The Art of Listing

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The Art of Listening

Based on Tony Buzan The Power of Social Intelligence, Thorsons, 2002, Chapter 2, pp.28-42

Uniting Nations by Learning Together

We are interested in others when they are interested in us

Publilius Syrus, Roman Poet

Uniting Nations by Learning Together

The best, easiest and most effective way of showing interest is:
To listen to what they are saying Really listen, Focusing on what they are saying, As opposed to planning our own reposts and anecdotes

Most people listen without hearing

Leonardo da Vinci

Uniting Nations by Learning Together

Listening - a neglected art

We spend between 50 and 80 percent of our waking life communicating On average, half of that communication time is spent in listening. Despite all this, listening is the poor relation of is communication training.

As seen in table below, listening is learned first and used most, but taught least.

Listening 1st Speaking 2nd Reading 3rd Writing 4th

Most (45%) Next most (35%) Next least (16%) Least (9%)

Least Next least Next most Most

Self-Check 1
How do you rate yourself as a listener? On a scale of 0-100, with 0 representing the worst listener imaginable, and 100 meaning that you listen better than anybody else, How well do you think you listen to people? (The average rating is 55. Only a tiny 5 percent score themselves in the 80-90 range.)

Self-Check 2
On a scale of 0-100, with 0 representing the worst listener imaginable, and 100 meaning that you listen better than anybody else, how do you think the following people would rate you as a listener? Your family (individual or group average) Your best friend Your other friends Your boss Your colleagues People you supervise --------------------------------------------------------------------

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(Most people believe that their best friends would give than a high rating. People rate their boss as giving them the second-highest listener rating. Scores for family members range widely. The ratings which people thought their spouse or partner would give their listening skills tend to decline in inverse proportion to the number of years they have been together. There is a moral in there .

Bad Listening Habits

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pretending to pay attention when you are not Trying to do other things while listening Deciding the subject is uninteresting Getting distracted by the speakers way of speech, or other mannerisms Getting over-involved and thus losing the main thread of the arguments or thoughts Letting emotion-filled words arouse personal anger and antagonism Concentrating on any distractions instead of what is being said Taking linear, one-colour notes y Listening primarily for facts guilt uguiltys yo Avoiding anything that is complex or difficult areyou esse e ses itsar

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Active Listening
Listening is not a passive activity It is not the unexciting or unflamboyant part of the conversation Listening well is the vital ingredient in a successful, productive and interesting conversation

Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.

Robert Benchley

Uniting Nations by Learning Together

You must listen not only to a persons words,

You must be aware of the other persons body language as well. This way, we can listen to what they feel as well as what they say.
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Social Workout

that will enhance your listening

Uniting Nations by Learning Together

Be Aware of Body Language

Listening to the words spoken as well as the body language will make you a whole rather than a part listener Be aware of your own body language too Your own body-language part in the conversation will also have a significant impact on you and your perceptions. If you are bored, and act bored, your speaker will become even boring! If you are bored, and act more interested, the speaker will become more interesting It is you who helps create the dullness or excitement of whatever you are listening to.

Tune-in and Train Your Mind to Focus

Focus on what you want not what you dont want If you think about how much the distractions are interfering with you concentration, you will magnify them, and they will interfere all the more! If you increasingly focus on who and what you are listening to, you will magnify that sound and fade to nothingness all the background noise.
Play listening games in your daily life. When you are out walking, tune-in to the different sound stations around you the bird channel, the human voice channel, the traffic channel, the rain channel, and so on. Try to isolate only those sounds you want to hear; you will become adept at filtering out unwanted noise. You will strengthen your listening skills and gain a much wider and greater appreciation of the surround-sound world in which you live.

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The 2:1 Ratio

Remember that you have two ears and one mouth not the other way around! Next time you are in an appropriate social situation, try to listening for twice as long as you speak. Your Social Intelligence will receive a big boost if you manage this. The wiser the person the less they speak and the more they listen.

The Eyes Have It!

Eye contact is the fundamental part of establishing and showing interest and yet I is often neglected. It does not mean that you should not stare into the the other persons eyes for the entire course pf the conversation. A warm glance every so often will indicate that you are still interested in the conversation, and therefore interested in the other person.

Mind Map as You Listen

Many people doodle when they are listening to a talk or presentation. Rather than being a distraction, doodling can actually help concentration. R A Mind Map is an organized doodle can be very useful. They are very easy to construct . All you need is a sheet of paper. They use words and pictures to create associations in your brain.

An example of a Mind Map

Imagine that you are listening to a talk on The Art of Listening.This main subject is represented by an ear.(See below) Radiating from this central image, you can draw some branch like lines, and print on each important element of the listening art for e.g., body language, or active listening. From each of the se initial branches, you would radiate off others, developing each concept.

Active listening

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Listen With an Open Mind

It is very easy to get distracted by words that trigger negative emotions. They are only words, and try to look at them more objectively. By developing your listening skills, you can relate to others and understand them far more fully than if you get tangled up in emotional disagreements.

Use Your Brain Speed

Your brain can think at between 4 and 10 times the speed of speech. This means that when you are listening, you have lots of spare time to use your extra brain time. Think on your feet, and pay attention to the persons body language, listening to meaning between the lines.

Judge Content, Not Delivery

Focus on content of what is being said. Try not to criticize and negatively judge any inadequacies in delivery and style the speaker might have. Your negativity will see shown in your body language and will be picked up by others around you. Concentrate on the content.

Listen For the Big Ideas

Many people listen only for facts and end up not being able to see the wood for the trees. Listen for the big themes, and you will feel more confident and stress free. You will also much more readily be able to slot the facts into their appropriate places, like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle, and understand the conversation more easily.

Social Brain Boosters

All my listening skills are improving I am listening witan open mind I am increasingly interested in all subjects.

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