self-regulation includes motivational processes and, in turn, can
tion (Bandura, 1986). People are likely to attend to models whom they influence motivational outcomes. Learners who are motivated to attain
believe are competent. Perceived similarity between model and ob- goals are apt to engage in effective self-regulatory activities such as
server can lead to social comparisons (personal process) and affect implementing strategies, monitoring performances, adapting one’s ap-
motivational outcomes. Similarity in important ways (e.g., age, gender) proach as needed, reflecting on one’s progress, and sustaining motiva-
can serve as a source of information for determining behavioral ap- tion for task completion (i.e., self-regulation of motivation) (Cleary &
propriateness, forming outcome expectations, and assessing one’s self- Kitsantas, 2017; Usher & Schunk, 2018). As learners self-regulate their
efficacy. Peers can be important models when observers may hold motivational outcomes (e.g., effort, persistence), heightened self-effi-
doubts about their capabilities. Observing a similar peer successfully cacy should result from the observation of learning progress, which can
perform a task (environmental influence) can raise observers’ self-effi- sustain self-regulatory activities.
cacy (personal process) because they may believe that if the model can An increasing body of research highlights the links between self-
learn, they can as well (positive social comparisons; Schunk, 2012). regulation and motivation (Efklides, Schwartz, & Brown, 2018; Lee,
Given the increasing diversity in schools and society, exploring effective Lee, & Bong, 2014; Miele & Scholer, 2018; Schunk & Usher, 2019). In
model characteristics continues to be an important research direction. particular, self-regulation requires that learners set goals and strategies
We return to this point later. and metacognitively monitor their cognitive processing during task
Modeling research supports these theoretical predictions. Observing engagement. Researchers also have shown how learners can self-reg-
successful models—particularly ones with characteristics noted in the ulate their emotions to ensure that they stay on track and successfully
previous paragraph—helps students acquire skills and builds self-effi- complete tasks (Efklides et al., 2018; Nett, Goetz, & Daniels, 2010).
cacy for learning (Schunk, 1987, 2012). Greater motivational benefits Tzohar-Rozen and Kramarski (2017) found that fifth grade students
can result from observing peer models due to perceived similarity and who were taught to regulate their emotions when solving mathematical
social comparisons. Observing models constitutes a vicarious source of problems performed better than those not receiving this instruction.
self-efficacy information (discussed in a later section). To endure, this The interactive influence of self-regulation and motivation is an active
vicarious boost needs to be substantiated by successful performance by research area (Schunk & Greene, 2018).
observers (Schunk, 1987; Usher & Pajares, 2008), which can raise
motivation and achievement (Joët et al., 2011). 3. Critical issues for theory and research on social cognitive
Other influences in instructional and social environments also can theory
impact learners’ personal processes and motivational outcomes (Schunk
& Usher, 2019). The manner in which teachers present instruction can Bandura’s social cognitive theory has much to offer to the field of
confuse or enlighten learners, which in turn can affect their motiva- motivation. The theory predicts that motivation is internal comprising
tional processes and learning. Feedback that highlights student progress such processes as self-efficacy, social comparisons, goals, outcome ex-
in learning is apt to build self-efficacy. Some additional environmental pectations, values, and attributions. The theory also predicts that mo-
influences are providing standards/goals for students to attain, linking tivational processes bear a reciprocal relation to behavioral, environ-
rewards with students’ performance accomplishments, and providing mental, and self-regulatory processes, and researchers have found
students with opportunities to self-evaluate their learning progress support for these predictions (Maddux & Kleiman, 2018; Schunk &
(Schunk, 2012). Usher, 2019; Usher & Schunk, 2018).
Despite this rich history, many questions remain about the
D.H. Schunk and M.K. DiBenedetto Contemporary Educational Psychology 60 (2020) 101832
operation of social cognitive processes in motivation. Addressing these Although there is research on sources of self-efficacy information
issues is necessary for continued theory development and for expanding (e.g., Sheu et al., 2018), there is a clear research need for the effec-
its generality in diverse contexts. In this section, three critical issues are tiveness of different social models on self-efficacy. As schools become
discussed that often are raised in conjunction with theories that address more diverse, which model characteristics are most influential? Are
motivation: diversity and culture, methodology, and long-term effects ethnic and background similarity more important influences on self-
of interventions. Following this section are additional recommendations efficacy, or is perceived competence a stronger influence?
for future research. The issues described in the remainder of this article Within this context, additional research is needed on the process
should be viewed as priorities for social cognitive theory. whereby social comparisons affect self-efficacy among students at dif-
ferent capability levels. Some social cognitive research shows that ob-
3.1. Diversity and culture serving coping models (those who initially experience difficulties but
through effort and persistence gradually improve their performances)
Principles of Bandura’s theory are not considered to be context- raises self-efficacy better among observers who have experienced
specific but rather to apply across different settings and populations, learning difficulties than does observing mastery models (those who
albeit with some modifications as needed. But the theory was mainly demonstrate faultless performance from the outset) (Schunk, 2012).
developed when societies were less diverse than they are today. Thus, Research is needed that explores the conditions under which each type
the assumption of principle generality—even with some adapta- of model is beneficial. It is possible that among capable students, ob-
tion—may not be entirely warranted. These points strongly suggest that serving coping models might lead to inflated self-efficacy, which could
addressing issues of diversity and culture should be a priority hinder motivation and learning. Future research should help to not only
(DiBenedetto & Schunk, 2018; Usher & Weidner, 2018). clarify theoretical predictions but also have implications for teaching
There is some evidence that principles of Bandura’s theory may not and learning.
be context independent (DiBenedetto & Schunk, 2018). For example,
self-efficacy research in different cultures has shown that students in
Western cultures (e.g., U. S., Canada) tend to judge self-efficacy higher 3.2. Methodology
than do those in non-Western cultures (e.g., Japan, China; Chiu &
Klassen, 2010; Klassen, 2004). Furthermore, students in non-Western A second critical issue that needs attention concerns methodology
cultures often show better congruence (agreement) between self-effi- used in social cognitive research. Motivation is dynamic and ever-
cacy judgments and performances, whereas those in Western cultures changing. Yet often it has been assessed in a static manner, such as by
tend to overestimate self-efficacy. Chen and Zimmerman (2007) ob- assessments before and after interventions. This type of assessment fails
tained these significant differences between American and Taiwanese to capture fine-grained changes that occur during task engagement. The
students. These results suggest that the meaning of self-efficacy may be motivational processes stressed by Bandura’s theory (e.g., goals, per-
influenced by cultural variables. In cultures that emphasize collectivist ceptions of progress, self-efficacy) are fluid and change during the
principles (i.e., importance of families and groups), collective self-effi- course of learning, a point made in Nolen (this volume) commentary.
cacy (i.e., self-efficacy of what the group can accomplish) may be a A top-priority goal of social cognitive research is to investigate the
better predictor of individuals’ performances than the individual self- process whereby reciprocal interactions occur. This can be done only
efficacy of the people in the group (DiBenedetto & Schunk, 2018). with methodologies that can explore moment-to-moment changes in
The same comments may apply to other social cognitive motiva- personal, behavioral, and environmental influences. Increased research
tional processes. Cultural variables also have been shown to relate emphasis is recommended using methods of assessment that feature
differentially to attributions (Graham, this volume; Klassen, 2004; real-time analyses (Schunk & Greene, 2018). For example, micro-
McInerney, 2008). Students in non-Western cultures tend to place analytic methods collect assessments before, during, and after task
greater emphasis on effort as a cause of success, whereas those in engagement using self-report measures and interviews (Cleary & Callan,
Western cultures are more apt to stress ability. Research is needed with 2018). The Experience Sampling Method also has been used, where
students from different cultural backgrounds that tests the influence of participants complete assessments several times during a given period
various attributions on self-efficacy and motivational outcomes as stu- (Bassi et al., 2007). Think-alouds capture participants’ thoughts as they
dents are engaged in learning, especially in light of Dweck (2006) engage in learning (Greene, Deekens, Copeland, & Yu, 2018). Case
contention that an emphasis on ability as fixed may have negative ef- studies follow a few individuals in depth over time (Butler & Cartier,
fects on motivation. 2018). Diaries ask students to record their thoughts as they work on
Much early social cognitive motivation research was conducted in tasks (Schmitz, Klug, & Schmidt, 2011). Technological traces show
clinical settings (Bandura, 1977a, 1977b). Since that time, researchers students’ progress through a learning cycle (Bernacki, 2018). These
have expanded the scope to other settings including education, health, types of assessments can capture shifts in motivational processes.
and business. Research also has expanded internationally such that Self-efficacy, for example, can change rapidly. It does not remain
today there are active researchers globally (e.g., Bassi, Steca, Delle static from the start of a learning cycle to the end of it. In a learning
Fave, & Caprara, 2007; Lee et al., 2014). International research has setting, it may change quickly as teachers move from one activity to the
shown support for the reciprocal interactions model using self-efficacy next. At times, individuals may judge themselves highly capable,
and performance in multiple nations (Williams & Williams, 2010). This moderately capable, or not capable of completing a task (Bandura,
trend must continue to test the predictions of the theory in international 2006a, 2006b). By tracking fine-grained changes, researchers can show
settings. The preceding discussion of culture suggests that we should how motivation varies over the course of learning and to which influ-
not conclude now that social cognitive principles are universally ap- ences (e.g., instructional, social, personal) it is sensitive.
plicable. Methodologies also can assess different types of self-efficacy. Most
Further diversity in research participants is needed. Although some often, researchers have assessed self-efficacy for performing a task,
participant groups are well represented in research, others are not. which assumes that learning already has occurred. In school, however,
There is, for example, very little motivation research on recent im- individuals typically are engaged in learning. Self-efficacy for learning
migrants and persons experiencing homelessness. Research must be refers to one’s perceived capabilities for learning to perform a task. Self-
expanded to these and other populations. Multiple topics should be efficacy for learning taps the dynamics of learning. Research shows that
addressed, such as whom individuals select as effective models and how self-efficacy for learning can be highly predictive of motivation and
self-efficacy develops in conditions that at times undoubtedly are learning (Schunk & Hanson, 1989). This critical variable should be
challenging. assessed in any context involving learning.
D.H. Schunk and M.K. DiBenedetto Contemporary Educational Psychology 60 (2020) 101832
3.3. Long-term effects of interventions surprisingly, much social cognitive educational research using
Bandura’s theory has been conducted in school contexts. Clearly more
Like much research conducted using other theoretical frameworks, school-based research is needed as schools in the U.S. and globally
most social cognitive motivation research is short term in duration. become more diverse and given changes in technology, curricula, and
Many studies do not include follow-up periods to determine how well instruction.
changes brought about by interventions endure over time or transfer to But schools are not the only places where learning occurs. Much
contexts outside of the intervention. This is a serious limitation. Given learning occurs out of school in homes, workplaces, after-school pro-
its dynamic nature, motivation should fluctuate over time and sensitive grams, and communities. In contrast to school-based research, there is
to contextual influences. much less research on out-of-school contexts. Research is needed on
There is an impressive amount of research showing that interven- how personal influences (e.g., goals, social comparisons) operate in
tions can affect social cognitive processes (e.g., self-efficacy, goals; contexts such as those involving homework, mentoring, tutoring, in-
Lazowski & Hulleman, 2016; Rosenzweig & Wigfield, 2016; Scherrer & ternships, and apprenticeships. For example, although mentoring re-
Preckel, 2019). At the same time, there is much less research on searchers have addressed effective mentor characteristics (Allen & Eby,
maintenance and transfer. Although there is no set definition of “long- 2007), this research has not addressed how motivational processes such
term,” it would be desirable to know whether changes are still evident a as goals, self-evaluations of progress, and self-efficacy operate during
few weeks after conclusion of the intervention. Assuming, for example, mentoring interactions. The motivational processes espoused by Ban-
that self-efficacy is promoted by an intervention, research is needed dura’s theory lend themselves well to out-of-school investigations, as
showing which personal, environmental, and behavioral influences exemplified by Zimmerman and Kitsantas (2005) who found that self-
help to maintain and transfer it. efficacy played a key role during homework. These out-of-school con-
There are, however, some promising results. Intervention studies on texts may profitably be viewed from a situated perspective as espoused
developing mathematical problem-solving skills (Pape, Bell, & Yetkin- by Nolen (this volume), where the context is a social system that in-
Ozdemir, 2013), learning writing strategies (Harris, Graham, & cludes individuals and the reciprocal interactions that occur. While
Santangelo, 2013), and conducting authentic scientific research (Hiller social cognitive motivational processes seem applicable across diverse
& Kitsantas, 2014; Hiller, 2018), have been shown to increase self-ef- contexts, their meaning can vary greatly due to the presence of con-
ficacy and help maintain it beyond the instructional context. textual and cultural variables.
The effectiveness of interventions has also been found to generalize Even within school settings, most social cognitive motivation re-
to other similar situations. Schunk and Swartz (1993) taught children a search has been done in the core areas of mathematics, science, reading,
writing strategy and how to adapt it to different situations. They found and writing. Research is needed using other disciplines such as art,
that improvements in children’s writing self-efficacy and skill main- music, social studies, and physical education. There also are other areas
tained themselves over a 4-week period and generalized to contexts where social cognitive principles have seen little application though
outside of the instructional setting. Studies of this type that examine better integration would be beneficial. For example, in recent years
changes over lengthier periods—such as a semester—will provide va- researchers have explored the effects of various environmental influ-
luable information about the generality of motivational processes. ences on student perceptions and motivational outcomes including
As discussed earlier, using fine-grained measures will show when teacher affective support and methods for fostering a sense of belonging
changes occur and to which types of influences they are sensitive. With (Juvonen, 2006). Reciprocal relations among personal, behavioral, and
respect to self-efficacy, the sources suggest that practice may help environmental influences should be investigated. Key issues are how
maintain it. In support of this point, psychological research shows that classroom variables that enhance students’ sense of belonging affect
regular practice involving retrieval of knowledge from long-term their self-efficacy and how, in turn, self-efficacy may affect sense of
memory leads to better learning than no retrieval practice (Karpicke & belonging. How do teachers’ affective support strategies interact with
Grimaldi, 2012). A point to be examined, therefore is whether sche- students’ personal motivational processes? A better understanding of
duling regular review and practice sessions helps maintain students’ these types of relations is a research priority.
self-efficacy for learning better than the absence of these sessions, a
point that has implications for teaching and learning. 4.2. Clarity and distinctiveness of social cognitive constructs
D.H. Schunk and M.K. DiBenedetto Contemporary Educational Psychology 60 (2020) 101832
measurement should align with the definition and different ways of efficacy and motivation. Research evidence with middle-school stu-
measuring the same variable defined differently may produce incon- dents supports the link between digital games and motivation, interest,
sistent results. Research is needed that investigates how the predictive collaboration skills, and the ability to set proximal goals to reach long-
utility of self-efficacy changes as the definition and assessment move term goals (Shores, Hoffmann, Nietfeld, & Lester, 2012).
away from the original conceptualization. Social cognitive research is needed using social media. These media
Further, there are other conceptually similar variables in the moti- offer ways for students to have social contact with others, and we know
vation literature, such as self-concept, ability beliefs, expectancies for little about what types of media variables are effective, how students’
success, perceptions of competence, intentions, and grit (DiBenedetto & socially compare themselves with others via social media, and how the
Schunk, 2018). For example, Anderman (this volume) notes that the enhanced communication potential may influence motivation.
variables “expectancies for success” from expectancy-value theory In addition, the potential for social media to interfere with learning
(Wigfield et al., 2016) and “self-efficacy” from social cognitive theory is commonly experienced by many educators who struggle to maintain
are conceptually similar. It would be informative to make a direct students’ attention and motivation in the classroom. In a study on
comparison of the predictive utilities these two variables. A fine dis- college students’ use of social media in and outside the classroom, re-
tinction can be drawn between them based on generality (self-efficacy searchers found that students reported that they were aware of the
being the more domain specific), but the research question is whether impact of using social media on achievement, task completion, and
that makes a difference in the prediction of motivational outcomes. understanding of the instructional content (Flanigan & Babchuk, 2015).
Answering the latter question helps to address Anderman’s question of If more than 90% of students bring their cell phones to school (Jacobsen
whether we need so many theories and whether theories differ in their & Forste, 2011), how might educators take advantage of students’
practical utility. willingness to view modeling in videos (i.e. demonstrating how to
The recommendation is for empirical investigations. As an example, conduct science experiments, solving math problems, playing a musical
a recent study examined the relation of self-efficacy and grit and their instrument) to enhance self-efficacy and motivation for academic
prediction of achievement (Usher, Li, Butz, & Rojas, 2019). The results achievement rather than ignoring students’ use of them as distractors?
showed self-efficacy to be the stronger predictor and that self-efficacy Such research has implications for teaching and learning. There are
mediated the relation between grit and school outcomes. Studies such increasing educational uses of Facebook and other social media. How
as this testing the roles of social cognitive motivational influences will might these help students set goals, monitor goal progress, assess their
help to establish their degree of distinctiveness. self-efficacy for learning, and the like? How might instruction be de-
signed to incorporate social media and take social cognitive motiva-
4.3. Technology tional principles into account? It seems incumbent for social cognitive
theory to assess this potential impact
Social cognitive theory—like most motivation theories—was de-
veloped before the advent of contemporary technology. Some early 5. Conclusion
research employed technology (e.g., Bandura’s modeling studies using
televised models), but the basic social cognitive principles were de- Social cognitive theory has been intimately connected with moti-
veloped and tested largely in face-to-face settings without advanced vation from its inception. Motivational variables emphasized by the
technology. theory have been extensively tested in research and theoretical pre-
Although the theory’s principles are intended to be generic and dictions have been largely supported. But the motivation research
apply across different contexts, some theoretical adaptation may be agenda for social cognitive theory is far from complete. Suggestions
needed. Online and asynchronous media do not function is the same have been made for areas of research. The hope is that the theory’s
fashion as do face-to-face contexts. It should not be assumed that social motivation research agenda will expand now and well into the future.
cognitive motivational processes will operate in the same fashion in the
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