Power Grids With Renewable Energy
Power Grids With Renewable Energy
Power Grids With Renewable Energy
Volume 1 Power Circuit Breaker Theory and Design C.H. Flurscheim (Editor)
Volume 4 Industrial Microwave Heating A.C. Metaxas and R.J. Meredith
Volume 7 Insulators for High Voltages J.S.T. Looms
Volume 8 Variable Frequency AC Motor Drive Systems D. Finney
Volume 10 SF6 Switchgear H.M. Ryan and G.R. Jones
Volume 11 Conduction and Induction Heating E.J. Davies
Volume 13 Statistical Techniques for High Voltage Engineering W. Hauschild and
W. Mosch
Volume 14 Uninterruptible Power Supplies J. Platts and J.D. St Aubyn (Editors)
Volume 15 Digital Protection for Power Systems A.T. Johns and S.K. Salman
Volume 16 Electricity Economics and Planning T.W. Berrie
Volume 18 Vacuum Switchgear A. Greenwood
Volume 19 Electrical Safety: A Guide to Causes and Prevention of Hazards
J. Maxwell Adams
Volume 21 Electricity Distribution Network Design, 2nd Edition E. Lakervi and
E.J. Holmes
Volume 22 Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems K. Warwick, A.O. Ekwue
and R. Aggarwal (Editors)
Volume 24 Power System Commissioning and Maintenance Practice K. Harker
Volume 25 Engineers’ Handbook of Industrial Microwave Heating R.J. Meredith
Volume 26 Small Electric Motors H. Moczala et al.
Volume 27 AC–DC Power System Analysis J. Arrillaga and B.C. Smith
Volume 29 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission, 2nd Edition J. Arrillaga
Volume 30 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Y.-H. Song (Editor)
Volume 31 Embedded Generation N. Jenkins et al.
Volume 32 High Voltage Engineering and Testing, 2nd Edition H.M. Ryan (Editor)
Volume 33 Overvoltage Protection of Low-Voltage Systems, Revised Edition P. Hasse
Volume 36 Voltage Quality in Electrical Power Systems J. Schlabbach et al.
Volume 37 Electrical Steels for Rotating Machines P. Beckley
Volume 38 The Electric Car: Development and Future of Battery, Hybrid and Fuel-cell
Cars M. Westbrook
Volume 39 Power Systems Electromagnetic Transients Simulation J. Arrillaga and
N. Watson
Volume 40 Advances in High Voltage Engineering M. Haddad and D. Warne
Volume 41 Electrical Operation of Electrostatic Precipitators K. Parker
Volume 43 Thermal Power Plant Simulation and Control D. Flynn
Volume 44 Economic Evaluation of Projects in the Electricity Supply Industry
H. Khatib
Volume 45 Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles J. Miller
Volume 46 Distribution Switchgear S. Stewart
Volume 47 Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks, 2nd Edition J. Gers and
E. Holmes
Volume 48 Wood Pole Overhead Lines B. Wareing
Volume 49 Electric Fuses, 3rd Edition A. Wright and G. Newbery
Volume 50 Wind Power Integration: Connection and System Operational Aspects
B. Fox et al.
Volume 51 Short Circuit Currents J. Schlabbach
Volume 52 Nuclear Power J. Wood
Volume 53 Condition Assessment of High Voltage Insulation in Power System
Equipment R.E. James and Q. Su
Volume 55 Local Energy: Distributed generation of heat and power J. Wood
Volume 56 Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical Machines P. Tavner, L. Ran,
J. Penman and H. Sedding
Volume 57 The Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook, 2nd Edition
B. Drury
Volume 58 Lightning Protection V. Cooray (Editor)
Volume 59 Ultracapacitor Applications J.M. Miller
Volume 62 Lightning Electromagnetics V. Cooray
Volume 63 Energy Storage for Power Systems, 2nd Edition A. Ter-Gazarian
Volume 65 Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks, 3rd Edition J. Gers
Volume 66 High Voltage Engineering Testing, 3rd Edition H. Ryan (Editor)
Volume 67 Multicore Simulation of Power System Transients F.M. Uriate
Volume 68 Distribution System Analysis and Automation J. Gers
Volume 69 The Lightening Flash, 2nd Edition V. Cooray (Editor)
Volume 70 Economic Evaluation of Projects in the Electricity Supply Industry,
3rd Edition H. Khatib
Volume 72 Control Circuits in Power Electronics: Practical issues in design and
implementation M. Castilla (Editor)
Volume 73 Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control Systems: The Enabler for
Smarter Grids A. Vaccaro and A. Zobaa (Editors)
Volume 74 Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Frontiers and Applications
A.M. Trzynadlowski (Editor)
Volume 75 Power Distribution Automation B. Das (Editor)
Volume 76 Power System Stability: Modelling, Analysis and Control A.A. Sallam and
Om P. Malik
Volume 78 Numerical Analysis of Power System Transients and Dynamics A. Ametani
Volume 79 Vehicle-to-Grid: Linking electric vehicles to the smart grid J. Lu and
J. Hossain (Editors)
Volume 81 Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Constructs in Electric Power
Engineering S. Suryanarayanan, R. Roche and T.M. Hansen (Editors)
Volume 82 Periodic Control of Power Electronic Converters F. Blaabjerg, K. Zhou,
D. Wang and Y. Yang
Volume 86 Advances in Power System Modelling, Control and Stability Analysis
F. Milano (Editor)
Volume 87 Cogeneration: Technologies, Optimisation and Implementation
C.A. Frangopoulos (Editor)
Volume 88 Smarter Energy: From Smart Metering to the Smart Grid H. Sun,
N. Hatziargyriou, H.V. Poor, L. Carpanini and M.A. Sánchez Fornié (Editors)
Volume 89 Hydrogen Production, Separation and Purification for Energy A. Basile,
F. Dalena, J. Tong and T.N. Veziroğlu (Editors)
Volume 90 Clean Energy Microgrids S. Obara and J. Morel (Editors)
Volume 91 Fuzzy Logic Control in Energy Systems with Design Applications in
MATLAB‡/Simulink‡ İ.H. Altaş
Volume 92 Power Quality in Future Electrical Power Systems A.F. Zobaa and
S.H.E.A. Aleem (Editors)
Volume 93 Cogeneration and District Energy Systems: Modelling, analysis and
optimization M.A. Rosen and S. Koohi-Fayegh
Volume 94 Introduction to the Smart Grid: Concepts, Technologies and Evolution
S.K. Salman
Volume 95 Communication, Control and Security Challenges for the Smart Grid
S.M. Muyeen and S. Rahman (Editors)
Volume 96 Industrial Power Systems with Distributed and Embedded Generation
R. Belu
Volume 97 Synchronized Phasor Measurements for Smart Grids M.J.B. Reddy and
D.K. Mohanta (Editors)
Volume 98 Large Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
A. Moreno-Munoz (Editor)
Volume 100 Modeling and Dynamic Behaviour of Hydropower Plants N. Kishor and
J. Fraile-Ardanuy (Editors)
Volume 101 Methane and Hydrogen for Energy Storage R. Carriveau and D.S.-K. Ting
Volume 104 Power Transformer Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis A. Abu-Siada
Volume 106 Surface Passivation of Industrial Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells J. John
Volume 107 Bifacial Photovoltaics: Technology, Applications and Economics J. Libal
and R. Kopecek (Editors)
Volume 108 Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors J. Faiz, V. Ghorbanian and G. Joksimović
Volume 110 High Voltage Power Network Construction K. Harker
Volume 111 Energy Storage at Different Voltage Levels: Technology, Integration, and
Market Aspects A.F. Zobaa, P.F. Ribeiro, S.H.A. Aleem and S.N. Afifi (Editors)
Volume 112 Wireless Power Transfer: Theory, Technology and Application N.
Volume 115 DC Distribution Systems and Microgrids T. Dragičević, F. Blaabjerg and
P. Wheeler
Volume 117 Structural Control and Fault Detection of Wind Turbine Systems
H.R. Karimi
Volume 119 Thermal Power Plant Control and Instrumentation: The Control of Boilers
and HRSGs, 2nd Edition D. Lindsley, J. Grist and D. Parker
Volume 120 Fault Diagnosis for Robust Inverter Power Drives A. Ginart (Editor)
Volume 121 Monitoring and Control using Synchrophasors in Power Systems with
Renewables I. Kamwa and C. Lu (Editors)
Volume 123 Power Systems Electromagnetic Transients Simulation, 2nd Edition
N. Watson and J. Arrillaga
Volume 124 Power Market Transformation B. Murray
Volume 125 Wind Energy Modeling and Simulation Volume 1: Atmosphere and Plant
P. Veers (Editor)
Volume 126 Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics
and Drives A.J.M. Cardoso
Volume 128 Characterization of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices F. Wang,
Z. Zhang and E.A. Jones
Volume 129 Renewable Energy from the Oceans: From Wave, Tidal and Gradient
Systems to Offshore Wind and Solar D. Coiro and T. Sant (Editors)
Volume 130 Wind and Solar Based Energy Systems for Communities R. Carriveau and
D.S.-K. Ting (Editors)
Volume 131 Metaheuristic Optimization in Power Engineering J. Radosavljević
Volume 132 Power Line Communication Systems for Smart Grids I.R.S. Casella and
A. Anpalagan
Volume 139 Variability, Scalability and Stability of Microgrids S.M. Muyeen, S.M. Islam
and F. Blaabjerg (Editors)
Volume 145 Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical Machines P. Tavner, L. Ran,
C. Crabtree
Volume 146 Energy Storage for Power Systems, 3rd Edition A.G. Ter-Gazarian
Volume 147 Distribution Systems Analysis and Automation, 2nd Edition J. Gers
Volume 152 Power Electronic Devices: Applications, Failure Mechanisms and
Reliability F Iannuzzo (Editor)
Volume 155 Energy Generation and Efficiency Technologies for Green Residential
Buildings D. Ting and R. Carriveau (Editors)
Volume 157 Electrical Steels, 2 Volumes A. Moses, K. Jenkins, Philip Anderson and
H. Stanbury
Volume 158 Advanced Dielectric Materials for Electrostatic Capacitors Q Li (Editor)
Volume 159 Transforming the Grid Towards Fully Renewable Energy O. Probst,
S. Castellanos and R. Palacios (Editors)
Volume 160 Microgrids for Rural Areas: Research and Case Studies R.K. Chauhan,
K. Chauhan and S.N. Singh (Editors)
Volume 166 Advanced Characterization of Thin Film Solar Cells N. Haegel and
M. Al-Jassim (Editors)
Volume 172 Lighting Interaction with Power Systems, 2 Volumes A. Piantini (Editor)
Volume 905 Power System Protection, 4 Volumes
Power Grids with
Renewable Energy
Storage, integration and digitalization
Edited by
Abdelhay A. Sallam and Om P. Malik
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3 Solar energy 65
3.1 Introduction 65
x Power Grids with Renewable Energy
14.4 Operation requirements for DERs integration into power systems 352
14.4.1 Voltage and frequency function 352
14.4.2 Power system restoration 355
14.4.3 Confirming reliability 357
14.4.4 Virtual inertia 359
14.5 Microgrids 362
14.5.1 MG concept 363
14.5.2 Operation functions 363
14.5.3 Challenges facing MG implementation 364
14.5.4 Role of ESSs 365
14.5.5 Protection strategy 366
14.5.6 Control of MGs 367
14.5.7 Islanding detection 369
14.6 Concluding remarks 369
References 369
Index 553
About the authors
Traditionally, growth and development of the electric power system has been based
on the idea of establishing large size centralized generating power plants to provide
electricity and meet the continuous growing demand in an optimal manner, eco-
nomical and technical. The common types of these plants are that fuelled by fossil
fuels, hydro-turbine power plants, or nuclear power plants. A power grid is dedi-
cated to serve both large and small consumers with electrical energy. In developing
the power grid, attention of power system planners and operators is primarily aimed
at providing the consumers with electrical energy as economically as possible and
with a high degree of reliability and quality of supply.
With the rising environmental concerns about global warming trends, there has
been a big change in thinking about the source of energy for the generation of
electricity. This has resulted in the generation of electricity from renewable sour-
ces, having attracted a tremendous amount of attention worldwide. Renewable
energy, derived from imperishable resources of nature being inexhaustible, has the
major advantage of being replenished or replaced naturally. Examples of potential
sources of renewable energy include biomass, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and
ocean waves, among others. Geothermal and hydro sources have been exploited for
a long time.
Over the past few decades, there has been a tremendous amount of progress in
the development of electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as
wind and solar. Solar and wind-based plants ranging in capacity from hundreds of
megawatts to small distributed plants serving individual residences are in existence
now. Now, these may be considered as having reached the stage of mature tech-
nologies. At the same time, additional research is going on in parallel on the
development of electricity generation from other sources such as oceans and
Considered for long-term use, renewable energy is sustainable and less
expensive as it does not require external feeding of fuels that cannot be replenished.
There is, however, the concern of the non-availability of renewable sources under
certain conditions and lack of control on the resource (fuel) input can significantly
affect the production of sustainable power. Despite this, the benefits of sustainable
energy outweigh its drawbacks.
Nature of the various renewable sources, such as variability and inability to
accurately predict and control, unlike the fossil fuel sources of energy used in
conventional generation, creates its own problems when integrating with the con-
ventional power systems at both the grid and the distribution levels. A tremendous
xxii Power Grids with Renewable Energy
● Despite the generation and use of energy from sustainable sources having
increased significantly recently, there is still a need for optimizing the appli-
cation of natural resources. The renewable energy sources need to be inte-
grated properly with the existing power network for efficient system operation.
The most significant part of the book, Part III ‘Renewables Integration’,
Chapters 13–19, covers interfacing, integration and operational aspects of
renewable energy and includes energy storage, power electronics interfacing
and other operational considerations.
● Communications and cybersecurity, essential for the safe and secure operation
of the integrated system, are covered in Chapters 20 and 21, in the concluding
Part IV ‘Associated Systems’.
● All chapters are supported by a limited number of relevant references so that
the interested reader can pursue more in-depth coverage of any specific topic.
The authors have drawn on their own research and many other tools such as
MATLAB/Simulink and toolboxes.
Abdelhay A. Sallam
Om P. Malik
In the present day, no individual is unto self. It is the cooperative effort of many,
and this book is no exception in that regard. The authors, therefore, wish to record
their appreciation of the help received from various sources in preparing this book.
A part of the material included is based on their research and the work of a number
of graduate students, though not individually named here, who have worked under
their supervision over the years and are making their own contribution to the pro-
fession. Their work and contribution are well appreciated.
The authors, however, feel it appropriate to express their gratitude to certain
individuals by name for their specific contributions and help in putting this book
together. These are
● Dr Azza A. El-Desouky,
● Dr Mai M. Eladany,
● Ahmed H. Elmetwaly,
● Mohamed A. Kapeel,
● Mohamed G. Anany, and
● Mahmoud M. Mashaal.
Chapter 1
Towards the new trend of power grids
Historic growth and development of the electric power system has been based on
the idea of economies of scale and building bigger and bigger electricity generating
plants primarily fuelled by fossil fuels with some hydro generating plants, where
such possibility exists, and a few nuclear generating plants. Global warming trends
and the environmental concerns have brought in a big change in thinking with the
result that over the past couple of decades a tremendous amount of attention has
been devoted to the generation of electricity from renewable sources such as wind,
solar, oceans and biomass.
Electricity generation from wind and solar as primary sources of energy has
advanced tremendously with the result of solar and wind-based plants in all sizes,
ranging in capacity from hundreds of megawatts to small distributed plants serving
individual residences, that are in operation today. Very significant cost reductions
have also resulted in parallel with these developments.
While the state of technology in the development of the wind-based and solar
plants may be considered to have reached the state of maturity, development in the
generation of electricity from other renewable sources has been progressing in
parallel. These are the energy in oceans, utilization of biomass and so on.
The nature of the various renewable sources such as its variability and our inability
to accurately predict and control, unlike the fossil fuel-based sources of energy used in
the conventional generation, creates its own problems when integrating them with the
conventional sources at both the grid and the distribution levels. A tremendous amount
of research and development is taking place in ensuring proper utilization and inte-
gration of the electricity generated from renewable sources. The aspects of both gen-
eration and integration are covered in the subsequent chapters in the book.
A power grid is dedicated to serve both large and small consumers with elec-
trical energy. In developing the power grid, the focus of power system planners and
operators is primarily aimed at providing electrical energy to the customers as
economically as possible and with a high degree of reliability and supply quality.
The term ‘grid’ denotes the entire electric system infrastructure, which is also
commonly known as ‘electric power system’. Thus, the two terms ‘grid’ and
‘power system’ are often used interchangeably [1].
A brief description of conventional power systems, recent developments and
future perspectives based on new enabling technologies, advanced controllers and
communication facilities is presented in this chapter.
2 Power grids with renewable energy
Step-up substation
Step-down substation
generating stations
Pri ran
Industrial load
Step-down substation
security constraints when referred to the post contingency scenarios and can be
written as
PGi ¼ PD þ Ploss and Pmin max
Gi PGi PGi (1.1)
min max
Vj Vj Vj and Sjk Sjkmax 8 branch j k (1.2)
PGi ¼ generated real power at bus # i;
PD ¼ total system demand;
4 Power grids with renewable energy
P D¼ total real power loss in the transmission network;
V j ¼ voltage magnitude at bus # j;
Sjk ¼ apparent power (MVA) flow in branch j k and Ng ¼ number of
Power system stability: It commonly pertains to rotor angle stability. Stability
phenomenon is characterized by generator rotor speed oscillations under a severe
perturbation and can be analysed by solving non-linear dynamic equations describing
the transient behaviour of the system under a set of credible contingencies.
Nowadays, electricity has become all pervasive in the world resulting in tre-
mendous growth in load demand. Consequently, the conventional power system
infrastructure has become
● large scale;
● multi-input/multi-output;
● distributed over large geographical areas requiring the energy needs to be
routed through long distances, resulting in increased transmission losses;
● complex with many interconnections;
● costly due to the investments needed to expand generation, transmission and
distribution systems while still maintaining a desired level of reliability,
security and stability.
In addition, a large part of generation is based on fossil fuel (coal, oil and
natural gas) as source. Inflation and astronomical increase in fuel prices has resulted
in rapid increase in consumer tariffs as well as adverse effects on the environment.
Their combined effects introduce considerable uncertainty in predicting the future.
To satisfy this continued growth in load demand necessitates further development of
the power system that is compatible with environmental considerations.
In a new energy economy, it will be beneficial to empower every consumer to
conserve energy and become an energy producer by generating electricity from
renewable energy sources (RESs). This will become a major issue in satisfying
system adequacy as it creates a reduction in forecast demand, improves system
security and stability as well as reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Distributed generation (DG) including RESs (e.g. wind, solar, photovoltaic (PV),
tidal and micro-hydro) and non-RESs (e.g. fuel cells, diesel generators and micro-gas
turbines) can be interconnected together to form what is called a ‘microgrid’ (MG)
that can operate in isolation, islanded or, in turn, can be connected to a utility
distribution system. Therefore, power system planning and configuration must be
modified to recognize this new scenario [3,4].
1.2 Microgrids
MG technologies help electric system evolve into one that is more efficient, is
less polluting, has lower chances of transmission congestion, has reduced losses
and is more flexible to provide energy consumers’ wants and needs. MGs can help
to make better use of energy generated, stored and used at a local level, e.g. local
generation and islanding operation. In addition, in future each client can become an
autonomous entity with the capability of not only demanding but also injecting
power into the grid when the generated power exceeds the local needs [5,6].
Lately, utility companies have been motivated to encourage connection of
local RESs at the distribution level. This can modernize the conventional power
systems into multiple, interconnected distribution systems, i.e. MGs. However, it is
not a simple proposition to move from the centralized system that has developed
over the past more than 135 years to one that is distributed. Implementing DG
comes with challenges as the present electric power infrastructure is not designed to
meet problems pertaining to operational capability and quality of supply of elec-
tricity generation using RESs such as wind and solar, which are intermittent and
An example of MG architecture connected to an utility distribution network is
illustrated in Figure 1.2. It typically comprises non-renewable (e.g. AC diesel
generators) and renewable generation units (e.g. wind, solar, micro-hydro, ocean
wave and tidal) in addition to energy storage systems (ESSs). These energy sources
(variable frequency AC, DC and energy storage) are connected to DC bus through
AC/DC converter, DC/DC converter and interface power electronic circuits. The
local DC loads are fed from the DC bus. The excess of DC energy can be converted
into AC energy by DC/AC inverter to be connected to AC bus at the point of
common coupling (PCC). The AC bus is fed from both MG and utility grid to
supply the AC loads [7]. More details are given in Chapter 14, Section 14.5.
DC bus
energy AC/DC
sources converter
DC loads
AC bus
energy smoothing AC loads
sources circuit
Energy Interface PCC
storage power electronic
systems circuit
Microgrid Utility
It is to be noted that the traditional concepts and practices of power systems have
changed as different energy sources and storage systems are added. More compli-
cated controllers, information systems and new technologies encompassing power
electronics and two-way communication systems are of paramount importance for
Towards the new trend of power grids 7
Step-up substation
Compressed air
Step-down substation
Plug-in electric
PV array
Battery storage
Wind farm
Operation of the power grid shown in Figure 1.3 will become more complex as
significant power will flow in both directions, i.e. not only from the power system
to the consumer but also from the consumer to the power system. Problems such as
excessive voltage variations and bottlenecks may occur more frequently, and then,
additional investments in the network reinforcement in more sophisticated protec-
tive relaying and control systems are required. Thus, modification in the grid design
is needed essentially to benefit from the potential of greater flexibility offered by
DG, flexible loads, storage systems, computer monitoring and control technologies,
and communication networks [9].
Such flexibility would help reinforce the conventional network, make it
smarter and provide enhancement to ensure the following:
● High level of security, quality, reliability and availability of electric power.
● Optimization of the use of the existing network, thereby minimizing distribu-
tion grid extensions.
● Improved economic productivity and quality of life.
● Minimization of environmental impact while simultaneously maximizing
safety and sustainability.
● To deal with this paradigm shift, active involvement of both consumers and
distribution system operators (DSOs) is a must [10].
(MGs) as well as ESSs into the power grid. So, the power grid is a system that
encompasses multi-energy sources, transmission networks and distribution net-
works incorporating several MGs. This composition needs different components of
the power grid to be integrated together to constitute the infrastructure that enables
the power grid to function properly. New technologies such as digital commu-
nication systems, sensor technology, FACTS devices, supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA), phasor measuring units (PMUs), DR programs, IT and
intelligent metering technology can support this integration with a goal of satisfy-
ing the following [11]:
● procuring accurate demand forecast and renewable energy availability;
● real-time monitoring, operation and control of power system components
(remotely and local);
● real-time management of power demand and economic dispatch;
● desired power quality and security level;
● energy sustainability;
● achieving cleanliness and environmental friendliness as much as possible; and
● self-healing that needs the grid to rapidly detect, analyse, respond and restore.
With the implication of advanced technologies satisfying all or some of these
aspects, the power grid is being referred to as ‘smart grid’ (SG). Improvement of
the conventional power grid, to behave as an SG, is based on selected aspects that
each utility concerns itself with. In addition, as the new enabling technologies
(information, communication and automation) are exploited intensely in the power
grids, the power grid gets smarter. There is no clear or standard definition of an SG.
Everyone seems to have own vision and a framework for an SG.
According to an Alberta, Canada, government report, SG is a broad concept
that describes the integration of hardware, computer monitoring and control tech-
nologies, and modern communications networks into an electricity grid [1].
European Commission Task Force on Smart Grid defined SG as ‘an electricity
network that can intelligently integrate the action of all users connected to it –
generators, consumers and those that do both – in order to ensure economically
efficient and sustainable power system with low losses, high level of power quality,
security of supply and safety’ [12].
In the US Energy Independence and Security Act 2007, ‘smart grid’ refers to a
modernization of the electricity delivery system so that it monitors, protects and
automatically optimizes the operation of its interconnected elements – from the
central and distributed generator through appliances and other household devices.
In the absence of a formal definition of ‘smart grid’, a generic description, as
good as any, is as follows: ‘a smart grid is a digitally enabled electric grid that
gathers, distributes and acts on information about the behavior of all components
in order to improve the efficiency, reliability and sustainability of electricity
devices’ [1].
An example of SG perspective of the future is depicted in Figure 1.4, where the
communication, information and computer technologies provide predictive infor-
mation, recommendations, and real-time monitoring and control to utilities. Each of
Towards the new trend of power grids 11
SCADA for transmission
and storage automation Satellite
r li
SCADA concentrator Fuel cell
Control centre Solar-thermal
Utility distribution PMU
network Smart
PCC meter
Plug-in electric
Data aggregator/
FLYWHEEL concentrator
Flywheel MOTOR/
Control centre Load
PV array
Smart Power
meter converter
Battery storage devices
Wind farm
[4] Krishnan V., Ho J., Hobbs B. H., et al. ‘Co-optimization of transmission and
other supply resources – concept, review and modeling approaches’. Energy
Systems. 2015;7(2):1–36.
[5] Basu A. K., Chowdhury S. P., Chowdhury S., Ray D. and Crossley P. A.
‘Reliability study of a micro-grid power system’. Universities Power
Engineering Conference 2008, UPEC, 43rd International. Padova,
Sep 2008, pp. 1–4.
[6] Ahshan R., Iqbal M. T., Mann G. K. I. and Quaicoe J. E. ‘Micro-grid system
based on renewable power generation units’. Electrical and Computer
Engineering (CCECE), 2010 23rd Canadian Conference on. Calgary, AB,
Canada, May 2010, pp. 1–4.
[7] Nehrir M. H., Wang C., Strunz K., et al. ‘A review of hybrid renewable/
alternative energy systems for electric power generation: Configurations,
control, and applications’. IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy. 2011;
[8] Nakayama T., Yagai T., Tsuda M. and Hamajimam T. ‘Micro power grid
with SMES and superconducting cable modules cooled by liquid hydrogen’.
IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity. 2009;19(3):2062–5.
[9] Albuyeh I. F. ‘Grid of the future’. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. 2009;
[10] Mallet P., Granstrom P. O., Hallberg P., Lorenz G. and Mandatova P.
‘European perspectives on the future of electric distribution’. IEEE Power &
Energy Magazine. 2014;12(4):51–64.
[11] Petinrin J. O. and Shaaban M. ‘Smart power grid: technologies and appli-
cations’. 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Power and Energy (PECon). Kota
Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia, 2012, pp. 892–7.
[12] European Commission. ‘European smart grid technology platform’.
Luxemburg, Dec 2006.
[13] Fang X., Misra S., Xue G. and Yang D. ‘Smart grid – The new and improved
power grid: a survey’. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 2012;
Part I
Renewable energy sources
Chapter 2
Wind energy
One of the most mature technologies for renewable resources is the wind energy.
The wind is a motion of air masses caused by the different thermal conditions of
these masses. The energy produced by this motion can be converted into another
form of energy, such as electric energy. This approach, known as wind power
generation, has grown rapidly during the past few decades in many countries
around the world.
Major catalysts for this rapid growth have arisen in the recent past: continuous
technological advances in power electronics, controls and physical attributes (e.g.
tower heights and blades) as well as cost reduction and significant advancements in
understanding the access of wind power generation to the grid. Consequently, more
attention is paid to high penetration of wind power sources in power systems as
these sources are not only a means to reduce CO2 gas emissions but also an eco-
nomic alternative.
This chapter is focused on the description of wind system components and
their functions being combined to convert the wind power to electrical output
power. The basic relations necessary to design the wind turbine (WT) and evaluate
its performance are introduced. The recommended controllers are also explained as
the wind speed varies with time and yields a fluctuating character to the system.
Different terms may be used when talking about the wind system such as wind
generator, wind turbine generator, wind-driven generator and wind energy con-
version system. In this chapter and in most literature, the term ‘wind turbine’ is
used. It is to be noted that the power is the energy per unit time.
The main components of a WT are blades, rotor shaft, gearbox and generator
(Figure 2.1). A simplified block diagram representing the WT system is shown in
Figure 2.2. It is to be noted that the components gearbox, yaw drive, coupling, main
shaft, etc. are represented as gear system model, whereas the generator model
includes the interface system and a transformer to step up the generated voltage to
the desired voltage. In addition, other parts, e.g. control panel, are all placed in a
compartment known as ‘nacelle’. It is to be noted that the nacelle may also contain
a transformer. Inflow of wind activates the blades and rotor which in turn spins the
18 Power grids with renewable energy
Main Gearbox
Hub shaft Brake Generator
inflow High-speed
Gear system Generator
model model
WT Utility grid
model Substation
main shaft and generator resulting in electrical output power. WTs can be installed
close to the ground (onshore) or close to sea level (offshore) as shown in Figure 2.3.
Onshore WT installation is much cheaper than the offshore installation. The
rotor shaft can rotate about either a horizontal axis or a vertical axis. Based on the
axis of rotation, WT is classified into two types: horizontal axis wind turbine
(HAWT) and vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT).
Figure 2.3 Onshore HAWT (on the left side) and offshore HAWT (on the
right side)
Nacelle with
gearbox and Swept area
generator of blades
Hub Rotor blade
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4 HAWT: a schematic diagram. (a) Side view and (b) front view
20 Power grids with renewable energy
Wind Wind
direction direction
Upwind Downwind
motor. Most have a gearbox which turns the slow rotation of the blades into a faster
rotation more suitable to drive an electrical generator. Depending on the rotor
orientation, two types should be discussed: upwind machines and downwind
machines (Figure 2.5).
made more flexible; that is, the blades can be allowed to bend at high wind speeds,
thus taking part of the load off the tower. Therefore, the basic advantage of the
downwind machine is that it may be built somewhat lighter than an upwind machine.
Downwind configuration has another advantage; it is easier to take advantage of
centrifugal forces to reduce the blade root flap bending moments. This is because the
blades are normally coned downwind, so centrifugal moments tend to counteract
moments due to thrust. On the contrary, the basic disadvantage of downwind machine
is the fluctuation in the wind power due to shadowing effects of the tower. This may
give more fatigue loads on the turbine than with an upwind design.
Fixed pitch
rotor blade
Gearbox Generator
(a) (b)
Figure 2.6 HAWT: (a) schematic diagram and (b) physical picture
22 Power grids with renewable energy
turbulent flow, some problems can be introduced associated with vibrations such
as noise and bearing wear, so more frequent maintenance is required and
otherwise the service life may be shortened; and (iv) the blades on a VAWT
cannot be made to spill the high wind to protect the generator as easily as pitch-
controlled blades on a HAWT.
It is seen that the WT can be designed as a HAWT or a VAWT. For a HAWT
which is used in common, it will be either upwind or downwind. In all designs,
the rotor with blades is the WT component that is facing into the wind to convert
the wind power into rotational motion. So, the design decision relating to the
number of blades should be taken. Basically, multi-bladed design presents a
large swept area, and accordingly, it enables both low speed and high torque
operation. For instance, in case of a rotor with one blade the turbulence nega-
tively affects the blade efficiency but with fewer blades the turbine can spin
faster before the turbulence becomes excessive and consequently the generator
can be physically smaller in size. In the USA, WTs mostly have two blades,
whereas most European turbines have three blades. Three blades WT presents
smoother operation and lower noise, but on the other hand, the weight and cost
are considerably increased.
Ke ¼ ½mv2 (2.1)
Thus, the power, P, produced by this mass through an area, A, can be con-
sidered as the energy per unit time, that is,
m 2
P¼½ _ 2
v ¼ ½mv (2.2)
where T is the time.
The flow rate of the mass, m, through the area, A, is defined as the product of
air density, r, speed, v, and cross-sectional area, A, that is,
dm D
¼m_ ¼ rAv (2.3)
Incorporating (2.2) and (2.3) and considering the wind as a packet of air with
mass, m, the wind power in watts, Pw, can be given by
Pw ¼ ½rAv3 (2.4)
where r is the air density (kg/m ), v is the wind speed normal to A (m/s) and A is the
cross-sectional area (m2) through which the wind passes. It is to be noted that
r ¼ 1.225 kg/m3 at 15 C and 1 atm.
Wind energy 23
Hence, the wind power per unit area which is called ‘power intensity’ or
‘specific power’ Pspec, can be obtained in W/m2 as
Pspec ¼ ¼ ½rv3 (2.5)
which can be plotted as shown in Figure 2.7.
It is found from (2.4) that the wind speed is proportional to both the cube of
wind speed and the swept area of turbine rotor. On the other hand, wind energy, Ew,
obtained in time, T, can be expressed as
Ew ¼ Pw T ¼ ½rAv3 T (2.6)
Hence, decreasing the wind speed requires an increase in time taken to obtain
the same wind energy. The swept area of turbine rotor, A ¼ pD2 =4, where D is the
blade diameter (m), and so (2.4) can be rewritten as
Pw ¼ prD2 v3 =8 (2.7)
Thus, the wind power is proportional to the square of blade diameter as well.
This means that depending on increasing the blade diameter to increase the wind
power is more cost-effective as the turbine cost may be considered as a quantity
proportional to the blade diameter. More discussion of wind power dependency on
Specific power (W/m2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Wind speed (m/s)
Figure 2.7 Variation of specific power (or power intensity) versus wind speed
24 Power grids with renewable energy
Example 2.1 From (2.4), it is seen that doubling the wind speed increases the
power by a factor of 8, whereas from (2.7), doubling the blade diameter increases
the power to four times its value.
With respect to the wind energy, it is the product of wind power and the time as
given by (2.6). So, for a turbine with constant swept area and assuming v ¼ 10 m/s,
the wind energy E ¼ ½rA(10)3T. If v is increased to 15 m/s, the corresponding
energy will be E ¼ ½rA(15)3T; that is, the energy E is increased by a factor of (1.5)
. So, the time T can be decreased by a factor of (1/1.5)3 to obtain the same wind
energy. Similarly, when v decreases and becomes 5 m/s (i.e. half its value), time T
is increased by a factor of 8 which equals (1/0.5)3.
Considering a period of 50 h, wind velocity is 10 m/s during the first 20 h, and
then increases to 15 m/s for the rest of the time. Obviously, the wind energy is the
sum of that obtained in 20 and 30 h. Assuming A ¼ 1 m2, then
3 20 30
v av ¼ ð10Þ3 þ ð15Þ3 ¼ 400 þ 2;025 ¼ 2;425
50 50
and the corresponding Eav ¼ ½(1.225)(1)(2,425)(50) ¼ 74,265.625 Wh, which is
an accurate result. Another form of (2.8) can be written as
P 3
3 i vi ðhours at vi Þ
v av ¼ P (2.9)
Wind energy 25
It is to be noted that the term ‘fraction of hours at vi’ in (2.8) represents the
probability of the wind having v ¼ vi. However, more details about statistics and
probability application are given in Section 2.2.3.
For a VAWT, the swept area may be approximated as two-thirds the area of a
rectangle with height equal to the rotor height (H) and width equal to the rotor
diameter (D). Thus,
A ¼ DH (2.10)
PV ¼ nRT (2.11)
● P ¼ the absolute pressure (atm), 1 atm ¼ 101.325 kPa;
● V ¼ the volume (m3);
● n ¼ the mass (mol);
● R ¼ the ideal gas constant ¼ 8.2056 105 (m3atm)/(kmol);
● T ¼ the absolute temperature (K) and K ¼ C þ 273.15.
Assuming Mw stands for molecular weight of the gas (g/mol), it may equal
28.97 g/mol and air density can be expressed as
r¼ 103 kg=m3 (2.12)
Substitute V from (2.11) into (2.12) to obtain
r¼ 103 kg=m3 (2.13)
Thus, both the pressure, P, and temperature, T, have an impact on determining the
air density, r.
Pressure impact
As the air pressure is a function of altitude and the WTs may be located at sites
above sea level, it is useful to determine the pressure at different heights in terms of
air density.
26 Power grids with renewable energy
Considering a static column of air with cross section A and taking a slice of air
with thickness ds and density r, the difference of pressure between the top and
bottom of the slice is given by
dp ¼ grds
¼ gr (2.14)
where g is the gravitational acceleration and equals 9.806 m/s2.
Substituting r as in (2.13) into (2.14) gives
dp gMw
¼ p 103 (2.15)
ds RT
Temperature impact
As shown in (2.13) or (2.18), air density is inversely proportional to the tempera-
ture; that is, when the temperature increases, the air density decreases. The standard
value of air density is 1.225 kg/m3 at 15 C.
v ¼ wind speed;
vo ¼ wind speed at height Ho;
H ¼ rotor height;
Ho ¼ reference height (it is often a height of 10 m);
z ¼ roughness length (it equals 2 104 for water surface, 0.03 for open areas,
0.1 for farm land, 0.4 for urban districts and 1.6 for dense urban or forest) or in the
United States:
v H
¼ (2.20)
vo Ho
where a ¼ the friction coefficient and roughly equals 1/7 for open terrain (it
ranges from 0.1 for smooth ground or calm water to 0.4 for big city with tall
From (2.4), the wind power, Pw, at height H, referred to reference wind power,
Pwo, at height Ho can be obtained as
Pw v
Pwo vo
lnðH=zÞ 3
¼ European form (2.21)
lnðHo =zÞ
¼ US form
Example 2.2
(a) Find the air density at 1 atm and 35 C.
(b) Find the air density at 20 C and an elevation of a height of 2,500 m. What is
its value at temperature 7 C? Also find the power density.
(c) A wind speed of 7 m/s is indicated by an anemometer mounted at height of
10 m. Assuming a temperature of 15 C, pressure of 1 atm and friction
coefficient of 0.2, find the wind speed and specific power at a height of 40 m.
28 Power grids with renewable energy
(a) Using (2.13), air density, r, is
Comparison of (2.26) with (2.24) shows that the fraction of the wind’s power
extracted by the blades (in other words, rotor efficiency) is CP as given in (2.27).
CP versus l is depicted in Figure 2.8. It shows that the rotor efficiency reaches a
maximum when downwind speed is one-third of its wind speed.
Differentiating (2.27) with respect to l and equating to zero results in l ¼ 1/3
and the corresponding rotor efficiency (it is called ‘Betz limit’) is 59.26%. In
practice, rotor efficiency is not as high as 59%; a typical efficiency is between 35%
and 45%.
Rotor efficiency, Cp
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
l = Vd /v
Figure 2.8 Rotor efficiency versus ratio of downwind speed to upwind speed
Wind energy 31
upwind does not affect the blades. If the rotor turns too fast, its efficiency is
reduced as well because of the turbulence. Variation of rotor efficiency versus TSR
for turbines with different number of blades is shown in Figure 2.9 [2].
Example 2.3 Two-blade WT, 40-m rotor diameter, produces 400 kW at a wind
speed of 12 m/s. Using the standard air density value of 1.225 kg/m3 at 15 C and
1 atm, find the following:
(a) the rotor rpm assuming that it operates with a TSR ¼ 5.5;
(b) the rotor tip speed;
(c) the gear ratio needed to rotate the generator at 2,000 rpm;
(d) the overall efficiency of the WT system.
(a) Using (2.28),
TSR 600v 5:5 60 12
rpm ¼ ¼ ¼ 31:5 rpm
pD p 40
(it means about 2 s per revolution).
(b) Tip speed ¼ (31.5 p 40)/60 ¼ 65.97 m/s.
Betz limit
Theoretical turbine
50 High-speed
two-blade turbine
Rotor efficiency, Cp (%)
Multi-blade Darrieus turbine
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tip-speed ratio
Probability of wind speed ¼ f ðvÞdv ¼ 1 for 0 v 1
ð v2 (2.29)
¼ f ðvÞdv for v1 v v2
Total area under
f (v)
0.0 of wind speed v
v1 ≤ v ≤ v2
v1 v2 Wind speed
The number of hours in a period, T, at which the wind speed is within v1 and v2
can be computed by the product of its probability and the time, T, in hours, because
f (v) expresses the fraction of time the wind speed is between v1 and v2. Thus,
ð v2
Number of hours=T ðv1 v v2 Þ ¼ T f ðvÞdv (2.30)
For instance, if T ¼ 8,760 h, (2.30) gives the number of hours per year, the
wind speed is between v1 and v2.
The average value of the cube of the wind speed using pdf can be found in the
same manner as that applied for the discrete approach in (2.8) and is given by
v av ¼ v3 f ðvÞdv (2.31)
k v k1 ðv=cÞk
f ðv Þ ¼ e for 0 v 1 % of hours=year=ðm=sÞ (2.32)
c c
● k is defined as the shape parameter and is practically presented for most sites
within the range of 1.5 to 2.5;
● c is known as the scaling factor and pertains to the number of days with high
wind speed.
The shape of the curve representing (2.32) varies with the value of the
parameter k as plotted in Figure 2.11 assuming a constant scaling factor, c.
At most sites around the world, k ¼ 2, and substituting this value into (2.32)
gives what is called ‘Rayleigh pdf’ as
2 v ðv=cÞ2
f ðv Þ ¼ e (2.33)
c c
14 k3
k1 < k2 < k3
12 c = constant
f (v) × 10–2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Wind speed (m/s)
c = 3 m/s
c = 5 m/s
10 c = 7 m/s
c = 9 m/s
Rayleigh pdf (%)
8 c = 11 m/s
c = 13 m/s
0 5 10 15 20 25
Wind speed (m/s)
Substituting f (v) from (2.33) into (2.31), the average value of the cube of the
wind speed is
ð1 pffiffiffi
3 2v 2 3 p 3
v av ¼ v3 2 eðv=cÞ dv ¼ c (2.34)
0 c 4
Consequently, the average wind power can be calculated using
1 3 p
Pav ¼ rA v3 av ¼ rAc3 (2.35)
2 8
Wind energy 35
Example 2.4 Deduce the average wind speed using Rayleigh pdf and compare the
result with that obtained for the value of the cube of the wind speed. Examine the
impact on the average wind power.
Solution Like the equation of (v3)av in (2.31), the average speed can be written as
vav ¼ vf ðvÞdv (2.36)
2.3.1 Airfoils
Airfoils are aerodynamic surfaces, for example, air plane wings, propeller blades
and wind rotor blades. Based on the shape of their cross section, they must generate
36 Power grids with renewable energy
Hub shaft
Gearbox Generator
Wind direction
a big lift with a corresponding small drag. The lifting force causes the turbine
blades to rotate. It is created as the pressure on the top of airfoil is less than that
under it. This difference of pressure is due to the fact that the air moving on the top
travels a longer distance before rejoining again the air passing immediately under
the airfoil [3].
Figure 2.14 depicts a cross section through an airfoil describing the forces on a
rotating turbine blade. An arbitrary reference plane is chosen and represented in x–y
frame by asymmetric axis A–B, where the region above the plane differs from that
under it. The air flows relative to the airfoil along x-axis, and so, a force is acting on
Wind energy 37
the foil. This force has two components: (i) drag component parallel to the wind
velocity, v, along the x-axis produced by pressure pD and (ii) lift component per-
pendicular to the velocity produced by pressure pL . The angle between wind
direction and the reference line is defined as the ‘angle of attack’ b.
Pressures pL and pD are determined experimentally under specified conditions
for each shape of the airfoil. It is found that the pressures are related to the dynamic
pressure, ½rv2 , by proportionality constants: lift coefficient CL and drag coefficient
CD , respectively.
pL ¼ ½rv2 CL
pD ¼ ½rv2 CD g (2.40)
Here, CL and CD are mainly functions of the angle of attack. A typical plot of both
CL and CD versus the angle of attack is shown in Figure 2.15. Increasing the angle
of attack improves lift component associated with an increase in drag component as
well. On the other hand, if the lift increase is too much, a phenomenon called ‘stall’
takes place. When a blade stalls, the airflow over the top does not stick to the
surface and the resulting turbulence destroys the lift.
Based on the effect of lift and drag forces, two designs of turbines are mostly
used to generate electricity from wind: drag turbines and lifting turbines. The
operation of drag turbine is based on the friction caused by wind on turbine blades.
The wind creates a force in the direction of its blowing. The turbine blade on which
the wind impinges cannot move faster than the wind itself.
Lifting turbines operate through the lifting effect produced by wind where the
wind generates a force normal to the direction of its blowing. The turbine blade can
move faster than the wind itself.
0.8 CD
0.4 CL
Figure 2.15 Typical lift and drag coefficient versus angle of attack
38 Power grids with renewable energy
Power curve describes the relationship between wind speed and generator
electrical power output. It is of crucial importance to technically evaluate the per-
formance of a specific WT [4].
Power curve, in general form, encompasses four bands of wind speed: (i) cut-
in, (ii) normal operation, (iii) high and (iv) cut-out wind speeds (Figure 2.16). The
first band represents the cut-in wind speed band. It ranges from zero to what is
called ‘cut-in speed’, which is the minimum speed of generation, VC(in). Below this
speed, wind may not have enough power to supply both friction losses and gen-
erator field windings. At most, the power generated just supplies the friction losses.
Therefore, no power is generated at wind speed below VC(in).
The second band ranges from VC(in) to the rated speed, Vr. Starting from VC(in)
and increasing the wind speed, the power delivered by the generator tends to rise as
it is proportional to the cube of wind speed. Reaching the rated wind speed Vr, the
generator delivers its rated power in correspondence to its design. So, this band is
the normal operation maintained by controlling the blade position with respect to
the direction of wind attack.
The third band is the high wind speed. When the speed exceeds the rated value,
Vr, high-speed controllers can be actuated to maintain a maximum constant output
power limited by generator capacity. Pitch-control system to reduce the blade’s
angle of attack to shed some of wind or using stall control to increase the angle of
attack to create stall can be applied until a certain speed limit is reached, Vlimit. The
fourth band, above the speed limit, corresponds to the wind having excessive speed
Rated power
Generated power (kW)
VC(in) Vr VC(out)
First Fourth
Second band Third band
band band
Wind speed (m/s)
that is too strong and may cause mechanical damage to the generator, as well as
there is a real danger to the WT. At this speed, called ‘cut-out wind speed’, VC(out)
the machine must be shut down and no power is generated.
Example 2.5 A WT has 1,500 kW rated power, 64-m rotor diameter, cut-in wind
speed of 5 m/s, rated wind speed of 16 m/s and cut-out wind speed of 27 m/s. Using
Rayliegh statistics (k ¼ 2) and considering the scaling factor c equals 12, find the
(a) The number of hours per year at which (i) wind speed is less than or equal to
cut-in speed and (ii) the WT should be shut down when the wind speed is
(b) The energy generated per year at the rated power.
(a) As given by (2.37), the average wind speed is
vav ¼ c ¼ 10:6 m=s
From (2.29) and (2.32), the cumulative distribution function for Weibull sta-
tistics of wind speed equals to or is less than a specific value, V, and is the
integration of the function from zero to that speed, that is,
ð V k1
k v k
f ð0 v V Þ ¼ eðv=cÞ dv for 0 v V (2.42)
0 c c
v k dx k v k1
x¼ ; then; ¼
c dv c c
f ðv V Þ ¼ 1 eðv=cÞ (2.44)
In case of Rayleigh statistics, (2.44) is of the form
f ðv V Þ ¼ 1 eðv=cÞ (2.45)
Substitute c from (2.37) into (2.45) to get
f ðv V Þ ¼ 1 eðp=4Þðv=vav Þ (2.46)
Therefore, probability function of wind speed greater than V is the inte-
gration of the function from V to infinity, or in other words, it equals one
minus the probability of wind speed less than V as the summation of the two
probabilities represented by the total area under the curve of the function
against wind speed is unity. This means that
2 2
f ðv V Þ ¼ 1 ½1 eðp=4Þðv=vav Þ ¼ eðp=4Þðv=vav Þ (2.47)
Apply (2.46) to get the probability that the wind speed is VC(in) as
2 2
f v VCðinÞ ¼ 1 eðp=4Þðv=vav Þ ¼ 1 eðp=4Þð5=10:6Þ ¼ 0:16
The number of hours the wind v VCðinÞ ¼ 8;760 0:16 ¼
1;401:6 h=year.
Similarly, the hours when wind speed is greater than VC(out) can be obtained
using (2.47).
2 2
Hours v VCðoutÞ ¼ 8;760eðp=4Þðv=vav Þ ¼ 8; 760eðp=4Þð27=10:6Þ
¼ 53:6 h=year
(b) As is clear from the WT power curve, the rated power is delivered when the
wind speed is between rated speed, Vr, and cut-out speed, VC(out). Probability
(Vr v VC(out)) is the difference between probability (v Vr) and prob-
ability (v VC(out)), that is,
f Vr v VCðoutÞ ¼ f ðv Vr Þ f v VCðoutÞ
2 2
¼ eðp=4Þð16=10:6Þ eðp=4Þð27=10:6Þ
¼ 0:167 0:006 ¼ 0:161
Thus, hours Vr v VCðoutÞ ¼ 8;760 0:161 ¼ 1;410:36 h=year
Wind energy 41
The rated energy delivered by the wind turbine
¼ rated power no: of hours
¼ 1;500 1;410:36 ¼ 2:11554 106 kWh=year
Gearbox SCIG
Utility grid
Capacitor bank
Gearbox DFIG
Utility grid
PMSG Converter
Utility grid
Figure 2.17 Classic WT–generator systems. (a) Constant wind speed turbine with
SCIG. (b) Variable wind speed turbine with DFIG. (c) Variable wind
speed turbine with PMSG
IGs provide natural protection against short circuits and damping any current surge
by the magnetization path of the iron core without fear of demagnetization. On the
contrary, a major disadvantage is that the IG needs a reasonable amount of reactive
power as it does not contain permanent magnets (PMs) or other means to provide
Wind energy 43
The voltage induced on the rotor, Er, is established for any speed with respect
to the blocked rotor voltage, Ero, as
E2 ¼ Er ¼ sEro (2.50)
Er sEro
Zr ¼ ¼ ¼ Rr þ jsXro (2.53)
Ir Ir
where Xro is the ‘blocked rotor’ reactance and Rr is the rotor winding resistance.
From (2.51), the rotor impedance can be calculated at any rotor speed from the
blocked rotor test as
Ero Rr Zr
Zro ¼ ¼ þ jXro ¼ (2.54)
Ir s s
Then, using (2.51) through (2.54), the rotor impedance referred to the primary can
be obtained by
E1 Rr
Z2 ¼ ¼ g2 þ jXro (2.55)
I2 s
R1 jX1 jX2
Im I2
Vt Rm jXm E1 R2/s
The rotor equivalent resistance, R2/s, depends on the rotor speed, which is a
major difference with respect to a transformer equivalent circuit as the rotor voltage
is subjected to a variable frequency causing Er, Rr and Xr to be variable. However,
the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2.18 is usually considered for analysis.
Using (2.57), the apparent rotor power can be formulated by
E12 s
S ¼ E1 I2 ¼ (2.59)
R2 þ jX2 s
Therefore, it is seen that the rotor power factor depends on the slip, s, and other
parameters. In respect of voltage, the quadrature leading current component is
almost constant for all terminal voltages. So, the reactive power absorbed by the
equivalent circuit must be supplied by an external source such as utility grid,
capacitor banks or an electronic compensator.
Equivalent circuit in transient state
Machine model is necessary for examining the dynamic and transient behaviour of
the machine, to develop machine control and define the machine variables in
transient state as well as in steady state. Therefore, the dynamic model is used to
provide information to the planners to design enabling controllers for transition
from one state to another. Consequently, the dynamic model is generally repre-
sented by differential equations.
46 Power grids with renewable energy
R1 X′
Vt E′
slip rings using a power electronic converter. It is also possible to alter the rotor
reactance by modulating series inductors. The stator is directly connected to the
utility grid or an external AC voltage source to be supplied at constant frequency
and constant three-phase voltage amplitude [6].
Magnetic fields created in the air gap by both stator and rotor windings will
rotate at the same speed but with a phase shift, as a function of the torque. The
machine torque, active power, reactive power through the stator and rotor can be
controlled by adjusting the voltage (magnitude, phase and frequency) introduced in
the rotor.
Commonly, two level converters (rotor side converter ‘RSC’ and grid side
converter ‘GSC’) are used. RSC generates a three-phase voltage with variable
amplitude and frequency to control the machine torque as well as the reactive
power exchanged between the stator and the grid. GSC exchanges with the grid the
active power extracted or injected by RSC from the rotor. A schematic diagram
showing this configuration is depicted in Figure 2.20. It is noted that a transformer
is used to adapt the generated voltage to the point of common coupling (PCC).
Steady-state model
To ideally represent the DFIM by a simplified per-phase equivalent circuit, some
assumptions are considered: the stator windings are supplied by an external voltage
source or the grid at constant and balanced three-phase voltage amplitude and
frequency. Similarly, the rotor is supplied independently, by a source at constant
and balanced three-phase voltage such as power electronic converter. It is to be
noted that the frequency of the voltage and current of the stator differs from those
of the rotor. The stator frequency is fixed as the stator is directly connected to the
external source, whereas the frequency of rotor voltages and currents depends on
the machine speed. So, the rotor has controllable parameters such as current, vol-
tage, frequency and phase shift with respect to the stator voltage angle. Three
modes of operation for the DFIM, depending on the sign of the slip, are possible;
sub-synchronous operation at positive slip, synchronous operation at zero slip and
hyper-synchronous operation at negative slip.
The per-phase equivalent circuit representing the DFIM is drawn in
Figure 2.21, where the rotor parameters, current and voltages are necessarily to be
Utility grid or
AC voltage source
Gearbox Slip
V1 E1 E2 = s E1 V2
Figure 2.21 DFIM representation with different stator and rotor frequencies
(rotor current and voltage are referred to the stator)
referred to the stator. The parameters used in this representation are defined as in
the following. Vectors are written in bold fonts.
● Vs ¼ the applied voltage to the stator ¼ Vs ⦤ 0 ;
● Vr ¼ the applied voltage to the rotor ¼ Vr ⦤ j ;
● Is, Ir ¼ stator and rotor current, respectively;
● Es, Er ¼ induced emf in the stator and rotor, respectively;
● Rs, Rr ¼ stator and rotor resistance, respectively;
● Ns, Nr ¼ number of turns per phase of stator and rotor windings,
● g ¼ turns ratio ¼ Ns/Nr;
● L‘s, L‘r ¼ stator and rotor leakage inductance, respectively;
● X‘s, X‘r ¼ stator and rotor leakage impedance, respectively.
From this definition, the stator parameters are renamed as
V 1 ¼ V s ¼ V1 ⦤ 0 ; E1 ¼ Es ; I1 ¼ Is ; R1 ¼ Rs ; X1 ¼ Xls ¼ ws Lls
and consequently, the rotor parameters, current and voltages, referred to the stator
V 2 ¼ applied rotor voltage ¼ gV r ¼ V2 ⦤ j
D 1
I 2 ¼ rotor current ¼ I r ; E2 induced voltage in the rotor ¼ gEr ¼ sE1
R2 ¼ rotor resistance ¼ g2 Rr
Xlr ¼ rotor reactance at rotor frequency ¼ sws Llr
As shown in Figure 2.21, the following relations can be derived.
From the stator side:
V1 E1 ¼ I1 ðR1 þ jX1 Þ at stator frequency; fs (2.62)
Wind energy 49
Y1 ¼ Lm ðI1 þ I2 Þ þ L1 I1 ¼ Ls I1 þ Lm I2
Y2 ¼ Lm ðI1 þ I2 Þ þ L2 I2 ¼ Lm I1 þ Lr I2 g (2.68)
V1 E1 Rm Xm V2/s
I1 jw1Ѱ1 R1I1 I1
V1 V1
R2I2 αv
V2 V2
LmI2 –LsI1 βi
L1I2 Ѱ1 Ѱ1
L mI 1 Ѱ2
I2 I2
(a) (b)
Figure 2.23 Phasor diagram of a DFIM at negative slip and zero stator reactive
power (a) deduced from model equations and (b) indicating phase
shifts between flux and both voltage and current for stator and rotor
Wind energy 51
V1 V1
Ѱ1 Ѱ1 Ѱ2
(a) (b)
P1, Q1 Stator Rotor P2, Q2
ωs, I1, V1 sωs, I2, V2
Pcu1 + Pcu2
Substituting (2.72) through (2.75) into (2.71) to obtain Pmec, which includes
core loss corresponding to Rm in Figure 2.22 as
Figure 2.26 The electric equivalent circuit indicating the dependent elements
on the slip
Wind energy 53
Stator Rotor
P1, Q1 P2, Q2
sωs, I2, V2 V1
ωs, I1, V1
V2 I2
I1 ψ2
Pmec ψ1
numeric calculations. To do that, base quantities are chosen. For instance, if the
stator rms values of voltages, currents and angular speed are chosen as basic base
values, then
Base voltage : Vbase ¼ jV 1 jrated
Base current : Ibase ¼ jI 1 jrated (2.82)
Base angular speed : wbase ¼ ws
● jV1 jrated ¼ line to neutral rated rms stator voltage (V);
● jI1 jrated ¼ rated rms stator current (A);
● ws ¼ rated stator angular speed (rad/s).
From (2.82), the other base values can be deduced such as
Base impedance : Zbase ¼
Base flux : Ybase ¼
Ybase (2.83)
Base inductance : Lbase ¼
Base power : Sbase ¼ 3Vbase Ibase
p Sbase
Base torque : Tbase ¼
2 wbase
From (2.82) and (2.83) and dividing the magnitude of each of stator parameters
and rotor parameters referred to the stator by the corresponding base value, the
relations (2.68), (2.70), (2.72), (2.73), (2.79) and (2.81) can be derived and are
rewritten in per unit as follows:
2 3
2p 2p
2 3 6 cos qs cos qs
cos qs þ
3 72 3
fd1 6 7 fa1
rffiffiffi6 7
6 7
6 fq1 7 ¼ 26
6 2p 2p 776 7
4 5 6 sin qs sin qs sin qs þ 764 fb1 7
36 3 3 7
6 7
fo1 6 7 fc1
4 1 1 1 5
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
2 2 2
where f is any of stator variables such as voltage, current and flux, and the com-
ponents along the axis denoted by ‘o’ in dqo frame of reference can be ignored in
balanced conditions (vo and io will be zero). On the other hand, the same trans-
formation is applied to the rotor quantities by replacing qs by (qs – qr). Therefore, a
set of equations, (2.86), results from applying this transformation to obtain the
56 Power grids with renewable energy
Moving Moving
q-axis d-axis
Phase ‘a’
rotor axis
θr Phase ‘a’
stator axis
stator and rotor voltages in the d-q axes with using motor convention. In addition,
the corresponding electric equivalent circuit can be drawn as shown in Figure 2.29.
vd1 ¼ R1 id1 þ wjs q1
vq1 ¼ R1 iq1 wjs d1
vd2 ¼ R2 id2 þ swjs q2
vq2 ¼ R2 iq2 swjs d2
3 Lm p
Tem ¼ iq1 id2 id1 iq2 (2.86)
2 2
P1 ¼ Re v1 i1 ¼ vd1 id1 þ vq1 iq1
2 2
Q1 ¼ Im v1 i1 ¼ vq1 id1 vd1 iq1
2 2
P2 ¼ Re v2 i2 ¼ vd2 id2 þ vq2 iq2
2 2
Q2 ¼ Im v2 i2 ¼ vq2 id2 vd2 iq2
2 2
ωsψ q1 sωsψq2
Id1 R1 – + L1 L2 + – R2 Id2
+ +
dψd1 dψd2
Vd1 Lm Vd2
dt dt –
– –
ωsψd1 sωsψd2
– L1 L2
Iq1 R1 + – + R2 Iq2
+ +
dψq1 dψq2
Vq1 dt Lm Vd2
– –
Pw Ps Pg Utility grid or
DFIG load
vw ωg/ωw
T w, ω w T g, ω g Transformer
(Pr < 0 at hyper-synchronous speed) or taken from the grid (Pr > 0 at sub-
synchronous speed) or equals zero at stationary operation modes. Therefore, a WT
control system is needed to regulate the rotor power at different wind speeds, which in
turn affects the power Pg. It is to be noted that the converter can directly be connected
between the stator circuit of the generator, and the grid has to be designed for the rated
power of the WT, which makes it more expensive than that connected between the
rotor and the grid where the converter rating is typically 25% of the total system
power as well as the speed range of the generator is 33% around the synchronous
58 Power grids with renewable energy
ð t2
½J WG w22 w21 ¼ Pw Pg dt (2.89)
It is seen from (2.89) that the instantaneous difference between the mechanical
wind power and electrical power changes the rotor speed. This method of speed
control has an advantage of not involving any mechanical action and is smooth in
operation. On the other hand, it implies a disadvantage of continuous fluctuation of
the power output to the grid due to the continuous control of the rotor speed, which
is undesirable for the power system.
● DFIG: Its d-q dynamic model has been explained in Section and
described by (2.86). The active and reactive power of the DFIG can be
controlled by the q-axis and d-axis components of the rotor current,
● Electric grid: At the PCC with the grid, the parameters such as current, voltage
and power can be considered as a mirror that reflects the response of the grid to
the operation of WT at normal conditions and in contingencies as well.
● Control system: The WTs require control systems. It is desirable to reduce
the drive train loads and protect the generator and associated equipment
from overloading by limiting the turbine power to the rated value up to the
furling speed. At gust speeds, the machine must be stalled. At low and
moderate wind speeds, the aim should be to capture power as efficiently as
possible. WTs can have two types of control: one for controlling mechanical
dynamics such as pitch angle control, stall control and yaw control, and the
other for controlling electrical dynamics using power electronics to control
generator speed and power. Electrical dynamics are much faster than
mechanical dynamics, and therefore, it is possible to control the machine in
a cascade structure.
However, the WT has four different speed bands for wind speed as described in
Section 2.3.2. So, it requires different speed strategies. A typical example of using
power electronics to control the active and reactive power of WTs is known as
machine vector control as schematically depicted in Figure 2.30. It shows the
power generation scheme using two bidirectional converters (RSC and GSC) and a
DC link capacitor. The capacitor is charged to a small value initially and the control
is initiated by injecting a small value of current in both the d- and q-axes of the
rotor current. While the d-axis current establishes the stator flux, the q-axis current
has a direct control of the DC link capacitor voltage. When the capacitor voltage
reaches a predetermined reference value, both converters are controlled in such a
way that the net power flowing to the capacitor is zero. At this point, the load
switch along with a filter is turned ON. At steady state, the system operates exactly
as a conventional slip power recovery drive except that the combined reactive
power demand of the machine and load is supplied by the two converters instead of
the grid.
60 Power grids with renewable energy
Tw Tg i
vm Mechanical
WT rotor Generator Electric grid
ωw shaft ωg v
model model model
ωw Stator and rotor
ωg voltage active power
WT control system
According to what has been explained in Section 2.3.1, the dynamic model of a
WT system with DFIG can be established in compliance with the block diagram
shown in Figure 2.31.
cylindrical depending on the magnet mounting style. Salient poles are more com-
mon in low-speed machines and may be the most useful version for wind generator
application. It is to be noted that the magnetic permanence along the direct axis
(d-axis) of the magnets in a PM machine is extremely low as compared to the other
types of AC machines due to the existence of PMs.
Equivalent circuit of a PM machine is shown in Figure 2.32. It is similar to that
of a conventional synchronous machine except that the internal induced voltage,
Eo, is due to magnets rotation rather than the rotation of the field winding; that is,
the source of the flux is different, as well as the direct-axis reactance, Xd, is much
smaller than the quadrature-axis reactance, Xq, because of the PMs. If the machine
is without damping winding and the zero-sequence current in the stator does not
exist (vo ¼ 0), the PM machine can mathematically be represented by a set of
equations as follows:
v d ¼ ra i d þ wjq
dt (2.90)
vq ¼ ra iq þ þ wjd þ E
where Yq ¼ Lq iq ; Yd ¼ Ld id and E is the internal induced voltage due to the
magnet generated flux linking the stator windings. The power equation is
EV Xd X q
P¼ sin d þ V 2 sin ð2dÞ (2.91)
Xd Xd X q
where d is the angle between E and V.
ωψd ra ωψq Ld
Lq ra
– + + –
+ iq + id +
Eo Vq Vd
– – –
Iq E
Rated d-axis
armature reaction H
Ho Hm Hc
Reversible Irreversible
range range
DC bus
[1] Masters G. M. Renewable and efficient electric power systems. New York:
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[2] Farret F. A. and Simoes M. G. Integration of alternative sources of energy.
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[3] Da Rosa A. V. Fundamental of renewable energy processes. 2nd edn.
Burlington, USA: Elsevier Academic Press; 2009.
[4] Ackermann T. Wind power in power systems. NY: John Wiley & Sons. Inc.;
[5] Polinder H., de Hann S. W. H., Dubois M. R. and Slootweg J. G. ‘Basic
operation principles and electrical conversion systems of wind turbines’.
EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives. 2005;15(4):43–50.
[6] Abad G., Rodriguez J. M. A., Marroyo L. and Iwanski G. Doubly fed
induction machine. New York: IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2011.
[7] Huan-ping L. I. and Jin-ming Y. (eds.). ‘The performance of large scale wind
farm connected to external power grid’. Power Electronics Systems and
Applications, PESA 2009, 3rd Int. Conf. on. Hong Kong, May 2009, pp. 1–5.
[8] Smajo J. ‘Wind turbine system with doubly-fed induction generator
and rotor power feedback control’. WSEAS Trans. on Systems. 2006;12
[9] Morren J. and de Haan S. W. H. ‘Ridethrough of wind turbines with doubly-
fed induction generator during a voltage dip’. IEEE Trans. on Energy
Conversion. 2005;20(2):435–41.
[10] Gieras J. F. and Wing M. Permanent magnet motor technology – Design and
applications. 2nd edn. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 2002.
[11] Xu L., Ye L., Zhen L. and El-Antably A. ‘A new design concept of perma-
nent magnet machine for flux weakening operation’. IEEE Trans. on
Industry Applications. 1995;31(2):373–8.
64 Power grids with renewable energy
[12] Amara Y., Lucidarme J., Gabsi M., Lecrivain M., Ben-Ahmed A. H. and
Akemakou A. D. ‘A new topology of hybrid synchronous machine’. IEEE
Trans. on Industry Applications. 2001;37(5):1273–81.
[13] Luo X. and Lipo T. A. ‘A synchronous/permanent magnet hybrid AC
machine’. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion. 2000;15(2):203–10.
Chapter 3
Solar energy
3.1 Introduction
Solar is the Latin word of the sun and solar energy is radiant light and heat from the
sun that is a powerful source of energy. Many applications may use solar energy
such as heating, cooling, ventilation, illumination, transport, cooking, water heat-
ing, water treatment, fuel production, electricity production, energy storage systems
(ESSs) and buildings [1,2]. It is found, statistically, that the amount of solar energy
from the sun falling on the earth in one hour is more than that used by everyone in
the world in one year [3]. So, it is an important source of renewable energy, and
solar technologies are broadly characterized as either active solar or passive solar
depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar
power [4].
Active solar technologies are the most commonly used. The sun delivers its
energy in two main forms: light and heat. Correspondingly, there are two main types
of solar power systems, namely, solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems
(Figure 3.1). In case of PV, when the sun shines onto a solar panel, photons from the
sunlight are absorbed by the cells in the panel. It creates an electric field across the
layers and causes electricity to flow. Solar thermal technology uses the sun’s energy,
rather than fossil fuels, to generate low-cost, environmentally friendly thermal
energy. This energy is used to heat water or other fluids and can also power solar
cooling systems. It comes in many shapes and sizes and is used in a wide variety of
commercial applications. Commonly seen types of solar thermal systems with lim-
ited size include domestic hot water systems, swimming pool-/hot tub-heating sys-
tems and radiant space heating systems. Large-scale solar thermal systems,
concentrating solar power (CSP) technology, can be used for electricity production.
CSP is used primarily in very large plants and its technology uses mirrors to
reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receivers that collect solar energy and convert
it into heat to produce steam. The steam drives a turbine and generates power in the
same way as conventional power plants. Other concepts are being explored and not
all future CSP plants will necessarily use a steam cycle. Therefore, businesses and
industry use these technologies to diversify their energy sources, improve effi-
ciency and save money. In addition, developers and utilities are also using these
technologies to produce electricity on a massive scale to power cities and small
towns [3].
66 Power grids with renewable energy
Convert sun energy into
However, solar thermal systems differ from solar PV systems which generate
electricity directly rather than heat.
Passive solar technologies include orienting a building to the sun, selecting
materials with favourable thermal mass or light-dispersing properties and designing
spaces that naturally circulate air.
Consequently, active solar technologies increase the supply of energy and are
considered as supply-side technologies, whereas passive solar technologies reduce
the need for alternate sources and are generally considered as demand-side
To study and analyse a utility grid supported by such active solar energy, it
entails understanding how the solar energy is converted into electricity especially
when using PV or CSP technologies. Characteristics of both solar PV and CSP
technologies are explained in the following sections.
Barrier N-side
cell’s electric field causes a voltage (Figure 3.3). With both current and voltage,
power, which is the product of the two, is obtained.
So, solar cells, like batteries, generate direct current (DC), which is generally
used for small loads (electronic equipment). When DC from PV cells is used for
commercial applications or sold to electric utilities using the electric grid, it must
be converted to alternating current (AC) using inverters, solid-state devices that
convert DC power to AC [8].
An individual PV cell is usually small, typically producing about 1–2 W of
power [9]. Modules or panels can be formed as larger units by connecting PV cells
together in chains to boost the power output of PV cells. They can be used indi-
vidually, or several can be connected to form arrays. One or more arrays are then
connected to the electrical grid as part of a complete PV system. Because of this
modular structure, PV systems can be built to meet almost any electric power need,
small or large. So, PV has evolved from small-scale applications towards becoming
a mainstream electricity source with efficiency varying from 3% to 31% depending
on the technology, the light spectrum, temperature, design and material of the
solar cell.
With a goal of improving the efficiency and achieving cost-effective alter-
native, there are variety of technologies using different semiconductor materials in
solar cells such as [9] those given below:
1. Crystalline silicon. It is the most common material used in solar cells, repre-
senting approximately 90% of the modules sold today. Crystalline cells are
made from ultra-pure silicon raw material such as those used in semiconductor
chips. They use silicon wafers that are typically 150–200 mm (one fifth of a
millimetre) thick. Typical mono-crystalline silicon and poly-crystalline silicon
modules are shown in Figure 3.4(a) and (b), respectively.
2. Thin-film PVs. The solar cell is made by depositing one or more thin layers of
semiconductor material on a supporting material such as glass, plastic or metal.
Electrical contacts
Accumulated negative charge e−
External load
Barrier V
Accumulated positive charge I
Bottom contact
currents and voltages in the range of kilovolts. To connect a PV system to the grid,
it is necessary to include power electronic equipment, energy storage and mon-
itoring systems.
Power electronic circuits may be used for smoothing the DC output of PV
system or directly supplying a DC bus to feed an ESS and DC loads (if any). In
addition, inverters are used to convert the DC current generated by the PV system
into AC electricity, which may be connected to the utility grid through a step-up
transformer or feeding any local AC loads (Figure 3.6). PV systems have either one
inverter that converts the electricity generated by all the modules or micro-inverters
that are attached to each individual module. A single inverter is generally less
expensive and can be more easily cooled and serviced when needed. The micro-
inverter allows for independent operation of each module, which is useful if some
modules might be shaded. For instance, it is expected that inverters will need to be
advanced inverters, or ‘smart inverters’, and allow for two-way communication
between the inverter and the electrical utility. This can help balance supply and
demand either automatically or via remote communication with utility operators.
Allowing utilities to have this insight into (and possible control of) supply and
demand allows them to reduce costs, ensure grid stability and reduce the likelihood
of power outages.
The ESS, for example, batteries, allows storing the solar PV energy to be used
at night or when weather elements keep sunlight from reaching PV panels. Such
storage system can be used not only in homes but also for playing a crucial
important role for utilities as it will help modernize and stabilize the electric grid.
A typical example of application of PV systems to buildings is shown in
Figure 3.7. PV modules can be mounted on the buildings or on the ground if the
land is not a constraint. For buildings, commonly, PV modules are mounted either
on the roof or displacing another building component, e.g. window glass or roof/
wall cladding. The building has two parallel power supplies, one from the PV
system and the other from the power grid. The combined power supply feeds all the
loads connected to the main AC distribution board. The ratio of PV system supply
to power grid supply varies, depending on the size of the PV modules. Whenever
the PV supply exceeds the building’s demand, excess electricity will be exported
DC bus
PV modules
AC distribution
Smart meter
into the grid. When there is no sunlight to generate PV electricity at night, the ESS
will supply the building’s demand if it has enough energy to do that. Otherwise,
ESS may share the power grid or, totally, the power grid supplies all demand. Of
course, this operation needs monitoring and management systems that can be
implemented using data communication channels and smart meters.
It is to be noted that PV arrays must be mounted on a stable, durable structure
that can support the array and withstand wind, rain, hail and corrosion over dec-
ades. These structures tilt the PV array at a fixed angle determined by the local
latitude, orientation of the structure and electrical load requirements. To obtain the
highest annual energy output, modules in the northern hemisphere are pointed due
south and inclined at an angle equal to the local latitude. Rack mounting is cur-
rently the most common method because it is robust, versatile and easy to construct
and install. More sophisticated and less expensive methods continue to be devel-
oped [5].
For PV arrays mounted on the ground, tracking mechanisms automatically
move panels to follow the sun across the sky, which provides more energy and high
returns on investment. One-axis trackers are typically designed to track the sun
from east to west. Two-axis trackers allow for modules to remain pointed directly
at the sun throughout the day. Naturally, tracking involves more upfront costs and
sophisticated systems are more expensive and require more maintenance. As sys-
tems have improved, the cost-benefit analysis increasingly favours tracking for
ground-mounted systems.
Solar energy 73
Energy available
Unavailable energy < Eg
Band-gap wavelength
1.11 μm
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Wavelength (μm)
Photons with more than Photons with not
8 enough energy enough energy
Photon energy (eV)
Photon energy
Lost energy > Eg
Usable energy Lost energy < Eg
Eg = 1.12
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Figure 3.8 Solar spectrum at AM1.5 for a silicon PV cell: (a) radiant power versus
wavelength indicating the percentage of available and unavailable
photon energies; (b) solar spectrum illustrating usable and lost energies
Solar energy 75
and therefore energy levels. Since the light that hits the cell has photons of a wide
range of energies, it turns out that some of them would not have enough energy to
form an electron–hole pair. They will simply pass through the cell as if it
were transparent. Still other photons have too much energy. Only a certain amount
of energy, called ‘band-gap energy’, Eg, measured in electron volts (eV ¼
1.6 1019 joule) and defined by the cell material (about 1.11 eV for crystalline
silicon), is required to knock an electron loose. If a photon has more energy than the
required amount, then the extra energy is lost (unless a photon has twice the
required energy and can create more than one electron–hole pair, but this effect is
not significant). These two effects alone account for the loss of around 70% of the
radiation energy incident on the cell. Figure 3.8(b) shows that for a silicon PV cell,
photons with wavelength greater than 1.11 mm have energy less than the 1.12-eV
band-gap energy needed to excite an electron. None of those photons create hole–
electron pairs capable of carrying current, so all their energy is wasted. It just heats
the cell. However, photons with wavelengths shorter than 1.11 mm have more than
enough energy to excite an electron. As one photon can excite only one electron,
any extra energy above the 1.12 eV needed is also dissipated as waste heat in the
cell [10].
A material with a low band gap could not be chosen, so more of the photons
can be used. Unfortunately, the band gap also determines the strength (voltage) of
the electric field, and if it is too low, then extra current by absorbing more photons
is produced but at a small voltage which is not useful as power is product of voltage
and current. The optimal band gap, balancing these two effects, is around 1.4 eV for
a cell made from a single material.
There are other losses as well. Electrons must flow from one side of the cell to
the other through an external circuit. The bottom can be covered with a metal,
allowing for good conduction, but if the top is completely covered, then photons
cannot get through the opaque conductor and all the current is lost (in some cells,
transparent conductors are used on the top surface, but not in all). If the contacts are
only placed at the sides of the cell, then the electrons must travel an extremely long
distance (for an electron) to reach the contacts. It should be noted that silicon is a
semiconductor; that is, it is not nearly as good as a metal for transporting current.
Its internal resistance (called series resistance) is high, and high resistance means
high losses. To minimize these losses, the cell is covered by a metallic contact grid
that shortens the distance that electrons must travel while covering only a small part
of the cell surface. Even so, some photons are blocked by the grid, which cannot be
too small or else its own resistance will be too high.
Id = Is (eqVd/ηkT − 1)
+ −
+ −
p-side n-side Is
(a) (b)
(1012 A/cm2). Is is the result of thermally generated carriers with the holes being
swept into the p side and the electrons into the n side. The voltage drop across the
diode in the forward direction is only a few tenths of a volt.
V–I characteristic can mathematically be expressed by Shockley diode equa-
tion as
with a current source driven by absorbed photons and directly proportional to the
solar insolation as shown in Figure 3.10.
Based on two conditions, both the current flowing into the load, I, and
the open-circuit voltage, VOC, across the terminals can be determined. First, when
the terminals are short-circuited, there is no current flowing in the diode, that
is, Id ¼ 0, as the voltage Vd ¼ V ¼ 0 and all the ideal source current, ISC, will
flow through the short-circuited terminals. Consequently, the magnitude of the
ideal current source must be equal to ISC, and then, the current equation for the
equivalent circuit can be written as
I ¼ ISC Id (3.3)
Incorporate (3.2) and (3.3) to get
Wires connecting
PV cell model
an external load
With solar insolation
0 V
Without solar insolation
Second, if the diode terminals are opened, then the current I is equal to zero
and the open-circuit voltage, VOC, can be obtained by solving (3.4) as follows:
VOC ¼ ln þ1 (3.5)
q IS
At 25 C, (3.4) and (3.5) are written as
I ¼ ISC IS ðe38:9V
ISC (3.6)
VOC ¼ 0:0257 ln þ1
Example 3.1
(a) A p-n junction diode has a reverse saturation current of 1010 A. Find the
voltage drop across the diode when carrying (i) no current and (ii) currents of
1, 5 and 10 A, respectively.
(b) If the model of a 100 cm2 PV cell consists of the diode described in (a) and the
cell produces short-circuit current of 50 mA/cm2, find the open-circuit voltage
at full sunlight, and at 50% sunlight.
Solar energy 79
(a) Using (3.2), it can be found that
1 Id
Vd ¼ ln þ1
38:9 Is
and at Id ¼ 10 A, Vd will be
1 10
Vd ¼ ln þ 1 ¼ 0:651 V
38:9 1010
So, V–I curves for the two cases, full sunlight and 50% sunlight, can be plotted as
Isc = 5 A
Full sunlight
Isc = 2.5 A
50% sunlight
I +
Figure 3.13 Line diagram of a module consisting of n-PV cells: (a) Module of
n-PV cells. (b) Module of similar n-PV cells
82 Power grids with renewable energy
mISCi I = mIi
String #1
String #2
– V +
Figure 3.16 An array consists of two parallel strings; each is composed of three
series modules
Solar energy 85
Current (A)
Power (W)
0 Vm VOC
Voltage (V)
T 3 > T2 > T1 T2 ISC3
Current (A)
Current (A)
Constant insolation
Figure 3.19 I–V curves at different cell temperatures (in the left) and insolation
levels (in the right)
0.05%/ C, VOC drops by 0.37%/ C and Pm decreases by 0.5%/ C). Hence, the
effect of module temperature should be considered when estimating the perfor-
mance because of its significant impact.
It is to be noted that cell or module temperature differs from the ambient
temperature. Cell temperature varies not only because of ambient temperature
change, but also because of the change of insolation on the cell. A small fraction of
insolation is converted into electricity and the rest is absorbed and converted into
heat. In most cases, manufacturers provide an indicator known as nominal operat-
ing cell temperature (NOCT) to help designers in cell performance estimation with
temperature. NOCT is the cell temperature in a module at ambient temperature of
20 C, irradiation of 0.8 kW/m2 and wind speed of 1 m/s. For other ambient tem-
peratures, Tamb ( C), the cell temperature, Tcell ( C), may be obtained by the
expression given as follows [8]:
Tcell ¼ Tamb þ S (3.24)
where S is solar insolation (kW/m2).
Another expression for estimating cell temperature can be used, if NOCT is not
given, as follows [8]:
Tcell ¼ Tamb þ g (3.25)
1 kW=m2
where g is a proportionality factor. It depends on wind speed and the state of
module ventilation when installed. Commonly, it ranges from 25 to 35 C.
88 Power grids with renewable energy
On the other hand, as the insolation drops, short-circuit current drops in direct
proportion whereas the open-circuit voltage is reduced by modest changes.
Example 3.2 In a 36-cell PV module, all cells are identical. Each cell with 1-sun
insolation (1 kW/m2) has a short-circuit current ISC ¼ 7:45 A, reverse saturation
current IS ¼ 4 1010 , parallel resistance RP ¼ 7:2 W and series resistance
RS ¼ 0:006 W.
(a) If the junction voltage of each cell, Vd, is 0.5 V, find the output voltage,
current and power delivered by the module.
(b) Considering the open-circuit voltage, VOC, of the module at the standard
temperature of 25 C is 21.5 V, the maximum power delivered, Pm ¼ 120 W,
and the ambient temperature ¼ 30 C. Estimate cell temperature, VOC, and the
maximum power delivered.
(a) From (3.8), the current can be obtained as
I ¼ ISC Is e38:9Vd 1
¼ 7:45 4 1010 e38:90:5 1 ¼ 7:27 A
The voltage produced by 36-cell PV module as in (3.12) is
Vmodule ¼ nðVd RS I Þ ¼ 36ð0:5 0:006 7:27Þ ¼ 16:43 V
Thus, the power delivered, P, will be
P ¼ IVmodule ¼ 7:27 16:43 ¼ 119:44 W
(b) Using (3.25) and assuming g ¼ 30 C, the cell temperature is
Tcell ¼ Tamb þ g ¼ 30 þ 30 ¼ 60 C
1 kW=m2
That means the cells are getting hotter than the ambient by 30 C.
As explained in Section, the open-circuit voltage drops by about
0.37% per degree centigrade. Thus, VOC drops, at 60 C, to
VOC ðat 60 CÞ ¼ VOC ðat 60 CÞ½1 0:0037ðTcell Tstd Þ
Similarly, the power delivered drops by about 0.5% per degree centigrade.
Pm ðat 60 CÞ ¼ Pm ðat 25 CÞ½1 0:005ðTcell Tstd Þ
¼ 120½1 0:005ð60 25Þ ¼ 99 W
that is, the maximum power delivered by the module is decreased by
about 17.5%.
Id = 0
Vn−1 RS
n − 1 cells in the sun
– + Vsh
Figure 3.20 A PV module with (n 1) cells in the sun and nth cell in the shade
90 Power grids with renewable energy
+ Blocking diodes ∑I
I +
I=0 I I I
Bypass diode V
I –
(a) (b)
Figure 3.21 Mitigation of shading impact: (a) shaded cell in a module with
bypass diode and (b) shaded string in an array with blocking diodes
Thus, the voltage drop caused by the shaded cell, DV, at any given current I is
given by
n1 V
DV ¼ V Vsh ¼ V V þ I ðR P þ R S Þ ¼ þ I ð R P þ R S Þ (3.29)
n n
Example 3.3 Suppose that a 36-cell module has the following data for the standard
conditions (1 kW/m2, 25 C, AM 1.5): effective illumination area ¼ 0.136 m2, and
the voltage and current at the maximum power are 15.6 V and 1.4 A, respectively.
Solar energy 91
The parallel and series resistance equal 6.6 and 0.005 W, respectively. It is required
to find the following:
(a) Module efficiency for the maximum electrical power.
(b) If one cell is shaded, calculate the module output voltage, voltage across the
shaded cell and the power dissipated in this cell.
(a) Module efficiency for the maximum power, h, will be
Pelectrical 15:6ð1:4Þ 21:84
h¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 16:06%
Psolar 1; 000ð0:136Þ 136
(b) Using (3.29), the voltage drop across the module will be
V 15:6
DV ¼ þ IRp ¼ þ 1:4ð6:6Þ ¼ 9:673 V
n 36
Thus, the output voltage, Vsh ¼ 15:6 9:673 ¼ 5:927 V and the corre-
sponding power, Psh ¼ Vsh I ¼ 5:927ð1:4Þ ¼ 8:298 W.
As well, the efficiency is reduced and becomes
h¼ ¼ 6:1%
That means, the decrease in efficiency T ¼ 16:06 6:1
16:06 ¼ 62:02%.
The voltage drop across the shaded cell, Vcellsh ¼ I Rp þ Rs ¼
1:4ð6:605Þ ¼ 9:247 V. The shaded cell subtracts more than 9 V from the
module voltage, 15.6 V. Power dissipated in the shaded cell,
Pcellsh ¼ Vcellsh I ¼ 9:247ð1:4Þ ¼ 12:945 W. It is converted to heat causing
a local hot spot that may cause damage in the plastic layer enclosing the cell.
Working fluid
Concentrator Receiver
Working fluid
(a) (b)
Solar field Thermal energy storage Steam power plant connected to the grid
collector Super-heater
field Hot tank
Turbine Generator
Condenser Cooling
Cold tank
Heat transfer fluid pump Reheater Feed pump
Figure 3.24 Schematic diagram of a steam cycle power plant with parabolic
trough collector and energy storage [12]
(Figure 3.25). The linear Fresnel system also shows a good potential for low cost
steam generation and provides a semi-shaded space below, which may be particu-
larly useful in desert climates. However, further modelling and experimental work
is still required to determine under what conditions it may be more cost-effective
than the parabolic trough system with direct steam generation [13].
94 Power grids with renewable energy
Absorber tube
Figure 3.25 Fresnel concentrator structure (on the left) and a typical example
(on the right)
Linear Fresnel reflectors are optically analogous to parabolic troughs. They are
concentrating reflectors with linear focus, where the parabolic reflective surface is
obtained by an array of linear mirror strips which independently move and
collectively focus on absorber lines suspended from elevated towers [14,15].
coupled to engine
Parabolic dish
Figure 3.26 Dish-Stirling engine structure; parabolic mirror (on the left)
and multi-flat mirrors formed into a dish shape (on the right)
Solar tower
Central receiver
Steam condenser
Steam drum
Figure 3.29 Power tower system with distributed flat mirrors [17]
Parabolic troughs, linear Fresnel systems and power towers can be coupled to
steam cycles of 10–200 MW of electric capacity, with thermal cycle efficiencies of
30%–40%. The values for parabolic troughs, by far the most mature technology,
have been demonstrated in the field. Today, these systems achieve annual solar-to-
electricity efficiencies of about 10%–15% and may reach about 18%. The values
for other systems are, in general, projections based on component and prototype
system test data, and the assumption of mature development of current technology.
Overall solar-electric efficiencies are lower than the conversion efficiencies of
conventional steam or combined cycles, as they include the conversion of solar
radiation energy to heat within the collector and the conversion of the heat to
electricity in the power block. The conversion efficiency of the power block
remains essentially the same as in fuel-fired power plants [12].
Because of their thermal nature, each of these technologies can be ‘hybri-
dized’, or operated with fossil fuel as well as solar energy. Hybridization has the
potential to improve dramatically the value of CSP technology by increasing its
power availability and dispatch ability, decreasing its cost (by making more
effective use of the power block equipment), and reducing the technological risk
by allowing conventional fuel use if, for example, the collector must be repaired.
Solar heat collected during the daytime can be stored in concrete, molten salt,
ceramics or phase-change media. It can be extracted at night from storage to run
Table 3.2 Performance data for CSP technologies
Class Type of Capacity Concentration Peak solar Annual solar Thermal cycle Capacity factor
concentrator (MW) efficiency (%) efficiency (%) efficiency (%) (solar) (%)
Line Trough 10–200 70–80 21 (d) 10–15 (d) 30–40ST 24 (d)
17–18 (p) 25–70 (p)
Fresnel 10–200 25–100 20 (p) 9–11 (d) 30–40ST 25–70 (p)
Central point Dish-Stirling 0.01–0.4 1,000–3,000 29 (d) 16–1 (d) 30–40ST 25–70 (p)
18–23 (p) 20–30GT
Power tower 10–150 300–1,000 20 (d) 8–10 (d) 30–40ST 25 (p)
35 (p)
15–25 (p) 45–55CC
(d) ¼ demonstrated; (p) ¼ projected; ST ¼ steam turbine; GT ¼ gas turbine; CC ¼ combined cycle.
Solar energy 99
the power block. Fossil and renewable fuels such as oil, gas, coal and biomass
can be used for co-firing the plant, thus providing power capacity whenever
Moreover, solar energy can be used for co-generation of electricity and
heat. In this case, the high-value solar energy input is used with the best
possible efficiencies of up to 85%. Possible applications include the combined
production of electricity, industrial process heat, district cooling and seawater
[1] Sayigh A. A. M. Solar energy engineering. 2nd edn. Orlando, FL: Academic
Press; 2013.
[2] Chwieduk D. Solar energy in buildings. San Diego, CA: Academic Press;
[3] National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Solar energy basics [online]. 2016.
Available from https://www.nrel.gov/research/re-solar.html [Accessed 20
June 2016].
[4] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Solar energy [online]. 2019. Available
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_energy [Accessed 31 January
[5] Gevorkian P. Large scale solar power systems – Construction and eco-
nomics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2012.
[6] Kiatreungwattana K., VanGeet O. and Stoltenberg B. Facility scale solar
photovoltaic guide book. Report NREL/Bureau of reclamation, 2016.
[7] Ehrlich R. Renewable energy: A first course. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group; 2018.
[8] Masters G. M. Renewable and efficient electric power systems. New York:
Wiley-Interscience, John Wiley & Sons; 2004.
[9] Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
Solar photovoltaic technology basics [online]. 2013. Available from
[Accessed 31 January 2020].
[10] Krauter S. C. W. Solar electric power generation – Photovoltaic energy
systems. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 2006.
[11] Felix A. and Farret F. A. Integration of alternative sources of energy.
New York: Wiley-IEEE Press; 2006.
[12] Steinhagen H. M. and Trieb F. Concentrating solar power – A review of the
technology [online]. Stittgart, German: Institute of Technical Thermodynamics,
German, Aerospace centre; 2003. Available from https://www.researchgate.
the_technology [Accessed 31 January 2020].
[13] Mills D. R. and Morrison G. L. ‘Compact linear Fresnel reflector solar
thermal power plants’. Solar Energy. 2000;68(3):263–83.
100 Power grids with renewable energy
4.1 Introduction
Ocean space has a huge amount of energy. Useful electric energy, generally known
as ‘ocean energy’, can be derived from the ocean. It is an alternative renewable
energy source (RES), like solar and wind energy. The important feature of ocean
energy resources is that they have the highest density among the other sources of
renewable energy.
Ocean energy comes from three distinct sources of water energy with different
origins and conversion technologies as in the following:
● Tidal energy: It is derived from gravitational forces of earth–moon–sun system
as explained in this chapter.
● Waves and swells energy: It is derived from the wind energy and is the subject
of Chapter 5.
● Ocean thermal energy conversion: It is derived from the solar energy that is
stored in a form of heat in ocean surface layers or hydrothermal energy at
submarine volcanic centres. Chapter 5 focuses on this kind of energy.
Large amounts of renewable energy can be harnessed by these three sources
because of the oceans’ large area.
As the earth, moon and sun rotate around each other in space, the gravitational
movement of the moon and the sun with respect to the earth causes millions of litres
of water to flow around the earth’s oceans creating periodic shifts in these moving
molecules of water. These vertical shifts of water are called ‘tides’.
The attractive force exercised by the moon has the larger impact on the water
molecules (two or three times greater) than that by the sun because of the shorter
distance between the earth and moon. Depending on how the earth, moon and sun
are positioned relative to each other, the illuminated part of the moon as seen from
the earth varies and passes through different phases. So, the phases of the moon are
the different appearances of the illuminated moon from a point on the earth. The
moon itself does not change, but the part of it that is reflecting sunlight is visible to
a different degree. For example, when the earth is located between the moon and
the sun, one side of the moon can be seen fully illuminated by the sun. It looks
perfectly round and is called the ‘full moon’. When the moon is situated between
the earth and the sun, the illuminated side of the moon faces away from the earth
and this is what is called the ‘new moon’. It cannot be seen, but a day or two after
the new moon, a skinny crescent-shaped moon appears. It gets bigger and bigger
until it reaches the full moon, then it wanes again, becomes a crescent and finally
goes back to be a new moon. This cycle (new moon, full moon, new moon) is
called ‘lunar cycle’ and takes approximately 29 days from one new moon to
The lunar cycle mostly coincides with a calendar month, but not completely.
This means that a new moon will typically be seen once a month, but sometimes
there will be two in a month. The second new moon in a month is called a ‘black
moon’. Like a blue moon (the second full moon in a month), a black moon occurs
every two and a half years or so. The black moon does not get as much attention as
a blue moon, which makes sense as the black moon cannot be seen.
The moon’s position relative to the earth and the sun as viewed from the outer
space, above the solar system, as well as the moon as seen from earth are shown as
inner and outer sequence, respectively, in Figure 4.1 [1]. For instance, the waxing
gibbous (upper left) as a large part of the illuminated moon is seen on the right side.
A waning crescent (lower right) as a small slice of the moon illuminated would
have the left side of the moon illuminated. The physical pictures of the moon
phases illustrating the gradual change of the illuminated moon are shown in
Figure 4.2.
At any instant, there are two high tides and two low tides around the earth
because of the moon’s gravitational attraction. One high tide is between the moon
and the earth and closest to the moon (the sublunar point), and another on the
opposite side of the earth and furthest from the moon (the antipodal point). The
points in between are the resulting low tides (Figure 4.3). The difference in height
between a high tide and low tide is defined as the tidal range [2].
The height variation of these tides is an effective factor to consider when
producing tidal power. The height is affected by the relative positions of the moon
and the sun. When the moon is in perfect alignment with the earth and sun, the
combined effects of the lunar and solar tides result in a greater tidal bulge.
Ocean energy: tidal energy 103
Gibbous Crescent
Inner sequence
Full New
Gibbous Crescent
(a) (b)
Full Third Third New
moon quarter quarter moon
(c) (d)
Figure 4.2 Physical pictures of the moon appearance in phase; (a) from new
moon to first quarter, (b) from first quarter to full moon, (c) from full
moon to third quarter, and (d) from third quarter to new moon [3]
Meanwhile, the tides have a larger tidal range (maximum) and become much
stronger than normal. The high tides become very high and the low tides become
very low during each tidal cycle. These tides occur during the full or new moon
phase and are known as ‘spring tides’.
Other neap tides having minimum height arise when the sun, moon and earth
are not in alignment during first and third quarter moon phases (the pull of the
moon is at 90 to the sun). The lunar and solar tides, therefore, occur in different
places, so the overall gravitational effect on the water is less. The net result is a
104 Power grids with renewable energy
Antipodal point Sub-lunar point
moon 90° alignment
The moon is in perfect alignment with the earth and the sun
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4 Alignment of moon and sun on (a) spring tides and (b) neap tides
smaller pulling action on the seawater creating much smaller differences between
the high and low tides, thereby producing very weak tides (Figure 4.4).
Wa Neap
Spring Wan tide
and moon are aligned and the pulls of both gravitational forces combine to
produce a spring tide. The tidal range is at its lowest at the first and third
quarters of the moon – that is, when the pull of the moon is orthogonal to the
sun producing neap tides (Figure 4.5) [4].
2. Diurnal tides with monthly variation: The tidal period of this type corresponds
to a full revolution (24 h and 50 min). The ‘day-side’ gravitational attraction
outweighs the ‘night-side’ attraction because of the variation in the distance
from the axis of rotation, and also the tidal range varies with the monthly lunar
cycle. This type of tide is found in the China Sea and Tahiti.
3. Mixed tides: This type combines the characteristics of semidiurnal and diurnal
tides, either of which may display monthly or bimonthly variation. The laws
governing water level variation in mixed tide areas can be highly complex.
Examples of mixed tides are those observed in the Mediterranean and at Saigon.
Throughout the year, the position of the earth and the moon with respect to the sun
changes. So, the potential energy of the water contained in the daily movement of
the rising and falling sea levels can be exploited to generate electricity. Electricity
generation from tides is similar in many ways to hydroelectric generation. The
difference is that the water flows in and out of the turbines in both directions rather
than in just one forward direction.
Tidal energy, just like hydro energy, transforms water in motion into a clean
energy. The motion of the tidal water, driven by the pull of gravity, contains large
amounts of kinetic energy in the form of strong tidal currents called ‘tidal streams’.
The daily ebbing and flowing, back and forth of the oceans’ tides along a coastline,
and into and out of small inlets, bays or coastal basins, is little different to the water
flowing down a river or stream.
The movement of the seawater is harnessed in a similar way using waterwheels
and turbines to that used to generate hydroelectricity. Because of the bi-direction of
seawater flow in a tidal energy system, electricity can be generated when the water
is flowing in and also when it is ebbing out. It means that the tidal generators are
106 Power grids with renewable energy
Earth axis
Earth’s equatorial Y X
plane L
r d
designed to produce power when rotor blades are turning in either direction and,
consequently, the reversible electrical generators cost more than the single direc-
tion generators.
G ¼ gravitational constant;
MS ¼ mass of the sun;
ME ¼ mass of the earth;
Mlu ¼ mass of the moon;
dS ¼ distance between the centres of mass of the earth and the sun;
dlu ¼ distance between the centres of mass of the earth and the moon.
Accordingly, and as shown in Figure 4.6, the gravitational forces FSX and FluX ,
at point #X, the nearest to the sun or the moon, are
FSX ¼ GMS ME =ðdS rÞ2 and FluX ¼ GMlu ME =ðdlu rÞ2 (4.2)
FSY ¼ GMS ME =ðdS þ rÞ2 and FluY ¼ GMlu ME =ðdlu þ rÞ2 (4.3)
Ocean energy: tidal energy 107
and at the centre of mass of the earth, O, the gravitational forces, FSO and FluO , are
inversely as the cube of the distance. This is very important as it accounts for the
moon being 2.16 times more influential in causing the tide than the sun.
Furthermore, the ranges of the lunar tide Rlu and solar tide RS are proportional to the
difference in force, that is,
¼ TGFR ¼ 2:16 (4.12)
As explained in Section 4.2.1, the solar tide moves in and out of phase with the
lunar tide. When the sun, earth and moon are aligned, the lunar and solar tides are
in phase and produce tides of maximum range, named as ‘spring tides’. These tides
occur twice per lunar month at times of both full and new moons, Figure 4.5. When
the sun/earth and moon/earth directions are perpendicular, the tides of least range,
named as ‘neap tides’ are produced and occur twice per lunar month.
Considering the spring tide results from the sum of lunar and solar tides, and the
neap tide from their difference, the ratio of spring to neap ranges can be calculated as
Rspring 1 þ ð1=2:16Þ
¼ ¼ 2:72 (4.13)
Rneap 1 ð1=2:16Þ
As an alternative development of using centrifugal force, the procedure is the
same because the centrifugal force everywhere is equal (but of opposite sign) to the
gravitational force at the centre of mass of the earth to maintain the earth-moon
separation. Assuming the centre of revolution is at point #O at L from the centre of
the earth, as shown in Figure 4.6:
¼ Mlu ðdlu LÞw2 ¼ ME Lw2 (4.14)
where w ¼ the lunar frequency.
The force causing the tides can be estimated as the resultant of two forces:
(i) the centrifugal force about O at the lunar frequency w and (ii) the gravitational
lunar force. So, for a water of mass m at the positions X and Y, the following
relations can be written:
FX ¼ þ mðr LÞw2 (4.15)
ðdlu rÞ2
FY ¼ mðr þ LÞw2 (4.16)
ðdlu þ rÞ2
where FX and FY are the force causing tides at points X and Y, respectively.
At position O with definition of L, the relation in the following can be
¼ mLw2 (4.17)
Ocean energy: tidal energy 109
Figure 4.7 Lunar-tidal effect at some point on the surface of the earth
110 Power grids with renewable energy
directed towards the centre of the moon. It acts on the earth and is balanced by the
centrifugal force due to the rotation of the earth–moon system. The third term
GM r2
describes the variation of the moon’s potential around the earth, d 3lu e 32 cos2 q 12 .
The surface profile of the water is an equipotential surface due to the combined
effects of the moon and the earth. The potential of the unit mass of water to the
earth’s gravitation is gh, where h is the height of the water above its equilibrium
level and g ¼ GME =r2 is the acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface.
Hence, the height of the tide hðqÞ can be obtained from
GMlu re2 3 2 1
ghðqÞ cos q ¼0
dlu3 2 2
That is,
Mlu re4 3 2 1 3 2 1
h ðqÞ ¼ cos q ¼ hmax cos q (4.23)
ME dlu3 2 2 2 2
The maximum height of the tide, hmax , occurs at points #X and #Y, where q ¼ 0
and p, respectively. For Mlu =ME ¼ 0:0123; d ¼ 384;400 km and r ¼ 6;378 km,
the value of hmax 0:36 m, which is around the observed mean tidal height. More
analysis and details about the rotation of celestial bodies and their orbits can be
found in [7–9].
z=0 Water surface
∆x Velocity u
z = –h Seabed x
l Thickness
@u @z
¼ g (4.26)
@t @x
The difference between the flow of water into and out of the slice must be
accounted for by a change in volume V of the slice with time, and this conservation
of water mass leads to the equation of continuity:
@ @V @ ½ðA þ bzÞDx
ðA þ bzÞu Dx ¼ ¼ (4.27)
@x @t @t
As A ¼ hb is constant and much greater than bz,
@u @z
A ¼b
@x @t
@u 1 @z
¼ (4.28)
@x h @t
From (4.26) and (4.28),
Another alternative proposed formula for the tidal wave speed as a function of
the spring tide speed, neap tide speed and tide coefficient (C) is given by [10]
ðC s 45Þ þ ðcst cnt Þ
ctide ¼ cnt þ (4.32)
95 45
ctide ¼ tidal current speed;
cnt ¼ neap tide speed;
cst ¼ spring tide speed;
C s ¼ constant (¼ 95 for spring, 45 for neap tide).
the stored water, and (ii) the kinetic energy of moving water can be used to extract
energy like the principle of extraction of wind energy. Each method has its own
advantages and disadvantages. It may be also possible to employ pumping strate-
gies for barrages to obtain better efficiency and to match electricity demand.
Accordingly, the devices used in energy generation are classified into three
types: (i) tidal barrages that store tidal flow and generate power through discharge,
(ii) tidal stream devices such as (a) current devices, which are fixed or moored
within a tidal stream, which is formed by the horizontal flowing volumes of water
or (b) fences that block a passage and extract energy in either or both directions of
tidal flow.
Sluice gates
High tide level
Tidal Tidal
basin Head
height barrage
Low tide
Basin level
Open gate
Closed gate Head
Basin Dam Ocean Dam Ocean
(a) (b)
Figure 4.10 Ebb generation: (a) filling the tidal basin and (b) generating
High Head height
tide sufficient
Basin C
level B Head
Ebb Basin Sluice gates
Water level
tidal energy being produced. Another disadvantage of the tidal barrage system is
the environmental and ecological effects that long concrete dams may have on the
estuaries they span. Different schemes of the tidal barrage system can be applied
for power generation as explained in the forthcoming subsections.
barrage, the sluice gates are opened at point C releasing the trapped water back to
the sea and power generation starts. The tidal basin continues to empty driving the
tidal generators until the level of water in the basin reaches point D. At point D, the
head height of the seawater across the barrage is no longer adequate to drive
the turbines so the sluice gates are closed, and generation stops until the level of the
seawater reaches point E again and the whole process starts over.
Ebb generation is also known as ‘outflow generation’ as the generation takes
place when the tidal direction changes [11].
will start earlier than would be the case for simple ebb generation scheme. The
additional water in the basin is released through the turbines at the higher head than
that through which it was pumped, so that there should be a net gain in energy. The
turbine operated as a pump is supplied by the grid energy to raise the basin’s level
of water. The energy produced during generation is more than is returned; this is
because the output power is strongly related to the head, as well as the correlation
between the potential energy is not in a linear relationship, but rather is related to
the square of the tidal height variation.
Upper basin
Seawater ‘A’
Sluice gate
Return water
Sluice gate ‘B’
Lower basin
Figure 4.12. At the beginning of the flood tide, the turbines are shut down. Basin A
fills and B remains empty. As soon as the head difference of A and B is large
enough the water flows from A to B and the turbines start. The separation can be
controlled to continuously operate from upper to lower basin. However, as water
head between basin varies during each tidal cycle, power generation can improve
situation in using off peak power from tidal generator or from alternate system to
pump water from low to high basin, and increased head is available from tidal
power at peak times.
7 days
R¼ ½ð1 þ aÞ þ ð1 aÞ sin ð4pt=T Þ (4.38)
where Rneap ¼ aRspring :
The power can be obtained from the mean square range, R2 ; as
R2spring t¼0 ½ð1 þ aÞ þ ð1 aÞ sinð4pt=T Þ2 dt
R ¼
ÐT (4.39)
4 dt t¼0
R2 ¼ 3 þ 2a þ 3a2 (4.40)
The mean power produced over the month is
rAg R2spring
P month ¼ 3 þ 2a þ 3a2 (4.41)
2t 8
where t is the intertidal period.
The value of a is about 0.5, and so, (4.41) differs little from the approximations
that are commonly used in the literature by either
rAg 2
P R (4.42)
where R is the mean range of all tides, or
rAg R2max þ R2min
P (4.43)
2t 2
where Rmax and Rmin are the maximum and minimum ranges.
Ocean energy: tidal energy 119
Example 4.1 Typical values of mean tidal power are given as Rspring ¼ 5 m ¼ Rmax ,
Rneap ¼ 2:5 m ¼ Rmin ; A ¼ 10 km2 , r ¼ 1:025 103 kg=m3 , g ¼ 9:81 m=s2 and
t ¼ 4:47 104 s ( 12 h and 25 min). Therefore, a ¼ 0:5 and R ¼ 5 þ2 2:5 ¼ 3:75 m.
Applying (7.40) gives R2 ¼ 1:84, rAg
2t ¼ 1:125 10 .
Then, P can be calculated as given by (4.41), (4.42) and (4.43) to see the
difference that results from the approximation as follows:
From (4.41),
P ¼ 16:70 MW
From (4.42),
P ¼ 15:82 MW
From (4.43),
P ¼ 17:58 MW
It is to be noted that the value resulted from (4.41) is the average value of those
resulted from (4.42) and (4.43) as approximated values.
Sea level
Sea level
Concrete block
Sunken Gravity
Tripod pile
Ocean floor
(a) (b)
Figure 4.14 Tidal stream generators: (a) single turbine generator and (b) set of
multi-turbine generator
flow of the tide. One of the disadvantages of TSG is that as the turbines are submerged
under the surface of the water they create hazards to navigation and shipping.
Other forms of tidal energy include tidal fences, which use individual vertical-
axis turbines mounted within a fence structure, known as the caisson, to completely
block a channel and force water through them. An alternative way of harnessing
tidal power is using an oscillating tidal turbine by which the tidal stream flowing
past it causes its giant wing to oscillate up and down with the movement of the tidal
current. This motion is used to generate electricity.
P¼x kW (4.44)
where r ¼ the density of the water (1,025 kg/m3), A ¼ the sweep area of the turbine
(m2) and v ¼ the velocity of the flow (m/s).
Tidal velocities vary with time and can approximately be determined by [5]
¼ vmax sin ð2pt=tÞ (4.45)
where vmax is the maximum speed of the current and t is the period of the natural
tide (12 h and 25 min for a semidiurnal tide).
Ocean energy: tidal energy 121
Example 4.2 For a tidal current maximum velocity of 4 m/s and a sweep area of a
circle with a radius of 5.6 m, the power output of the wind turbine can be calculated
as follows:
a site because of two key reasons: (i) large losses from the wake mixing behind
turbines, from the turbine support structures, in hydrodynamic inefficiency in the
turbine, and in generator and transmission losses; (ii) in case more rows of turbines
are placed at a site, there is a diminishing return – that is, when adding a second row
of turbines in addition to the first one, it will not double the power but will lead to
both rows of turbines producing less than the original one row [15].
Tidal energy as a renewable resource does not result in any emissions. So, it is
beneficial to the environment because its use reduces the demand on fuels (coal and
oil) and it is attractive to many because of its reliance on existing technology and
knowledge. In contrast, some of the non-monetary costs associated with barrage
systems include destruction of habitat, interruption of organisms’ travel routes and
potential both electromagnetic interference and acoustic pollution. Moreover,
hydroelectric systems contribute to killing fish, and the waste heat that ends up in
the water reduces its capacity to store dissolved oxygen, harming not only fish but
all organisms in the affected area. Tidal energy systems also lead to a reduction in
the area of intertidal foreshore, which affects feeding habits of the large numbers of
wading birds that use the estuary [23].
of tides into power. Tidal energy production is more predictable compared to wind
energy and solar power. Despite this, tidal power is still not exploited widely even
though the world’s first large-scale tidal power plant became operational in 1966.
However, increased focus on generating power from renewable sources is expected
to accelerate the development of new methods to exploit tidal energy.
turbines with their rotating blades may lead to death of living creatures in a sea.
Noise from the rotation of the turbines may also impact fish habitations in the tidal
power locations. Tidal energy can also impact the quality of water and sediment
Tidal barrage: Installing a tidal barrage may result in a change to shoreline
within a bay, damaging an ecosystem that relies on tidal flats. Flushing of the bay
may also be affected by the prevention of the flow of water in and out of the bay.
As a result, there may be reduction in saltwater, impacting marine life.
[1] Schatz D., Allan P. and Cooper D. The moon and its phases: Modeling moon
phases [online]. 2003. The Pacific Science Center. Available from https://
www.southampton.ac.uk/~sj2y10/moonPhasesSheetA3.pdf [Accessed 2 Feb
[2] Richardson C. J. The ‘ins and outs’ of tides and their use as a renewable
energy source [online]. 2015. Institute of Physics – Environmental Physics
Essay Competition. Available from https://www.iop.org/activity/groups/
subject/env/prize/winners/file_65752.pdf [Accessed 2 Feb 2020].
[3] Scherrer D. Teaching moon phases. 2015. Stanford Solar Centre. Available
from http://solar-center.stanford.edu/activities/MoonPhases/Teaching-Moon-
Phases.pdf [Accessed 2 Feb 2020].
[4] Frau J. P. ‘Tidal energy: Promising projects’. IEEE Transactions on Energy
Conversion. 1993;8(3):552–8.
[5] Blokdyk G. Tidal power [online]. E-book, Chapter 13, pp. 429–52. Available
from http://documents.routledge-interactive.s3. amazonaws.com/978041558
4388/S12-1_(RER2e-ch13-tidal_power).pdf [Accessed 2 Feb 2020].
[6] Bhatia S. C. Advanced renewable energy systems. New Delhi: Woodhead
Publishing India PVT Ltd.; 2014.
[7] Kawalik Z. and Luick J. The oceanography of tides: Tidal forces. Alaska:
University of Alaska Fairbanks; 2013, Chapter 1, pp. 5–40.
[8] Micks S. D. Understanding tides. US Dept. of Commerce: National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); 2006, Chapters 5–9, pp. 21–50.
[9] Gjevik B. Lectures on tides. Oslo: University of Oslo, UNIS Longyearbyn;
[10] Aly H. H. H. ‘Dynamic modeling and control of the tidal current turbine
using DFIG and DDPMSG for power system stability analysis’. Electrical
Power and Energy Systems. 2016;83:525–40.
[11] Tousif S. R. and Taslim B. S. ‘Tidal power: An effective method of gen-
erating power’. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering
Research. 2011;2(5):1–5.
[12] Bohari Z. H., Sulaima M. F., Baharom, M. F. and Bukhari W. M. ‘Are tidal
power generation as the future generation for Malaysian climate and
128 Power grids with renewable energy
Useful electric energy can be derived from the ocean waves and is known as ‘ocean
wave energy’. Physics of waves and their different forms as well as estimation of
energy and its conversion into electrical energy are explained in the forthcoming
Wave energy is the energy contained in the waves that are caused by winds blowing
across the surface of the sea. Friction transfers some of the wind energy to the water
thus forming waves. This energy is stored in the waves as (i) potential energy in the
mass of water displaced from the mean sea level and (ii) kinetic energy in
the motion of water particles. Thus, the stronger the wind is, the more energy in the
waves and the larger the distance the waves travel. The wave energy is proportional
to the square of the height of the wave, which is inversely proportional to the depth
of the water. This means that the waves near the coast carry the most energy.
Wave energy is not tidal energy even though both fall under the category of
ocean energy. While the tidal energy consists of long period oscillations, sea waves
of short period are generated by the action of the wind. The total theoretical wave
energy resource is very high, roughly twice the global electrical energy consump-
tion as the oceans cover about 70% of the surface of the earth and are considered to
be one of the greatest sources of renewable energy. Therefore, it is worthy to
capture the wave energy to be transferred into useful energy, such as electricity.
The devices used to capture wave energy and convert it into electrical energy are
known as ‘wave energy converters’ (WECs).
Radiation from the sun to the earth and ocean surface creates air circulation, which
is wind. When wind blows over the surface of the oceans, waves will be generated
by the effect of both gravity and friction (Figure 5.1(a)). Energy in the wind is
transferred to the surface water of the sea or ocean producing waves of size that
depends on the magnitude of that energy, which is a function of the wind speed, the
duration the wind blows and the area affected by the wind (known as ‘fetch’). The
130 Power grids with renewable energy
Wind generation
Figure 5.1 Ocean waves: (a) wave creation and (b) fetch area created by
wind blows
fetch is specified by its length, where the fetch length, is expressed as the distance
travelled by the wind across open water. When the wind blows across the water
surface, wave-formed ripples or capillary waves may take place as well as con-
tinuous flows in the direction of wave advance. Thus, the wave is fully developed
and can change to swell (Figure 5.1(b)) [1].
5.2.1 Ripples
In sedimentology, wave-formed ripples or wave-formed ripple marks are a feature
of sediments (sandstones, limestone, siltstones) and dunes. These ripple marks are
often characterized (and thus distinguished from current ripples) by symmetric
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 131
Equal slopes
cross sections and long relatively straight crests, which may commonly bifurcate.
Commonly, these crests can be truncated by subsequent flows. Their wavelength
(periodicity) depends on the sediment grain size, water depth and water-particle
orbits in the waves. Symmetrical ripples are commonly found in shallow waters.
Beaches are a good place to find these ripples. A typical example is shown in
Figure 5.2.
Though wave-formed ripples are traditionally described as symmetrical,
asymmetric wave ripples are common in shallow waters along sandy shores. They
are produced by bottom oscillations generated by passing breaker waves, which
have unequal intensity in opposite directions [2].
Wave-formed ripples indicate an environment with weak currents where water
motion is dominated by wave oscillations [3]. However, ripples are relatively small
elongated ridges that form on bed surfaces perpendicular to current flow. With
continuous current flow in one direction, asymmetrical ripples form. Asymmetrical
ripples contain a steeper slope downstream. With an alternation in current flow
from one direction to the opposite, symmetrical ripples form. Symmetrical ripples
tend to have the same slope on both sides of the crest [4].
Capillary wave. It is a wave travelling along the phase boundary of a fluid
whose dynamics and phase velocity are dominated by the effects of surface tension.
The wavelength of capillary waves on water is typically less than a few centi-
metres, with a phase speed in excess of 0.2–0.3 m/s [5].
This type of wave is known as a gravity wave. In addition, the group velocity is
times the phase velocity as: (i) the wavelength is short and (ii) the phase velocity is
dominated by the surface tension effects. This type of wave is known as a capillary
wave (Figure 5.3).
Swell waves. A swell, in the context of an ocean, sea or lake, is a series of
mechanical waves that propagate along the interface between water and air and
thus are often referred to as surface gravity waves. Occasionally, swells which are
longer than 700 m occur as a result of severe storms (wind, tides and rainfall). A
swell has a period in the order of a fraction of a minute to several minutes. Due to
132 Power grids with renewable energy
Nearby shore
1.74 cm 10 m
Ocean floor
its long wavelength, this water wave travels very fast. It is also very rounded and
most people when first encountering it may not recognize this as a wave. Some call
it the hills and valleys of the sea. Swells need a large body of water to develop and
are usually, but not always, associated with the ocean. A typical graph of swell is
depicted in Figure 5.4.
A swell is a wave; so, often to prevent confusion, the shorter wavelength
variety is called chop or choppy waves. These waves have periods in the order of a
few seconds. Most waves are wind generated. As chop and swell are waves, they
can interact and pass through each other. Most waves are wind generated. Swells
move larger amounts of water, so it takes longer for the energy to build up and
dissipate. Swells also travel fast and for a long distance. For that reason, there is
often a swell present in many places of the ocean. Chop can whip up pretty quick
and die off just as fast. A variant of chop is a whitecap. A whitecap is when the
wind transfers more energy to a water wave than the wave can transmit, the top
may curl and blow in the wind making the top appear white. Ocean sea spray is the
result of whitecaps.
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 133
As explained in Section 5.2, it can be concluded that along the wind direction
towards the shoreline, the form of water waves may change from one to another
depending on the depth of the seabed D. A typical example is shown in Figure 5.5.
At the full depth of water, the deepwater waves may swell and propagate as tran-
sitional waves. Decreasing water depth results in an increase of the wave peak
D = ½λ
D > ½λ
Decreased depth and moves faster than
water is pushed up the front. The
wave becomes
Water gets shallower
very high and
and waves slowdown
(peaking waves). When approaching the shoreline, the increase of wave peak
continues and the wave form changes to breaking wave form, and then shallow-
water wave.
The deepwater wave (also called ‘surface wave’) is the most common form for
which the most wave energy devices are designed to extract energy. For the water
waves to behave as a deepwater wave, the mean depth of the seabed should be more
than about half the wavelength, l (i.e. D > l=2). The deepwater wave form can be
characterized by the parameters: crest and trough amplitudes, height (H), mean depth
of the water or still-water level (D) and wavelength (l) as illustrated in Figure 5.9.
As depicted in Figures 5.6 and 5.7, in a deepwater wave, the motion of parti-
cles is circular with an amplitude that decreases exponentially with depth and
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 135
Figure 5.8 Typical physical graph of breaking waves. Source: Earth and Ocean
Sciences (EOSC)
Wavelength λ
Height H
Still-water level
becomes ignored at D < l=2. The particle motion for shallow-water wave is
changed to be elliptical and the water movement occurs against the sea bottom
producing energy dissipation (Figure 5.10(a) and (b)).
Deepwater waves have their own properties to be considered for the mathe-
matical representation of these waves. They can be summarized as follows:
● Water on the surface remains on the surface.
● Surface waves are sets of continuous sine waves of varying wavelength, phase
and direction.
136 Power grids with renewable energy
wave energy
Z Transition waves
Circular motion of water particles
motion of
water particles
Figure 5.10 Particle motion in water waves (a) in deepwater and shallow-water
waves and (b) representation of particle motion for different wave
forms in three-dimension (X ¼ direction of wave energy movement,
Y ¼ wave width, Z ¼ wave height)
● The motion of water particles is circular. The surface waves have a shape that
progresses as a moving wave, although the particles themselves do not pro-
gress and have no net motion.
● The amplitude of the surface wave depends mainly on the history of the wind
regimes above the surface and is slightly dependent on the wavelength, velo-
city and duration.
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 137
● The amplitude of water particle motion decreases exponentially with the water
depth below the mean surface position; that is, it reduces to l/e at a depth of
l=2p (e ¼ the base of natural logarithms ¼ 2.72) as shown in Figure 5.10(a).
● The particle motion is negligible at depth of l=2 as its amplitude is less than
5% of that of the surface motion.
The vertical component of particle velocity equals the rate of change of the
height with respect to the time, that is, dh/dt, where
¼ aw sin j ¼ aw cos wt (5.2)
The negative sign in (5.2) indicates the opposition of rate of height change to
the positive direction of Z-axis.
dh aw2 sin j 1
The slope of surface tangent ¼ tan q ¼ ¼ ¼ aw2 sin j
dx g þ aw cos j g
Incorporating (5.2) and (5.3) can get
w x
h ¼ a sin wt (5.4)
Height above
mean water
aω2 Resultant h Z
acceleration X Wave
But the general equation of wave motion having wavelength l and velocity c can be
written as
2p 2p
h ¼ a sin ðx ctÞ ¼ a sin x wt ¼ a sinðkx wtÞ (5.5)
l l
where k ¼ 2pl (it is defined as the wave number) and c ¼ the phase velocity of the
travelling wave.
From (5.4) and (5.5), it can be seen that
l¼ (5.6)
The period of motion or the period of the wave, T, is the time taken for one full
wave or one wavelength to pass a fixed position.
2p 2pl
T¼ ¼ (5.7)
w g
The wave surface velocity, c, which is called the phase velocity of the travel-
ling wave (made by the surface motion) in the X-direction is given by
l w wl l gT
c¼ ¼ ¼ ¼g ¼ (5.9)
T k 2p 2pg 2p
Hence, longer waves travel faster than the shorter ones. In addition, from (5.8)
and (5.9), it is to be noted that the particle velocity, v, is a function of the amplitude
a, whereas the phase velocity, c, does not depend on the amplitude. This means that
c does not pertain to v.
it wi
Figure 5.13 A wave of unit width and amplitude r moving along X-direction
dy ω Z Y
H = 2a
dz X
dx a
aekz = r
position of z below the surface (i.e. in the negative direction of Z) moves in a circle
of radius r that is given by [6]
r ¼ aekz (5.10)
where k is the wave number, 2p=l. It is to be noted that the particle motion remains
circular if the seabed depth D > 0:5l.
As shown in Figure 5.14, a vertical column as an elemental strip of water
across the wavefront of dimension dx dy dz (lengthwidthheight) is
considered. The volume of the strip is
dV ¼ dx dy dz
Thus, the volume per unit width of the wave is given by
dV ¼ dx dz (5.11)
and the mass is
dm ¼ r dV ¼ r dx dz (5.12)
where r is the density of seawater.
Assuming EK is the kinetic energy of the total wave motion per unit length in
X-direction, the kinetic energy of particle of width dx is
For harmonic motions, the average kinetic and potential energies are equal,
and so the potential energy per unit length of deepwater wave per unit width EP is
given by
EP ¼ ra2 g (5.15)
Summation of (5.14) and (5.15) gives the total energy per unit length per unit
width of wavefront, which is also the total energy per unit area of surface, as
E ¼ EK þ EP ¼ ½ra2 g (5.16)
Equation (5.16) indicates that the energy within a wave is contained near the
surface and falls off sharply with depth.
The energy per unit width of front wave, per unit wavelength in the direction of
wave motion, El, is
El ¼ El ¼ ½ra2 gl (5.17)
Substituting the value of l given by (5.6) gets
ag 2
El ¼ pr (5.18)
and in terms of period of motion T given by (5.7), (5.18) can be rewritten as
El ¼ ðagT Þ2 (5.19)
w2 ¼ kg (5.20)
The corresponding group velocity, cg, in deepwater wave is
@w g c
cg ¼ ¼ ¼ (5.21)
@k 2w 2
This velocity is defined as the velocity at which the unseen energy in the group
of waves is carried forward. The total energy (kinetic þ potential) per unit length
per unit width of wavefront is given by (5.16). Accordingly, the power carried in
such waves across a vertical plane, per unit width of wavefront, can be expressed as
1 gT
P ¼ E cg ¼ rga2 ¼ rg 2 TH 2 =32p W=m (5.22)
2 4p
In nature, waves are irregular and can be described by statistical models. If the
wave conditions are measured, over 20 min for example, the mean wave height,
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 143
Hm, and the significant wave height, Hs, can be calculated. The significant wave
height is defined as the average of the highest 33% of the waves. Under such
circumstances, the wave power can be stated to be
It will be noted that the efficiency depends greatly on the wavelength, ampli-
tude of the oncoming waves and the characteristics of the device.
Design of WECs is based on a large variety of energy conversion techniques.
However, WECs are generally categorized by location, type and modes of
devices have large capture width to extract power from the oncoming waves. They
are basically offshore oscillating bodies, either floating or fully submerged.
The point absorbers usually use translational motion, such as surge, sway and
heave, to produce electricity. Indeed, the energy will come from the motion of the
buoyant top relative to the base. If one considers a floating buoy which has a
generator at the bottom of the sea, all translational movements make a source for
power generation. The larger the buoy is, the more energy can be absorbed as the
exposed area to wave increases. However a larger buoy will cause an increase in
diffraction forces. So, to design a point absorber the key parameter is the desired
amount of produced electricity. Hence, it is required to configure the entire system
considering the dimensions, the mass and inertia of the system. An optimization
algorithm is used for a selected site with the given met-ocean data. There are many
examples of point absorbers, the most well known is the ocean power technology’s
(OPT) power buoy as shown in Figure 5.16.
Floating point absorbers are divided into two categories, depending on whether
the bottom end of the structure is fixed to the seabed or to a bottom-fixed structure,
or if it is allowed to be in motion. Currently, the major point absorbers with a non-
fixed bottom end include the power buoy as shown in Figure 5.17. This device
floats on the surface of the water, and is held in place by cables connected to the
seabed. The construction involves a cylindrical structure with one component
relatively immobile as the bottom end, and a second component with movement
driven by wave motion as the top end floating buoy inside a fixed cylinder [10].
The relative motion of the two components that is caused by the rising and
falling of the waves is used to drive electromechanical generators or hydraulic
energy converters. The electric power generated is transmitted to shore over a
submerged transmission line. A 150 kW buoy has a diameter of 11 m and is 44 m
tall, with approximately 10 m of the unit rising above the ocean surface.
Floating buoy
Incident wave
Sea floor
reflect the power of the wave. These devices are typically installed onshore or
nearshore, and the device structure is typically fixed on the seabed or on the shore.
Placement of point absorber, line absorber and terminator devices with respect to
the water waves is shown in Figure 5.19.
Particle at Particle at
wave crest wave trough
device, where the top of the deflector is above the water surface and is hinged from
the seabed. A prototype of this device has been constructed as illustrated in
Figure 5.21.
Oscillating water column. An OWC consists of a chamber with an opening to
the sea below the waterline. As waves approach the device, water is forced into the
chamber, applying pressure on the air within the chamber. This air escapes to
atmosphere through a turbine. As the water retreats, air is then drawn in through the
turbine. A low-pressure Wells turbine is often used in this application as it rotates
in the same direction irrespective of the flow direction, removing the need to rectify
the air flow. It has been suggested that one of the advantages of the OWC concept
is its simplicity and robustness [12].
There are examples of OWCs as point absorbers, as well as that being built into
the shoreline, acting as a terminator. An example of a shoreline mounted device is
the Wavegen Limpet. The device is installed on the island of Islay, Western
Scotland, and produces power for the national grid. The design of the Limpet is
shown in Figure 5.22. The OWC concept has also been proposed by Oceanlinx, an
Australian wave energy developer, in a nearshore tethered device [13].
Overtopping device. An overtopping device captures seawater of incident
waves in a reservoir above the sea level, then releases the water back to sea through
turbines. An example of such a device is the Wave Dragon, a schematic diagram of
which is shown in Figure 5.23(a). This device uses a pair of large curved reflectors,
as shown in Figure 5.23(b), to gather waves into the central receiving part, where
they flow up a ramp and over the top into a raised reservoir, from which the water
can return to the sea via a number of low-head turbines.
The various categories of WECs described above can be summarized as illu-
strated by the block diagram shown in Figure 5.24.
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 149
Pelton wheel
piston line
Figure 5.21 Oscillating wave surge converter: Aquamarine Power Oyster [11]
Air flow
Reinforced concrete capture chamber
set into the incavated rock face
Back wall
Sea waves
Overtopping Reflectors
Turbine outlet
(a) (b)
Figure 5.23 Overtopping WEC: the Wave Dragon. (a) A schematic diagram.
(b) The large curved reflector
Categories of WECs
Onshore Point absorber pressure
Offshore Terminator
capability of controlling the rotational speed to match the current sea state. Wells
turbine, as a typical example, is the most commonly used as an air turbine. It has
(i) the capability to rotate at high speed for a low velocity of air flowing through the
turbine, (ii) an efficiency of 70%–80% and (iii) simplicity and high reliability. On
the other hand, it has a negative torque at low flow rates and aerodynamic losses at
flow rates exceeding the stall-free critical value, i.e. resulting in output power
drop. Kaplan turbines are the modified and enhanced version of Wells as the effi-
ciency is increased by controlling the rotor blade pitch angle [14].
A block diagram of the air turbine is shown in Figure 5.25. The input of
the turbine model is the air velocity, vair, and the output is the mechanical torque,
Tm [15].
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 151
Kvair Pair
vair Pshaft Tm
ηPair Pshaft /ωm
Vair/ωmr F(φ) η
the efficiency of the two types of hydraulic turbines (low and high head) is very
sensitive to the head-to-rotational speed ratio and may reach 90%. So, the use of
variable speed electrical generator is highly favourable.
The functional block diagram of a hydraulic turbine-generator set as a typical
example is shown in Figure 5.27. More details including the mathematical repre-
sentation of each function can be found in [16].
Angle Turbine-
Speed generator set
Governor Speed
Speed Governor-controlled
speed control Turbine
governor valves or gates Pm
changer mechanism
Speed-governing system Turbine and
energy system
LP accumulator HP accumulator
The generator delivers power into the grid with constant frequency and rms vol-
tage. Because the turbine rotates with a variable speed, a synchronous machine is
154 Power grids with renewable energy
Sea level
Waves Floating
move scillating
Hydraulic pump
Concrete box
not appropriate. Instead, asynchronous machine such as a doubly fed wound rotor
induction generator (DFIG) is used, as shown diagrammatically in Figure 5.31. The
wound rotor is fed by the stator using a converter, and with this arrangement, the
frequency and voltage are kept constant for a large range of turbine speed variation.
More details about DFIGs are explained in Chapter 2, Section 2.4.
Heaving buoy
Permanent magnets
Drag plate
PTO system
WEC Interface
Air chamber Air turbine
PCC electronics
Ocean Accumulator Hydro turbine Grid
irregular amplitude and frequency. The peak value of the output power will be
several times higher than the average power production. The generator and the
electrical system have to be dimensioned for these peaks in power. More details
about the principal of operation and modelling of LPMG, integrated with interface
mechanisms, can be found in [17,18].
The power produced cannot be delivered directly to the grid without conversion.
This is done in several steps. First, the voltage of each generator is rectified to DC and
the resulting output DC voltage is filtered through capacitive filters. The filters smooth
out the voltage from the generators and create a stable DC voltage. Outputs of various
generators are connected to a bus, during short periods of time, and the power after the
filter will also be constant. If the system is studied during hour scales, or more, there
will be variations in the produced power and these variations are due to changes in the
sea state. To compensate for voltage variations of the output that occur due to sea state
variations, a DC/AC converter and a tap-changing transformer can be used.
As shown in Figure 5.33, the function of the power take-off (PTO) systems is to
harvest the ocean wave energy and convert this energy into an adequate electric form
to be delivered to the grid. Consequently, PTO systems can be classified as follows:
● Indirect PTO systems which use mechanical interface mechanism and deliver
power to the grid through a chain of equipment as the following:
– piston and accumulator-hydraulic motor-rotary generator;
– air chamber-air turbine-rotary generator;
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 157
2. Location: Wave energy is not a viable power source everywhere. Its location is
restricted to be onshore or offshore. Cities or lands near the ocean will benefit
directly from it, whereas those far away have to find alternate sources.
3. Source of disturbance for private and commercial vessels: Another downside is
that it disturbs commercial and private vessels. Power plants that gather wave
energy have to be placed by the coastline to do their job, and they have to be
near cities and other populated areas to be of much use to anybody. But these
are the places that are major thoroughfares for cargo ships, cruise ships,
recreational vehicles and beach goers. All of these people and vessels will be
disrupted by the installation of a wave energy gathering source. This means
that government officials and private companies that want to invest in wave
energy sources have to take into account and consider the needs of those that
may be disturbed.
4. Wavelength: Wind power is highly dependent on wavelength, that is, wave
speed, wavelength and water density. They require a consistent flow of pow-
erful waves to generate significant amount of wave power. Some areas
experience unreliable wave behaviour and it becomes unpredictable to forecast
accurate wave power and, therefore, cannot be trusted as a reliable energy
5. Wave energy generators may be unpleasant for some who live close to coastal
regions. They look like large machines working in the middle of the ocean and
destroy the beauty of the ocean. They also generate noise pollution but the
noise is often shrouded by the noise of waves, which is much more than that of
wave energy generators.
Temperature (°C)
10 20
~27 (°C)
Depth × 103 m
2 ~5 °C
Warm water
Evaporator Steam
Turbine-generator set
Warm water
4 Liquid + Vapour 3
2 ~21.5 °C Electrical
generator Power line
~27 °C
Turbine to the grid
Qin Wout
24 °C Evaporator 3
Warm water intake
~10.7 °C 5 °C
pump 7 °C
1 4
Working fluid
Pump Pump
Figure 5.36 Rankine cycle: (a) T-S diagram and (b) OTEC system with typical
values of temperature at each process
where m is the mass flow of the cycle and hi is the enthalpy of the working fluid at
the ith state.
Process #2, isentropic expansion (turbine) from State 2 to State 3: an isentropic
process, in which the entropy of working fluid remains constant. The vapour flows
through the turbine where its internal energy is converted into mechanical work to
drive the electrical generator. Thus, the work output of the working fluid during this
process can be expressed as
Wout ¼ ðh2 h3 Þ kJ=kg (5.31)
Hence, the power delivered by the turbine to the electrical generator, Pout, is
given by
Pout ¼ mWout ¼ mðh2 h3 Þ kW (5.32)
Pout ¼ mWout ¼ mðh2 h3 Þ kW (5.33)
Process #3, isobaric heat rejection (condenser) from State 3 to State 4: an
isobaric process is one in which the pressure of working fluid remains constant. The
condenser is a large shell-and-tube-type heat exchanger. This is positioned next to
the turbine in order to receive a large flow rate of low pressure vapour. This vapour
in the condenser goes under a phase change from vapour to liquid. External cooling
water is pumped through thousands of tubes in the condenser to transport the heat
of condensation of the vapour away from the plant. Upon leaving the condenser, the
condensate is at a low temperature and pressure. Therefore, the heat rejected from
the cycle, Qout, is given by
Qout ¼ mðh4 h3 Þ kJ (5.34)
The value of Qout is negative as h4 < h3 . Thus, consistent with the sign convention,
Qout represents an outflow of heat from the condensed vapour.
Process #4, isentropic compression (pump) from State 4 to State 1: During the
isentropic compression process, external work is done on the working fluid by
means of pumping operation. The pump is a device that moves liquid from a low
pressure to high pressure. In the Rankine cycle, the condensate is raised to the
pressure of the evaporator by feed pumps. The high-pressure working fluid entering
the evaporator is called feed-working fluid and is reused around the Rankine cycle
again. The work, Win, and the corresponding power, Ppump, required to drive the
pump are given by
Win ¼ ðh4 h1 Þ kJ=kg (5.35)
Ppump ¼ mðh4 h1 Þ kW (5.36)
The pump work has a negative value as h1 > h4 . This is consistent with the
thermodynamic sign convention, which indicates that work and power must be
supplied to operate the pump.
A measure of the effectiveness of an energy conversion device is its thermal
efficiency, hth. This is defined as the ratio of the cycle network to the heat supplied
Ocean energy: wave and thermal energy 163
from external sources. Thus, using (5.30), (5.32) and (5.36) the ideal Rankine-cycle
thermal efficiency in terms of cycle enthalpies is given as the ratio of the net power
delivered by the Rankine cycle, which is the difference between the turbine power
and the magnitude of the pump power, to the total heat supplied to the cycle, that is,
Pnet Pout Ppump h2 h3 þ h4 h1
hth ¼ ¼ ¼ (5.37)
Qin Qin h2 h1
To determine the overall efficiency and simulate the OTEC system as a power
source connected to a grid, the combined turbo-generator efficiency, htg, should be
considered rather than the turbine efficiency. OTEC simulation is defined by a
given value of the volume flow rate of OTEC deep seawater per unit (latitude–
longitude) area, wcw, and the OTEC net power area density Pnet is calculated from
the following formula [27,28]:
( )
9 ðDT Þ2 9
Pnet ¼ wcw rcp htg (5.38)
80 T 200
where T is the absolute temperature of the OTEC surface seawater intake, and DT is
the temperature difference between surface and deep seawater intakes. The average
seawater density r is taken as 1,025 kg/m3, the seawater specific enthalpy cp as
4,000 J/kg K and the OTEC combined turbo-generator efficiency htg as 0.75. The
numerical coefficients account for a surface-to-deep seawater flow rate ratio of 1.5,
and seawater pumping power losses equal to 30% of the turbo-generator output at
standard conditions ðT ¼ 300 K; DT ¼ 20 KÞ. It is noted that these somewhat
arbitrarily defined standard conditions for the OTEC thermal resource are con-
servative, and correspond to the net power production of 1 MW with about 3 m3/s
of deep cold seawater. These figures would be much better in most of the OTEC
region; that is, less seawater would produce the same amount of net power, or
equivalently, pumping power losses would represent a smaller fraction of the turbo-
generator output.
Tc at a given depth, below 500 m, does not vary much throughout the regions
of interest for OTEC. It is also a weak function of depth, with a typical gradient of
1 C per 150 m between 500 and 1,000 m. These considerations may lead one to
regard Tc as nearly constant, with a value of 4–5 C at 1,000 m.
A desirable OTEC thermal resource of at least 20 C requires typical values of
Tw of 25 C. Generally, regions between latitudes 20 N and 20 S are adequate.
Some definite exceptions exist due to strong cold currents: (i) along the west coast
of South America, tropical coastal water temperatures remain below 20 C, and are
often 15 C; and (ii) a similar situation prevails to a lesser extent for the west coast
of Southern Africa. Moreover, Tw varies throughout the year, and sometimes
exhibits a significant seasonal drop due to the upwelling of deeper water induced by
the action of the wind. A careful OTEC site selection requires comprehensive
knowledge of local climate features as they may affect Tw seasonally [30].
The following summarizes the availability of the OTEC thermal resource
throughout the world:
● Equatorial waters, defined as lying between 10 N and 10 S, are adequate
except for the west coasts of South America and Southern Africa.
● Tropical waters, defined as extending from the equatorial region boundary to,
20 N and 20 S are adequate, except for the west coasts of South America and
of Southern Africa; moreover, seasonal upwelling phenomena would require
significant temperature enhancement for the west coast of Northern Africa, the
Horn of Africa and off of the Arabian Peninsula.
Oceans surround many of the world’s countries, and these provide an abundant
source of tapping this form of ocean thermal energy. But, in order to benefit from
such green energy, it is crucial to understand the advantages and disadvantages of
OTEC. In addition, this will help in understanding why ocean thermal energy is not
widely used despite most countries having a coastal region.
● OTEC technology feeds off an unchanging condition, the solar energy stored
in the world’s oceans. Therefore, it can run virtually continuously, unlike other
RESs such as solar and wind power. On an average day, the world’s oceans
absorb an amount of energy equivalent to 250 million barrels of oil, approxi-
mately 4,000 times the population’s current energy needs. Once the generators
and water pipes are in place, only minimal upkeep is required to keep the flow
of electricity running and no harmful by-products result from the process.
● OTEC can also support numerous spin-off industries. Chilled water that has
already been used can be pumped out of the plant and used in air conditioning,
industrial cooling and chill-soil agriculture (where pipes containing chilled
water are used to chill soil so it can support temperate crops in tropical cli-
mates). Additionally, desalinized water can be produced through OTEC
166 Power grids with renewable energy
[9] Twidell J. and Weir T. Renewable energy resources. 3rd edn. USA: Taylor &
Francis Group, Routledge (imprint of); 2015.
[10] Poullikkas A. ‘Technology prospects of wave power systems’. Electronic
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[12] Duckers L. ‘Wave energy’ in Boyle G. (ed.). Renewable energy. 2nd edn.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2004, Chapter 8.
[13] Prudell J. H., Schacher A. and Rhinefrank K. ‘Direct drive ocean wave
energy electric plant design methodology’. Proceedings of 2012 Oceans;
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[14] Huang F. and Beattie W. C. ‘Modeling and simulation of the Islay wave
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conditioning for direct-drive wave energy conversion to operate with power
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[17] Sanada M., Morimoto S. and Inoue Y. ‘Generator design and characteristics
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[18] Okano K., Sanada M., Morimoto S. and Inoue Y. ‘Output characteristics in
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Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2013 IEEE 10th
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pp. 187–93.
[19] Qing K., Xi X., Zanxiang N., Lipei H. and Kai S. ‘Design of grid-connected
directly driven wave power generation system with optimal control of output
power’. Power Electronics and Applications, 2013 15th European Conference
on; Lille, France, Sep 2013, pp. 1–8.
[20] Müller N., Kouro S., Glarfa J. and Malinowski M. ‘Medium-voltage power
converter interface for wave dragon wave energy conversion system’.
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE); Denver, CO, USA,
Sep 2013. IEEE; 2013, pp. 352–8.
[21] Szabo L., Oprea C., Festilă C. and Dulf É. ‘Study on a wave energy-based
power system’. Proceedings of Electrical machines, 2008. ICEM. 18th
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pp. 1–6.
[22] Lavi A. ‘Ocean thermal energy conversion: A general introduction’. Journal
of Energy. 1980;5(6):469–80.
168 Power grids with renewable energy
6H2 O þ 6CO2 þ Radiant energy ! C6 H12 O6 þ 6O2
The process of photosynthesis enables green plants to capture the electro-
magnetic radiation from the sun and transform it into chemical energy, with the
biomass energy obtained by reversing this photosynthesis process. The stored
energy within the living matter is released when the chemical compounds within
the organic materials are broken down due to decomposition. The organic residue
left over from this process is called ‘biomass’. When biomass is burnt, the chemical
energy in biomass is released as heat. Biomass can be burnt directly or converted to
liquid biofuels or biogas that can be burnt as fuels [1].
Therefore, biomass energy can be produced from a total natural process and
source, and consequently it is regarded as a green and climate-friendly form of
energy, making biomass energy a renewable energy resource unlike fossil fuels
(Figure 6.2).
and slurries. In addition, humans are an integral part of the systems making life,
and so the waste from human beings also can be a source of biomass (e.g. rub-
bish). All these can be used to produce biomass and bioenergy as shown in
Figure 6.3 [2,3].
Biomass can be used in solid form (the most common example is that of wood)
and it is very advantageous because of having a wide range of conversion and
refining processes through which it can be made into both liquids and gases. These
biomass solids, liquids and gases can then be used to produce electrical power,
heat, new chemicals and even combustible liquid fuels.
Biomass energy 171
Municipal and
Animal wastes Biomass sources
sewage wastes
Energy can generally be recovered through several ways such as burning of fossil
fuels, utilization of sunshine to generate solar energy or by making use of flow of
water for hydroelectric generation. All these are ways of creating energy. Even the
Earth’s core can be used to collect energy, e.g. geothermal energy. However, today
172 Power grids with renewable energy
Released CO2
that should be investigated to specify the adequacy of the biomass materials and
consequently select the conversion process are based on [5] the following:
● Calorific value to define how much energy content in the material can be
released during burning in the air.
● Alkali metal content, which is important for the thermochemical conversion
● Ash residue content produced by combustion in air, which affects the cost of
bioenergy cycle.
● Moisture content because of its impact on the conversion process, in particular,
the thermal conversion which requires low moisture content feedstock.
● Proportions of fixed carbon and volatile matter which provide an indication of
how the biomass is to be exploited as an energy source.
● Bulk density which determines the sizing of the materials handling system and
consequently the costs of transport and storage.
Biomass feedstock
Thermal Thermochemical Biological Biochemical
Biomass Exhaust
feedstock Steam
Biomass Electricity
Biomass pre- Biomass
handling processing Boiler
and storage treatment
stages: preparation and treatment, combustion to produce heat, using the heat
energy to provide steam, and finally driving a turbine-generator set to generate
electricity (Figure 6.6).
Thermochemical technology. It includes the following:
● Gasification: It converts forestry, agricultural and municipal residues into syngas.
● Pyrolysis: It converts forestry and agricultural residues into bio-oils and value-
added products [8,9].
● Thermal and catalytic processing: It converts a variety of new and used
vegetable oils, liquid rosin (obtained from the kraft pulping process), waste
greases and animal fats into renewable diesel fuels and diesel blending stocks.
An example of gasification technology is illustrated by the block diagram of
Figure 6.7. The gasification process is carried out on the collected biomass, and
then by combustion to drive the gas-turbine as a prime mover of a generator to
produce electricity.
Biological technology. Fermentation to convert the starch and cellulose com-
ponents of biomass to bio-ethanol. The liquid fuel, ethanol, as an example, is the
final product of processing the biomass by fermentation and distillation [10,11].
Biomass energy 175
Biomass Air
Air or steam
Turbine Generator
handling Gasifier Gas cleaning Combustion Electricity
and storage chamber
Hot water Cool water
handling Biomass pre- Liquefy and Fermentation Distillation Ethanol
and storage treatment saccharify
Ethanol is a corn alcohol that can be used to power cars or engines that produce
electricity (Figure 6.8).
Biochemical technology. Anaerobic digestion to convert manures and food
processing and municipal wastes into methane-rich biogas.
Wood smoke contains harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide and parti-
culate matter. Modern wood-burning stoves, pellet stoves and fireplace inserts can
reduce the amount of particulates from burning wood. Wood and charcoal are major
cooking and heating fuels in poor countries, but if people harvest the wood faster
than the time required for the trees to grow, it causes deforestation. Planting fast-
growing trees for fuel and using fuel-efficient cooking stoves can help slow defor-
estation and improve the environment.
and burn the methane for heat or to generate electricity. This electricity is con-
sidered renewable and, in many states, contributes to meeting state renewable
portfolio standards. This electricity may replace electricity generation from fossil
fuels and can result in a net reduction in CO2 emissions. Burning methane produces
CO2, but because methane is a stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, the overall
greenhouse effect is lower.
[1] Mirza U. K., Ahmad N. and Majeed T. ‘An overview of biomass energy
utilization in Pakistan’. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
178 Power grids with renewable energy
[2] Field C. B., Campbell J. E. and Lobell D. B. ‘Biomass energy: The scale of
the potential resource’. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 2007;23(2):65–72.
[3] Doelle H. W. Biomass and organic waste conversion to food, feed, fuel,
fertilizer, energy, and commodity products [online]. Encyclopedia of Life
Support Systems (EOLSS). 2003. Available from http://www.eolss.net/Eolss-
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[4] Tilman D., Hill J. and Lehman C. ‘Carbon-negative biofuels from low-input
high-diversity grassland biomass’. Science Magazine. 2006;314(5805):
[5] McKendry P. ‘Energy production from biomass (Part 1): Overview of bio-
mass’. Bioresource Technology. 2002;83:37–46.
[6] McKendry P. ‘Energy production from biomass (Part 2): Conversion tech-
nologies’. Bioresource Technology. 2002;83:47–54.
[7] McKendry P. ‘Energy production from biomass (Part 3): Gasification tech-
nologies’. Bioresource Technology. 2002;83:55–63.
[8] Shuit S. H., Tan K. T., Lee K. T. and Kamaruddin A. H. ‘Oil palm biomass
as a sustainable energy source: A Malaysian case study’. Elsevier, Energy.
[9] Mekhilef S., Saidur R., Safari A. and Mustafa W. E. S. B. ‘Biomass energy
in Malaysia: Current state and prospects’. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews. 2011;15:3360–70.
[10] Abbasi T. and Abbasi S. A. ‘Biomass energy and the environmental impacts
associated with its production and utilization’. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews. 2010;14:919–37.
[11] Farrell A. E., Plevin R. J., Turner B. T., Jones A. D., Hare M. O. and
Kammen D. M. ‘Ethanol can contribute to energy and environmental goals’.
Science Magazine. 2006;311(5760):506–8.
[12] Herbert G. M. J. and Krishnan A. U. ‘Quantifying environmental perfor-
mance of biomass energy’. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
[13] Reilly R. and Paltsev S. Biomass energy and competition for land. Science
and Policy of Global Change Report no. 145, 2007.
[14] Dornburg V. and Faaij A. P. C. ‘Efficiency and economy of wood-fired
energy systems in relation to scale regarding heat and power generation
using combustion and gasification technologies’. Biomass and Bioenergy.
[15] Goldemberg J. ‘Ethanol for a sustainable energy future’. Science Magazine.
[16] Heller M. C., Keoleian G. A., Mann M. K. and Volk T. A. ‘Life scale energy
and environmental benefits of generating electricity from willow biomass’.
Renewable Energy. 2004;29:1023–42.
Part II
Energy storage systems
Chapter 7
Electrical energy storage
7.1 Introduction
The traditional power system comprised a chain of three segments in cascade:
generation, transmission and distribution systems. Generation of electricity is
derived from a source of energy to produce electrical power, for example, fossil
fuels for thermal plants, water for hydraulic plants, wind, solar irradiation, etc.
Traditional generation of electrical power is highly centralized and, often, a long
distance away from its end users. The transmission system (second segment) is
required to transmit the electrical power at a high-voltage level to the end users
through the distribution system at medium voltage (third segment) in a unidirec-
tional power flow (Figure 7.1). It is crucial to recognize that the centralized pro-
duction of electricity leads to a complex power system configuration, high losses,
low electric power reliability and increased risk of instability. To solve these pro-
blems, distributed energy resources (DERs) can offer an alternative solution.
Load area
system Compressed air energy storage
Bi-directional power flow
Commercial Residential
DERs are small, modular, energy generation and storage technologies that
provide electric energy installed on site and of a size meeting local need.
Furthermore, DER systems may be either connected to the local electric grid or
isolated from the grid in stand-alone applications. DER technologies include
renewable energy sources (e.g. wind turbines and solar photovoltaics), micro-
turbines, reciprocating engines, combustion turbines, cogeneration and electrical
energy storage (EES) systems. Utilities can use DER technologies to delay, reduce
or even eliminate the need to obtain additional central power generation, trans-
mission and distribution equipment and infrastructure. Meanwhile, DER systems
can provide voltage support and enhance local reliability.
Therefore, the perspective of the electrical power grid in future can be seen as
an integration of conventional generation and DERs and consequently the power
flow can be bi-directional as shown in Figure 7.2.
Power grid EES
Input power
Discharging Power conversion system
Output power
Discharging losses
Storage device
Peak #1
Demand (%)
65 Intermediate load
Base load
0 6 12 18 24
Hours (h)
100 100 Discharging
EES Discharging
Demand (%)
Demand (%)
EES charging
EES charging Intermediate load Intermediate load
65 65
Figure 7.5 Load profile for large-scale EES system: (a) for load following and
levelling; (b) for peak clipping
can store large amounts of electricity to optimize the gain from electricity price
differentials between off-peak and peak demand times. This can also offset the
disadvantages of intermittent renewable energy sources by shifting this energy to
times when it is needed most.
Performance targets for electric energy time shift, a medium-duration energy
management application, focus on system capital cost, operations and maintenance
cost, discharge duration, efficiency and response time. The environmental impact
of storage devices used for electric energy time shift is also an important factor to
Load following and levelling: Energy storage technologies with very quick
response are ideal for load following, a medium-duration energy management
application (Figure 7.5(a)), and thus can isolate the rest of the grid from rapid and
substantial changes in net supply in comparison to demand. Many of these technol-
ogies can operate at partial output/input capacity without compromising the system
performance. In addition, they can quickly respond to increasing or decreasing load,
respectively, by discharging or charging rapidly.
The need to quickly respond to fluctuating demands requires the storage
device to have the ability to communicate and respond to the grid through the
system operator. Performance targets for the storage technologies used for load
following emphasize the importance of system capital cost, operations and
maintenance cost, and discharge duration. An energy storage technology, which
can meet these targets for the load following application, is well positioned to be
adopted by the electric power industry to assist with abrupt fluctuations in elec-
tricity demand.
Peak clipping: It is more economical and desirable to build enough generating
capacity to meet average demand rather than peak demands that may only last for a
short time each year. Utility planners wish to reduce the load during peak demand
periods as it defers the need for additional generation capacity. Therefore, large-
scale EES can be used to implement peak clipping by providing the electrical
energy required during peak periods (Figure 7.5(b)).
188 Power grids with renewable energy
Different technologies are used for storing the electrical energy. A widely used
approach for classifying these technologies is according to the form of stored energy.
It includes mechanical, chemical, electrochemical, electrical and thermal energy
storage. The different classes of EES technologies are shown in Figure 7.6. More
description about these matured technologies is presented in the forthcoming chap-
ters of this part. There are other technologies which still are in the demonstration and
development stage such as cryogenic and synthetic natural gas energy storage [7].
EES technologies
ið1 þ iÞT
CRF ¼ (7.6)
ð1 þ iÞT 1
192 Power grids with renewable energy
CRF is the capital recovery factor;
i is the interest rate;
T is the lifetime.
The annual O&M costs (CO&M/year) can be expressed by adding the annualized costs
of fixed O&M (CFO&M/year) and variable O&M (CVOM/year) multiplied by yearly
operating hours (h) as in the following.
where CR is the annual replacement cost, and CDR is the annual disposal and
recycling cost.
The principle of energy storage can be applied to both the ‘bulk power’ transmission
grid and the distribution system applications. Some of the technologies are available
for both applications. Currently, distribution applications are receiving more attention
due to the concept of micro-grid and distributed generation, and other power quality
issues. In addition, the need to become less dependent on fossil fuels and imported oil
is also driving research into energy storage devices for the transportation industry.
There are many things in common between these energy storage applications for
the transportation and backup power systems industries as they utilize similar
technologies. The concept of energy storage in the transmission grid is not new
either. Large pumped hydroelectric plants have been operating off this principle
for many decades. Over the past two decades many other energy storage tech-
nologies have matured to the point that they have become viable options for
selected applications in large-scale power systems. Some have already seen small-
to-medium scale applications. The viable storage technologies for different
applications are shown in Figure 7.7 [10].
It is to be noted that, for a specific application, different available EES systems
can be used commercially, but no single storage system meets all the requirements
that satisfy the best of all characteristics (high density, high efficiency, long life-
time, low cost, etc.). Each storage system has a suitable range; for instance, bat-
teries, compressed air, flywheel and pumped hydroelectric are suitable for load
following or load levelling and energy management applications. In contrast,
supercapacitors and flywheel are suitable for power quality. So, more than one
solution can be found. In this case, technical and economical comparison should be
investigated to achieve the best solution [11,12].
Electrical energy storage 193
EES systems
[1] Ibrahim H., Ilinca A. and Perron J. ‘Energy storage systems – Characteristics
and comparison’. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2008;12:
[2] Beaudin M., Zareipour H., Schellenberglabe A. and Rosehart W. ‘Energy
storage for mitigating the variability of renewable electricity sources: An
updated review’. Energy for Sustainable Development. 2010;14:302–14.
[3] Zakeri B. and Syri S. ‘Electrical energy storage systems: A comparative life
cycle cost analysis’. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2015;
[4] Denholm P., Ela E., Kirby B. and Milligan M. The role of energy storage
with renewable electricity generation. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory report NREL/TP-6A2-47187. January 2010. Available at http://
www.osti.gov/bridge [Accessed 2 August 2020].
[5] International Electrotechanical Commission, IEC. Electrical energy storage.
White Paper, 2011.
[6] Lichtner S., Brindle R. and Pack L. Electric power industry needs for grid-
scale storage applications. Sandia National Laboratories Report, 2010.
[7] Aneke M. and Wang M. ‘Energy storage technologies and real-life appli-
cations – A state of the art review’. Applied Energy. 2016;179:350–77.
[8] Chen H., Cong T. N., Yang W., Tan C., Li Y. and Ding Y. ‘Progress in
electrical energy storage system: A critical review’. Progress in Natural
Science. 2009;19:291–312.
[9] Brealey R. A., Myres S. C. and Allen F. Principles of corporate finance.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 2011.
194 Power grids with renewable energy
[10] Kondoh J., Ishii I., Yamaguchi H., et al. ‘Electrical energy storage systems
for energy networks’. Energy Conversion & Management. 2000;41(17):
[11] Schoenung S. M. and Burns C. ‘Utility energy storage applications studies’.
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 1996;11(3):658–65.
[12] Smith S. C., Sen P. K. and Kroposki B. ‘Advancement of energy storage
devices and applications in electrical power systems’. Proceedings of the
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting – Conversion and
Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
USA; 2008, pp. 1–8.
Chapter 8
Mechanical energy storage systems
Among the energy storage system (EES) types based on the form of energy stored
(Chapter 7, Section 7.7), mechanical energy storage (MES) systems are one of
these technologies. They include pumped hydroelectric storage (PHES), com-
pressed air energy storage (CAES) and flywheels (FWs).
PHES technology is suitable for energy management applications that move
the power over longer time scales and require continuous discharge ratings of
several hours and more. CAES is adequate for short- and long-duration energy
management applications, whereas FWs can be used for power quality applications
that require rapid response (less than a second), transient stability and frequency
regulation. Principles and operation of each technology are described in the forth-
coming sections.
where Q is the fluid flow in cubic metres per second (m3/s), H is the hydraulic head
height in metres (m), r is the fluid density in kilograms per cubic metre (1,000 kg/m3
for water), g is the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2) and h is the facility efficiency.
It is to be noted from (8.2) that the changeable variables are Q, H and h. The
flow is inversely proportional to the head; that is, if the head (H) is maximized, the
water utilization can be minimized and vice versa.
The cycle of operation is depicted in Figure 8.1. It is seen that the water dis-
charged from the turbine is stored in the lower-level water tank. The corresponding
components and their functions are given in Table 8.1 [2].
Recently, the total number of components has been decreased to reduce the
capital cost. Pump, turbine, motor and generator can be arranged in different ways,
which increases the overall efficiency and makes the system more compact. The
system which is composed of four units, i.e. motor, generator, pump and turbine,
makes the power house big in size. So, reversible motor/generator together with
pump and turbine configuration having three units can be used instead.
Additionally, reversible motor/generator and reversible pump/turbine systems that
have two compact components are preferred, as the investment cost is highly
reduced. A schematic diagram of a typical PHES system is shown in Figure 8.2.
Another aspect to increase the operation range of PHES is using asynchronous
motor-generators. The so-called doubly fed induction machines (DFIMs) increase the
flexibility, particularly during pumping mode. While the efficient pumping for syn-
chronous motor-generators is in the range of 90%–100% of the nominal power (PN),
DFIM can operate in pumping mode between 65% and 100% of PN.
Kaplan or Francis turbines are commonly used to maximize efficiency [3].
They are reversible and capable of handling both the pumping and the generating
Motor operated
by surplus
electric power Turbine
Water at low level
M Pump
Outlet water Generator
Water Upper
tunnel reservoir
Power house
reservoir Reversible
pump turbine
The PHES system shown in Figure 8.2 includes upper and lower reservoirs,
reversible pump-turbine unit and reversible synchronous machine. The water flow
direction and synchronous machine rotation direction in the generating mode are
opposite to those in the pumping mode. So, the synchronous machine rotation
direction should be reversed by changing the phase sequence at the machine
terminals to get it operating as a motor rather than generator.
Mechanical energy storage systems 199
Figure 8.3 Functional block diagram of a PHES system (solid arrows for
generating mode and doted arrows for pumping mode). The speed
governor system only operates in the generating mode
The functional block diagram, which represents the main elements of a typical
PHES system, is depicted in Figure 8.3. It is to be noted that the speed governor
system only operates to control the valve opening during the generating mode.
The valve opening is normally fixed at the maximum efficiency point in the
pumping mode.
The water dynamics for the pumped-turbine system penstock during generat-
ing mode can be represented by a simplified relation as follows [4]:
Q¼ ðHT H Hloss Þ (8.3)
Tw s
where Q is the output water flow from the system, HT is the total available static
head, H is the dynamic head established by pump-turbine unit, Hloss is the frictional
head loss, Tw is water starting time and s is the Laplace operator. The output
mechanical power, Pm, can be expressed as
Pm ¼ H ðQ Qnl Þ (8.4)
HT + Q + Pm
H ∑ 1 ∑ X
H, Q, v − Tw s
− −
Hloss Qnl
(a) (b)
Figure 8.4 Water dynamics. (a) Penstock. (b) Block diagram of a pump-turbine
unit in generation mode. (c) Block diagram of a pump-turbine unit in
pumping mode
On the other hand, in the pumping mode, the water dynamics depend on the
pump head-flow characteristic curve, which can be approximated by a quadratic
polynomial relation as given in the following:
H ¼ a0 w2 þ a1 wjQj þ a2 Q2 (8.5)
where a0 ; a1 and a2 are coefficients for curve fitting and w is the pump operating
speed. Consequently, the block diagram of a pump-turbine unit in pumping mode is
shown in Figure 8.4(c).
The water starting time, Tw (s), can be calculated by the relation [5]
Tw ¼ (8.6)
where L is the length of the penstock (m), v is water velocity (m/s) and g is the
acceleration of gravity (m/s2). Water velocity can be expressed in terms of power
generated by the system as
P ¼ 0:733vHT Ah (8.7)
Mechanical energy storage systems 201
where P is the generated electrical power (W), A is the average penstock area (m2)
and h is the product of turbine efficiency and generator efficiency. Hence,
Tw ¼ (8.8)
HT2 Ah
8.1.3 Applications
PHES can be used for energy management applications that include moving power
over longer timescales and generally require continuous discharge ratings of several
hours or more. So, PHES technology plays an important role for load levelling,
reducing the gap between off-peak and peak periods and power grid stabilization.
Besides balancing the peak and off-peak periods, PHES provides ancillary services
such as primary frequency and voltage control to the power grid. To fulfil the power
system control, PHES can switch within seconds for different operation modes [6].
Because of their flexibility, large-scale storage possibilities and grid operations
benefits, PHES systems will enable utilities to efficiently balance the grid and to develop
their renewable energy portfolios. In fact, the installation of intermittent renewable
generation has added a new degree of uncertainty to the dispatch of interconnected
power system. Pumped storage is therefore set to play a key role in enabling renewables’
grid integration while helping countries meet their ambitious targets of cutting green-
house gas emissions and of building additional clean renewable energy capacity.
At the daily operating plants, electricity is generated during peak hours and water
is stored at out off-peak hours. In the weekly cycle of water, some portion of the water
used in the generation of electricity during peak hours of weekdays is pumped back to
the upper reservoir within that day. Except during peak hours of weekends, water is
stored in the upper reservoir, which becomes empty at the end of the weekdays. On the
other hand, seasonally operating PHESs store water while the river flow and energy are
in excess, and to increase its firm energy use reserved water while the river flow is low.
Utility grid
Compressors Turbines
Motor Generator
Intercooler Fuel Exhaust
Aftercooler Exhaust Recuperator
Compressed air carven
LP and HP compressors generator/motor LP and HP turbines
Air flow Shaft Shaft 6
Cooler Compressed air reservoir Combustor
2 3
Figure 8.6 Functional block diagram of a CAES system with reversible motor/
generator model. Solid arrows represent the air flow direction
whereas the exhaust is indicated by dotted arrows. State points are
shown by numbered black circles
high pressure (HP) compressors) driven by a motor to inject the air into a
cavern (normally, installed underground). The high-pressure compressed air is
stored in the cavern at surrounding formation temperature.
● To improve the compression efficiency, coolers can be used to reduce the
operating temperature of the injected air.
The discharging cycle (expansion cycle)
● The stored high-pressure compressed air is released and heated and conse-
quently expanded through gas turbines (HP and LP turbines) and sometimes
steam turbines.
● The combustor implements the combustion process with the mixed com-
pressed air and fuel to rotate the turbines.
● The turbines are connected to an electrical generator to generate electricity.
● A recuperation device can be used to recycle the waste heat of the system
exhaust before it is released into the atmosphere, thus resulting in reduction of
both CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.
The recuperation cycle
A recuperation cycle plant, the conventional CAES thermal cycle with an addi-
tional component (the recuperator), is shown in Figure 8.5. A recuperator recovers
the low-pressure turbine waste heat to preheat the stored air before it goes into the
high-pressure combustor. This reduces the fuel consumption of the plant (as com-
pared to the conventional plant) by about 25%. This configuration is used in the
Alabama McIntosh plant that was designed for primary operation as a source of
peak power and as a load-management storage plant. As the recuperator reduces the
plant heat rate during generation by about 25%, it reduces the cost of the plant’s
peak power supply.
206 Power grids with renewable energy
can be written as
dmðtÞ >
¼ m_ in ðtÞ m_ out ðtÞ þ N
dt (8.10)
dmu >
¼m _ in ðtÞh3 ðtÞ m_ out ðtÞh4 ðtÞ þ Q_ tnk þ W_ ;
where h stands for the specific enthalpy of unit mass of the fluid, m _ in ðtÞ and m
_ out ðtÞ
are the inlet and outlet mass flow rates, respectively, N represents the net produc-
tion rate of mass, m, by the chemical reactions (equals zero when there is no che-
mical reaction inside the reservoir), Q_ tnk is the rate of change of heat transfer and
W_ is the rate of change in energy transfer because of work done (equals zero for the
energy balance of compressed air storage).
Q_ tnk , m_ in ðtÞ and the volumetric efficiency, hV ;comp , are, respectively, given by
Q_ tnk ðtÞ ¼ Krsv Arsv ðT4 ðtÞ Text ðtÞÞ >
V_ >
m_ in ¼ hV ;comp
V1 ðt Þ (8.11)
0:714 >
hV ;comp ¼ 1 0:05 bcomp ðtÞ 1 >
Mechanical energy storage systems 207
where Krsv is the overall heat exchange coefficient between the reservoir and the
environment, Arsv is the external area of the reservoir, hV ;comp is the compressor
volumetric efficiency and bcomp is the compression ratio.
At points #5 and #6, the power required by the compressor and that produced
by the turbine, respectively, can be calculated by the following relations:
Pcomp ðtÞ ¼ m_ in ðtÞ ðh3 ðtÞ h1 ðtÞÞ =
hm;comp (8.12)
Pturb ðtÞ ¼ hm;turb m_ out ðtÞ ðh6 ðtÞ h5 ðtÞÞ
where hm;comp and hm;turb are the mechanical efficiency of compressor and turbine,
Thus, the overall efficiency of the CAES system (hCAES) and the coverage ratio
(CRCAES) can be expressed as
hCAES ¼ (8.13)
CRCAES ¼ (8.14)
where Eturb, Ecomp and EBldg are, respectively, the turbine energy production, the
compressor energy consumption and the total building demand over a specific
As an energy storage device, flywheel energy storage (FES) stores electrical energy
in the form of kinetic energy in a rotating mass. It operates like any other storage
technology in the charging and discharging mode. FES systems can be categorized
into two classes: (i) conventional low-speed systems (up to 10,000 rpm) in which
steel rotors are used to increase inertia with mechanical bearings that result in large
and heavy system and relatively large standby losses (between 0.5% and 1% of
rated power) and (ii) high-speed composite systems with speeds up to 100,000 rpm
in which the rotor is made of composite materials with magnetic or super-
conducting bearings resulting in a compact system but because of the high speed,
air drag forces cause losses of about 0.1% of the rated power [15].
Mechanical energy storage systems 209
However, the cost and maintenance of low-speed FWs is less than that of high-
speed FWs. On the other hand, high-speed FWs have the advantage of low losses,
low mass and high-energy storage capacity.
Axes of rotation
generator c
Vacuum magnetic
pump bearing
DC Flywheel
Grid converter
link converter
transformer Back-to-back converter generator
E ¼ ½Iw2 (8.15)
Mechanical energy storage systems 211
where I is the moment of inertia and w is the rotational speed. For simplicity, the
FW is approximated to be a thin-walled cylinder. Thus, the moment of inertia can
be expressed in terms of its mass, m, and radius, r, as
I ¼ mr2 (8.16)
Substituting (8.16) into (8.15) gives
E ¼ ½mr2 w2 (8.17)
The useful stored energy, intrinsically, depends on the ratio between the
minimum and maximum rotating speed, wmin, wmax, respectively, as [15]
w2max w2min
E ¼ Emax (8.18)
The FW is mainly affected by two forces: the circumferential and radial
stresses. Therefore, the tensile strength, s, of a specific material gives a measure
of how much the FW can withstand these stresses during rotation. It can be
calculated by
s ¼ rr2 w2 (8.19)
where r is the density of material.
From (8.19), the allowable rotational speed can be determined. In addition,
substituting (8.19) into (8.17) gives the energy stored by the FW as
E¼½ (8.20)
Hence, increasing the tensile strength and decreasing the material density will
lead to an FW with a high ratio of energy to weight. This in turn necessitates a
proper selection of the FW material according to the desired speed.
For FW dynamic analysis, the general form of equation of motion can be
written as [18]
½M Z€ þ ½C Z_ þ ½K fZ g ¼ ff g (8.21)
where ½M ¼ symmetric mass matrix, ½C ¼ symmetric damping matrix,
½K ¼ symmetric stiffness matrix, fZ g ¼ generalized coordinate vector and
ff g ¼ external force vector.
Several types of electrical machines can be used with FWs such as induction
machine (IM), DFIM, permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM),
brushless DC (BLDC) machine, and switched reluctance machine (SRM).
Advantages and disadvantages of each type are summarized in Table 8.3 [15].
More details about the dynamics and equivalent circuits for the first three types
are given in Chapter 2, Section 2.4, whereas the latter two types are explained in
Chapter 12, Sections 12.4.3 and 12.4.4, respectively. The power conditioning
systems used for interfacing are explained in Chapter 13.
212 Power grids with renewable energy
8.3.4 Applications
Different fields of applications can use FES systems such as transportation, unin-
terruptible power supplies, aircraft launching systems, spacecraft energy storage,
pulse power source and grid energy storage.
FES systems can be used for grid energy storage as they can perform the
following functions [19]:
● Short-term spinning reserve for momentary frequency regulation of the grid
and voltage sag correction [20,21].
● Balancing sudden changes between generation and demand.
● Storing the energy during off-peak hours rather than traditional sources, for
example, natural gas turbines with no carbon emissions and faster response.
Mechanical energy storage systems 213
FWs Batteries
● Temperature changes have no effect and ● Operation is sensitive to the temperature
FWs can operate at a wider range changes
● Not subjected to failures of chemical ● Subjected and affected by the failures and
reactions incorrect chemical reactions
● Less potentially damaging to the ● May cause environment damage
● Easy to know exactly the amount of ● Not easy to know the exact amount of
stored energy by measuring the stored energy
rotational speed
● Almost infinite working lifespan ● Operates for a finite period
● Minimal maintenance throughout ● Frequent maintenance is required
the service life is required as the
containment is completely sealed. For
instance, magnetic bearing FWs in a
vacuum enclosure do not need bearing
maintenance, whereas with mechanical
bearing, FWs have a limited lifespan
because of wear
● In some applications, especially in those ● Batteries can be arranged in a wide variety
having constrained space, FWs may not of configurations
be applicable
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[2] Çetinkaya S. Capacity determination of pumped storage projects using
market electricity prices. MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University
(METU); 2014.
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ment in electrical energy storage technologies and the application potential
in power system operation’. Applied Energy. 2015;137:511–36.
[4] Liang J. and Harley R. G. (eds.). ‘Pumped storage hydro-plant models for
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Meeting; RI, USA, July 2010, pp. 1–8.
214 Power grids with renewable energy
[5] IEEE Committee. ‘Dynamic models for steam and hydro turbines in power
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pp. 1904–15.
[6] Denholm P., Ela E. and Kirby B. The role of energy storage with renewable
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tems’. Applied Energy. 2016;162:589–600.
[11] Simpore S., Garde F., David M. and Marc O. ‘Design and dynamic simula-
tion of a compressed air energy storage system (CAES) coupled with a
building an electric grid and a photovoltaic power plant’. Proceedings of the
12th REHVA World Congress; Heiselberg, Per Kvols, Denmark, May 2016,
pp. 1–10.
[12] Haung Y., Chen H. S., Zhang X. J., et al. ‘Techno-economic modelling of
large-scale compressed air energy storage systems’. Energy Procedia.
[13] Shamshirgaran S. R., Ameri M. and Ghadamian H. ‘Design of compressed
air energy storage (CAES) power plant using the genetic algorithm’. 4th
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2011); Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 2012, pp. 401–8.
[14] McCalley J. D. Compressed air energy storage. Educational Chapter. USA:
Trishna Das; 2012.
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‘On the development of flywheel storage systems for power system appli-
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Mechanical energy storage systems 215
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the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM’08;
Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep 2008, pp. 1–6.
Chapter 9
Chemical energy storage systems: fuel cells
and power-to-gas
9.1 Introduction
A fuel cell (FC) is a static device having energy conversion function. Chemical
energy of a fuel is supplied as an input to the FC, which converts it directly into
electrical energy. Energy conversion results from a chemical reaction of positively
charged hydrogen ions with oxygen or another oxidizing agent. FCs using hydro-
gen (H2) may be called ‘hydrogen FCs’. They are different from batteries in that a
continuous source of fuel and oxygen (or air) are required to sustain the chemical
reaction, whereas the chemicals in batteries react with each other to generate an
electromotive force (EMF). FCs can produce electricity continuously if the proper
inputs are supplied. They can be used, as an alternative energy source with low
emission of pollutant gases, for primary and backup power for commercial,
industrial and residential buildings as well as in remote or inaccessible areas.
Different types of FCs such as polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
(PEMFC), solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)
exist. They have a wide variety of potential applications, particularly in distributed
generation (DG) applications, for example, transportation, stationary power for
buildings, auxiliary power and cogeneration applications.
Compared to conventional power plants, FC systems have many advantages.
These include high efficiency, zero or low emission of pollutant gases and flexible
modular structure. In addition, FCs can normally be located at any site at the dis-
tribution level in a power system resulting in grid reinforcement, deferring or
eliminating the need for system upgrades, and improving system integrity, relia-
bility and efficiency. However, the most common disadvantage of all types of FCs
currently is the cost.
The major processes of a hydrogen FC energy system are depicted in
Figure 9.1. They start with cleaning the fuel and converting it into a hydrogen-rich
gas using the fuel processor. Power-to-gas (PtG) energy system can be used as a
source of fuel to provide the FC with natural gas or hydrogen as discussed in
Section 9.9. FC stacks normally convert the energy of hydrogen into electric energy
in DC form. Then, power conditioner unit converts the electric power from DC into
regulated DC or AC for consumer use. An energy storage system may also be
included as a part of the FC system for energy management and mitigating load
218 Power grids with renewable energy
Fuel Hydrogen-rich
Fuel processor Fuel cell DC Power AC
gas stacks conditioner
The hydrogen ions are drawn through the electrolyte after the reaction. Meanwhile,
electrons are drawn from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit
producing DC current.
Chemical energy storage systems: fuel cells and power-to-gas 219
Electric load
Electric load
Air in Fuel in
e– e–
O2 e H+ Hydrogen
Unused H+
gases Excess
out H O fuel Oxygen
Cathode Anode
Cathode Electrolyte Anode Electrolyte
At the cathode, hydrogen ions, electrons and oxygen react to form water as the
reaction is expressed by
Electrical load
4e– 4e–
Positive connection
Oxygen Hydrogen
O2 4H 2H2 → 4H+ + 4e–
Negative connection
Cathode Anode
Water Heat
Positive terminal
Electrical load
Negative terminal
Figure 9.4 An FC stack, four parallel sets and two series FCs per set (arrows
indicate the electron flow)
both width and length but also by using highly porous electrode, which has the
effect of greatly increasing the effective surface area.
● Individual FCs produce relatively small electric potential, 0.6–0.7 V. So, FCs
are stacked or placed in series and parallel combinations to create enough
voltage and current to meet the specific requirements of an application
(Figure 9.4). FCs produce not only electricity but also water, heat and,
depending on the fuel source, very small amounts of nitrogen dioxide and other
Chemical energy storage systems: fuel cells and power-to-gas 221
Inputs Outputs
Fuel cell Heat
Oxygen Water
F ¼ Na :e ¼ 96485 C:
Referring to Section 9.2, it can be found that for the hydrogen FC, two elec-
trons pass around the external circuit for each water molecule produced and each
molecule of hydrogen used. So, for one mole of hydrogen used, 2Na electrons pass
around the external circuit, then the charge that flows is 2Na.e ¼ 2F coulombs.
Assuming the open-circuit voltage of the FC is denoted by VOC, the electrical
work done moving the charge 2F around the circuit is
As the system is reversible, the electrical work done in (9.6) will be equal to
the Gibbs free energy released, Dg f . Hence,
Dgf ¼ 2F:VOC or VOC ¼ (9.7)
For instance, from Table 9.1, Dg f ¼ 210.3 kJ for an FC operating at 400 C, so
210:3 103
VOC ¼ ¼ 1:09 V
2 96;485
It is to be noted that this value is higher than the actual as the system is
assumed to be reversible as well as pure hydrogen and oxygen are at standard
pressure (100 kPa). In practice, because some voltage drop occurs and reactions are
irreversible, the voltage, VOC, would be lower even when no current is drawn.
Table 9.1 Values of Dgf for the reaction H2 þ ½O2 ! H2O at different temperatures
Water state Liquid Liquid Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
Temperature ( C) 25 80 80 100 200 400 600 800 1,000
Dgf (kJ/mol) 237.2 228.2 226.1 225.2 220.4 210.3 199.6 188.6 177.4
224 Power grids with renewable energy
228:2 103
VOC ¼ ¼ 1:18 V
2 96;485
Dgf 228:2
hFCðmaxÞ ¼ 100 ¼ 100 ¼ 79:8% referred to HHV
Dh f 285:84
Therefore, the actual efficiency of the cell, hFC ; can be obtained as the ratio of
VFC to VOC value (1.48 V related to HHV or 1.25 V related to LHV), that is,
VFC ðVFC =1:48Þ 100% using HHV
hFC ¼ 100% ¼ (9.12)
VOC ðVFC =1:25Þ 100% using LHV
In practice, it is found that not all the fuel fed to the FC reacts as some of it
passes through the electrolyte unreacted by diffusion (it is known as ‘fuel cross-
over’). A fuel utilization coefficient, mf , is used when calculating the efficiency of
the cell by rewriting (9.12) as
hFC ¼ mf 100% (9.13)
bX þ cY ) dM (9.14)
where b and c are moles of reactants X and Y, respectively, and d is the moles of
product M. Each of X, Y and M has an associated activity, a. Thus, ax and ay are
the activities of reactants and am is the activity of the product. In the ideal gases,
the activity a is defined as
a¼ (9.15)
where P is the pressure or partial pressure when the gases are part of a mixture and
Po is standard pressure, 100 kPa. In case of water produced in FCs, the activity
depends on whether it is in a steam or liquid form. For steam, the activity is
aH2 O ¼
PoH2 O
where PoH2 O is the vapour pressure of the steam at the temperature concerned and
can be obtained from steam tables. If the water produced is in a liquid form,
aH2 O ¼ 1.
Therefore, Gibbs free energy change for (9.14) should be modified by the
activities of the reactants and product to be as [3]
abX :acY
Dgf ¼ Dgf o RT ln (9.16)
where Dgf o is the change in molar Gibbs free energy of formation at standard
pressure, R is the molar gas constant, 8.314 J/(K mol.) and T is the temperature in
For hydrogen FC reaction: H2 þ ½O2 ! H2O, (9.16) becomes
aH2 :a0:5
Dgf ¼ Dgf RT ln (9.17)
aH2 O
Typical values of Dg f o are given in Table 9.1. From (9.17), with increasing
activity of reactants, Dg f will be more negative and more energy is released,
whereas Dg f increases and becomes less negative when the activity of product
Chemical energy storage systems: fuel cells and power-to-gas 227
o RT aH2 :a0:5
VOC ¼ VOC þ ln (9.18)
2F aH2 O
where VOC is the open-circuit voltage at standard pressure.
The second term on the RHS of (9.18) determines how the voltage is affected
by both temperature and activities of both reactants and product which are function
of the pressure. The voltage calculated from (9.18) is known as ‘Nernst voltage’,
which is the reversible open-circuit voltage of a cell at given temperature and
pressure, and the equation is called ‘Nernst equation’.
As an illustrative example, the reaction: H2 þ ½O2 ! H2O (steam) is con-
sidered at high temperature and assuming that the steam behaves as an ideal gas,
using (9.15), the activities will be as follows:
PH2 P O2
For reactants: aH2 ¼ Po and aO2 ¼ Po
For products: aH2 O ¼ PH2oO
Substituting in (9.18) gives
2 3
PH2 PO2 0:5
o RT 6 Po P o
VOC ¼ VOC þ ln4 P H2 O 5
The pressures in (9.19) are in most cases partial pressures, for example, the
oxygen is mostly a part of air. Assuming the system pressure is P, the relations in
the following can be written.
where a, b and g are constants depending on the molar masses and concentration of
H2, O2 and H2O, respectively.
228 Power grids with renewable energy
With a change in the hydrogen pressure from P1H2 to P2H2 at constant PO2 and
PH2 O , the FC voltage will change by
DVOC ¼ ½lnðP2H2 Þ lnðP1H2 Þ ¼ ln
2F 2F P1H2
Similarly, for oxygen partial pressure change from P1O2 to P2O2 , at constant
PH2 and PH2 O , (9.19) can be rewritten as
VOC ¼ VOC þ ln þ lnðPO2 Þ
2F PH2 O 4F
and the FC voltage change will be
DVOC ¼ ½lnðP2O2 Þ lnðP1O2 Þ ¼ ln
4F 4F P1O2
Calculations of reversible open-circuit voltage, VOC, of an FC are explained in
Sections 9.3 and 9.5 and given by (9.8). VOC may fall at higher temperatures as
illustrated in Table 9.1 or when gas pressure decreases as in (9.22). It is practically
found that losses due to irreversibility may take place causing voltage drops.
Because of these drops, the voltage at the FC terminals (operating voltage) is lower
than the voltage developed inside the cell; VOC . Irreversibility losses can be
Chemical energy storage systems: fuel cells and power-to-gas 229
classified as activation losses, ohmic losses and concentration losses. The voltage
drops produced by these losses are functions of load current and FC temperature
and/or pressure.
(ii) using more effective catalysts, (iii) increasing the surface area of the electrode
by increasing its roughness and (iv) increasing both reactant concentration and
On the other hand, the current density of an FC, i, in (9.24), may be modified
when considering the energy loss resulting from (i) the small amount of fuel not
passing through the electrolyte (fuel crossover), and (ii) the electron conduction
through the electrolyte which causes a small internal current and produces no
current from the cell. The modification includes a value of internal current density,
iint, being added to i to express this impact on the cell voltage. Accordingly, (9.24)
i þ iint
DVact ¼ A ln for i > b (9.25)
However, it is found that the effect of the internal current and diffusion of fuel
through the electrolyte in an FC is usually not very important except in case of low
temperature FCs as it has a noticeable effect on VOC.
An empirical formula that is the most common approach used for calculating
the voltage drop produced by concentration losses, DVconc, is given by [1]
DVconc ¼ m expðniÞ (9.27)
m ≙ constant, typically about 3 105 V;
n ≙ constant, about 8 103 cm2/mA;
i ≙ FC current density.
Due to the activation, ohmic and concentration, voltage drops inside FCs, and the
voltage at the FC terminals is lower than the reversible open-circuit voltage, VOC,
which is the voltage developed inside the FC (it can be denoted by E as well).
These voltage drops as given by (9.25), (9.26) and (9.27) are functions of load
current and FC temperature and/or pressure. The ohmic voltage drop is a linear
function of FC load current but the ohmic resistance, RASR, is a function of FC
temperature. The activation and concentration voltage drops are nonlinear func-
tions of load current, pressure and temperature inside the FC. Specifically, for the
two types of FCs, PEMFC and SOFC, which have a great potential for use in
distributed power generation applications, the equivalent circuit can be deduced as
shown in Figure 9.6.
The output voltage, V, at FC terminals can be written as
V ¼ E DVact DVohm DVconc
i þ iint (9.28)
¼ E A ln i:RASR þ m expðniÞ
where DVact , DVohm and DVconc are given by (9.25), (9.26) and (9.27), respectively.
In addition to the factors, load current, temperature and pressure, that affect the
voltage, V, as included in (9.28), there is another factor, which is the electric storage
capability of FCs and called ‘capacitance of double-layer charge effect’. It is com-
mon to most FCs and affects their dynamic response as it makes them behave like a
large capacitor in the order of a few Farads. In an FC, the two electrodes (anode and
cathode) are separated by a thin layer of electrolyte forming two opposite polarity
charged layers across the boundary between the electrodes and electrolyte; anode–
electrolyte layer and electrolyte–cathode layer. These two layers (known as electro-
chemical double layers) can store electrical energy and behave much like a capacitor.
The example shown in Figure 9.7 illustrates the situation that might arise at the
electrode of an acid electrolyte FC. Electrons are collected at the surface of
the porous electrode and the positive hydrogen ions will be attracted to the surface of
the electrolyte forming the effect of a capacitor with capacitance, C, given by
C¼e (9.29)
e ≙ electrolyte’s electrical permittivity;
A ≙ effective surface area between the electrolyte and electrode;
l ≙ distance between the layers.
A is large because of the porous structure of electrodes, whereas l is very small
(in the order of nanometers) resulting in a high value of capacitance.
Therefore, to represent the capacitance of double-layer charge effect the
equivalent circuit of Figure 9.6 should be modified to be as shown in Figure 9.8.
Resistances Rohm, Ract and Rconc model the ohmic, activation and concentration
losses, respectively. The voltage across the capacitance, VC, can be obtained by
dV C
VC ¼ i C ðRact þ Rconc Þ (9.30)
and the output voltage, V is
V ¼ E VC Vohm (9.31)
– – +
– +
+ + + +
– – – – +
– – –
– +
+ +
– +
+ + +
– – –
– +
– – –
– –
+ + + +
– +
+ + +
– – –
– – +
– +
+ +
+ +
– – –
Ract Rconc
E Rohm
– +
+ – i
– +
It is found that the time constant, t, of the circuit in Figure 9.8 only depends on
Ract and Rconc, where
t ¼ ðRact þ Rconc ÞC (9.32)
The changes in these two resistances are only due to the electrochemical
reactions inside FCs, whereas the ohmic resistance is the resistance due to the
ohmic voltage drop; that is, a change in current gives an immediate change in the
voltage drop across Rohm. Thus, the output voltage given in (9.31) is a dynamic
quantity as VC is a function of the time constant, t, given by (9.32).
Ract Rconc
E ∆Vact1 Rohm
+ l C
– +
+ V –
– +
Calculation of to get fuel cell
open circuit temperature T
voltage E
by (9.19)
Pc +
Calculations of irreversibility Vout
Proom Fuel and oxidant
losses and voltage drops:
delay, ∆Vd by
+ ∆Vact, ∆Vohm, ∆Vconc
(9.38), (9.39)
by (9.25)–(9.27)
Double-layer charge effect given Electric
by (9.33) load
time and determines the influence of the FC and oxidant delay on the cell output
voltage during load transients. It can be given in Laplace domain as [3]
1 te s
DVd ¼ le I ðsÞ 1 ¼ le I ðsÞ (9.38)
te s þ 1 te s þ 1
where le is a constant (W) and te is the overall flow delay. In time domain, it
DVd ¼ le ½iðtÞ iðtÞ expðt=te Þ (9.39)
where is the convolution operator and t=te is the time lag.
By simulation and based on the block diagram of Figure 9.10, a typical
example for a PEMFC stack with specification given in Table 9.2 shows the steady-
state voltage–current and power–current (V–I and P–I) characteristics as depicted
in Figure 9.11.
It is shown that the P–I characteristic of the FC at given temperature and
pressure has only one maximum power point (MPP) at which the efficiency is
maximum. The output power and voltage can be controlled through proper control
and MPP tracking algorithms associated with power electronic interface devices to
improve FC efficiency [9–11].
FCs have been classified into different types usually distinguished by the electro-
lyte that is used [12]. Some key figures can be referred to for identifying each type
236 Power grids with renewable energy
600 Voltage–current chs
Power–current chs MPP
Fuel cell power (W)
200 30
100 25
0 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fuel cell current (A)
Figure 9.11 V–I and P–I characteristics for a 613.5 W PEMFC stack
such as operating temperature, produced power, cell efficiency and cost per kilo-
watt. These figures for some types of FCs are given in Table 9.3. Cell efficiency
means the efficiency of the FC as an individual element, whereas system efficiency
expresses the efficiency of the overall system including all the components shown
in Figure 9.1.
9.9 Power-to-gas
The concept of PtG technology is about converting electrical energy into chemical
energy (gaseous energy) in the form of hydrogen and/or methane as energy carriers.
Therefore, linking the electricity and gas networks permits effective dealing with
excess and lack of electrical power generated, especially by intermittent renewable
sources (e.g. wind and solar) [13].
such as FC vehicles, chemical industries, combined heat and power (CHP) and
heating as shown in Figure 9.12. Therefore, PtG systems include the main com-
ponents as in the following [14].
Water electrolyser: The surplus electrical energy is delivered from the elec-
trical power grid as input to the electrolysis device to split the water into its com-
ponents, hydrogen and oxygen through the chemical reaction expressed by
H2 O ! H2 þ ½O2
Three electrolysis technologies are commonly used in PtG process: alkaline
(AEL), polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) and solid oxide electrolysis (SOEC).
Hydrogen storage: Because of the fluctuation of power supplied by renewable
sources, temporary hydrogen storage is of utmost importance to be employed to
overcome the intermittent operation of the electrolyser. The storage capacity and its
operating parameters depend on the amount of electrical power required to supply
the demand. Different methods may be applied to establish hydrogen storage
compressed gas tanks as follows:
1. Cryogenic compressed liquid hydrogen tanks, which have continuous gas
leakage and expensive insulation. However, this type of tanks is a poor choice
for PtG systems.
2. Physical storages, which are normally underground caverns and the cheapest option
of all storage methods. In addition, this type is suitable and favourable for high
capacity, long-term hydrogen storage, that is, not viable for small PtG systems.
3. High-pressure cylindrical gas tanks, which are the best option for temporary
hydrogen storage.
Chemical energy storage systems: fuel cells and power-to-gas 239
4. Metallic hybrid tanks, which are an alternative method of the third method.
Methanation: It is a process to synthetically produce natural gas, that is,
methane (CH4) as the name is referred to. Carbon dioxide (CO2) or carbon mono-
oxide (CO) is required for methanation and can be obtained from either biogenic
carbon source (e.g. biogas) or industrial processes [15]. Thermodynamically, the
reaction can be expressed as
CO2 þ 4H2 ! CH4 þ 2H2 O
CO þ 3H2 ! CH4 þ H2 O
Methanation can be done in methanation reactors either biological or catalytic
by use of catalyst, e.g. nickel. The gases produced by PtG technology (H2 and CH4)
can be combined to form a combined natural gas (CNG), which can in turn be
integrated into natural gas infrastructure. Figure 9.13 shows the sequence of pro-
cesses of a typical PtG system [16–18].
9.9.2 Applications
The natural gas produced by PtG system can be utilized in stationary power appli-
cations such as CHP plants and small industries by respectively using gas turbines
(GTs) and microturbines, which are described in the next two subsections. However,
CHP covers a wide capacity range from 25 kW microturbines to 250 MW GTs [19].
O2 Biological Industrial
carbon source flue gas
(CO2) (CO)
Utility grid Electric current Electrolysis cells to split
Renewable energy sources the water (H2O) as CO2 CO
(wind, solar, etc.) H2O → H2 + ½O2
H2 Methanation
H2 CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + H2O
Electrical power to grid
H2 storage Or
Water, H2O CO + 3H2 → CH4 + H2O
Figure 9.13 Typical flow diagram of PtG processes (inputs flow is denoted by
black arrows and interior or output flows by grey arrows)
240 Power grids with renewable energy
HRSG Steam
turbine (combined cycle)
Exhaust Recuperator
Air inlet
Power Generator
turbine Microturbines
Microturbine is a class of small GTs and operates with the same theory as that of
large GTs but a difference in the design due to use of recuperator to recover part of
the exhaust heat for preheating the combustion air. The air is drawn through a
compressor and mixed with fuel (natural gas, gasoline, diesel and alcohol), then
ignited to power the turbine and rotating an electrical generator (e.g. synchronous
generator and permanent-magnet generator) at a speed up to 120,000 rpm as shown
in Figure 9.16.
[1] Larminie J. and Dicks A. Fuel cell systems explained. 2nd edn. West Sussex,
England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; 2003.
[2] Wikipedia. Fuel cell [online]. Available from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
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[3] Nehrir M. H. and Wang C. Modeling and control of fuel cells: Distributed
generation applications. Hoboken, NJ, USA: IEEE-Wiley Press; 2009.
[4] Wang C., Nehrir M. H. and Shaw S. R. ‘Dynamic models and model vali-
dation for PEM fuel cells using electrical circuits’. IEEE Transaction on
Energy Conversion. 2005;20(2):442–51.
[5] Nehrir M. H., Wang C. and Shaw S. R. ‘Fuel cells: Promising devices for
distributed generation – Understanding their modeling and need for control’.
IEEE Power Engineering Magazine. 2006;4(1):47–53.
[6] Maher A. R. and Al-Baghdadi S. ‘Modelling of proton exchange membrane
fuel cell performance based on semi-empirical equations’. Renewable
Energy. 2005;30:1587–99.
242 Power grids with renewable energy
[7] Ramos-Paja C. A., Giral R., Martinez-Salamero L., Romano J., Romero A.
and Spagnuolo G. ‘A PEM fuel-cell model featuring oxygen-excess-ratio
estimation and power-electronics interaction’. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics. 2010;57(6):1914–24.
[8] Lee J. H., Lalk T. R. and Appleby A. J. ‘Modeling electrochemical perfor-
mance in large scale proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks’. Journal of
Power Sources. 1998;70:258–68.
[9] Karami N., Outbib R. and Moubayed N. ‘Maximum power point tracking
with reactant flow optimization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell’.
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology. 2013;10:1–14.
[10] Ramos-Paja C. A., Spagnuolo G., Petrone G. and Giral R. ‘Fuel cell MPPT
for fuel consumption optimization’. IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS); Paris, France, May/June 2010, pp. 2199–202.
[11] Karami N., Outbib R. and Moubayed N. ‘Fuel flow control of a PEM fuel
cell with MPPT’. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
(ISIC); Dubrovnik, Croatia, Oct 2012, pp. 289–94.
[12] Chambers A. Renewable energy in nontechnical language. Tulsa,
Oklahoma: PennWell Corporation; 2004.
[13] Götz M., Lefebvre J., Mörs F., et al. ‘Renewable power-to-gas: A techno-
logical and economic review’. Renewable Energy. 2016;85:1371–90.
[14] Liu W., Wen F. and Xue Y. ‘Power-to-gas technology in energy systems:
Current status and prospects of potential operation strategies’. Journal of
Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. 2017;5(3):439–50.
[15] Mostert C., Ostrander B., Bringezue S. and Kneiske T. M. ‘Comparing
energy storage technologies regarding their material and carbon footprint’.
Journal of Energies. 2018;11(12):3386–411.
[16] Walker S. B., Lanen D. V., Fowler M. and Mukheriee U. ‘Economic analysis
with respect to power-to-gas energy storage with consideration of various
market mechanisms’. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016;
[17] Schulze P., Holstein J., Noort A. V. and Knijp J. ‘Power-to-gas in a dec-
arbonized European energy system based on renewable energy sources’.
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[18] Jentsch M., Trost T. and Sterner M. ‘Optimal use of power-to-gas energy
storage systems in an 85% renewable energy scenario’. Energy Procedia.
[19] Onsite Sycom Energy Corporation. ‘Review of combined heat and power
technologies’. Office of Industrial Technologies, US Department of Energy;
October 1999, pp. 1–31.
Chapter 10
Electrochemical energy storage systems
The reactions are reversible in the charging state. The two states, discharging
and charging, are shown in Figure 10.1.
PbA batteries have the advantages of low cost and high reliability and effi-
ciency. They are commonly used for power quality and some spinning reserve
However, because of their short cycle life and low energy density their appli-
cation to energy management is limited.
(Pb) Lead
Water and
sulphuric acid
Sulphuric acid
because of their high maintenance, low specific energy, short cycle life and high
cost as well as the efficiency is about 75%. NiH2 battery has long cycle life, large
ratings and high overcharging/discharging tolerance, but on the other hand, it has
low volumetric energy density and high self-discharge.
However, NiCd batteries have generally the following advantages and
● Self-discharge rate at 10% per month.
● Efficiency of 70%–90%.
● Energy density of 40–60 Wh/kg.
● Large number of life cycles (200–2,500).
● Nominal cell voltage of 1.2 V.
● Capability of operation at temperatures of 20 to þ40 C.
● Reliable and do not require much maintenance.
● Depth of discharge (DoD), a measure of how much charge is drained from a
battery in one cycle, has been developed to be only 10% and accordingly the
life cycles reach 50,000.
● The toxic heavy metal ‘cadmium’ causes environmental hazard and it has been
prohibited for consumer use.
● Relatively high cost as the manufacturing process is expensive.
● Suffering from ‘memory effect’ as the full charge takes place only after a
series of full discharges.
NiMH batteries have a nominal capacity much higher than that of equivalent NiCd
and PbA batteries. Their design has been developed to have the advantages of NiCd
batteries with the memory effect mitigated, operating at a wide temperature range,
the environmental impact eliminated, increased specific energy (60–120 Wh/kg),
increased life cycles (S3,000) and very low internal resistance. So, this type of
batteries is very useful for hybrid electric vehicle applications and sensitive
electronic devices. On the other hand, high self-discharge rate (5%–30% per
month), DoD time dependence, life-cycle degradation and overcharging sensitivity
are the limitations of NiMH batteries.
become ions and travel through the electrolyte towards the anode to combine with
external electrons and are deposited between the carbon layers as lithium atoms.
The process is reversed during the discharging phase as shown in Figure 10.2. The
overall chemical reactions is given as
LiC6 þ CoO2 $ C6 þ LiCoO2
Li-ion batteries are employed in both portable and grid-scale stationary
applications. They have high energy density (~200 Wh/kg), long cycle life (3,000
cycles at 80% DoD), high efficiency (>90%), rapid response time (in milli-
seconds), fast charge/discharge capabilities and low self-discharge rate (<8% per
month). So, Li-ion batteries are also applied in electric vehicles because of their
reliable chemical and thermal characteristics. For large-scale applications, the main
hurdle is the high cost as special packaging and internal overcharging protection
circuits are required.
O2 O2 O2
Li+ Li+
O2 O2 O2
Li+ Li+
O2 O2 O2
Li+ Li+
Li+ O2 O2 O2
Li+ Li+
Li+ O2 O2 O2
e− e−
e− e−
Zinc metal
Beta 2V
They are useful for such applications as time shifting, UPS, peak shaving, smart grid
management, renewable generation optimization, frequency regulation and so on.
NaNiCl2 secondary battery as an energy storage system is based on electro-
chemical charge/discharge reactions consisting mainly of a positive electrode
(cathode) made of Ni and sodium chloride (NaCl) and a negative electrode (anode)
that is typically made of sodium (Na). The electrodes are separated by a beta-
alumina ceramic wall that is conductive for sodium ions but an isolator for elec-
trons. A schematic diagram of the main components is depicted in Figure 10.5.
250 Power grids with renewable energy
2NaCl + Ni NiCl2 + Ni
Capillary gap
separate external tanks. The electrolytes are pumped through the electrochemical
cells stack that converts the chemical energy directly into electrical energy and
vice versa.
FBs are fully reversible by applying the DC voltage to the electrodes during
charging process. They have the following attractive features and characteristics:
● The power rating is defined by the size and design of the electrochemical cells
in the stack whereas the energy storage capacity depends on the volume of
tanks and electrolyte concentration.
● Operation near to ambient temperature.
● Long discharge times.
● Capability of high overloading for short times.
● Response time in milliseconds.
● Low self-discharge in sealed storage tanks.
● Long charge/discharge life cycles.
● High round trip efficiency.
Therefore, with these features, FBs can be fitted to a wide range of stationary
applications. Based on the electroactive components of electrolyte, FBs are clas-
sified into redox flow batteries (RFBs) and hybrid flow batteries (HFBs).
Power source/
e− e−
Charge Charge
Tank Tank
V2+/V3+ V2+ V3+ V4+ V5+ V4+/V5+
Anolyte Catholyte
Discharge Discharge
Pump Pump
from kilowatts to megawatts for power quality improvement, UPS, load levelling
and for integration and support of intermittent renewable energy resources. Its
standard open-circuit voltage per cell is ~1.26 V.
Im R0 I C1
P R2 R0 I
R1 Im Ip
Zm(s, θ, SoC) Rp
Zp(s, θ, SoC)
Em(θ, SoC) Ep(θ, SoC)
N Main branch Parasitic
Main branch Parasitic branch
(a) (b)
in series with the voltage source to represent the battery internal impedance forms a
simplified model, which can be improved by considering the values of both
impedance and voltage source dependent on the battery SoC, temperature q and the
Laplace variable s. Further improvement can take place by adding a parasitic
branch in parallel as shown in Figure 10.7(a). The parasitic branch represents the
irreversible reactions that often present in the battery. The voltage across this
branch is separated from the terminal voltage by a resistance, R0. The current Ip
circulates in this branch. It is a part of the total current I and is a lost current that
cannot be restored. The charge stored in the battery is only the integral of Im (the
current entering the battery in the main reversible reaction branch).
The equivalent circuit in Figure 10.7(a) can be adapted to model a specific type
of batteries, for example, lead acid battery as shown in Figure 10.7(b), where all
elements are functions of SoC, charging/discharging currents and electrolyte tem-
perature q. The model includes two main parts: the main branch, which approx-
imates the battery dynamics, and the parasitic branch, which accounts for the
battery behaviour at the end of a charge process in addition to a terminal resistance,
R0. The main branch consists of the following [8,9]:
● Internal electromotive force (EMF) or open-circuit voltage of one cell, Em in
volts. It is assumed to be constant when the battery is fully charged and is
given by
Em ¼ Em0 KE ð273 þ qÞð1 SoC Þ (10.5)
where Em0 is the open-circuit voltage at full charge in volts, KE is a constant in
V/ C and q is the electrolyte temperature in C.
● Resistance R1, which is varied with depth of charge (DoC) and is a measure of
battery’s charge adjusted for the discharge current. It is calculated by
R1 ¼ R10 lnðDoC Þ (10.6)
where R10 is a constant in ohm.
Electrochemical energy storage systems 255
exp½A21 ð1 SoC Þ
R2 ¼ R20 (10.8)
1 þ exp A22 IIm
where R20 is a constant in ohm, A21 and A22 are constants, Im is the main branch
current in ampere and I* is the nominal battery current in ampere.
The parasitic branch current, Ip, is the loss current when the battery is being
charged. It depends on the electrolyte temperature and the voltage across the
parasitic branch. Therefore, representing the parasitic branch by linear model as
shown in Figure 10.7(a) is unrealistic as the dependence of Ip on the voltage VPN is
highly non-linear. However, experiences and experiments yield that Zp can be
assumed to be a resistor that is independent of Laplace variable s and SoC. Thus, it
is preferred to express this branch in a way that satisfies the algebraic and non-
linear nature as shown in Figure 10.7(b). Ip is very small under most conditions
except during charge at high SoC and is given by [10]
VPN = tp s þ 1 q
Ip ¼ VPN Gp0 exp þ Ap 1 (10.9)
VP0 qf
where VPN is the voltage across the parasitic branch, Gp0 is a constant in seconds, tp
is a parasitic branch time constant in seconds, VP0 is a constant in volts, Ap is a
constant, q is the electrolyte temperature in C and qf is the electrolyte freezing
temperature in C.
The terminal resistance R0 in ohm is assumed constant at all temperatures, and
varied only with SoC according to the relation
battery to achieve the desired performance at as lowest a cost as possible, that is,
the cost-effective option.
Bulk power
10 NaS
Discharge time (h)
1 PbA
Bridging NiCd
0.1 power
Power quality
0.01 NaS
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000
Rated power (MW)
Figure 10.8 Comparison of discharge time and power rating for different
BES technologies [11]
Electrochemical energy storage systems 257
Li-ion Li-ion
LiFePO2-C Li(TM)O2-C
Specific power (W/kg)
0 50 100 150 200
Specific energy (Wh/kg)
Figure 10.9 Power and energy densities for different rechargeable batteries [12]
In the literature, two methodologies exist to study the cost of each type: total
capital cost (TCC) and life cycle cost (LCC) [13–15].
● TCC: It is expressed as cost per kWh or cost per output power rating (kW) and
evaluates all expenses of the purchase, installation and delivery of an EcES
system including the following:
– Cost of power conditioning system (PCS) in per unit of power capacity
– Energy storage related costs comprise all costs that should be covered
for installations of the storage system and expressed in per unit of stored
or delivered energy (cost/kWh).
– Balance of power costs including costs of grid interface and integration
facilities, cost of land and accessibility and other services that are not
comprised in both CPCS and Cstor and expressed in per unit of power
(cost/kW) or energy (cost/kWh).
● LCC: It includes TCC in addition to the following:
– Fixed operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses.
– Variable O&M expenses.
– Replacement cost.
– Disposal and recycling costs.
LCC can be introduced in levellized annual costs (cost/kW year).
A typical economical comparison of various EcES technologies is given in
Table 10.2.
258 Power grids with renewable energy
[1] Aneke M. and Wang M. ‘Energy storage technologies and real-life appli-
cations – A state of the art review’. Applied Energy. 2016;179:350–77.
[2] Beaudin M., Zareipour H., Schellenberglabe A. and Rosehart W. ‘Energy
storage for mitigating the variability of renewable electricity sources: An
updated review’. Energy for Sustainable Development. 2010;14:302–14.
Electrochemical energy storage systems 259
Double layer
(a) (b)
Discharge behaviour. Like the most battery chemistries, less than 10% of the
stored energy can be used without affecting cycle life. SCs cannot deliver the full
charge in a short time as the voltage of an SC drops exponentially with time from
rated voltage to zero. However, about 75% of the stored energy can be used at
constant current discharge in the range from 100% to 50% of the rated voltage.
Power. SCs are the components dedicated to power storage rather than energy
storage. Their specific power density is 10 to 100 times higher than that of con-
ventional batteries (only very high-power lithium batteries can reach the same
specific power density). They have significant mass power, theoretically of the
order of 10 kW/kg, supporting between 500,000 and 1 million charge/discharge
cycles. Several elements, each with a maximum voltage of 2.7–2.85 V, can be
connected in series and parallel to achieve the desired voltage value and capacity.
In addition, fast discharge rate of SCs is substantially higher than that of most
batteries. Electric power delivered by the capacitor to a load is given by
P ¼ VI ¼ I ðV0 IRi Þ (11.3)
and the thermal loss is expressed as
Pth ¼ I 2 Ri (11.4)
where V0 is the rated voltage, I is the battery current and Ri is the internal
Efficiency. For batteries and SCs, the electrical efficiency, hel , is given by the
voltage efficiency, hV , multiplied by the Coulombic efficiency, hC , that is,
hel ¼ hV hC (11.5)
hC ¼ Q=Q0 (11.6)
hV ¼ V =V0 (11.7)
where Q is the electric charge removed during discharge, Q0 is the amount of
charge that has been supplied during charge (mostly, hC 99% as there is no role
for side reactions during charging), V is the average voltage during discharge and
V0 is the average voltage during charging.
The discharge efficiency, a, and the pulse power of an SC, at constant current
discharge in the voltage window between the fully charged and fully discharged
conditions at ¾V 0 , depend on internal resistance as indicated by the following
relations [2]:
a¼1 (11.8)
ð3=4V0 Þ2 3
P ¼ ð1 aÞ ¼ V0 I (11.9)
R 4
264 Power grids with renewable energy
For a battery,
a¼ ¼1 (11.10)
V0 V0
P ¼ a ð1 a Þ (11.11)
Reversibility and cycle life. The ideal electrostatic charge commonly takes
place at the electrode/electrolyte interface, and the material is not subject to any
irreversible process and phase changes. Unlike batteries, SCs provide theoretically
unlimited cyclability. Cycle lives up to several millions have been observed even
for deep discharges (more than 75% of the stored energy), fast rates of voltage
change and at low temperatures. Because of the distributed electrolytic and contact
resistances within the pore structure of high-area electrode materials in-depth
charging and discharging encounter rate limitations. This is opposite to batteries in
which slow Faradaic processes involve phase changes of the electroactive materi-
als, which limit cycle life to some thousand charge/discharge acts, depending on the
current and temperature.
11.1.4 Applications
For low- or high-power applications that require fast charging, SCs are used.
Examples of such applications are alarm systems, portable power supplies, auto-
mated meter reading equipment, flashlights and so on. Electric propulsion systems
in all-electric cars, plug-in hybrids and forklifts require electric short-time storage
for load levelling. The capacitor provides peak power density for acceleration or
Electrostatic, magnetic and thermal energy storage 265
uphill driving, whereas the battery system covers the base load for constant speed.
The SC can be advantageously recharged by regenerative braking, where the
wheels drive a dynamo which generates electricity.
Furthermore, SCs are also adequate for moderate power demand applications
such as rechargeable stand-alone power supplies and motor start-up for large
engines (e.g. diesel trucks and railroad locomotives).
In power systems incorporating microgrids, SCES systems offer important
benefits to the power system operation such as the following [3]:
● Increasing the penetration of renewable energy resources.
● Decreasing the investment required for new transmission and distribution lines
or building new power plants, which in turn lowers the operational cost.
● Providing reserve capacity that can help improve system’s stability and relia-
bility in addition to improving the power quality as the start speed is faster than
● Providing an effective mechanism for load management aiming to reduce the
cost of power supply at peak hours, and thus lower the electricity price.
Moreover, electricity price can be stabilized as the SCES system can avoid
energy disruption trading and the loss caused by prediction errors.
● Renewable resources such as wind and solar energy generation are not dis-
patchable because of their dependency on the weather. With the aid of SCES
system, a microgrid that includes such resources becomes dispatchable. This
yields more economical energy exchange planning between the microgrid and
the utility.
PCS Super-
Icoil conducting coil
Transformer Power
Coil protection
AC conversion
utility unit Vcoil
switch Dewar vessel
Controller system
The core element of an SMES system is the SCM of high inductance (Lcoil in
henrys). It stores energy in the magnetic field generated by DC current (Icoil
in amperes) flowing through the coil. Therefore, the inductively stored energy (E in
joules) and the rated power (P in watts) are the common specifications for SMES
devices. They are expressed as
1 2
E ¼ LIcoil (11.12)
dE dIcoil
P¼ ¼ LIcoil ¼ Vcoil Icoil (11.13)
dt dt
During the charging process, the superconducting coil is fed with direct current
from the inverter. The electric current induces a constant magnetic field in which
the energy is stored. The discharging process begins with connecting the coil to an
external load by a switching system. The energy is then supplied by the magnetic
field that drives a current. The magnetic energy and the current are decreased
during discharging.
11.2.1 Applications
SMES systems are short-term storage systems for very short periods (power
storage). They can be used in three scales of energy storage: (i) as an
uninterruptable power supply (UPS) of the order of several kWh [4], (ii) smoothing
of production or demand on a local scale (1–1,000 MWh) [5,6] and (iii) stabiliza-
tion of grids by modulating power transmission, flexible AC transmission, of the
order of 1,000 MWh or greater [7–9].
SMES systems offer advantages for these applications compared to flywheels
and SCs, especially with respect to efficiency, response time and lifetime as given
in Table 11.1 [10]. However, SMES systems are costly and have low storage power
medium of storage technology
Storage Method Storage
where Ws represents the heat energy stored in kilojoules, m represents the mass of
the material in kilograms, Cp is the specific heat capacity (kJ/kg K) and T1 and T2
are the initial and final temperatures of the material, respectively, in kelvin.
SHS materials chosen for TES with sensible heat must be thermally stable and
undergo no phase change during temperature extremes. The substance should also
have a high heat capacity, high density and an acceptably low vapour pressure. To
be economically viable, it must be inexpensive.
change in internal energy during a phase change. It has the advantages of high-
energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process.
The stored capacity, Ws (in joules), with a PCM medium that undergoes a
phase change from solid to liquid or liquid to gas or vice versa is given by
ð Tm ð Tf
Ws ¼ mCps dt þ mf Dq þ mCp1 dt
Ti Tm (11.15)
¼ m Cps ðTm Ti Þ þ f Dq þ Cp1 ðTf Tm Þ
where Tm is the melting temperature ( C), m is the mass of PCM medium (kg), Cps is
the average specific heat of the solid phase between Ti and Tm (J/(kg K)), cp1 is the
average specific heat of the liquid phase between Tm and Tf (J/(kg K)), f is the melt
fraction and Dq is the latent heat of fusion (J/kg). For instance, Glauber’s salt has Cps
1;950 J=ðkg CÞ, cp1 3;550 J=ðkg CÞ and Dq ¼ 2:43 105 J=kg at 34 C.
LHS via PCMs. The energy associated with a change of phase for a given
material can be used to store energy. The phase change may be one of melting or
evaporating, or it may be associated with a structural change, e.g. in lattice form or
content of crystal-bound water. When heat is added or removed from a given
material, several changes may take place successively, or in some cases simulta-
neously, involving phase changes as well as energy storage in thermal motion of
molecules (i.e. both latent and sensible heat). The total energy change, which can
serve as energy storage, is given by the change in enthalpy [11].
The primary advantage of PCMs is their ability to store energy at reduced
temperatures and in reduced quantities. Furthermore, their high heat of fusion and
other thermal properties allow freezing with little supercooling, no segregation,
chemical stability and a sharp melting point. One advantage is that some PCMs
have low thermal conductivity in the solid state, making high heat transfer rates
necessary during the freezing cycle. They are often flammable, requiring the
addition of safety features to the design of storage vessels. In addition, latent heat is
much more difficult to transfer than sensible heat [11,13].
Parabolic Steam 4
collector 3 Generator
exchanger Turbine
1 tank
It is recommended to use molten salt as an HTF rather than the common fluids,
for example, oils. This allows the solar field to operate at higher temperature, which
in turn avoids the need for expensive heat exchangers. The use of a cheap heat
exchanger and molten salt as an HTF will substantially reduce the total cost of the
TES system.
Two-tank indirect storage. The two-tank indirect system operates in the same
manner as the two-tank direct system except that different fluids are used for heat
transfer and storage. This system is beneficial especially when the HTF is very
expensive or not suited for use as the storage fluid. As shown in Figure 11.5, the
cycle of the process includes the following: (i) the storage fluid from a low-
temperature tank flows through an extra heat exchanger. Thus, it is heated by the
high-temperature HTF; (ii) the high-temperature storage fluid then flows back to
the high-temperature storage tank; (iii) the fluid exits the heat exchanger at a low
temperature and returns to the solar collector or receiver, where it is heated back to
the high temperature; and (iv) storage fluid from the high-temperature tank is used
to generate steam in the same way as the two-tank direct system. So, the indirect
system requires an extra heat exchanger. This adds cost to the system and decreases
the overall TES efficiency.
Single-tank thermocline storage. A single-tank thermocline storage system
stores thermal energy in a solid medium, usually silica sand, located in a single
tank. At any time during operation, a portion of the medium is at high temperature
and a portion is at low temperature. The hot and cold temperature regions are
Parabolic Steam
collector Generator
exchanger Turbine
L energy
Unusable Unusable
gradient) Tc,cut-off
where Wdis is the energy able to be discharged and WTES is the total energy in TES.
So, the tank should be oversized to accommodate the unusable residual thermal
First-law efficiency, hTES,FL: It is defined as the ratio of the energy extracted
from the storage to the energy stored in it and can be written in a form as follows:
energy extracted from the storage mCp ðT Tc Þ
hTES;FL ¼ ¼ (11.17)
energy stored in the storage mCp ðTh Tc Þ
where mCp is the total heat capacity of the storage medium. T and Tc are the hot and
cold salt temperature, respectively, of the storage during discharging, Th is the
maximum temperature at the end of charging period.
Second-law efficiency, hTES,SL: It measures the system ability to generate
the same amount of power from TES as from the original energy used to charge the
system, W. This means that the second-law efficiency measures the energy quality
degradation caused by both charging/discharging temperatures and thermal losses.
Thus, exergy transfer through a system can be written as
DG ¼ DW Ta DS (11.18)
where DG is the storage fluid exergy change, DW is the change of the available
energy being used (charging/discharging), Ta is the ambient temperature as a
reference point (25 C or 298 K) and DS is the entropy change of the storage fluid.
The round-trip efficiency of TES based on (11.18) can be written as
DGd ðDW Ta DS Þd
hTES;SL ¼ ¼ (11.19)
DGc ðDW Ta DS Þc
Electrostatic, magnetic and thermal energy storage 275
where subscripts c and d denote TES charging and discharging, respectively. More
explanation about losses estimation in TES systems can be found in [14].
[1] Nadeem F., Hussain S. M., Tiwari P. K., Goswami A. K. and Ustun T. S.
‘Comparative review of energy storage systems, their roles and impacts on
future power systems’. IEEE Access. 2018;7:4555–85.
[2] Moseley P. T. and Garche J. Electrochemical energy storage for renewable
sources and grid balancing. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science; 2015. p. 493.
[3] Wei H., Xin W., Jianhua Z. and Jingyan Y. ‘Discussion on application of
super capacitor energy storage system in microgrids’. Sustainable Power
Generation and Supply, 2009, International Conference on; Nanjing, China,
April 2009, pp. 1–4.
[4] Kim H. J., Seongm K. C., Cho J. W., et al. ‘3 MJ/750 kVA SMES system for
improving power quality’. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
[5] Nakayama T., Yagai T., Tsuda M. and Hamajima T. ‘Micro power grid
system with SMES and superconducting cable modules cooled by liquid
hydrogen’. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2009;19(3):
[6] Said S. A., Aly M. M. and Abdel-Akher M. ‘Application of superconducting
magnetic energy storage (SMES) for voltage sag/swell suppression in dis-
tribution system with wind power penetration’. Harmonics and Quality of
Power (ICHQP), 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on; Bucharest,
May 2014, pp. 92–6.
[7] Irie F., Okada H., Ezaki T., et al. ‘A field experiment on power line stabi-
lization by a SMES system’. IEEE Transactions on Magnetism. 1992;28(1):
[8] Li Z. and Weizin M. ‘Application of SMES system with a comprehensive
control for enhancing transient stability’. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation
and Management, APSCOM 2000; Hong Kong, Oct 2000, pp. 225–9.
[9] Huang X., Zhang G. and Xiao L. ‘Optimal location of SMES for improving
power system voltage stability’. IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity. 2010;3:1316–19.
[10] Robyns B., Francois B., Delille G. and Saudemont C. Energy storage in
electric power grids. London, UK: ISTE Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons; 2015.
[11] Sorensen B. Renewable energy conversion, transmission and storage. 3rd edn.
Amsterdam: Elsevier, AP; 2007, pp. 234–60.
[12] Sarbu I. and Sebarchievici C. ‘A comprehensive review of thermal energy
storage’. MDPI Journals, Sustainability. 2018;10(1):Article number 191.
[13] Barnes F. S. and Levine J. G. Large energy storage systems. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press; 2011.
276 Power grids with renewable energy
12.1 Introduction
These days, the trend towards developing electric vehicles technologies, aiming to
enlarge the scale of electric vehicles use, is growing rapidly. The catalyst that
makes the engineers and researchers motivated to work on this trend is the great
concern about the environment, particularly noise and exhaust emissions, in addi-
tion to the continuous progress in batteries and fuel cells manufacturing and tech-
nology. It is, therefore, essential to understand the principles behind the design of
electric vehicles as well as the relevant technological and environmental issues.
Of course, internal combustion (IC) engine is the most popular and pre-
dominant type used for vehicles at present. However, electric vehicles are looking
as a strong contender for transport in the future. IC engine vehicles have greater
success as the specific energy of the petroleum fuel is about 300 times its value for
lead acid battery (typically 9 kWh/kg for petroleum and 0.03 kWh/kg for battery).
Even with accounting for the efficiency, the difference is still large. For instance,
the efficiency of IC engines, gearbox and transmission is about 20%. It means that
a useful energy of 1.8 kWh/kg at gearbox shaft can be obtained. In contrast, effi-
ciency of electric motors is around 90%, which only results in a useful energy of
0.027 kWh/kg. Therefore, to reach the value of useful energy of IC engines using
battery, the mass of battery should be about 66.7 times that of IC engine [1].
Moreover, the charging time of lead acid battery, as an example, is con-
siderably longer than it takes to fill a tank with fossil fuel, and its lifetime is limited
(~5 years). This requires further investment periodically to replace the batteries.
Thus, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are more expensive compared to corre-
sponding IC engine vehicles.
As their range is limited, the application of BEVs is, to some extent, limited.
They are used as mobility devices for the elderly and physically handicapped, city
cars, trolleybus or trams and electric bicycles.
Recently, there have been technical developments in electric vehicles design
and improvements to motors, controllers and rechargeable batteries with reduced
charging time. Another type of electric vehicle is known as a ‘hybrid electric
vehicle’. It is likely to become the most common type in the near future [2]. It
combines an IC engine with a battery, an electric motor and generator. Generally,
278 Power grids with renewable energy
these two types of electric vehicles (battery electric and hybrid electric) are toge-
ther referred to as plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and denoted as PBEVs and
PHEVs, respectively. In addition to PEVs, there are other types with different
features, depending on the primary drive, such as photovoltaic electric vehicles
(PVEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The photovoltaic (PV) and fuel
cells are used rather than rechargeable batteries in these vehicles.
In addition, electric utility systems are proposing to incorporate PEVs into the
power system at the distribution level to help manage the load. PEVs can be dealt with
as generation source in the parking-discharging state or as loads in charging state.
Figure 12.1 PBEV drive train configuration: (a) typical representation and
(b) the corresponding block diagram
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 279
control the electric and IC engine drives to give the car the power to cope effi-
ciently with the overall distance travelled. The electric motor is supported by an on-
board plug-in rechargeable battery. The battery also uses the regenerated energy
from the breaking and deceleration to recycle it through the battery to power the
car. The car reverts to the standard hybrid operation in case of battery depletion. In
PHEVs, a useful variable called the ‘degree of hybrid station’ (DOH) is used. It is
defined as
Power of electric motor
DOH ¼ (12.1)
Power of electric motor þ Power of IC engine
The car uses a smaller IC engine operating close to its optimum efficiency for a
greater proportion of the time when the DOH is high.
Three configurations for PHEVs exist: series-hybrid, parallel-hybrid and
combined series/parallel hybrid [3].
● Series PHEV: Source of electrical energy is either the battery or a generator
driven by an IC engine. The electrical energy is supplied to the electric motor,
which is the only power provider to the transmission system (Figure 12.2(a)
and (b)). The main disadvantage of this configuration is that all the electrical
energy must pass through both the generator and the motor, resulting in a
considerable increase in cost.
● Parallel PHEV: Both the electric motor and the IC engine provide power in
parallel to the transmission system (Figure 12.3(a) and (b)).
● Combined series/parallel PHEV: This type allows running the car using the
electric motor only or both the IC engine and electric motor together depend-
ing on the driving conditions that help decide which one of the two options is
in an optimal way. It combines the features of series and parallel hybrid. A
power split is used to share the output mechanical power from the IC engine to
the drive shaft or to the charge controller, as shown by the block diagram in
Figure 12.4.
In all configurations, the electric motor works as a generator when used as
regenerative brake.
Charge controller
Electronic device
Electric motor
Plug-in rechargeable gear Wheel
battery Electric
IC engine
Figure 12.2 Series PHEV drive train configuration: (a) typical representation
and (b) the corresponding block diagram
Electric motor
Charge system
Rechargeable Electric
battery controller motor Wheel
Figure 12.3 Parallel PHEV drive train configuration: (a) typical representation
and (b) the corresponding block diagram
controller Wheel
Rechargeable Electric
battery motor
Chargers: A charger converts the AC supply into DC and charges the battery
pack. The AC supply may be the output of the generator or the utility grid. The
chargers are electronic devices, usually, fitted with a controller to optimize the
charging process.
282 Power grids with renewable energy
12.3 Batteries
The battery is the main source of DC electric supplied to the electric motor in an
electric vehicle. The battery performance and cost are of crucial importance in the
development of BEVs. The essential performance parameters include power,
energy, lifetime, safety and cost.
Power: The desired peak power of battery generally remains constant and
depends on the operation mode, mainly the range on charge depleting mode as well
as energy management and the total weight of the vehicle.
Energy: An increase in the energy storage capacity of the battery results in a
longer distance for electric vehicle to travel, and meanwhile the mass of battery
pack may be getting larger. So, the decision of making the energy storage capacity
higher depends on the design features including specific energy (energy per kilo-
gram mass) and energy density (energy per volume) of the battery.
Lifetime: The lifetime of the battery is influenced by some factors such as
necessity of fast recharge, availability of recycling, desired vehicle mass, com-
pliance with safety standards, withstanding degradation over time, operation mode
and thermal management requirements.
Cost of batteries: There are several types of batteries. The cost, generally,
differs from one type to another. It includes the cost of: material, manufacturing,
transportation, marketing and development. However, high mass production of a
specific type of battery can reduce the cost. More details about batteries as energy
storage systems are discussed in Chapter 10.
Figure 12.5 Brushed DC motor: (a) physical structure of two-pole motor and (b) the
cross section of four-pole motor. The motor torque is anticlockwise
284 Power grids with renewable energy
Brush I Brush
Armature flux
Commutator Commutator
segment segment
(a) (b)
It is seen from Figure 12.5(a) that the construction of a DC motor is such that
the direction of the current through the armature conductor at all instances is per-
pendicular to the field (i.e. q ¼ 90 ). Consequently, the force acts on the armature
in the direction perpendicular to both the uniform magnetic field and current.
Therefore, if the current passing through the right-hand side of the armature con-
ductor is I, the current at its left-hand side will be –I because they are flowing in the
opposite direction with respect to each other. Then, the force on the right-hand side
and that on the left-hand side are equal in magnitude and in the upward and
downward directions, respectively, and separated by armature turn width, w (m).
This produces a torque resulting in a rotation of the coil in anticlockwise direction.
As given by (12.4), the magnitude of the force on each side of the armature con-
ductor can be expressed as
F ¼ BIL sin 90 ¼ BIL (12.5)
Due to the rotation of the armature, the torque expression should be examined
when the armature turn is at an angle a with its initial position, that is, an angle
between the plane of armature turn and the plane of reference that is taken along the
magnetic field direction (Figure 12.8). The torque produced, T, is the multiplication
of the force tangential to the direction of armature rotation and the distance w.
T ¼ F cos a w ¼ BILw cos a (12.6)
The torque is not the same at all positions as it varies with the variation of the
angle a. The arrangement shown in Figure 12.6(a), where the plane of armature
F cos(α)
I α
Figure 12.8 Rotation of armature turn with respect to the initial position
286 Power grids with renewable energy
turn coincides with the direction of magnetic field B, can be initially considered as
a reference position, that is, a ¼ 0, and then, the torque is at its maximum value
(T ¼ BILw) that helps in overcoming the initial momentum of the armature and sets
it into rotation. Because of the armature motion, the angle a is increasing in the
path of its rotation until it reaches 90 from the initial position. During this period,
the torque is decreased and given by (12.6). The instant at which a ¼ 90 ; the
torque is equal to zero, but the armature does not come to a standstill because of its
momentum of motion which is designed in such a way that the armature crosses
over this null torque point. After that, the angle a decreases and the torque is acting
again on the armature.
Supposing that the armature consists of n turns, and j represents the total flux
passing through the coil, i.e. j ¼ B area ¼ BLw, (12.6) can be rewritten as
It is to be noted that the torque does not only depend on the number of turns
and their relative position with respect to the magnetic field but also depends on the
number of pole pairs and other motor design aspects. So, the average torque can be
expressed in terms of the current and magnetic flux by the relation
Tav ¼ Km jI (12.8)
where Km is known as the motor constant and depends on the number of turns in
each coil, number of pole pairs and other aspects of motor design.
It is seen from (12.8) that the torque is directly proportional to the armature
current I that depends on the source voltage Vs and armature coil resistance Ra.
With turning the motor at velocity v, the armature moves in a magnetic field and
works as a generator producing a voltage called back electromotive force (BEMF),
Eb, which by considering the two sides of the coil is given by
Eb ¼ nBLww ¼ Km jw (12.9)
where w is the angular velocity (v ¼ ww/2) and Km is the same constant as that in
The BEMF acts to reduce the current in the motor as it opposes the source
voltage Vs. So, the armature current is produced due to the voltage difference
‘Vs – Eb’ and can be obtained by
Vs Eb Vs Km j
I¼ ¼ w
Ra Ra Ra
Substituting into (12.8) gets the average torque as
θ= tan−1(− 2/R )
It is noted that in (12.10) the torque needed to overcome the losses due to
friction in bearings and at the commutator and windage losses is ignored. However,
for this type of constant flux DC motor, the torque–speed relation is a linear rela-
tion and the torque decreases as the speed increases with a maximum at zero speed
(Figure 12.9).
However, it is seen that the torque is dependent on both the supply voltage, Vs,
and the magnetic flux, j. Two methods can be applied to provide the brushed DC
motor with magnetic flux, first, using permanent magnets as shown in Figures 12.5
and 12.6, and second, using electromagnets. For electromagnets, field windings
(wdgs) are placed in the stator, and by passing a current through these windings, the
magnetic field is created. So, electromagnets give the facility to easily change the
flux by varying the current and controlling the torque with great flexibility.
Meanwhile, the field windings consume electric current causing additional copper
losses. However, brushed DC electric motors with electromagnets are still com-
monly used as traction motors in electric vehicles application, whereas for smaller
motors permanent magnets may be used.
Field windings can be connected either in series, parallel (shunt) or separate
with motor armature windings to provide the required magnetic field
(Figure 12.10). The separate excited brushed DC motor is more advantageous than
the other two types when it is used in this application of electric vehicles. It allows
to independently control both the source voltage and the magnetic flux that can be
carried out by controlling the voltage across the field windings. So, obtaining the
required torque at any speed is ultimately facilitated.
288 Power grids with renewable energy
Field wdgs
Field wdgs
Vs Vs Vs
Series excited motor Shunt excited motor Separate excited motor
PcuLoss ¼ I 2 R (12.11)
Incorporating (12.8) and (12.11) gives
Mechanical losses, PmecLoss, consist of (i) friction loss that results from
the presence of friction torque, Tfr, in bearings and brushes of the motor, it equals to
Tfr w, and (ii) windage loss, which is caused by rotor wind resistance (proportional
to w2 ), and so the power loss is proportional to the cube of angular speed; that is, it
can be expressed as KwLossw3 , where KwLoss is a constant depending on the size and
structural design of the motor. Thus,
By calculating the total losses as in (12.15) and considering the output power,
which is the torque T multiplied by the angular speed w (i.e. Tw), it is easy to
determine the motor efficiency, h, by
h¼ (12.16)
T w þ PtLoss
K2 w
T ¼ (12.18)
R a þ RL
290 Power grids with renewable energy
Vs Ra Ra
+ +
(a) (b)
From (12.18), at constant RL the negative torque falls rapidly as the speed
might decrease exponentially to zero. Also, the resistance RL can be changed
aiming to control the negative torque. It is noted that the kinetic energy of the motor
is totally converted into heat the same as normal friction brakes. So, it will be
worthy to exploit this energy in a useful manner such as storing the electrical
energy produced by the motor in a capacitor or battery.
Regenerative braking: A capacitor or a battery is used rather than a resistor to
store the braking energy generated by the motor. The problem in this case is that
connecting the battery with the motor will cause a current, Ibat, depending on the
difference between the motor voltage, Vm, and battery voltage, Vbat, and is given by
Vm Vbat Kw Vbat
Ibat ¼ ¼ (12.19)
Ra Ra
By examining (12.19), it is noted the following:
● Vm depends on a varying flux, j, and varying motor speed, w, and conse-
quently the braking torque which is proportional to the current Ibat will be
● The motor is slowing down (w is decreased) until reaching an instant at which
Vm ¼ Vbat resulting in a torque decline and no more braking effect unless the
battery voltage is very low.
● For low battery voltage, use of stored energy is difficult.
So, a voltage converter (DC/DC) can be used to solve this problem
(Figure 12.12). The input to the converter is the braking power, Pbrak, delivered by
the motor. It equals VmIm, where Vm and Im will change with speed and the desired
braking torque, respectively. The converter produces an output, Pconv, of the same
value of the input power, assuming its 100% efficiency, but at an increased voltage
and reduced current to be matched with the storing battery (or capacitor). In prac-
tice, the efficiency is not 100% as some of the braking electrical power will be lost.
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 291
DC/DC converter
Im Ibat
Vm Vbat
Gears Energy
Charge Electric Wheels
to move
controller motor
Rechargeable vehicle
Flow direction at normal forward driving
Flow direction at regenerative braking
Figure 12.14 Basic principles of BLDC motor operation. The current is switched
(a) ON, (b) OFF and (c) ON reversed
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 293
magnet rotor Field windings
C2 B1
Field coils C1
controlled) A2
Rotary encoder
(a) (b)
Figure 12.15 Typical examples of BLDC motors; (a) single-phase motor and
(b) cross section of three-phase motor
In practice, the rotor may consist of a shaft and a hub with permanent magnets
arranged to form between two to eight pole pairs that alternate between N and S
poles. The stator has single-phase, two-phase or three-phase windings. Single- and
three-phase windings are the most widely used. A BLDC motor with single-phase
stator winding forming two pole pairs with electronically controlled field coils is
typically shown in Figure 12.15(a). A simplified cross section of three-phase stator
windings forming three pole pairs is depicted in Figure 12.15(b). A rotating mag-
netic field is created by the sequential excitation of the pole pairs by a DC pulse.
Two types of stator windings may be used, trapezoidal and sinusoidal, which
refers to the shape of BEMF signal. The shape of this signal is determined by the
coil interconnections and the air gap distance. The phase current also follows a
trapezoidal and sinusoidal shape.
Motor operation is based on the attraction or repulsion between magnetic
poles. Using the three-phase motor shown in Figure 12.16, the process starts when
current flows through one of the three stator windings and generates a magnetic
pole that attracts the closest permanent magnet of the opposite pole. The rotor will
move if the current shifts to an adjacent winding. Sequentially charging each
winding will cause the rotor to follow in a rotating field. The torque in this example
depends on the current amplitude and the number of turns on the stator windings,
the strength and the size of the permanent magnets, the air gap between the rotor
and the windings, and the length of the rotating arm.
Therefore, the stator windings work in conjunction with permanent magnets on
the rotor to generate a nearly uniform flux density in the air gap. This permits the
stator coils to be driven by a constant DC voltage (hence the name brushless DC),
which simply switches from one stator coil to the next to generate an AC voltage
waveform with a trapezoidal or sinusoidal shape.
B2 C2 B2 C2 B2 C2
C1 B1 C1 B1 C1 B1
A2 Rotating magnetic A2 A2
BLDC motor
R L R X = ωL
i I
v e = dλm/dt V E = jωλm
(a) (b)
Figure 12.18 Equivalent circuits of BLDC motors: (a) dynamic equivalent circuit
and (b) steady-state equivalent circuit
For maximum mechanical power at a given speed, I and E are in phase. This
also gives maximum torque/ampere (minimum current/N m). A brushless DC
motor has position feedback from the rotor via Hall devices, optical devices,
encoder, etc., to keep an angle between V and E, as E is in phase with rotor position
and V is determined by the inverter supply to the motor. If wL R, when I is in
phase with E, V will also be in phase with E. Thus, the circuit can be analysed using
magnitudes of E, V and I as if it were a DC circuit.
It is noted that when E and I are in phase, the motor mechanical power output
(before friction, windage and iron losses), i.e. the electromagnetic output power is
Pem ¼ mjEjjIj ¼ mwjlm jjIj (12.22)
where m is the number of phases, |E|, |I| and |lm| are the amplitudes of phasor E, I
and lm, and the electromagnetic torque is
Pem mwjlm jjI j
Tem ¼ ¼ (12.23)
wr wr
where wr ¼ 2 w/p is the rotor speed in rad/s, and p the number of poles.
Tem ¼ jlm jjI j (12.24)
The load torque is the actual shaft output torque derived by subtracting the
losses in the torque resulting from friction, windage and iron losses. That is,
Tload ¼ Tem Tlosses (12.25)
Dropping the modulus signs in (12.24) gives
Tem ¼ lm I (12.26)
296 Power grids with renewable energy
12.4.4 SR motors
The basic operation of the SR motor is based on magnetizing the iron stator and
rotor by a current through the coil on the stator. As shown in Figure 12.19(a), the
rotor is out of line with the magnetic field, and so a torque will be produced to
reduce the reluctant in the path of the magnetic field by minimizing the air gap and
making the magnetic field symmetrical as well. When the rotor is aligned with the
stator, the switch will be OFF and no current is supplied (Figure 12.19(b)). Because
of the rotor momentum, the rotor continues turning to the position shown in
Figure 12.19(c), where the switch at that instant is in ON position to re-apply the
magnetic field in the same direction. Consequently, the field exerts a torque to
minimize the air gap and make the field symmetrical. The rotor is pulled forward
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 297
Figure 12.19 Basic principle of SR motors: (a) and (c) power supply is ON, stator
and rotor are magnetized and the magnetic field turns rotor to
minimize air gap; (b) power supply is OFF and momentum keeps
rotor turning
until it is aligned with the stator where the current is switched off and so on. Thus,
the SR motor is quite simple and has the following advantages [10,11]:
● The rotor is a piece of magnetically soft iron.
● No need to alternate the current in the coil. So, the cost is potentially reduced.
298 Power grids with renewable energy
● Speed control can be carried out by changing the time interval between two
successive switching (ON and OFF). The controller should be designed care-
fully and based on accurate information about the rotor position that is usually
provided by sensors or recently inferred from voltage and current patterns. A
simplified schematic diagram illustrating the feedback signals from both cur-
rent detector and position detector to the controller is shown in Figure 12.20.
● No BEMF is generated as in case of BLDC motor because the rotor of SR
motor is not a permanent magnet, i.e. enabling higher speeds.
● Higher power density is possible particularly when using a core of high mag-
netic permeability that leads to higher torque produced within a given volume.
The torque produced by the magnetic field can be made much smoother by
multiplying the stator coils as well as using a rotor made of laminated iron and has
salient poles (Figure 12.21(a)). In this figure, the SR motor consists of four salient
pole rotor and six stator coils. Coil A is magnetized and exerting a clockwise force
on the rotor. When the salient poles are aligned with coil A, the current in A is
switched off. At this instant, two other salient poles are nearby the line of coil B,
which is energized keeping the rotor smoothly rotating. The number of salient poles
will mostly be two less than the number of coils. Clearly, correct current switching
ON and OFF is needed. A typical physical structure of an SR motor with eight
salient pole rotor and ten stator coils is shown in Figure 12.21(b).
Power Converter
supply SR
C1 B1
(a) (b)
Figure 12.21 SR motor structure: (a) cross section of four salient pole rotor and
six stator windings and (b) typical physical structure of eight salient
pole rotor and ten stator coils
mg θ
● Hill climbing force, Fhill, which is the force needed to overcome the compo-
nent of vehicle’s weight acting down the slope. It is given by
Fhill ¼ mg sin q (12.33)
and has a negative sign if the vehicle is going downhill.
● A force to accelerate the vehicle is needed and is added to the other forces
because the velocity of the vehicle is changing. The acceleration is not only a
linear acceleration a, provided by a force, Flin-acc, that is given by
Flin-acc ¼ ma (12.34)
but also an angular acceleration that needs a force, Fang-acc, to turn the rotating
parts faster. It can be derived as given below.
● The axle torque ¼ Ftrainr, where r is the radius of the tire. As the motor torque
is transmitted to the tire through a transmission gear with gear ratio ngear, the
motor torque T can be obtained by
Ftrain r
that is,
Ftrain ¼ T (12.35)
The axle angular speed ¼ (ngear/r) rad/s and accordingly the motor angular
speed w and its angular acceleration w_ are given by
v a
w ¼ ngear and w_ ¼ ngear (12.36)
r r
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 301
It is to be noted that both Flin-acc and Fang-acc will be negative if the vehicle is
slowing down.
Therefore, the force provided the vehicle drive train must be the sum of all
other forces, that is,
Ftrain ¼ Froll þ Fdrg þ Fhill þ Flin-acc þ Fang-acc (12.40)
Substituting the various terms given in (12.31) to (12.35) and (12.39) in (12.40) gives
" ! #
ngear I n 2 dv
2 gear
T ¼ mroll mg þ 0:625ACdrg v þ mg sin q þ m þ
r hgear r dt
where a ¼ dv/dt.
Equation (12.41) can be solved as a first-order differential equation to obtain
the value of vehicle acceleration which is a key performance indicator.
Range anxiety problems associated with electric vehicles have been obviated by
introducing PHEVs and development of higher density batteries capable of storing
more energy in the same space. These days charging capacity is of more concern
than the range anxiety as it helps in increasing the popularity of electric vehicles.
So, suitable chargers and the charging infrastructure necessary to support the
growth in electric vehicles population must be provided. The current-carrying
capacity of chargers and charging time must be suitable for the application.
However, high charging rate may accelerate battery ageing, which is the reason for
the manufacturers to recommend the charging time being between 2 and 3 h. In
addition, the charger can be placed on-board of the vehicle (Figure 12.23), or off-
board, for example, charging stations [14].
302 Power grids with renewable energy
Fuel Clutch
Inverter and
Battery Electric
charger motor Clutch Transmission
Battery device
Solar power
local government can also install Level 2 charging stations in kerbside, car parking
and so on (Figure 12.25).
Level 3 refers to DC charging, or ‘fast charging’. To achieve very short char-
ging times, Level 3 chargers supply very high currents of up to 400 A at voltages
up to 600 V DC delivering a maximum power of 240 kW. Hybrid coupler allows
charging from either a conventional 15-A AC wall outlet or a DC connection of up
to 90 kW. These systems are being proposed for public fast charging stations
(Figure 12.26).
12.6.2 Chargers
The diagram shown in Figure 12.27 illustrates how the key functions of Level 1, 2
and 3 chargers are implemented. All charging systems take AC power from the grid
and convert it to DC power at a suitable voltage for charging the battery. In EV
applications, except for bicycles, Level 1 and Level 2 chargers are completely
contained within the vehicle. In Level 3 charging systems, however, the charging
functions are split between the charging station and the vehicle’s on-board charger.
(a) (b)
Figure 12.25 Charging station Level 2: (a) charging station in car park and
(b) charging station in kerbside
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 305
functions including safety interlocks and isolators to prevent power being con-
nected if there is a fault in the battery or the charger, as well as measures to prevent
misuse, electric shocks and inadvertently driving away with the power cord still
plugged in.
Level 1 charging works from a single-phase AC power outlet and is suitable for
private, domestic installations and these do not need authentication and billing.
If the charger is designed to work with public charging stations, as many
Level 2 installations will be, it will most likely need to incorporate further intelli-
gence to communicate with the charging station to verify that the user is authorized
to draw power from that particular source and to allow it to bill the customer for the
energy transferred unless charging is installed at home or as a free service in the
workplace or shopping mall.
Level 2 charging stations may use either single-phase or three-phase AC power
from the grid.
This self-contained system used for Levels 1 and 2 gives the charger the
flexibility to connect to different AC charging sources.
developed to address this problem. However, just because a fast charging station is
available it does not mean that the charging time can be reduced by connecting to
it. First, fast charging systems use high-power DC charging systems and, unless the
vehicle has a compatible charger on-board, the charging station will be of no use to
the user. But more importantly, no matter what voltage or current the charger can
deliver, the charging time is ultimately controlled or limited by the battery, and the
cells from which it is made and how much current they can accept. Try powering a
light bulb with a higher voltage than it was designed for and see how quickly it
Renewable energy sources, such as PV solar panels, wind turbines and fuel
cells, can be used to charge the vehicle’s battery in addition to the power supplied
by utility grid. The controllers of each source can be connected through a wireless
network for system management (Figure 12.28) [15]. PV solar arrays can be also
PV solar arrays
Utility grid
Load shift
charging slot
Figure 12.28 Charging station supplied from utility grid, PV panels and
wind turbines equipped with maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) system
308 Power grids with renewable energy
(a) (b)
Figure 12.29 Installation of PV arrays: (a) on-board PV panels and (b) PV arrays
on the roof of a station
installed on-board of the vehicle or on the roof of the charging station or homes
(Figure 12.29(a) and (b)).
[1] Larminie J. and Lowry J. Electric vehicle technology explained. 2nd edn.
West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; 2012.
[2] Singer M. Consumer views on plug-in electric vehicles – National bench-
mark report. NREL/TP, Technical Report, 2016.
[3] Chakraaborty S., Simoes M. G. and Kramer W. E. (eds.). Power electronics
for renewable and distributed energy sources. London: Springer; 2013.
[4] Clayton A. E. and Hancock N. N. The performance and design of direct
current machines. 3rd edn. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons; 1961.
[5] Cotton H. Electrical technology. 4th edn. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons;
[6] Brown W. Brushless DC motor control made easy. Chicago, USA:
Microship Technology Inc.; 2002.
[7] Yedamale P. Brushless DC (BLDC) motor fundamentals. Chicago, USA:
Microship Technology Inc.; 2003.
[8] Zhao J. and Yu Y. Brushless DC motor fundamentals application note. MPS/
AN047 Rev. 1.0 Report, 2014.
[9] Singh B. and Singh S. ‘State of the art on permanent magnet brushless DC
motor drives’. Journal of Power Electronics. 2009;9(1):1–17.
[10] DiRenzo M. T. Switched reluctance motor control-basic operation and
example using the TMS320F240. Application Report, Texas Instruments
Inc., 2000.
[11] Ahn J. W. Switched reluctance motor. Rijeka, Croatia, IntechOpen; 2011,
pp. 201–52.
[12] Abdel-Kader F. E. S., Elsherif M. Z., Abdel-Rahim N. M. B. and Fathy M. M.
‘Control methods of the switched reluctance motor in electric vehicle during
acceleration’. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies.
Energy storage system application: electric vehicles 309
13.1 General
Power conditioning systems (PCSs) are power electronics devices/circuits that act as
electrical interface between the utility power grid or demand and renewable sources
or energy storage systems [1]. A PCS is a dedicated device for power processing to
output a voltage or current in a form adequate for the end user. The processing is
based on one or a combination of some of the following functions [2–8]:
● AC–DC conversion (e.g. rectifiers and converters),
● DC–DC conversion for changing the voltage level (e.g. DC–DC converter),
● DC–AC conversion (e.g. inverters),
● AC–AC conversion (e.g. matrix inverter),
● elimination of voltage wave ripples by filters and
● monitoring and control.
For instance, a PCS for interfacing an energy storage system and utility power
grid has three functions: (i) AC–DC conversion for charging the storage device,
(ii) DC–AC conversion during storage discharge, and (iii) controlling the power
during conversion process to avoid any damage occurring to the storage facility or
end user’s electrical system [9]. To perform its function, a PCS has a controller
integrated with a power electronic device (Figure 13.1).
Each type of storage technology has its own operation methodology during
charging/discharging process. Accordingly, a PCS must be properly designed for
each type to keep its desired lifespan.
Power processing
D io
vs R Vo
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
ωt (rad) ωt (rad)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 13.2 Uncontrolled rectifier with diode: (a) single-phase bridge, (b) input
voltage waveform and (c) output voltage waveform
Output voltage
Input voltage
is D1 D3
vs Load Vo
D4 D2
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
ωt (rad) ωt (rad)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 13.3 Uncontrolled full-wave rectifier: (a) full-wave bridge, (b) input
voltage waveform and (c) output voltage waveform
Output voltage
Input voltage
Va Vb Vc
va ia
D1 D3 D5
vb ib +
vc ic Load Vo
D4 D6 D2
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
ωt (rad) ωt (rad)
(a) (b) (c)
This symmetry in the two halves of the cycle reduces both the ripples in the
output voltage and harmonic components in the input current. The DC output
voltage, Vo, of this full-wave rectifier is given by
1 p pffiffiffi
Vo ¼ 2Vs sin wt dwt (13.1)
p 0
where Vs is the RMS value of the source voltage.
For three-phase supply applications, the full-wave bridge converter comprises
six diodes (Figure 13.4(a)). The pair of diodes with the highest applied instanta-
neous line voltage conducts periodically in the order D1; D2 ! D2, D3 ! D3,
D4 ! D4, D5 ! D5, D6 ! D6, D1 ! D1, D2 for 120 electrical. Thus, the DC
output voltage is the envelope of the line voltages with six ripples each completed
cycle (Figure 13.4(b) and (c)), and the DC output voltage performance is enhanced.
The DC output voltage is given by
ð pffiffiffi
1 p=6 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 3 6
Vo ¼ 2 3Vs cos ðwtÞ d ðwtÞ ¼ Vs ¼ 2:34Vs (13.2)
p=6 0 p
where Vs is the RMS value of the AC source phase voltage.
+ Vo
Input current
T1 T3 L
vs Vo
T4 T2 R Vs
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
ωt (rad) ωt (rad)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 13.5 Phase-controlled rectifier with a large inductive load when a ¼ p=3:
(a) single-phase full bridge, (b) input and output voltage waveform
and (c) line current
Power conditioning systems 317
between p=2 and p, energy is fed back to the grid. The corresponding waveforms
when a ¼ 2p=3 are exhibited in Figure 13.6.
For high-power industrial applications, three-phase controlled bridge rectifiers
with thyristors as exhibited in Figure 13.7(a) are often employed. The thyristors are
triggered at the firing angle a at intervals of p/3 rad. On applying the triggering
pulse to the thyristors that are forward biased, the corresponding applied line-to-
line voltage is passed to the load. The waveforms of output voltage for a ¼ p=6
and a ¼ p=2 are presented in Figure 13.7(b) and (c), respectively. The DC output
voltage is given by
ð p pffiffiffi
1 aþ2 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi p 3 6
Vo ¼ 2 3Vs sin wt þ d ðwtÞ ¼ Vs cos a (13.4)
p=3 aþp6 6 p
The output voltage can be varied from 0 to 3 p 6 Vs by changing the firing angle
a from p/2 to 0. In a similar manner, the converter operates in the inversion mode
when negative supply voltage is applied to the DC bus to deliver energy to the grid
(Figure 13.8).
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
(a) ωt (rad) (b) ωt (rad)
Vab Vac Vbc Vba Vca Vcb Vo Vab Vac Vbc Vba Vca Vcb Vo
va ia T1 T3 T5
vb ib
Load Vo
vc ic
T4 T6 T2
α = /6 α = /2
0 2 3 4 0 2 3v 4
ωt (rad) ωt (rad)
(a) (b) (c)
Vab Vac Vbc Vba Vca Vcb Vo Vab Vac Vbc Vba Vca Vcb Vo
α = 2/3 α = 5/6
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
(a) ωt (rad) (b) ωt (rad)
iL + VL − io vs
PLL ωt
L |sin|
is D1 D3 D ic +
vs Q Load Vo voref Q
C − PI x
D4 D2 − −
vo iL
(a) (b)
Voltage and current
Vs iL
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
(c) ωt (rad) (d) ωt (rad)
Figure 13.9 Diode rectifier cascaded with a boost converter: (a) diode bridge
rectifier, (b) basic hysteresis control (PLL ¼ phase-locked loop),
(c) input voltage and input current and (d) iL and io
low power factor. Several current control techniques have been developed to obtain
a variable output voltage besides high-quality source currents at the same time
One solution is to apply a boost converter in cascade with the DC bus of the
uncontrolled bridge rectifier (Figure 13.9(a)). By controlling the boost converter in
combination with the basic hysteresis current control technique, the source current
can be brought in phase with the source voltage as well as regulate the output
voltage (Figure 13.9(b)). The source current becomes sinusoidal while the load
current is mainly DC, and the inductor current is full-wave rectified. It is to be
noted that the average inductor current is higher than the load current because of
the boosted DC output voltage. PWM pulses generated by the hysteresis current
controller are used to turn ON/OFF the switch Q according to the difference
between the inductor current iL and its estimated reference, which is in phase with
Power conditioning systems 319
the required output voltage of the uncontrolled rectifier and hence the source
Thus, the actual inductor current iL continuously follows the estimated refer-
ence current within a hysteresis band (HB) and the source current is in phase with
the source voltage [2]. The corresponding circuit waveforms are exhibited in
Figure 13.9(c) and (d).
io vs ωt |sin(ωt)|
Hysteresis Q1
PLL |sin|
Q1 Q3
is + controller Q4
vs L C Load Vo voref iL
PI x
− Q
Q4 Q2 Hysteresis 3
vo controller 2
(a) (b)
Voltage and current
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
(c) ωt (rad) (d) ωt (rad)
The source current of the converter is controlled through a hysteresis current con-
troller to track the estimated reference source current.
The principle of the hysteresis current control, Figure 13.11, is that when the
actual current is below the lower margin of an HB around the estimated reference
current, the upper and lower switches are turned ON and OFF, respectively, causing
the actual current to increase. When the actual current exceeds the upper margin of
the HB, the upper and lower switches again are turned ON and OFF, respectively,
causing the actual current to decrease. Consequently, the PWM pulses for the upper
switch Q1 are generated as follows:
> 1
< ON if iact < iref HB
Q1 ¼ 2 (13.5)
: OFF if iact > iref 1 HB
The PWM pulses for Q4 are complementary, and the PWM pulses for Q2 and
Q3 can be generated accordingly. The waveforms of both source current, input
voltage and output voltage of the converter are shown in Figure 13.10(c) and (d).
The source current and source voltage are in phase. The output voltage is main-
tained satisfactory despite the existence of some ripple, which can be handled by
other techniques. It is worth noting that the capability of changing the source power
factor to any desired value by controlling the phase of the synchronization signal.
Three-phase PWM-controlled converter, Figure 13.12(a), can be achieved with the
same principle and a slight change in the control strategy, Figure 13.12(b), to
accommodate the other two phases. The source and output voltage waveforms are
shown in Figure 13.12(c) and (d). The three-phase source currents are controlled to
be sinusoidal and in phase with the corresponding phase voltages. In a three-phase
system, the power input is constant, and the ripples in the output voltage waveform,
Figure 13.12(d), of the three-phase converter are much lower than those in a single-
phase converter (Figure 13.10(d)).
The DC–DC converter is used to convert the output voltage level of a fixed DC
source. According to the ratio between the output and source voltages, the
Hysteresis band
Upper band
Reference current Actual current
Lower band
Figure 13.11 Principle of hysteresis control: (a) HB, actual and reference
currents; (b) gate signal
Power conditioning systems 321
|sin(ωt − 2/3)|
vab |sin(ωt)|
PLL |sin|
Q1 Q3 Q5 ωt + /6
va i La
+ Q
/6 x Hysteresis 1
vb ib Lb
C Load Vo controller Q4
vc ic Lc − ia
voref Q5
Q4 Q6 Q2 PI Hysteresis
controller 2
vo Q3
x controller Q6
(a) (b)
Va Vb Vc
Voltage and current
Output voltage
ia ib ic
0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
(c) ωt (rad) (d) ωt (rad)
converter can be designed to step up or step down the output voltage, a function
similar to an AC transformer. In this case, the ratio between the source and output
voltage is called the conversion ratio a. For a < 1, the converter is called a ‘buck
converter’, whereas it is called a ‘boost converter’ for a > 1. If the converter can
increase/decrease the voltage level, that is, can operate for both a < 1 and a > 1,
the converter is called a ‘buck-boost converter’ [4,5].
is Q L io iL L io iL L io
+ + + + +
vs D C Load Vo vs C Load Vo D C Load Vo
− − −
− −
(a) (b) (c)
Inductor current
Output voltage
0 kT T (k + 1)T 0 kT T (k + 1)T
(d) Time (e) Time
Figure 13.13 Typical buck converter: (a) buck converter topology, (b) mode #1
(Q: ON), (c) mode #2 (Q: OFF), (d) inductor current and
(e) capacitor voltage
where vs and vo are approximately constant and positive. For mode #2, the inductor
current freewheels through the diode and decreases linearly as
L ¼ 0 vo (13.7)
kT ð1 k ÞT
ðv s v o Þ ¼ vo (13.8)
vo ¼ kvs (13.9)
iL L D io iL L io iL L io
+ + VL − ic + + + VL − ic + + + V −
ic +
Vs Q C Load Vo vs C Load Vo vs C Load V
− − − −
− −
(a) (b) (c)
Inductor current
Output voltage
0 kT T (k + 1)T 0 kT T (k + 1)T
Time Time
(d) (e)
Figure 13.14 Typical boost converter: (a) boost converter topology, (b) mode #1
(Q: ON), (c) mode #2 (Q: OFF), (d) inductor current and
(e) capacitor voltage
modes when the switch Q is turned ON and OFF. The equivalent circuits of the two
modes are shown in Figure 13.14(b) and (c), respectively. In mode #1, the inductor
current increases linearly as
L ¼ vs 0 (13.10)
and the energy from the power source is stored in the inductor, whereas the capa-
citor discharges to supply the load. In mode #2, the energy stored in the inductor
and the energy supplied by the power source are both transferred to the capacitor
and the load. The inductor current decreases linearly as
L ¼ vs vo (13.11)
As in the buck converter, the net exchange of energy in the inductor during one
period in the steady state should be zero; that is, the value of both current increase
in mode #1 and current decrease in mode #2 should be equal. Thus,
kT ð1 k ÞT
ðv s Þ ¼ ðv o v s Þ (13.12)
from which the output voltage can be expressed as
vo ¼ vs (13.13)
Hence, it is a boost converter as a ¼ 11 k > 1 for ð0 k 1Þ. The inductor
current and the capacitor voltage waveforms are exhibited in Figure 13.14(d) and
(e), respectively.
324 Power grids with renewable energy
is Q is D
D − + − −
vs L C Load Vo vs L C Load Vo L C Load Vo
iL ic io + − iL ic io + iL ic i +
Output voltage
0 kT T (k + 1)T 0 kT T (k + 1)T
(d) Time (e) Time
Figure 13.15 Typical buck-boost converter: (a) converter topology, (b) mode #1
(Q: ON), (c) mode #2 (Q: OFF), (d) inductor current and
(e) capacitor voltage
classified into two-level VSI and multi-level VSI [12] as illustrated in Figure 13.16.
The operation of a three-phase two-level VSI is demonstrated in Section 13.4.3.
The output voltage amplitude and frequency of the inverter can be set to a
desired value depending on the application. This can be easily accomplished with
PWM techniques [13–18]. The main objective of PWM controller is to modulate a
triggering signal with certain amplitude into a chain of pulses with adjustable widths
to trigger switches and obtain sinusoidal output voltage or current depending on the
control mode.
There are different PWM techniques that can be used with DC–AC inverter,
such as sinusoidal PWM (SPWM), space vector PWM (SVPWM), selective har-
monic elimination PWM [19] and HB controller (as described in Section 13.4.2).
The most widely used technique, SPWM, is highlighted in the next subsection.
Output control
Current-controlled VSI
Voltage-controlled CSI
(current source)
(voltage source)
Voltage-controlled VSI
(voltage source)
eliminate the harmonic component without increasing the switching losses. This
type of modulation technique is called SPWM. The frequency of the reference
signal controls the frequency of the output voltage. Its peak amplitude determines
the modulation index and in turn the RMS value of the output voltage.
Consequently, the amplitude and frequency of the output voltage can be simply
controlled by changing the modulating signal. The SPWM is bipolar, as the carrier
alters its sign during the positive or negative half cycle. If the carrier does not alter
its sign during the positive or negative half cycle, the resulting SPWM is unipolar,
as exhibited in the right column of Figure 13.17.
In both cases, the upper and lower switches on the same leg are operated in a
complementary way. Likewise, for three-phase applications, three modulating
signals can be compared with the carrier signal to produce the gate-driving signals,
as exhibited in Figure 13.18.
Figure 13.17 SPWM for a single-phase inverter: bipolar (left column) and
unipolar (right column). (a) Sketch of modulation. (b) Gate signal
for the upper switch. (c) Gate signal for the lower switch
va vb vc
(a) (b)
Figure 13.18 SPWM for a three-phase inverter: (a) sketch of modulation and
(b) three-phase gate signals (for upper switches)
Power conditioning systems 327
Q1 Q3
VDC L io
2 a
Q4 Q2
−VDC/2 −VDC/2
−VDC/2 −VDC/2
vab vab
Figure 13.20 Unipolar operation of a single-phase inverter, with only one leg
operated at the switching frequency (left column) and both legs
operated at the switching frequency (right column): (a) vaN , (b) vbN ,
(c) vab and vo
328 Power grids with renewable energy
The inverter can be operated to produce unipolar and bipolar SPWM signals
for vab . In case of operation with the unipolar SPWM signal presented in the right
column of Figure 13.17, the voltages vaN , vbN , together with vab and vo are exhibited
in the left column of Figure 13.20. The phase-leg a is operated according to the
unipolar SPWM signal and phase-leg b is operated according to the polarity of the
voltage signal at its frequency. For example, Q1 and Q4 are turned ON and OFF
when the modulating voltage v is positive according to the unipolar SPWM signal,
whereas Q2 is always ON and Q3 is always OFF when v is negative. Q1 and Q4 are
turned ON and OFF according to the SPWM signal whereas Q2 is always OFF and
Q3 is always ON. Because the second leg is operated at the frequency of the vol-
tage, depending on the type of the DC supply the switching losses can be decreased.
It is possible to operate the inverter to attain a unipolar SPWM for vab even if
the phase legs are driven by bipolar SPWM signals, as presented in the right col-
umn of Figure 13.20. In such a case, the modulating voltage v and its opposite are
compared with the carrier waveform to produce two sets of bipolar SPWM signals
to drive the two-phase legs. Consequently, the voltages vaN and vbN are 180 apart
from each other. The voltage vab , as a difference between the two voltages vaN and
vbN , is unipolar at the doubled switching frequency. The switching losses are high
as both phase legs are operated at the same high switching frequency. Nevertheless,
the output voltage quality is better than the case exhibited in the left column of
Figure 13.20 because the resulting vab has a doubled switching frequency. So, the
two-phase legs are operated as two separate phases, which are 180 apart from each
other. When both legs of the inverter are operated with the bipolar SPWM as shown
in the left column of Figure 13.17, the resulting waveforms are as shown in
Figure 13.21. The same SPWM signal is sent to the two-phase legs in a com-
plementary way. That is, (Q1, Q2) and (Q3, Q4) are two sets of a pair of switches for
−VDC/2 −VDC/2
vab vo
0 /2 3/2 2
(c) ωt (rad)
Figure 13.21 Bipolar operation of a single-phase inverter: (a) vaN , (b) vbN and
(c) vab and vo
Power conditioning systems 329
each. Switches of each set are operated simultaneously. As a result, vbN ¼ vaN
and vab ¼ 2vaN .
The amplitude of vab is VDC for the three operation modes and the maximum
attainable amplitude is the same as the DC bus voltage.
Q1 Q3 Q5
VDC va
2 Lb
N vb
VDC c vc
2 Q4 Q6 Q2
Ca Cb Cc
(a) N
va vaN
vbN vb
vcN vc
0 /2 3/2 2
(b) ωt (rad)
shown in Figure 13.22(b). The maximum amplitude of the phase voltages is half of
the DC-bus voltage.
is io
Input voltage
vs T2 Load vo
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) (b) ωt (rad)
Output voltage
Output voltage
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ωt (rad) ωt (rad)
(c) (d)
Figure 13.23 Single-phase AC–AC converter: (a) topology, (b) input voltage,
(c) output voltage under ON–OFF control and (d) output voltage
under phase control
Power conditioning systems 331
where k is the ratio of the number of ON cycles to the number of total cycles in an
operational period and the RMS value of the supply is V. For the source voltage
sketched in Figure 13.23(b), the related output voltage is as exhibited in
Figure 13.23(c) for one OFF cycle. The thyristors are triggered when the source
voltage crosses 0.
13.6.1 LC filters
The circuit of an LC filter includes an inductor connected in series with the load
and a capacitor connected in parallel across the load. The inductor offers a high-
impedance to the high-frequency component and allows fundamental component to
flow through to the load, while the capacitor filters out any high-frequency com-
ponents flowing through the inductor. A passive LC filter can be represented by a
circuit shown in Figure 13.24. The equivalent internal resistances of the capacitor
and the inductor may be neglected during the design procedure of the filter due to
their small values. Practically, the internal resistances can dampen high-frequency
components. The capacitance and the inductance should be designed properly to
filter out the switching effects considering several factors [23], for example, the
cut-off frequency fc [24,25], the voltage total harmonic distortion (THD), size, the
332 Power grids with renewable energy
cost function [26–28], resonance damping, efficiency [29], power level and so on.
The cut-off frequency fc of the filter is derived as
fc ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (13.15)
2p LC
The most important consideration is the filtering out of switching harmonics.
Although it is desirable to keep the cut-off frequency much lower than the
switching frequency, it should be selected such that it still provides enough band-
width for the controller. It is recommended that the cut-off frequency is selected
within 13 to 12 of the switching frequency fsw [24] as in the following:
fsw fsw
fc (13.16)
3 2
It is to be noted that this may cause resonance in the output impedance of the
inverter near the cut-off frequency. This amplifies the harmonic current oscillations
near the cut-off frequency and might cause high THD in the output voltage. It is,
therefore, necessary to not select the cut-off frequency around the band where the
major harmonic components of the load current exist. The cost function [26–28] of
the LC filter can be expressed as
2QL þ Qc
COST ¼ Pn (13.17)
h¼1;odd jVoh Ih j
QL ¼ jIh j2 XLh (13.18)
X n
jVCh j2
QC ¼ (13.19)
(a) (b)
Figure 13.24 Circuit model of a passive LC filter: (a) without considering the
internal resistance and (b) with the internal resistance considered
Power conditioning systems 333
L Lg
Tr. 2 Grid
T.L. 30 km 220/22 kV 220 kV
15 MVA
Load Load
50 kW 500 kW
Irradiance (W/m2)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
Active power (kW)
70 Reactive power (kVAr)
Converter output power
DC-link voltage (V)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
The active power output generated from the WT during the variation of the
wind speed is shown in Figure 13.36. The active power varies according to the
wind speed and the converter adjusts the excitation of the DFIG to generate power
during low wind speed.
The DC-link voltage of the back-to-back converter during the variation of wind
speed remains constant at the pre-specified level as shown in Figure 13.37.
Power conditioning systems 337
Output converter voltage (V)
0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
Time (s)
RMS converter current (A)
RMS converter voltage (V)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
T.L. 30 km
Grid Tr. 2
220 kV 220/22 kV
16 MVA
Gear box
Tr. 1
3 MW WT 0.4/22 kV
(6 * 0.5 MW) 4.5 MVA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
Active power (MW)
Reactive power (MVAr)
WT output power
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
The RMS values of the WT output current during different stages are shown
in Figure 13.38. The converter maintains the three-phase RMS current values
balanced during the different stages. The three-phase RMS voltage values are kept
balanced and within the allowable range as shown in Figure 13.39.
The waveforms of the WT output currents and voltages are maintained balanced
and sinusoidal during different generation stages as shown in Figure 13.40(a) and (b).
340 Power grids with renewable energy
DC-link voltage (V)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
RMS output WT current (A)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
RMS WT output voltage (V)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
4,000 400
3,000 300
Output WT voltage (V)
Output WT current (A)
2,000 200
1,000 100
0 0
−1,000 −100
−2,000 −200
−3,000 −300
−4,000 −400
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
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Chapter 14
Integration of distributed energy resources
14.1 Introduction
To solve problems such as high energy costs or low electric power reliability at
consumer’s facilities, distributed energy resources (DERs) could be the solution
that energy managers are looking for.
DERs can deliver the same electricity services provided by centralized
resources, including large-scale generators, and transmission and distribution net-
work assets. Many DERs can be deployed at different scales and exhibit econom-
ical and technical benefits. For instance, solar PVs can be deployed at the kilowatt
scale on residential rooftops, at the scale of several hundred kilowatts to 10 MW on
commercial rooftops or ground-mounted arrays, or tens to hundreds of megawatts
rating in the utility-scale solar farms. DER technology is developing at a fast rate,
and it can provide electrical energy where required. In addition, DER systems can
be either connected to the local electric grid or isolated from the grid in stand-alone
applications [1].
DER technologies are mainly classified into distributed generation (DG)
resources (renewable and non-renewable) and energy storage systems (ESSs) as
depicted in Figure 14.1 [2]. It includes the following:
● As explained in Part I, renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, ocean
and biomass energy, (i) can be directly connected to the consumers’ load on
the distribution systems at the medium- or low-voltage level, (ii) can be dis-
patched to the grid based on the request of the utility grid operators or (iii) can
operate as a stand-alone system to serve a particular load or an area.
● Non-renewable energy sources have the technologies that use fossil fuels (e.g.
natural gas, coal and oil) to produce energy for various operations. They can be
used for power generation and thermal energy through a co-generation
arrangement. Examples of non-renewable technologies are the following:
– Microturbines, which run on natural gas at high speed (~90,000 rpm) to
drive an electric generator with power rating of 30–250 kW for small
industrial and commercial applications. They have the advantage of very
low emissions.
– Gas turbines (or combustion turbines), which use gas or liquid fuel. They
are suited for peaking and load-following applications as well as for base-
load operation in large sizes.
346 Power grids with renewable energy
Energy storage
Renewable energy Non-renewable
resources energy resources Mechanical
Wind energy Microturbines Electrostatic
Solar energy Gas turbines Magnetic
Ocean energy Diesel engine Thermal
Biomass energy generator set
Dual-fuel engine
generator set
– Diesel engine generator sets: They use diesel as fuel and consist of a
compression ignition reciprocating engine as a prime mover coupled to an
electrical generator. They operate at a relatively high compression ratio
and relatively low speed. Diesel engines are manufactured in a wide range
of sizes, from 1 kW to 10 MW, and can be cycled frequently to operate as
peak-load or load-following power plants. In stand-alone operation, diesel
engines can be run in base-load mode. Major drawbacks are very high
level of both emissions and noise, but on the other hand diesel engines
generator sets are cost-effective, reliable and a widely used technology. To
reduce the level of emissions, the engine is modified using a mixture of
diesel (low percentage) and natural gas (as high percentage) fuel. Diesel
fuel allows the use of compression ignition whereas the natural gas results
in low emissions. The engine generator set with this capability is called
‘dual-fuel engine generator set’.
– Cogeneration (combined heat and power (CHP)): Many types of DG can
provide useful and valuable thermal energy by capturing excess heat
energy produced during electricity generation and using it to heat or cool
water or interior space. The excess heat can be also used as energy input to
an industrial process, in lieu of burning fuel. This energy capture and reuse
process is known as CHP or cogeneration. So, plants including CHP units
are designed to produce thermal energy (heating and/or cooling) and
electricity, simultaneously, from a single source of energy in one process.
CHP units are sized to suit large-scale commercial buildings, institutional
facilities and communities with ways to reduce energy costs and total
emissions as well as providing more resilient and reliable electric power
and thermal energy.
Integration of distributed energy resources 347
● ESSs are responsible to store the imported electricity from a power grid at off-
peak periods in a form that can be converted back into electrical energy when
it is required. ESS technologies are classified into mechanical, chemical,
electrochemical, electrostatic, magnetic and thermal ESSs as explained in
Part II.
It is to be noted that some DER technologies, such as engines and combustion
turbines, produce AC power directly and can be connected to the electric grid or
AC loads in a straightforward manner. Other technologies, such as photovoltaics
(PVs) and fuel cells, produce DC power, which must be passed through a power
electronics device called an inverter or power conditioning unit to produce AC
output that can then be connected to the AC system. Electric power generated by
wind-driven turbines is generally variable frequency and requires rectifier/inverter
to convert to constant frequency power.
Different types of fuel based on availability, price and storage can be used to power
DG systems as in the following.
DC bus AC bus
Power conditioning
system DC/AC
Solar PV
AC load
Power conditioning
system DC/AC
Power conditioning
system AC/DC
Wind generator
turbines set
Hybrid systems, such as PV and wind in addition to storage and diesel backup
generator, Figure 14.2, may be necessary and cost-effective in situations where
high reliability and/or stand-alone operations are required. Incorporating both ESS
and diesel generator minimizes the risks associated with the uncertainty of
renewable output, and consequently, the system reliability and energy services are
The beneficial effects that result, or are expected to result, from the installation and
operation of DG in the electric system may include the following.
Environmental benefits that can be determined by the value of emissions
offsets or other environmental benefit such as
● reduction in land-use effects,
● reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission pollutants, environment-
friendliness and reduction in health costs with renewable DG.
Technical benefits:
● Generation, transmission and distribution capacity deferral, which can be
evaluated by the financial value of deferring or avoiding a capital investment
in central generation capacity, transmission system capacity and distribution
system capacity, respectively.
● Usage of CHP results in cost savings from exploiting waste heat.
Integration of distributed energy resources 349
Locational value is constituted of four major items: (i) the cost of power loss
reduction by avoiding the electrical energy to be delivered in areas that experience
high marginal losses, (ii) the cost of avoiding or delaying an upgrade when an
investment in new network capacity would otherwise be required, (iii) the value
that customers place on avoiding service interruptions due to enhancing reliability
or resilience by supplying energy to load during network failures [3] and (iv) the
recent trend of providing electricity to the end users through low-carbon electricity
systems (e.g. renewables), in combination with the base-load conventional plants,
means that the provision of flexibility and resilience will increasingly shift towards
the flexibility inherent in distributed sources provided by end consumers. Thus,
renewable DG will transform passive consumers to active prosumers (professional
consumers) who may provide energy and service flexibility to both local and entire
systems (Figure 14.3).
Therefore, flexible DG, distributed ESSs as well as demand side management
(DSM) will help achieve significant cost savings in comparison to a system in which
flexibility and security of supply are delivered by conventional generation [4].
However, economies of size (known as unit scale) should be investigated when
using DER technologies. The unit costs of energy technologies typically fall as the
technology is installed at larger scales; for example, a 500-MW system of a given
technology will typically cost less per megawatt than a 5-MW system of the same
type. Fortunately, many technologies of DERs such as solar PVs, fuel cells and
electrochemical energy storage can be deployed across a wide range of scales. In
addition, the rate at which economies of scale are reduced is much more rapid for
DER technologies than that of traditional generation technologies. For instance,
economies of two PV systems of scales one to tens of megawatts and tens to
hundreds of megawatts have often cost roughly the same per unit installation cost.
In contrast, traditional nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas and coal-fired power
plants typically exhaust economies of scale between several hundred megawatts
and more than 1,000 MW [3].
Therefore, an optimal trade-off between the value of locational benefits and
economies of unit scale should be found.
To select the optimum DGs configuration, application of optimization techni-
ques is necessary. Integration of renewable DG into a power system commonly
Conventional power system prosumers
Transmission Sub-transmission
Energy flow
Flexibility flow
incorporate an ESS to make it dispatchable and thus more network capacity can be
delivered. For example, unit commitment and economic dispatch techniques can be
applied to implement economic analysis on different technologies and prioritize
them according to a desired criterion.
Emissions reduction (ER) benefits with integration of renewable DG units.
One of the major environmental impacts is the GHG emissions. It is widely accepted
that integration of renewable DG technologies into a power system can to a large
extent reduce the GHG emissions in addition to reduction of other pollutants such as
NO2, SO2 and CO2 that can be produced by the traditional fossil fuel power plants.
The percentage of ER for a specific pollutant (‘) by incorporating renewable
DG can be computed as in the following [2]:
ERl ¼ 100 (14.1)
where PEl=wRE and PEl=woRE are, respectively, the quantity of emissions for the ‘th
pollutant with and without application of renewable DG, and
m X
PE l=wRE ¼ xi yli þ xj ylj (14.2)
i¼1 j¼1
PE l=woRE ¼ xk ylk (14.3)
m ¼ number of conventional generating units;
n ¼ number of renewable DG units;
xi ¼ quantity of electricity produced by the ith conventional power unit with
the application of renewable DG (MWh);
yli ¼ quantity of emission of the ‘th pollutant for the ith conventional power
unit per MWh of electricity produced;
xj ¼ quantity of electricity produced by the jth DG unit (MWh);
ylj ¼ quantity of emission of the ‘th pollutant for the jth DG unit per MWh of
electricity produced;
xk ¼ quantity of electricity produced by the kth conventional power unit
without application of renewable DG (MWh); and
ylk ¼ quantity of emission of the ‘th pollutant for the kth conventional power
unit per MWh of electricity produced.
If the number of pollutants is H, the total quantity of emissions with and
without the application of renewable DG can be given by
PE total=wRE ¼ PE l=wRE and PEtotal=woRE ¼ PEl=woRE (14.4)
l¼1 l¼1
352 Power grids with renewable energy
Hence, the cost saving because of pollutant ER, Ctotal/saving, can be computed by
Ctotal=saving ¼ Cav PE saving (14.7)
where Cav is the average price per unit quantity of pollutant emissions.
Inverter control
Vo Power
'P estimator
Ii Vi
Rectifier and AC
DC Transformer
AC grid
Solar PV resource Inverter
Large-scale tripping of
– Lines Stability loss Partial or
and large-scale complete
– Loads outage of power system
power plants collapse
– Generators
Activation of
Information black-start Loads
collection power plants restoration
Secondary control Tertiary control
Primary control
(automatic generation (long-term
(governor response)
control) reserve)
<10 s 10–30 s 10–30 min >30 min
Nominal frequency
System frequency (Hz)
High inertia
Low inertia
Reduction in
frequency nadir
Therefore, in systems with lower inertia, the frequency nadir is lower and
RoCoF is getting higher. This can lead to under-frequency load shedding by fre-
quency relay tripping and may yield cascaded outages. Adding virtual inertia to the
system in a condition of operation in a very short time interval (<10 s) and in
autonomous fashion is the solution to such situations. Furthermore, the system
stability is improved and higher level of renewable DGs is permitted when
deploying virtual inertia system appropriately.
Various topologies used for virtual inertia implementation are presented in
literature [11–13]. They are designed to effectively emulate inertia of synchronous
generators through power electronic-based inverters. The concept of virtual inertia
topologies can be summarized as in the following.
Using the swing equation, the frequency variation in a power system after a
frequency event can be expressed as
2H dwg DP
¼ (14.8)
wg dt Sg
DP ¼ Pgen Pload (14.9)
where H, the inertia constant, is expressed as the kinetic energy normalized to
apparent power Sg of the connected generators in the system, wg is the system
angular speed (rad/s), Pgen is the generated power and Pload is the power demand
including losses.
Integration of distributed energy resources 361
DC bus
AC bus
Solar PV arrays Inverter
Wind AC
v i
turbines DC Gating
Virtual inertia
DC control system
Gating i v
PWM generator
ωg P0
v e
K Pin
ω* Control algorithm Power/frequency
1 + Td S ωg calculator
Figure 14.9 Schematic diagram of the key elements of virtual inertia control and
governor model
calculation unit. These two parameters along with the prime mover input
power, Pin, are inputs to the control algorithm unit.
● The control algorithm unit solves the swing equation every control cycle pro-
viding the phase command, q, as well as the voltage reference, e, which is
generated through Q-v droop approach. The two parameters, q and e are inputs to
the PWM generator. The typical swing equation of a synchronous generator is
DP ¼ Pin Pout ¼ J wm þ Dp Dw (14.11)
Dw ¼ wm wg (14.12)
where Pout is the inverter output power, wm is the virtual angular frequency, wg
is the grid/reference angular frequency, J is the moment of inertia and Dp is the
damping factor. Pin is the input power, which is like the prime mover input
power in a synchronous generator and can be computed by utilizing a governor
model. The governor is modelled, in a simplest way, as a first-order lag ele-
ment with gain and time constant of K and Td, respectively. The output of the
model, Pin , is based on the frequency deviation from a reference frequency w*
and a continuous power reference, P0 (Figure 14.9).
● The PWM generator sends the gating signals to the inverter.
14.5 Microgrids
Adding to the benefits of integrating the DER units into the power grid and coun-
teracting the challenges that can be met, the new trend is towards gathering the
Integration of distributed energy resources 363
DER units with the loads present in their vicinity in a separate gird called ‘micro-
grid’ (MG). Depending on the request of distribution system operator (DSO), the
MG can be connected to or disconnected from the utility distribution system
through a point of common coupling (PCC). Furthermore, the distribution system
may include more than one grid, some within the entire area covered by utility grid
and others located remotely and isolated from the utility grid (Figure 14.10).
14.5.1 MG concept
The MG is structured as a group of DERs and loads. It can be considered as a
subsystem which can be operated in three possible modes: grid-connected, islanded
and isolated. In islanded mode, the MG that is grid-connected disconnects from the
main grid, either in a planned fashion or due to fault/disturbance in the main grid. It
provides seamless transition between the two modes. The MG in the isolated mode
is designed in such a way that it is never connected to the main grid. This is the case
of remote sites (e.g. remote communities or remote industrial sites) where an
interconnection with the main grid is not feasible due to either technical and/or
economic constraints. Therefore, isolated MGs operate permanently in stand-alone
mode [14].
A typical MG system is shown in Figure 14.11. It comprises a variety of DERs
and different types of end users. Hence, it is considered as a portion of the dis-
tribution system, which is located downstream the distribution substation [15].
MG (con/discon)
Load DG
Distributed generation ESS DG
DG source ESS
Solar PV
Diesel DG unit
autonomously); (iii) ride-through between the two modes [15,16]. The operation of
MG whether in grid connected mode or islanded mode requires several reinforce-
ments regarding the control and protection issues.
requirements such as sensitivity and reliability not only in grid connected mode, but
also in the islanded mode. More explanation for MG technical issues are presented
in Chapter 19.
Regulatory issues. There are many aspects of legislation that prohibit the
integration of MG with utility grid. For example, in Spain, regulations prevent
exciting any load in the same circuit between PV system and low-voltage system.
Moreover, the integration of generation and storage systems is prevented.
Unfortunately, such rules and regulations are applied in Egypt as well, which may
lead to constraining the MG concept when connecting MG to the utility grid. From
the grid operator point of view, this interconnection may be affected and disturb the
safety of the utility grid. Hence, the grid operators create guidelines and codes,
differing from one country to other, to manage this interconnection. Unfortunately,
most of these guidelines are not directly applied to the MG concept as in case of
anti-islanding and faulty regulations, which deal with MG as a potential source of
disturbance to the grid. The anti-islanding protection schemes constrain the MG’s
ability to seamlessly transition to the islanding mode and continue its function
locally, since the DGs are forced to disconnect.
Financial issues. Although most of the previous issues have been handled by
continuous development and research, financial issue is still the most common
obstacle for increasing penetration of MG. Some technologies have already become
cost-effective. However, many important technologies such as PV, fuel cells and
storage remain expensive and need some sort of financial support and legislation
from the interested countries.
grid-connected mode is to handle the active- and reactive-power commands for the
DG systems. The central control can calculate the commands based on a variety of
criteria, such as market signals, economy of the MG, optimal operation, and host
grid conditions and requirements. For example, during hours when the grid elec-
tricity is cheap, the overall control may decide to reduce the power output of the gas
microturbine DG and charge the energy storage devices mainly through the grid
power. At the same time, in response to a grid command, it may dispatch the DG
systems in such a way that the MG draws reactive power from the host grid to
prevent an overvoltage at the PCC.
By contrast, in the islanded mode of operation, the DGs are mainly controlled
locally to regulate the MG voltage magnitude and frequency. This process must be
fast and reliable and is a function of the DG control. In the absence of a connection
to the utility grid, a sustained islanded mode operation also implies that the sum of
DG system power outputs equals the aggregate load power. Although, this is
strictly and rapidly ensured by the DG control, the central control can specify the
steady-state DG system output powers, according to the constraint mentioned
above, in such a way that the MG steady-state operation is optimized. Further, the
central control can shed loads in the islanded mode, depending on load criticalities,
MG energy reserves or other considerations [18,37,38]. For safe reconnection of
the MG to the host grid, once the operating mode is to be switched to the grid-
connected mode, the central control can also specify the commands for steady-state
voltage magnitude and frequency of the DG system if they have drifted away from
their nominal values due to the islanded-mode operation.
The central control requires a communications network to exchange informa-
tion with the DG systems and loads. Even though the communication links may not
work fast or be very reliable, their design should be such that their malfunction
shall not lead to a system collapse. The malfunction should only lead to the non-
optimal operation of the DGs [39].
Local control (LC). The main function of LC is to ensure the stability and
robustness of the MG, in transient as well as steady states. Thus, LC ensures that
● DG systems operate in synchronism with the grid in the grid-connected mode of
operation. In the islanded mode of operation, the aggregate of the DG system
power outputs tracks the aggregated load power. Moreover, some dynamics
such as the MG voltage magnitude and frequency are regulated when the DG
systems properly share the total load, both in transient and steady-state regimes.
● DG systems operate within their limits and are protected against network faults
irrespective of the operating mode.
LC also receives and enforces the commands that are issued by the MGCC. In
contrast to MGCC, LC must be fast and very reliable. Otherwise, either the MG vol-
tage magnitude and frequency undergo unacceptable excursions with respect to their
nominal values, or the MG collapses completely [39,40]. Therefore, its centralized
realization is theoretically feasible. The consensus is that the LC should be imple-
mented based on decentralized methods. The most notable decentralized method is
based on droop characteristics. One distinct merit of the droop-based control method is
Integration of distributed energy resources 369
that it grants plug-and-play capability to the DG systems. The DG control may also be
applied to the loads, for rapid and continuous power control, or even for load shedding.
A pdf is used to model the wind velocity variation. It provides the probability
that an event will occur between two end points. For any two speeds larger than
zero, the area under the curve between those two speeds will provide the prob-
ability that wind will blow anywhere between those two speeds. It is important to
understand that the actual height and shape of a pdf curve are determined such that
the area under the curve from 0 to infinity is exactly 1. Physically, this means that
there is a 100% chance that the wind will blow at some speed in m/s between 0 and
Many scientific studies in literature concerning wind energy have presented
the application of a variety of pdf (e.g. normal, lognormal, gamma, Rayleigh and
Weibull) to describe wind speed distribution [11,12]. These studies concluded that
the Weibull distribution with two parameters might be effectively applied to define
the principle wind speed variation. The Weibull probability density given by (15.1)
has been found to be a very precise model to define wind velocity variation. This
distribution is regularly used in wind energy engineering [13]. Its success originates
from the two adaptable parameters, c and k, which can offer great flexibility in
fitting the distribution function to the measured values with different performances
as shown in Figure 15.1. It is noted that the greater the value of k, the more the
curve looks like a reversed bell, though as the value of c increases, the curve
spreads out even more.
k v ðk1Þ ðv=cÞk
f v ðv Þ ¼ e (15.1)
c c
This expression is valid for k > 1, v 0 and c > 0. k is the shape factor and c is
the scale parameter.
Different methods can be used to calculate the Weibull parameters [13,14].
The shape factor, k, will typically range from 1 to 3. For given average wind speed,
a lower shape factor indicates a relatively wide distribution of wind speed around
0.10 k=3
0 5 10 15 20 25
the average while a higher shape factor specifies a comparatively narrow dis-
tribution of wind speed around the average. A lower shape factor will normally lead
to higher energy production for a given average wind speed. Figure 15.1 shows the
Weibull pdf with c ¼ 10 and k ¼ 1, 2 and 3. Here, the parameter k is calculated,
approximately, using the mean wind speed, vm , and the standard deviation, s, as
k¼ (15.2)
c¼ (15.3)
Гð1 þ 1=k Þ
1 X n
vm ¼ vi (15.4)
n i¼1
" #0:5
1 X n
s¼ ðv i v m Þ2 (15.5)
n 1 i¼1
0.20 c = 10
c = 12
0 5 10 15 20 25
Furthermore, these two functions can define wind speed distribution for any
archetypal hour of the year. The wind power output of wind turbine (WT) generator
has a constant zero value lower than the cut-in wind speed and beyond the cut-out
wind speed, and it is constant between rated wind speed and cut-out wind speed.
The wind power output is a mixed random variable, which is continuous between
values of zero and rated power and is discrete at values of zero and rated power
output. If it is supposed that the wind speed has a given distribution such as
Weibull, it is then essential to change that distribution to a wind power distribution.
This transformation may be accomplished in the following manner, where v and w
are the wind speed and wind power random variable, respectively, for a linear
transformation as follows [15]:
k–1 k
klvi 1 + ρl vi 1 + ρl vi (15.8)
c c exp – c for 0 <w <wr
v k vo k
fw(w) = 1–exp – ci +exp – c for w = 0
v k vo k
exp – cr –exp – c for w = wr
where r ¼ wwr , l ¼ vr vi vi , vr is rated wind speed, wr is rated wind power, vi is cut-in
speed and vo is cut-out speed.
domain and execution time limit. There are general-purpose searching methods
based on principles inspired by the genetic and fruition mechanisms detected in
natural systems and populations of living creatures. These approaches have the
benefit of searching the solution space more methodically. The chief trouble is their
sensitivity to the selection of parameters. Amongst such techniques, particle swarm
optimization (PSO) is simple and promising. It necessitates less computation time
and memory. It has also standard values for its parameters. A flow chart illustrating
the main steps of PSO algorithm is depicted in Figure 15.3.
Iteration iter = 0
Check the stopping criteria
according to error limit
Subject to
PgiðminÞ Pgi PgiðmaxÞ (15.12)
Pgi ¼ L (15.13)
OC(Pgi): operating cost of non-convex thermal units.
N: number of non-convex thermal units.
Pgi: power of the ith generating thermal unit.
L: system load.
PgiðminÞ : minimum generation limit of the non-convex thermal unit.
PgiðmaxÞ : maximum generation limit of the non-convex thermal unit.
Taking a closer look at the objective function, to effectively solve the ED
problem, most algorithms require the incremental cost curves to be of mono-
tonically smooth increasing nature. The generating units with the multi-valve steam
turbines exhibit a greater variation by the fuel cost functions, where the valve point
results in the rippling form of the heat-rate curve and the cost function contains
higher-order non-linearity due to the valve-point effects. The more general fuel cost
function of each thermal generator, considering the valve point effect, is expressed
as the sum of a quadratic and a sinusoidal function. The total non-smooth fuel cost
function in terms of real power output can be expressed as
OC Pgi ¼ Ci Pgi (15.14)
380 Power grids with renewable energy
Ci Pgi ¼ ai þ bi Pgi þ ci P2gi þ ei sin fi Pi min Pi (15.15)
where ai ; bi and ci are cost coefficients of ith generator, and ei, and fi are the coef-
ficients of that generator reflecting valve-point effects [26].
Subject to
PgiðminÞ Pgi PgiðmaxÞ (15.17)
0 Wi Wri (15.18)
Pgi þ Wi ¼ L (15.19)
i¼1 i¼1
OCd(Wi): deterministic operating cost of wind farms.
Wri: rated wind power from the ith wind-powered generator.
M: number of wind-powered generators.
S: number of solar-powered modules.
Wi: scheduled wind power from the ith wind power generator.
The deterministic operating cost of wind power generators is formulated as
OC d ðWi Þ ¼ Cdwi ðWi Þ (15.20)
nature of wind power. Single-objective SED for the proposed system with wind
power and thermal units can be formulated as follows [27]:
Minimize OC Pgi ; Wi
that is,
" #
Minimize OC Pgi þ OC s ðWi Þ (15.22)
i¼1 i¼1
Subject to
0 Wi Wri (15.24)
Pgi þ Wi ¼ L (15.25)
i¼1 i¼1
OC s ðWi Þ: stochastic operating cost of wind farms.
OC s ðWi Þ ¼ Cwi ðwi Þ þ Cp;wi Wi;av wi þ Cr;wi wi Wi;av
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
On the RHS of (15.26), the first term, Cwi ðwi Þ, is the cost function based on
wind speed profile and formulated as in (15.27). The cost coefficient is multiplied
by Weibull pdf of wind power, f w ðwÞ, as in (15.8)–(15.10),
K p;wi : the penalty cost coefficient of underestimation (over-generation) for the
ith wind generator.
W i;av : actual or available wind power from the ith wind-powered generator.
382 Power grids with renewable energy
The third term is the reserve requirement cost, which is because the actual or
available wind power is less than the scheduled wind power, and can be given by
ð wi
Cr;wi wi Wi;av ¼ Kr;wi ðwi wÞfw ðwÞdw (15.29)
where K r;wi is the reserve cost coefficient of overestimation (under generation) for
the ith wind-powered generator.
Fitness ¼ w1 f1 þ w2 f2 (15.30)
where w1 and w2 are two constants determined using prior knowledge about the
problem. Using a pair of fixed weights, only one Pareto solution can be
The algorithm will run many times with a weight combination used for each
time. In this way, all Pareto solutions that the Pareto front consists of can be
obtained. If the different weight combinations can be distributed among the
individuals, the population may be able to approach the Pareto front during the
process of evolution. The weight combinations can be distributed uniformly
among the individuals in the offspring population. Let,
1 w1
Pi 0 Pi Di (15.38)
Pi Pi 0 Ui (15.39)
Pgi þ Wi ¼ L (15.40)
i¼1 i¼1
E Pgi : emissions as a function of generator output.
w1, w2: non-negative weights, such that w1 þ w2 ¼ 1; w1 and w2 are used to
make a trade-off between emission and total cost.
Di, Ui: the down- and up-ramp rate limits of the ith generator, and Pi0 is the
former operating point (hour) of the ith generator, respectively [36].
The first part of the objective function, OC(Pgi, Wi), is the expected value of the
combined operating cost as given by (15.22)–(15.29) in addition to the ramp rate
constraints, (15.38) and (15.39), which limit the generated power of the thermal plants.
It is to be noted that the problem that has been framed as a minimization
problem of the fuel cost under load demand constraint and various other constraints
at a specific time of interest is known as the static ED problem. It may fail to deal
with the large fluctuations of the load demand because of the ramp rate limits of the
generators. Thus, due to this large oscillation of the electrical load demand as well
as the dynamic nature of the power system, it requires the inquiry of dynamic
dispatch (DD) problem. DD problem is a development of the static ED problem to
obtain the generation schedule of the committed units to meet the predicted load
demand over a certain period at a minimum operating cost under ramp rate con-
straints and other constraints. Ramp rates are dynamic constraints used to maintain
the life of the generators [37].
Although the environmental pollutant gases of fossil-fuel thermal units consist
of sulphur oxides SOx, nitrogen oxides NOx and dust particles, etc., only the NOx
particles are considered in this study as they are representative of the emissions
produced by the fossil-fuel units. Without loss of generality, the total (ton) emis-
sions E Pgi of the NOx pollutants are given as the sum of the quadratic and
exponential function of the thermal units output power [36]:
E Pgi ¼ ai þ bi Pgi þ gi P2gi þ xi exp li Pgi (15.41)
where ai ; bi ; gi ; xi and li are coefficients of the ith generator’s emission function.
The unit of E Pgi is the mass of nitrogen emitted per unit of energy liberated by
the oxidation of the fuel.
Example 15.1 A basic system consists of three thermal units (G1, G2 and G3). Two
wind plants (W1 and W2) and an ESS can be incorporated in different cases of ED
application (Figure 15.5). The daily-load curve is shown in Figure 15.6 and the data
of the non-convex thermal units is given in Table 15.1. The hourly wind speed is
shown in Figure 15.7.
PSO MATLAB toolbox is used to deal with the problem, and referring to
Figure 15.3, its data are [38] the following:
● The initial particles are randomly generated within the feasible range.
● The parameters c1, c2 and inertia weight are selected for best convergence
characteristic with values of c1 ¼ 2.1 and c2 ¼ 2.1.
● Here the maximum value of w is chosen as 0.9 and the minimum value is
chosen as 0.6.
● The velocity limits have a setting of 4 and 4.
● Hundred particles are selected in the population.
ED techniques (CED, DED and SED) are applied to various cases and the
results obtained are described as in the following.
Case #1: CED for the basic system
The results obtained, power scheduling and the corresponding cost, in this case, are
tabulated in Table 15.2 as well as the total cost is plotted in Figure 15.8.
Economic dispatch of hybrid thermal and wind plants 387
Power conditioning
Two W1
plants Power conditioning
W2 system
Figure 15.5 The studied system: solid links for the basic system and dotted links
for incorporated sources
Load (MW)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Pmin Pmax a b c e f
1 100 600 561 7.92 0.00156 300 0.0315
2 100 400 310 7.85 0.00194 200 0.0420
3 50 200 78 7.97 0.00482 150 0.0630
388 Power grids with renewable energy
Wind speed (m/s)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Hour Demand (MW) Pg1 (MW) Pg2 (MW) Pg3 (MW) Min cost 103 ($/h)
1 400 199.736 100.397 99.8665 4.5482
2 445 100.0000 174.799 170.200 5.0282
3 500 199.733 174.799 125.467 5.4003
4 450 199.9677 174.795 75.2388 5.200
5 480 100 249.599 130.400 5.5188
6 530 199.761 180.505 149.733 6.0227
7 750 399.199 201.067 149.733 8.4963
8 620 199.733 270.533 149.733 6.7143
9 643 299.466 242.667 99.8665 6.8145
10 500 200.1595 249.840 50 5.5257
11 520 100 320.133 99.8665 5.5481
12 530 100 330.131 99.8673 5.0013
13 420 100 170.266 149.733 4.4887
14 377 100.284 176.848 99.8674 4.4017
15 730 399.199 230.934 99.8665 8.3610
16 475 199.733 100.000 175.266 5.0924
17 375 100 175.133 99.8665 4.7377
18 563 299.466 113.800 149.733 6.3902
19 563 100 263.400 199.599 6.0512
20 542 199.733 242.400 99.8665 5.9135
21 433 100 233.133 99.8665 4.9637
22 342 100 174.799 67.2001 4.0779
23 542 299.466 142.667 99.8665 5.6994
24 400 199.756 100.374 99.8700 4.6483
Economic dispatch of hybrid thermal and wind plants 389
Total cost ($)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Case #2: DED for the basic system incorporating wind power plants
Two wind-based DG farms of 45 MW rating are used. Each WT has the following
● Cut-in speed ¼ 5 m/s.
● Nominal speed ¼ 15 m/s.
● Cut-off speed ¼ 45 m/s.
The Weibull function parameters of wind are k ¼ 2 and c ¼ 10 m/s. The results
obtained from the DED are given in Table 15.3. The total cost is drawn as in
Figure 15.9 and compared to that obtained using CED is shown in Figure 15.10.
Figure 15.8, Tables 15.2 and 15.3 and Figure 15.10 show that the total daily cost is
reduced when incorporating wind energy sources with the thermal units.
Case #3: SED for the basic system incorporating wind power plants
The penalty and reserve factors are set to kp,wi ¼ 2 and kr,wi ¼ 4 [13]. The deter-
ministic cost coefficients for ith wind power plant are d1 ¼ 1 and d2 ¼ 1.25 [27].
The results are presented in Table 15.4 and the total cost through the day is shown
in Figure 15.11.
Case #4: ED for the basic system incorporating wind power plants and ESS
The output power of the two wind plants will be constant at 75 MW as the ESS acts
for fixing this power. The total cost through day hours is presented in Figure 15.12.
The results of ED application in MW of each unit and the cost in ($/h) are listed in
Table 15.5. The charging and discharging state of the ESS through day hours is
presented in Figure 15.13.
Case #5: Multi-objective stochastic dispatch
Random distribution of weights within a population method is used to enable PSO
to solve environmental/economic MO problem. The diversity of the Pareto-optimal
390 Power grids with renewable energy
Hour Load (MW) Pg1 (MW) Pg2 (MW) Pg3 (MW) W1 (MW) W2 (MW) Cost ($/h)
1 400 100 139.06 99.86 27.311 33.76 3,955.5
2 445 199.73 174.79 50 4.48 15.9 4,438.7
3 500 199.73 174.79 99.86 6.68 18.91 4,866.8
4 450 100 193.66 99.86 28.23 28.23 4,360.4
5 480 100 249.59 99.86 4.72 25.80 4,680.5
6 530 299.47 109.11 50 32.21 39.19 4,868.8
7 750 299.46 189.45 199.60 27.31 33.76 6,931.7
8 620 199.73 249.53 149.73 0 21 5,958.3
9 642 399.2 174.8 50 0 18 6,201.5
10 500 199.73 174.79 99.86 4.65 20.94 4,865.8
11 520 199.73 174.79 99.86 19.79 25.8 4,883.3
12 530 199.73 249.59 50 4.264 26.40 5,092.4
13 420 100 174.79 99.86 15.84 29.49 4,044.7
14 377 100 174.79 50 24.58 27.61 3,628.0
15 730 399.19 174.79 99.86 24.04 32.08 6,657.1
16 475 100 249.59 99.86 0 25.53 4,675.6
17 375 100.47 110.47 99.87 32.08 32.08 3,615.5
18 563 199.73 174.79 121.62 33.42 33.42 5,240.5
19 563 299.46 100 99.86 27.48 36.17 5,136.9
20 542 299.46 100 99.86 9.24 33.42 5,117.2
21 433 100 100 175.11 25.8 32 4,264.7
22 342 100 136.59 50 24.63 30.77 3,506.5
23 542 100.15 180.7 199.59 30.77 30.77 5,083.2
24 400 100 100 149.73 19.49 30.77 3,870.3
Cost ($/h)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
set over the trade-off is shown in Figure 15.14, which shows that the operating cost
of the non-dominated solutions is inversely proportional to their emissions. The
data of the generators up and down ramp rates and emissions characteristics are
given in Table 15.6 [39] as well as the values of the weights of the two objective
functions are shown in Table 15.7. The weights in the proposed MO optimization
Economic dispatch of hybrid thermal and wind plants 391
8,000 CED
Cost ($/h)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Hour Load (MW) Pg1 (MW) Pg2 (MW) Pg3 (MW) W1 (MW) W2 (MW) Cost ($/h)
1 400 50 100 181 34.5 34.5 5,262.5
2 445 68.32 108.9 199.99 33.9 33.9 5,758.92
3 500 76.36 217.40 149.57 37.5 37.5 6,399.4
4 450 68.0 111.23 200 35.4 35.4 5,819.2
5 480 77.16 124.8 200 39 39 6,251.1
6 530 86.7 165.0 200 39.12 39.12 6,626.2
7 750 172.30 308.6 200 34.50 34.5 8,444.19
8 620 124.9 224.26 200 35.5 35.4 7,382.7
9 642 133.5 246.1 200 31.2 31.2 7,372.62
10 500 84.8 150.37 199.9 32.39 32.39 6,419.7
11 520 88.28 163.92 199.99 33.89 33.89 6,514.8
12 530 80.2 170.5 200 39.6 39.6 6,561.5
13 420 50 100.0 190.8 39.6 39.6 5,431.6
14 377 50 100 145.4 40.8 40.8 5,008.8
15 730 165.72 286.37 199.9 38.99 38.99 8,326.72
16 475 77.42 125.97 200 37.8 32.7 6,173.65
17 375 50 100.01 152.26 34 39 4,945.9
18 563 100.84 181.76 185 25.2 40.2 6,925
19 563 95.1 182.6 190 42.6 32.6 6,984.4
20 542 97 164.50 173 13.3 40.2 6,771.6
21 433 54.97 100 200 39 39 5,513
22 342 50 100 110.4 43.8 37.8 4,736
23 542 88.94 177.5 200 37.8 37.8 6,660.3
24 400 50 100 174.4 37.8 37.8 5,289.6
Total cost ($)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Cost ($/h)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Figure 15.12 Total cost of the power system incorporating wind power and ESS
Power (MW)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (h)
Figure 15.13 Charging and discharging state of EES with wind power
394 Power grids with renewable energy
Emissions (ton/h)
0.25 ×103
5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1
Table 15.6 Data of the generators up and down ramp rates and
emissions characteristics
UR DR a b g x l
1 90 90 0.0041 0.3276 13.8593 0 0
2 90 90 0.0068 0.5455 40.2669 0 0
3 90 90 0.0046 0.5111 42.8955 0 0
Table 15.7 Values of weights of the two objective functions through 50 runs
w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2 w1 w2
0.1190 0.8810 0.4733 0.5267 0.1386 0.8614 0.7792 0.2208
0.4984 0.5016 0.3517 0.6483 0.1493 0.8507 0.9340 0.0660
0.9597 0.0403 0.8308 0.1692 0.2575 0.7425 0.1299 0.8701
0.3404 0.6596 0.5853 0.4147 0.8407 0.1593 0.5688 0.4312
0.5853 0.4147 0.5497 0.4503 0.2543 0.7457 0.4694 0.5306
0.2238 0.7762 0.9172 0.0828 0.8143 0.1857 0.0119 0.9881
0.7513 0.2487 0.2858 0.7142 0.2435 0.7565 0.3371 0.6629
0.2551 0.7449 0.7572 0.2428 0.9293 0.0707 0.1622 0.8378
0.5060 0.4940 0.7537 0.2463 0.3500 0.6500 0.7943 0.2057
0.6991 0.3009 0.3804 0.6196 0.1966 0.8034 0.3112 0.6888
0.8909 0.1091 0.5678 0.4322 0.2511 0.7489 0.5285 0.4715
0.9593 0.0407 0.0759 0.9241 0.6160 0.3840
0.5472 0.4528 0.0540 0.9460 0.5308 0.4692
Economic dispatch of hybrid thermal and wind plants 395
Emissions (ton/h)
Figure 15.15 Emissions versus the power output of the three thermal units
Emissions (ton/h)
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[20] Momoh J. A., Adapa R. and El-Hawary M. E. ‘A review of selected
optimal power flow literature to 1993, Part I: Nonlinear and quadratic
programming approaches’. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 1999;14
[21] Walters D. C. and Sheble G. B. ‘Genetic algorithm solution of economic
dispatch with valve point loading’. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
[22] Tippayachai J., Ongsakul W. and Ngamroo I. ‘Parallel micro genetic algo-
rithm for constrained economic dispatch’. IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems. 2003;17(3):790–7.
398 Power grids with renewable energy
16.1 Introduction
Electricity demand can exhibit large variations from weekdays to weekends, one
day to another, peak to off-peak hours as well as from one season to another. As
explained in Chapter 15, optimal loading of each generating unit in a power system
encountering conventional thermal units integrated with renewable wind sources
can be determined using economic dispatch (ED) techniques. All available gen-
erating units can be turned on to meet the demand, but it is usually not economical
to continuously run all the units available all the time. Hence, it is desirable to look
for an efficient economic short-term generation scheduling that plays an important
role in the economic operation of a power system. The principal objective of the
short-term generation scheduling is to efficiently determine the commitment of
generating units as well as the economic loading of each committed unit so that the
forecasted load demand and spinning reserve can be met over a short period ran-
ging from 1 day to 1 week. The resultant schedule should minimize the system
production cost during a specified period while simultaneously satisfying system
and operational unit constraints. Thus, scheduling power system operation should
involve two basic economic decisions:
1. A unit commitment (UC) decision that determines which units should be
brought online to meet the expected load demand, power losses and reserve
2. An embedded ED decision that determines the most economic generation level
for each of the committed (synchronized) units.
These two decisions must be taken to minimize the total start-up, shutdown
and running costs subject to various constraints such as power balance, spinning
reserve and minimum up and downtime constraints [1].
Based on this aspect, the problem of generation scheduling of a conventional
power system without and with renewables (wind and solar photovoltaic (PV)) is
studied in this chapter. Several critical constraints that govern the operation of
synchronized generators and affect the generation scheduling are crucial. The most
widely solutions to the generation scheduling are discussed. Emphasis is placed on
the advantages and limitations of each method.
402 Power grids with renewable energy
Output Output
Pmin Pmax P (MW) Pmin Pmax P (MW)
(a) (b)
Pmin Prated Pmax P (MW)
(or $/kWh) versus the net power output of the unit in MW. Very often, this char-
acteristic is approximated by a sequence of straight-line segments.
In addition, an important characteristic of a steam unit, which is the unit (net)
heat rate characteristic, is represented by H/P versus P as shown in Figure 16.1(c).
It is proportional to the reciprocal of the usual efficiency characteristic developed
for machinery [3]. However, a series of straight-line segments may be also used to
represent the input–output characteristics. The different representations will of
course result in different incremental heat rate characteristics.
The thermal scheduling problem involves the determination of start-up and shut-
down time as well as the power output levels of all system generation units at each
time step, over a specified scheduling period T, so that the total start-up, shutdown
and running costs are minimized subject to several system and unit constraints.
Obtaining an optimal schedule of generation involves the solution of a mixed-
integer non-linear optimization problem with many constraints.
404 Power grids with renewable energy
Fi ðPij Þ: the production cost of the ith thermal unit in the jth period, and Pij is
the power output of ith unit in the period j;
SCi;j : unit start-up cost;
T: the time horizon, which is taken as 24 h;
G: the number of generating units.
function that relates the generator power output, Pi, to fuel cost, an example of the
function often used is
Fi ¼ ai P2i þ bi Pi þ ci (16.2)
where ai, bi and ci represent the unit cost coefficients.
Also, a suitable higher-order polynomial may be used to express the unit cost
function. In some studies, fuel costs are represented by a fixed linear function of
generator output level. However, if more precise and better results are needed,
several linear segments (a piecewise approximation) may be implemented.
ai : integrates labour start-up cost and equipment maintenance cost of unit i;
bi : start-up cost of unit i from cold condition;
ti : time constant that characterizes unit i cooling speed;
Ti;joff : the time a unit has been off prior to start up;
uij : the status index of ith unit in the jth period (1 for up and 0 for down).
However, there are two approaches to treating a thermal unit during its down
period. The first allows the unit’s boiler to cool down and then heat, back up to
operating temperature in time for a schedule turn on, and in this case, the start-up
cost is governed by (16.3). The second is called banking and requires that enough
energy be input to the boiler to just maintain operating temperature [3].
The objective function Fcost is minimized, subject to several system and unit con-
straints. Each individual power system may specify its own set of constraints depending
on certain factors such as network topology, reliability and security load curve char-
acteristic and so on. These constraints are described in the forthcoming sections.
ui;j Pij ¼ Pdj þ PL (16.4)
where NB, Pds,j are the total number of system buses and load at Bus s, respec-
tively. The sensitivity coefficients kmi and kmj can be determined, based on DC or
AC power flow corresponding to normal or contingency conditions [6].
i Pij Pmax
i ; i 2 G; j 2 T (16.10)
– System constraints Estimated
– Unit constraints production
– Must be on/off and
fixed generation
– Generators data
– Forecasted load Generation
– Spinning reserve schedule
– Maintenance schedule
and forced outage
– De-rated capacity
input data. Units scheduled for maintenance or in forced outage can, therefore,
be treated as ‘must be off’ units.
● De-rated capacity: Partial outages of the units leading to de-rated capacity or
changes from de-rated state to full capacity state or to another de-rated state.
A typical block diagram for the input/output of UC with ED program is
depicted in Figure 16.2.
main disadvantage is that all the objective functions and constraints must be line-
arized, which often leads to suboptimal solutions.
The results are encouraging, but unrealistic for real-time operation because of long
execution time.
GA-based method has also been reported recently for solving the ED problem [8].
On the other hand, extended evolutionary algorithms for solving the optimal reactive
power dispatch has been explored [9]. Good and reliable performance has been
achieved and validation tests using the standard IEEE57 system have been reported.
However, none of the basic evolutionary computational methods can guarantee
an optimal solution to the scheduling problem. They only provide near-optimal
solutions, and the quality of each solution provided is affected by either solution
time limitations or by premature convergence. Various enhancements and mod-
ifications are required to enable the basic evolutionary computational models to be
applied successfully in the solution of the scheduling problem.
16.6.1 GA implementation
The two main actions that link the GA to the problem it is solving are the means of
translating the problem solution to a chromosome representation and an evaluation
414 Power grids with renewable energy
Read in load
No Hesitant
Certain state unit
state unit?
Last hour? h=h+1
function that returns a measurement of worth for any chromosome in the context of
the problem. The success of the GA approach is heavily dependent on the problem
encoding and the choice of the evaluation function.
The thermal scheduling problem is a mixed-integer non-linear optimization
problem that lends itself to a suitable binary representation. For the application of
GA to the UC problem, a binary string of [‘0’, ‘1’] denoting the off/on state of the
unit is randomly generated. The total solution string length is a product of the
scheduling period T and the number of generation units G. A typical UC problem
representation for scheduling G units over T hours is shown in Figure 16.4.
Generation scheduling for power grids with renewables 415
" #
OC Pij ¼ FC i Pij þ SC ij þ SDC ij (16.15)
i¼1 i¼1
where FC i Pij , Pij , SC ij and SDC ij are the production cost of ith thermal unit, its
power output, start-up and shutdown costs in jth hour. a1 ; . . . ; a5 are penalty
416 Power grids with renewable energy
factors, and FSCðjÞ, FDCðjÞ, FTRðjÞ, FTDðjÞ and VTLðjÞ are the penalty terms,
which are utilized when a unit does not comply with the minimum up/minimum
downtime, fails to meet the reserve and the load demand, respectively, and when
the transmission line constraints of the system are violated.
Choosing a penalty factor that combines well with the cost function is a dif-
ficult task as it affects the performance of the algorithm. Different values of
a1 ; :::; a5 are tried to calculate the effective values that satisfy the violated
16.6.3 PL implementation
To start a typical run of a GA, an initial population of strings is generated randomly
subject to the initial conditions of the studied system. However, an extensive
research has indicated the importance of the choice of the initial population [24].
By including the domain knowledge into a hybrid GA technique, the hybrid tech-
nique would outperform both the traditional GA and the conventional methods.
The PL scheme is the most popular technique of solving the UC problem, as it
is a fast and reliable method. To use a hybrid technique comprising the GA with the
PL at each hour, the PL algorithm is run followed by the GA. The latter is run with
the inclusion of a copy of the PL solution in its initial population.
practical error margin is a maximum of 5% [27] and hence, the training and
testing data used to illustrate the technique described in this study is realistic in
terms of evaluating the performance of the method. After training and testing the
ANN using different load curve samples, the ANN produces an output feature value
(i.e. the preschedule), which is classified as follows:
● Certain state unit: The output value of this is greater than or equal to 0.9 (with
certain ‘on’ state), or an output feature value of less than 0.1 (with certain ‘off’
● Hesitant unit: 0.9 > the output feature value 0.1. Here, the GA or the GA/PL
is used to solve the problem of scheduling of hesitant units.
16.6.5 ED implementation
In the scheduling process, once a decision is made on whether a unit is to be on or
off, a further optimization process must be carried out to optimally allocate the load
to the online units, a process which is referred to as ED. The main objective of the
ED is to minimize fuel costs whilst allocating the load among the online units. This
should also satisfy the physical limitations of units as well as those on the power
system. Owing to the ability of the GA to look for the global optimal solution, it is
applied to the ED problem. The GA is thus further extended for solving the ED
problem concurrently with the UC problem. At each time interval, individual
generators are represented by ten bits, where the first bit represents the unit on/off
status, whilst the latter nine bits encode the power output level of that unit. These
nine bits could easily be decoded and mapped into each unit’s own operating range
according to the following equation [28]:
Mapped value ¼ L
i Pmin
i þ Pmin
i (16.16)
2 1
Dcd : the decoded value;
L: string length;
i ; Pmin
i : maximum and minimum capacities of the corresponding generating
unit, respectively.
By modifying ten bits for every generator, the GA effectively searches for the
optimum solution in the combined UC and ED search space. Also, to a certain
extent, its computational time is considerably higher than the techniques currently
being used. However, one major advantage of the GA approach to solve the ED
problem lies in the fact that it can solve highly non-linear and discontinuous pro-
blems without the approximation needed in the classical problem. In addition, with
the use of multiprocessors, its computational time can be very significantly reduced
and becomes comparable to the time it takes to solve the problem using classical
One approach to reduce the computational time of the GA is to classify the
generating units into three categories: base, cycling and peaking units.
418 Power grids with renewable energy
Table 16.1 Unit scheduling generated by the ANN/GA/PL with transmission line,
ramp rate constraints and transmission line losses
constraints into the generation scheduling problem, the system operational cost
goes up to $791,332 and the committed schedule is shown in Table 16.1. As the
transmission line losses are imposed into the generation scheduling program, a
solution which satisfies all required system constraints is reached. In this case, the
system operational cost increases even further to $791,332.
In the SCGS problem, the main objective is to efficiently determine the com-
mitment of generating units as well as the output level of each committed unit to
meet the forecasted demand at the minimum possible production cost. Furthermore,
this should satisfy generating units and system constraints in a scheduling horizon
over one day. The stochastic nature effect of wind power generation and PV is
considered. The objective function is to minimize the total system generation cost
of thermal, wind and PV units across the schedule horizon. It can be formulated as
" !#
Minimize OC Pij þ OC wij þ OCðpvij Þ (16.18)
j¼1 i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
where T is the time horizon, which is 24 h in this study; OC Pij , OC wij and
OCðpvij Þ are the operating cost of the ith thermal unit, wind farm and PV modules
in jth hour, respectively; N, M and S are the number of thermal units, wind farm and
PV modules, respectively.
It is to be noted that (16.18) comprises three terms to, respectively, represent
(i) the operating cost of thermal units, (ii) the combined operating cost of wind farm
and (iii) the combined operating cost of PV modules.
Calculation of thermal units operating cost, Ni¼1 OC Pij : It can be calcu-
lated using (16.15).
Calculation of wind farm operating cost, i¼1 OC wij : The wind farm
generation cost includes the following:
● A cost based on wind speed profile, Cwi wij , which equals the product of a
cost coefficient, di, and Weibull pdf of wind power, fw ðwÞ. Thus,
Cwi wij ¼ di fw ðwÞwij (16.19)
where di is the cost coefficient for ith wind farm and wij is the scheduled output
of ith wind farm in jth hour.
● Penalty cost for not using all the available wind power, Cp;wi . It is assumed to
be linearly proportional to the difference between the actual and scheduled
wind powers and can be expressed as follows [31]:
ð wri
Cp;wi ¼ kp;wi Wij;av wij ¼ kp;wi w wij fw ðwÞdw (16.20)
where kp;wi is the penalty cost coefficient for over generation of ith wind farm,
Wij;av is the actual or available wind power from ith wind farm and wri is the
rated output of ith wind farm.
● Penalty reserve requirement cost, which is due to that the actual or available
wind power, is less than the scheduled wind power and can be given by
ð wi
Cr;wi ¼ kr;wi wij Wij;av ¼ kr;wi wij w fw ðwÞdw (16.21)
Generation scheduling for power grids with renewables 421
where kr;wi is the reserve cost coefficient for under generation of ith wind
farm [18].
From (16.19), (16.20) and (16.21), the total wind farm cost can be deduced as
OC wij ¼ Cwi wij þ Cp;wi Wij;av wg
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
þ Cr;wi wij Wij;av (16.22)
Calculation of total operating cost of PV modules, i¼1 OCðpvij Þ: Like to
what is followed for wind farm costs, the total operating cost of the PV
modules includes the following:
• A weighted cost function, which represents the cost based on solar
irradiance profile. The weight is the Weibull pdf of PV power and can
be expressed as
Cpvi ðpvij Þ ¼ hi fpv ðpvÞðpvi Þ (16.23)
where hi and pvi are the cost coefficient and the scheduled output from
ith PV module in jth hour.
• The penalty cost for not using all the available solar power, which is
linearly related to the difference between available or actual solar power
and scheduled solar power. It can be formulated as
Cp;pv ¼ kp;pvi ðPV ij;av pvij Þ
ð pvðktmax Þ (16.24)
¼ kp;pvi ðpv pvij Þfpv ðpvÞdpv
where kp;pvi is the penalty cost coefficient for over generation of ith PV
module, PVij;av is the actual or available PV power from the ith PV
module, which is a random variable, and pvðktmax Þ is the maximum
output of ith PV module.
• The penalty reserve requirement cost, which is due to that the actual or
available PV power, is less than the scheduled PV power and can be
given by
Cr;pvi ¼ kr;pvi ðpvij PV ij;av Þ
ð pvi (16.25)
¼ kr;pvi ðpvij pvÞfpv ðPV Þdpv
where kr;pvi is the reserve cost coefficient for under generation of the ith
PV module.
422 Power grids with renewable energy
þ Cr;pvi ðpvij PV ij;av Þ (16.26)
where uij is the status index of ith unit in the jth period (1 for up and 0 for
down). Plossj can be computed using Newton–Rapson AC power flow.
2. In addition to the constraints given by (16.5), (16.7)–(16.9), (16.11) and
(16.12), the real power operating limits of thermal, wind and PV generating
units are
i Pi Pmax
i =
0 wi wr (16.28)
0 pvi pvðktmax Þ
The penalty and reserve factors are set to kp;wi ¼ 2 and kr;wi ¼ 4. The clearness
index parameter ktmax ¼ 0:755 and the inclination b ¼ 0.
The Weibull function parameters of PV are c0 ¼ 0.6251 and l ¼ 3.5507 [34].
The penalty and reserve factors are set to kp;pvi ¼ 3 and kr;pvi ¼ 4. The cost coeffi-
cients of the two wind farms and two PV modules are d1 ¼ 1:0; d2 ¼ 1:25 and
h1 ¼ 1:3; h2 ¼ 1:4, respectively [32].
To test the effectiveness of both the wind and PV on the SCGS problem, two
wind farms and two PV modules are placed at Bus 15, as this bus contains most of
peaking units, shown in Figure 16.5. The total installed conventional capacity on
the system is approximately 3,225 MW and the assumed peak and minimum loads
for the test system are 2,850 and 1,842 MW, respectively. By applying the hybrid
technique comprising of ANN/GA/PL and taking into consideration system and
unit constraints including the ramp rate and transmission constraints, the total
operating costs for both scenarios are $785,660.44 and $784,953.31, respectively.
The solution times for both scenarios are 53 and 75 s, respectively. The overall
saving for daily power system operation for both scenarios, compared to the cost of
the same problem without the consideration of WP and PV power generators, are
$37,013.56 and $37,720.69, respectively. This amounts to a net saving over the
year of approximately $13.3 million and $13.6 million, respectively. A comparison
Bus 17 Bus 18
Bus 21 Bus 22
Bus 23
Bus 16
Bus 19 Bus 20
Bus 15
Bus 14 Bus 13
Bus 4
Bus 5
Bus 8
Bus 7
Bus 1 Bus 2
of flow on the line from Bus 14 to Bus 16, with and without transmission con-
straints, is given in Table 16.2. A comparison between the hourly cost without
embedding wind and PV in the SCGS problem and Scenarios 1 and 2 is demon-
strated in Figure 16.6. The second scenario which considers the stochastic nature of
both the wind and PV power generators has the smallest cost. It takes more
Table 16.2 Power flows on the line from Bus 14 to Bus 16 (MW)
× 104
Without wind and PV
Scenario 1
4.5 Scenario 2
Hourly cost
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 16.6 Comparison between the hourly cost of the SCGS problem with and
without embedding wind and PV generators
Generation scheduling for power grids with renewables 425
× 104
Case 1
Case 2
Hourly cost
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 16.7 Comparison between the hourly cost of the SCGS problem for
Cases 1 and 2
Load demand
Generation (Case 1)
3,000 Generation (Case 2)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 16.8 Daily load demand and scheduled generation (Cases 1 and 2)
scheduling time than that of the first scenario but still is acceptable for real-time
To ensure that the system security is indeed maintained and to test the feasi-
bility of the hybrid technique, the second scenario is applied to the same system
with different locations of wind and PV power generators taking into consideration
all the system and unit constraints. First, the same two wind farms and the two PV
modules are inserted on Bus 14 (instead of Bus 15) and the SCGS problem is solved
Generation scheduling for power grids with renewables 427
using the hybrid technique with the influence of both the ramp rate and transmis-
sion constraints. The system operational cost of $784,732.63 with no violation is
Second, after inserting the renewable generators on Bus 16, the system
operational cost is $784,076.81, with also no violation reported. The hourly cost of
both cases is illustrated in Figure 16.7. The committed schedule of the second case
is given in Table 16.3. The numbers (1 or 0) in this table represent on/off states of
units at different hours. Units 24–26 constitute base load units, which are respon-
sible for a large portion of system generation, whereas Units 27 and 28 represent
the wind farm units and 29 and 30 represent the PV modules generating units.
Figure 16.8 shows load demand and generating capability for 24 h, Cases 1 and 2.
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Chapter 17
Load flow analysis for power systems
with renewables
17.1 Introduction
The techniques of load flow analysis are of utmost importance to analyse, plan and
design the power system. Power flow analysis defines the power system parameters
at normal and abnormal operating conditions through the calculation of current or
power flow in the lines of the interconnected transmission network, voltages at all
nodes of the power system and the power delivered from generating sources.
Several load flow methods, such as Newton–Raphson, fast-decoupled Newton–
Raphson, Gauss–Seidel, etc., have been developed for conventional power systems.
Based on load flow analysis, protection system and capacity of the power system,
assets can be specified, as well as reliability, stability and security can be analysed
and enhanced.
Renewable energy sources (RESs) have become an important part of electrical
generation and its importance is continuing to increase. But incorporating such
sources (e.g. wind farms and photovoltaic (PV) plants) in electrical power system
causes some problems because of the fluctuation of power generated by such
sources. Forecasting the power generated from renewable sources to predict power
output in advance through methods based on numerical weather prediction models
and statistical approaches is a recently developed tool for load forecasting, but with
a level of accuracy not as great as for the conventional load forecasting techniques.
The overall shape of renewable production can be predicted most of the time but
with significant errors that can occur in both the level and timing. However,
renewable energies forecast for shorter time horizons tend to be more accurate than
forecasts for longer time; that is, forecasts for 1–2 h ahead can achieve an accuracy
much better than that of one day ahead [1].
Another method, probability distribution, rather than the prediction approach,
can be used. For example, the wind speed or solar radiation for PV may be difficult
to predict, but the probability of a specific wind speed or specific solar radiation
occurring can be estimated. This can be done if the probability distribution is
known by assuming it to be a Weibull or Rayleigh distribution. Then, once the wind
speed or solar radiation is known, the injected power from the wind farm or PV plant
into the grid can be calculated by means of the corresponding power curves [2].
432 Power grids with renewable energy
In addition, the renewable sources usually are associated with energy storage
systems (ESSs). So, the methods of load flow analysis should be developed in a
way that can meet such situations.
Pren(t) Discharging
Ps Charging
generating units
Figure 17.1 Schematic diagram of a power system with RESs and ESS
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 433
where N and M are the number of conventional generating units and RESs,
respectively, and Pg represents the available capacity of the gth generator.
Ps DP for DP > 0 for charging state ðESS as a loadÞ =
¼ DP for DP < 0 for discharging state ðESS as a sourceÞ (17.3)
¼ 0 for DP ¼ 0 for system balance state
According to (17.3), the power balance condition can be expressed as follows:
PGen ¼ PL ðtÞ þ Plosses þ PS ffor ESS charging stateg (17.4)
PGen þ PS ¼ PL ðtÞ þ Plosses ffor ESS discharging stateg (17.5)
As the ESS acts as a load or as a source of power depending on its state that is
defined by the sign of DP, it can be represented by a bus (ESS bus) connected to the
power system through a very low reactance not to affect the voltages of different
buses in the system. The ESS bus is defined as a load bus in the charging state or
PV bus in the discharging state in the load flow studies.
Input system
R Load P (t)
Wind speed and/or
Compute ∆P
System in balance
t = t + ∆t
Is No
t > T?
Example 17.1 IEEE 14-bus test system (Figure 17.3) and its data are given in
Tables 17.1–17.3. It is desired to perform load flow calculations and determine the
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 435
Bus 13 9
Bus 12 3 Bus 14
Bus 11 6 7
2 5 Bus 9
Bus 10
ESS 10 Bus 8
Bus 6 19 21
Bus 15 Bus 7 G5
17 G4 20
Bus 1 18 Bus 4
Bus 5
1 13
11 16
Bus 2 12 Bus 3
G2 G3
charging/discharging modes of the ESS through 24 h for three cases: (i) the con-
ventional generator at Bus #1 is replaced by a renewable wind farm and ESS; (ii)
the conventional generator at Bus #2 is replaced by a solar PV plant and ESS; and
(iii) the generator at Bus #1 is replaced by a wind farm and ESS as well as the
436 Power grids with renewable energy
Load (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Case (i): Replacing G1 by a wind farm and an ESS at Bus #1
Data of wind energy farm are given in Table 17.5. Wind speed and its respective
power, computed as explained in Chapter 2, through the 24 h are plotted in
Figures 17.5 and 17.6, respectively. The variation of DP and Plosses through 24 h is
computed and depicted in Figures 17.7 and 17.8, respectively.
By using the load flow algorithm, the calculations are implemented 24 times
over 24 h, that is, one each hour. As a sample of the results obtained by load flow
calculations, the results of line flows at which DP is maximum positive and
maximum negative, t6 and t18, respectively, are selected and tabulated in
438 Power grids with renewable energy
Power, voltage and frequency rating (MVA, kV, Hz) [610 69 60]
Stator resistance Rs and reactance Xs (p.u., p.u.) [0.01 0.10]
Rotor resistance Rr and reactance Xr (p.u., p.u.) [0.01 0.08]
Magnetization reactance Xm (p.u.) 3.00
Number of poles P and gear box ratio [4 1/89]
Blade length and number (m integer) [75 3]
Number of wind generators that compose the farm 30
Pitch control gain and time constant Kp, Tp (p.u., s) [10 3]
Wind speed (m/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Wind-generated power (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Tables 17.6–17.9. The ESS bus is denoted by Bus #15, which is connected to
Bus #1 through a reactance of 0.00271 p.u.
Case (ii): Power system incorporating a solar PV plant and an ESS at Bus #2
The procedure of load flow calculations is the same as that used in Case
(i) incorporating a wind farm. The solar PV plant is connected to Bus #2, with the
following data:
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 439
ESS during charging state
∆P (p.u.)
ESS during discharging state
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Plosses (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
From bus To bus Line # P (p.u.) Q (p.u.) Plosses (p.u.) Qlosses (p.u.)
02 05 1 0.62426 0.08109 0.02084 0.02809
06 12 2 0.12309 0.04667 0.00186 0.00387
12 13 3 0.02903 0.02039 0.00025 0.00023
06 13 4 0.28102 0.14775 0.00582 0.01147
06 11 5 0.12787 0.13218 0.00281 0.00588
11 10 6 0.07217 0.1011 0.00118 0.00277
09 10 7 0.06526 0.01675 0.00014 0.00038
09 14 8 0.13003 0.00432 0.00211 0.00448
14 13 9 0.09738 0.07016 0.0025 0.00508
07 09 10 0.40945 0.22868 0 0.02264
01 02 11 2.6641 0.42397 0.1251 0.32346
03 02 12 1.0842 0.17793 0.05599 0.18964
03 04 13 0.3401 0.22551 0.01148 0.00543
01 05 14 1.2024 0.11556 0.07051 0.23888
05 04 15 0.91916 0.15627 0.0116 0.02386
02 04 16 0.84653 0.05945 0.03847 0.07783
15 01 17 1e–05 0.00841 0 0.0083
05 06 18 0.70128 0.06356 0 0.1087
04 09 19 0.23184 0.04332 0 0.02939
04 07 20 0.40945 0.0669 0 0.03484
08 07 21 0 0.34842 0 0.018
Bus # Bus voltage Psupply (p.u.) Qsupply (p.u.) Pload (p.u.) Qload (p.u.)
Solar radiation (W/m2)
05 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Time (h)
Power generation (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
ESS during charging state
∆P (p.u.)
ESS during discharging state
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Plosses (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
From bus To bus Line # P (p.u.) Q (p.u.) Plosses (p.u.) Qlosses (p.u.)
2 5 1 0.37021 0.14556 0.00855 0.009419
6 12 2 0.11521 0.0457 0.00165 0.00343
12 13 3 0.02816 0.01987 0.00024 0.00022
6 13 4 0.26445 0.14438 0.00525 0.01033
6 11 5 0.12743 0.12796 0.00271 0.005567
11 10 6 0.07573 0.09709 0.00116 0.00272
9 10 7 0.05152 0.01294 9e–05 0.00023
9 14 8 0.11447 0.00579 0.00163 0.00347
14 13 9 0.09576 0.06768 0.00237 0.00482
7 9 10 0.36961 0.22715 0 0.01933
1 2 11 4.9378 0.65777 0.42735 1.2463
3 2 12 0.93624 0.10987 0.04118 0.12725
3 4 13 0.38256 0.23647 0.01386 0.00057
1 5 14 1.583 0.13704 0.12181 0.45065
5 4 15 1.0526 0.23731 0.01554 0.03628
2 4 16 0.62934 0.09407 0.02177 0.02711
15 1 17 2.2297 0.00618 0 0.01234
5 6 18 0.6639 0.05628 0 0.09739
4 9 19 0.20938 0.04143 0 0.024
4 7 20 0.36961 0.06814 0 0.0285
8 7 21 0 0.34104 0 0.01724
From bus To bus Line # P (p.u.) Q (p.u.) Plosses (p.u.) Qlosses (p.u.)
2 5 1 1.375 0.29915 0.10387 0.2835
6 12 2 0.23073 0.06221 0.00613 0.01276
12 13 3 0.05379 0.02705 0.00076 0.00068
6 13 4 0.53221 0.20914 0.01889 0.03721
6 11 5 0.23751 0.20379 0.00813 0.01702
11 10 6 0.13139 0.16157 0.00348 0.00814
9 10 7 0.12479 0.07038 0.0007 0.00185
9 14 8 0.24522 0.01302 0.00818 0.0174
14 13 9 0.18016 0.10042 0.00819 0.01668
7 9 10 0.76833 0.28316 0 0.07443
1 2 11 3.7014 0.56731 0.24129 0.67821
3 2 12 2.1156 0.83171 0.23978 0.96392
3 4 13 0.52198 0.6845 0.05028 0.09555
1 5 14 2.0061 0.46776 0.20533 0.79818
5 4 15 1.5451 0.30279 0.0373 0.1064
2 4 16 1.7713 0.30071 0.17244 0.48645
15 2 17 2.4692 0.00758 0 0.01513
5 6 18 1.3141 0.03438 0 0.42694
4 9 19 0.42767 0.05097 0 0.11069
4 7 20 0.76833 0.11294 0 0.13783
8 7 21 0 0.58459 0 0.0529
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 445
ESS during charging state
∆P (p.u.)
ESS during discharging state
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Plosses (p.u.)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
From bus To bus Line # P (p.u.) Q (p.u.) Plosses (p.u.) Qlosses (p.u.)
2 5 1 0.59363 0.09061 0.019 0.02249
6 12 2 0.12325 0.04663 0.00186 0.00388
12 13 3 0.02919 0.02035 0.00026 0.00023
6 13 4 0.28166 0.14769 0.00584 0.01151
6 11 5 0.12913 0.13202 0.00283 0.00592
11 10 6 0.0734 0.10089 0.00119 0.0028
9 10 7 0.06403 0.01654 0.00014 0.00036
9 14 8 0.12925 0.00446 0.00208 0.00443
14 13 9 0.09813 0.06997 0.00252 0.00512
7 9 10 0.40818 0.22898 0 0.02256
1 2 11 3.0245 0.48083 0.16129 0.43394
3 2 12 1.0745 0.17331 0.05495 0.18523
3 4 13 0.34981 0.23145 0.01211 0.00382
1 5 14 1.2712 0.11891 0.07873 0.27283
5 4 15 0.94881 0.17004 0.01241 0.02642
2 4 16 0.82401 0.06477 0.03652 0.07191
15 1 17 1e–05 0.00841 0 0.0083
5 6 18 0.70334 0.06183 0 0.10939
4 9 19 0.2311 0.04312 0 0.02922
4 7 20 0.40818 0.06745 0 0.03466
8 7 21 0 0.34915 0 0.01807
From bus To bus Line # P (p.u.) Q (p.u.) Plosses (p.u.) Qlosses (p.u.)
2 5 1 1.1905 0.36448 0.08157 0.21566
6 12 2 0.23189 0.06239 0.00619 0.01288
12 13 3 0.0549 0.02711 0.00078 0.00071
6 13 4 0.53656 0.21054 0.0192 0.0378
6 11 5 0.24561 0.20575 0.00852 0.01783
11 10 6 0.13909 0.16271 0.00368 0.00862
9 10 7 0.11723 0.07119 0.00064 0.0017
9 14 8 0.24016 0.01373 0.00789 0.01678
14 13 9 0.18492 0.10051 0.00856 0.01743
. 9 10 0.76049 0.28366 0 0.07343
1 2 11 6.2318 0.66011 0.67669 2.0076
3 2 12 2.0685 0.7938 0.22777 0.91334
3 4 13 0.56914 0.73936 0.05892 0.11774
1 5 14 2.445 0.61791 0.30751 1.2204
5 4 15 1.706 0.41627 0.04719 0.13771
2 4 16 1.6408 0.32849 0.14973 0.41769
15 1 17 2.481 0.00305 0 0.15903
5 6 18 1.3277 0.05975 0 0.44383
4 9 19 0.4229 0.04625 0 0.109
4 7 20 0.76049 0.12382 0 0.13695
8 7 21 0 0.59733 0 0.0529
Wind + pv
2 Wind
DP (p.u.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time (h)
Wind + pv
Plosses (p.u.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time (h)
Table 17.18 Maximum DP values and time for the different cases
Example 17.2 As in Example 17.1, with the same data of the IEEE-14 bus system,
load profile, wind farm and solar PV plant, investigate the transient stability of the
system for the three cases (merging wind, solar PV and combination of wind and
PV) when a three-phase fault occurs at Bus #2 at 5 am, and is cleared by isolating
line #16.
The original power system (i.e. without any renewable sources) has a total load of
3.626 p.u. according to the load profile (Table 17.6). Applying the load flow
technique to the system by using MATLAB/Power System Analyse Toolbox
(PSAT), version 2.1.10 programs [7], it is found that the initial steady-state rotor
angle of each generating unit, d, is as given in Table 17.19. Running the program at
different clearing times, it is noted that the critical clearing time (CCT) that keeps
the system stability is 290 ms and at clearing time greater than that the system is
unstable (Figure 17.17).
Case (i): Replacing G1 by a wind farm and ESS at Bus #1
Considering a wing generating plant with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)
operating at the sub-synchronous mode, its equivalent circuit is shown in
Figure 17.18(a). The power injected into the grid and equations of motion for the
Generating unit # G1 G2 G3 G4 G5
d (rad) 0.53341 0.10487 0.33367 0.37167 0.34132
450 Power grids with renewable energy
100 100
0 δG2 50 δG1
δG4 δG5 δG2
–100 0
δ (°)
δ (°)
–200 –50
–300 δG3 –100
–400 –150
–500 –200
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
ω (p.u.)
All generators
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
is is ir ir Q*s – + + Vqr 1 idr Lm –Σ Qs
+ V*s
Σ PI Σ PI Σ Σ Rr + SσLr Ls Vs
+ Rs Xσs Xσr Rr + – – + +
vs Xm s vr Qs/Vs SωsσLr SωsσLr 1
idr Ls
– –
iqr iqr ψds
(a) (b)
Figure 17.18 DFIG at sub-synchronous speed mode: (a) DFIG equivalent circuit
and (b) stator reactive power control via RSC
DFIG dynamic model in d-q frame, as explained in Chapter 2, Section, can
be rewritten as
P ¼ vds ids þ vqs iqs þ vdr idr þ vqr iqr
xm vidr v2 (17.6)
xs þ xm xm
ðTm Te Þ
w_ m ¼
2Hm (17.7)
Te ¼ yds iqs yqs ids
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 451
500 500
400 400
300 300 δG2
200 δG2 200
δ (°)
δ (°)
100 100
0 0 δG3
δG3 δG4
–100 –100
δG5 δG4
–200 –200 δG5
–300 –300
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
20 1.004
10 δG3 1.002
All generators
0 1
ω (p.u.)
δ (°)
–10 0.998 ωG3G2
δG4 ωG5
–20 δG2 0.996
–30 0.994
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) (d)
Figure 17.19 Performance of synchronous generators for the system with wind
energy source at Bus #1: (a) angle at clearing time 290 ms,
(b) angle at clearing time 76.5 ms, (c) angle at CCT 76.4 ms and
(d) speed variation at CCT 76.4 ms
The grid-side converter is generally operated at unity power factor mode. The
reactive power injected/absorbed via the stator terminals is controlled by the rotor-
side converter (RSC) which is considered as a lossless converter as shown in
Figure 17.18(b) [7].
The wind farm data given in Table 17.20 in addition to the data tabulated in
Table 17.5 are the input parameters to run PSAT program. At the instant of fault
occurrence, PL ¼ 3.626, DP ¼ 2.6297 p.u., the initial rotor angles, d, for G2, G3, G4
and G5 are given in Table 17.19. As DP is positive, the ESS is in the charging
mode; that is, it acts as a load and consequently Bus #15 is a load bus.
Applying MATLAB/PSAT programs to solve the stability problem, it is found
that the CCT is 76.4 ms and for any time more than that the system is
unstable (Figure 17.19).
452 Power grids with renewable energy
pref idref 1 id
v Current 1 + sTd
– set point
vref qref controller iqref 1 iq
+ 1 + sTq
v,ϑ Inverter
60 40
40 δG1 30
20 20
0 10
δ (°)
δ (°)
–20 0
–40 δG4 –10
δG3, δG4
–60 –20
δG3 δG5
–80 –30
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)
δ (°)
–10 δG4
–20 δG3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
(c) Time (s)
Figure 17.21 Rotor angles of synchronous generators for the system with solar
PV energy source at Bus #2: (a) at clearing time 290 ms, (b) at
clearing time 76.4 ms and (c) at clearing time 3.24 ms
Case (ii): Replacing the conventional generating unit, G2 by a solar PV plant and
an ESS at Bus #2
At the instant of fault occurrence, PL ¼ 3.626, DP ¼ 2.2297 p.u., rated active
power ¼ 60 MW, the rotor angles of G1, G3, G4 and G5 are given in Table 17.19.
The solar PV system is interfaced with the grid through an inverter as shown in the
block diagram (Figure 17.20). The inverter response times, Td and Tq, are equal to
0.015 s. The voltage PI controller gains, Kv and Ki, are 0.0868 and 50.9005,
respectively, and the voltage reference is 1.045 p.u. [7]. The CCT that keeps the
system stability is 3.24 ms, whereas at a clearing time of 290 or 76.4 ms, the system
is unstable (Figure 17.21).
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 453
The injected active and reactive power to the AC bus can be computed as
P ¼ vd i d þ vq i q
Q ¼ vq i d þ vd i q g (17.8)
Case (iii): The power system incorporates a wind farm and an ESS at Bus #1 and
a solar PV at Bus #2 rather than a conventional generating unit at these buses
Combining the configuration of Cases (i) and (ii) as a configuration of Case (iii)
and applying the load flow algorithm with MATLAB/PSAT programs to study the
rotor angle stability of the rotating generators, the variation of rotor angle against
time at different clearing times is obtained as shown in Figure 17.22.
–19 δG4
δ (°)
–22 δG5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) Time (s)
δ (°)
–22 δG5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
(b) Time (s)
Figure 17.22 Rotor angles of synchronous generators for the system with
wind þ solar PV energy sources at Buses #1 and #2, respectively:
(a) unstable at clearing time 76.4 ms and (b) stable at clearing time
0.324 ms
454 Power grids with renewable energy
The maximum values of CCT that can keep the system stability for the original
and three cases of system configurations are summarized in Table 17.21. It is to be
noted that the configurations of both Cases (ii) and (iii) are critically stable and may
have no stability margin, that is, may not be secure as the value of CCT is too small.
In other words, with the addition of renewable energy generation the effective
system inertia is reduced significantly and should be enhanced by introducing
virtual inertia into the system as explained in Chapter 14, Section 14.4.4, for
example, by using hybrid ESS (flywheel þ batteries) [8–14].
[1] Ackerman T. Wind power in power systems. 2nd edn. New York: John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.; 2012. pp. 6–20.
[2] Feijóo A. L. and Cidrás J. ‘Modelling of wind farms in the load flow ana-
lysis’. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2000;15(1):110–15.
[3] Su H. I. and El-Gamal A. ‘Modelling and analysis of the role of fast-
response energy storage in the smart grid’. Proceedings of Forty-Ninth
Annual Allerton Conference; Allerton House, UIUC, Illinois, USA, Sep
2011, pp. 719–26.
[4] Luba-Rubio R., Trejo-Perea M., Vargas-Vázquez D. and Rı́os-Moreno G. J.
‘Optimal sizing of renewable energy systems: A review of methodologies’.
Journal of Solar Energy, Elsevier. 2012;86:1077–88.
[5] Oimm A. J., Cockerill T. T. and Taylor P. G. ‘The potential of peak shaving
distribution networks using electricity storage’. Journal of Energy Storage,
Elsevier. 2018;16:231–42.
[6] Reihani E., Sepasi S., Roose L. R. and Matsuura M. ‘Energy management at
the distribution grid using a battery energy storage system (BESS)’. Electrical
Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier. 2016;77:337–44.
[7] Federico M., Vanfretti L. and Morataya J. C. ‘An open source power system
virtual laboratory: The PSAT case and experience’. IEEE Transactions on
Education. 2008;51(1):17–23.
[8] Taczi I. and Vokony I. ‘Possible role and effects of synthetic inertia on the
future’s power systems’. Engineering and Industry Series. Volume Power
Systems. Energy Markets and Renewable Energy Sources in South-Eastern
Europe. Budapest, Ungaria: Trivent Publishing; 2016, pp. 32–47.
Load flow analysis for power systems with renewables 455
It knows exactly the state in which the EVs are currently in, that is, the vehicles’
SoC and power capacity. Consequently, the aggregator can determine the virtual
storage characteristics. Then, a sophisticated controller is required to regulate
multiple EV batteries for each fleet based on signals received from the aggregators.
The controller also receives signals indicating the power flow in each vehicle fleet.
Consequently, it can decide which fleets are able to afford the power needed by the
grid, or the power required from the grid to charge the batteries (Figure 18.1).
Charging/discharging of EVs should be controllable to satisfy both utility and
vehicle owners’ technical, environmental, economic and social requirements. For
instance, technically, emerging large number of EVs to be connected to the grid
simultaneously may compromise the quality and stability of the overall power
system. Regarding economic and social aspects, it is useful for designing the
charger control to understand how people charge their EVs: once per day, charging
early or at night, always expecting a full battery or charging on the same day as
other neighbours [4]. More details about charging schemes are described in
Chapter 12, Section 12.6.2 [5–10].
Substation MV/LV
fleet #1
To gat
From or
Power controller
aggregators Solar
signal power
board Charge
fleet #i
To Po
r fl
controller ow
ol f
fleet #i
Figure 18.1 Vehicle fleets connected to the substation for energy management
Integration of electric vehicles with renewables into power grids 459
PV solar plant
PV arrays
Inverter transformer
PV controller
EV fleets
Figure 18.2 EVs with renewable sources integrated into power grid
460 Power grids with renewable energy
They act like a load when charging the batteries by surplus energy provided by the
PV plant or like a source in discharging state when the PV delivered power is low.
The PV plant with EV fleets is integrated into the power grid through PV controller
and an inverter to introduce the services required by the grid. However, for a spe-
cific area, the residential and/or commercial loads are supplied by power delivered
from wind energy source with EV batteries presented in the parking lots as ESS.
Meanwhile, these batteries are charged by the solar carport charging stations and
utility grid that act as backup source. It is to be noted that the EVs are connected to
bi-directional DC/AC power converters depending on the battery state, charging or
discharging. The utility power distribution substation is equipped with a controller
for energy management [11].
and/or energy market players with the aid of the two-way communication and
control systems [13].
A schematic diagram to depict the role of VPP control and implementation
under the V2G concept is shown in Figure 18.3. The EV aggregator operates as a
VPP and the clustered EV fleet at charging station provides status (e.g. SoC,
available power) to the charging management system (CMS), which communicates
with the aggregator control centre (ACC). The aggregated battery power can be
dispatched by the VPP control centre to provide ancillary services according to the
request of DSO or TSO. The VPP is responsible for communications and power
flow management between market players and grid operators. Communication and
power lines are illustrated by dotted and solid lines, respectively. The individual
EV owners communicate with ACC through EV management system (EVMS)
using smart meters (SMs) as measuring devices. It is noted that the operation of EV
fleet as demand-side management unit, dynamic load and ESS can be optimized by
aiming to minimize the operation cost.
Accommodating RESs and ESSs, or in general DESs, and satisfying the
requirements of secure operation make the energy management of the traditional
power grid to be more complex and challenging. A grid that is more flexible,
efficient, reliable and secure can be configured with a goal of enhancing power
generation and distribution. Such a grid encompasses advanced information and
communication technologies (ICTs), smart energy metering and advanced control.
DSM response
Energy demand
EV status
Wind Individual EV
energy sources
Energy market players: EV fleet in charging station Distribution
power consumers and box
producers From/to Energy demand
SM SM energy market Charger
load, the grid frequency will change. Grid frequency regulation is usually a service
performed by the power plants that are controlled to vary their generation output up
and down from a nominal value. EVs can provide a similar function by varying
their charging rate based on locally measured grid frequency. As EVs reach large-
scale adoption, they have the potential for frequency regulation through charge/
discharge process.
Concerning the environment, climate change, fossil energy reserve, energy
cost and energy security, EVs may have a promising role and are getting great
attention of governments and automotive companies in the world. Because of their
‘zero emissions’ and potential application, the market size of EVs will be enor-
mous. V2G concept has been proposed to make full use of EVs in supporting power
grids [14]. It means that EVs can represent a reasonable source of generation and
storage capacity for the power system. Several investigations have shown the fea-
sibility of this service [15] and new niche markets [16]. Owing to the fast charging
rate of the battery, frequency regulation is regarded as one of the most promising
and practical services under V2G concept [17].
By adopting adequate control strategies of different regulation modes (primary/
second/tertiary frequency regulation), benefits for the stability of frequency may be
achieved. However, frequency regulation with EVs is still in its infancy. A series of
adaptive control strategies (effective smart management, coordination between the
two parties – ‘utility grid and vehicle owners’ – and the incentive policy to be in a
win-win situation) is needed.
EVs can be used as mobile storage devices, which can provide regulation
services [18]. According to the scale, EVs are divided into two types as follows:
● Small-scale EV: The charging points are located in private areas with public or
private access, for example, domestic charging. These charging points allow
slower charging rate.
● Large-scale EV: The charging points are located in public areas with public
access such as charging stations, battery exchanging/swapping stations and fast
charging station. Large-scale EV is dedicated to EV fleets and allows for fast
frequency regulation such as the coordination between the RES and the EVs, bat-
tery charging strategies for different system operating conditions, and technical and
economic challenges of adaptive control algorithms in frequency regulation. To
accommodate these problems, evaluation of the impact of charging/discharging
strategies on power systems, active management solution and control strategies
during the batteries’ charging periods should be accounted for.
EV fleets more easily accommodate the existing electric market rules [21]. In
power markets, the demand response and management are required to achieve the
active management target. A scheme for integration into power system can be
modelled by energy hubs and demand management [22]. To support large-scale
RES and stabilize the grid, the use of EVs under V2G concept to provide storage
for large-scale renewable energy generation has been studied [23]. The storage
capacity can attenuate the intermittence of RES, and still provide an asymmetrical
regulation, such as ‘regulation up’ or ‘regulation down’ [24].
When large disturbances such as faults and line trips occur, the power system
is subjected to speed and frequency variation, and voltage fluctuations. These
fluctuations affect the power quality that customers experience, and if they are
strong enough, they could even damage sensitive appliances. Moreover, if the
disturbance is not cleared within a specific time (critical clearing time), the systems
may loose synchronism and are unable to resume stable operation.
In frequency control, there are three layers of control: primary, secondary and
tertiary. EVs can simulate the generator droop characteristic to perform primary
frequency regulation and achieve secondary frequency control based on area con-
trol error (ACE). Tertiary frequency modulation can be achieved based on eco-
nomic dispatch [25].
Primary frequency control. In microgrids, a power disturbance would result in
a significant oscillation of frequency due to lack of enough generation resources
and spinning reserve. EVs connected to the grid can inject power into the grid,
which not only benefits the frequency stability, but also increases robustness of
operation, especially in isolated system. EVs can be considered as new resources in
primary frequency control owing to their fast response to disturbances [26]. Studies
such as in [26] make the V2G more noticeable than ever in primary frequency
In primary frequency control, there are two loops: first, the droop control that
reduces the output of traditional generators, which can cut the fossils consumption,
and second, the inertial control that simulates the behaviour of conventional gen-
erator. So, these two control schemes autonomously respond to frequency devia-
tion. To alleviate the effect of intermittence of RES, a series of V2G control
approaches are adopted in some literature [27]. The effect of EVs as controllable
load in primary frequency control and battery SoC should be investigated [28] and
to satisfy the expected battery SoC, an automotive distributed control should be
applied [29]. The scheduled charging power can be estimated based on the historic
data of frequency deviation, which is dominated by normal distribution [27].
Secondary frequency control. As a centrepiece of secondary frequency con-
trol, automatic generation control (AGC) is an important control technology for
464 Power grids with renewable energy
Load #3
18 kV 230 kV 230 kV 13.8 kV
j0.0625 j0.0586
0.0085 + j0.072 0.0119 + j0.1008
B/2 = j0.0745 B/2 = j0.1045
G2 18/230 kV 230/13.8 kV G3
2 8 3
0.039 + j0.170
7 9
0.032 + j0.161
B/2 = j0.179
B/2 = j0.153
5 6
0.010 + j0.085
0.017 + j0.092
B/2 = j0.088
B/2 = j0.079
Load #2
Load #1
230 kV
16.5/230 kV
16.5 kV 1
Figure 18.4 Nine-bus system impedance diagram: all impedances are in p.u. on a
100-MVA base
466 Power grids with renewable energy
Bus no. Bus type Generation (p.u.) Load (p.u.) Voltage magnitude
1 Swing – – 0 0 1.04
2 PV 1.63 – 0 0 1.025
3 PV 0.85 – 0 0 1.025
4 PQ 0 0 0 0 –
5 PQ 0 0 1.25 0 –
6 PQ 0 0 0.9 0 –
7 PQ 0 0 0 0 –
8 PQ 0 0 1 0 –
9 PQ 0 0 0 0 –
Generator G1 G2 G3
Rated MVA 247.5 192 128
Power factor 0.85 0.85 0.85
Line–line voltage (kV rms) 16.5 18 13.8
Frequency 60 60 60
xd 0.8979 1.05 1.305
x0d 0.2996 0.235 0.252
xq 0.474 0.646 0.889
xq 0.243 0.23 0.22
x‘ (leakage) 0.186 0.134 0.134
T 0d0 7 601 4.75
T 00d0 0.03 0.04 0.068
T 00q0 0.0513 0.099 0.21
Stator resistance (Rs) 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
Inertia coefficient (H) 4.7 5.14 6.54
Friction factor (F) 0 0 0
Pole pairs (P) 1 1 1
Power (MW)
0 5 10 15 20
Time (h)
Parking lot (EV charging station #3) Parking lot (EV charging station #2) Parking lot (EV charging station #1)
et et
fle fle et
EV EV fle
Power line
● LC: It controls the battery behaviour and makes the decision as to how much
power and energy the battery system can provide for frequency regulation.
Determining how much energy a vehicle will supply or absorb for frequency
regulation depends on the battery system state and the supply recommendation
made by the ACC. As a simplifying assumption in this study, a vehicle will
remain plugged-in for the full expected charge duration once it returns home,
also minimizing the impact on vehicle drivability. In the case that supplying
regulation extends the expected charge duration and charging is interrupted,
the vehicle could still be driven.
468 Power grids with renewable energy
for energy and ancillary services will behave differently at different nodes in
the transmission system.
The ACC will necessarily interact with local sensing and measurement
devices to perform its functions. However, it will also need to interact with the
system operator in EPS and of course the LCs.
Load #3
18 kV 230 kV 230 kV 13.8 kV
G2 G3
2 8 3
1.025 1.016 1.025
9.273° 0.6306° 4.558°
7 9
1.026 1.032
3.62° 1.867°
5 0.996 6 1.013
–4.002° 1.867°
Load #2
Load #1
230 kV
4 1.026
V2G – Parking lot #1 –2.226°
16.5 kV 1 1.040
Figure 18.7 Nine-bus system with three parking lots showing the bus voltages
(in kV and p.u.)
(35 MVAR)
100 MW
Bus_7 Bus_9
Bus_7 Bus_9
230 V 230 V 230 V
230 V
1.26 p.u. 1.032 p.u.
3.62° Load 2 1.867°
125 MW 90 MW
(50 MVAR) (30 MVAR)
Load 1 230 V Load 3
230 V
1.026 p.u.
–2.226° 16.5 kV/230 V V2G 1
5.76% Z1
16.5 kV Bus_1
1.04 p.u. 16.5 kV
the price is low, whereas electricity sales are centred around the peak periods as the
price is high. Therefore, more connected EVs are scheduled for charging during the
periods when electricity tariffs are relatively low. The available power supplied by
V2G operation of EVs at these periods is insufficient to meet the huge amount of
charging load, and so, the CMS needs to purchase electricity from the grid to
substitute the power deficits. For scheduling the periods with most expensive
electricity prices, the CMS tends to discharge the energy stored in most connected
EVs. Since the EV charging demands at these periods are relatively small, the CMS
can sell the excess electricity to the power grid for more revenue [35].
The variations in average SoC for existing EV profiles in a parking lot and the
rated MW in response to the dynamic electricity tariff are given in Table 18.3. In
this table, EV plug-in state indicator is represented by ‘1’ during charging/dis-
charging or standby states and by ‘0’ for EVs in driven or out of service states. The
power that can be supplied to/delivered from EVs in charging/discharging state is
positive and negative, respectively, whereas in standby state zero power is assumed
as the EV is only participating when needed (like spinning reserve), e.g. Profile 4 at
hours 21 and 22.
The average SoC of EVs starts to grow when the electricity tariff is relatively
low (Figure 18.12). When the electricity price reaches its peak, the majority of
connected EVs are scheduled by the CMS to discharge their stored energy to the
grid, leading to decrement of SoC [36,37].
Applying the load flow technique (e.g. Newton–Raphson method) and
MATLAB/Simulink programs to the nine-bus system without EVs, the values of
dispatch power of each generator, system losses and the load over day hours are
472 Power grids with renewable energy
Nbreg Nbcgarg
Rate limiter Goto Rate limiter Goto 1
× × × × × × × × × ×
Charge mode
Charge mode
Charge mode
Car profile 1 Car profile 2 Car profile 3 Car profile 4 Car profile 5
1 – D T(u)
Second → Hour
Rate limiter
– 1/(60*60) + SoC initialization Charge
Clock Charge
1 + SoC SE% SE% 2
1 – D T(u)
Plug Regulation
Rate limiter 1 Plug mode 1
State of charge
Plug state
Charger control
Figure 18.9 Simulation model of (a) car profiles and (b) SoC initialization and
plug-in state of each profile
obtained as given in Table 18.4. In the case of the system incorporating EVs, these
values in addition to the net power (the difference between the load power and EVs
powers) are obtained by using the simulation models of the system, aggregator and
load profiles as tabulated in Table 18.5.
The EVs participation in feeding the load and the corresponding power
delivered from the conventional synchronous generators (net power) through day
hours are drawn in Figure 18.13.
It is to be noted that, in Figure 18.13, the EV acts as a load during out of peak
times as it is in charging process, and discharges energy at peak times to operate as
a source of electricity. Therefore, there is a reduction in the load during the peak
Integration of electric vehicles with renewables into power grids 473
+ 1
P max reg 1 Compare
to constant wm1
Gain 1 Derivative ≥0.0005
Saturation + K >= AND
dt Compare to
1 constant 1
S Gain
u 0 ≤–0.0005
1 lo K
PQ Gain 2 Q1
Q Compare to
–1 constant 2
0 Clock
P_charge ×
÷ ×
Form 1 Divide 1
Form 4 K
1 >= Discharge
Nbcars 1 >=
Charge Switch 1 Terminator
Form 2 Switch 2 Rate –1
limiter 2
P_EV × 0 Terminator 1
÷ Scope 1
Divide 2 Constant 1 1 K
S 100 1
Nbreg Charge Switch
÷ SE%
Form 3
2 K Capacity*
X X0 1e3
Product 1 Integrator X SoC cars 1
Nbcars 1 Goto
Nbcars 1 Product 2
Form 5
3 Form 6
times, which yields a reduction of the electricity consumed from the conventional
synchronous generators.
Electricity tariff ($/kWh)
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6
Time (h)
PEVs not only improve the load curve on peak time, but also can surmount
frequency deviations in a few seconds. Different types of disturbances in IEEE
nine-bus system are simulated such as oscillatory transients (OTs) caused by
switching processes and faults like single line-to-ground (L-G), double line-to-
ground (2L-G) and three-phase short circuit (3-Ph short circuit). The fault is located
on the line between Bus 1 and Bus 4 very close to Bus 1. It occurs at 1:00 a.m. and
at its clearance the system restores its original topology.
For OTs, EVs help damp the frequency fluctuation fast as well as the range of
change is getting less (Figure 18.14(a)). For instance, as in Table 18.6, the time to
reach the allowable frequency change (TR-AFC), which is 0.1% of the rated
value, is reduced from 6 to 3.7 s as well as the maximum range of frequency change
is also reduced from 0.017 to 0.0094 p.u.
When the fault occurs, the frequency drops and EVs act as an energy source to
mitigate the frequency variation. As explained in Chapter 14, Sections 14.4.1 and
14.4.4, the governor response as a primary control is active for the duration of
10–30 s from the instant of fault occurrence and is taken in this simulation as 10 s.
So, V2G is important to play a role in the first 10 s to reduce TR-AFC and damp the
frequency fluctuation fast by reducing the rate of change of frequency (RoCoF). In
the next 10 s, the governor control is in action rather than the EVs. It is to be noted
from Figure 18.14(b)–(d) that the change of frequency is instantly increased and
then starts to decay as well as the instant of fault occurrence is considered as the
zero time for plotting the curves. The numerical results of simulation are given in
Table 18.6.
It is concluded that the EVs can improve power grid transient stability when
the power grid is subject to large disturbances, including bus faults, generator and
branch tripping, and sudden large load changes.
EV behaviour as an aggregate load and source of frequency regulation is better
viewed from the bulk system level. This is mainly because the frequency response
Table 18.3 The average SoC and plug-in state of EV profiles versus day hours
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Table 18.4 IEEE nine-bus simulation results (generators, losses and load) without
EVs versus day hours
Time (h) Gen. 1 (MW) Gen. 2 (MW) Gen. 3 (MW) Load (MW) Losses (MW)
1 80.872799 62.755885 41.911348 184.011671 1.528361
2 77.948526 60.547738 40.416703 177.449282 1.463686
3 75.078261 58.277691 38.932414 170.886708 1.401659
4 71.643945 55.58818 37.1151 163.015989 1.331236
5 77.988806 60.515676 40.411403 177.452391 1.463494
6 80.876709 62.741207 41.923988 184.01357 1.528334
7 92.479023 71.65935 47.946722 210.267017 1.818078
8 104.010048 80.730547 53.934071 236.51584 2.158825
9 115.732023 89.642538 59.941626 262.765404 2.550784
10 121.42111 94.246493 62.990441 275.889382 2.768661
11 124.321996 96.511318 64.500537 282.451403 2.882448
12 130.22057 100.963012 67.51449 295.578123 3.11995
13 133.069069 103.281795 69.033115 302.13891 3.245068
14 134.523535 104.407009 69.797954 305.419777 3.308721
15 135.982403 105.544905 70.54695 308.700927 3.373332
16 138.913513 107.786959 72.068195 315.263491 3.505177
17 135.983248 105.543958 70.546867 308.700726 3.373346
18 133.095961 103.245999 69.040751 302.137932 3.244779
19 130.20566 100.974822 67.514404 295.574855 3.120031
20 127.244122 98.762194 66.004946 289.011676 2.999586
21 121.460248 94.187855 63.000074 275.880054 2.768123
22 103.986806 80.74285 53.938237 236.50899 2.158902
23 92.42523 71.734781 47.920565 210.262147 1.81843
24 80.856502 62.769389 41.914657 184.012092 1.528457
Integration of electric vehicles with renewables into power grids 477
Table 18.5 IEEE nine-bus simulation results (generators, losses, load and net
MW) incorporating EVs versus day hours
Load (MW) Net (MW) EV (MW)
Power (MW)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Fcmax with
1.0010 occurrence
Frequency (Hz)
0.998 variation
Allowable 1.0005 range
range ±0.1%
0.986 0.9975
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
1.004 1.006
Under V2G concept Under governor control Under V2G concept Under governor concept
Instant of With governor 1.004
Allowable Instant of Allowable
fault response With governor
1.002 variation fault variation
Fcmax with
occurrence range
range occurrence
Fcmax with
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
1 1
Fcmax without EVs
0.998 Without both EVs
Without both EVs and governor control
and governor control 0.996
0.996 0.994
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) (d)
Figure 18.14 Frequency variation for nine-bus system with/without EVs: (a) OT,
(b) L-G fault, (c) 2L-G fault and (d) three-phase short circuit
Power calculations. At the ACC, the aggregated delivered power from each
parking lot can be calculated as shown below.
Some parameters are defined as follows:
● Arrival time (Tarr): The time at which the EV arrives the parking lot.
● Time of request (Treq): The time at which the stored power in EV battery is
required to be delivered to the grid.
● SoCmax: The maximum value of SoC of EV battery.
● SoCmin: The minimum value of SoC of EV battery.
● EV plug-in state coefficient (l): It equals 0 if the EV is on drive, out of service,
SoC SoCmin or in charging, and equals 1 when the EV is in discharge or
standby mode.
● Actual battery capacity (Eactual ): It is the present energy stored in the battery.
● Battery capacity (Echarge/disch): The energy that can be provided or absorbed by
EV battery. It can be calculated by the following equation:
Echarge=disch ¼ Eactual ðSoC max SoC min Þ (18.1)
N ¼ number of parking lots (i.e. no. of fleets);
L ¼ number of load profiles;
M ¼ number of EV/load profile.
The time of stay for the kth EV belonging to both jth load profile and ith fleet,
DTi;j;k , can be computed by
DTi;j;k ¼ Treq Tarr i;j;k (18.3)
The power is the energy per unit time, so (18.2) can be adapted for calculating
the total EVs power during discharging state and rewritten as
" !#
li;j;k Ei;j;k
Ptotal ¼
i¼1 j¼1 k¼1
DTi;j;k (18.4)
i ¼ 1; . . . :; N ; j ¼ 1; . . . : ; L; k ¼ 1; . . . :; M
480 Power grids with renewable energy
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Chapter 19
Microgrids: modelling and control
19.1 Introduction
The global warming and other environmental hazards of conventional sources of
electrical energy push the energy sector continuously towards distributed energy
resources (DERs), especially renewable sources [1]. The fluctuating power pro-
duced by renewable sources such as wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems may
bring challenges in generation/load power balance. With increasing penetration of
renewable energy, the function of such distributed generation (DG) is changing
from an auxiliary role to a primary role in the energy sector. DERs, renewable or
non-renewable, and energy storage systems (ESSs) are integrated into what is
known as a microgrid (MG). An MG deals mainly with the issues associated with
the integration of such intermittent renewable energy sources (RESs) and ESSs. It
gives many advantages not only for power balance but also for environmental
challenges, economic benefits and grid reliability requirements [2]. Moreover, MG
handles many technical issues in decentralized form [3,4]. There are intensive
interests to develop and study the future horizon of MG concept throughout the
world [4]. Generally, MG is a small-size, discrete electricity framework consisting
of a collection of DG units and loads. It may operate in grid-connected or islanded
mode and provide seamless transition between the two modes. MG may also
include conventional generators such as diesel-based synchronous generators to
mitigate the effects of the intermittency nature of RESs. Furthermore, many RESs
act as inverter-based sources as inverters are used to interface them with the host
grid or AC loads.
Many issues pertain to the operation of an MG and the integration of DERs in
an MG. Critical among these are the following: (i) the stable operation of MG at
different modes of operation and loading conditions during normal and after fault
provoked islanding incidents; (ii) the impact of different inverter control strategies
and schemes on the dynamic performance of MG; and (iii) the power quality (PQ)
that should be in compliance with the standards as the interfacing power con-
ditioning systems (PCSs) and non-linear loads may cause negative impact on PQ.
Integration of DERs, constituting an MG, entails a control strategy that can be
categorized into three levels: (i) primary control, which is a local control for each
source and each load in the MG – it is based on the local measurements of the
parameters necessary for managing and controlling the MG; (ii) secondary control
486 Power grids with renewable energy
that is located at the point of common coupling (PCC) and is responsible for MG
operation according to the current mode of operation, grid connected or isolated;
and (iii) tertiary control, which is the highest level of control. It coordinates mul-
tiple groups of integrated DERs (i.e. multiple MGs) interacting with one another in
the system and communicates requirements from the utility grid.
Primary and secondary controls are associated with the MG operation itself,
whereas the tertiary control is considered as part of the utility or host grid.
Regardless of the kind of operation mode, MG components should be inter-
operable and with interfaces complying with functional standards defined by the
MGs as well as the secondary control should enable the MGs to manage them-
selves and operate autonomously. One of these standards that must be met is the
MG PQ especially when implying integrated RESs. Harmonics distortion and
voltage stabilization are listed as major PQ issues in the literature because of
load non-linearities and renewable sources’ uncertainties. Nowadays, industrial
and commercial loads have numerous electronic drives, information and com-
munication devices, and computers as well as PCSs are used for RESs interface.
All these devices have a catalyst nature to produce harmonics and cause PQ
degradation. Passive, active and hybrid power filters can be used for mitigating
harmonic distortion. Meanwhile, multifunctional voltage source inverters or
flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices can be utilized
to process these problems that may yield harmonic distortion and/or voltage
instability in the MG. In the next sections, the methodology of using PQ
enhancement device (PQED) to mitigate the harmonic distortion and keep the
voltage at its nominal value at the PCC is described. It can be summarized by the
following steps:
19.2 MG architecture
Three DERs, solar PV, wind energy system (WES) and proton-exchange membrane
fuel cell (PEMFC), in addition to a battery energy storage system (BESS) with data
given in Tables 19.1–19.4 are integrated into an MG as shown in Figure 19.1. Any
additional data are provided where needed. As a primary control level, a local
control (LC) is connected to each source and each load, which in turn is connected
to the MG central controller (MGCC) as a secondary control level. The LC consists
of a breaker for switching operation and maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
circuit. It is used for achieving reliable and economical operation as well as inter-
acting with the distribution system operator (DSO) through the MGCC to access
the data of PQ requirements (e.g. electricity, fuel costs and emission mitigation).
Microgrids: modelling and control 487
Rated power (kW) Vci (m/s) Vco (m/s) Vr (m/s) Hub height (m) Swept area (m2)
60 2.5 16 12 12 10.235
Type Stake nominal power (kW) Nernst voltage (En) (V) FC resistance (W)
PEM 50 1.1342 0.66404
The MGCC manages the operation of DERs and leads integration with the goal of
the following:
● Providing the individual power and voltage set point for each power flow
according to DER control strategy.
● Satisfying the electrical loads’ requirements.
● Alleviating emissions and network losses.
● Exploiting the operational efficiency of the DERs.
DERs are connected to commercial and residential loads at 380 V, 50 Hz. A
PQED such as filter, compensator or multifunctional device (e.g. filter-compensator)
can be embedded into the MG at the PCC.
488 Power grids with renewable energy
19.3.1 PV system
The equivalent circuit and mathematical model of the PV module and array are
explained in Chapter 3, Sections 3.2.5 and 3.2.6. The I–V and P–V characteristics
are also described in Chapter 3, Section 3.2.7. It is to be noted that PVs have non-
linear characteristics, where the performance and output power are directly affected
by the change of operating conditions. The output power of PV is directly pro-
portional to the amount of solar irradiance falling on it, and inversely proportional
to its temperature. As the temperature and solar irradiance change, the point at
which the power is maximum will accordingly change. This means that a DC–DC
converter (boost converter) must be used to change the array terminal voltage with
a goal of MPPT.
Real values of PV module parameters are given for Kyocera KC 200 GT,
manufactured by Kyocera [5]. I–V and P–V characteristics of the PV module
at different irradiance levels and constant temperature (25 C) are shown in
Figure 19.2.
The output power of PV arrays is mainly influenced by the irradiance (amount
of solar radiation) and temperature. Moreover, for a certain irradiance and
Utility grid
Communication link
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Switch S8 S9 S10 S11 Load bus
600 W/m2
200 400 W/m2
200 W/m2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
I–V characteristic Voltage (V)
10 1,000 W/m2
800 W/m2
Power (W)
600 W/m2
5 400 W/m2
200 W/m2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
P–V characteristic Voltage (V)
temperature, the output power of the PV array is a function of its terminal voltage
and there is only one value for the PV’s terminal voltage at which the PV panel is
utilized efficiently. The procedure of searching for this voltage is called ‘MPPT’.
Recently, several algorithms have been developed to achieve the maximum power
point (MPP) such as perturb and observe (P&O), incremental conductance, fuzzy or
neural-based techniques [6,7]. However, the insulation levels and the cell tem-
perature determine only the limits of the best obtainable matching. The array vol-
tage determines the real matching, which can be improved by using the MPPT
controller to locate the local MPP in the P–V characteristic of the solar panel [8].
MPPT: The PV panel has a non-linear characteristic and its output power
depends mainly on the irradiance (amount of solar radiation) and the temperature.
Moreover, at the same temperature and irradiance the output power of a PV panel is
a function of its terminal voltage. The procedure of seeking the voltage where the
power is maximum can be obtained either in a single stage or in a double stage. In a
single stage, a DC–AC converter is employed, whereas in a double stage DC–DC
and DC–AC converters are utilized. PV characteristics, Figure 19.2, show that the
MPP for the panel lies at values approximately between 75% and 80% of array’s
open-circuit voltage. Consequently, the MPPT algorithm scans the P–V curve at
predefined voltage of 75% of the array’s open-circuit voltage. The MPPT technique
is associated with the DC–DC converter, which interfaces the PV array to the MG
through an inverter. This can be achieved by controlling the input voltage of the
DC–DC converter (Figure 19.3).
MPPT system tracks the new MPP in the corresponding curve whenever
temperature and/or insolation variation occurs. MPPT is used for extracting the
490 Power grids with renewable energy
DC/DC converter
To inverter
maximum power from the solar PV array to be transferred to the MG. A DC–DC
(step-up/step-down) converter acts as an interface between the inverter and the
array. The MPPT changes the duty cycle to keep the power transfer from the solar
PV array to the MG at the maximum value [8,9].
P&O algorithm: It is widely used because of its ease of implementation and
its low cost. It is based on the following criterion: in Figure 19.4(a), if the
operating voltage is perturbed in a given direction and dp/dV > 0, it indicates that
the perturbation moves the operating point towards the MPP and the P&O
algorithm would then continue to perturb the operating voltage in the same
direction [10–12].
Otherwise, if dp/dV < 0, the change in operating point moves that point away
from the MPP and the P&O algorithm reverses the direction of the perturbation. In
other words, the system works by increasing or decreasing the operating voltage
and observing its impact on the output power.
P&O has been implemented to extract maximum power at each instant. Its
control action is summarized by the steps shown in Figure 19.4(b). The operating
voltage is perturbed with every MPPT cycle. As soon as the MPP is reached, it will
oscillate around the desired operating voltage and the perturbation is narrowed
down until the oscillations are damped.
Boost converter: Based on the description of boost converters in Chapter 13,
Section 13.3.2, the simulation model of the boost converter control and the local
control action of the PV system are illustrated in Figures 19.5 and 19.6, respec-
tively. Accordingly, the MATLAB/Simulink model of the PV system including
the elements, PV array, boost converter, MPPT system and the local control are
depicted in Figure 19.7.
Microgrids: modelling and control 491
Power (W)
dP/dV > 0 dP/dV < 0
P(k) = P(k − 1)
No Yes
ΔP(k) < 0
Figure 19.4 P&O application for MPPT: (a) searching mechanism and
(b) flow chart of P&O algorithm
PV model
273 15 Add
Constant + + Duty To inverter
+ T +ive out
Temp I
+V + – +ive
G –
–ive out
Irradiance PV model
DC/DC boost converter
+V –
Vmpp Duty dc
0° ≤ T ≤ 85°
& No
50 ≤ IR ≤ 1,200
Breaker 2: open
Breaker 2: close
Pr V3
where a ¼ , b ¼ V 3 ci V 3 , Pr is the rated power of the wind generator, and
ðVr3 Vci3 Þ ð r ci Þ
Vci , Vco and Vr are the cut-in, cut-out and rated speeds of the wind turbine,
respectively. The extracted real power from wind turbine is expressed as
1 Rwopt 3
Pw ¼ rACp ðl; bÞ (19.2)
2 lopt
MPPT controller
MPPT using P&O
parameters technique
Param Param V_PV
Enabled 1
D z D
Enable V_PV V P&O
Boost converter
(average model) c 2
1 + i 1
Irradiance −
m_PV D Boost + Conn1 ×
(W/m2) 1 Irr_PV
Ramp-up/down A −
Ir L1 PV
where r is density of the air (r ¼ 1.2250 kg/m3), A is the blade swept area, R is the
length of the blade, wopt is the optimum speed of wind turbine and lopt is the
optimum tip-speed ratio. The power coefficient Cp is a function of the pitch angle b
and the tip speed ratio l, which is given by
l¼ (19.3)
where w is the rotational speed of the wind turbine and Vw is the wind speed. P&O
algorithm is used for MPPT, and real WES module data (E3120) manufactured by
Endurance are given in Table 19.2 [13].
The action of the local controller and the corresponding simulation model
of the WES including PMSG and P&O technique for MPPT are depicted in
Figures 19.8 and 19.9, respectively.
Wind speed Vw
4 ≤ Vw ≤ 24
Breaker 1: close
A 1.2 Gspeed
C 0 Pitch
Pitch angle 1
Speed 1
Wind speed and pitch angle
Figure 19.9 MATLAB/Simulink model of PMSG with MPPT using P&O technique
496 Power grids with renewable energy
power and voltage variations are positive. Otherwise (when the variations are
negative) the direction of perturbation is reversed. The flow chart of P&O algo-
rithm is shown in Figure 19.10 and the corresponding simulation model is illu-
strated in Figure 19.11.
PFC (t) − PFC (t − 1) = 0
No Yes
PFC(t) − PFC(t − 1) > 0
No Yes No Yes
VFC(t) − VFC (t − 1) > 0 VFC (t) − VFC (t − 1) > 0
current and
Calculate SoC
40% ≤ SoC ≤ 95%
S1 Vdc Vdc
Gate Ibat I (A)
Battery/electrolyser V (V)
controller Batt
Va (V)
Ia (A)
Ibat [Ia_B1]
Bp Bp 1 IBatt
Goto +ve
+ + –i Mean
– 2 Mean value 1 Out 4
Battery and DC–DC converter 1
+ PI + Boolean NOT
− − × 2 Scope 8
Data type S2
Discrete conversion Product 2
1 PI controller
Vdc 3 1
Ibat S1
2 -K-
Scope 4
Scope 5
-K- +− PI
Discrete ≥
PI controller 1
1 ramp_out 3
AND Gate
> Plot 1
×104 2.3
4 2.2
3.4 2
3 1.9
2.4 1.7
2 1.6
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25
(a) Time (h) (b) Time (h)
×104 ×104
5.5 2.2
Residential load reactive power, Q (VAR)
Residential load active power, P (W)
3 1.8
2.5 1.7
0 5 10 15 20
Time (h) 1.4
(c) 0 5 10 15 20
(d) Time (h)
Figure 19.15 Load profile curves of active and reactive power for (a and b)
commercial load and (c and d) residential load
−ve A a
Gate B b
Battery and DC–DC converter VSC
DC bus C c
+ve A B C
L3 Iabc_PCC
(average model)
−ve Vabc_PCC
I batt (A) a b c BL2
60-kW WES V_batt (V) Battery AC bus
(W/m2) Vabc_1 Out5
Irr PV
Temp (°C)
Vabc_H BL4 labc_1
V_PV (V) Pind
V PV labc_H
−ve P (kW) Batt Bp
Duty cycle Pres Pind
D pres Group 1 Out5
100-kW PV Wp Pind
P (kW) wind Out 2
V dc Out13 m
+ve Qres
P (kW) wind 1 m Group 1
3-phase Out11
−ve Pres Out 9 residential load Out6
Pind Out14
50-kW FC
Uref A a
+ve + I
− +
Gate A B b
−ve +V Vdc VSC B
− C c
60-kW WES −
DCbus L3 C Iabc_PCC
I (A) (average model)
V (V)
−ve Batt ACBus
2 Vabc_H
100-kW PV Ir (W/m )
Temp (°C)
+ve Iabc_H
Pmean_PV (kW) Group 1
V_PV (V) Signal 1
Duty cycle
−ve D Pres
50-kW FC Group 1 PQ
Signal 1 A
Figure 19.17 MG simulation model split into two parts: (a) Part I and (b) Part II
A a
B b
C c
Vabc_H Out 5
Iabc_H Iabc_I
Group 1 P_res P_ind.mat
Signal 1
Pres P_ind
Group 1 Out 15
Out 13 Signal 1
Group 1 PQ PQ
Signal 1 A A
m Pind m
Three-phase Out 11 Group 1
residential load Signal 1
Out 9
Pres.mat Qind
Out 6
P_ind.mat Out 14
Figure 19.18 Dynamic response: (a) frequency spectrum and (b) voltage
variation at PCC without PQED
To bus VL
PID controller S
IGBT switch
Id C
1 1 eVd
VL V RMS 1 + sT3
ePd ++
IL 1 1 + eT S
Imbase PID Limiter
1 + sT3 − +
1 1 + eId
ssbase 1 + sT3 −
12 0.8
6 0.4
2 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0
Harmonic order 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 19.20 System response: (a) frequency spectrum and (b) voltage variation
Their values are Kp ¼ 72.244, Ki ¼ 9.325 and Kd ¼ 2.452. The total error of
D-STATCOM is given by
et ¼ gVd ðeVd Þ þ gId ðeId Þ þ gPd ðePd Þ (19.4)
and the results are represented by both of frequency spectrum and voltage variation
as shown in Figure 19.20(a) and (b).
The switched filter compensator (SFC) as reported in [16] has been introduced at
the load bus to enhance the performance of the MG-connected wind system. The
SFC device is a switched/modulated filter formed by a fixed shunt capacitor bank
connected to the AC side of the arm of an uncontrolled rectifier.
The configuration of the SFC is shown in Figure 19.21(a). One mode of
operation is defined for the FACTS device with a controlled switch S installed on
the rectifier side. The switch operation indicates the ON–OFF state of the shunt
capacitor. The ON state of S means that the SFC can compensate the reactive power
and mitigate harmonics because of the series-connected inductance Lf with the
506 Power grids with renewable energy
Bus #1 Bus #2
Cf Non-linear
abc load
Error-driven PID
controller 2
IGBT switch
Voltage loop
VB1 1 1 + eVB1
Vbase 1 + sT1 −
Vmref +
VB2 +
1 1
RMS + − γV
Vbase 1 + sT1 eVB2
IB1 eIB1 eA ea
1 1
Ibase 1 + sT1 Limiter
− + eB eb + eT S
+ +
IB2 1 1 + e IB2
eC ec +
Ibase 1 + sT1 −
Current loop D
VB2 1 1 + eVB2
Vbase 1 + sT1 −
+ γp
− ++
IB2 1 1 + eIB2
Ibase 1 + sT1 −
Power loop D
capacitor Cf. Filter parameters are selected based on a trade-off between design
goals, and trial and error.
The pulse-width modulation (PWM) switching of the SFC scheme is based on
a dynamic multi-loop error-driven controller that is designed to enhance voltage
stability and PQ, improve power factor (PF) and diminish the effects of voltage
transients and inrush currents.
The primary goals are improving the energy use, stabilizing voltage in a dynamic
manner, enhancing PQ and improving the PF at the common interface AC buses of
the MG-connected DERs. The SFC-switched filter with the modulated capacitive
Microgrids: modelling and control 507
Fundamental (50 Hz) = 379.52, THD = 1.10% With SFC
8 0.8
6 0.6
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Harmonic order 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 19.22 System response: (a) frequency spectrum and (b) voltage variation
at PCC with SFC
e b ¼ e B KB (19.15)
e c ¼ e C KC (19.16)
where KA ; KB and KC are, respectively, selected weightings for the three regulation
loops to allow adjustment of the control burdens. In addition, SFC-PID gains are
determined by trial and error as Kp ¼ 38.6, Ki ¼ 7.5 and Kd ¼ 9.3.
A PID controller processes the difference between the signals to obtain the
phase angles (delta) required to drive the error to 0. Finally, the control signal of
the PWM of the SFC scheme has the following form u(t) in the time domain for the
PID controller:
d ð e T ð t ÞÞ
uðtÞ ¼ Kpt eT ðtÞ þ Kit eT ðtÞdt þ Kdt (19.17)
0 dt
where uðtÞis the control variable; eT ðtÞ is the selected system error; and Kp, Ki and
Kd are the PID gains, respectively.
Accordingly, the SFC scheme is applied as a PQED to mitigate the harmonic
distortion and stabilize the voltage at the PCC of the MG using the MATLAB/Simulink
environment. The results illustrate a significant reduction of THDV where it becomes
1.1% rather than 19.07% for the MG without PQED or 11.52% for the MG with D-
STATCOM and the voltage is kept constant at the nominal value (Figure 19.22(a) and
(b)). It may, however, be concluded that the D-FACTSs play an important role in
improving the PQ and ensuring efficient energy utilization with RESs.
[1] Justo J. J., Mwasilu F., Lee J. and Jung J. W. ‘AC-microgrids versus DC-
microgrids with distributed energy resources: A review’. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier. 2013;24:387–405.
Microgrids: modelling and control 509
Sending a message
Message signal Transmitted signal
Transmission medium
element Transmitter
Transmitter Receiver
Message Received signal
Receiving a message
Utility grid
box gateway
SM controller
Power line
Data line
Control signal
subscriber lines (DSLs) or cable modem, plans to share it, a NAN makes it possible
to share this with anyone within range. For the receiver (usually neighbours within
reach) to connect wirelessly to the shared Internet, they need to have a Wi-Fi-
enabled laptop. This concept differs from the wireless deployment for hotspots.
Hotspots are usually commercial Internet access points with a reach of only 100 m.
They are used to attract tech-savvy customers to a coffee shop, airport or restaurant.
NANs, on the other hand, offer a much wider radius of Internet connection.
Therefore, commercialization of NANs is an effective way to speed up the exten-
sion of neighbourhood Wi-Fi networks. NANs allow the users to reduce their
Internet expenditure by sharing a connection with neighbours. The downside is that
this strategy reduces the bandwidth speed and sometimes leads to the violation of
the Internet service provider’s agreement. Some service providers do not allow
individual broadband users to share their connection, making NANs a violation of
that agreement. A typical structure of a NAN network is shown in Figure 20.3.
WAN: In contrast to the smaller LAN and HANs, a WAN is a wide area
network, covering any distance necessary. The Internet could be considered a
WAN that covers the entire Earth.
The SG includes many networks (domains) with various boundaries that must be
connected to supply end-to-end services. The challenge is to design network archi-
tectures that can meet the interoperability requirements for inter-domain and intra-
domain communications. Such networks, according to the US Energy Independence
and Security Act of 2007, should supply secure and reliable end-to-end two-way
communications. In this respect, one of the most important challenges is to supply a
reliable last unit distance communication that covers the connectivity from the meters
Communications in power systems 517
to the AMI headend. The SG communication infrastructure may include different area
communication networks. For instance, an SG that distributes electricity between
generators (conventional and DG sources) and consumers (commercial, industrial and
residential) may form HAN, BAN, NAN and data centres using bi-directional infor-
mation flow for monitoring and controlling the devices as shown in Figure 20.4. The
design of such networks depends not only on the application layer requirement, but
also on the nature of its medium access control. These are some of diverse commu-
nication technologies and standards deployed for NAN [8].
Various technologies of communications in power systems can be used to
transfer the information aggregated by SMs from device to others. Wired and
wireless communication technologies in respect of SG needs are briefly over-
viewed in the next sections [9].
Diesel gen.
Wind set
Data centre
Communication line
r fl
DSO Distribution
From DGs
lines work at different voltage levels: extra-high voltage (EHV), high voltage (HV),
medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) [11].
● EHV and HV lines: They transmit electricity from generating stations to dis-
tribution substations at voltage levels, typically, of the order of hundreds of
kilovolts over long distances of the order of tens of kilometres. In the begin-
ning, the PLC technology using long-wave frequencies (e.g. in the range of
24–500 kHz) with bandwidth of a few kilohertzs was enough for transmitting
messages or internal telephony. Currently, the availability of optical fibre
communication links in underground cables or overhead lines increases the
bandwidth significantly and allows high data rate.
HV lines are excellent carriers for radio frequency (RF) energy because of
the presence of open wire equipment with very few crossovers. Small trans-
mitted power (~10 W) is enough to overcome distances more than 1,000 km. In
addition, because of the rapid progress of digital communications automation
Communications in power systems 519
and through modern digital modulation and coding schemes, the bandwidth
efficiency for the carrier-frequency system has been highly improved.
Typical lines of voltages in the range from 110 to 380 kV are used for nation-
wide or even international power transfer and consist of long overhead lines with
little or no branches. This makes them acceptable wave guides with less attenua-
tion per line length as for their MV and LV counterparts. However, their potential
for broadband SG communication services has up to the present day been limited.
Time-varying HV arcing and corona noise with noise power fluctuations in the
order of several tens of decibels and the practicalities and costs of coupling com-
munication signals in and out of these lines have been an issue. Further, there is a
fierce competition of fibre optical links. In some cases, these links might even be
spliced together with the ground conductor of the HV system [12].
● MV lines: These connect the distribution substations to transformers’ kiosks or
pole-mounted transformers. The voltage levels are of the order of a few kilo-
volts and they run over distances of the order of a few kilometres. Numerous
cross connections and several types of cables and overhead lines characterize
the MV lines leading to hindering the RF signal propagation as the attenuation
is high in addition to the impedance matching problems. It is to be noted that
fibres in MV networks are rarely included in the power cabling and the MV
substations are connected to the communication network mainly through DSL,
private pilot cables or cellular radio techniques. Meanwhile, communications
to substations may be realized by PLC.
Typical MV lines, overhead lines or underground cables, working at vol-
tages in the range from 10 to 30 kV, are connected to zone transformer sub-
stations. They are used to distribute electricity between cities and large
industrial consumers. For monitoring and control purpose, MV lines are
directly connected to intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) that require low data
rates, and thus, NB-PLC can be relevant and economic communication solu-
tion for this task. The IEDs such as capacitor banks, reclosers, sectionalizers,
ring main units (RMUs) and phasor measurement units (PMUs) are connected
to the MV lines forming an MV distribution network with fewer branches than
those of LV distribution network.
● LV lines: They have the same nature as the MV lines. Recently, more attention
is being paid for data communication over LV lines due to the growth in
telecommunication industry and the advances in digital devices that use either
low or high bandwidth.
LV lines, with voltages in the range of 110–400 V, are connected to the MV
lines via MV/LV transformer substations. A communication signal on an MV
line can pass through these transformers to the LV line with heavy attenuation
in the order of 55–75 dB. Consequently, a special coupling device (inductive,
capacitive) or a PLC repeater is frequently required to establish a high data rate
communication path.
The frequency bands used by the PLC systems have a direct impact on signal reach
and effective bandwidth, which define the data rate and then the applications of PLC to
520 Power grids with renewable energy
the grid. Therefore, based on the frequency band, PLC technology for SG can be
classified into three classes: ultra-narrowband PLC (UNB-PLC), narrowband PLC
(NB-PLC) and broadband PLC (BB-PLC) [13,14].
● UNB-PLC systems use very narrow bandwidth for data transmission in fre-
quencies less than 3 kHz. These systems are usually used for data transmission
when the electrical signals cross zero to be not affected by the high amplitude
of the main signal and harmonics. Because of the very low frequency, these
systems are less affected by transmission losses and can reach long distances
without repeaters. However, the main drawback of this technology is the low
data rate (a few hundred bits per second, bps).
● NB-PLC systems work with medium data rate in frequencies from 3 to 500 kHz.
Thus, this class of technology can be categorized as both low-data rate and high-
data rate technologies. For the first, the technology is based on single-carrier
modulations conveying data rates of a few kbps, whereas the second is based on
multi-carrier modulations and send data rates of hundreds of kbps.
● BB-PLC includes a large variety of systems that work with high-data rates in
frequencies from 1 to 250 MHz.
Role of PLC in SGs: In the beginning, the use of PLC was for tele-
communication, tele-protection and tele-monitoring between electrical substations
through EHV and HV power lines at voltages such as 110, 220 and 400 kV. The
carrier frequency range was used for audio signals, protection and a pilot frequency.
Nowadays, applications of PLC in SGs also pertain to power distribution
systems and communication between the consumers and the utility. Current
examples of these applications are AMI systems, EV charging systems, tele-control
applications, smart cities and DG systems. For these applications of PLC in SGs,
both NB-PLC and BB-PLC technologies are used in addition to some other appli-
cations of grid topology connectivity, cable health monitoring and fault location.
NB-PLC and BB-PLC technologies provide real-time data to the devices connected
to the grid, enabling an easy understanding of the network, as well as an efficient
management of events and failures.
A typical example of using PLC system in SG can be envisioned as shown
in Figure 20.5. The SG encompasses conventional generation, transmission through
HV power lines, and MV and LV distribution through overhead lines and under-
ground cables as well as incorporating renewable energy sources at the distribution
level [15].
Regarding the HV power lines, the phase conductors are used for signal
transmission by applying a coupling scheme to define how the communication
equipment is connected to the power line. The PLC channel is characterized based
on power line characteristics, coupling devices and line trap unit (LTU) char-
acteristics, and coaxial linking cable characteristics. It consists of signal path
between the transmitter and coupling device on the transmission side (power line
conductor) and coupling device and receiver on the receiving side. LTU is used to
block the signal propagation in the unwanted direction. It is to be noted that the
PLC communication system requires additional equipment (not needed for the
Communications in power systems 521
Coupling equipment
device Large
Coupling Communications building
capacitor equipment
HV o Coupling Coaxial cable
ad po
Conventional LTU wer li device
generation Coupling SCADA
capacitor MV/MV
MV switchboard
PLC modem
ine ad
r l he
we er
po V ov
MV u
Sectionalizer MV/LV transformer
HAN transformer kiosk
down the deployment of the PLC technology are security issues related to the
regulations in different countries, interoperability of different PLC solutions and
network topology of each country; for example, a meshed electricity network,
neutral secondary substations connectivity and others could challenge the deploy-
ment of PLC in SG if not properly engineered [12].
The LV lines lead directly or over street cabinets to the end customers’ pre-
mises. It is to be noted that a considerable regional topology difference exits. For
example, in the USA a smaller secondary transformer on a utility pole might
service a single house or a small number of houses. In Europe, however, it is more
common that up to 100 households get served from a single secondary transformer
substation. Further, significant differences exist between building types. They may
be categorized as multi-flat buildings with riser, multi-flat buildings with common
meter room, single family houses and high-rise buildings. Their different electrical
wiring topologies influence signal attenuation as well as interference between
neighbouring PLC networks.
different categories based on the range of data rate. For instance, asymmetric DSL
(ADSL) supports up to 8 Mbps in the downstream and up to 640 kbps in the
upstream, ADSL2þ with a maximum download speed of 24 Mbps and upload
speed of 1 Mbps, and very-high-bit-rate DSL (VDSL or VHDSL) supports faster
data transmission over copper wires up to 52 Mbps downstream and 16 Mbps
upstream, and on coaxial cable up to 85 Mbps downstream and upstream.
IF signal RF signal
S1 D
Baseband Power
in S2 amplifier
Up converter
Down converter
Baseband Frequency Power
IF Demux
out divider amplifier
IF signal RF signal
expenses and improving the latency performance that depends on the number of users
served by the same base station.
of autonomous control at various times and scales. Thus, Internet technologies may
be an adequate solution for the problem of SG communication interoperability.
However, that is accompanied with the huge challenges of inherent threats and
vulnerabilities of the Internet and must be addressed [20].
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[2] Ancillotti E., Bruno R. and Conti M. ‘The role of communication systems in
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Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier. 2013;36:1665–97.
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Communications in power systems 527
21.1 Introduction
The future smarter grid as envisaged in Chapters 1 and 20 illustrates that the grid of
the future will be subject to energy diversification, digitalization and advanced
metering infrastructure (AMI) systems that will include numerous new devices to
monitor, control and protect the grid. In addition, all grid components will be able
to communicate and collaborate through a high-speed two-way communication
system integrated into the power grid. This is because of the presence of conven-
tional, and renewable and non-renewable distributed energy sources as well as their
interdependency on information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance
grid efficiency and performance.
Power system is a massive and complex system. Being highly dependent on
ICT, with communications and networking systems, exposes the grid to potential
vulnerabilities to physical attack or cyberattack [1]. Thus, with the need to mitigate
the risk of compromising reliability and security of power system operation, and
surmounting the probable severe consequences from customer information leakage
to cascade failures that may lead to complete blackout and eradication of the
infrastructure, cybersecurity is becoming an issue of utmost importance in the
design of the information network. Therefore, cybersecurity issues are highlighted
in this chapter with the aim of getting the power engineers and power system
operators acquainted with the issues within the knowledge domain of cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity refers to the technologies, processes and practices designed to
protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage or unauthorized
access. The source of cyberattacks in electric power systems is mainly malicious
threats in the integrated communication networks [2]. Consequently, attack coun-
termeasures should be integrated into network protocols to achieve reliable infor-
mation exchange and real-time message delivery. Relevant transmission control
protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) is described in the next section.
sends or receives the same object that another system’s peer process sends or
receives. Layer activities occur independently from activities in layers above or
below the layer under consideration or other layers in the same system. Meanwhile,
each layer acts in parallel with the same layer on the other systems [3].
The basic unit of information is formed as a packet that is transferred across a
network. The basic packet consists of a header with the addresses of the sending
and receiving systems, and a body, or payload, with the data to be transferred. As
the packet travels through the TCP/IP protocol stack, the protocols at each layer
either add or remove fields from the basic header. When a protocol on the sending
system adds data to the packet header, the process is called ‘data encapsulation’.
Moreover, each layer has a different term for the altered packet.
The life cycle of a packet, which starts when a send message command is
issued, is summarized in this section. The life cycle finishes when processing
through all layers is completed and the appropriate application on the receiving
system receives the packet. Protocol layers of communication network in power
grids are shown in Figure 21.1 with functions described as follows:
● Application layer: It defines standard Internet services and network applica-
tions that anyone can use. These services work with the transport layer to send
and receive data. Many application layer protocols exist such as TCP/IP,
domain name system (DNS), simple network management protocol (SNMP)
and so on.
● Transport layer: The protocols at this layer start the process of data encapsu-
lation when the data arrive. The transport layer encapsulates the application
data into transport protocol data units. It ensures that packets arrive in
sequence and without error, by swapping acknowledgements of data reception
and retransmitting lost packets. This type of communication is known as end to
end. TCP is one of the protocols used at this level.
Network media
Figure 21.1 Typical TCP/IP model packet travel through protocol layers of
communication network in a grid
Cybersecurity in power systems 531
● Network layer (IP layer): It accepts and delivers packets for the network. This
layer includes the powerful IP, the address resolution protocol (ARP) and the
Internet control message protocol (ICMP).
IP prepares them for delivery by formatting them into units called IP data-
grams. IP then determines the IP addresses for the datagrams, so that they can
be delivered effectively to the receiving host.
● Data-link layer: It is also called ‘medium access control (MAC) layer’. It identifies
the network protocol type of the packet (e.g. TCP/IP) and provides error control
and formatting the IP datagram into a frame in accordance with protocols such as
IEEE 802.2 framing and the point-to-point protocol (PPP). These protocols attach a
third header and a footer to ‘frame’ the datagram. The frame header includes a
cyclic redundancy check field that checks for errors as the frame travels over the
network media. Then, the data-link layer passes the frame to the physical layer.
● Physical network layer: It specifies the physical characteristics of the hardware
used in the communication network media. For instance, the physical network
layer on the sending host receives the frames and converts the IP addresses into
the hardware addresses appropriate to the network media. The physical net-
work layer then sends the frame out over the network media.
As reported in [4], the three major objectives of cybersecurity for the grid are
availability, integrity and confidentiality of data. Availability is the primary
objective to ensure timely and reliable access to the information. Time latency of
the availability is application dependent, for example, data availability for protec-
tive relaying is less than 4 ms, for substation supervisory control and data acqui-
sition (SCADA) is in seconds, for market pricing in minutes and for meter reading
and longer-term pricing information in hours.
Data integrity implies source and quality of data. Modification or destruction
of original data leads to loss of data integration, which may also occur due to the
intrusion in the cyber domain by the attackers, unauthorized employees or human
error. Loss of data integration degrades the system reliability rapidly, especially for
a complex system such as the modern power grid.
Data confidentiality mainly pertains to protecting personal privacy and pro-
prietary information. It becomes especially important in systems involving inter-
action with customers (e.g. demand response and AMI networks).
To satisfy the objectives of cybersecurity, various issues, such as (i) attack
detection through monitoring the communication network traffic status to identify and
detect abnormal events due to attacks, if any, (ii) identification authentication and
access control to verify the identity of a device or user to be allowed to access the grid
resources as well as ensuring that the resources are accessed only by the appropriate
person, (iii) secure and efficient communication protocols to satisfy time-criticality
and security of message delivery in the grid, etc., should be addressed.
532 Power grids with renewable energy
Referring to the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), the grid
infrastructure model is based on different segments [5]: centralized generation,
power transmission, energy distribution, distributed renewable and non-renewable
energy sources, HV/MV and MV/LV substations, system operations and control,
market, service providers, and the industrial, commercial and residential classes of
customers. Each class has its own characteristics, needs and corresponding com-
munication network such as HAN, BAN and IAN (Figure 21.2).
These area networks are interconnected through communication infrastructures
for forwarding any information such as alarms, commands, readings of voltage
values and energy consumption to system operations and control by means of IP-
based protocols (e.g. IEC 61968, IEC 61850, IEEE 1815 and ZigBee) as well as
controlling the message routing through use of gateways and routers. Gateways are
used for telecommunication networks to allow data to flow from one discrete net-
work to another irrespective of their protocol. They have the capability of con-
verting one protocol to another protocol. Consequently, they are enabling the traffic
flow and communication between dissimilar networks. The router is a device that
provides the function of routing IP data packets between similar networks. A packet
is typically forwarded from one router to another router through similar networks
until it reaches its destination node [6]. Therefore, a gateway can be viewed as a
router, but a router does not have to be a gateway.
Information flow
Router HAN
Secure communication line
protocols with the aim of obtaining more network resources than those allocated for
the legitimate users. In contrast, malicious operators are dedicated to illegally
acquiring, modifying or disrupting information in the network. However, irre-
spective of the users’ type, security threats must be met. Countermeasures against
attacks by misbehaving users can be incorporated in the numerous electronic
computing devices used for monitoring and control purposes. Malicious operators’
attacks may result in severe damage to power supplies and probably widespread
power outage. Based on specific objectives, malicious attacks can be categorized
and described as in the following subsections.
Co two
m rk
m in
un S
ic G
ann Bot#1
ch Server
k tra
Bot#N Att Victim
● Network and transport layers: These two layers need to provide reliable con-
trol for information delivery over communication networks according to TCP/
IP protocol model. Thus, DDoS attacks, such as traffic flooding and buffer
flooding, can highly degrade the end-to-end communication performance of
the power systems.
● Application layer: Attacks at this layer are mainly on transmission bandwidth
in communication channels, computers or routers. Thus, application layer
attacks can easily overflow the computers with limited computing resources by
computation flooding. Accordingly, the computing and communication devi-
ces in the grid can be potential victims of this attack as they are equipped with
limited abilities.
System operations
and control Node#IAN
State estimator
Information flow
Router Router Node#HAN
Secure communication line
data can in turn affect the integrity of decisions, the second security objective.
Regarding confidentiality, the third security objective, it may be too time-
consuming to meet latency as the PCS needs to run in real time. Accordingly,
PCSs must address security concerns of large networks [16].
Cloud providers own a large number of networked servers with low expenses.
This infrastructure includes massive pooled systems linked together and works with
virtualization techniques to provide high performance of data storage units and runs
alongside a local network connection that can run from a few to trillions of com-
putations per second depending on the demand.
As reported by NIST in [18], the term ‘cloud computing’ is defined as ‘a model
for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management
effort or service provider interaction’.
This cloud model is composed of (i) five essential characteristics – on-demand
self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and measured
service; (ii) three service models – software as a service (SaaS), platform as a
service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS); and (iii) four deployment
models – private cloud, community cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud as shown
in Figure 21.5 [19].
Cloud-based systems are sharing of an enormous amount of information
technology infrastructures, such as computational and database resources in the
form of service, which focus on maximization the efficiency of operation, scal-
ability, maintainability and reliability by decreasing cost.
NIST identifies seven domains within the power grid: generation, transmis-
sion, distribution, operations, customers, markets and service providers as shown in
Figure 21.6 [5]. Accordingly, power grids should support both electrical power
Hybrid cloud
Markets provider
Transmission Distribution
● Cloud services can be used instantly and can be scaled up and down easily.
● Sharing of computing resources between different customers.
Disadvantages of cloud computing:
● Dependency on Internet connectivity as constant connection is required.
● Pay per use is varied as the cost of computing differs with the time.
● Security concerns.
Threats to cloud computing:
The top seven prime threats to cloud computing are listed as follows [20]:
● Abuse and immoral use of cloud computing.
● Insecure application programming.
● Interfaces.
● Malevolent insiders.
● Shared technology liabilities.
● Data losses or leakages.
● Account, service and traffic hijacking.
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Appendix A
Probability density and Weibull distribution
It is essential to obtain the probability density function (pdf) of the actual power
output of wind or solar photovoltaic energy systems, especially for planning and
analysing a power system incorporating such renewable sources of energy.
Probability density function is a statistical expression that defines a probability
distribution for a continuous random variable as opposed to a discrete random
The function fX ðxÞ gives the probability density at point x. It is the limit of the
probability of the interval ðx; x þ h divided by the length of the interval as the
length of the interval goes to 0. Substituting (A.2) into (A.1) obtains
FX ðx þ hÞ FX ðxÞ dF ðxÞ
fX ðxÞ ¼ lim ¼
D!0 h dx
¼ FX ðxÞ if FX ðxÞis differentiable at x (A.3)
Probability density and Weibull distribution functions 545
dF ðxÞ 0
f X ðx Þ ¼ ¼ FX ðxÞ if FX ðxÞis differentiable at x (A.4)
As the pdf is the derivative of the cdf, the cdf can be obtained by integrating
(A.4) as follows:
F X ðx Þ ¼ fX ðuÞdu (A.5)
and integration over the entire real line must get 1, that is,
fX ðuÞdu ¼ 1 (A.7)
That is, the area under the pdf curve must be equal to one. However, con-
sidering a continuous random variable X with pdf, fX ðxÞ; the properties of the pdf
can be summarized as
fXððxÞ 0 for all xR
fX ðuÞdu ¼ 1
Pða X bÞ ¼ FX ðbÞ FX ðaÞ ¼ fX ðuÞdu
ðx a
F X ðx Þ ¼ fX ðuÞdu
According to (A.6), fX ðuÞ can be plotted for RX, and then, the probability that x
falls within the range can be obtained by computing the area under the curve, fX ðuÞ
versus u. It is important to note that a probability density is not a probability per se.
For one thing, there is no requirement that FX ðxÞ 1. Moreover, the probability
that x attains any one specific out of the infinite set of possible values is always
zero. For example,
FX ðx ¼ 5Þ ¼ fX ðxÞdx ¼ 0 for any pdf ; fX ðxÞ
546 Power grids with renewable energy
Joint distributions are defined in a natural way. For two variables X and Y, the
joint pdf, fX ;Y ðx; yÞ, defines the probability that (x, y) lies in a given domain D:
fX ;Y ðx; yDÞ ¼ fX ;Y ðx; yÞdxdy (A.9)
For instance, the probability that a 2D-coordinate (x, y) lies in the domain
Ð2 Ð2
ð1 x 2; 1 y 2Þ is x¼1 y¼1 fX ;Y ðx; yÞdxdy. The pdf over a vector may also
be written as a joint pdf of its variables.
Conditional distributions are defined as well; fX ðxjAÞ is the pdf over x, if the
statement A is true. This statement may be an expression on a continuous value, say
y ¼ 5. As a shorthand, fX ðxjyÞÐ can be written to provide a pdf for x for every value
of y. It must be the case that fX ðxjyÞdx ¼ 1, as fX ðxjyÞ is a pdf over values of x.
2 2 2 2 1 2
VarðX Þ ¼ E X ðEðX ÞÞ ¼ c G 1 þ G 1þ (A.14)
k k
Probability density and Weibull distribution functions 547
● For continuous random variables with pdf, fX ðxÞ, the expectation of a function
g(x) is defined as
The best way, in practice, to calculate the variance is by using the relations
given in (A.19) and (A.20):
VarðX Þ ¼ E X 2 fEðX Þg2 (A.19)
E X ¼ x2 fX ðxÞdx (A.20)
Example A.1 The lifetime, measured in years, of a brand of mobile device has a
Weibull distribution with parameters k ¼ 2 and c ¼ 13. Compute the probability of
a mobile device failing before the expiration of a 2-year warranty.
FX ðx 2Þ ¼ 1 exp 2=132 0:0234:
In general, the computation program to provide the Weibull probability
distribution function versus X at k ¼ 2 and c ¼ 4, 7, 10 and 13 is as in the
548 Power grids with renewable energy
0.20 Weibull(2,13)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
X ¼ 0:1 : 0:2 : 18
k ¼ 2; c ¼ 4; Y1 ¼ ðk=c ^ k Þ X: ^ ðk 1Þ: expððX=cÞ: ^ k Þ
k ¼ 2; c ¼ 7; Y2 ¼ ðk=c ^ k Þ X: ^ ðk 1Þ: expððX=cÞ: ^ k Þ
k ¼ 2; c ¼ 10; Y3 ¼ ðk=c ^ k Þ X: ^ ðk 1Þ: expððX=cÞ: ^ k Þ
k ¼ 2; c ¼ 13; Y4 ¼ ðk=c ^ k Þ X: ^ ðk 1Þ: expððX=cÞ: ^ k Þ
plot(X,Y1,‘m-’,X,Y2,‘g-’,X,Y3,‘b-’,X,Y4,‘r-’) legend(‘Weibull(2,4)’,‘Weibull
(2,7)’,‘Weibull(2,10)’, ‘Weibull(2,13)’)
title ’Weibullðk; k Þ : f ðxÞ ¼ ðk=c ^ k Þx ^ fk 1gexp½ðx=cÞ ^ k 0
The results are plotted as shown in Figure A.1.
[1] Lai C. D., Murthy D. N. and Xei M. ‘Weibull distributions and their
applications’. Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, Part A. 2006,
pp. 63–78. Available at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/37628953.
[2] Khan M. S., Pasha G. R. and Pasha A. H. ‘Theoretical analysis of inverse
Weibull distribution’. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. 2008;7(2):
Appendix B
Test system
The modified IEEE 24-bus system without hydro generation is taken as a test
system. Its transmission network consists of 24-bus bars connected by 38 lines and
transformers and the generation system includes 26 thermal units at locations as
shown in the single-line-diagram (Figure B.1).
The characteristics of generating units are given in Tables B.1 and B.2. The
hourly peak load and bus loads as a percentage of the system load are listed in
Table B.3.
Bus 17 Bus 18
Bus 21 Bus 22
Bus 23
Bus 16
Bus 19 Bus 20
Bus 15
Bus 14 Bus 13
Bus 7
Bus 1 Bus 2
Table B.3 Hourly load demand and bus load as a percentage of total load
Hour Load Hour Load Hour Load Bus Bus load Bus Bus load
(MW) (MW) (MW) # (%) # (%)
1 2,000 10 2,257 19 2,539 1 3.8 10 6.8
2 1,847 11 2,308.5 20 2,488 2 3.4 13 9.3
3 1,744 12 2,334 21 2,411 3 6.3 14 6.8
4 1,693 13 2,308.5 22 2,360 4 2.6 15 11.1
5 1,642 14 2,257 23 2,231.5 5 2.5 16 3.5
6 1,643 15 2,231.5 24 2,077.5 6 4.8 18 11.7
7 1,693 16 2,231.5 – – 7 4.4 19 6.4
8 1,795.5 17 2,334 – – 8 6.0 20 4.5
9 2,052 18 2,565 – – 9 6.1 – –
Load demand (p.u.)
S + 0.05
S – 0.05
0.4 Covered range of
training process
0 6 12 18 24
Time (h)
The patterns of load demand over 24-hourly time periods with a range of 5%
load forecast error are taken as samples for training the ANN (Figure B.2).
The data of the transmission network are reported by the reliability test system
task force of the application of probability methods subcommittee and published in
IEEE Transactions Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-98, no. 6, Nov./Dec.
FCi Pij ¼ aij P2ij þ bi Pij þ ci :
552 Power grids with renewable energy
1. Each wind turbine of the wind farm of 30 MW rating has the following
● Cut-in speed ¼ 5 m/s
● Nominal speed ¼ 15 m/s
● Cut-off speed ¼ 45 m/s.
2. The solar PV plant of rating 30 MW consists of 400,000 modules. Each module
has the following characteristics:
● Watt peak – 50 W
● Open-circuit voltage ¼ 38 V
● Short-circuit current ¼ 1.8 A
● Voltage at maximum power ¼ 38 V
● Current at maximum power ¼ 1.32 A
● Voltage temperature coefficient ¼ 194 mV/ C
● Current temperature coefficient ¼ 1.4 mA/ C
● Nominal cell operating temperature ¼ 43 C.
tidal stream generation (TSG) system vehicle to grid (V2G) concept 460–1
119 vertical axis turbines 122
resource assessment 121–2 vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) 18,
tidal energy calculation 120–1 21–2
tidal stream generators 120 virtual inertia 359–62
drawbacks of 124 virtual power plant (VPP) 460–1, 538
tidal streams 105 voltage efficiency 263
tidal wave 110–12 voltage induced on the rotor 44
water motion in 111 voltage-source inverter (VSI) 324
tide, height of 110
tide formation 104 waste-to-energy furnace 176
tide-generating force ratio (TGFR) waste-to-energy plants, disposing ash
107 from 176
tide generating forces 106–10 water electrolyser 238
tides 102 water flow 199
tip-speed ratio (TSR) 30–2, 41 water starting time 200
torque 285 wave amplitude 112
total capital cost (TCC) 191, 257 Wave Dragon 148
transient stability, load flow wave energy 139, 157
calculations for 449–54 advantages of 157
transition costs 405 concept 129
transmission system operator (TSO) disadvantages of 157–8
460 power formulae, derivation of
transportation sector, electrification 142–3
of 457–8 wave energy converters (WECs) 129,
two-tank direct storage 271–2 143, 150
two-tank indirect storage 272 location of 144
nearshore 144
ultra-capacitors: see supercapacitors offshore 144
(SCs) onshore 144
ultra-narrowband PLC (UNB-PLC) modes of operation 147–9
systems 520 oscillating water column (OWC)
uncontrolled rectifiers 314–15 148
unit commitment (UC) 401, 404 oscillating wave surge converter
unit constraints, in power system 407 147–8
real power operating limits 407 overtopping device 148–9
unit minimum up and downtime 407 submerged pressure differential
unit ramp rate limits 407–8 device 147
upwind machines 20 types of 144–7
attenuators (line absorbers) 146
vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) point absorber 144–6
251–2 terminator devices 146–7
vehicle to grid (V2G) challenges 480 wave-formed ripples 131
economic challenges 480 wavelength 110
technical challenges 480 wave propagation 133–7
570 Power grids with renewable energy