NC-FRM-DRA 6-1 Rev.0 Lorry Mounted Cranes (HIAB)

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Operation Truck Mounted Cranes [HIAB] Completed by

Persons at risk Operatives √ General Public  Client Personnel  Others 

Method Statement COSHH Assessment PPE Permit to Work
Green: OK / Yellow: Caution / Red: High
Identify Hazards below and Rate Risk before and after Controls Measures

Dynamic Risk Assessment 6 Before controls After controls

1. Contact with overhead power lines or other overhead obstacles. H L
2. Workplace Transport Safety Issues for all personnel at site especially H L
when reversing [audible warning].
3. Crush and tapping injuries for those working in the lift area. H L
4. Over turning of the vehicle though poor ground / misuse of H L
outriggers. H L
5. Falls from the bed of the vehicle. H L
6. Incorrect slinging / lifting practices.
Severity Likelihood Example
1 - Minor injury 1 – Unlikely S=2 3
2 - Over 3-day injury 2 – Possible L=3
3 X6

3 - Severe injury / death 3 - Probable Red, high risk 2 x 2
1 1 X6
1 2 3 1 2 3
Likelihood Likelihood

Identify Control Measures to be Implemented

 Operator to be training and competent. [Article 24/1977].
 Driver to maintain alertness at all times – use a banksman when reversing where possible.
 Maintain good communications with those assisting with those assisting with unloading the vehicle.
 Vehicle only to be unloaded on sound level ground.
 Proper use of handholds and steps when climbing in or out of vehicle.
 Copies of all Driving Licences, Insurance Certificate to be kept in cab.
 Only suitably qualified persons permitted to operate the vehicle.
 Loads to be securely stowed before transit.
 Slings to be inspected before use and tested thoroughly once every 6 months.
 Outriggers to be extended before each lift.
 High visibility vest, hand hat and safety boots to be worn.
 Daily inspections to be completed and recorded.
Protective Equipment Required
PPE High vis Head Eye Feet Face Hearing Notes / specification
√ √ √
Tick if

PPE Overalls Harness Hygiene Gloves Apron Permit Notes / specification

Tick if

Signed: Print name:

NASS CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L form: NC/FRM/DRA_6 -1 Date: Oct, 2011

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