What did Jackie inherit from her dad? His inky black hair 3
What did Charlie inherit from her dad? His fiery red temper 3
What did Charlie and Jackie's mom do all Lie in bed with the curtains drawn
day? drinking diet soda. 3
Why did the social services lady send She said it was better for her to
Charlie to live with Gus and Bertha? stay with kin. 3
What did Mrs. Willibey ask Howard Odom Her Backpack Buddy..showing her
to be for Charlie? around school. 7
How did Howard Odom know Bertha and From church and he gave them a cat
Gus? one time. 10
What did Charlie do with the penny to make Threw it as far as she could and
her wish come true? made a wish before it hit the ground. 12
Why had Charlie been sent home on her She poked a boy with the pointy end
first day of kindergarten? of a pencil. 25
What did Charlie see out the window of the Two dogs fighting--one of them was
bus in a dirt driveway next to some brown, black, and skinny, with long
trailers? floppy ears 28
What did Charlie do with a piece of pie to Cut off the pointed end of a piece
make a wish on it? and save it for last. 30
What wish did Charlie's cousin, Melvin, His brother left and got married and
make that came true? he got the bedroom all to himself. 30
What wishing ritual did Jackie's friend If you count to 13 when you see a
Casey teach Charlie? truck full of hay you can make a wish. 37
What did Charlie like to draw on her arm? hearts and stars 40
What were Howard's oldest brothers'
names? Burl and Lenny 40
What did Charlie do when she saw a black Shook her fist at it 3 times and made
horse? a wish. 42
What did Jackie used to do for Charlie french brain her hair and share her
when they lived together? nail polish with her. 48
Who taught Charlie about acorn wishes? Her Girl Scout leader in Raleigh 52
Photos of her and Charlie's mom
What did Bertha have in an old shoebox? (Carla). 52
How did Bertha and Carla spend the Making yarn bracelets to sell so they
summer when Bertha was 10 and Carla was could buy fish for an aquarium their
7? uncle gave them. 59
What happened to the yarn bracelets Carla A mean boy threw them up into the
and Bertha made? branches of a hickory nut tree. 59
What did Gus's dog, Skeeter, once dig up? A hornet's nest 75
What did Charlie do to Audrey Mitchell on Shoved her off the seat and into the
the school bus? aisle. 81
What kind of tattoo did Scrappy get in A blackbird in a cage on the back of
jail? his hand. 137
Where did they find Wishbone? In front of Gus and Bertha's house. 142
What happened when Gus's dog, Skeeter, His brother jumped in after him and
fell into the river when they were fishing? flipped the boat over. 143
What did Gus's sister used to do to Dress him up in her girl scout
Skeeter? uniform. 143
What did Charlie do with the blackbird Stuck it into the dirt, closed her
feather? eyes, and made a wish. 148
What was Bertha going to teach Jackie to fry chicken and sew a zipper on a
do? skirt 152
Why did Jackie need to shop for a football For a play she was in at Carol Lee's
jersey? church 152
What did Jackie do for Charlie on her Made cupcakes for her to take to
birthday? school 155
Why did Jackie think Charlie was lucky at She had her own room she didn't
Gus and Bertha's? have to share. 157
What did Jackie's friend, Loretta, do for The night shift at the truck stop on
work? the interstate 164
Why did Charlie push Dwight out of the She felt like she had to be the one to
way after they ate a chicken dinner? make a wish on it. 170
How many Bible bucks did Howard give to
Dwight if he would let Charlie pull the
wishbone with Cotton? five 172
Did Jackie hate their mother? No, but she didn't like her very much. 177
What did Audrey say when Charlie said her "You're not supposed to lie at
mom came to visit and writes notes to her? Vacation Bible School" 188
What did Charlie do to T.J. Rainey? She ran at him and pushed him down. 190
What did Bertha say to Charlie after she You are a good friend to Howard,
got in the fight with T.J. Rainey? Charlie. 192
What happened to Carla (Charlie's She fell off the dock into the water,
mom/Bertha's sister) when they were at a but then came up and floated on her
lake one summer? back. 195
What was Howard's first wish that came He wished that he and Charlie were
true? friends. 199
What did Bertha promise to Charlie? She would make things right for her. 209
What had Charlie missed while she was How things really were...that she was
busy making all her wishes? better off with Gus and Bertha. 213-214
What was the second part of Howard's Charlie ended up staying in Colby with
wish that came true? Gus and Bertha 224
When Bertha called out, "Star! First star! Closed her eyes and breathed
Everybody make a wish!" what did Charlie because her wish had finally come
do? true. 227