Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis
The liver is one of the largest and most complex organs in the body. It stores vital energy and
nutrients, manufactures proteins and enzymes necessary for good health,
protects the body from disease, and breaks down (or metabolizes) and helps remove harmful
toxins, like alcohol, from the body. It is one of the most important organs in the
body since it has many significant functions. A lack or failure to provide proper care of it may lead to an
abnormality or disorder. One of the severe forms that may happen is liver cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis is derived from Greek word kirrhos, meaning "tawny" (the orange-yellow colour
of the diseased liver).It is a chronic disease that causes cell destruction and fibrosis (scarring) of
hepatic tissue. Fibrosis alters normal liver structure and vasculature, impairing blood and lymph
flow and resulting in hepatic insufficiency
and hypertension in the portal vein. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcoholism, hepatitis
B and C and fatty liver disease but has many other possible causes. Some cases are idiopathic,
i.e., of unknown cause. It may be classified by the structural changes that take place or by the
cause of the disorder.
Internationally, liver cirrhosis is the 8th th most common cause of death. It is most common among
people ages 45 – 75, killing more than 25,000 people each year, 50% are alcohol related. In the
Philippines and other underdeveloped countries , however, the incidence of liver cancer is rather
high. Liver cancer is relatively common in our country primarily because many Filipinos suffer
from cirrhosis of the liver, a major risk factor for liver cancer. Cirrhosis of the liver precedes 80
percent of all liver cancers; thus, any condition that predisposes to cirrhosis indirectly causes
liver cancer. The usual cause of liver cirrhosis among Filipinos is chronic hepatitis B, a major
public health
problem in the country. Chronic hepatitis B afflicts between 10 and 12 percent of all Filipinos
(i.e., more than 8 million Filipinos). Other less significant causes of cirrhosis are hepatitis C
infection and alcoholism. The latest DOH advisory shows that liver cancer is the third most
common form of cancer among Filipinos—in men, it is the second most common, while in
women, it is the ninth most common.
No one on the family had any of the sickness that Mr. J has, namely Liver Cirrhosis and Community
Acquired Pneumonia.
Mr.J is a married man with three children. He is tha main decision maker in the family as evidenced
by her wife verbalizing “siya man gyud ng gabuot ug unsay mayo para sa amoa”. In regards to their health,
several members of their family specifically the patient, his wife and his daughter has hypertension which
was diagnosed (August 2020) by the physician whom they usually consult in Polyclinic Health Center
where their neighbor works as a nurse. In reference to their diagnosis, they were given maintenance
hypertensive medication, however they only used the said medication for about two weeks, finances were
a factor since they were not able to comply the medication prescribed.
The family does not seek medical advice until the condition they have worsens as stated by Mr. J
wife. All of them had experienced fever, flu, cough colds, stomach pains etc. and only took over-the-
counter drugs for intervention.
The patient’s wife verbalized that during his young age, he was just a typical adolescent guy who
goes with his friends and often explores things around. He was curious at all things because of that he was
inclined to a number of vices which may actually have affected his health status. He was smoking badly as
he was able to consume 1-2 packs of cigarette per day and drinks enormously as he was able to drink one
1 long neck of Tanduay on his own. At times, he goes beyond that and even drink half a gallon of Tuba
when he is not yet drunk. As stated by his wife, his husband does not stop drinking unless he becomes
drunk. As the normal things go, the Mr. J. and his drinking colleagues use the same glass whenever they
During his adulthood, he worked as a farmer and still continued to drink and smoke whenever he
has time. He often sleeps at 10PM and wakes up at 5AM then takes his breakfast and goes to work. He
had a vigorous job and was accustomed to it as he grew older. He then had to stop working when he was
diagnosed with hypertension because he was advised to rest. He then eventually realized that his vices
were responsible to his health and lessen his cigarettes to 2-4 stick per day.
The patients diet had not been very healthy either. He like eating fatty and salty foods and his
favorite viands include “taba ng baboy” and dried fish with ginamos. They also often eat canned goods. As
the patients wife verbalized “dong ana man gyud na sa pobre”. Moreover, drinking coffee every morning
and afternoon had always been his husband routine.
The patient and his wife were relieved and thought that it was just a “Panuhot and Kabuhi”.
One week prior to patient’s admission to the hospital, his wife noticed that his husband had abdominal
distention which she abruptly noticed.
On the 26th day of March, 2021 four days prior to admission to the hospital the patient sought
consultation at the Emergency Room since the patient felt loss of appetite, stomach pain which radiated to
the patient’s back and prandial vomiting. Despite the manifestations seen on the client, he was discharged
and was requested to have an ultrasound of the abdomen. Aside from that, it was again diagnosed that he
has hypertension so antihypertensive medications were prescribed. Days had gone and on the 30 th day of
March. 2021, the patient experienced body malaise, loss of appetite, nausea, and black tarry stool which
were his chief complaint that resulted to his admission to Davao Medical Center.
The patient had jaundice with uniform skin color all throughout the body except under his axillae, which is
darker. His skin folds and axillae were moist. Skin temperature was uniform in all extremities when
touched. Senile skin was noted.
Upon inspection, hair was short and white in color. His hair was thin and evenly distributed as evidenced
by the absence of areas of alopecia along the scalp. No infection
or infestations were noted upon inspection and palpation of the patient’s hairline and scalp. Dandruff was
noted on patient’s scalp however there were no lesions, lumps, or
masses upon palpation.
Clubbing of nails was noted on patient. Upon palpation, nail base was firm and fingernails had a rough
texture. Epidermis surrounding the nails was intact and no lesions were noted. Nails were long, dirty and
untrimmed. Toenail surface was slightly curved and rough.
Upon inspection, external nose was symmetrical. No abnormal discharges or flaring were noted. Also, the
nose was with uniform color with facial skin. Nasal Septum was intact and in midline. Patient was with
NGT on his right nares.
Upon inspection, endotracheal tube with O2 at 5-7 L/min connected to bag valve was noted. Outer lips
were brownish pink and were dry. Teeth were shiny and yellow in color.
Upon inspection, neck veins were not distended or visible. Shoulder muscles were of anatomically
No masses, lesions or any unusuality noted on patient’s chest.
Upon inspection, distended abdomen and ascites was noted. Abdomen was supple when palpated. Size of
abdomen was observed to be not appropriate for patient’s body. Abdominal girth of 39 inches was taken.
Caput medusae noted on the skin of the abdomen
Upon inspection, no swelling, lesion or mass noted on the genitals of the patient. Patient is with Foley
catheter which is connected to a Urobag draining 100 cc of dark yellow colored urine.
Basic Etiology Present/ Absent Rationale Actual
Predisposing factor
Male Liver cirrhosis occurs mostly in men The patient is male
Ages 45-75 Liver cirrhosis is most common among The patient is 50 y/o
people aged 45-75
Race: Asian In Asia and Africa, cirrhosis The patient is an Asian
is also common but more likely to be since he was born from
associated with Filipino parents, and he
hepatitis was born in IGACOS,
Davao City, and currently
resides here in Buhangin,
Davao City
Biliary atresia X Infants can be born without The patient has no record
bile ducts ( biliary atresia) and or history of Biliary atresia.
ultimately develop cirrhosis. The bile
ducts carry bile formed in the liver to
the intestines, where the bile helps in
the digestion of fat. So, when the bile
ducts are blocked,
bile is trapped in the liver,
Chronic alcoholism Chronic high levels of alcohol As stated by the
consumption injure liver cells. Alcohol patient’s wife, the
seems to injure the liver patient at his young age
by blocking the normal was able to drink 1 long
metabolism of protein, fats, and neck (750 ml) of
carbohydrates. Alcohol can poison all Tanduay on his own. At
living cells, causing liver cells to times, he goes beyond 1
become inflamed and die. Thirty long neck and even drinks
percent of individuals who drink half a gallon of “Tuba”
daily at least eight to sixteen ounces when he is not yet
of hard liquor or the equivalent drunk. As stated by his
for fifteen or more years will develop wife, his husband does not
cirrhosis. stop drinking
unless he becomes drunk.
When he reached his
adulthood, he continues to
drink and smoke when he
finds time to do them
Chronic viral hepatitis (types X Condition where hepatitis B or hepatitis The patient had no medical
B, C, and D). C virus infects the liver for years. some record of acquiring hepatitis
patients infected with hepatitis B virus B, C, or D.
and most
patients infected with hepatitis C virus
develop chronic hepatitis, which, in
turn, causes progressive liver damage
and leads to cirrhosis, and, sometimes,
liver cancers
pH 7.35-7.45 mmHg 7.510 Increase in pH is brought about by the increase in bilirubin in the blood
which is alkalinic.
pC02 35-45 mmHg 21.3 Decreased pC02 is caused by hypoxia due to the accumulated fluid in
the abdominal cavity creating pressure in the diaphragm. Thus,
affecting the respiratory status of the patient
PO2 80-1000 mmHg 82 PO2 l evel i s a t n ormal r ange.
HC03 22.0-27.0 mmol\L 16.6 When bicarbonate levels are lower than normal, it suggests that the
body is having trouble maintaining its acid-base balance. Bicarbonate
concentrations in the serum may fall due to consumption by combining
with protons (H+) from acids such as lactic acid, keto-acids etc; or by
loss from the body from gastro-intestinal or renal sources. Renal loss
of bicarbonate may be due to compensatory mechanisms for a
respiratory alkalosis
02Sat 80-100 % 97.2% 02 S aturation i s a t n ormal r ange
Partially Compensated Respiratory alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis is a medical condition in which increased respiration (hyperventilation) elevates the blood pH (a
condition generally called alkalosis). Respiratory alkalosis is due to the dyspnea caused by the pressure exerted by the
ascites to the diaphragm, leading to respiratory rate which is lower than normal. Moreover, respiratory alkalosis could
result from a ventilatory rate or tidal volume that is too high or from the patient triggering excessive additional breaths
Test Normal Range Result N\L\H Clinical Significance
Hgb 115-175 g/L 104 L Low Hgb is referred to as anemia which may by the
decreased erythropoietin caused by cirrhosis of the liver.
Hct 0.36-0.52 0.29 L Because of the decrease in RBC in the blood hematocrit as
well decreases.
RBC 4.20-6.1 2.94 L A decreased number of RBC results from the decreas
erythropoietin production of the liver.
WBC 5.0-10.0 9.65 N WBC is in n ormal range.
Differential count
Neutrophils 55-75 % 71% N Within normal range
Test Normal Range Result N\L\H Clinical Significance
Total 63-82 g/L 59.40 L Low total protein levels can suggest a liver disorder. In
protein patients with liver problems, there is a decrease in total
protein levels because of the decrease in production of the
albumin, a protein which is exclusively produced in the liver.
Globulin 23-35 g/L 40.70 H An elevation in the level of serum globulin san indicate the
presence of cirrhosis of the liver and bacterial infection.
Albumin 35-50 g/L 18.70 L Ther is a decrease of albumin in the blood plasma because of
the decrease in its production due to problems in the liver.
A/G ratio 1.5-2.5 0.5 L A decrease in albumin globulin ratio is an indicative of a
problem in liver function.
SGPT 30.0-65.0 u/L 84.0 H An increase in SGPT level is due to impaired liver function
caused by liver cirrhosis. It can be caused by hepatic
inflammation (including infectious mononucleosis,
pancreatitis, alcohol, viral hepatitis)
SGOT 15.0-37.0 u/L 182 H An increase in SGOT level is due to impaired liver function
caused by liver cirrhosis. It can be caused by hepatic
inflammation. (including infectious mononucleosis,
pancreatitis, alcohol, viral hepatitis)
Generic name: FUROSEMIDE
Brand name: Lasix, Furoside, Myrosemide, Uritol, Diumide-K
Classification: (functional) Loop diuretic, (chemical) Sulfonamide derivative
Action: Inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride at proximal and distal tubule and in the loop of Henle
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
40mg tab OD Pulmonary edema, Hypersensitivity to CNS: headache, >assess for
hypertension, third sulfonamides, anuria, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and
spacing hypovolemia, infants, vertigo restlessness for it
lactation and may indicate
electrolyte depletion CV: orthostatic metabolic alkalosis
hypotension, chest >monitor for signs of
pain, ECG changes hypokalemia; postural
circulatory collapse hypotension, malaise,
EENT: loss of hearing, fatigue, tachycardia,
ear pain, tinnitus and leg cramps and
blurred vision weakness
ELECT: hypokalemia, >observe hearing
hypochloremic problems including
alkalosis, tinnitus and hearing
hypocalcemia, loss
matabolic alkalosis
GI: nausea, diarrhea, >monitor I & O qd to
dry mouth, abdominal determine fluid loss.
cramps, gastric
irritaions GU: polyuria, >monitor vital signs;
renal failure, glycosuria rate, depth, and
HEMA: rhythm of respiration
thrombocytopenia, >administer in AM to
agranulocytosis, avoid interference
anemia with sleep if using
INTEG: rash, pruritus, drug as diuretic
purpura, diaphoresis
> Use sterile
equipment and apply
principles of asepsis.
hands prior to the
>The cannula
insertion site should
be inspected for
complications, i.e.
infiltration, infection.
>instruct patient to
increase fluid intake
2-3 L/day unless
Action: a potassium-sparing diuretic, a drug that promotes the output of urine (diuretic) while allowing the kidneys to hold
onto potassium.
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
PO – (25, 50, 100) clinical conditions Patients with anuria,
mg tablets associated with acute renal
augmented insufficiency,
DOSING: Edema –
aldosterone significant impairment
25 – 200 mg/d in
of renal excretory
divided doses, production, as in
function, or
continued for atleast essential
5 daysd hypertension,
refractory edema due
to CHF, hepatic
cirrhosis, nephritic
syndrome and
idiopathic edema
Action: Disrupts DNA and protein synthesis susceptible organisms. Therapeutic effects: Bactericidal, trichomonacidal or
amebicidal action. Spectrum: Most notable for activity against anaerobic including: Bacteroides, clostridium
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
500mg 1 TAB q6 PO: Amebecide in the Hypersensitivity. CNS: Seizures,
management of dizziness, headache.
amebic dysentery,
amebic liver abscess
and trichomoniasis:
treatment of peptic
ulcer disease caused Use cautiously in:
by Helicobacter pylori history in blood
dyscrasias, History of
seizures or neurologic
problems and severe
hepatic impairement
Generic name: Lactulose
Brand name: Contulose
Classification: Laxative
Action: Produces osmotic effect in colon. Resulting distention promotes peristalsis. Decrease blood ammonia build- up
the causes hepatic encephalopathy, probably ass result of bacterial degradation which lowers pH of colon contents.
Relieves constipation, decreases ammonia concentration
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
30cc @ bedtime >constipation Contraindicated in GI: belching, cramps,
patients on low- distention, flatulence,
>To prevent and treat
galactose diet diarrhea
encephalopathy, ENDO: Hyperglycemia
including hepatic
precoma and coma I
patients with severe
hepatic disease.
>to restore bowel
movements after
Generic name: Essentiale Forte
Brand name: Essentiale Forte
Classification: Cholagogues, Cholelitholytics & Hepatic Protectors
Action: Increase functional status of the liver, improvement in the lipids metabolism caused by accelerated synthesis of
lipoproteins in the liver, activation of the phospholipid-depending ferments, increased synthesis of glycogen in the liver,
decreased the fatty infiltration of the hepatocytes
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
1 cap TID >cirrhosis >Contraindicated in In very rare cases it > Instruct patient on
patients can cause :abdominal proper use of the
>Hepatic steatosis drug
hypersensitive to drug pain, nausea, diarrhea
(also in cases of
and allergic
diabetes) >in newborn children
reaction(skin rash).
>Acute and chronic >in pregnant women
>Necrosis of the liver
>Hepatic coma and
>Toxic liver damage
(including pregnancy
Generic name:
Brand name:
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
Generic name:
Brand name:
Dosage Indication Contraindication Side/adverse effects Nursing
Bleeding related to altered clotting mechanism: decreased prothrombin and thrombin production secondary to
liver cirrhosis.