A Wrinkle in Time Questions Chapter 6: Name - Date

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A Wrinkle in Time
Questions Chapter 6

1. As they were watching through the Happy Medium's crystal ball, a radiant
beam of light burst through the darkness. It caused part of the Black Thing
to vanish. What caused it?

a) a star shot it c) a star gave its life in battle

b) Mr. Murry used a beam-ray on it

2. What did Calvin's mother do while they were watching her through the crystal

a) working in her office c) cleaning the living room

b) hitting one of Calvin's brothers

3. What did Mrs. Murry do while they were watching her through the crystal

a) working on her new experiment c) writing a letter to Mr. Murry

b) putting Sandy & Dennys to bed

4. The Happy Medium asks the women where they will be going so that she
can keep watch. Where will they be?


5. T F True or False: Mrs. Whatsit tells the children that they will be
with them during the whole journey.

Ch. 6: Questions -1- © Casey Jo Burrus, Aug 2006

Name _____________________ Date _______________

6. Mrs. Whatsit’s Gifts Matching: Match each of the children to their gift from
Mrs. Whatsit.

_____ a.) faults 1.) Calvin

_____ b.) resilience of childhood 2.) Charles Wallace

_____ c.) strengthen communication 3.) Meg


7. Mrs. Who’s Gifts Matching: Match each of the children to their gift from
Mrs. Who.

_____ a.) her glasses 1.) Calvin

_____ b.) "I do not know everything; still 2.) Meg

many things I understand." --
Goethe 3.) Charles Wallace

_____ c.) a hint from Shakespeare's The


8. Mrs. Which gives a single gift to all three children. What is it?

a) you must go to town and stick c) you must go your separate

together no matter what! ways

b) extra special sight

9. What did they notice about the houses on Camazotz?

a) they are all apartment buildings c) they are all exactly the same

b) they are built on stilts

Ch. 6: Questions -2- © Casey Jo Burrus, Aug 2006

Name _____________________ Date _______________

10. What did they notice about the children playing in the yards of the houses?

a) playing same game c) playing in exact same rhythm

b) all playing as a team

11. What did they notice about one particular boy who was playing in his yard?

a) he was playing a different game c) he was playing with his sister

b) he was out of rhythm

12. Which of the following is NOT a reason that the woman gave for Meg,
Charles Wallace, and Calvin to be knocking on her door?

a) Aberrations d) ice cream time

b) Puller Push Person e) papers out of order

c) Decency Donations f) milk time

13. According to the paper boy, what is located in this town that is so important
to Camazotz?


14. When they arrive at Central, one of them decides they should go in while the
other two are not so sure. Which one is sure this is the right place?


Ch. 6: Questions -3- © Casey Jo Burrus, Aug 2006

Name _____________________ Date _______________

15. At first, the children think that the people on the streets near CENTRAL must
be robots because of their strange similarities. As they realize these aren't
robots, Charles Wallace notices something about them. What is it?

a) some kind of smell c) they talk in another language

b) some sort of pulsing

16. At the end of chapter 6, as the children walk up to the CENTRAL building,
who is the first to realize they could be in terrible danger?


Ch. 6: Questions -4- © Casey Jo Burrus, Aug 2006

Name _____________________ Date _______________
A Wrinkle in Time
Questions Chapter 6
----------Key ( 20 points)----------

1. (c) ................................................................................. pg. 91

2. (b) ................................................................................. pg. 96

3. (c) ................................................................................. pg. 96

4. Camazotz ..................................................................... pg. 98

5. F, false ....................................................................... pg. 100

6. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 ....................................................... pg. 100

7. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 ....................................................... pg. 101

8. (a) ............................................................................... pg. 101

9. (c) ........................................................................ pg. 101-102

10. (c) ............................................................................... pg. 103

11. (b) ............................................................................... pg. 103

12. (d) ............................................................................... pg. 104

13. CENTRAL Central Intelligence ................................... pg. 106

14. Charles Wallace ......................................................... pg. 108

15. (b) ............................................................................... pg. 108

16. Calvin ......................................................................... pg. 112

Ch. 6: Questions -5- © Casey Jo Burrus, Aug 2006

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