Kensuke's Kingdom: Guided Reading Questions and Activities

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Kensuke’s Kingdom

Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 1: Peggy Sue

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. What is Michael’s job? 1. What effect does redundancy have on
the family?
2. Where do Michael’s parents work?
2. How do you think Michael and his
3. How does Gran describe the plan?
mother feel when father reveals
4. Who teaches the family how to sail? his plan?
5. When did they set off on their 3. Why do you think Gran tries to
grand adventure? scare Michael?

Challenge: Challenge:
Search for specific ‘sailing’ vocabulary Do you think the family will be happy on
e.g. navigation, skipper. their adventure?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Why does his father keep the plan 1. What effect does this opening have on
‘deliberately mysterious’? the reader?

2. Barnacle Bill treats Michael and Stella 2. Michael will be taught at sea. Do you
with ‘disdain’. What does this mean? think this is a good idea?

3. Is ‘tyrant’ a good word to 3. What do you think will happen next?

describe mother? Use evidence to help.

Challenge: Challenge:
Find examples of amazing adjectives Draw a labelled character sketch of Michael.
e.g. reckless.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 1: Peggy Sue
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. What is Michael’s job? 1. What effect does redundancy have on
Paper round the family?
They stopped sailing, Dad stopped
2. Where do Michael’s parents work?
fixing things and him and Mum began
At the brickworks
to argue a lot.
3. How does Gran describe the plan?
2. How do you think Michael and his
Reckless and irresponsible
mother feel when father reveals
4. Who teaches the family how to sail? his plan?
Bill Parker, an old mariner Listen to pupil’s responses.
5. When did they set off on their 3. Why do you think Gran tries to
grand adventure? scare Michael?
September 10th 1987 So that he would convince his Mum
and Dad that he did not want to go.
Challenge: Challenge:
mariner, skipper, ship’s log, shipmate, Listen to pupil’s responses.
yacht, first mate

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Why does his father keep the plan 1. What effect does this opening have on
‘deliberately mysterious’? the reader?
To make it exciting and intriguing for Listen to pupil’s responses.
Michael and Mum.
2. Michael will be taught at sea. Do you
2. Barnacle Bill treats Michael and Stella think this is a good idea?
with ‘disdain’. What does this mean? Listen to pupil’s responses.
Share the dictionary definition;
3. What do you think will happen next?
a feeling of superiority and dislike.
Use evidence to help.
3. Is ‘tyrant’ a good word to Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
describe mother? them to refer to the text to explain
Share the dictionary definition; a their answers.
person who rules oppressively.
Listen to pupil’s responses.
Challenge: Challenge:
gritty, towering, irresponsible, etc. Draw a labelled character sketch of Michael.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 2: Water, Water Everywhere

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. Which of the crew was allowed to idle? 1. Which part of the sailing do you think
Michael most/least enjoyed?
2. How was Stella a comfort?
2. Why can Michael no longer argue with
3. Who taught mother navigation?
his mother?
4. What does Michael have to do
for ‘English’?

5. Does Michael enjoy writing?

Challenge: Challenge:
Make your own Log Book. Write your first entry in your Log Book.
What happened to you yesterday?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Why do you think the chapter is called 1. What do you think are the main
‘Water, Water Everywhere’? differences between learning at school
and learning at sea?
2. Is ‘heaving’ a good word to describe
the sea? 2. Can you think of any other stories that
use Log Books or diaries to tell part of
3. Michael says his school work is a
the tale?
‘conspiracy’. What does he mean?
3. Is this an effective build up?

Challenge: Challenge:
Write your second entry in your Log Book. Write your third entry in your Log Book.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 2: Water, Water Everywhere
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. Which of the crew was allowed to idle? 1. Which part of the sailing do you think
Stella Artois Michael most/least enjoyed?
2. How was Stella a comfort? Listen to pupil’s responses, e.g. He
They cuddled her when they felt most enjoys steering the Peggy Sue. He
seasick or unwell. least enjoys being wet all of the time.
3. Who taught mother navigation? 2. Why can Michael no longer argue with
Barnacle Bill his mother?
4. What does Michael have to do Because she was the skipper and she
for ‘English’? was in charge.
Write in the ship’s log.
5. Does Michael enjoy writing?
Yes, now more than he ever did at
Challenge: Challenge:
Make your own Log Book. Write your first entry in your Log Book.
What happened to you yesterday?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Why do you think the chapter is called 1. What do you think are the main
‘Water, Water Everywhere’? differences between learning at school
Because everything was wet all of the and learning at sea?
time. Listen to pupil’s responses.

2. Is ‘heaving’ a good word to describe 2. Can you think of any other stories that
the sea? use Log Books or diaries to tell part of
Share the dictionary definition; to lift the tale?
and move with great effort Listen to Listen to pupil’s responses.
pupil’s responses.
3. Is this an effective build up?
3. Michael says his school work is a Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
‘conspiracy’. What does he mean? them to refer to the text to explain
Mum and Dad had decided that he their answers.
would do it without even discussing it
with him.
Challenge: Challenge:
Write your second entry in your Log Book. Write your third entry in your Log Book.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 3: Ship’s Log

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. On what date did Michael first 1. Why wasn’t Michael allowed to keep
see Africa? watch on days 1 and 2?

2. What does Michael learn about 2. How do Michael’s feelings change

basking sharks? during the chapter?

3. Where is Recife? 3. How do the family feel when they first

see Australia?
4. What is the score in Mudlarks
vs. Brazil?

Challenge: Challenge:
Which day sounds most exciting to you? Make a post card to send to someone
you miss.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Michael describes his family as ‘mad as 1. What is the purpose of this chapter?
hatters’. What does he mean?
2. Did you guess what was going to
2. Is a log a good way to describe a happen? How?
journey? Why?
3. Where in the world do you think
3. What effect does the last sentence have Michael is?
on you?

Challenge: Challenge:
Find examples of time connectives. Draw a labelled illustration to show what
you think will happen.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 3: Ship’s Log
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. On what date did Michael first 1. Why wasn’t Michael allowed to keep
see Africa? watch on days 1 and 2?
11th October Because the channel was full of
tankers and this could be dangerous.
2. What does Michael learn about
basking sharks? 2. How do Michael’s feelings change
That they are massive and that they during the chapter?
eat fish and plankton. He goes from feeling positive and
excited to feeling sad and depressed.
3. Where is Recife?
In Brazil 3. How do the family feel when they first
see Australia?
4. What is the score in Mudlarks
vs. Brazil?
‘When we saw Australia for the first
Mudlarke - 5, Brazil - 3
time we hugged each other and jumped
up and down.’
Challenge: Challenge:
Which day sounds most exciting to you? Make a post card to send to someone
you miss.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Michael describes his family as ‘mad as 1. What is the purpose of this chapter?
hatters’. What does he mean? This chapter shows what the family
Listen to pupil’s responses. did on the Peggy Sue and how they
adapted to life at sea.
2. Is a log a good way to describe a
journey? Why? 2. Did you guess what was going to
Listen to pupil’s responses. happen? How?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
3. What effect does the last sentence have
them to refer to the text to explain
on you?
their answers.
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
them to refer to the text to explain 3. Where in the world do you think
their answers. Michael is?
Listen to pupil’s responses.
Challenge: Challenge:
Find examples of time connectives. Draw a labelled illustration to show what
you think will happen.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 4: Gibbons and Ghosts

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. What did Michael mistake for Stella? 1. How do you think Michael feels as he
waits to be rescued?
2. How long is the island?
2. What does Michael worry about as he
3. What sends you mad if you drink it?
explores the island?
4. How long does it take for Michael to
3. How do you think Michael feels when he
make fire?
makes a fire?

Challenge: Challenge:
Draw a story map showing Michael’s Collect a list of ‘feelings’ words.
expedition around the island.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does Michael Morpurgo use 1. Do you think Stella is an important
language to show Michael’s terror in character? Why?
the sea?
2. Would you be fearful or overjoyed by
2. Michael describes climbing finding the food and water? Why?
‘laboriously’. What does he mean?

3. What makes Michael think he is

being followed?

Challenge: Challenge:
Look at examples of powerful verbs. Who do you think Michael’s ‘benefactor’ is?
Draw and label a character sketch.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 4: Gibbons and Ghosts
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. What did Michael mistake for Stella? 1. How do you think Michael feels as he
A football. waits to be rescued?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
2. How long is the island?
them to refer to the text to explain
Two of three miles long.
their answers.
3. What sends you mad if you drink it?
2. What does Michael worry about as he
explores the island?
4. How long does it take for Michael to The animals and that he is being
make fire? watched.
A long time. Encourage pupils to refer
3. How do you think Michael feels when he
to the text to explain their answer, e.g.
makes a fire?
‘I sat and I sat.’
Listen to pupil’s responses.
‘My arm was beginning to ache...Still

Challenge: Challenge:
Draw a story map showing Michael’s Collect a list of ‘feelings’ words.
expedition around the island.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does Michael Morpurgo use 1. Do you think Stella is an important
language to show Michael’s terror in character? Why?
the sea? Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
‘The terrors came fast, one after them to refer to the text to explain
another.’ their answers.
‘impenetrable darkness’
2. Would you be fearful or overjoyed by
2. Michael describes climbing finding the food and water? Why?
‘laboriously’. What does he mean?
Listen to pupil’s responses.
Share the dictionary definition;
involving great effort and exertion.
Listen to pupil’s responses.
3. What makes Michael think he is
being followed?
He could hear lots of noises, e.g.
‘the shiver of leaves, the cracking of
twigs, sudden surreptitious rustlings’
Challenge: Challenge:
Look at examples of powerful verbs. Who do you think Michael’s ‘benefactor’ is?
Draw and label a character sketch.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 5: I, Kensuke

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. How does Stella react to Kensuke? 1. Why does Michael feel ‘betrayed’ by
2. What does Kensuke draw in the sand
and why? 2. How does Michael feel about his first
meeting with Kensuke?
3. What is Michael’s ‘recurring
nightmare’? 3. Why does Michael decide to accept
Kensuke’s terms?
4. What does Kensuke provide to help
Michael sleep?

Challenge: Challenge:
Find examples of food. What should Michael do next? Advise him!

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Who is the most powerful character at 1. Do you think Michael should
this point? trust Kensuke?

2. What word choices show us Michael’s 2. What would you like to find out
misery at night time? about Kensuke?

3. Is ‘dejected’ a good word to describe 3. What do you think might be the main
Michael’s feelings? Why? differences between Michael and
Kensuke’s life so far?

Challenge: Challenge:
Write 5 similes to describe Kensuke’s Predict what will happen in the next chapter.
appearance and behaviour.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 5: I, Kensuke
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. How does Stella react to Kensuke? 1. Why does Michael feel ‘betrayed’ by Stella.
He treats Kensuke like a friend. Because she was reluctant to leave Kensuke
2. What does Kensuke draw in the sand when Michael called for her.
and why? 2. How does Michael feel about his first
A map of the island and line dividing it meeting with Kensuke?
up into two sections. Scared because he did not know who
3. What is Michael’s ‘recurring Kensuke was or what he wanted
nightmare’? Angry because he put out Michael’s fire.
The mosquitoes. Confused because he did not understand
what Kensuke was saying or why he had
4. What does Kensuke provide to help
Michael sleep? put out his fire.
A white sheet to sleep under. 3. Why does Michael decide to accept Kensuke’s
Because he relied upon Kensuke to provide
him with food and water.
Challenge: Challenge:
Find examples of food. What should Michael do next? Advise him!

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Who is the most powerful character at 1. Do you think Michael should
this point? trust Kensuke?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage them
them to refer to the text to explain to refer to the text to explain their answers.
their answers.
2. What would you like to find out
2. What word choices show us Michael’s about Kensuke?
misery at night time? Listen to pupil’s responses.
‘My nights were one long torture...’
3. What do you think might be the main
and ‘...back to my nightly battle with
differences between Michael and Kensuke’s
my bloodsucking tormentors.’
life so far?
3. Is ‘dejected’ a good word to describe Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage them
Michael’s feelings? Why? to refer to the text to explain their answers.
Share the dictionary definition;
in low spirit and down-hearted.
Listen to pupil’s responses.
Challenge: Challenge:
Write 5 similes to describe Kensuke’s Predict what will happen in the next chapter.
appearance and behaviour.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 6: Abundai!

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. What does Michael keep in his pocket? 1. Why does Michael feel like
defying Kensuke?
2. How long did the storm last?
2. Why does Michael make a sculpture
3. What does Kensuke do with Michael’s
of Kensuke?
3. How does anger help Michael make a
4. Where is Michael stung?
plan to escape?

Challenge: Challenge:
Collect examples of Kensuke’s language Would you follow Kensuke’s advice or would
you swim in the water?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does tension build up this chapter? 1. How does this chapter show the passing
of time?
2. How does Michael describe
missing home? 2. Do you think the reader is supposed to
like Kensuke?
3. How does Michael describe Kensuke?
3. Can you think of other child characters
in stories who become frustrated with
the adults around them?

Challenge: Challenge:
There are lots of ambitious words in this What will happen next?
chapter. Use a dictionary to make a glossary.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 6: Abundai!
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. What does Michael keep in his pocket? 1. Why does Michael feel like
A fire glass defying Kensuke?
Because he was angry with him for
2. How long did the storm last?
breaking his fire glass.
Four days
2. Why does Michael make a sculpture
3. What does Kensuke do with Michael’s
of Kensuke?
So that he can take out his frustration
He threw it on some rocks and it
on it by kicking it.
3. How does anger help Michael make a
4. Where is Michael stung?
plan to escape?
On the back of his neck, then on his
His anger made him more determined.
arms and lastly on his feet.
Challenge: Challenge:
Collect examples of Kensuke’s language Would you follow Kensuke’s advice or would
you swim in the water?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does tension build up this chapter? 1. How does this chapter show the passing
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage of time?
them to refer to the text to explain Through the use of time conjunctions,
their answers. e.g. ‘ It took several days...’ and ‘It was
fully four days before the storm blew
2. How does Michael describe itself out.’
missing home?
Gut-wrenching 2. Do you think the reader is supposed to
like Kensuke?
3. How does Michael describe Kensuke? Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
‘...the old man, the mad man, my them to refer to the text to explain
captor, my persecutor.’ their answers.
3. Can you think of other child characters
in stories who become frustrated with
the adults around them?
Listen to pupil’s responses.

Challenge: Challenge:
There are lots of ambitious words in this What will happen next?
chapter. Use a dictionary to make a glossary.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 7: All That Silence Said

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. Who used to bring home fish and chips 1. Why do you think Michael no longer
on Fridays? misses his parents?

2. How did Kensuke teach Michael 2. Why does Michael want to ask Kensuke
to paint? lots of questions?

3. Who was Kensuke’s favourite 3. How do Michael and Kensuke learn to

orangutan? trust each other?

4. What did Kensuke want to learn?

Challenge: Challenge:
Draw a labelled sketch of Kensuke’s cave. Make a fact-file for Kensuke. What do we
know about him?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Why does the chapter start with 1. What is the main purpose of
a memory? this chapter?

2. Why is the word ‘silence’ repeated? 2. What have Michael and Kensuke given
each other?
3. Michael feels ‘honoured’ when Kensuke
shows him a Japan tree. What does 3. Do you think Kensuke is a ‘very clever
this mean? fellow’? Explain why.

Challenge: Challenge:
Collect words to describe Kensuke. Write Predict how the story will end, using 5
down the meanings. bullet points to explain.

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Chapter 7: All That Silence Said
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. Who used to bring home fish and chips 1. Why do you think Michael no longer
on Fridays? misses his parents?
Michael’s father. Because Kensuke is looking after him
2. How did Kensuke teach Michael
to paint? 2. Why does Michael want to ask Kensuke
By letting him watch (observe) him. lots of questions?
Because he wants to find out more
3. Who was Kensuke’s favourite
about him and his past.
Tomodachi 3. How do Michael and Kensuke learn to
trust each other?
4. What did Kensuke want to learn?
By living, working and sharing together.
How to speak English.
Challenge: Challenge:
Draw a labelled sketch of Kensuke’s cave. Make a fact-file for Kensuke. What do we
know about him?

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. Why does the chapter start with 1. What is the main purpose of
a memory? this chapter?
To show that Michael was not fully To show how Michael and Kensuke’s
conscious. relationship is growing and
2. Why is the word ‘silence’ repeated?
To emphasize how quiet it was. 2. What have Michael and Kensuke given
each other?
3. Michael feels ‘honoured’ when Kensuke
Companionship and friendship.
shows him a Japan tree. What does
this mean? 3. Do you think Kensuke is a ‘very clever
It means that Michael knows that fellow’? Explain why.
Kensuke was sharing something that Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
was very special to him. them to refer to the text to explain
their answers.

Challenge: Challenge:
Collect words to describe Kensuke. Write Predict how the story will end, using 5
down the meanings. bullet points to explain.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 8: Everyone Dead in Nagasaki

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. What are the names of Kensuke’s wife 1. What makes Kensuke so sad that he
and son? wants to die?

2. What was Kensuke’s job? 2. Why does Kensuke feel so lucky?

3. Who has saved Michael’s life twice 3. Why is Michael worried about
and how? betraying Kensuke’s trust?

4. How does Michael know Kensuke

trusts him?

Challenge: Challenge:
Who do you trust and why? Should Michael send the message or not?
Write 5 persuasive reasons.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does Kensuke’s story help to 1. How does Kensuke’s life story make
explain what has happened so far you feel?
to Michael?
2. Is there anything else you would like to
2. How does Kensuke’s speech show that know about Kensuke?
he isn’t used to speaking English?
3. Do you think Michael should
3. What does ‘guilt’ mean? trust Kensuke?

Challenge: Challenge:
Draw a timeline to show Kensuke’s life story. Use books and the internet to find out more
about Nagasaki.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 8: Everyone Dead in Nagasaki
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. What are the names of Kensuke’s wife 1. What makes Kensuke so sad that he
and son? wants to die?
Kimi and Michiya When he heard that Japan had
2. What was Kensuke’s job?
He was a doctor. 2. Why does Kensuke feel so lucky?
Because he is alive and so many other
3. Who has saved Michael’s life twice
people had died.
and how?
Kensuke - he rescued Michael from the 3. Why is Michael worried about betraying
shipwreck and then after the jellyfish Kensuke’s trust?
attack. Because he had done so much for
Michael and they had become good
4. How does Michael know Kensuke
trusts him?
He lets Michael row the boat back to
shore and fell asleep.
Challenge: Challenge:
Who do you trust and why? Should Michael send the message or not?
Write 5 persuasive reasons.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does Kensuke’s story help to explain 1. How does Kensuke’s life story make
what has happened so far you feel?
to Michael? Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
It helps Michael understand how them to refer to the text to explain their
Kensuke ended up on the island and answers.
why he has not tried to escape.
2. Is there anything else you would like to
2. How does Kensuke’s speech show that he know about Kensuke?
isn’t used to speaking English? Listen to pupil’s responses.
It is in broken English. He does not use
3. Do you think Michael should
full sentences.
trust Kensuke?
3. What does ‘guilt’ mean? Listen to pupil’s responses.
Listen to pupil’s responses. If necessary,
share the dictionary definition;a state
of remorse caused by the feeling that
one has done something wrong.
Challenge: Challenge:
Draw a timeline to show Kensuke’s life story. Use books and the internet to find out more
about Nagasaki.

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Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 9: The Night of the Turtles

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. Who is always in Kensuke’s head? 1. How do you think Michael felt when
Kensuke suggested building a
2. What did Kensuke get up to in London?
fire tomorrow?
3. How old is Kensuke?
2. Why did Kensuke suggest building
4. How do Michael and Kensuke help a fire?
the turtles?
3. How do you think Kensuke felt when
Michael said his family might still
be alive?

Challenge: Challenge:
Find quotations to show how Kensuke’s What have you learned from this chapter?
attitudes have changed.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How is the story building up towards 1. How do the turtles teach Kensuke
the ending? a lesson?

2. Is ‘treachery’ a good word to describe 2. Do you think Michael and Kensuke are
Michael’s actions? brave? Explain your answer.

3. Can you find a simile and a metaphor 3. How do you think Japan will have
on pg.141? changed over the last 50 years?

Challenge: Challenge:
Write 2 similes to describe Michael’s feelings, Do you think Kensuke will find his family?
and 2 to describe Kensuke’s Explain your answer.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 9: The Night of the Turtles
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. Who is always in Kensuke’s head? 1. How do you think Michael felt when
Michiya and Kimi Kensuke suggested building a
fire tomorrow?
2. What did Kensuke get up to in London?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
He studied to become a doctor.
them to refer to the text to explain
3. How old is Kensuke? their answers.
2. Why did Kensuke suggest building
4. How do Michael and Kensuke help a fire?
the turtles? To attract passing ships.
They watched over the turtles all night.
3. How do you think Kensuke felt when
They carried the weak ones to the
Michael said his family might still
shoreline and scared off the birds.
be alive?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
them to refer to the text to explain
their answers.
Challenge: Challenge:
Find quotations to show how Kensuke’s What have you learned from this chapter?
attitudes have changed.
Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)
1. How is the story building up towards the 1. How do the turtles teach Kensuke
ending? a lesson?
Michael is preparing to leave the island They teach him that even though they
and is hoping that Kensuke will come don’t know where they are going and
with him. they are very small, they are brave
and go anyway.
2. Is ‘treachery’ a good word to describe
Michael’s actions? 2. Do you think Michael and Kensuke are
Share the dictionary definition; the brave? Explain your answer.
act of wilful betrayal. Listen to pupil’s Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
responses. pupils to refer to the text to explain
their answers.
3. Can you find an example of a simile in
this chapter? 3. How do you think Japan will have
‘As old as the hills’ changed over the last 50 years?
Listen to pupil’s responses.
Challenge: Challenge:
Write 2 similes to describe Michael’s feelings, Do you think Kensuke will find his family?
and 2 to describe Kensuke’s Explain your answer.

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Kensuke’s Kingdom
Guided Reading Questions and Activities

Chapter 10: Killer Men Come

Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)

1. What does Michael paint that 1. Why and how do Kensuke’s actions
Kensuke keeps? encourage Michael?

2. Who stole the binoculars? 2. How do you think Michael and Kensuke
felt when Kikanbo appeared?
3. How does Michael block out
his worries? 3. Why was it hard for Michael to say
goodbye to Kensuke?
4. How do Michael and Kensuke protect
the orangutans?

Challenge: Challenge:
Summarise the story in 10 points. Draw Michael and his parents, and write
down their thoughts and feelings when they
are reunited.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does the last sentence bring all the 1. Do you think Michael is right to promise
parts of the story together? to keep Kensuke a secret?

2. Why do you think Michael chose to 2. How does the farewell scene between
write about Kensuke? Michael and Kensuke make you feel?

3. How does Kensuke ask Michael to 3. Does the postscript add to your
remember him? enjoyment of the story?

Challenge: Challenge:
Can you write an alternative ending for What would you ask Michiya Ogawa?
this story?

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Kensuke’s Kingdom Answers
Chapter 10: Killer Men Come
Day 1 (AF2) Day 2 (AF3)
1. What does Michael paint that 1. Why and how do Kensuke’s actions
Kensuke keeps? encourage Michael?
Tomodachi Kensuke studied Michael’s paintings
and gave him advice (kindly) about
2. Who stole the binoculars?
how he could improve them.
2. How do you think Michael and Kensuke
3. How does Michael block out
felt when Kikanbo appeared?
his worries?
Listen to pupil’s reponses.
By painting.
3. Why was it hard for Michael to say
4. How do Michael and Kensuke protect the
goodbye to Kensuke?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
They lead them to Kensuke’s cave to
them to refer to the text to explain
their answers.
Challenge: Challenge:
Summarise the story in 10 points. Draw Michael and his parents, and write
down their thoughts and feelings when
they are reunited.

Day 3 (AF4/5) Day 4 (AF6/7)

1. How does the last sentence bring all the 1. Do you think Michael is right to
parts of the story together? promise to keep Kensuke a secret?
It shows that Michael just had to believe Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage
that he would be safe and then be them to refer to the text to explain
rescued. their answers.
2. Why do you think Michael chose to write 2. How does the farewell scene between
about Kensuke? Michael and Kensuke make you feel?
Listen to pupil’s responses. Encourage Listen to pupil’s responses.
them to refer to the text to explain their
3. Does the postscript add to your
enjoyment of the story?
3. How does Kensuke ask Michael to Listen to pupil’s responses.
remember him?
By looking at the full moon and think
about him.
Challenge: Challenge:
Can you write an alternative ending for What would you ask Michiya Ogawa?
this story?

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